#the two can't be seperated without consequences.
Oh my god elias pouting and grumbling all the way whenever he has to have a work trip. "I forgot my heart shaped pancake molds!!" "It really doesn't matter elias" "shut up peter you don't know shit" looking longingly out the window like......... I miss london...... Its too hot/cold/dry in here
LITERALLY. also i am going to make this about jonah being an extension of the institute once again. literally removing the heart from the body. he gets seasick he gets homesick he starts crying and refuses to do anything. you cannot take this man away from his institute!! he will die!!!
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wachtelspinat · 9 months
Hey ! I’ve been seeing your art going around since your midnight crew stuff and I just recently stubble across your tumblr, thank to your beautiful overwatch art for our beloveds junkers ! I’ve been scrolling through your account and read about your experience of being a former graphic designer who is a doctor now. And damn. I can’t emphasize how much I admire you, especially as someone who is struggling really hard to choose between 2 careers paths ( with one of them being art related ). This is why I was wondering if you would be open to talk about how and why you switched from art to medecine ? Especially because most of the time I feel it happens more the other way around ? ( If it’s too personal just ignore this ask + sorry if you already talked about it before )
hey ! no worries, i don't expect ppl to scroll through my tumblr to find an answer for a question they might have. first of all thanks for your nice words, means a lot <3
i switched from art to medicine because my early 20-something-self was even more anxiety-ridden than my present-self, and being in art school and having to "perform" regularly was a nightmare. i'm talking about a time in which i was so scared of being perceived that i often skipped grocery shopping, just so i could avoid being around people. so like, pitching art related projects to peers and profs was eeh... especially because art is so personal oh my god. i still hate it when someone tries to sneak a peek while i'm drawing, makes me wanna throw my sketchbook and myself off the bridge. anyways so i always felt a 110% inadequate (plus i got a gf during that time who was so good to me and tried to get me out of my funk on multiple occasions (she was and still is an artist and has now a career as a freelancer and i'm rly proud of her) but i couldn't see that because i just compared the two of us all the time and sabotaged any attempt she made for having fun with drawing with her) that i sat down at some point and asked myself if i could do this any longer, and i came to the conclusion that no, it really kills me rn.
what made me go into the health sector? i don't even know anymore, i think it was a mixture of "i loved biology, esp. the human body in school" and "my mum is an icu nurse and talks a lot about hospitals, maybe i should check it out"... it was not a well thought through decision, which is so funny because studying medicine was a hell of a meatgrinder ride (also my anxiety and self hatred? still there, but now i wasn't judged anymore because of my art but instead being called a dumb idiot collectively with all the other students because nobody likes med students) and for some reason i was able to get through that despite it not being my passion at all, but i couldn't stand up for myself in art school. i don't even know if i could work through it nowadays, but the good thing is i don't have to ask myself this question anymore, because being a doctor pays the bills, and ever since i left art school i was able to just draw without consequence. which is nice to a degree, my artistic output is not tied to the means of generating money. on the other hand... idk, in another life with more confidence and less worries, i'd love to be some sort of character designer T_T
so yeah that's basically it. at some times i cherished my career decisions, at other times i regretted them deeply, worst thing is i know it has a lot to do with personality, but the fact that we can't change who we are with a blink of an eye gives me the framework to think that the path i took was ok. as in. things happened for a reason and maybe i'm just not cut out for that kind of work. you have to be aware of the conditions of a job to decide if you are up for it. because being an artist doesn't end with "just draw". i myself had an unrealistic view of the job back then too. and the fact that i could not seperate between personal aspects and "doing a job here" was crucial.
yeah, idk if this is helpful at all. i think the one thing that is super important here is to have a realistic view on the conditions of work you are about to head into, and i know this is mostly very difficult to aquire. because unless you really work in a sector there is often no way to fully grasp the situations you can find yourself in (this applied for me also in the health sector, which made me fall into a depression a year ago, but what do you do after you spent 6 years of studying :') ). doing internships and just trying to get to know a lot of things really helps. and - idk how old you are, but if you're really young: it's ok to switch careers at some point. it's even ok to do so when you are older (trying to end on a positive note here because it feels like i just said a lot of depressing things... like don't get me wrong i like my job, the conditions are just fucked up, and again my personality prevents me from switching again but it's also not that easy in germany, BUT it's a valid thing to do, being versatile is good! just... make sure you don't end up with a job that you absolutely hate because that kills it all)
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shini--chan · 6 months
Can i request for general yandere hcs for the baltic trio (seperate)?
Ravis is first, the other two Baltics will follow in due time.
Yandere Charater Sheet I
1p! Latvia: Raivis Galante
Characters adjusted to the reader's age. Here I am, wondering how I managed to turn Latvia into a complete nutcase. 
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Trigger warnings: Kidnapping, stalking, inappropriate touching, theft, voyeurism, restraining, subduing, human experimentation, murder
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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Raivis, is for all intents and purposes, shameless when it comes to the activities surrounding his pursuit and "relationship" with you. The notion of stalking you, stealing little "trophies" from you, taking pictures of you while in public or in private - he doesn't feel a sliver of guilt. The factors preventing him from being completely insolent around you is that if other people caught on to his behaviour, then they would do their best to stop him. Furthermore, he wants you running towards him and throwing yourself in his arms, not running away from him. If anything, he hates it when his actions have negative consequences, even if he technically did nothing wrong. 
On the flip side, he is desperate to have you, and that is something that curtails his behaviour. Latvia so dearly wants to impress you, to have you in awe of his skills. Everytime you enter the room or his vicinity, he perks up like a puppy that wants to play. In a way, he even acts the part - when he does get the chance to be with you, he is enthusiastic, stumbling over his words and gesturing a bit too wildly with his hands. He'll become your shadow for the evening, or just the day, opening doors for you or pulling out your chair. He'll use these small chores as excuses to get very close to you - hands lingering a bit too long when he takes your jacket, his nose almost in your hair when he stands behind you in the bus. 
Added on is that he has been withdrawn for so long, and with his exuberance in approaching you, that he doesn't know how to handle the situation correctly. He is awkward in many ways, even more so during your time together. However, he is somewhat conscious of it and will make it clear that the things he does wrong are not due to malicious intent and are genuine mistakes. This way, he hopes to encourage you to dismiss his yandere tendencies. 
Because he is self-conscious and aware enough to know that what he is doing isn't right, that a healthy relationship doesn't consist of him dogging your every step, or interrogating every person you spend more than five minutes with. However, if there aren't any negative consequences then he can't bring himself to care. He just wants somebody to dote on him and in turn to be cherished by him. Surely there is nothing wrong about that, even if it means infringing on your personal freedoms? Besides, rights are only as strong as those willing to enforce them, and if nobody comes to your rescue, then surely there is no problem. 
Immaturity is another mark of him, but not in the way you would expect. It manifests in that he strives to ignore problems as much as possible, i.e. if there are negative consequences to his actions that can be ignored, he'll readily sweep them under the rug. Likewise, if he can shove responsibility of some atrocity onto somebody else, it will be done without a second thought. In his mind, the reason you don't accept him is that others filled your head with fluff. He is not at fault that you find him reprehensible, oh no sir. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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This is where he can be spectacularly impulsive. Mayhaps he is fretting over how to approach you, how to win over your heart, when he spontaneously decides to throw it all in the wind and nab you. It could be during a field trip - the two of you out on a lake on a sailing boat, just having finished lunch. You're just lying on deck, sated and sleepy. Would this just be the perfect time to tie you up, dock and then squirrel you away to his house? 
Or he offers you a ride home from an event that you both are attending, and decides to take you to his house. If you protest when he pulls into the garage, he'll feign being a cheesy romantic and that he understood his place when you told him to drive you home. 
The matter is, Raivis is very intelligent, but he still sucks when it comes to planning a complex sequence of events, especially when some of the variables are unknown. Chess is foreseeable since it is a lot about developed tactics and countertactics, where the properties of all pieces are known and everything is visible. Real life is not so accommodating and thus he struggles. Thus, he has a vague idea as to how to win your heart, but as to how the chips should fall so that he gets his happily ever after, he is clueless. 
So he decides to just go for the kill. Part of this is also to blame on the fact that his idea of romance comes from tragic romance books, where the love interest slips through the fingers of the protagonist due to lack of action. 
You wind up in his humble abode, and he has no idea what to do with you. Installing child safety everywhere seems like a good first step. If you don't watch out, you might wind up tied to a bed. All in all, how well you are treated depends on how well you take the sudden change in your living situation. Should you accept it with grace, then you'll be able to trick yourself into thinking it is a normal relationship, with one eye closed that is. Should you might back, tranquillisers and chains it is. 
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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He wants you to me feminine. Not girly, don't be mistaken, rather imbued with grace and kindness. Lavia wants somebody tender to spend his time with after enduring the stresses of the day. A bit like those old aristocratic ladies, with impeccable manners, a good sense of fashion and a stern demeanour. Though, please don't look down on him. 
That is partially where the desire for a more down to earth persona comes in. Somebody that doesn't hesitate to roll up their sleeves and get to work, no matter how long the hours and tough the task is. Somebody with whom he can build a home. A partner with a matronly side here is ideal, that isn't too stuck up to laugh and enjoy life, nor withers away when the going gets tough. 
It is then up to you to stick a balance here. Ravis is very much a dreamer, and can often get carried away with them. On top of that, he often tries to superimpose his dreams on reality and then becomes either upset or anxious when they don't match. Here, you'll have to be good with words, good at dragging him out of his slump while not encouraging his daydreaming tendencies to an unhealthy extent. Additionally, have good communication skills. He is so afraid of you leaving him, but doesn't see how the fault for that could rest on his shoulders, instead it would be all your doing. In the long-term, you'll have to learn how to communicate with him without setting him off. 
Also, rely on him. Let him feel smart and strong, worthy of your time. If you don't, then it isn't him that is wrong, but you. You are the evil being trying to undermine his self-esteem and make him doubt himself. How can you reject all his hard work, you ungrateful ignat? Here you would be dealing with a volatile young man. Be careful what you say to him or else you'll put yourself in danger. Be grateful for his affections and attention, even if it should come in the form of a severed head in a cardboard box on your doorstep. 
On top of that, you'll have to have a lot of metal resilience. Look, he isn't the sort that doesn't know how to comfort people, or bring somebody down from an anxiety attack, but he doesn't expect to have to carry you through life because you can't function in day-to-day life. And if you are catatonic? Then you'll find yourself without company, not even his. He wouldn't provide the most psychologically healthy environment to begin with, and it not something he'll ever fully, consciously acknowledge. In that way, you'll have to put up with his daily antics without tearing your hair out. 
Intelligence is also important to him. Mind you, you don't have to be a complete genius - that would just intimidate him and the leash he'd have on you would become even shorter. What he desires, is somebody that can understand him, especially when he starts rambling about his interests and hobbies. And understands not to fidget too much when the chains are brought out. 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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If you would become catatonic, then he would toss you aside without a second thought. Being a walking corpse, you just wouldn't be the person whom he became obsessed with. Since you wouldn't have any value to him as an empty doll, he would get rid of you fast. Murder wouldn't be an option, not for old times sake at least, so he would just drop you off at the side of the road and call it a day. He would be a bit worried about you, but would ultimately decide that he would do you no good by fretting over you. With you out of sight and having no more importance to him, he'll manage to move on.
The other way would be if you are much more powerful than him in your own right, or if you have somebody protecting you from him. Even if it is just Poland that is your partner, he would hesitate to make you his. So it might just as well be that he'll be restricted to pinning for you from afar. Over time, he could just as well fall for somebody else, or force himself to not think. With enough distraction and enough time, the memory of you will fade.
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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Oh, this can be scary. You see, this young man doesn't really know when to stop and often goes too far due to his skewed perception of reality. Don't worry though, he isn't for public humiliation, usually. What can he do if unsavoury rumours about you suddenly start circulating. Bad things happen, and sometimes people get bored and make stuff up to pass the time. It isn't his fault in any way. If it pushes you closer to him, then he won't complain. 
Other than that, he would want to illustrate to you how generous and gracious he is being with you. How about going a few days without heating. How about without food? No clothing? No water? No electricity? It would be like a science experiment to him where he can play around with the parameters to produce different outcomes. Ravis isn't above writing a report about it and then presenting his findings to you, also thanking you for your "willing participation". 
Another way he would punish you would be by granting your wish to stop interfering with your life. He’d let you run the show, cook and clean and read whatever, whenever you want. But he would be there the whole time, eyes tracing your every movement, listening to your every word. He would never interfere, just watch the whole time. With him having all the keys, you wouldn’t even have privacy while sitting on the toilet - he would just be standing there, watching you. This would also be one of those scenarios where he wouldn’t say anything for days. Ravis would do his best to not outwardly react to anything you say or do, and only end the whole affair when he deems you ready. This could be after a few hours, or after a month or two. 
There is also a game plan if you resort to violent action - breaking bones. If he shatters the bones in your fingers, then you'll be dependent on him for and during your recovery. Also, you won't be able to attack or escape. Actions have consequences, and this would be the consequence of you being mean and hurtful to him. Surely that will teach you a lesson. On top of that, your hands will never be the same again. Future attacks will have no chance of being smooth and lightning quick. 
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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This would be where he'd get very impulsive. You see, you are like an opiod that soothes and dulls the pain. Having you suddenly disappear into thin air would be a shock in more ways than one. Latvia would become frantic, running all around your shared living space, ripping open closets and peeking behind wardrobes, because surely you are just hiding from him, right? Right? 
There is a chance that he'll be the one to catch, not eating or sleeping until he has you back in his grasp. Should you meet him in this state, don't expect him to be reasonable or merciful - he'll be too frenzied for either of those. Best come along quietly and don't draw it out for longer than need be. That would just make him more irate and prone to injuring you and bystanders. 
It could just as well be that you aren't captured by him, but by agents or mercenaries employed by the Latvian government. They might not have a lot of power or influence, but they still need a functioning nation. The best way to ensure that is to drag you back to captivity.
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO?
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This would only work if you can convince him that you are acting in his best interests. Maybe he is a patient and you have to play nurse for him, taking his health in your hands and handling it expertly. Maybe you earn more than he does, and thus make the big purchases, like buying a house, a car and whatnot. Then he can be relatively at ease with the whole dynamic. Control ultimately rests with him though, and at the end of the day, you have to accept him in your life. 
When that isn't the case, that is when matters turn ugly. Due to nearly always being under foreign control means that Ravis has garnered a lot of negative experiences of what happens when he gives up control. He reacts allergic to situations and dynamics where he doesn't have any control and doesn't go in his favour. So you can expect manipulations, pot shots, and waking up in the night to find that he is smothering you with a pillow. All of this wouldn't be to kill you. No, it would just be to make you hand back the reins to him. 
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Ravis would know that he is a small country with little to his name. Little to offer, and even less means by which he can threaten. All in all if another country or a powerful person takes interest in you, there is little he can do about it. What he can do is gather allies or also use somebody else's interests to his own ends. There are border issues, economic disputes, intelligence problems and so much more that rise and subside in international relationships. He just has to make sure goals align and with a little grease on the wheels, he is good to go. 
Perhaps the near neighbour is in desperate need of a colour revolution. Or should it rather be a plain political crisis. With some well placed words and offers, he could end up pointing a benefactor at his enemy like a howitzer. Once the wolves are done tearing at each other's throats, he'll be sifting through the rubble to take his own spoils. If one of those spoils is you, then that is just his luck, isn't it?
In the case we are talking about a regular mortal, then matters are simpler - they go missing. If they end up as pig food or as "goods" on the black market really depends on his mood. 
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katcirce · 11 months
My thoughts on Rings of Power so far
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My boyfriend and I started watching rings of power (yes. we are late to the party), and I have a couple of thoughts on it. As of writing this we are on episode 7 (meaning just before the finale.)
*obvious spoiler warning*
Unfortunately I was spoiled by twt before even watching the show as to the whole Halbrand situation, so I have been watching the entire show knowing who he is, but god I wish he wasn't. Or even, I wish the show was its own thing, and not a half-way between a tolkien canon and whatever it is. This principle kind of extends thoughout my wishes for this show; I do really like it, but I also have some critiques I will outline.
Cinematography and beauty prioritised more than pacing and immersion
There is no doubt that this show is absolutely gorgeous. Every shot is an artform and a feast for the eyes, however, in some cases it seems the pacing suffers as a consequence. Take for instance the scene between The Stranger and the Brandyfoot girl, where she hands him an apple. I assume they had so many shots in order to give the impression of the grandness of it all, however it came across as someone not being able to choose between which shot to take, because they were all great, and subsequently ending up adding all of them. It just felt a little awkward. This is also the case with combat scenes where we felt the immersion was often lost in favour of an aesthetically pleasing shot.
2. Galadriel and staying true to canon
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The showrunners obviously took some liberties with the characters, and die-hard tolkien fans might feel more conflicted with the difference in presence of characters they already know and love from Tolkiens universe. My boyfriend hasn't read the books, and had no issues with the characters, because he didn't already have a strong pre-conceived notion of who the characters were. For me, adjusting to this new Galadriel was more challenging than say Elrond, simply because her energy is so different. That being said, I see the point in showing her in this young version, and as a character I adore her; but I can't help but still feel a little conflicted that the two characters are the same. Galadriel is one of the eldest, and is therefore supposed to be one of the wisest elves, but I find her nature to still be very young compared to the other elves. I love her characterisation, but where it kind of glips for me, is when compared with Elrond, who seems wiser.
3. Halbrand...
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This especially is where I wish this show was its own seperate universe, and he did not become the Sauron known from LOTR, embodiment of pure evil. Even in the series they mention sauron being controlled by Morgoth, and after his fall seeking to better the world. In my own personal little bubble, I wish this could be the story of someone having been a puppet and the hand of a greater evil; witnessing themselves comitting atrocities without being able to control it. After gaining free-will seeking to right the wrongs, while having to hide their identity, because they know, they cannot be forgiven. I know that is not the case, but I wish it was.
4. The harfoots :)))
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This is both mine and my boyfriends least favourite part of the series. We both found the harfoots quite annoying. The whole "We are harfoots. We stick together", just doesn't really catch on with us when they literally have a book of left-behinds. That, and they all blame The Stranger for a branch falling (why the did no adult stop the kid from stepping out under a clearly fragile branch!?). It seems insane to banish the Stranger after a branch fell when he also saved them from wolves, disproportionate through and through.
I've basically written an essay now, and I have so much more to say on Elrond, dwarves, the southlands, Isildur, Elendil, etc. However, I'll stop now and maybe add on after we watch the finale. :)
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Seeing as requests are strictly for cryo ladies I'd lioe to see any cryo ladies with an S/O who can't cope in high temperatures.
This is the best thing my 4 braincells could come up with.
Them with a reader that can't handle heat well
characters: Eula/Ganyu/Shenhe x gn!reader (seperate)
warnings: none
a/n: I already clarified this in a previous post, but requests aren't strictly for cryo ladies, you can still request the other women, I simply wanted to write for the cryo-ladies because I have been brainrotting over them during this *nice* heatwave that I'm currently living through.
I left out Ayaka and Rosaria because it's getting pretty late and I did want to finish it before going to sleep.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Even if Eula wasn’t someone that showed it, she wasn’t a huge fan of the heat either, there was a reason why she took baths in the icy waters of Dragonspine, after all. You had always voiced your thoughts about her habit of doing so, leading her to promise you, that you’d change your opinion about them once day, more than once. And seeing you whine about the heat like this made it seem like the perfect opportunity to do so.
Normally, you’d immediately reject any proposal to go anywhere near the cold waters of Dragonspine, your instinct for self-preservation taking over control before the rest of your brain even had the chance to hear Eula out, but considering the heavy toll the heat had already taken on you, making you unable to even rest in peace without feeling like your home had spontaneously transformed itself into a furnace, jumping headfirst into cold water didn’t sound like a bad idea.
“You know, Eula? I think having visited Dragonspine was enough to cool me down, I think I’m actually ready to go back home already”, you stated before letting out a nervous laugh, regretting having ever agreed to Eula’s proposal the moment the tip of your toe made contact with the ice-cold water, and while you shot her an obviously faked smile, the Lawrence didn’t return the favour one bit, instead giving you a glare.
“Didn’t your parents teach you that it’s extremely rude to go back on your words? In the days of old, breaking one’s promise to an aristocrat would carry serious consequences, and while we no longer live in those days, I wouldn’t expect me to simply leave such a transgression be, if I were you”, she responded before grabbing your arm without words notice and dragging you into the water with her, the somehow unexpected cold causing you to yelp.
“Now don’t act like that. It’s not that cold”, Eula responded to you both literally and figuratively freezing, and while her voice didn’t make it seem like that, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t worry about your reaction in the slightest.
At the end of the day you survived, leaving with not only a new appreciation for warmth, but also probably a cold.
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Whenever summer and its accompanying heat would return to Liyue, it seemed to you like your world was ending. And while you tried your best to put on a brave face in front of others, not wanting to worry Ganyu and any shape or form, the half-Adepti knew you too well at this point to miss your obvious struggle with the temperatures, seeing it as an opportunity to repay you for all the times you took care of her.
Ganyu would use her vision to cool down any room you two found yourself in, no matter if it was inside your home or her office, and while she enjoyed the warmth of the summer sun, the two of you both knew well enough that taking her usual lunch nap anywhere outside of the shade would probably result in you not waking up again.
“How are you dealing with the heat today?”, Ganyu asked you the moment you entered her office, already knowing the answer long before you even opened your mouth to respond but asking anyway, both out of politeness and because she had hoped you’d be honest about it for once.
Instead, you gave her the widest smile you could possibly muster in the heat, hoping she’d ignore the sweat all over your forehead. “I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. Did you remember to take a break every now and then?”, you answered before asking a question in return, only for her to nod her head, proving herself just as much of a liar as you.
“Could you take a look at this paper please and tell me if I filled out everything correctly?” You’d be lying if you said that her asking you for any kind of a favour surprised you, but you walked over to her nonetheless, only for Ganyu to summon her small cryo-orb shortly after, its cold immediately causing you to relax and revel in it. “I’m sorry if the sudden cold annoys you in any way, I just needed to cool down for a second”, she lied once again before shooting you a shy smile, causing you to return the favour with another wide smile, this one being genuine.
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Shenhe herself never had problems with the weather. Having been trained in the mountains under all kinds of extreme conditions by an Adepti made her resistant to almost everything the weather could throw at her. The same could hardly be said about you however, heat wasn’t your preferred weather, far from it. And while Shenhe tried her best to help you, there was only so much she could use her vision for without hurting anyone, she did use it as a weapon most of the time, after all.
Eventually, she got the idea to ask Chongyun for help, and since he seemed to have an almost inexhaustible number of popsicles, at least enough to help him survive the heat of the summer himself, he was happy to donate a few of them to a fellow sufferer-from-heat.
“Shenhe? Is that you?”, you asked the moment you heard the door to your home open, even thought it realistically could have been no one else. And while Shenhe’s footsteps rang through the halls, approaching you much quicker than you had expected them to, you still couldn’t find it in you to actually lift your head from the pillow and look at her, feeling to exhausted from the heat. That was, until you suddenly felt something cold press against your neck, immediately causing you to look at the popsicle in her hand, causing your eyes to widen in surprise before quickly taking it in your own hands.
“I happened to run into Chongyun today, so I asked him if he could spare a popsicle or two of his”, she stated before continuing to silently watch you enjoy every second of eating the popsicle. You finished in a speed that made her almost worried you might get a brain-freeze or however you called it when you explained to her why people tended to look like their heads were hurting after eating something cold.
“Your nephew?”, you asked, wanting to make sure that you didn’t mix any names up, only to let out an internal sigh of relief when she nodded her head in response. “He’s a lifesaver. Thank you so much, Shenhe. I swear I’ll pay you back for it someday”, you thanked her, probably not for the last time that day, before leaning back and enjoying the refreshed moment for as long as it lasted.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Ohh I just had a really angsty idea!
So what if Space still secretly blamed himself for the whole warp core thing- and also thought that Dark hated him but was just taking Space under his wing out of necessity?
Combine that with the “hallucination exposes a characters worst fear in front of a loved one” trope
In relation to that angst ask, specifically, a hallucination Dark is spitting out Spaces insecurities whilst the actual Dark watches
He gasps from the shock of the multiverse attack, bits of other realities still buzzing through, showing a different glove or different hair. He looks up at Dark, who's holding him after he feel over.
Dark is looking with a concerned frown.
Space sees a snarl.
"Look at you. You can't even handle the consequences of your own horrific acts without someone babying you."
"Wha?" Space blinks, eyes glassy and unfocused, as Dark gently carries him to the couch.
"I asked if you're seeing any doubles," Dark repeats gently.
Space hears "Is it any wonder that so many variants of you are so violent, deplorable, when they come from such origins as you? Murderers, monsters, creatures of hate..."
Space stifles a gasp of pain as another spasm rips through, HeeHoo and the murderer in burgundy and Doom all clashing against each other. Dark lays Space down and dabs his forehead with a damp cloth.
"You nearly destroyed everything. You nearly reveled in destroying it, so certain of yourself. You blamed the one person trying their hardest to save everything, and a mere year later you got them kidnapped. You were born to destroy. I'm disgusted that I aided in your creation."
Space weakly shakes his head. "I regret it," he gets out, slurred and raspy, other universes still clawing at his throat.
"Regret what?" Sometimes this happens, Space confessing things from his other lives, or thoughts of version from other universes. It's best to ride it out, they've found, and wait for Space to stabilize again.
He's always scattered, the first of version of himself, ripped apart and thrown into as many universes as The Wormhole could reach. Sometimes they're all seperate, like a worm cut in half and the two halves becoming their own individual beings. But sometimes they're all, impossibly, One, and there's little to do to fix it.
"Regret doesn't make it better," Space hears. "You killed billions. You snuffed out stars. You filled every reality with pain and suffering. Even if The Captain ended the loop, reset all of the universe, those tragedies still occurred. Still existed, once, even if they don't now."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright," Dark soothes.
"I don't care," Space hears him snarl. "You're a disgusting thing, and I'm stuck with you just to make sure it's not my fault by extension the next time you build the wrong thing and destroy everything that is and was. Coddling you after your pathetic body can't handle what you've done to it. Pretending you're anything other than a danger I'm trying to keep locked up. I should have left you with Actor, bur I have no doubt you'd become just like him if I had."
Space is crying, eyes shut and jaw clenched. Dark sighs and begins to leave.
"I'm sorry, Dark," he hears Space near whimper through gritted teeth.
Dark freezes. He turns around. "What?"
"I'm trying to do good here," Space gets out through stuttered breaths.
"I know. You're accomplishing it."
"I'm trying to fix things."
"... Fix things?"
Dark doesn't understand a lot of what Space says through the rest of the coming down from the attack. Eventually Space falls asleep and Dark is left to contemplate.
He begins praising Space a little more often, noting aloud when he's proud or appreciative. Space doesn't really remember the episode.
But some tight weight that had been sitting within him, one he'd ignored to the point of willful ignorance it existed at all begins to lighten.
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hangekitty · 4 years
Hiii, I wanted to ask if you could write a f!Hange x fem!reader one shot where the reader is outside the Walls for a mission. Usually hange would be with them being their Partner and everything but for some reason can't. So when they come back they stand in the front row and search for their girlfriend but can't see her and the group is so much smaller so they already know what happend and there is only one thought in their head something like...nonono this is not happening right now.... a few days later a small group stands before the Walls and explain that they got seperated from their group when Titans attacked but managed to hide, find their horses and ride back at night. The reader goes to Hange and finds them in their shared room. Broken and hopeless, ready to give up and when the reader starts talking they think they are going crazy but when she touches them they realize that the reader is real and alive and just throws themselves at her and very gentle smut and fluff happens.
Okay sorry for my english and this was way too long😅
But I hope you decide to write this and if you do thank you soo much❤❤
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Hange x f!Reader - Lost without you
Oh my I loved writing this. The thought of a grieving Hange is too much so I’m glad this is contains fluff and smut! Shoutout to @sweetfaun for grammar and editing checks! 🌸
Genre: fluff, smut, 18+
Warnings: subtle mention of suicide, fingering, tribbing
Word count: 3417
A/N: I listened to the “falling in love with Hange Zöe” playlist on Spotify by ObviouslyMoss whilst writing this if anyone is interested. I might keep music a running theme on my work. AFAB Hange - I may have accidentally made them a bit softer than usual but come on they are a big softie.
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The life of a soldier in the scout regiment is one of duty and dedication. At any moment you could be asked to give up your heart, your life, and your soul for humanity. It is strongly advised that upon becoming a scout you are to leave behind all personal feelings and relationships as there is a possibility you will lose everything in a blink of an eye. This is something that is easier said than done, as despite the consequences each soldier is still only human.
Regardless of any warnings, there was no stopping squad leader Hange Zoe falling for their fellow squad leader – you. Perhaps it was the way you laughed with them, or how you helped them with their elaborate experiments, or maybe that one time you convinced Hange to shower with you. Hange was smitten, and fortunately so were you. Only the Gods knew what Hange would do without you, and if they were ever to lose you…. It simply wasn’t worth thinking about. You were everything to them, their reason to be alive; so, if there ever was a day that you were no more it would feel as if Hange had lost their entire world.
The two of you had dated for little over a year. The way in which Hange had asked if their feelings for you were reciprocated was adorable. They had thought to surprise you by naming the four titans being held in captivity ‘Will, Yew, Bee and, Myne’. Moblit had assisted with the entire thing, having taken the time to write up each name on an individual plaque and arranging them accordingly. Hange had everything set up, ready and waiting for when you were leaving a meeting and had sent Moblit to escort you back to the research labs. Upon your arrival, Hange grabbed your hand and excitedly announced that they had successfully caught four titans for experimentation. As you looked upon them, noticing the quaint plaques that featured a tidy penmanship – you assumed it must belong to Moblit, as Hange’s scrawl was illegible at the best of times.
“Will…. Yew…. Bee…Myne?” You read aloud and before you even had the time to process the play on words, Hange let out an astounding “Yes, of course I will!” and wrapped themself around you. Admittedly, you were confused at first, but you soon caught on and admitted your feelings for real.
From that point, you were always together. Whether it was on expeditions or within the lab, it was a rarity to see you two together. Commander Erwin had granted you permission to share a room together. Fortunately, so, as the constant charades of having to sneak into each other’s rooms at night were beginning to get exhausting. Soon it had got to the point where sharing your space with Hange had become second nature, and that you were unable to sleep without them by your side.
It was the Summer of 849, and Erwin had organised an unexpected expedition. It hadn’t been that long since the last and you wondered why there was such a rush to go beyond the walls once again in such a short period of time. The unexpected nature of Erwin’s plans meant that Hange wasn’t able to attend this expedition on account of two titans that were being held in the research facilities. Hange had named them Charles and Domery – peculiar names, but that was to be assumed of Hange Usually you would be expected to assist Hange with their research, however on this occasion your presence on the field was required due to you being a Squad Leader.
“It’s just two days, sweetheart,” you cooed as the both of you rested in bed. You were sat up, lounging back within the abundance of pillows, whilst Hange’s head rested in your lap as you attempted to hush them asleep by stroking their hair. Despite your attempts, it was inevitable that Hange would spend a majority of the night lying awake due to the anxiety pooling in their stomach. You two were practically joined at the hip by now, and every time you had to separate Hange found themselves unable to sleep. They had wrapped their arms around your leg, hugging it tighter with every minute that passed. They were so scared of losing you, and so any moment they had left with you they wanted to stay conscious.
“But, y/n, I won’t be with you,” Hange whined, the irregular softness of their voice tugging at your heartstrings. This was always the worst part of the job – having to leave your loved ones behind, unsure whether or not you would ever see them again. However, it was important. You had to do this for the sake of humanity; it’s what both you and Hange had understood and had committed to upon signing up for the Survey Corp. Sometimes you wished you could just run away together and leave it all behind. You cup Hange’s face in your hands, delicately stroking their soft cheeks with the pads of your thumb.
“I know, my sweet, I know. I’ll be okay, I promise,”.
Despite their being an air of doubt in their mind, Hange believed that you would keep your promise of returning unharmed. Whenever Hange was unable to attend an expedition, they were sure to stand in the front row of bystanders that were awaiting the return of the scouts. Five squads had left just two days ago, but it seemed that only three had successfully returned today.
“Erwin… Levi… Miche… Gelgar,” Hange listed off as they could see their companions passing through the gates. Their eyes frantically darted through the hoard to see whether you had snuck in, to see whether they had simply missed your arrival. Panic began coursing through their veins, but it soon began to settle as a majority of your squad came into view. Evidently, the group was smaller than when you had initially left for the expedition; and the remaining members were beaten and brushed – with one unfortunate soldier missing both an arm and a leg.
“No no no nonononono, this isn’t right. Where is she?!” Was all Hange could think. Blind panic took over, and Hange found themselves moving towards one of your squad members and demanded to know where you were.
“Where is y/n? Where is she?” Hange practically screamed. The looks on everyone’s face was grim; this wasn’t looking good at all.
“We were separated. The last we saw of Squad Leader y/n they were fighting off an abnormal. We waited for them at our usual checkpoint, but no one came”. One dishevelled soldier finally answered. At this point, Hange decided to just leave immediately – not even bothering to welcome their friends back. They crawled into your shared bed, curling in on themselves and taking hold of the sheets. Tears fell down their face as they attempted to conceal a painful, horrifying wail.
“This can’t be happening” they whimpered “You promised,”.
A couple of days later, Hange was still in the bedroom. The numbness they felt only allowed them to drink something that Levi bought in every few hours. He never said anything during these visits, only sitting on the bed with Hange for a while and then silently taking his leave.
Despite the agonising feeling in their heart, Hange still found it funny how they’d gone from being unable to sleep without your presence to continuously sleeping throughout the days. Perhaps it was as close as they could get to being with you, as you had seemingly passed into the next realm. Or perhaps it was just a sad coping mechanism as being awake felt far too painful. They were on the edge of just giving up and considering finding a new life away from the scout regiment. Admittedly Hange had felt disappointed in themselves, having allowed themselves to develop feeling and leaving them vulnerable to heartache. Through the darkest moments, they considering just ending it all in order to be reunited with you.
What Hange hadn’t realised is that you and the rest of the squad had returned days after everyone else. Albeit you were all looking a little worse for wear, but overall, you were okay. Upon hearing of your arrival Moblit had immediately sought after you. He clutched your hands into his own. A worried expression was painted across his face.
“y/n, you’re okay! What happened?”
“We were intercepted by titans and my squad had to split. We had no choice but to hide and wait until it was safe for us to come back. We all had to find and gather our horse – it wasn’t an easy feat. Then we had to ride back home during the night. I’m sorry we worried you”. You let out an exasperated sigh. Being a squad leader was difficult, made even more so by being left out in the field with no food or water.
Upon receiving news of your arrival home, Levi and Erwin had come to the courtyard with a few others, all armed with bread and water hoping to nourish both you and your squad.
“y/n, you’re alright” Levi began. Despite his apathetic face, he was pleased to see you. Before allowing you to gulp down your water he placed a firm grasp on your shoulder and looked at you directly. “Please let Four Eyes know you’re okay. They’re not doing too good, and it’s been quiet without them.”
You choke on your water upon hearing this. Oh Gods, how you have fretted about Hange and how sick with worry and anxiety they’d be. Honestly, you’d half expected them to rush out and greet you. However, you already knew that Hange had probably assumed the worst and went straight into mourning. Feeling a burning sensation in your throat as tears began to prick your eyes, you excused yourself from your captain – determined to not cry in front of him. Despite the deep exhaustion you were feeling, pure determination allowed you to rush back to your living quarters and towards your own bedroom.
Once you reach the entrance to your room, you have half a mind to slam open the door and leap straight onto the bed where you assumed Hange was currently laying. You imagined planting them with a million kisses, but you knew you had to take a gentler approach than that. When Hange was feeling fragile, all they needed was a soft touch.
You opened the door a little, only to be met with a groan.
“No thank you Captain, please leave me alone,” Hange muttered, curling in on themselves even more. Oh, how hollow their voice sounded, full of sorrow and guilt.
“Hange?” You gently called out. Immediately their head turned towards you. Was it really you? “I’m here, darling.”
Hange shot up immediately, staring at your face and drinking in your presence. You were smiling, ready to give them a hug, but Hange’s face wasn’t that of love but instead one of panic and confusion.
“No no, you aren’t real. I know you’re not there; you’re gone! My brain must be having a breakdown I- “
You interrupt their murmurings and reach forward to take hold of Hange’s hand, placing in onto your chest directly over your heartbeat. Their eyes dart between your face and their own hand. You could feel them trembling under your touch until realisation had set in.
“y/n, it’s really you!”. Their eyes began welling with tears, causing you to begin crying all over again. This time, however, it was with a smile. Hange lunged forward and held you tight to their body.
“WAAAAHHH!” They yelled out before tackling you to the bed, crying and wailing the whole time. “Y/N YOU’RE OKAY! YOU’RE OKAY!” they repeated, not realising you were practically suffocating under their intense grip on you. There they were arms around your chest and stomach whilst rubbing their face into your neck and squirming with pure joy.
“Hange!” you giggled “Hange, I can’t breathe!”. A little alarmed, Hange let go a little and positioned you in front of them. They cupped your face with both hands, smiling at you before kissing you intently. You would have thought it would be as rough as passionate as the hugs had been, but instead this kiss was gentle and meaningful. Hange pulled away and their eyes began studying your face.
“How…What happened?” They asked, their voice gentle and soft.
“Some abnormal titans had us cornered. We had to hide and then find our horses again. We couldn’t ride home until nightfall the following day, but I’m back now. I’m safe”
That was all the words Hange had needed to hear before pulling you into another gentle kiss. Whilst you were lost in such contentment, Hange reached down to touch your thigh; earning themself an excited yelp just because they took their chance and pushed further to stick their tongue into your mouth. This gentle, romantic kiss gradually became one that was more desperate, steamier. Their hands wandered down your body, touching every inch possible as if they still weren’t completely convinced you were real.
Hange pulled away, looking up and down your body with a mischievous look in their eye. Although you were tired, you felt an immense desire to just be taken there and then – to connect your bodies and become one. And how could you resist with the face Hange was giving you in that moment? They moved down your body, planting kisses and gentle nips whilst removing any fabric that they met along the way.
“It must have been tough out there,” Hange began as they removed their shirt – their binder soon following. “I missed you greatly,”
“I…I missed you too Ha-“ Your train of thought was interrupted as Hange began nibbling at your thighs. You could feel blood rushing to your cheeks as their dark brown eyes met yours.
“That’s what I like to hear. Now lay back and let me reward you for being a brave little soldier,” Hange purred before diving headfirst in between your thighs, laying further kisses and kitten licks at your soft, sensitive flesh. If Hange was to have glanced up to your face, they would have seen the stars in your eyes - your face to full of love and admiration. And it was all for them.
Noticing as Hange was getting close to your wet pussy, you shook yourself out of your trance. Panic shot through you, and you held a rather surprised Hange’s face in your palms.
“I…I don’t think I want that. I have only just got back and I…” You could barely finish your sentence. You were embarrassed. Several days of fighting titans without any opportunity to efficiently clean yourself had left you feeling self-conscious. Hange cocked their head to the side. You could see the cogs turning in their head as they worked out what exactly the issue was.
“Oh! Don’t worry, you’re absolutely fine. But if you don’t want that…” Hange lifted themselves above you, cupping you through your underwear. “Would something like this make you more comfortable?”. They smirked as you let out a squeak before nodding eagerly.
Hange leaned in, laying hungry kisses against you as they played with your clothed clit. The whines you let out against their mouth only made them increase the pressure through the fabric of your underwear, and you could feel their smirks as they did so. As Hange’s mouth travelled further south to latch onto a pert nipple they took the opportunity to slip a couple of things through the elastic of your underwear, stroking along your folds and now aching nub. You attempted to cross your legs at the sensation as you were already beginning to feel worked up and sensitive. Amused by your squirms, Hange let out a small giggle and moved their free hand towards your other nipple. You could already feel a build-up, a hot and heavy sensation as your lower abandon appeared to coil and tighten. They then slipped two digits inside of you, ensuring their thumb remained circling on your clit as they arched their fingers inside of you. Your soft moans became deep and shaky, you were sure you were getting close to your release.
“Hange~” you purred. Your words were golden to your lover, and you could feel them relentlessly pick up the pace until you reached out to pull their hand away from you.
“y/n?” Hange asked breathlessly against your chest.
“I want to try something together,” you cooed. Hange looked at you, their face both full of lust and curiosity. You began to reposition yourself, so you were now over Hange. Giving a cheeky grin, you pulled down their trousers and underwear. You then quickly whipped off your own underwear, leaving the both of you completely naked with no barriers between your skin. Manoeuvring Hange onto their back, guiding them to rest upon the abundance of soft cushions at the top of the bed, you nudged their knees apart to reveal their glistening sex. Hange was already wet and raring to go ahead with whatever you had planned. After a few strokes of your fingers against their folds, you positioned yourself between their thighs so that your own pussy was aligned with theirs. You reached your lips forward to suck and lick Hange’s tanned nipples before pressing yourself against them, rocking your hips back and forth; your clits throbbing as your slick rubbed against each other.
Whilst still sucking at Hange’s breast you reached under them and pressed their back up, increasing the pleasure below. It was a strange position, something you two hadn’t tried before, but neither of you were complaining. Undeniably, this level of intimacy was appreciated considering recent events. You couldn’t help but moan out, and you shot a look up towards Hange’s face which was contorted in pleasure as they let our their own breathy moans. To add to the intensity, you slipped one hand between the two of you, stroking your fingers against either of your clits. You turned your focus onto Hange, although both of you were feeling incredibly sensitive.
“I love you; I love you,” you moaned. You could feel the knot within your tummy releasing, and you clamped your eyes tight shut and moved to mark Hange’s neck with dark bruises. With a few more thrusts of your hips Hange soon released against your own fingers, letting out a shrill wail as they did so. You held Hange in a tight embrace, arms wrapped desperately against each other as if you never wanted to let go and basked within each other’s post-orgasm glow.
After your breaths levelled out and you calmed down, you flopped to Hange’s side on the bed. You scooted over, bringing their back against your chest as you spooned them. Continuing to wrap them tight in your embrace, you left quick desperate kisses against their throat whilst letting out soft words of affirmation against their skin.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Hange sighed, squeezing your hands as they rested against their chest. You left a gentle kiss against the back of their head and nuzzled into the crook of their neck.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, I never want to put you in that position again,” You said, beginning to stroke at Hange’s hair. You wiggled further up the bed and laid Hange’s head onto your lap once again. As you looked down at them you felt nothing but pure adoration. However, as Hange looked up at you you could see the beginnings of tears in those big brown eyes. They gave your hand a soft squeeze.
“Please tell me you’re going to stay for the next experiment. If you don’t I’ll just have to fight Erwin to keep you for myself,” they exclaimed, all traces of previous sadness now gone from their face as they punched their arms into the air.
“I promise I’ll stay. Anything for you, my titan crazed maniac,”. You planted a soft kiss against their forehead and relaxed back into the pillows. “We really should shower though”.
“Do we have to?” Hange groaned against your lap, barely audible against your legs. Even now you were convinced Hange was hydrophobic, but you knew exactly how to lure them into a warm clean shower.
“I mean, we could shower together?” you said, your voice sounding tempting. This clearly piqued Hange’s interest as they looked up with a cheeky grin.
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jabondemanos · 3 years
Tu nombre, Toda la vida (spanish Bruabba playlist)
Songs that remind me of them, all in spanish, old and new music; indie, salsa, rock; from Mexico to Chile and even Spain, it's all here folks!
Think of this playlist as a timeline.
Overview: (part 5 spoilers)
1-7 are about about them seperately, 1, 3, 5, 7 are Bruno's; 2,4,6 Leone's
8 is about the team, when Abbacchio joins
9 is an interlude.
10 - 16 pining basically.
17 - 20 them owning their feelings and getting together.
21 - 25 Are love songs, them being together :-)
26 - 28 are about their deaths, and love in the after life
if you want to read how i justify my song choices in more detail lol:
Singling out some songs I want to explain further
(for my own sanity)
Some of these might just be my interpretention of the song, or just how it fits to the whole thing.
1 -Romance de Mi Destino- Is about leaving an old life behind and not having stability, it talks with metaphors with ships and naval things, so it fits as Bruno left his life as a fisherman w his dad to join the mafia.
2 -Que alguien me diga- Talks about someone who can't let go of someone they no longer have in their life, basically when Abbacchio see his partner die.
3 -Pistola de Balín- about experiencing and partaking in violence at young age and not being able to run away from it. Bruno and Passione.
4 -No soy nada- Feeling like they did wrong to someone loved and not being able to face them and apologize. This song is more self-deprecating, and Abba is in this spiral.
5 -Insistencia- Basically someone young going through an existencial crisis, wondering if they'll die alone. So I think Bruno didn't get to have friends or enjoy his childhood, and this song does talk about nostalgia and death-
6 -Chuchaqui- About a drunk person who is having a bad hungover and believe they will die. Abbacchio is an alcoholic, and this song also mentions the drunk person (Abba) praying and then cursing god for letting all bad things happen, which I think he probably did
7 -La Mafia- A person who explain they are a criminal and part of the mafia. I kinda read this as Bruno explaining Abbacchio his job.
8 -El baile de los que sobran- About the injustice faced by low and middle class people, kinda about class unity (it's a protest song) I think it fits the Bucci gang, and by this point Abba is with them.
10 -11 - 14 -Loco, Ventana, Señales- Are about being in love but not being able to express it.
12 -Maquillaje- Is about someone who doesnt want to be seen without their makeup, because they don't think they are pretty enough. To me this is Abbacchio.
13 -Enamorado tuyo- Someone who is denying being in love but doing a very bad job at it, which is both of them tbh.
15 -¿Qué se siente que me gustes tanto amor?- Is about being so in love you are basically at their mercy, a very Abbacchio song if you ask me
16 -Quiero- ok so I think this is the point where they start facing their feelings sort of, the song is sort of someone being in love but dacing around it. I feel like it's drunken ramblings
17- 20
17 -Ficción- About a romantic encounter bettween two people and their fantasy becoming real. At this point something happen bettween them
18 -Diez pasos hacia ti- They are sort of starting something, but they still scared about the consequences, and the song is basically about the begining of a relationship and getting to know each other and fall in love but being cautious about it
19-20 -Yo no sé mañana, Somos algo- both are about getting together because one can't be sure what the future holds so better be together now. And yknow Bruabba basically, and by this point they start a relationship officially :-)
21 - 25
21- 22- 23 -Solo tú, Piel Canela, Procura- These three are about finding that someone who makes them happy, and how they can only think about them. The second one it about someone with brown skin and black eyes, and while none of them have black eyes, I headcanon Bruno with brown skin, so I feel like this one is about Abba to Bruno
24 -Bésame mucho- Is about asking for a kiss like it's the last chance they'll ever get. Pretty self-explanatory
25 -Hay cosas- A song about intimacy and things that will only stay between two lovers. Bruabba have that sort of relationship, only being vulnarable around each other
26 -Te esperaré- Someone waits for a person they love but isn't there anymore, that will stay on their memory, from this song comes the name of the playlist. The song doesn't really says if the other person is dead, but I think about this as when Abbacchio died.
27 -Nuestro Juramento- a promise between to people, to love each other until the day they die, and even after death. Welp, this song always makes me emotional. It's their song guys, literally them.
28 -Si nos dejan- If they are allowed, they would love each other forever, they still got a chance of happiness, in heaven. So Bruabba reunites after death and get to spend eternity together, they reincarnate or maybe on the reset they get a second chance to meet again :-)
💃💃💃 let me know if you read this whole thing I hope you like it and yeah I know its maybe too much overthinking for just some dumb playlist but I I truly enjoy this process
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bumblerhizal · 2 years
hello!! for your OCs 👀👀 Novhen, Pavle and Helga: 👊 [fighting] 🍼 [taking care of children] 🍀 [luck] ⌛️ [time management]
hello yourself!!! thanks for the ask!
👊 Fighting
Obviously, they're all at least a little capable in a fight, but none are warriors. In a fair one-on-one fight, no magic, they are all significantly less likely to win
Novhen is more trained on crowd control and stealth, so while he can and does hold his own in a fight, he's not the one dealing most of the damage and certainly not the one absorbing it. It's a bit odd for a hero of the land type, but he is thoroughly a support build
Helga has won her fair share of bar fights. She is similarly capable in a fight but relies on tricks of her own to take the heat off of her. As I'm waiting to finish my Novhen replay and current da2 playthrough before starting her, idk exactly how she fights, but she's for sure a rogue and sticks to the fringes of the battle
Pavle, in a standard fight, is probably the most immediately dangerous of the three. Blood magic will do that to a guy. But without his magic, he is by far the weakest. He becomes just a guy. At least Novhen and Helga have muscles
🍼 Taking Care of Children
Novhen loves kids, and they love him. He's very family-oriented and has spent a lot of time minding the younger children of the alienage, and it really shines through whenever he's left with a little one. There's probably been at least one case of a visiting child at Vigil's Keep being seperated from their entourage that he would've successfully calmed and reunited. The kid probably even learned a new folk tale out of the experience
Tying in to the next segment, naturally, he's absolutely devastated when first being a Warden leaves him unable to build his family in Denerim then later when Morrigan does not let him take part in the raising of the only child he will ever have
Taking care of children was definitely a skill Helga had to work to develop, but she ended up pretty good at it after the scariest possible trial and error experiment. She's at least better at it than her piece of shit baby daddy, and the Carta makes for interesting childrearing shenanigans
I don't think Pavle has ever interacted with a child under 5. Even then, he prefers to leave them to someone else to watch. He's absolutely terrible with children and worse with babies. They're gross and loud and unable to take care of themselves. Don't make him babysit ever
🍀 Luck
I've already answered this question for Helga [here] plus my fake deep pontification on Luck being an option on this list at all
In terms of luck as a matter of preparation, Novhen's incredibly lucky. In terms of luck as a narrative tool, this guy gets a hard lot. The first three hours of the game is just L after L
Afyer that, the rest of the game mostly goes with him turning luck in his favor with general success. Most of the "unlucky" things that happen to him (mostly losing Alistair for Loghain) he acknowledges as appropriate consequences for his actions
Lady Luck comes back around to kick him hard for his two big finales though. He takes a heavy beating at the Battle of Denerim which permanently disables him. Then, even when he finds Morrigan, when he asks to accompany her and their child or (preferably) for her to stay with him, she declines him
Also, just being a Grey Warden in and if itself could widely be considered greatly unlucky
Pavle is surprisingly good at evading the consequences for his actions, so he gets off relatively lucky for a mage and an Amell. A Warden's life may be short, but it's still a better life than what he was offered in the Circle. Hell, in my canon, he's not even a Warden; he's a companion! The best life would've been if he could've inherited the Amell fortune, but you can't win them all
⌛️ Time Management
As long as you don't look too closely at his sleep schedule, Novhen has pretty good time management. He gets his work done as quickly as possible and waits to ship it off so that it arrives just when it needs to. If he gets in the habit of sending reports the moment he finishes, people might start to expect early, and we can't have that
Pavle is the type of guy to tell people an overestimate of how long he'll be and still goes over
Like Pavle, Helga overestimates the time she'll need, but unlike him, she doesn't need to. She doesn't like to leave room for error and is frighteningly efficient with her time
[Skillset Asks]
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