#the trope is there��s so many bed but they chose to sleep together for comfort
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selkiewife · 4 years ago
Another perspective of the Sansa and Sweetrobin Dynamic
cw: contains mentions of rape, abuse, and sexual assault
@rhaenyra-snow I said I would tag you when I got my thoughts together. I am responding to your meta but also some of the comments and discourse I saw surrounding it. So if I get something wrong, let me know. But like I said, a large part of this is a response to the general discourse about Sansa and Sweetrobin. Obviously, you don’t have to read this, if it doesn’t interest you. It did get kind of long lol. And it’s primarily a Sansa meta. But I wanted to tag you, since you wrote the meta I am referring to. I am honestly not here to stir up any more drama, just offer another perspective of Sansa’s arc in regards to motherhood and her relationship with Sweetrobin.
First off, I completely unequivocally agree that Arya, Daenerys, and Brienne exhibit excellent maternal skills and I loved the parts of the meta that described those scenes. They were so lovely and I agree that it is a deconstruction of the typical “gnc character who isn’t maternal” trope. And I am totally here for that! For Arya specifically, as she is so compassionate and sweet and mature in the books!
And while I do think that it would be perfectly fine- and even very interesting for Sansa not to be maternal, I think it is too soon to tell that because of her age, the abusive situation she is in, and because I actually think that GRRM is doing something different in Sansa’s arc with motherhood than he is doing with Arya, Daenerys, and Brienne’s arcs. 
I think that Sansa’s situation with Sweetrobin is arguably more fucked up than the situations with Arya, Daenerys, and Pod- not their entire arcs (those are incredibly fucked up, poor children!)- just the specific “tasked with caring for a child” situation. Because even though Arya, Daenerys, and Brienne have been sexually assaulted or threatened with sexual assault, Sansa is still currently being sexually assaulted by Baelish while trying to care for her cousin, who she was almost betrothed to, who was breastfed until eight years old by Sansa’s Aunt, who Baelish murdered because she was trying to throw Sansa through the moon door... there are just a lot of fucked up levels to deal with here. There is a lot to unpack.
That being said, I am not blaming Sweetrobin at all for that. I agree that he is also dealing with PTSD. However, in real life, I would never expect a thirteen year old who is currently being sexually assaulted and groomed to be able to competently care for another child who is also dealing with PTSD, grief, etc. And I wouldn’t expect Arya, Daenerys, or Brienne to deal with it well either. If they do, that’s wonderful, but again, I wouldn’t expect it.    
The way I read it, the reason she doesn’t want Sweetrobin in her bed is because he nuzzles her breasts, trying to breastfeed- which is not his fault of course, he is seeking comfort after the death of his mother- but Sansa has a specific trigger because that is where she was groped on her forced wedding night. In the discourse, some fans were saying that Arya would let Sweetrobin sleep with her without any problems. That might be true. But whether or not Arya would allow Sweetrobin to nuzzle her in the same way isn’t really a fair measure of maternal capability because, though she is also an abuse survivor, she may have different triggers than Sansa. Recovery is different for everyone and I would never expect one abuse victim to be okay with a situation just because another abuse victim is.
That being said, I saw in a lot of the comments that people thought Sansa defenders were trying to sexualize breastfeeding. I don’t think that is true. They were saying that Sansa is being triggered. Sexual assault victims can be triggered by things that were not intended to be sexual assault. That’s what sucks about PTSD- it doesn’t care about intent. In fact, even though statistically many mothers who are survivors of molestation and sexual abuse do want to breastfeed in larger numbers than those who don’t- it still can be incredibly difficult and there are support groups and lactation therapy interventions set up specifically to offer support with this issue. That being said, she still allowed him in her room for many nights until she couldn’t take it anymore. And that is because she is compassionate to his situation. 
But even if she did not have that specific trigger, everyone has the right not to be touched if they don’t want to be- even if it is to make another person feel better. I know most people agreed with that. However, even though most fans agree with that, a lot of people were critical of the way Sansa handled getting away from her trigger- saying the way she handled the situation is proof that she is not maternal. 
I also saw people saying that Sansa was being deliberately cruel to Sweetrobin when she had his door locked. I am not going to try to defend that choice. I don’t think it was the right thing to do objectively. However, I can totally empathize with the fact that she is completely out of her depth here and does not know how to handle the situation. And like most people her age, I do not think she thought it through completely. And even then, she does let him back in her room after this incident and he sleeps with her multiple times afterwards:
He cuddled close and laid his head between her breasts. "Alayne? Are you my mother now?""I suppose I am," she said. If a lie was kindly meant, there was no harm in it.
Would Arya have made the same mistake? I agree that she would probably have been more direct. But like I said, I do think that Sweetrobin is a more difficult situation that Weasel, Missandei, or Pod. I can’t imagine any of those three children wanting to be breastfed by Arya, Daenerys, or Brienne. I also don’t remember anything described about them having horrible temper tantrums where they throw porridge bowls at people or threaten to execute people by throwing them down the moon door. I’m not saying that it is Sweetrobin’s fault- it is a result of how he was raised and how frightened and grief stricken he is- But that does make it a bit more difficult for Sansa to do the perfect motherly thing all the time in this situation. It would be hard for an adult woman to be perfect as well. Even though it is more difficult to care for Sweetrobin (through no fault of his own) Sansa is the only person that is able to do it- and people call on her to do so all the time when they can’t manage him- which I think does show that she is maternal:
"If m'lady can talk him out of bed nice," the knight said, "I won't have to drag him out." We can't have that, she told herself. 
"Be careful," Alayne told her. "He can hurt you, flailing. You wouldn't think so, but he can." They found a place for him, a cleft in the rock to keep him out of the cold wind. Alayne tended him until the shaking passed, whilst Mya went back to help the others cross.
This shows that she has compassion and understands that it is not his fault he has seizures. It shows that she is willing to stay and tend to him when others back off. She is also able to get him down the mountain when he is understandably terrified. 
He is afraid, she thought, and with good reason. Since his lady mother had fallen, the boy would not even stand upon a balcony, and the way from the Eyrie to the Gates of the Moon was perilous enough to daunt anyone.
"Mya will keep the mules from biting," Alayne said, "and I'll be riding just behind you. I'm only a girl, not as brave or strong as you. If I can do it, I know you can, Sweetrobin."
Alayne took Robert’s gloved hand in her own to stop his shaking.
“Sweetrobin,” she said, “I’m scared. Hold my hand, and help me get across. I know you’re not afraid.”
He looked at her, his pupils small dark pinpricks in eyes as big and white as eggs. “I’m not?”
“Not you. You’re my winged knight, Ser Sweetrobin.”
“The Winged Knight could fly,” Robert whispered. 
“Higher than the mountains.” She gave his hand a squeeze.
She makes him feel safe and she makes him feel capable. This in and of itself is an example of good mothering skills.
I said before that I think GRRM is doing something different with the maternal motifs in Arya, Daenerys, and Brienne versus Sansa. I think that in Arya, Daenerys and Brienne’s chapters the motherhood themes are there to reveal their characters- to show the readers how compassionate they are and establish them as protectors- on this we completely agree. 
I think where we disagree is that I don’t think that the motherhood theme in Sansa’s chapters are there to deconstruct her mothering skills as an individual but more to deconstruct mothering itself. Sansa is a learning character- her arc has a lot to do with unlearning the patriarchal lies she has been raised with while also learning how to survive within those constraints. She fantasized about knights and princes. So she learns the hard way that knights are not always virtuous, that handsome princes can be horrifically cruel, etc. She also fantasized about motherhood. And now she is learning that motherhood is harder than she thought. Yes mothering instinct is one thing- and Sansa’s instinct is to be compassionate to Sweetrobin. But what happens when the child is dealing with grief or has special needs, or you have no real help or you are dealing with traumatic stress yourself? Motherhood is hard as hell even for adult women who chose it, not to mention how hard it must be for girls who are Arya and Sansa’s ages. In spite of that, I do think that Sansa is rising to the occasion- not as immediately as Arya, Daenerys, or Brienne perhaps. But steadily- and I think that fits her arc since her motherhood themes are character development ones instead of character illuminating ones.
Because of this, it kind of reminds me of when people wrongly call Daenerys a bad ruler based on her ruling of Mereen. That pisses me off so much! Because Daenerys is given the most difficult ruling arc in the series. I agree wholeheartedly with the metas I have read that she is the answer to GRRM’s original question about the knitty grittiness of ruling instead of “and he ruled wisely and well.” She is an excellent ruler but her chapters are showing that ruling is fucking hard, even when you are excellent. Just as Daenerys is the answer to “he ruled wisely and well,” I think Sansa and Sweetrobin is the answer to, “she took the child under her wing and was a perfect mother to him.” Given the incredibly difficult circumstances, she is learning to be a truly excellent caretaker of him.
And look, I am not saying that Sansa is perfect! I’m not saying she is not mean spirited or petty at times. I’m also not saying that locking Sweetrobin in his room was the correct way to deal with the situation. I’m not saying any of those things. But what is compelling to me (and what I personally love about Sansa) is that she has done mean spirited things, but also extremely kind things. She is capable of sass and meanness and also true compassion. I’m genuinely not trying to erase her flaws. I know some fans do that. But fans do that with literally all the characters. I personally love her, flaws and all. I mean, I am a Theon fan first and foremost so... it doesn’t bother me when I read about her frustrations with Sweetrobin. I think it’s a realistic reaction and understandable.
And we do see that she is frustrated as hell with Sweetrobin at times, but she never lets it show- she is always sweet and soothing to him after Lysa dies. Real mothers also get extremely frustrated with their children sometimes and they strive to keep the same kind of patience that Sansa does. 
Perhaps we should view her locking him in his room as a thirteen year old abuse victim’s way of dealing with the fact that she didn’t trust herself to be sweet while voicing her frustrations with him. It was the wrong move, but she’s thirteen. Perhaps one of the actual adults in the situation could have stepped in at that point. But they don’t. And in spite of that incident, she does let him sleep with her again. She puts her own feelings aside for his. Which means that she lets him nuzzle her, even though it triggers her. It also means she gets up at night after he has a seizure to change the bed and to clean him up. This shows me that she is striving to overcome her own feelings in order to help this defenseless child. She even says here:
Why not surround him with Winged Knights? She had thought one night, after Sweetrobin had finally drifted off to sleep. His own Kingsguard, to keep him safe and make him brave.
This shows that she is continuing to let him sleep with her and also thinking about ways to protect him and give him a sense of security after he has fallen asleep. Which is incredibly maternal. Sansa is truly rising to the occasion of being motherly to Sweetrobin in spite of her triggers and her own current traumatic stress. But what is so heartbreaking is- she shouldn’t have to! And neither should Arya. They are both abused children that desperately need their own mother. So when they make mistakes with child care, I think we can view those mistakes with compassion. 
Now, I know that all I just wrote might sound ridiculous if you believe that Sansa is knowingly poisoning Sweetrobin. I personally do not take that view. I think it is just as unfounded as people who think that Daenerys will burn Kings Landing. 
I actually think that Sansa is going to eventually break out from Baelish’s manipulation and abuse and save Sweetrobin or at least try to. I think that Little Finger constantly making her an accomplice is similar to Theon with Ramsay and how he eventually saves Jeyne- but that is another meta for another time (which I do intend to write lol) and this has gotten way too long already.
Now, I could be totally wrong about all of this. As I said, this is just my interpretation- but who knows when it comes to GRRM? My faith in him has been significantly shaken based on the end of the TV series and the way he writes the sexual scenes in the books... Perhaps he is trying to say that Sansa is not maternal because she reacts the way she does to being triggered as a thirteen year old, while living in the same household as one of her abusers. But if that is the case, it is deeply misogynistic of him. 
It’s also odd that we even have to have this discussion about children caring for other children as if they were adults. Is it really fair to judge any of these characters about their maternal instincts or how they rise to the occasion of being motherly when they are all children themselves and put in such horrible situations that would be daunting for adult women? This seems to be largely on GRRM’s writing. Also the fact that we never debate how “fatherly” Jon, Robb, Theon, or Bran are, which again, possibly has to do with the writing itself. So perhaps instead of fighting each other over whose interpretation is more misogynistic, we should take a hard look at how misogynistic the writing is in and of itself. Hopefully GRRM can tie this up so that it is not as misogynistic as I fear it might be. (I truly hope so.) But that is a larger conversation to be had. 
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years ago
Everlark Fic Exchange: Masterlist
Springtime Edition (2019).
It's Your Birthday 2 by @sunsetsrmydreams
Prompt 3: When students are forced to squeeze together and share seats because of water damage in classroom, Peeta and Katniss spend hours pressed against each other, like in cave, whispering, sharing... [submitted by @567inpanem​] 
Love the Sunrise by @hutchhitched
Prompt 7: Peeta opens his bakery back up after the war. There are, as expected, lots of female customers who would like to get a little to close to Peeta for Katniss's comfort. Sensing her jealousy, Peeta sets out to prove she has nothing to worry about (can be rated M, if you please!). [submitted by @albinokittens300]  
You Belong with Me by @iliveilaughiloveiread
Prompt 10: Based on "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift music video: Katniss is Lucas Till's character, she has a relationship with Gale, but she doesn't really like being with him. Peeta is pining for her, like Taylor Swift's character, observing them and think he and K belong together. [submitted by anonymous]
Deliverance by @shesasurvivor
Prompt 16: The baker hires Katniss to make his deliveries as she walks her trade route. She gets eye opening glimpses of town life and especially of the Mellark family relationships as her job responsibilities grow and she spends more time in the bakery. [submitted by @567inpanem​] 
Singing Duets by @historywriter2007
Prompt 18: we’ve never met but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall so sometimes we’re showering at the same time and we sing duets AU? [submitted by Anonymous via @katnissdoesnotfollowback] 
You are my Sunshine by @wingletblackbird
Prompt 20: Gale returns and he and Katniss patch things up. Peeta seems to feel he's lost her to Gale even after they healed together. Katniss won't stands for this, and explains that no matter what, they would have happened anyways. "I'd chose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a a hundred worlds, in any version of reality. I'd find you and chose you." [submitted by @albinokittens300] 
Extended Office Hours by @hutchhitched
Prompt 22: Student/Professor. Katniss is stressing out about an assignment and decides to go and talk to Professor Mellark about it, as he’s always been understanding and patient in class. However things turn awkward when Katniss stumbles upon him in his office after hours watching porn on his laptop. Is it deliberate, maybe he needed to relieve some stress or did his brother/friend send him a link to something that he shouldn’t have opened?? It’s up to you writer :) [submitted by @peetaspikelets] 
What can you Do? by @wingletblackbird
Prompt 23: I would love to read an In-Panem AU fic/this would have happened anyway story where we see the beginnings of an Everlark relationship and how it slowly turns into puppy love [submitted by anonymous] 
Four Steps to Being Single by @wingletblackbird
Prompt 24: Canon Divergence. Through the years Katniss can’t stop paying attention to Peeta and she’s actually aware of it. When they settle as victors in district 12 or when the time for the victory tour comes (whichever you prefer) she can’t keep herself away from him and the line between friendship and something more becomes blurry until it disappears. [submitted by anonymous] 
Maps by @wingletblackbird
Prompt 25: I have a song prompt based on Maroon 5’s Maps. It fits Everlark so much. Peeta was there for Katniss in her dark times while she almost gave up on him when he was at his worst down on his knees. But eventually he followed the map that led to her and they got back together. [Anonymous]
I Just Can't Remember Why We Said Goodbye by @butrfac14
Prompt 31: everlark on the brink of a divorce, but then they remember all of the things they've gone through, the sacrifices they made for each other, that they can't live without the other and end up not getting the divorce. [submitted by @sunflowerslyf]
The Unexpected by @albinokittens300
Prompt 32: katniss and peeta are best friends who have a biological child together (how they ended up having a kid is up to you and how they’ll get together is up to you) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 33 by @wendywobbles
Prompt 33: “Where’s my engagement ring?” [submitted by @sunflowerslyf​]
Katniss the Baker? by @norbertsmom
Prompt 34: Peeta offers to teach Katniss how to bake thinking it'll be a great laugh, but? She's actually kind of amazing at it? [submitted by @ally147writes] 
Prompt 41 by @wendywobbles
Prompt 41: Everlark based off the Hallmark Christmas Movies Meme:  I still going to watch them and act surprised when she falls in love with the small town baker who only wears sweaters instead of falling for the big city CEO? Yes! Does not need to be Christmas time, but definitely end game Everlark. [submitted by @historywriter2007]
Glitch by @booksrockmyface
Prompt 43: Prompt: I would love anything the "there's only one bed" trope.[submitted by @booksandchocolatesmears] 
A Father Figure by @wingletblackbird
Prompt 44: Their love was forbidden in more ways than the obvious one (older!Peeta). Their love conquers all even with revelations that destroys other person relationships. AU. Toast babies for extra cookies. [submitted by @animekpopxx] 
Prompt 45 by @butrfac14
prompt 45: They fell in love young, they married young. People keep telling them that it’s not going to last. Well, they are proving them wrong. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
The Raven and The Gods by @alliswell21
Prompt 46: Peeta, the Greek god Apollo, hears the most beautiful voice at his temple so he comes down to earth to find this beautiful maiden. Follows how this god falls in love with a mortal and withstand the trials the other gods put them through. [submitted by @animekpopxx​] 
1,498 mph by @alliswell21
Prompt 47: Modern. Peeta is back home on his time off from the Air Force or army. He meets the newest employee in the bakery, a younger Katniss, who’s working hard to help her family while still going to school. They fall for each other and they didn’t even know when it happened. [submitted by @animekpopxx​] 
Time of Peace by @alliswell21
Prompt 48: Their people had a period of peace that stared to crumpled when bad choices and bad people started to destroy that. With a war in the horizon, there is only one choose to keep the peace. The chief’s daughter needs to marry the crown prince. Werewolf!Peeta Humans and wolves. [submitted by @animekpopxx​] Fic by @alliswell21
Incubus by @alliswell21 
Prompt 49: He has spent centuries coming at night and sleeping with as many humans as possible, many dying from childbirth with no child to bear, or because his lust overpowered them. He needs to find a women that can live through his lust and birth an healthy offspring and after centuries, he thinks he found the one, the sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen. Dark incubus!peeta Angst Old times. [submitted by @animekpopxx​]
Mockingjay Temple by @creamytinydays
Prompt 50: In an ancient time, grief-strickened 17-yr-old Katniss (fatherless, emotionally abandoned by her mother, just lost beloved sister) walls off her heart, curses the gods for taking Prim, and is severely punished with immortality = unending days of mourning and emptiness in which life has no meaning, until she meets Peeta and learns it’s not years but love that makes a good life. In loving him the curse breaks, she is mortal again, and together they live a HEA. [submitted by @567inpanem] 
F-CATS by Buttercupbadass
Prompt 51: Fantasy: “Buttercup” (ironically named “Freedom Cat” by Capital scientist who created him) is an intelligent mutt designed to infiltrate rebel groups and sabotage uprisings, but after being healed by Prim and seeing the impact of Mr. E’s death, he turns on the Capital. “This whole operation was your idea.” [submitted by @567inpanem] 
Why Do I? by @hutchhitched
Prompt 53: Everlark have been friends for a long time. Then this exchange happens. Person A: Why Do I even like your dumb ass? Person B: Huh? Person A: *panics* I SAID YOU HAVE A NICE ASS. [submitted by @iliveilaughiloveiread] 
Reflections by @justajjfan
Prompt 54: Katniss, for some reason, using a car's window as a mirror not knowing there was someone inside the car because of the window being so heavily tinted. Until Peeta, the owner of the car, rolls down the window. [submitted by @sunflowerslyf]  
Up We Go by @sandyeyes
Prompt 59: "The 'caution floor is wet' sign was there, so it's not my fault you can't read." [submitted by anonymous] 
Tripping in Love by @neverstopwhileyoureahead
Prompt 60: Katniss and Peeta are both in a very crowded train when suddenly Katniss falls onto Peeta's lap and they don't know each other but Katniss finds Peeta really attractive. [submitted by anonymous] 
The Price Of One's Soul by @peetaspikelets
Prompt 65: Dialogue prompt “You did all of this for me?” [submitted by anonymous via @katnissdoesnotfollowback] 
Be In My Eye by @reachingforaspark
Prompt 70: No one Katniss knew got reaped, and after the 75th the games stopped, hunting became easier, she’s looking forward to graduation, and she feels a growing attraction to boy with bread but she’s clueless as to what to do after 1 ½ decades of acting role of son her father never had and man of the house. She approaches problem like stalking game: observe. She learns a lot but realizes she needs help from only one person: popular merchant and Peeta expert Delly who’s thrilled to help in manhunt <3 [submitted by @567inpanem]
To be Her O.A.O. (one-and-only) by @noneyabidnes​
Chapter 2
Prompt 73: Katniss marries Gale before he’s sent to fight WWII. Gale sends home his buddy Peeta to break the news to his wife and family that he’s fallen in love with someone else in Europe and is staying there after the war... Peeta is under the impression Katniss is a cold woman that only married his friend out of obligation but finds out the other side of the story soon enough. [submitted by @alliswell21] 
In from the Cold by @melacka
Prompt 74: In Panem AU (no reapings): Katniss miscalculated how soon a snow storm was supposed to hit D12, and gets stuck in town while trading with the merchants. Peeta comes out in the snow to get her to come into the the bakery... she thinks he’s either crazy, up to something or simply dumb... whatever happens next is up to you! [submitted by @alliswell21] 
In the End by @alliswell21​
Prompt 76: historical au where katniss and peeta are bethrothed since birth and peeta's mom is actually nice. they grow up to be best friends neither of them knowing about the bethrothal until something breaks their friendship and they become enemies. when they finally turn the right age, they find out about the bethrothal and are forced to marry and consummate their marriage even if they despise each other. [submitted by anonymous] 
Better Tomorrow by @mega-aulover
Prompt 78: forced to share a bed and building a pillow barrier but still waking up tangled together. [submitted by anonymous] 
The Virgin (Social) Suicides by @ally147writes
Prompt 85: Katniss makes unsettling discovery that everyone in her close and extended group of friends has dated at least once and sometimes even each other. Except for her. The “late bloomer” teasing (b/c she’s never even been kissed) stings. Older boy Gale crosses paths with group, finds he shares common interests with Katniss, they get together to hunt, leads to him casually inviting her out for a real dinner date. Not feeling desire but pressure to “get it over with,” she accepts. Peeta has regrets. [submitted by @567inpanem] 
Let Us Lay In The Sun by @knittingbutch
Prompt 87: Katniss and Gale are about to get married and while Katniss isn't entirely sure if she really wants to marry Gale, she does nothing to stop the preparations. While Peeta, realizing he can't just let Katniss go, does everything to stop the wedding and tell Katniss his feelings for her. Peeta thought he's a hopeless case the day before the wedding until... (it's up to you how it will end, but hopefully it's hea) [submitted by anonymous] 
Unmasked by M
Part 2 to ...
Prompt 88: Historical Katniss and Peeta hate each other. They attend a masquerade ball and for some reason end up kissing each other. Sparks fly everywhere. Katniss tries to find the man behind the mask but Peeta knows it was Katniss though he doesnt say anything. They end up bethrothed even if they 'despise' each other. How they fall in love is up to u and how katniss figured out it was peeta is up to u [submitted by anonymous] Fic by M
A Weight Off The Heart by @albinokittens300
Prompt 89: Canon divergence. Katniss and Peeta talk when they return to District 12 after the first games and grow closer.... [submitted by @thestuckinbed]
The Lake by @thegirlfromoverthepond
Prompt 92: Modern AU: Katniss is present when her father dies a traumatic death. She doesn’t just stop singing. She stops speaking completely. Desperate to help her daughter heal/express herself, Mrs. Everdeen enrols her in art therapy where she meets Peeta Mellark. [submitted by @wingletblackbird] 
By the Book by @hutchhitched
Prompt 94: Smut. Hot, sweaty, passionate, loving, smut. Everlark has to be married and it can only be the 2 of them. No three-somes or switching partners. [submitted by anonymous] 
Now Voyager by @mega-aulover
Prompt 102: There's only ONE bed! [submitted by anonymous] 
Prompt 105 by @butrfac14
Prompt 105: Katniss was naked when Peeta first saw her. [submitted by anonymous] 
A Second Chance by @javistg
Prompt 110: A time travel AU: Katniss from Mockingjay, (any part of the book, it's up to you), winds up back the day before her sister's first reaping. What does she do now that she knows what's coming? Now that she knows how Peeta feels about her, and she knows how desperately she needs him, and what they could share? What on earth could she, or should she, even do/change? And what is she should lose it all again? [submitted by @wingletblackbird]
Stranded Travellers by @historywriter2007
Prompt 112: I was hoping for one bed, but there are actually two, so now I have to find a way to naturally end up snuggling with you. [submitted by anonymous]
Long Exposure by @alliswell21
Prompt 130: Katniss works as a park ranger. Peeta is a photographer/artist coming to said park to find inspiration. [submitted by @wingletblackbird​] 
A Bite of Inconvenience by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Prompt 131:  Visual Prompt. Text: 4 ½ stars out of 5. Delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes. This was a bit of an inconvenience as I was balls deep in the wife at the time. [Submitted by @amazinglovers747]
Late submissions from previous exchanges:
Always You by @sunsetsrmydreams
Prompt 46: Broken-hearted Katniss goes to see a psychic, hoping to get one last message to her departed loved one (Goodbye? I’m sorry? Where’s the key to the safety deposit box?). Peeta is earning his college tuition using his charm and empathy to tell fortunes. What happens when they encounter each other? [submitted by Anonymous] Springtime Edition 2018.
You can also find some of these fics on our AO3 Collection.
[Ed. notes: Fics organized by prompt number]
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theycallmebeccawrites · 6 years ago
One Shot: In the End
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Title: In the End
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex, oral sex, fingering
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
18+ Disclaimer: This work contains sexual material that is for those over the age of 18. By clicking the keep reading link below, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and are not offended by sexual content.
Summary: After a mission goes bad, Steve Rogers is left wondering if there was anything he could have done differently. Especially when you, the woman he has secretly fallen in love with, fights for her life. Has he missed his chance or will it all work out, in the end?
Note:  this is my entry for @angryschnauzer and @feelmyroarrrr’s Lust Actually Smutty Writing Challenge. The trope I chose for this challenge is Friends to Lovers.
This story is also available on AO3.
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You hadn’t been assigned to the mission, initially, but then new intel had come in at the eleventh hour that had required your expertise. You’d been game, but Captain Rogers had been hesitant as you’d missed a lot of briefings about said mission and, therefore, were in the dark about a lot and could prove to be a liability.
To make up for this, Natasha had been assigned to give you a quick, but thorough run down of the plan and backup plans on the Quinjet. You had listened intently; using the near photographic memory you had to take in the diagrams and notes she’d shown you.
By the time the jet had landed, you’d been prepared and had confidently told Captain Rogers that.
Then everything had gone to shit. Quickly.
They’d been setup. Or worse, there had been a leak somewhere in the chain. Nevertheless, the mission had become a complete disaster before it had even had a chance to start.
By some miracle, or blind fucking luck, they had all survived, but there were injuries. Most of them were minor, except for one, who was fighting for her life on the Quinjet flight back to the compound.
Steve Rogers always went with his gut instinct, but he had been convinced, this time, to go against it and disaster had struck. He shoved his hand through his hair as he stared down at her frail body and the bloody bandages wrapped around her torso where she'd been shot multiple times.
His usually spunky friend was asleep, thanks to powerful pain management protocols. Although the scans that were flashing across the screens around her (and being sent to Shuri in Wakanda) showed promise of her making it through this, Steve couldn’t shake the guilt at her being in this position. It was his fucking fault. If he had only stood his ground or…
“There’s nothing you could have done differently,” Natasha's quiet voice said from behind him. “We’ll figure out what happened, Steve, but it wasn’t your fault.” She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but it did little to comfort him.
Your whole body ached, especially your torso, as you pulled yourself from the sleepy haze you’d been under. You could tell from the smell alone, that distinct disinfectant smell of a hospital that you'd never been found of, that you weren’t in your private apartment at the compound. It was too dark to see much in the room, except the large figure uncomfortably folded into the chair at your bedside.
“Steve?” you croaked, your voice hoarse from disuse.
He jolted upright at his name and he blinked at you a couple times before jumping out of the chair.
As you watched, he bounded to the door to the room, opened it and called out to someone. Within seconds, the lights were on and the room was full of the compound’s medical team. They fretted about you while Steve stood watch in a corner of the room, seemingly unwilling to leave you alone.
After what seemed like an hour of being poked and prodded, the medical team filed out, leaving you and Steve alone again.
“What happened?” you asked. The last thing you remembered was getting off the Quinjet and, now, you were laid up in a hospital bed.
Steve sighed, dragging a hand through his hair, and then began to fill you in on the disastrous mission that had taken place three days prior. They’d been neither setup nor had there been a leak in the planning, he explained. The intel that had come in at the last second had been an attempt to lure a different group into a trap; a trap that the Avengers had unknowingly sprung too early and gotten caught up in themselves.
“Was anyone else hurt?” you asked when he finished, concerned for your coworkers, many of whom had become your friends.
“A couple of broken arms and some bullet grazes,” he said. “But no one as bad as you.” He sucked in a deep breath and his voice was raw with emotion as he admitted. “I didn’t think you were going to make it when I carried you back to the Quinjet.”
Steve closed his eyes, easily recalling the bloody state of her body as he’d carried her on to the jet. She had been breathing, but not easily, he'd known, for she had taken at least one bullet to the torso. Even over the chaos of the moment, he'd heard the ominous gurgling sound each time she breathed and he'd known she'd been in serious trouble.
Unlike everyone else, who had been armed to the teeth, she had been undercover as an employee of the data center where they were trying to recover stolen documents from, which also meant she hadn't been wearing much Kevlar. (Something he would never let happen again.) Even with the madness happening around him, he'd had presence of mind to quickly deduce that it was her role in the mission that made her the main target for the ambush and he'd charged after her.
It had happened before his eyes. She'd been on her way to one of the side doors and had been shot by someone coming out of them. Once. Twice. And nearly a third, which he'd thankfully been able to deflect with his shield as he'd caught her before she'd hit the ground. Clint had shown up then and had protected his back as he'd got her back to the jet.
The scans on the Quinjet had revealed a bullet wedged in her lung while the other had gone clean through her, missing several vital organs by just millimeters. The second had been the source of most of the blood that had soaked through her clothes. He and Clint had worked together to wrap gauze around her to hold the compression pads to her wounds to help slow down the bleeding. They'd changed it once more, during the flight back to the compound.
The medical team had been waiting for them, when they'd arrived, and she'd been rushed from the runway to the medical wing for surgery.
He'd then sat outside the operating room as they'd operated on her. It had taken five fucking hours. Three hundred minutes of him replaying every fucking second of the mission: how it had gone terribly wrong and what, if anything, he could have done differently.
Tony, Sam and Bucky had all tried to get him to leave the medical wing, accusing him of scaring the medical staff, but he had refused. It hadn't been until she'd been taken into a private room for recovery, that he'd allowed his friends to drag him off. He'd gotten cleaned up, eaten and had gotten a little sleep, but, ultimately, he'd returned to her side and hadn't left since.
You'd fallen asleep again; sometime during or after Steve's retelling of the mission, you couldn't recall, but when you woke up, you weren't alone, but he wasn't there.
"Tony forced him to go to a meeting," the friendly voice of one of the nurses assigned to you said. "He's been here every minute of every day since you arrived. He even stood up to our charge nurse when she tried to kick him out.  He told her that he was the Captain and he wasn't going to leave your side for anything." She chuckled. "Wish my boyfriend was as devoted to me as he is to you."
"I'm not... we're not... he's not my boyfriend," you stammered, caught off guard. You'd only been at the Avengers Compound for a little over a year and, while you and Steve had become friends, you certainly weren't dating.
"If I were you, I'd ask myself why," the nurse said with a wink before she left the room, leaving you alone.
At first, the idea of you and Steve dating was funny, not that you'd laugh for real, as the action made the pain in your torso worse. Yes, he was handsome, but anyone could tell you that just by looking at him. Yes, the two of you got along well and spent time together, but you rarely spent that time alone, it was usually with a large group of people. Even in those times the two of you were alone, you were usually in a common area and open to other people joining the conversations if they felt so inclined.
Still, you wondered, as you stared at the empty seat, was the fact that he'd stayed by your bedside a sign that there was something different in your relationship with him? Was there something different in the way you responded to his presence over, say, Bucky or Sam's?
Yes, you came to realize in the days that followed as Tony required Steve to return to most of his duties, which meant that he couldn't spend every minute by your bed. Instead, he sent a variety of your friends to sit with you for a while, during which time, you realized that you didn't respond to their arrivals as you did to Steve's.
It had been a long, tiring day, but instead of going to his apartment, Steve made his way to the medical wing to visit her. He'd had breakfast with her that morning before Tony had pulled him upstairs for meeting after meeting. He'd gotten many a dirty look from his friend as he'd checked his phone each time a text had come through with a status update from the others he'd sent in his place.
Entering the medical wing, he nodded to the nurses on staff and made his way to her room, knocking and waiting for a welcoming response from inside, before he went in.
Maybe it was the dim lights in the room or the way her face was partially shaded, but he swore her face lit up when she saw him and he felt an excited thrill race through him when he saw a wide smile spread across her face. It was the first real smile he'd seen on her face since the morning of the mission.
"How was your day?" she asked him and then she smirked. "We both know your minions kept you up to date on mine."
He felt his face flush slightly as he sat down in the chair next to her bed. "I just didn't want you to be alone," he said, apologetically.
"I know, thank you," she said, holding her hand out to him.
Scooting the chair closer to the bed, he took her hand, cradling it delicately in his larger one, unable to not notice how it fit perfectly within his. Looking up at her, he saw that her eyes were focused back on their hands and there was a smile on her face.
Despite his busy schedule, Steve always showed up at the end of the day to spend some time with you while you were cooped up due to your injuries. Sometimes the two of you would hold hands and sometimes you wouldn't, but he always made you feel like he cared about you.
He was with you, a week after the mission, when the doctor told you that you were well enough to be released from the medical wing, but not allowed to be on your own, quite yet, and asked if there was someone you could stay with.
"She can stay with me," Steve offered, almost immediately. Then he looked back at you with a blush on his cheeks. "I mean, if you want to."
You nodded your head, not even bothering to say the words aloud. You wanted very much to stay with him. You weren't ready for the two of you to go back to being casual friends.
Two days later, he led you into one of the spacious apartments reserved for the high-level staff, of which, he was. Though you didn't need him to, he cupped your elbow, in support, as he gave you a tour of his home. The truth was, you didn't need his help to get around, but you didn't want him to think you didn't want him to touch you. Because you did.
Being alone with him, having those quiet, private conversations with him in the medical wing, had awoken a new set of feelings for him that were anything but friendly. You'd even had a dream, or two, while in the medical wing, in which real memories you had of talking with Steve throughout the compound had become distorted to the point that they were about you and Steve making out or having sex instead.
New images sprang to your mind after he showed you his bedroom. There wasn't anything spectacular about it, just large, masculine furniture and decorated simply shades of blue-gray. He showed you the guest room, next, and, while it was nice, it wasn't a comfortable as his room had felt.
Steve had faced temptation in the past, but never in the form of a half-awake beauty standing in his kitchen wearing a pair of too big pajama bottoms and a bulky sweatshirt. She'd been in his home for a week now, but he couldn't remember a time before she had lived with him and he didn't want to. She brought a new air to his apartment that made it homier and, for the first time ever, he couldn't wait to come home after work.
He'd had feelings for her, romantic feelings, before the mission, but he had ignored them. But after she'd been hurt and had nearly been killed, he could no longer keep them at bay. He was in love with her and he wanted to tell her, but he wanted to wait until she was strong enough on her own before he told her. The last thing he wanted was for her to think she had to tell him she loved him too for fear he'd throw her out if she didn't.
The right time came roughly two weeks later, after she'd been back in her own apartment for a week and been back at work, in a limited role, for a week. They'd gone back to their routine of hanging out in common areas, but he always walked her back to her apartment so they could spend some time alone, too.
It was on the couch in her apartment that he closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath before he turned to her and took her hands into his.
She looked up, then, and met his eyes, giving him a small smile that both calmed his nerves and added to them.
"I hate that you got hurt," he said, trusting his gut to lead him through his confession. He felt her hands stiffen slightly in his and tried to calm her by caressing the back of her hands with his thumb. It worked, slightly, so he plunged on. "But if you hadn't, I never would have realized that I loved you."
He didn't know how he expected her to react to that, but he hadn't expected her to yank her hands out of his grasp and get off the couch. She paced in front of him, wringing her hands as she did so. Every now and then, she'd glance in his direction then look away, but she said nothing for several minutes.
Finally, he saw her take a deep breath, as if bracing herself, and then she spoke, without looking at him. "I think you should leave," she said so softly he didn't think he heard her correctly. "Please. Leave. Steve." Her voice was stronger the second time, but there was a noticeable quiver to it.
Instead of waiting for him to do so, she quickly made her way into her bedroom and had the door closed and locked before he'd even gotten off of the couch.
He stared after her in shock, not having a clue what had just happened. A part of him wanted to storm after her and demand that she tell him what was going on, but then he remembered her wavering voice and knew he couldn't do that.
Instead, he got up, walked to her front door and took one last glance at her bedroom door before he locked her door and left the apartment.
You sat on your bed, listening for a sign that he'd left. After hearing the gentle closing of your door, you waited a couple more minutes, to make sure he was really gone, before you opened your door a smidge to check. The living room was empty and you let out a sigh of relief that became a choked sob full of despair.
Sinking down on the sofa, you buried your face in your hands and didn't fight the tears that had been building since his declaration of supposed love. You'd been waiting for him to tell you he loved you, but not that way. Not out of guilt for you getting hurt.
You'd overheard Sam and Bucky talking one day when they'd had a "shift change" while you'd been in the medical wing. They'd obviously thought you'd been sleeping, but despite their hushed tones, you'd caught the meaning behind their exchange: Steve felt guilty for you getting hurt. You'd always known he took his job to heart and didn't like it when a plan didn't go the way he planned, it was a quality of his that you'd always admired.
At the time, you hadn't put any connection to him spending so much time with you together with him feeling guilty that you'd gotten hurt. After all, the two of you had been friends before. But now…
"I hate that you got hurt," his voice echoed in your head. "But if you hadn't-"
You shook your head violently, trying to get the words out of there, but they kept repeating. Kept reminding you that while you'd been falling helplessly in love with Steve Rogers, he'd been keeping you company out of pure guilt and claiming, now, that it was love.
Still on a two page long, restricted activity list, which meant you couldn't use a punching bag to let out your frustration, you did the next best thing. You stood up and went to bed, burying yourself under the blankets as you cried, willing yourself to fall asleep.
"You look like shit," Sam stated upon entering Steve's apartment, a couple days later, without as much as a courteous knock, Bucky behind him. "Did you even shower this weekend?"
"What do you want?" Steve asked, glaring at his friends.
"Well, it's Monday and you missed a meeting," Bucky stated as he sat down in one of the leather chairs in the living room. "Tony offered to come check on you, but we thought it was best if we did."
"We figured it might have something to do with a certain other person deciding she overdid herself last week and needing another day or two to rest," Sam said, trying to lead the conversation.
Jaw clenched, Steve glared at his friend, who then declared, "Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner, folks."
"Did something happen between you two?" Bucky asked in a more sensitive manner than Sam appeared to be able to manage. "You two seemed to be getting close."
"I thought we were," Steve admitted, running a hand over two days growth of stubble on his chin. "So, I told her I loved her and she threw me out of her apartment."
He didn't miss the look his friends shared before Sam inquired, "When you say that you told her you loved her, how exactly did you say it? You did say it right, you didn't throw yourself at her, did you?"
"Of course I said it," Steve snapped, glaring daggers at him. "I told her that I hated that she got hurt, but if she hadn't, I never would have realized I loved her."
He didn't need the looks on his friends' faces to tell him what he'd heard in his own retelling of his declaration of love. Instead of the romantic gesture he'd meant by the words, he only heard a guilty man declaring love.
"Fuck!" he cursed. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
"At least you figured out what went wrong," Sam offered, unhelpfully. "So now what?"
It started with little gifts randomly showing up on your desk, when you went back to work on Tuesday, knowing you couldn't hide in your apartment without a lot of questions being asked. The little trinkets were meaningless to most people, but they held meaning to you and you knew they were from Steve. One had been a little Scottie dog figurine that had a startling likeness to the dog you'd had growing up, a nod to one of the first conversations you and Steve had shared. Another had been a Hufflepuff House magnet, that reminded you of your attempt at explaining the Harry Potter books to Steve. Similar conversation reminders appeared over the next couple of days and you were on edge, slightly, expecting Steve to appear out of nowhere.
He didn't though. He didn't even refer to himself until a bouquet of daisies, your favorite flowers, appeared on your desk at the end of the day on Friday, exactly a week after you'd asked him to leave. As flowers usually do, they created a stir from the other ladies in the department, but even without seeing the card, they all seemed to know they were from Steve.
"He's so thoughtful," one of them said, wistfully. "You really are lucky to have started out as friends before becoming more."
"I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had done that instead of marrying my first husband," another agreed. "I thought we'd be seeing more of him around now that you two are together."
"We're trying to keep it private," you said, clutching the unopened card to your chest. "Keep it separate from work, you know." It wasn't a lie, you and Steve had been keeping that part of your relationship private, from nosy coworkers and friends.
It was another five minutes before they exited your area and you were able to finally read Steve's card. In his fine hand, he'd written just three words: I love you.
There was no explanation, no excuses, nothing that could have justified the little leap your heart made at those words written in his own hand. You'd always known Steve to be a simple, uncomplicated man, despite the fact that disaster seemed to follow him, and knew that he meant those three words.
Without any direction as to where he might be, you followed your gut and headed to the common area where the two of you had had your first conversation, not even waiting for your shift to be over. Sure enough, he was there and, as if he could sense your presence, he turned and looked at you as you stood in the doorway.
Steve hadn't been convinced she would come, but there she was, standing there waiting for something, but for what? Did she want him to go to her? Did she want to go somewhere private? Whatever it was, he had a gut feeling it wasn't something bad. If it had been, she wouldn't be here, smiling at him like that.
He stood up, bringing an abrupt end to the story that Clint was telling. He was oblivious to everyone around him, except for her. His rising from his seat had propelled her into the room. As if pulled by an invisible magnet, they found themselves meeting in the middle of the room. He brought his hand up to dry the tears from her cheeks and then had the sudden urge to kiss her. So he did.
And she kissed him back.
At some point, the sounds of catcalls, wolf whistles and clapping broke through the bubble that had formed around them at their initial movements. With the sudden realization that they were very much in public, Steve set her feet back on the ground, unsure of when he'd actually swept her off her feet, and smiled down at her, slightly embarrassed but more interested in getting her alone.
Knowing they had to let their friends abuse them a little, just to get it off their chests, they stayed for a little while longer before they went to his apartment.
Despite wanting to take her directly to his room, Steve reminded himself that there was an important conversation that needed to happen first and it couldn't wait. He led her to the sofa and pulled her down so she was sitting next to him.
"Before we go any farther, I want to make something perfectly clear," he said, taking her hands, ironically resuming the exact position they'd been in a week prior. "Did I feel guilty after you got hurt? Yes." He tightened his grip on her hands instinctively, but it proved to be unnecessary, as her hands didn't even flinch. "But only because I'd gone against my gut instinct and let others convince me you wouldn't need the extra bulk of Kevlar." He felt her squeeze his hands gently, as if encouraging him to continue.
"That guilt has nothing to do with my love for you," he said, his eyes staring into hers. "If there is anything about my love for you that I do feel guilt over, it’s not telling you sooner." She blinked in surprise and he smiled.  "I've been in love with you for so long that I don't know when it switched from being your friend to wanting to be more.
"I ignored it though, I didn't want to ruin what we had," he continued. "But then, that day, when I realized you were in trouble and then had to watch you get shot twice before I could get to you, before I could protect you..." His voice trailed off as the memories came back to him.
You could feel the break in his voice all the way to your soul as the man you loved crumpled in front of you, the emotional strain of the last week, hell, the last month finally catching up to him. To both of you, you realized as you felt tears on your own cheeks.
"I love you, too, Steve," you told him, letting go of his hands so you could wrap your arms around him in a tight embrace. "I don't know how or when it happened, but I realized that I loved you when I was recovering from surgery."
Sensing he needed some strength, you pushed him back against the cushions of the couch then straddled his waist. You spent the next little while telling him you loved him in between kisses. First on his face, then his lips, then his neck and then his lips, again, the words slowly being replaced by longer, more passionate kisses.
"No," he whispered, when you reached for the hem of his shirt. "Not out here."
He stood up with ease, despite the fact that you still clung to him, and carried you into his bedroom, his arms wrapped around your torso and your legs wrapped around his waist. He set you on to the middle of the bed and then pushed you back against the blankets as he began kissing you again.
A disappointed sound escaped her swollen lips when Steve pulled away and sat back on the bed, his breathing heavy. He'd enjoyed kissing her, but he wanted to go farther, but wouldn't until she was ready to do so.
"Do you want me to go?" she asked, quietly.
"No!" he answered quickly, grabbing her hand just in case. "I don't want you to leave. Ever. But I also don't want to do anything you're not ready to do."
"I'm ready for everything and anything," she said in a shy yet confident voice. "As long as you are."
Steve nodded his head and turned back to her, his eyebrows shooting up when he saw her pull her shirt over her head, revealing a simple bra that cupped her breasts perfectly.
"Your turn," she said as she let the shirt drop to the floor.
Standing up, Steve yanked his shirt over his head, dropped it, and then, with a quick glance at her, undid the fastenings of his pants and let them fall to the floor at his feet. Only realizing, as he tried to step out of the pants, that he was still wearing his shoes.
Her melodic giggle filled the room as he nearly fell over in an attempt to take off his shoes without sitting down. Admitting defeat, he sat down on the bed, pulled off his shoes and socks and then kicked his pants off.
Rolling his head towards her smiling face, he said, "Checkmate."
A flush spread across your face as you stood up, his heavy gaze upon you. Wanting to avoid the situation he'd found himself in, you slid off your ballet flats and nudged them out of the way with your foot.
You took a deep, calming breath as your hands found the zipper of your work trousers that was on your hip. Slowly, you slid the zipper down and then wiggled your hips a little to help get the probably a little too tight pants down over your hips and bum. Once past your knees, the dark trousers pooled instantly at your feet.
Steve held a hand out to you and you took it, using him to support your weight as you stepped out of the pants. With his encouragement, you got back on the bed and sat beside him.
He leaned into you, his mouth finding yours again while his hands touched the bare skin of your torso. His touches started innocently enough, but then rose higher to your bra and then under your bra. You sucked in a breath against his lips as his fingers brushed against your nipples for the first time, sending jolts of desire through your body.
He teased you around the satin fabric of your bra until you couldn't stand it anymore. Reaching behind your back, you unclasped the now-offending item of clothing. Pulling away from him, you rounded your shoulders as you slid your bra off, revealing your naked breasts to him for the first time.
The bra slipped from your hand as he pushed you backwards so you were laying down. He positioned himself next to you and, ever so slowly, began to touch you. His hands caressed your torso, sliding nearer and nearer to the fullness of your breasts, but dancing away at the last moment.
Then you felt him circle one of your new scars and you stiffened. In the heat of the moment, you'd forgotten all about them and, now, there was no way to hide them, the ugly marks that blemished your skin.
He felt her stiffen when his fingers circled her still healing scars, but not in a painful way. Instead of circling it again, he lowered his mouth to her skin and kissed each scar, the ones from her bullet wounds and the ones from the surgery that had saved her life.
Feeling she needed some vocal encouragement as well, he whispered, "You're beautiful. So beautiful. These scars… these scars…" He brought his gaze up to meet hers. "These scars are just an external example of how much of a fighter you are. They're proof that you're alive. And I love them. And I love you."
"Steve," her voice quivered as she reached up and brushed her hand over his cheek.
Leaning forward, he kissed her lips and used his thumbs to brush away her tears. After guiding her hands to rest on the bed above her head, he slid his hands from her shoulders down to the bottom of her breasts, cupping the fleshy mounds in his large hands.
The soft, pleasure-filled noises that slipped from her mouth encouraged him as he took advantage of the size of his hands and how much of her breasts he could touch at once. Her nipples became hard peaks under the attention of his fingers and became so tempting that he couldn't resist leaning forward and taking one in his mouth.
Desire rushed through your body as you felt his wicked tongue circle one nipple and then the other. Wanting, no, needing more, you arched your back, pressing your breast against his face, making him chuckle against your skin. You felt the vibrations of said chuckle from your breasts all the way to your pulsing sex.
"Steve," you whispered in desperation. "Please."
The sensation of his hot mouth clamping down on one of your nipples sent chills down your spine and you could practically feel your panties get wetter. Your eyes closed and you bit down on your lower lip as he suckled one breast and then the other, all the while, making sure each were being given attention, whether with his mouth or with his hand.
Leaving your breasts, you felt him kiss down your body to the waistband of your panties. There, he teased the flesh above it and then slid his fingers down between your parted legs, making you moan as he pressed the damp fabric against your needy folds.
"Damn, baby," he muttered, his lips pressed so close to you that you could feel his hot breath against your skin.
He teased you, then, taking his time not touching you where you desperately wanted him to.
"Steve, please," you pleaded.
The scent of her arousal was making him drunk and her words made his already hard cock, painfully harder. He quickly found the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs until they fell onto the floor.
Without being prompted, his lady parted her legs farther, opening herself up to him completely. He slid his gaze up from the pink of her folds, up her beautiful body and to her bright eyes. He smiled at her and winked before he nestled himself between her legs.
Her little noises filled the room as he first, touched her and, then, tasted her, before he began to use both methods on her. He felt her hands slide through his short hair and nearly latch onto his ears as her body rocked in a wave like motion as he brought her closer and closer to an orgasm. When it hit, her whole body shook and then contracted as he continued to slid his fingers in and out of her core.
With an urge to kiss her, Steve slid up her body, positioning his arms on either side of her, and captured her mouth with his, finding her just as needy to kiss him as he was to kiss her.
Then her hand found his cock and he let out a low moan as she began to slide her hand up and down the shaft.
"Oh god," he moaned into her ear, his hips jerking forward into her touch. He let her do it for a few more seconds before he pulled free. Reaching over, he yanked open the drawer in his bedside table to grab a condom.
Once the condom was in place, he returned to her and carefully aligned his cock with her entrance. Simultaneous moans filled the room as he slid into her, her sex stretching to accept his size. He waited until she nodded ok and then he began to move, pulling back and sliding in a little farther each time.
Steve's forehead was practically resting on yours as the two of you moved together. His chiseled body rubbing deliciously against yours as you clung to him, wanting to feel every inch of him against you.
You both became more vocal as the pleasure built. Murmuring words of encouragement along with unintelligible sounds of pure lust and desire.
With your arms wrapped tightly about him, you felt his whole body stiffen and jerk just before he let out a grunt by your ear. You slid your hands down to clutch his bum, pulling him deeper into you, as he came.
Unlike your previous lovers, who had often faded after cumming, Steve seemed to gain more strength after his orgasm and soon had you on the brink of another climax. With a seemingly magical touch, he sent you cascading over the edge.
The two of you laid there, your chests heaving, for a few minutes as you came down from your highs. Once your legs felt like they could support you again, you slipped from Steve's bed to clean yourself up in the bathroom.
When you came out, Steve was sitting with his back against the headboard waiting for you. You felt yourself blush, suddenly aware you were completely naked, as he watched you make your way back to his bed, the heat of his gaze making you feel loved and wanted.
After you got into the bed and laid down, he stretched out alongside of you. His body spooning yours in a warm, comforting way.
"Goodnight," he whispered into your ear. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Steve," you said before closing your eyes.
Steve woke up, sometime later, his cock hard from the constant contact with her body. He shifted slightly, trying to put some space between their bodies, but stopped when she reached her hand back to stop him.
"I need you, too," she whispered in the dark.
He groaned when her hand slid down to his hardness and wrapped around it. Leaning towards her, he nuzzled her neck, encouraging her to bend her neck back to give him more access. He licked and kissed her neck as she touched him.
Not wanting to cum before he was inside of her, he pulled away to get a condom and then slid it on. Coming back to her, he slid his hand down her body, taking a few moments to toy with her nipples, before reaching the apex of her thighs, where he found her more than ready for him.
"I was having a really good dream," she admitted without an ounce of embarrassment in her voice. "You were fucking me really good."
"Like this?" he asked before lifting her upper leg, allowing her to hook it over his own, so there was room for him to slid into her sex in a single thrust.
She let out a moan of confirmation as she rolled forward slightly so he could hold on to her hip as he moved behind her. With his hands busy, she used her own to touch herself. Their moans filled the room as their passion built to the point where they both came, nearly at the same time.
After cleaning up a bit, they fell back to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.
The faint signs of daylight were sneaking into the bedroom when you woke up, your head resting on Steve's chest. You could tell from the slow breaths he was taking that he was still asleep.
Leaning back slightly, you took in the wide expanse of his bare torso and all the muscular bits that sent zings directly to your clit. Your eyes followed his pecs to his abs and his abs to… the hard cock that was tenting the bed sheets.
"He likes attention," Steve's sleepy voice said. "If you ignore him, he'll go away on his own. He just really likes you."
"I really like him," you told Steve and then went about proving it. You made your way down his chest, nipping, licking, sucking and kissing every hard plane of it on your way to down to the part of his body that most wanted your attention. Pulling back the covers, you licked your lips and began to play with him.
The sounds that came from Steve's mouth as you used your hands on him and then your mouth, sent jolts of pleasure to your heated core. It was all you could do to remain on your hands and knees between his legs, circling the tip of his cock with your tongue when all you wanted to do was ride him and ride him hard.
It was Steve, ultimately, who made the decisive move. Taking advantage of you giving your jaw a break, he pulled you forward and ordered you to get a condom. You obeyed and quickly grabbed one.
After you slid it on to his cock, he sat up and pulled you into his arms in a sitting position, face to face. He held onto you as you lowered yourself down onto his cock. Your hands found the back of his neck as you began to move, rocking back and forth as you rode him.
With one hand securely on your back, his other hand wandered, taking advantage of the position the two of you were in. They started at your breasts and you arched your back towards him as he played with your nipples. Then his talented fingers slipped between your legs where the two of you were joined and he teased your clit, bringing you closer and closer to your release.
His extra attention on you, meant you came just moments before he did. You shuddered in his embrace and slumped against him as the night's events caught up with you.
He watched her sleep for a long time. He was aware that it was weird, but he didn't care at all. She was the woman he loved and he'd almost lost her before he could tell her how much he cared about her.
Now, though, she knew how much he loved her and he knew that she loved him, too. She was his future, that much he knew. Whether they were here at the compound or if they found a house nearby, like Tony and Pepper had, he didn't know, but as long as he was with her, he would be happy.
She sighed in her sleep and he smiled. What had started as conversations in one of the common areas had blossomed into a lifetime of happiness with her by his side.
Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
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gffa · 7 years ago
“I’m gonna read some other stuff this week!” I think to myself. “I’m not gonna read just STAR WARS fic! I’ll mix it up!” A week later, well. Here we are, crying about Star Wars like always. From the prequels to TLJ, let’s cry about ALL OF IT. STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ Five Questions by naberiie, luke & rey & background finn/rey, some tlj spoilers, 3k    Before Rey stands the elusive Luke Skywalker - ace pilot, Master Jedi, war hero, legend. She was sent to bring him back and was ready with the answers General Organa had given her - “He’s been away a long time. He’ll have questions.” Rey did not expect that some of his questions would be about her. ✦ Reeds by ambiguously, mira & jedi & cast, 4.6k    When Mira was eleven years old, two Jedi came to her door. ✦ breathe by ignitesthestars, finn/rey & cast, tlj spoilers, ~1k    The Falcon has beds, but for as few people are left of the Resistance, there are still too many of them to fit comfortably. Used to sleeping in tight places, Rey asks Poe to wake her up when it’s her turn to fly and finds a corner to curl up in. ✦ Just To Sleep Underneath Your Bed by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, mild d/s undercurrents, some darker themes off-page, attempt at non-con, 46k    Anakin struggles with desires that he isn’t allowed to act on. Obi-Wan shouldn’t be surprised when his student rebels. ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, anakin/padme(/obi-wan eventually) & obi-wan & ahsoka & mace & jedi, 1k    “ANAKIN SKYWALKER! WHERE IS MY FANCY ASS NABOO WEDDING INVITATION?” ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 22.2k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either. ✦ untitled + untitled by lurkingcrow, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke, 3k    It feels like one of her dreams. How many times has she found herself in the old days, chasing after her master as they rush through empty corridors, only to wake to a much colder and darker reality? ✦ Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You) by Callioope, jyn/cassian & galen/lyra & bodhi & baze & chirrut & kes/shara & cast, 84.2k    When Orson Krennic landed on Lah’mu, Lyra Erso made a choice. She chose her daughter. Now they move from planet to planet, identity to identity, rebel cell to rebel cell, until they wind up at the center of the rebellion. ✦ On the other side by esama, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon, 41.5k wip    Dozen years ago Obi-Wan went into AgriCorps - now Qui-Gon Jinn is taking a new padawan. Somehow, this is Obi-Wan’s problem. ✦ Backstep by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    Back to the wrong start. ✦ Not Quite The End by Fish_and_Celery, luke & obi-wan, force ghosts, ~1k    “I was always afraid I’d take after my father,” Luke said. “It should have occurred to me when Ben slaughtered the new Jedi and fell to the dark side that I was taking after you instead.” ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, bondage, ~1k    Please consider that one night, when their relationship is still new and they’re still exploring their kinks, Obi-Wan asks Anakin if he would like to try out being tied up. ✦ everything will glow for you by waterandsilver, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertone, 2.4k    Sometimes when Anakin kisses, Obi-Wan has half a mind to remind him that he’s not in battle anymore. ✦ Flatmates by maraudeuse, luke & han/leia & obi-wan/anakin & cast, force ghosts, 5.5k    After the end of the Galactic Civil War, Luke, Leia and Han decide they need a break and move to Coruscant together to figure out their next steps. They certainly don’t expect to be sharing their apartment with four very insistent Force ghosts. ✦ untitled by darthrevaan, obi-wan & anakin & shmi, sith!obi-wan, ~1k    Anonymous asked: any au, anakin has a miserable cold full details + recs under the cut 
✦ Five Questions by naberiie, luke & rey & background finn/rey, some tlj spoilers, 3k    Before Rey stands the elusive Luke Skywalker - ace pilot, Master Jedi, war hero, legend. She was sent to bring him back and was ready with the answers General Organa had given her - “He’s been away a long time. He’ll have questions.” Rey did not expect that some of his questions would be about her.    Oh, this was such a lovely and beautiful read, it’s such a good look at Rey’s character, her steps into this bigger world and her care for Finn, how he’s connected to her thoughts in so many ways, how he helps give her something to touch on with her growing Force powers. But also it’s such a wonderful look at Luke, the dry humor and tired but still genuine hope, the kindness in him, and how he’s a little weird but still so very Luke Skywalker. There are ton of lovely little moments (Rey discovering things on the island! watching Luke meditate! discovering the Force in a more real way, finally being able to touch it! her joy at these things is wonderful) and this is the feeling I wish TLJ had given me, that bright and warm and good feeling about the hope and wonderfulness in the galaxy, even in times of darkness. It’s a lovely read that I absolutely adored. ✦ Reeds by ambiguously, mira & jedi & cast, 4.6k    When Mira was eleven years old, two Jedi came to her door.    Oh, this was another absolutely wonderful and beautiful read, it gives such lifeto Mira Bridger when she’s young and it breathes such lovely detail into the world she lives in at the time and the way the Jedi approach her family. It fits so well with Rebels and TCW and what we know of the Jedi, the way they’re a little strange and people distrust them so very strongly, but they’re kind and warm and aren’t here to steal away any children. They sit and talk with the Bridgers, they talk to Mira and there’s this gorgeous sense of how Mira doesn’t really want to go, but she also maybe wishes she could go, just a little, to give shape to these powers and feelings she has. There’s the currents of destiny underneath the story, which is something I’ve been thinking about re: Star Wars, how destiny is absolutely a thing, but it’s so much more understated and elegantly illustrated here!    The fic does a beautiful job of not only the world and the brief moments we get with the Jedi (who, even from outside the pov, felt nicely depthful!) but gives such weight to Mira’s character, she feels real here, I cared very much about her! She was a child, but one who knew things, who still saw the world as a child but also as someone who was connected to the Force in that way Force-Sensitives have. I love the details of where Ezra got his name from, I love the web of connections being weaved here, and I love the writing. I mean, yes, my heart soared for how spot on the Jedi are to TCW/Rebels, how this is exactly in line with how we see them, it’s such a warm, good feeling! But also that this is Mira’s story is wonderful because she is wonderful here. Such a great read! ✦ breathe by ignitesthestars, finn/rey & cast, tlj spoilers, ~1k    The Falcon has beds, but for as few people are left of the Resistance, there are still too many of them to fit comfortably. Used to sleeping in tight places, Rey asks Poe to wake her up when it’s her turn to fly and finds a corner to curl up in.    I really enjoyed this short piece as a post-TLJ fic! It’s complicated on both their sides, so much has happened over the last couple of days, so much has changed since then, but there’s still a connection between these two, they still touch on each other to steady themselves. There’s an adorable bit of teasing, but even beyond that there’s something very real and important in this connection and, oh, it definitely did my heart good. ✦ Just To Sleep Underneath Your Bed by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, mild d/s undercurrents, some darker themes off-page, attempt at non-con, 46k    Anakin struggles with desires that he isn’t allowed to act on. Obi-Wan shouldn’t be surprised when his student rebels.    While reading this fic, I felt like it was something I would have seen 10-15 years ago, that it was in that style and I can’t really put it into words what I mean, other than that the tropes seem more of that era. And it’s not to its detriment, I actually felt this strong wave of nostalgia for it, because it was also so incredibly engaging at the same time, even when I thought I would be craving a more modern style to fic. And that’s the thing here! If the fic had been described to me, I’m not sure I really would have gotten it, how it was going to affect me, because I’d have turned right around on the mention of the non-con/etc. But–and part of this is that the fic really lines up with my views on other things, so it put me in the right frame of mind–somehow that worked for me, because it was born out of Anakin’s desperate attachment, which does get billed as “attachment = any affection” a bit, instead of the canon “possessive relationships” but it’s not in a mean-spirited way and when you step back and really look at Anakin’s behavior, it is possessive and obsessive, it’s coming from a place that Anakin Skywalker is very much prone to, and so his actions (the attempted non-con, the getting involved with skeevy people) stem from that and so it made sense to me and I bought it! If you have a hard nope at these things, you might still want to pass it over, but if you’re sort of on the fence like me, I would suggest picking up the fic anyway, because this Anakin is more of a mess in a way that’s brought to the surface, but is absolutely one I see in him.    Where the fic really got me is in how well it absolutely nailed that underlying d/s theme, which was super fucking satisfying to my id, like, holy shit, so satisfying, because Obi-Wan definitely has an iron hard commanding voice when it’s needed and Anakin practically reverberates in place every time Obi-Wan gets strict with him, even when he’s in trouble. Anakin’s authority kink is definitely on parade here and it’s so goddamned good and spot on for his character, especially when you combine it with that stubborn unwillingness to let his deeply rooted attachments/borderline obsessions go. He’s younger here, but not to the point that it broke me on the dynamic, especially when this fic is all about how Anakin really, really wants that authority over him kept in place, that even as he struggles to be seen and respected and praised, it’s still there–the fic really does a great job at showing that, at really threading it through the entire story.    This is all stuff I’m feeling from the fic, rather than that it’s stated outright, which is another thing I loved, because that makes a story all the better for me when an author achieves that, because it’s not easy! And the writing is engaging, I read this in about two sittings because I absolutely could not put it down, it just swept me up and was like, “Here, a fic for your id and it’s really getting down what it wants to get down!” in a way that I enjoyed so much. Which is all before the sex that finally happens and, holy crap, was that some incredibly satisfying sex, like there was no way I could read anything else for awhile after this because it was so satisfying. Anakin has wanted this forever and it plays into the d/s undercurrents and the noise is fucked out of his head for awhile and it lasts for several pages and it was honestly like this fic wondered how it could best please me in a (long!) sex scene? And then just fucking nailed it.    So much slow opening of Anakin up with fingers and long, long moments of “you’re not going to come until I say so” and then Anakin getting the noise thoroughly fucked out of his head when Obi-Wan is finally inside him and fucking him hard and deep and completely. So much of Anakin turning over and presenting himself to show the absolute mess his Master has made of him, because he’s sated and because he knows Obi-Wan will be weak to that, because it’s proof of how Anakin finally has gotten what he wanted. So much fingering Anakin afterwards, swollen and sore around the rim, who loves it for the proof it offers and the thorough wrecking of him, he wants to just be fucked into absolute utter pliancy. So much of Anakin desperately wanting another around, so he straddles Obi-Wan and rides his dick like a thing possessed, until Obi-Wan grabs hold him and fucks him even harder because Anakin is beautiful and needy and greedy and perfect. So much of Anakin’s stubborness and greed mixed with how desperately he loves his Master, how he really does try to be a better person and how he matures throughout the fic, but he’s still Anakin. So much of Anakin wanting his Master in him again and again, because only when he’s filled up does he finally feel like he’s not missing something, not empty, because he wants that affection, because he wants his Master’s heavy hand on him, because he’s such a brat sometimes, but in that, “My sweet, dangerous Anakin” way that is perfect.    It’s also a nicely long fic and I actually really loved the ending, it was perfectand so very Anakin and the right place to end the story, I’d been hoping for something like that and then it happened! But it’s also charismatic in a way that appeals to everything I want from it, it’s one of those that I’m going to read again someday because I want to really take my time with it, and it’s one that had some ridiculously hot sex–every time Anakin would rub his fingers over his entrance or every time Obi-Wan would slide fingers into him, the way Anakin would shiver or shake from it, the way there’s such hunger for each other, and the way there was truly a sense of “wow, Anakin just got wrecked and finally he feels content!” woven into it, the way Anakin finally got the dicking he wants so desperately, all of it added up to this fic that was just so very, very rewarding a read for me! ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, anakin/padme(/obi-wan eventually) & obi-wan & ahsoka & mace & jedi, 1k    “ANAKIN SKYWALKER! WHERE IS MY FANCY ASS NABOO WEDDING INVITATION?”    So, there was a question of whether or not the Jedi can get married (Anakin not being a reliable narrator) and whether or not the Jedi can fuck (they can, absolutely) and it just kind of ballooned into a hilarious thing and then Fishy wrote beautiful, beautiful crackfic where Anakin has no idea why the Jedi are so weird around him, but the truth is THEY WERE JUST WAITING FOR THEIR WEDDING INVITATIONS. They know, you’re not subtle, Anakin, and I read all of this with such a :D face (until about ¾ths of the way through, then it was legit irl cackling) because it’s so adorable, charming, and fun. The whole thread was a blast, but Fishy’s fic just made it that much better, truly a treasure blessed upon our fandom. ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 22.2k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either.    Chapter 5: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. I was really delighted to see this one updated, as I really like the undercurrents going on in it, that there are some rather sharp edges to the unresolved feelings, especially from Obi-Wan and Padme, who aren’t often explored in that sharp sense. Obi-Wan especially here has a brief moment of being really sharp in a way that doesn’t break his character, but also isn’t just the perfect, soft, gentle man he often is as well. And it was really satisfying for me, in that way that made me think about all the times that Obi-Wan has let things slide because he’s trying to achieve a greater good! But also more of the explanations of who Rusty is! I really am fond of that droid and it works so well, I love this whole fic already! ✦ untitled + untitled by lurkingcrow, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke, 3k    It feels like one of her dreams. How many times has she found herself in the old days, chasing after her master as they rush through empty corridors, only to wake to a much colder and darker reality?    In an AU where Anakin didn’t fall to the dark side but the galaxy still fell, it takes awhile for Ahsoka to find him and his family again. These two ficlets are lovely, they’re a small piece of a bigger AU, but function just fine as they are, and have really lovely emotional weight to them. Ahsoka seeing her Master again, seeing the little kidlet with him, meeting the other kidlet, seeing Obi-Wan again, how much that means to her, how much that brings her home again, the sense of family and love there, is all beautifully done and is both bittersweet and incredibly warm. It’s just the right amount of angst and just the right amount of emotional impact–that scene where Ahsoka realizes it’s not just Anakin, but Obi-Wan, too, and that there are kidlets there, that’s a moment where it feels like her whole world opens up again, and, oh, it’s lovely. ✦ Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You) by Callioope, jyn/cassian & galen/lyra & bodhi & baze & chirrut & kes/shara & cast, 84.2k    When Orson Krennic landed on Lah’mu, Lyra Erso made a choice. She chose her daughter. Now they move from planet to planet, identity to identity, rebel cell to rebel cell, until they wind up at the center of the rebellion.    I didn’t know how much I needed a Lyra Lives AU until I tucked into this one and just immediately got swept away. I really enjoyed the way this still felt like the Jyn we know from canon, from the movie and novels, while also being different because so much is different here when Lyra lives to be able to protect her daughter. It allows for room to nudge things just a track or two over from the canon and that means a whole lot of changes–many explored, some only lightly touched on–in a way that really felt organic and well thought out. It’s not an easy fic, but it is a fix-it one and it’s still a Jyn/Cassian fic at its heart, but also it’s a Jyn fic and all her complicated, prickly, tightly wrapped up issues layered over that soft heart of hers. I bought this fic every step of the way, it does the heavy lifting of the changes to the plot that such an AU would demand, and it gives a satisfying conclusion, like, yes, this is exactly what I wanted! And as a nice little bonus, it’s the only fic I can think of where Obi-Wan lives past ANH to join the Rebellion, even if it’s not explored for more than a moment and it’s not guaranteed, that brief moment was wonderful. But this is a Rogue One fic at its heart and, oh, the whole cast is there and it’s such a good read. ✦ On the other side by esama, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon, 41.5k wip    Dozen years ago Obi-Wan went into AgriCorps - now Qui-Gon Jinn is taking a new padawan. Somehow, this is Obi-Wan’s problem.    I do have a couple of caveats about this fic. I spent the entire fic being distracted by how much of it was explicitly contrasted against canon, not in the AU aspect, but in the basics of the GFFA. The final chapter also swerves really hard into anti-Jedi territory (simply as a warning for those who aren’t here for that!) in ways that don’t really work at all with canon–which I spent the whole chapter wanting to argue with until I realized that this was only a JA/JQ-based story, rather than based on George Lucas’ Star Wars Jedi. So the problems with the Jedi here are based on those books rather than canon, which settled my mind a lot!  And I don’t mean this as a backhanded compliment, genuinely it’s about finding the right mindset to going into a fic and I think it would help readers! The second is that there’s something really sad and bittersweet about this story, that there’s nothing of the Obi-Wan Kenobi we know left, that this version is almost a completely different person, his character and reactions have almost nothing left of the man from the movies and shows, in a way that made me miss him the entire way, I had such feelings about that!    Okay, I know I’m giving this a bit of an ear-pulling, but genuinely I would not put this on my list if I weren’t recommending it honestly. I do mention caveats because, if you’re using my recs, you probably have certain tastes and would want heads up about things or I think certain warnings can put me in the right headspace for a fic and I want to help with that if I can. The thing about the fic is that the writing is, as always, smooth and polished, the author has a tremendous way of writing cleanly and with enthusiasm for what they’re going for! The sheer love for aquaponics and that aspect of building up the world radiates through the entire fic and I loved that so much, I could have read an entire 50k on the set-up of the water tanks and plants and fish! The detail in describing all those plants was clearly a blast to write and it shows, the enthusiasm is so, so infectious for it. And while I wish there had been more Obi-Wan & Anakin interaction, because their relationship is at the heart of the Star Wars and to have them in the room together without touching on that feels a little aching to me, they do get a cute scene later, and bb!Anakin is so much fun to read. I genuinely want to recommend it for the aquaponics (such a Star Wars thing to do!) and for the cuteness of moppet!Anakin, those things really engaged me hard in this fic! ✦ Backstep by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    Back to the wrong start.    I am so very into time travel fic and body swap fic, so while this is a quick start and it’s still early yet, I enjoyed it a lot! The fun of the build-up to the reveal, the anticipation of where this is all going to go, it’s spot-on for what I wanted from this set-up! ✦ Not Quite The End by Fish_and_Celery, luke & obi-wan, force ghosts, ~1k    “I was always afraid I’d take after my father,” Luke said. “It should have occurred to me when Ben slaughtered the new Jedi and fell to the dark side that I was taking after you instead.”    I admit, I almost turned around at the summary, because I’m not here for missing the point that Luke wasn’t speaking the truth when he went on his rant to Rey, but the note about them being the author’s favorites made me curious and the fic isn’t really what I feared it was going to be. Instead it’s this quiet little reflective piece between these two characters who had such an important relationship, it’s a calmer and more honest look at the course of their lives, the sense of wry humor and willingness to keep going even when they’re tired, that they’re both such good people that I really enjoyed about this. I love the quiet sense of hope here, it’s very fitting to Star Wars. ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, bondage, ~1k    Please consider that one night, when their relationship is still new and they’re still exploring their kinks, Obi-Wan asks Anakin if he would like to try out being tied up.    Headcanon posts aren’t usually long enough to work for fic, but this one was at least 600 words and I’ve recommended shorter fics and, honestly, if it had more paragraphs and a little tweaking it could have been a fic! Also, it’s my blog, I rec what I want. XD And this just hit that *___* place for me, that id-pleasing, embracing of the tropes it presents (Anakin lies being tied up and Obi-Wan likes fucking the noise out of Anakin’s head) and some really, really pretty imagery and some very saitsfying sex described. I am so here for Anakin getting tied to the headboard and then a lot of very happy fucking! It’s a pick-me-up for those who really like this sort of thing. ♥ ✦ everything will glow for you by waterandsilver, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertone, 2.4k    Sometimes when Anakin kisses, Obi-Wan has half a mind to remind him that he’s not in battle anymore.    I’ve probably recommended this fic before, but I don’t care, because I reread it again after seeing it on subskywalker’s fic recs list and it’s one of those that’s just exactly what it promises, in the best way. It’s a pwp fic with happy, eager participants, with Anakin who is hungry and greedy and demanding and bright and brilliant and wants Obi-Wan to just fuck him now, that coming is nice and all, but he wants more. And Obi-Wan who wants to fuck him just as much, who loves this brilliant, bright, greedy, hungry, bratty man and cannot resist him. I love how there’s really much angst about it, just that they have to wait for the right time and then banter the entire way through, until Obi-Wan finally snaps and fucks him, which manages to shut Anakin up for a brief moment. It’s just really joyful, wonderful sex that everyone involved–the reader included!–had funwith and I loved it. ✦ Flatmates by maraudeuse, luke & han/leia & obi-wan/anakin & cast, force ghosts, 5.5k    After the end of the Galactic Civil War, Luke, Leia and Han decide they need a break and move to Coruscant together to figure out their next steps. They certainly don’t expect to be sharing their apartment with four very insistent Force ghosts.    This is total fluffy crack in pretty much exactly the way it says on the tin! It’s one of those that’s just entirely warm-hearted and adorable to read, the kind where you want everything soft and cute and happily ever ever, where it’s one big pile of domesticity, including the Force Ghost House Guests! There’s a lot of cute scenes and little details, lots and lots of little moments that are rather slice of life in the really fun way, and just that it’s one of those fics I needed after some of the angst in this fandom. Super cute!! ✦ untitled by darthrevaan, obi-wan & anakin & shmi, sith!obi-wan, ~1k    Anonymous asked: any au, anakin has a miserable cold    This probably won’t make perfect sense without being familiar with The Black Library, but context is basically that Jedi!Anakin has found himself landed with a Sith Lord who is just quietly running a library and, oh, hey, his mom is here, too. In this ficlet, Anakin gets sick and I am always here for sick!fic, especially when Shmi is there to be no-nonsense with the both of them, yet warm and kind, while Anakin is miserable and Obi-Wan is annoyed. It’s just PURE ADORABLE.
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