#the utter fear that all the stuff i like abt this game is stuff i made up lmaooo BUT NO I THINK ITS SOLID??? I HOPE
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Do you recommend hnka? Your art/writing has me interested in the characters!! And did you play it or watch a playthrough? Internet is telling me there's like, a bunch of different versions of the game slkdjfslkj

okay, so first of all right now im like in my honeymoon phase w this game. i love this thing i am newly experiencing. so its going to be VERY subjective.
-protag is an incredibly written character and one of the best takes on the "oh woe is me i am so Average" trope ive seen. we stan an unreliable narrator. shes very good!!
-the voice actors are having the time of their lives and it SHOWS!!!!! blood, elliot, and gowland in particular make their lines so funny just via delivery
-unlike a lot of childrens media BUT MESSED UP work, hnkna has so much love for its origins. it doesnt stick very much to canon at all, but lotsa cool details do make it in , and its extra stuff feels to me like a YES, AND and not I CAN DO BETTER. Idk it just feels loving to me!!
-WORLDBUILDING????? its a lot. its like the horrific end result of what if capitalism WAS just "natural" theres so much weird things to chew on
-while i absolutely would not say this game has "good lgbt rep" you do play as a bi girl who can date(1) another bi girl
(1) its galpaled but like she DOES kiss alice's foot after telling her she "swings both ways". like hello.
-extremely funny game. like the comedy is mostly very good in my opinion, ive cried laughing a lot of times the friends ive streamed it for can verify this
-hnkna has no interest in being a comfortable or (SORRY) unproblematic experience. i dont mean this like "so toughen up", i mean this like "this game WILL romanticize sexual harassment/assault, there is a route in this game where you can date twin children, if stuff like that's a dealbreaker that's a dealbreaker(2) ".
-so okay sometimes its fun to see an evil manipulative toxic bf in his element in a story and so this can actually be a pro in a way. but you understand how a romance story romanticizing that is still bad right. so its also a con im putting this in the con section.
(2) if that IS a dealbreaker (which is perfectly fine, cause that stuff up there is pretty awful, no pretending its not) i reccommend the manga captive hearts of oz, drawn by one of the artists for this franchise! its got that loving-relationship-to-origin, cool worldbuilding feel, but much lighter on the upsetting elements
HOW TO PLAY: im on mobile rn so hard to link bc lotsa times when i leave the page tumblr eats my words BUUUUUT: search up the english fan translation of *anniversary no kuni no alice*! Its an expanded edition of the first game. Unfortunately, that is the only fully translated game, but i hear theres ways to machine translate future ones.
Have fun if you playyyyyy!!!
#thoughtful honking#the utter fear that all the stuff i like abt this game is stuff i made up lmaooo BUT NO I THINK ITS SOLID??? I HOPE
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um can you please babble on any thoughts regarding the inner circle + gifts both recieving and giving?? it's something my mind keeps bouncing back and forth cause i remembered rhys gives amren sparkly jewellry from time to time - just think abt who Suffers ('please just fuckin tell me I Need Help' vs who's flawless or who has too many things they could buy) or if any of them get emotional (my poor deprived bbys when it's their first gift ever) PLS give me your thoughts if u wil
okay okay let me see, let me see. Some of this is from past fics I’ve written that I’m shamelessly stealing (can you steal from yourself??) and some of it is just on the spot babble but okay.
Feyre: Does not like giving gifts. Does not like giving gifts because no matter what she does or how hard she thinks about it and spends hunting....Somehow it’s never quite right. And she tries, she tries so damn hard but, well, the Circle gets good at pretending they like whatever she’s bought. (She is not fooled. But she is touched that they try. And forever pissed that she can’t just give them money because ffs Rhys did you have to pay them so much all these years!?)
Does not like receiving gifts either. It’s just....It always generates this Fuss and she does not like Fuss. She insists every year that they don’t have to do anything or get her anything she’s fine, really, she doesn’t want them all going out of their way to get things for her. Unfortunately for her she’s mated to Rhys and there is no way on this planet isn’t taking the opportunity to celebrate every single tiny thing he can about his mate. (”For the last time, Rhys, we are not making celebrating the first time you made me come with just my wings as an annual anniversary.” (Half-horrified, half-delighted Cassian in the background, “That’s what this is about!?”))
So she keeps getting plied with really good gifts which makes her hate giving them even more because she just feels guilty she can never find anything that good. She forcibly puts her foot down one year and puts a blanket ban on all gift giving. Rhys ignores it but everyone else obeys (just about....she’s sure that’s a new dress in her wardrobe..and she didn’t have that bow last week....and her paints have definitely been topped up....she hates them all.)
Rhys: Loves giving gifts. Delights in it. Will use genuinely any excuse to buy gifts for everyone. Also loves shopping for gifts. (Feyre loves Velaris she really and truly does but there’s only so much she can tolerate wandering aimlessly around ‘RHYS. JUST KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GOING OUT FOR. GO INTO THE STORE THAT SELLS IT. BUY IT. COME HOME. IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT.’) Mor typically ends up going with him and Feyre is just, yes, take him, ridiculous male. Anyway, Rhys is one of those annoying pricks who just knows instinctively what people want and then he goes and gets them.
A bit like Feyre on the gift receiving thing (his Circle have been ignoring him on this for years) He protests. They ignore him. Gifts are exchanged and it’s lovely. They don’t really do the whole party thing but they do make sure they all get him something and take him out for a nice meal or what have you so they can give it to him.
Mor: would happily spend the rest of her existence buying gifts for other people and giving them to them just because. She and Rhys kind of have a friendly competition going to like out-shop each other. So every year they’re always trying to out-do one another on birthday/solstice gifts and see who can make the other happier with their gift. (They’re utter nerds, seriously) Mor gets the things people don’t know they need until they’re opening it and then oh yes, we need this. Rhys’ gifts can sometimes be more practical but Mor’s are always just ‘yes you definitely need a dress made of nothing but diamonds and starlight, have at it’ and they typically go down well.
Shamelessly loves getting gifts. But it’s not so much for the stuff she just...Likes having everyone gathered together and opening things and seeing what it is and she’s like a child at Christmas every single year for her birthday. Really does subscribe to the whole ‘it’s the thought that counts’ type thing. She has a lot of stuff but her family going out of their way to find things she doesn’t have and might like touches her. Especially when they give her food. Which they inevitably do.
Cassian: A bit more like Feyre but he has the benefit of centuries worth of experience. Hates shopping for things. Literally despises it. Very predictable in his gift giving, they can all tell what he’s going to have bought for them (it’s a game - guess the gift before they even open it and they have like a 95% success rate with Cass.) He doesn’t mind, his gifts are practical and pragmatic, he wants to give them something they’ll actually use and enjoy. Big fan of making things - weapons, food (Mor gets cake every year. Mor enthusiastically rips into the box every year and before she’s even tasted it announces they’re all having cake for breakfast. Mor loves these cakes more than some people) the occasional roughly carved decoration.
Likes getting gifts. Opens them all in approximately 0.2 seconds but then spends a long time afterwards examining them and testing them and properly thanking everyone. Has definitely cried over well chosen gifts in the past. People are torn between wanting to get him something great because it makes him so happy and...Not because they’d rather keep their ribs intact and his happy bear hugs are infamous.
Azriel: It is widely assumed that Azriel uses his network of spies and his shadows to deduce what his friends deepest, darkest gift desires are. He doesn’t. He’s just that good. Bit like a fusion of Mor and Rhys in that his gifts are always absolutely perfect but not at all what the person thought they wanted/needed. Quite subtle, understated little things but it’s always the gift that people pause over, that they linger when examining while he sits there just a little bit smug, basking in their shocked delight.
Hates receiving gifts. Hates it. Always manages to somehow wiggle out of attending parties for him. Really doesn’t like people making a fuss over him at all. Like Feyre but jacked up to a million. Most of them just leave his presents somewhere he’ll find them later (because they might finally concede in not giving him a party/making a fuss over him but they are not just going to ignore his birthday and not get him anyway) Mor however takes it as her personal challenge in life to be able to properly give Azriel his present. Has definitely sat on him in the past and she always insists on taking him out somewhere for a meal so he can have a night to himself (usually does this within a months window of his birthday so he doesn’t realise she’s doing it (he does but he lets her pretend)) Feyre surprises him in being almost as persistent as Mor and the two of them team up to get him a small meal out with everyone on bigger birthdays.
Amren: Too old for this shit. Very rarely bothers giving people gifts for special occasions. She’ll come to parties and things but doesn’t have time for all that nonsense. She will give people gifts if she sees something that she knows she needs to get that they’ll like but there’s never an occasion for it. The Circle all treasures the few gifts they’ve been given by Amren over the centuries. Mor still wears the diadem Amren gave her before her first visit to the Court of Nightmares as its queen whenever she goes. It gives her strength. Cassian has never dared use the jewelled hunting knife in battle for fear of losing it but it’s always strapped somewhere on his person at all times. Az wears the ear cuff she gave him whenever he wants to destroy Mor. Feyre keeps the amulet she gave her before going to The Prison for the rest of her days. She still wears it whenever she needs a bit of extra courage.
The only person people actually don’t bother buying gifts for when she tells them to. They kind of subscribe to her idea on gift giving - if they see something she has to have immediately they buy it for her and just give it regardless of occasion but otherwise they don’t bother.
Here u go friend, these are my thoughts. I hope they were okay???
#feyre#rhysand#cassian#azriel#amren#morrigan#ship: the inner circle#acotar series#acotar headcanons#my headcanons#inner circle headcanons#i hope u liked this friend#i'm going to go curl into a ball and hibernate for another sixteen years#this has finished me off#but i hope you liked!!!!
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