#the undertide terts are so good...!
frogspawned · 2 years
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in light of recent events, my inksplatter pair project may need reworking.........
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ophionyx · 2 years
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I turned 28 today. Hatched three eggs, this pastel gal is probably my keeper :) colours are maize/lavender/pistachio fire.
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dire-vulture · 2 years
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i didn’t think i’d get any eels today but..i went looking at murk dragons and..well here is Bal :D
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neildylandy · 2 years
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new breed good
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manic-marzal · 5 months
hot take but i think the novelty of ancient breeds and their line breaking genes has worn out a little and i don’t think it makes up for them not being to wear apparel at all or breed with normal dragons
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imo aethers, dusthides, gaolers, sandsurges, and veilspun aren’t wacky enough to be ancient breeds. we’ve got bug with horns, smooth boi fat tail, big shaggy moose tundra, not quite ridgebacks, and bug (?) with hair. they all fit the head neck torso arms legs wings tail layout modern breeds do, it’s literally just the line breaking genes that are the issue and the customization from apparel feels better than what the terts offer anyway imho
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abberations, auraboas, banescales, and undertides i understand a little more, but…
abberations literally just have two heads and two tails. you can make head and tail apparel just go on both. some people might not want that but there’s a lot of things on the site some people don’t want already so that’s kinda a moot point
auraboas, okay. they don’t have legs or anything analogous to legs. i get why they don’t wanna have a dressable dragon with no legs. i’ll accept that
banescales don’t have arms, but i feel like that’s more manageable since the wings are in the place the arms should be. i think it’s workable putting arm apparel on wings though
undertides i can understand the most. they don’t have arms or legs and the best they have in their place is tiny fins. i can live with them not being dressable
“but the terts are so cool! it would take too long to draw all the apparel for all the breeds! you’re breaking the rules!”
i don’t think the line breaking ancient genes are cool enough to justify it. i’d rather wait longer for them to draw all the apparel stuff than get something kinda mid quicker. people make fake clothing accents for ancients all the time so it’s definitely doable. hell just get creative with how the clothes lay around the line breaking terts. put the terts on a different layer so they can overlap when needed. idk
don’t get me wrong, i’m really appreciative of the art team and everyone else on staff, i just don’t think this is working as well as intended or paying off enough to justify continuing. make the terts crazier (if you can even do that within the square they’re stuck in) or just make them modern breeds <:/
edit: i don’t expect them to change existing ancients if they change anything at all. that would be an enormous backlog and frankly unreasonable. i just think going forward they should be more lenient on what is a modern breed that deserves time put into drawing apparel for them and what should be dug deeper into to make truly weird and crazy enough to justify not being able to customize them with the thousands of different apparel pieces on site when that’s like half the game
also if they’re gonna add parallel genes anyway why can’t you breed them with other ancients or moderns. if it’d result in a gene the other breed doesn’t have just make it default to basic or something
second edit: just make the weird terts some kind of apparel. no it wouldn't have the same color range as genes but looking at clothing stuff like roundhorns and antlers and feathered wings and claws and whatever else, they could make 90% of the weird tacked on line breaking terts into apparel pieces with a good variety of colors and it'd be more or less the same thing
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gimmethemprimals · 1 year
Good lord, I had a dream last night where suddenly FR dropped a billion ancient genes for moderns and vice versa, and then made it so the line breaking terts had different appearances and variations from modern to modern making each one unique, and one of them (I can’t remember what the base gene was) just had a f guardian with their head smashed through a boat and just wearing it.
For some reason most of the genes seemed to focus on undertides but I also believe that I saw a fae with wintercoat but it just made it look like a moth
I vividly remember going ??? “How did they make THIS amount of genes in secret” but then I woke up <3
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xeneric-shrooms · 7 months
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Okay so I wanted this gen1 to be an undertide cuz of the new gene expansion but theY LOOK SO GOOD AS AN AETHER SO MUCH BETTER IN MY OPINION
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Without a tert because many terts look amazing.. I think butterfly looks better but it's a gem gene and I already have so many gem genes to buy
I've also scried this golden banescale but I'm not serious about em (maybe)
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saltminerising · 9 months
incredibly excited for the upcoming undertide gene expansion...... ...... .......... ...
...........so we can get to the aether expansion that comes after it. no but seriously good for undertides. 30 genes with 5 parallel terts sounds amazing. i just really hope aether are next because they actually have fewer genes than even undertides do
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litlunacy · 2 years
Love love LOVE the new ancient!!!
Already chose my two Undertide changeover dergs.
Undertow (whose name is just so fitting)
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And Miridrith (who was getting a makeover anyway, but looks better here)
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Saddle is awesome, def fave new secondary (clearly). Like both the Boa and Octopus primaries. Nudibranch is probably my fave tert, though I'm also eyeing Sailfin and Tentacles. Only slightly sad that these guys aren't more ridiculously massive than the Imperials. But I guess being on par with the Ridgebacks is good enough.
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