#the velvet series by byu<3
byeolhyesisi · 3 years
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prince!ten lee x maid!reader
You were an old friend and he gladly wanted to have the friendship you both shared back after it slipped away despite breathing the same air.
genre: fluff, royalty au, friends to lovers au, romance
words: 6.2k+
tags: @uyuzo @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @spectracully @m1ntykun @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @leolo404 @peachysunq @aghaczen @deysii @trashlord-007 @intokook @kjpmin @je4nsv @czenshireland
a/n: hello! the first fic to open my velvet series is finally here! I would like to sincerely apologize for the delay and making you all wait for so long. I can't keep any promises of posting the other fics faster but I hope you guys can bear with me:( thank you so much! -byu<3
the velvet series masterlist
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The Kingdom of Velour is pretty well known because of the King and Queen's children, especially their first born, Ten Lee. But of course there was no favouritism as the King and Queen loved their children equally.
Ten was a man filled with talents; everyone in the kingdom and neighboring ones adored him. Ten was kind, creative, cheerful and good-looking. It was no doubt that girls would be swooning for the prince.
Your mother was a handmaiden and she lived in the palace. She was an acquaintance of the family since she served the monarchs for a long time which explains the closeness she had with the royals. When your mother gave birth to you, she was at the age of fourty and it was a blessing for her as she gave birth in an age close to menopausal. Your father, who was one of the kingdom's most admired knight, died before you were even born due to natural causes.
Your birth surprised everyone in the palace mainly because you and the prince were born on the same day, some people jokingly referred to the both of you as twins and unexpectedly enough, you grew up with Ten; The two of you became close friends and shared the same passion in art. Everyone in the castle had a close bond but there was no doubt that the bond you shared was something more.
At the age of fifteen your mother died of cardiac arrest and at that moment you knew; You need to take care of yourself. Despite the royal family's offer of raising you as their own; You kindly refused, saying that you can handle your own. You were not of royal blood, and having the family take care of you will make you feel indebted to them; a burden even, they already helped you and your mother a lot since your birth and you didn't want to become a big responsibility to them. Because you started working in the palace as a maid, the close friendship between you and Ten were somehow slipping away since the prince himself was slowly getting busy. You felt lonely and so did he. He had his own duties and you had yours; not long after he had a baby sister so surely that will lessen his loneliness right? Of course it did but sadly, it didn't do much. He was happy that he had a sister to tease and bond with but Ten missed how the both of you spent time together, and he doubts that it will happen again because the two of you started to have worlds of your own.
Years went by and the both of you are already adults. As expected of the prince, he grew up well; Handsome and such, the royal siblings were referred to as Aphrodite's gift for their stunning looks. The King and Queen expects him to find a partner before his twenty-fifth birthday and Ten knew it wouldn’t be easy so it troubled him. His father was not that old or too vulnerable to rule but he already wants to pass the crown to him, the only thing making him unfit to rule is the lack of support and solace; a queen. There are only two months before his birthday, how will he find his queen?
Why does my father want to pass the crown to me already? He asked himself. He personally thinks that he's not ready yet but his mother always gives him constant assurance that he could rule a kingdom. He couldn't stop thinking about it, neither could he sleep. His train of thoughts were crowded by what ifs and it was stressing him out. He knew he needed to de-stress himself that's why on a particular day, he went to the gardens to do something he hasn't done in a while which was drawing. And to his surprise, he saw someone with a sketchbook that seemed oddly familiar to him, his brain managed to analyze why it seemed so familiar to him and it was because it was his a certain gift he gave before and that's when he realized that it was you. He was astonished that after all these years you still had it.
Ten barely saw you but he still caught glimpses of you, whether it may be when the two of you would pass each other on the same corridor, you serving one of the meals during feasts or doing any chore that he would coincidentally see. The prince was happy to see an old friend and he has this small hope that the both of you will reconnect once again.
He slowly walked towards the concrete garden bench and sat down a few inches away from you, the shadow of his figure distracted your vision as it blocked the sunlight and when you turned around, you hurriedly stood up to bow with wide eyes. "Your highness." You greeted politely. Thinking that he might want to be alone, you were about to walk away to not disturb him but he stopped you right away. "You know that it's alright, (Y/N)... You can stay." Ten spoke softly, the sudden warmness he had made you forget your differences and it also caught you off guard. You thought that after the loss of your mother you would become nothing but a stranger to him. It was unexpected that he spoke to you like that at all. It's been a long time, the both of you became awkward with each other but Ten is determined to make that tension disappear so he initiated a conversation. "Are you doing well these days?" He asked as he started making lines and figures with his pencil on the sketchbook he brought with him. "Yes I am, your highness." You answered quietly but audible enough for him to hear as you sat back down.
"It's alright to drop the formalities, (Y/N). You can just call me by my name." Ten chuckled. "I missed you. We basically grew up together and you were my best friend." The prince casually voiced out the longing he had for the past few years over and it made you flustered. You didn't expect that he would miss you too. A slight smile spread on your lips and he took notice of it, a contagious smile seemingly spread on the prince's lips. You started drawing again and you didn't notice that his eyes were on you. Now that he caught a proper look at his old friend, he can't help but to admire how well you have grown, even with the messy hair and a few blemishes. For some reason there was this unexplainable feeling in Ten's heart and when he realized this he knew that it would come back. His past feelings.
After that interaction, the both of you started catching up with one another. Ten would talk to you even when you're doing some chores and he always insisted to help even if it were just small things. He introduced you to his sister and you got along with Tern as well. The both of them had the usual brother-sister relationship, they would argue and tease each other a lot but it was entertaining to say the least and you were actually the one who referees them. From time-to-time the two of you started getting closer again but you're afraid that the closer you are the more you wished that you weren't just friends and it was a bad thing; he's royalty and you're not. You're not fit for each other. It worries you that you may not be able to contain your feelings that's why you always remind yourself that you have a limit, and that limit is being just friends; this was something you always told yourself way back then.
Yet again, you and Ten started getting busy. It was already the last day of December and Ten has a month left to find a partner. Of course, the palace counselors have suggested bachelorettes to Ten but he always seemed to find a way on turning them down saying they may not be the one for him despite the counselors insisting that he meet them first. He always avoided these dates and he always came up with a reason. The prince decided to go and tell his sister that maybe it's time to seek advice on confronting his feelings. Besides, the best adviser Ten could ever have is her own sister even if they were like cat and dog. She might be younger but she's definitely good with her words. "You like her don't you?" Tern said suddenly before her brother could even open his mouth to say what he needed to say. Was it obvious? How did she know? The surprised prince asked himself. Tern chuckled at her brother's shocked face, and as if she could read his mind, she spoke again, "Yes it was obvious. You look at her differently. Also, I heard from mom that you used to fancy her—" Ten felt his cheeks slightly heating up because of what his sister knew and all he can do was huff, knowing she'll use this to tease him someday. "Do you think she'll like me back?" The prince finally spoke, looking at his sister, quietly anticipating her answer. "Who doesn't like you? I'm pretty sure she likes you too..." The princess smiled. "Are you sure? What if she doesn't—" "She does, I can feel it. Since when was I wrong?" Said Tern with a cheeky tone. "Do you know that mom is happy about the two of you talking again? I feel like she's rooting for the both of you." She chuckled. "You really think so?" Ten asked. "Yes I really think so, she told me a lot of things when I told her I can't believe she's friends with you before and now—" "Hey I'm not a bad friend, Tern." The prince said with a defensive tone in which the princess just laughed in response.
The King then suddenly announced that a ball will be held to help find the prince the partner he needs and it will happen tomorrow immediately. When you heard it you were slightly hurt, a pain in your chest that came with a sting to linger for seconds. It was because you were "kind of" jealous but you expected this, why would you think you have a chance with him anyways? You're just friends and nothing else, that should be enough for you so what's the point of being greedy. You brought your focus to your responsibilities, trying to distract yourself from the thoughts your heart transferring to your mind. As soon as it was already dinner time, the food is being brought out from the kitchen to the dining room one by one and you were part of the handmaidens that brought out the trays. The royal family was seated, dressed in new clothing tailored especially for them, and you couldn't help but to sneak quick glances at Ten. He looked heavenly with the black suit made of velvet fabric, the gold accents highlights his skin tone perfectly, the brooches add to the elegance he holds and his hair was neatly done in a comma hairstyle. They all look extravagant of course, there is no doubt that the royal family looks ravishing in almost everything; even though you've seen them in their full grace many times already, you don't seem to understand why is it that when you look at the prince it's like you've never seen him in an attire like this before? There was this flutter in your heart and you knew that was trouble. It was unavoidable, no matter how hard you tried to conceal this feeling it still managed to burst out of a seam. Before heading back outside to do some more chores, you took one last glance at the prince for the night and when you saw his feline eyes on looking at you, a sudden rush of blood flushed throughout your cheeks as you averted your gaze. You left the room without being aware of the smile plastered on Ten's face.
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"My son, I was informed by my advisors that you're avoiding the dates arranged by our counselors and they also noted your uninterested behaviour, may I know why is that?" His father's words made Ten halt when he was about to cut the steak that was in front of him. He placed his utensils down then fixed his posture before answering his father. "I'll tell my honest thoughts, I have no interest in getting married for the sole purpose of ruling the kingdom, father. I have no interest in ruling either." Ten answered. It caused an unnoticeable shift in the King's mood but it was very felt in the atmosphere. It was like the temperature of the room dropped from warm to freezing cold. "It's settled, Chittaphon. You're going to be crowned king and you're going to find a bride whether you like it or not." The stern voice was one of the King's scary traits. Ten and his sister grew up fearing the certain tone but Ten didn't seem so fazed about it now unlike Tern who flinched slightly. "I really don't want to, father." Said the prince calmly. The King was wise enough to not engage any more disagreements, he knew very well that he shouldn't clash with his son's words at all but that didn't stop the King with insisting what he wants. "There will be a ball tomorrow, it's nothing grand, it will occur for the purpose of finding you a bride." The discussion ended there as Ten stared at his father in disbelief. Half of him wants to just walk out, while the remaining half wants to accept his fate. He contemplated whether to keep his mouth shut or to respond back. The prince later chose the latter part as he broke the silence in the air. "Why do you want to retire anyways? Why do you keep wanting me to take over?" Ten spat out the words with anger.
"Because I'm dying, Chittaphon." The King stated. Ten's bold eyes softened, he parted his lips and his eyebrows slowly furrowed together softly. The princess was taken aback as well, her eyes welling up with tears. The sudden declaration of the King filled the room with silence. "Were you planning to tell us?" The princess asked as her voice cracked slightly, the King only looked away in response. Now that Ten knows why they want him to take his father's place he started to understand, however there were still mixed feelings in his heart; he needed some fresh air that's why he stood up from his seat, leaving the room afterwards after disregarding the call of his name. Now what will I do? He asked himself. Ten feels overwhelmed and it's definitely not a good thing.
"Chittaphon, are you ok?" a familiar voice startled him. When he turned around he saw your figure, eyebrows furrowed together, he knew you were concerned. "I heard what happened inside. Do you need to talk?" You asked your dear friend. "Yes please, I need to let things out..." Ten said as he motioned you to walk with him. "I'm all ears." You responded with a soft smile on your lips, walking beside the conflicted prince. "I don't want to marry. Especially if it was just a person I met for a few days... I don't want that. I want someone who I know very well, someone I trust.. someone like—" Ten paused.
Someone like you. He finished in his head. "But I have no choice..." He hoped when he cut himself off it wouldn't make you curious on what he was supposed to stay. But in the midst of his slight worry, he suddenly had an idea. "Will you be busy tomorrow?" The prince faced your figure when he asked. You looked at your friend and it wasn't long until the both of you were staring in each other's eyes. You were lost in the stars that filled his brown orbs and before you fall deeper into the void, you looked away with a blink of an eye. "I will, there is a ball after all. Why did you ask?" You answered. "I want to see you there. Not as a maid but as a guest." He spoke. Once again you turned to look at the prince, only to realize he never once removed his gaze from you and it made butterflies flutter in your stomach. "Well... I'll try to be there for you. I'm not sure but I will try." A soft smile was plastered on your lips. "Thank you." He responded with a smile as soft as yours.
Today is the day and your heart pounded. Can I just make an excuse? You asked yourself internally. After the both of you parted ways last night and bid eachother goodnight, your mind and your heart were racing nonstop. You didn't want to attend the ball. The fact that you don't possess any lavish gowns and accessories for the occasion makes you feel like you didn’t belong there at all. Being out of place is something you didn't want to feel. Surely Ten wouldn't let that happen, but what would other people think of you? You didn't want to be in a place you weren't supposed to be but at the same time you didn’t want to let the prince down. Besides, other than not owning a gown, you don't want to see him fall for another girl. It would be better to just hear the news rather than witness it yourself. You were already busy in the kitchen. As soon as you woke up, a lot of chores greeted you a good morning. It was a busier morning than usual. Maybe you can just say that you were knackered.
Hours go by and you already feel exhausted. The ball starts in thirty minutes and it made your heart feel hectic. "I probably shouldn't go..." You whispered to your self, following it up with a sigh. A tap on your shoulder caught your attention while you were busy dusting a certain part of the castle, immediately making you look behind you to see who it was. "AH— your highness." You hurriedly bowed down to show your respect. A soft giggle rang through your ears followed by a voice audibly saying 'adorable'. "You may rise, (Y/N)." You followed the noble's words. The princess was in front of you. She was already dressed up in what you assume is the ball gown she's wearing to the ball. It was a beautiful sage green dress and you couldn't help but to be in awe at it's beauty. "Are you still busy? Do you still have more errands?" The princess asked. "I have finished my errands for this morning. I'm just doing some additional work, your highness." You answered politely.
Without saying a thing she grabbed your hand and pulled you through the corridor, running giddily as you tried to keep up with her. The next thing you knew the both of you stopped in front of her room. Tern opened the door, walking inside with you since her hand still held yours. "Ok so, you can drop the formalities now— We're friends, it's alright." She smiled, closing the door behind her. The princess gently pushed you forward until the both of you were standing in front of her bed. You were confused to say the least. What's going on? You asked yourself. There were two gowns laid down the bed. Both gowns were magnificent. The first one was a beautiful crimson color. The bodice was filled with intricate embroidery, the enormous and fluffy skirt made it look like a rose shaped cloud. On the other hand, the second dress was a pretty black color. It was more tame than the red one but it was still elegant nonetheless. The long sleeves had cream-colored cuffs, the gold details accentuates the black gown, and the outer lace corset helped to emphasize it more. Now it made you think. Is the princess not dressed up for the ball yet?
"So... have you chosen the gown you'll wear?" Tern asked cheekily. "Huh? Me? What— why??" You faced the princess, hundreds of question marks flooded your face. "Well, I want you to look jaw dropping for the ball. Ten asked me a favor and you have no idea how excited I am to dress you up!" She explained and you didn't realize that you blushed with the mention of Ten's name. Now you don't have a choice but to actually attend the ball. You don't want to disappoint Ten and Tern. "If you feel like a burden, you're not, I assure you that. What are we waiting for? The ball will start soon." She chuckled.
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You couldn't believe it. Is this really me? You thought as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. The princess styled your hair daintily, the makeup she did on you was soft and subtle. "You look wonderful..." Said the princess as she placed her hands on your shoulders. "I'm sure you'll have a lot of people staring at you." A faint knock on the door caught both of you attentions. When you were about to open the door, Tern stopped you. "I'll get it don't worry." She smiled as she approached the door, opening it afterwards. "Greetings, mother." Tern greeted in which the Queen smiled in return. The Queen's eyes slowly fell on your figure and you bowed right away. "My Queen." Your eyes were fixated on the floor but you heard footsteps getting closer. Soft hands gently cupped your cheeks, raising your head until both of your eyes meet. A gentle expression was on the Queen's face, it almost felt like she was looking at you with a motherly gaze. "You look so much like her now that you're all grown up. How are you, darling?" She questioned with adoration in her tone. Her words made you suddenly soften. You forgot that the Queen once cared for you and her sincere words made you somehow nostalgic.
"I'm doing great, your highness." You responded. "The ball started already, let's not keep the guests waiting." The Queen looked at the both of you before the three of you made you way to the ballroom.
This is it. Your heart suddenly feels like it's about burst, it was nerve-wracking to know that you'll have to see the person you shouldn't have liked fall for a person who isn't you but at this point you have already accepted that fact. As soon as the three of you entered the ballroom, the arrival was announced; making everyone turn their heads into your direction and all the eyes on you made you feel uneasy. A slight nudge from your side made you look at the princess, she motioned for you to look at a certain direction and when you followed, it felt like time stopped.
Before the three of you arrived, Ten was already there, conversing with some guests from time to time. He was patiently waiting for you but he was scared that you might not make it. It's not like he doesn't want you to take a rest after doing a lot of things; he just selfishly wants to be with you. And when the arrival of his mother and sister was announced for everyone to know, the way he immediately roamed his eyes just to have you on see if you made it shows how eager he is to see you and there you were, in a refined black gown with your hair in simple curls accompanied by pearl accessories. Ten saw how his little sister nudged you to look at his direction, and with the meeting of both of your eyes, it felt like there was no one else in the room but the two of you. The prince slowly walked closer; never did he ever take his eyes off you. "Oh what's this? Why do the both of you have matching clothes—" Tern pointed out and that was the only time the both of you perceived how similar your garments are. From the black color to the white pearls the both of you are sporting, It was indeed a coincidental match (if you take out the possibility that the siblings may or may have not planned it). A red tint spread on both of your cheeks and the both of you just chuckled it off. "Well, we'll leave the two of you alone." the Queen chimed before she walked away with Tern who gave the two of you a cheeky smile.
Ten cleared his throat which brought your attention back to him. "I'm happy that you made it. Thank you..." He spoke softly, the tone of his voice sounded like a comforting embrace to your ears. "You don't have to thank me..." A slight chuckle escaped from your lips. "Of course I do! You could've just rested but you're here and I appreciate it a lot." He smiled endearingly. There was a moment of silence but it didn't make an uncomfortable atmosphere. Both of your eyes wandered around eachother only to do the same thing; marvel at the sight the two of you are seeing.
In your point of view he was ethereal. There was no doubt that Aphrodite blessed him with heavenly visuals. Saying that he looked good would be an understatement because he's definitely more than "good". His looks definitely adds to the appeal he has due to his kind-hearted, playful and mellow personality. Meanwhile in Ten's point of view, he knew that he could stare at you for hours and he won't even get tired of doing so. He admires every inch of your features. He loves how the color of the gown compliments your complexion and he loves how your hair framed your face.
It was strange that the both of you are just staring at one another, but for some reason the two of you don't seem to mind at all. "As far as I enjoy admiring you right now I believe we have to do something else." The prince stated with a grin on his face. You couldn't but to look down because you could feel your cheeks heating up once again. Why am I flustered so easily? You questioned yourself as your heartbeat slowly quickened. "Are you alright?" A concerned Ten asked. You nodded, raising your head afterwards. "Then may I ask you to dance with me?" Ten reached his hand out waiting for yours. "But... but I don't know how to dance, Chittaphon—" "That won't be a problem, darling." You hesitated but you still placed your hand onto his. Ten couldn't be any happier when he felt his heart beat hastily. He slowly brought you into the middle of the ballroom where some people were already dancing while soft waltz played in the background. "It's okay for me to place a hand on your waist, right? Are you comfortable with it?" The prince queried. "I am, it's alright." You reassured with a slight chuckle. As soon as he placed his hand on your waist while his other hand still held onto yours, you felt a swarm of butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach. Despite looking all calm with a balmy grin on his face, his inner self is definitely all over the place jumping and running around because of how the two of you are only a few inches away.
It felt like a fairytale despite occasionally stepping on his foot but he assured it was alright before he slows his rhythm down and guide you; the small gesture he does makes you blush to the point where you had to turn your head away from his eyes. It was when you realized it was only you and Ten left on the dancefloor, everyone stood buy to watch and it made you conscious; especially the jealous and dagger-like eyes of women whom you assume are the candidates for your friend's queen. Ten sensed it right away, he knew that something was bothering you. He looked around to see all the eyes on your dancing figures. "Just look at me, (Y/N). Don't mind them. Focus on me, darling." His silky voice lingered on your ears and it made you follow his words with the romantic exhilaration your heart is endlessly spreading. "Are you still feeling uneasy?" Ten spoke with a concerned tone. "If I'm being honest, I am—" The swaying of your bodies came to an abrupt halt and the next thing you knew was the involuntary movement of your body as Ten dragged you gently outside the ballroom and into the gardens. "Chittaphon!" The King exclaimed right after the both of you left the scene. "Let him be, love. It's about time he make a move." The Queen placed a hand on his shoulder, slightly leaving the King confused for he was unaware of the liking Ten had for you before.
"Chittaphon, I don't think we can just leave like that." You pointed out. "I didn't like the way they were looking at you." He responded. "I'm alright you don't have to worry about me. You should go back inside I'm sure the other nobles would love to dance with you." The jealous gazes directed at you awhile ago snapped you back to the reality that he isn't for you. The daggers they shoot from their eyes reminded you that you don't have a place in the luxurious lifestyle they live on because in the end, you're just a maid. You work in the palace, you serve; you're not the one being served. It was just like a knife to the heart, acting as your wake up call.
"You're the only one I want to dance with. No one else, just you." Before you could even comprehend his statement, you felt a pair of hands cup your cheeks, raising your head slightly to meet the eyes that never failed to melt you every time.
"I feel like now is the right moment. You have no idea how much I longed for you. The moment we went to have our separate worlds, I felt like a piece of my soul disappeared. The glances and small interactions I had with you during my drought of your presence wasn't enough. I didn't like the fact that we acted as if we didn't grow up together, as if we weren't close. The day I saw you here at the gardens I was determined to have you by my side again, and in my process of doing so I realized that it was still with me; I still have feelings for you. So selfishly I want you and nobody else. I'd rather be with you here than dance with someone else. If there was someone I want to dance with for eternity that would be you, (Y/N). And it's because I love you." He poured his heart out as he confessed in a lovingly manner. His thumb softly caressed your now rosy cheeks and everything left you dumbfounded. You couldn't believe it. It felt like a dream and it's one of those dreams where you don't want to wake up. All the doubts you had dispersed in the air. The pain in your heart slowly recovered with his heartfelt confession. "Chittaphon..." His name was the only thing you managed to voice out. "Look I understand if—" "I love you too." You blurted out. You could see how his eyes widened and how his parted lips slowly curled up into a genuine and shocked smile. Happiness sparkled in his eyes and you couldn't help but to reciprocate it. "I was dejected when I heard you had to marry. But I slowly accepted that we're not fit for eachother anyways... And now that were here I—" "I can finally say that I like you a lot. To the point where I'm in love." You spoke softly and he listened to every word. You didn't notice that your eyes started to well up with tears and when a teardrop rolled down your cheeks, Ten was ready to wipe it with his thumb. The situation made you somehow emotional but you just chuckled as you sniffled quietly. "Even if our differences bother other people, it doesn't bother me and it will never bother me. You're the only one I really need." "Do you still want to dance?" The prince asked with a silvery voice and with a nod of your head, the two of you danced the night away in the gardens without any music but the harmony of both of your figures were accompanied by your laughs and exchange of words with one another.
The two of you stopped to take a rest, you both sat down on the very same concrete bench where you both started to reconnect. Ten kept you close beside him, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. It was a calming silent moment, the both of you could hear the the dulcet sound of the wind blowing.
He stared at you, admiring you once again and he couldn't help but to say his thought out loud, "My darling, why do your velvet lips entice me?" He said with a low tone before chuckling. "What's with the sudden change of aura?" You giggled. "Well I thought it would be more romantic that way." Ten explained before scratching the back of his head, a tint of red spread to his cheeks showing his slight embarrassment but the both of you laughed for a short while. "Go on then..." You faced the prince. "For real?" And when you hummed softly as a response you suddenly felt his soft lips on top of your own, warmth enveloped your cheeks and you can feel your heartbeat speeding up from this exhilarating moment. Just as you kissed back, the both of you pulled away after a while and it was funny how the two off you both looked away shyly, laughing softly. "We should do that again soon—" Ten joked just before the night ends.
The prince got scolded the following morning for leaving the ball and the guests just like that but he knew to himself that it was worth it. Tern asked her brother if he finally did it and when he responded yes, both the Queen and the princess sighed in relief before saying 'finally' in which Ten was surprised that even his own mother was waiting for him to confess. The royal family themselves invited you to join them for dinner. The princess didn't hesitate to dress you up again. At first, you felt a bit uneasy but it eventually got replaced by comfort since they treated you like family; just like before when your mother was still alive. Since you were seated beside Ten, you swore that the other three royals were teasing the two of you; yes, even the King himself was actively dropping some ambiguous teasing here and there.
Ten was happy and so were you. Despite confessing to one other just recently, the two of you were sure to tie the knot and in the end everyone was happy.
Fast forward to three years after the marriage, Ten Lee was diligently leading his people with you, his mother, and his sister by his side. When the King died a few months after your wedding he wished the two of you the best. Everyone grieved the lost of the kingdom's ruler and it made Ten feel a lot of pressure. But at the end of the day, he did prove himself capable and he expressed his gratitude to everyone who was by his side but especially you because you became the shoulder he could lean on everyday.
The two of you welcomed twins into the world. Louis and Leon got their charms from their father, however Ten insists that they inherited it from you, stating that they are literally carbon copies of your features. But even if they are your mini-mes, they definitely got their energy from their father.
In the end, it was still a happy ending. From growing up together to drifting away from each other's lives; in the end, the two of you were intertwined by fate again despite the sudden change of circumstances in your lives.
You were in the gardens for fresh air when an unexpected warmth embraced you from behind and without even looking back, you already knew who it was. "I have been thinking about something lately..." You hummed waiting for Ten to continue. "We should try for a third child." his words took you aback and he laughed at your adorable reaction. "I'm kidding, darling." You playfully rolled your eyes at him. "We already have twins, two is enough." You chuckled softly. Ten suddenly turned your figure around and positioned the both of you in a stance of a waltz, a grin creeping it's way into your lips. "So suddenly?" You asked.
"When I said I want you to be the person I'll damce with for eternity I meant it." He answered before placing a kiss on your velvet lips.
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byeolhyesisi · 3 years
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my masterlist undergoes lots of editing!
⚠︎ small warning, most of these are old works so I apologize for any inconsistencies with the layouts ><
+ my works may contain errors and may not be up to standard I'm sorry :((
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elements ::
fluff = ๑ . angst = ⌓ . suggestive = ♡ . crack = ? . favourite = !
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◖SERIES :: ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
the velvet series ๑⌓♡
kuruin ๑⌓?
◖NCT :: ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
coming soon
Scribbles of Fascination ๑
YUTA — 유타
Can't Stop Love ๑! . [3:45 PM] ๑ . STARLIT ๑
. また会えて嬉しいです (I'm Happy To See You Again) ⌓!
KUN — 쿤
Velvet Eyes ๑
coming soon
TEN — 텐
Velvet Lips ๑
DEAR J. ⌓!
[12:41 AM] ๑
London ⌓ . Mahal Kita Kaso As A Friend ๑?
MARK — 마크
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
JENO — 제노
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
OH NO! ๑
◖RED VELVET :: ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
IRENE — 아이린
coming soon
coming soon
WENDY — 웬디
coming soon
JOY — 조이
coming soon
YERI — 예리
coming soon
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