#the usual rules apply: mutuals only ; please specify muse if a multi
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stingslikeabee · 3 months ago
this week was something fresh out of HELL but I made it. Kind of. Will need to work over the weekend and then some but I'm giving my brain some time off corporate writing - so feel free to like this for an unscripted ask for your muse. :) No theme, no cap, just let me write something that's not for work for once ;__;
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slade-of-the-art · 2 years ago
“We all function better when we know what guidelines to follow, don’t we.”
(Extra 1: Blog is currently testing out possible verses. Any that are available are included under the cut.
Extra 2: Generally, this blog operates under the assumption that Slade knows (or at has a clue he ignores) about Batman’s identity, but does not reveal it. Whether that also applies to his wards is negotiable, as is him knowing in the first place.
Extra 3: Mun does not currently have access to XKit. As such, long-form RP will be answered on new posts with a mention and a tag as a temporary solution to post trimming, with the previous post linked at the top.)
(Rules and Verse Info Below.)
>>=-—> RULES <—-=<<
1. Do not force actions onto my muse.
2. This blog is based on the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon version of Slade Wilson. As such, there is little to no comic influence here outside of minor backstory components and more details on Slade’s occupation. Apologies.
3. Any explicit or inappropriate plotlines will not be acknowledged.
4. The mun is not the muse. Slade Wilson is an antagonistic character and by nature will say and do things that are in line with his cartoon counterpart. That said, if at any time you feel pressured or uncomfortable, please say so. This is all in the pursuit of fun, not stress.
5. Shipping is probably unlikely to happen, at least for a while. I do not ship my muse with minors (or characters who are minors.)
6. Blog is loosely selective. Since this is a sideblog with a private main it cannot operate on mutuals only, but please be aware that not all messages will result in long form RP. Most will get at least one response.
7. I tend to write multi-paragraph replies, but joke RP and ask answers are often short and sweet. It’s not necessary to match length as long as there is something to go off of.
“Good. You seem to understand. Let us proceed with the next step.”
>>=-—> VERSES <—-=<<
SLADE (tag: verse; slade)
|-> Main Verse. Unless otherwise specified, all interactions will be defaulted to this verse.
Based almost entirely on Slade from Teen Titans (2003) with a select few inclusions relating to his occupation, belated-family/associations, and general perspective, which are mostly used for context purposes to give the character more depth. More traditionally villainous, at least in the eyes of other people, he seems like he takes on work simply for his own amusement, though it often feels he has grander plans than meet the eye. Teen Titans (2003) canon-compliant. Post-series.
“There is nothing left for you here, dear boy. You destroyed it, remember?”
^ This verse uses icons from the cartoon in replies. ^
DEATHSTROKE (tag: verse; deathstroke)
|-> Secondary Verse, currently in trial stages.
Rougher combination of Slade Wilson from the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon and his various comic counterparts. Goes by the alias Deathstroke and occupies his more typical mercenary role. Speaks more casually and is more of a neutral force who follows the money. Naturally opposed to the batfamily (and other heroes by proxy) due to occupation rather than personal grudges. Not specifically compliant to any one comic or television run. Possesses his usual healing factor, eidetic memory, extensive weapons training, etcetera.
“Kid, this isn’t something you should be involved in. Not that it’s my business—just your funeral.”
^ This verse will utilize icons if/when finalized. ^
SECOND WIND (tag: verse; second wind)
|-> Variant of SLADE verse. Takes place at any time mid-series (Teen Titans (2003)).
^ This verse uses icons from the cartoon in replies. ^
WITH MENTORS LIKE THESE (tag: verse; with mentors like these)
|-> Variant of SECOND WIND verse.
Instead of taking on a obviously antagonistic role in efforts to break Robin’s spirit, Slade turns to a more subtle approach to gaining his loyalty, believing that he may be able to mold (manipulate) the boy into becoming his successor willingly. While the apprenticeship begins the same way, he puts effort into breaking down the notions Robin has of him and his identity as a hero. By the time Robin’s teammates realize what’s he has planned, it may already be too late. Still the villainous version of his 2003 character, just with a bit more foresight. Non-canon compliant past the apprentice arc.
“Who knows… I might even become like a father to you.”
^ This verse uses icons from the cartoon in replies. ^
WHO NEEDS ENEMIES (tag: verse; who needs enemies)
|-> Chronological successor to WITH MENTORS LIKE THESE verse.
Slade’s plans to recruit a wayward Robin into his apprenticeship have long since succeeded, gaining the boy’s trust and—perhaps unintentionally—giving some of his own in turn. He now takes his apprentice and successor, Renegade, on more complex and dangerous jobs with every intention of the boy taking over for him one day. AU equivalent of SLADE verse. Theoretically post-series, but non-canon-compliant past the apprentice arc.
“Look how far you’ve come. That’s my boy.”
^ This verse uses icons from the cartoon in replies when fitting. ^
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ohlympns · 1 year ago
                        ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʀ ɪꜱ ᴡᴏɴ, ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʙᴇɢᴜɴ
               Hello   and   welcome   all   to   ohlympns!   This   is   an   independent,   private,   and   selective   Percy   Jackson   and   the   Olympians   &   The   Heroes   of   Olympus   multi   muse.   I’ll   be   combining   sources   from   the   books   and   my   own   headcanons.   Please   see   any   information   about   this   blog   down   below.   Rules   will   be   under   the   cut.   If   you   have   any   questions   or   concerns,   please   feel   free   to   message   me!   I   promise   I   am   very   friendly!
                AJ.   She/her.   25.                   muses.   interest tracker. promo. headcanons. leo.
                                             ʀᴇʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴠᴇꜱ, ꜱᴜʀʀᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
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               Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
The Gods and Goddesses. As someone who is a devotee to one of the Greek Gods, I may have a different approach with how the children interact with their parents. I'll try to balance canon and how I view it.
Muses. As it goes, my primary muses are ones I probably will have most muse for, and will be my go to muses for starter calls or unspecified memes (but pretty please specify muse). Primary & Secondary muses can shift position or be removed depending on interaction. I may add muses as I see fit in the future. I will make any posts indicating any updates.
NS.FW. Will not be present on this blog. Even though my main verses are post the book events when all of them are a little older.
Shipping. I love to ship. I'm opened to it as long as we both are good with it, and talk about our muses to see if they click. Annabeth, Nico, Clarisse, Frank: They will be hinted to be in a relationship with their significant others, however that doesn't mean I will automatically ship with their significant others unless a partner wants to or if I'm shipping with another character. Piper: Same thing applies somewhat but with Jason. However, the time during TMOA my Piper won't be in a relationship with Jason unless my partner wants them to be. Leo: I don't ship Leo and Calypso, so he won't be in a relationship with her.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
Formatting. If there is anything about my formatting for writing that bothers you, please feel free to message me. I'll be happy to change it for our threads.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some Days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. I don't use icons as of right now since I'm slow at getting FCs. However, if I ever find FCs I like to make icons- just know we don't HAVE to use them. That being said, if you use icons feel free to use them as you wish.
Movies & Show. I'm opened to discussing a way to flow them together since I base most of my blog around the books. Don't feel as though you can't approach me!
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prioriincantatem · 3 years ago
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it’s a starter call! hit that heart for a starter. these will probably be lyric-based or i’ll go in my meme tag and pick out random sentences to send to people because i’m Lazy, but stiLL. usual rules apply, mutuals only, and please specify at least a couple of muses ( no more than three ), and if you’re a multi, specify a few of your own! 
must list is under the cut!
muse list
colin creevey
seamus finnigan
viktor krum
chiara lobosca
neville longbottom
remus lupin
everett mason
diana mcgonagall
alastor moody
harry potter
greylyn tavish-moody
andromeda tonks
ginny weasley
percy weasley
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mvndrvke-archive · 3 years ago
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since i’m finally caught up on replies, consider this a starter call for my shadow and bone muses-- nina, inej, and genya! usual rules apply, mutuals only, these’ll probably end up being lyric based bc i’m lazy, and please specify muse(s) or at least narrow it down to a couple for me, especially if you’re a multi. but yea, hit that heart if you want a starter!
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omniishambles · 5 years ago
   | Rules |
* * *
Hello! I’m J and I live in the UK. This blog is very slow activity! I have 10 + years RP experience and I’m a muse hoarder.
* * *
   | Basics |
 Mun is 25+ but won’t be writing any smut due to personal preference. I work full time and have a life (even if it’s small) outside of RP, so this blog runs off the queue system.
 There are 20+ muses on this blog with multiple threads each, hence why I make use of my queue and ask for your patience with replies. The muses I have more inspiration for will take priority but I’ll get to other threads when I can.
 Mutuals, if you’d be so good as to fill in my interest checker, that gives me the green light to start sending you memes as and when you reblog them :)
 Please don’t follow and unfollow repeatedly for my attention. Because you’ll get my attention and find yourself blocked.
 I won’t follow personal blogs from here. Any personal blogs who follow and show no clear sign of owning an RP sideblog will be soft blocked. I’d prefer not to interact with anyone under the age of 18, even though there’s no mature content on this blog. 
 Due to limited free time and energy it can take me anywhere from a few days to a week to follow you back once I’ve checked out your blog. I’ll get to it as soon as I can!
Asks will go into the queue along with other general replies. You’re welcome to continue the thread, but I’d prefer a new post if you do! 
   | Selectivity |
 This blog is, mostly for my own personal sanity, mutuals only and highly selective.
 I only follow blogs whose writing I feel a vibe with or characters I’m eager to interact with. I like to keep my dash tidy! Because of this I'll only follow blogs who have examples of their writing for me to see. 
 I’m highly unlikely to follow if I see an excessive amount of dash drama, NSFW imagery, OOC posts or a lot of long, uncut threads with mostly one line replies. This is as stated above, to keep my dashboard tidy!
 As time goes on I may unfollow people via softblocking, usually only because of the above reasons, but it may be due to your blog going inactive for longer than 6 months or due to a lack of interaction between us. If I unfollow during a period of inactivity but you come back to your blog and want to be mutuals again, that’s completely fine! 
 Some of my muses are private and open to plotting only. I do not accept ask memes for these muses.. Please see the muse list for details!
   | Shipping |
 I’m very, very picky about shipping. However, if I feel sufficient chemistry between the muses and we’ve been writing together long enough for me to feel comfortable, I may be willing to discuss a pairing!
 Canons x OC ships are welcome here. As mentioned above, there will be no smut on this blog. For ship partners of mine, I’m willing to write events leading up to and events shortly after smut with a time jump/fade to black in the middle. Specifics can be discussed in IMs, if you wish.
   | Misc |
 I prefer to write longer responses. Multi para/novella style is my jam so I apologise in advance if I get carried away! I enjoy setting the scene and getting into those little details. As such I’m really not into one liners. The only exception I make for these is memes where our muses are texting eachother. I just don’t really get anything out of them.
 This is a duplicate friendly blog!
 Found Family is my favourite trope ever, but I also enjoy writing angst, fluff, horror and action/adventure type scenarios. Crossovers are encouraged because I love ‘em.
 I don’t mind heavy violence and mild gore but I will not do A/O/B or non-con related plots.
 If we’re mutuals who have been writing together a while then I’ll probably know, but otherwise? Please specify muse in your asks and when sending in memes! This also applies to multimuse blogs who I kindly ask to tell me which of their muses the ask is from.
 If you don’t have clear links to rules or a bio on your blog then I’ll be hesitant to follow because I always read those first as well as checking out your writing style!
 I have no triggers myself, I only ask that you tag your NSFW content with a tag that isn’t super convoluted or weird so my filter can pick it up. But if you need me to tag anything please let me know! Never feel worried or shy about sending me a message or even an anonymous ask if you need to. I will tag at your request.
 I make some of my icons but the majority are from HollowArt or were gifted to me. I’m not very good at aesthetic type stuff and I certainly won’t judge your blog by how it looks- it’s all about the writing :)
* Thank you for reading! *
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embidoesocrp · 5 years ago
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em) 
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.) 
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up versions of fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+)—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+). 
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Godmodding Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me. HOWEVER, please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity! 
 Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works. 
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
By default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually be dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there shouldn’t be any problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer) 
Please note, however, that if I feel the thread isn’t really going anywhere, no longer following a sort of plot, and/or isn’t keeping my interest, I eventually assume that it’s drop-able and will drop it myself.
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes --- #drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun 
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response – include corresponding rp/ask meme post! 
 ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read the whole thing?
Feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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hcrofraid · 6 years ago
HALLO THERE! Here’s my rules! They’re a bit long, but hopefully you can push through ‘em and we can get a chance at interaction!
1. Themes might vary with this blog. Although I’m typically SFW, I might touch upon dark topics here and there.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I‘m a little selective, but otherwise - I’m open to canon, au, crossover, and original characters! As long as their muns rp literately/write para.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too). 
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!). 
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
As I’ve said, I’m selective and as a result mutuals do take priority - but I don’t have to be following you for you to interact with me. It just means I’m more likely to interact with you if you’re a mutual.
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are! Additionally, life happens to be a thing.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
Just a reminder I hoard all your asks too, even weeks later. If I don’t respond to it, I’m either keeping it for a rainy day, or just can’t find the muse/interest for it currently. If it’s been a month or two though, just assume it wasn’t working for me unless I’ve informed you otherwise.
4. Shippings? Heck yeah I’m down for the fluffy content, as long as they’re of similar age to my boio.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
Sontails will not be happening on this blog either, sorry.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately. Also, Tails is a child. So no.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
Please don’t reblog my art unless I’ve drawn it specifically for you or said you can. I either have that as do not reblog for a reason, or I am planning to post it on my art blog at some point.
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happens to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching them.
If para roleplays aren’t your alley, I’m unlikely to roleplay with you. It’s nothing personal; it’s just finding muse for one-liner threads is incredibly difficult unless it’s dash shenanigans. Anything else outside that is fine, though - we can still have fun outside of proper threads.
If you need further context on the AU, the link to it’s tag is here! Otherwise just ask me!
Tails’ AU is one I’m very proud of and very attached to, so please don’t force your headcanons about him on me. If you’re unsure how certain events play out in the context of his universe, don’t hesitate to ask me about them!
That said, anything that might take place on this blog obviously isn’t canon to the AU itself; I just like writing for this boio and it helps me develop his character. It’s all hypothetical.
Additionally! Don’t worry too much if the headcanoned relationships between Tails and other muses don’t match yours. Those are mostly just guidelines for how Tails would USUALLY interact with your muse. I’m open to altering these relationships to better fit our threads! Don’t ever feel restricted to what I put down; it’s mostly just for context purposes because, well, Tails is absent. I’m an IM away for plotting.
8. Threads typically happen naturally with me, but if you’re looking for interaction opportunities:
I’ll have a permanent starter call somewhere for you to hit up; honestly though, if you’re a mutual? Pls feel free to hit it up.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If there’s a verse you’re interested in, please specify.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I may not roleplay with every starter I am given - I’ll do a ‘background check’ if you’re a new blog on the block. If I don’t feel your writing style/length works with mine, I might not respond. Apologies. ;__;
Please don’t write para / novella starters up for me unless we’ve discussed something, sent something, or I’ve liked a starter call. I really don’t want to leave people hanging if I’m not interested.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting.
I also have Discord! If you’re mutuals with me, feel free to ask for it!
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please note that MAINS fall into two categories; one pertaining to Tails’ initial universe, and those pertaining to alternates. Although the latter is plenty, for clarity’s sake, there would be one alternate Tails might default to.
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me. GIMME’ ALL THE PRECIOUS BONDING CONTENT PLS. THIS BOY NEEDS FRIENDS.
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and sometimes even Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me! I just need a social breather every now and again.
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
11. It’s easier with a clean dash for me, so I’m more likely to follow people who:
Trim their posts.
Have rules and about pages! I always read those before interacting or following!
If you don’t have either of those, I’m likely not to follow you - so make sure that you do!
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything Tails might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
15. If you’re OKAY with threads being set in Tails’ universe (and acting as his inverse counterparts), please like / reply to this post! It just lets me know I’m A-OK to shoot you asks pertaining to it, rather than the usual alternate shenanigans.
16. These rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Hi all! I have three drafts to do and a ton of asks (that are all about the same theme, so it may take me awhile to get to all of them. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of muse for it but I’ll see what I can do), but give this post a like if you’d like me to send you an IC or OOC ask based off of a reblogged meme on your blog. Usual rules apply: mutuals only, multis please specify muse, and replies are not guaranteed threads.
Message me directly on tumblr or discord if you’d like to plot!
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iinvane · 6 years ago
1. Themes might vary with this blog. I’m typically SFW, though may explore dark themes from time to time. There might be swearing; my muses rarely use such lingo, but the muses I roleplay with might.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m a little selective, so I might be a pretty picky when it comes to who I interact with. Generally, though, I’ll interact with most folk, including canon, AU, Crossover, and original characters - as long as they’re literate/write para.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
If you’re a multimuse and I follow you, it’s usually because I know a couple of muses on your roster.
No godmodding or Mary-Sues, please. If you’re not sure what these terms mean, please look them up. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too).
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
As I’ve said, I’m selective and as a result mutuals do take priority - but I don’t have to be following you for you to interact with me. It just means I’m more likely to interact with you if you’re a mutual.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are! Additionally, life happens to be a thing.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
Just a reminder I hoard all your asks too, even weeks later. If I don’t respond to it, I’m either keeping it for a rainy day, or just can’t find the muse/interest for it currently.
4. Shippings? GO FOR IT FAM. As long as they’re of similar age, I’m probably down for it.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my characters if you’re interacting with me (not to mention there will be kids muses here, so no). Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happens to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching them.
If para roleplays are not your forte at all, it’s not recommended you roleplay with me seriously. Anything else outside that is fine, though - we can still have fun outside of proper threads.
8. Threads typically happen naturally with me, but if you’re looking for interaction opportunities:
I’ll have a permanent starter call somewhere for you to hit up; honestly though, if you’re a mutual? Pls feel free to hit it up.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
Although there’s not many now, PLEASE specify muse when you send me an ask. I won’t know who to respond with if you leave it vague, and I don’t want to disappoint people.
If there’s a verse you’re interested in, please specify.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead! 
I may not roleplay with every starter I am given - I’ll do a ‘background check’ if you’re a new blog on the block. If I don’t feel your writing style/length matches mine, I might not respond. Apologies. ;__;
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I really don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting.
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
11. It’s easier with a clean dash for me, so I’m more likely to follow people who:
Trim their posts.
Have rules and about pages! I always read those before interacting or following!
If you don’t have either of those, I’m likely not to follow you - so make sure that you do!
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my muses might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. The mun is TERRIBLE at breaking the ice. If I follow you, that means I WANT to interact with you - I’m just building up the confidence to do so! (Memes help greatly with this kinda thing.)
15. These rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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chxinsxwed · 6 years ago
Da Rules:
Hi, this is a bit lengthy - but first, thank you for checking out this post! It means a lot to me and I hope we can interact! <3
1. Themes might vary with this blog. I’m typically SFW, but keep in mind this is NEGADUCK. He’s not morally sound and will certainly not be nice to everyone who has the unfortunate opportunity to come across him. Be prepared for dark themes of that nature.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m a little selective, so I might be a pretty picky when it comes to who I interact with. I’ll interact with anyone, including canon, AU, Crossover, and original characters - as long as they’re literate/write para.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
No godmodding or Mary-Sues, please.
This is bound to happen given Negaduck’s character, but this rule goes especially in fights. I will tread carefully in these and give partners fighting chances, so obviously I expect the same. i.e, don’t assume all attacks hit, keep dodging, etc; all that. Keep in mind Negs does not put up an easy fight, though.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
I’ve worked through a majority of Negs’ media, including his episodes, comics, and even small comics. That said, there are a couple I’ve missed (that are in another language) - so if I miss anything in reference to them, forgive me.
I haven’t completely finished Darkwing Duck, either, so as far as unrelated references ago, I might miss a few things.
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
I have a lot of blogs. Pretty much an understatement - so I’m pretty busy with stuff, and it’s all dependent on what muse I have. Motivation and life also exist.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
Additionally, if I don’t end up responding to an ask or something, the case might just be I don’t have the muse for it, or I’m not interested in the thread. Apologies!
4. Shippings? Eeeeh, with Negaduck, I’m picky about them, depends on the muse and/or proposed relationship. Long story short: he’s an outright jerk so don’t expect much from him.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my characters if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC posts, so please don’t do that.
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happens to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching them.
If para roleplays are not your forte at all, it’s not recommended you roleplay with me seriously. Anything else outside that is fine, though - we can still have fun outside of proper threads.
8. Threads typically happen naturally with me, but if you’re looking for interaction opportunities:
I’ll have a permanent starter call somewhere for you to hit up; honestly though, if you’re a mutual? Pls feel free to hit it up.
I reblogged a starter meme? Send something! If I’m interested, I’ll answer it!
If there’s a verse you’re interested in, please specify.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I may not roleplay with every starter I am given - I’ll do a ‘background check’ if you’re a new blog on the block. If I don’t feel your writing style/length matches mine, I might not respond. Apologies. ;__;
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I really don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting.
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - Negaduck is generally a terrible person, but if you hmu, I’ll see what I can do.
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Unlike the evil duck, Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
IM-ed me and I haven’t responded? Social anxiety is a jerk and it’s exhausting for me to communicate sometimes. Know that I’ve seen your message and will get around to it eventually!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
11. It’s easier with a clean dash for me, so I’m more likely to follow people who:
Trim their posts.
Don’t spam reblog memes.
Have rules and about pages! I always read those before interacting or following!
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything Negs might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so. He’s a chainsaw crazy villain; mun is not.
14. The mun is TERRIBLE at breaking the ice. If she follows you, she’d like to interact - but she’s super nervous about approaching people.
15. These rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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ar-ray-of-muses · 6 years ago
Updated: [06/05/2019]
Hi, this is a bit lengthy - but first, thank you for checking out this post! It means a lot to me and I hope we can interact! <3
1. Themes might vary with this blog. I’m usually SFW with this stuff, but there might be dark themes, swearing, and other things of that nature. Depends on the muse, sometimes, too.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m a little selective, so I might be a pretty picky when it comes to who I interact with. I’ll interact with anyone, including canon, AU, Crossover, and original characters - as long as they’re literate/write para.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
No godmodding or Mary-Sues, please.
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
I have a lot of blogs. Pretty much an understatement - so I’m pretty busy with stuff, and it’s all dependent on what muse I have. Motivation and life also exist.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
Additionally, if I don’t end up responding to an ask or something, the case might just be I don’t have the muse for it, or I’m not interested in the thread. Apologies!
4. Shippings? I’m down, if the muses are of a similar age.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my characters if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC posts, so please don’t do that.
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happens to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching them.
If para roleplays are not your forte at all, it’s not recommended you roleplay with me seriously. Anything else outside that is fine, though - we can still have fun outside of proper threads.
8. Threads typically happen naturally with me, but if you’re looking for interaction opportunities:
Starter calls? I usually have one for each of my muses! I’m still adding links, but please check out my museroll for starter call links or the tag corresponding to them until you can find that muse!
Additionally - muses that are under the ‘researching’ section typically mean I’m not entirely confident about them yet or I am still bingeing their source material, so do keep that in mind, and be patient with me if I happen to miss a reference or two.
I reblogged a starter meme? Send something! If I’m interested, I’ll answer it!
PLEASE SPECIFY THE MUSE. I won’t know what to do if you send something in and there’s no muse attached to it. If these are general asks and my character is currently on the dash, I WILL assume you’re addressing them - and I don’t want to disappoint people!
This goes for verses, if you so desire - but there will ALWAYS be a default to the muses which is what I tend to go for.
If you’re unsure what muses I have, I have a mobile list up in the description.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I may not roleplay with every starter I am given - I’ll do a ‘background check’ if you’re a new blog on the block. If I don’t feel your writing style/length matches mine, I might not respond. Apologies. ;__;
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. 
JUST because I don’t use a muse often/you don’t see them on dash, doesn’t at all mean I don’t want to use them! If you’re interested in roleplaying with a slightly inactive muse, then honestly - shoot! Chances are they could use more threads and I’d be overjoyed if you gave them attention. (Although sometimes it can be a case of HAVING muse for the muse.)
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot with particular characters, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me so don’t feel scared about asking for them. Chances are, I’ll always be down!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
IM-ed me and I haven’t responded? Social anxiety is a jerk and it’s exhausting for me to communicate sometimes. Know that I’ve seen your message and will get around to it eventually!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
11. It’s easier with a clean dash for me, so I’m more likely to follow people who:
Trim their posts.
Don’t spam reblog memes.
Have rules and about pages! I always read those before interacting or following!
12. On threads...
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my characters might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. The mun is TERRIBLE at breaking the ice. If she follows you, she’d like to interact - but she’s super nervous about approaching people.
15. These rules may be subject to change. I’m new to multimuse stuff.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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copiesofme-archive · 6 years ago
rules for my multi
Tumblr media
-All interactions are welcomed! MUTUALS ARE PREFERABLE, but I won’t be angry if a non-mutual approaches me. I noticed though, that it comes easiest to me to plot with people who I’ve talked with prior, so don’t be afraid to talk with me. I may be selective but I am not unapproachable.
-I am a terrible conversation holder, and am prone to long awkward silences. It also sometimes takes me a while to build up the nerve to reach out. But I promise it’s all me. Just give me time, and PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE WITH ME. I have many blogs and sometimes my attention will be pulled elsewhere.
I am duplicate friendly! Give me all the threads! if you like one of my headcanons and want to adopt it, please ask me. This also includes metas!
I am super super chill. If we have a thread going and you don't want to continue it, don't be afraid to let me know. And I will let you know too if I don't have the muse for a thread. It's not a requirement to let me know, because sometimes we all forget and lose stuff. But if you want to talk to me about dropping one, just know I won't be angry or anything whatsoever.
I'm an EXTREMELY slow writer, trust me, I AM A TURTLE. But have patience, I write for what I have the muse for. Sometimes I'll reply instantly, sometimes I'll reply a month later. Please DO NOT pester and pester, as I will get mostly frustrated and lose all muse for the thread. Have patience, please, I won't rush you. So don't rush me.
If I do a long and lengthy response, know that I will never require you to match mine. But please don't get ridiculous and do a one line to a five paragraph response.
CHEMISTRY ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!!! That is not a question whatsoever. I have a variety of muses and they all have different sexualities. Please don’t try and force ship me, it won’t let fly with me.
- Don’t send me hate, don’t send others hate. If I see any sign of it, it is to the block with you.
- This blog does not condone the call out culture whatsoever. Especially if it is a simple matter that could have been settled privately. Private matters and actual concern for the general safety of the public are two completely separate matters. If it is untagged, or simple calloused hate, will result in an immedaite unfollow from me. UNTAGGED CALLOUT POSTS = UNFOLLOW.
- THIS ALSO APPLIES TO VAGUE POSTING AND NEGATIVITY FESTS. If these are continuously untagged, and i start to feel uncomfortable I don’t care how well we know each other it will be an unfollow. On that note please don’t negatively vague about me, act like an adult and IM me and discuss your issue with me.
- Passive aggression. If there are any personal issues that summon aggressive and rude comments. Such aggression will absolutely NOT be tolerated. This shouldn't have to be a rule in regards to respect and communications. But experience has taught me otherwise, and thus. My warning is here.
- I also understand the concept of people having different opinions. But demeaning everything that I have to say and holding yours as superior over my head and having differing opinions are two completely separate concepts. I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE RESPECT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY AND DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM ME TO MAKE YOURSELF SOUND ABOVE ME.
- If I ask you to leave me alone and you do not concede and instead send me rude and aggressive IMs. THIS WILL RESULT IN A BLOCK.
- When you are blocked please do not contact me on other platforms with an equally passive attitude. Continuous actions such as these can be considered harassment and a minor form of gas lighting. If I say that I am uncomfortable, please respect that and keep your distance as I would keep mine in regards to you.
- Don’t ask me to water down my muse’s mean to make them more likeable for your taste.
- There WILL be dark content on this blog, if you do not like it. Do not follow.
Message me, send me a meme, send me an IC ask and I will give your blog a look through. But as I said; I am selective and the muse rules my actions. If she wants to respond she will, there is never a true promise that she will BUT I WLL DEFINITELY TRY.
I don’t really have any personal triggers that affect me here. But I ask that you tag your character hate. Specifically for Cersei Lannister of Game Of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. I respect that you have your own opinion but I’m not going to tolerate hate for a character I stan hard. If i follow you and you’re a GOT blog and ship braime please tag it so my list catch it. I don’t like this ship at all and the bullying experience I’ve had i’m just not comfortable with it. (or any ships at all that make Jaime Lannister a pedophile)
   - If you don’t specify that’s okay, I’ll most likely play a match game to matching canons, or let any one of my people respond. But if you are an OC, I will most likely reach out to you in plotting.
My name is Melody, I’m going to be 25 years old. I’m a native american so please respect that.I will NOT smut with minors, though I will absolutely write with minors, but smut is a definite no no. I’m very opinionated so please respect my opinion. Furthermore, I'm usually pretty chill. I don't bite.
I'M ALSO A HUGE AVOCADO FAN. So on that note... if you want to get my attention, you need only mention the word and I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
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embidoesbnharp · 6 years ago
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship -- for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old. 
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things---so long as it applies to the 14+)---while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma -- you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks --- you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts --- being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads --- Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/restricted/allowed.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary --- you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). but, don’t worry, it’s not you! you aren’t annoying me! it’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) you are in the safe zone, friend!
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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malevolent-fairy · 2 years ago
Kingdom Laws
Hello there! Welcome to my rules page! These rules are password protected so please keep an eye out for it! You can send me an ask or DM me the password so I know you’ve read them and want to interact. This is a side blog so asks/follows will come from @sleepytime-muses, url for other blogs will be specified.
1. General roleplay etiquette applies. No god modding, no controlling my characters, etc. Literate roleplays are my go-to unless they are crack/joking with others and dash commentary. You are not obligated to match my length and vice versa, but do put some effort into the writing! I use icons as well that I make myself and format my lettering. If you want to write and find my formatting difficult to read, just let me know and I will happily use plain text. Also, if you are new to roleplaying/writing on Tumblr, I probably won’t write with you. I also prefer people who use XKit to trim posts and make them better to read.
2. Plotting is important to me, but not absolutely necessary. I enjoy knowing where to push the plot towards for better and more efficient writing. However, I am very capable of spur of the moment interactions so feel free to do either.
3. Maleficent is evil. Evil evil evil. She will say and do bad things. Her morals do not reflect the beliefs of the mun or anyone I interact with. This blog deals with mature and dark themes, so 18+ is mandatory for an interaction.
4. Activity can be spacey. I love to write, but irl responsibilities take priority. As a college student and an artist, I dip often. But I almost always lurk so feel free to send messages/asks.
5. Let me know if you’re interested! I’m usually not the type to message first because I hate to come off as pushy. So just let me know if you want to write! I also have Discord available to write on, and it is my preferred platform. Mutuals only.
6. Original Characters and Crossovers can be hard for me to write. Not impossible, just difficult. If I believe I can’t properly write with your character, I will let you know when you show interest. If you write a character from a franchise I’m not familiar with, I’m also less likely to write with you. I hate going in the dark when it comes to writing partners/characters.
7. Triggering content will be tagged, if you have specific triggers that are uncommon I will tag them for you with a tw [CONTENT] tag. I try to pay attention to other people’s rules and general discomforts, so if I write something you don’t want to see, I’ll do my best to tag. I’m not perfect though, so let me know if I need to do something.
8. I love shipping. NSFW will be present on this blog. 18+. I am multi-ship so feel free to initiate with my character. Just respect my choices and I will respect yours!
If you’ve gotten this far, send me “Once Upon A Nightmare’’ to let me know you’ve read my rules! It means a lot to me! Discord roleplays/chatting is available upon request for Mutuals.
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agecfmiracles-archive2 · 6 years ago
mobile rules
Exactly what it says on the tin. I still accept asks/memes from non-mutuals in order to open myself up to the possibility of following new people, but please don’t reply to open starters unless we’re already mutuals.
Again, self-explanatory, and this applies both to memes/asks and multi-character starter calls. If no muse is specified I’ll most likely ignore, because I don’t want to pick a muse you don’t actually want and see the thread die from lack of interest.
Do not godmod, do not force ships, and please respect my slowness. I have a full-time job and don’t get home until well into evening, so it’s difficult to reply to things promptly, but I’m always available via IM and discord.
Pre-established associations are only assumed with canon characters; OCs should plot with me first before assuming anything pre-established. Romantic ships should never be assumed unless we discuss it first. I DO NOT DO SMUT/NSFW THREADS. I don’t have anything against other people doing it, it’s just not for me. Please don’t ask.
I welcome characters from all fandoms and OCs, but I need either a bio page or an ooc conversation to go off of before I will begin to consider interacting. I don’t overly care for YouTubers, Anime/hand-drawn, or musician fcs, BUT in the long run writing quality is going to be my main deciding factor.
I don’t care where on my blog you get it, please just send something before reblogging a bunch of memes from me. If none of my memes seem applicable to send in, then go to the source. Three strikes is my usual limit before I’ll soft block.
Listen, I love AUs. I love ships. I love crossovers. Most of my muses have a million alternate verses. Hit me with everything you have.
Ask away. I know that was a lot of rules but I am a nice person I promise. Ilu.
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