#the undeath of frankie falkenrath
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typhos-c-dragon 3 years ago
alright, here's the retooled plot for my old ocs!
(The story is still called "The Undeath of Frankie Falkenrath" bc I like that title)
So, Frankie Falkenrath is a high school choir teacher working at Paxton High, the local high school of a small Pennsylvanian town aptly called Paxton. It's a quiet little place where not much happens, and everybody seems to know everybody. And Frankie is just fine with that. She's passionate about her job, and loves her little hometown.
On the side, Frankie is a freelance piano teacher, mostly giving lessons to children and pre-teens. One of these kids is Skylar Fitzpatrick, her neighbor's 11 year old son. He's a shy and sensitive soul, not particularly talkative. But one day, he comes to lessons looking very nervous and on edge. He claims that something bad is coming, according to his "friends" (i didn't put that in quotes to be mean, there's a real reason here). But he's not sure what's coming, just that it's bad.
Figuring that Skylar's claim is just his nerves talking, Frankie doesn't think much of it. But several days later, as Frankie is walking home late at night after her choir class' spring concert, she can't help but feel like she's being... followed... When she turns around, she sees it. Slowly but surely advancing on her. A shadowy, foreboding man in a dark cloak and a skull-like mask. Before Frankie can make a break for it, the man stares her down, seeming to freeze her feet to the ground with only his gaze. He reaches for her, and Frankie feels as though he's pulling... something out from deep inside her. She feels her consciousness fading, but a local store owner closing up for the night intervenes and shoos the mysterious man off before she can black out. Feeling very strange and unsure what to make of what just transpired, Frankie decides to just continue on her way home. Maybe she's just exhausted, and that whole ordeal was a vivid hallucination? Yeah, that's gotta be it....
The next morning, Frankie wakes up feeling atrocious. Her limbs feel stiff, she's sluggish and barely awake, and overall the world seems like it's been shifted slightly to the left. Assuming she was just restless from her "hallucination" last night, and thus didn't sleep very well, she's about to go and spend her entire Saturday in bed when someone knocks at the door. Upon answering it, Frankie's met with the sight of three... unusual people. Two cheery-looking people- a man and a woman who look like they could be siblings, dressed sort of like one would imagine newspaper reporters circa 1899 would dress. And a tall man with ghastly features who towers over the other two visitors. His presence is somewhat similar to that of the... "hallucination" from last night, which immediately puts Frankie on edge.
The ghost-like man introduces himself as Shiloh Hawthorne; Professional Reaper, and his two old-timey tagalongs as Chester Murdoch and Abigail Murdoch, Detectives of the Dead. The trio ask to come in, and Frankie allows them in with alarm bells ringing in her head. Shiloh explains to the obviously-very-nervous Frankie that he received word from his boss of a woman in Paxton, Pennsylvania who had just become the target of an infamous outlaw known as The Grim Reaper. Infamous where, you may ask? The Realm of the Afterlife.
Frankie is horrified, realizing that yes, her hallucination was indeed real, and that it came from the fucking afterlife. Shiloh goes on to explain that Grim is a rogue Reaper, and had attempted what is known as a "premature reaping" of Frankie's soul last night. But since he was interrupted, the reaping couldn't be completed, and her soul is now partially detached from her body. Like it's there, but almost as though it's dragging it's feet behind Frankie as she walks. So, she's technically classified in the Afterlife as "Undead". Shiloh, Chess, and Abby were sent to investigate, and bring Frankie to the Afterlife in hopes of getting her soul reattached. Terrified, but wanting to set things right, Frankie agrees to join them.
Upon arriving in the Realm of the Afterlife, Frankie meets Lucille Llewellyn, Shiloh's (and technically Chess and Abby's) boss. She is a skeleton. Puzzled by the situation and worried that Grim may come back to finish the job, Lucille decides that Frankie will stay in the Afterlife for the time being, and assigns Shiloh as her supervisor (basically a guide/bodyguard) for her own safety while they organize an investigation into reattaching her soul. Not having much of a choice, Frankie agrees, and Lucille tells her that she'll be staying at a nearby apartment complex with two ladies named Victoria Waterford and Christina Baxter.
Much to Frankie's surprise, Victoria and Christina are both fully-living humans. Turns out it's 100% possible for live humans to have part-time jobs in the Afterlife, if you know where to look. Usually to work off some kinda debt. Not wanting to sit idly by while Chess and Abby go off to solve her conundrum alone, Frankie decides that she's gonna try and learn more about this Grim Reaper fellow, with Victoria and Christina agreeing to help out where they can.
But of course, it won't be a walk in the park. Because for every friend and ally Frankie meets- like a rebellious teenage ghost named Robin Barrows or the friendly debt-worker human Damien Hall and his kid cousin Xavier, she seems to make another enemy. Such as the mysterious ghostly musician, Hunter Luzzatto, who may know more than he's letting on. And with Frankie's steadily-increasing hunger for/dependence on "Lifeblood"- an otherworldly substance that keeps her from completely dropping dead when consumed, and rumors spreading that Grim may have new plans for Frankie, it seems like they'll have to work fast.
(new character pages coming,,, eventually!)
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typhos-c-dragon 3 years ago
i know nobody saw it, but one change that i'm almost immediately making to the new version of undeath of frankie falkenrath's plot is that i'm making frankie and damien a pre-established couple again instead of having them meet in the story. from the moment i first conceived the basic gist of this story and these two characters, i intended for them to start the story as a couple that've been together for years, so changing it to them meeting during the events of the story just feels,,, weird. damien accompanies frankie when shiloh, chess, and abby bring her to the afterlife, and assists her in learning more abt grim and getting her soul reattached like the good supportive bf he is :)
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typhos-c-dragon 3 years ago
the Urge to start tinkering with my undeath of frankie falkenrath guys again,,,
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typhos-c-dragon 3 years ago
i've started writing a plot summary for the new version of my ocs' plot (it's still called "the undeath of frankie falkenrath" btw), and oh dear sweet jesus, i'm gonna have to explain so much fucking lore,,,
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