#the trials of apollo: the tyrant's tomb (2019)
britesparc · 3 months
Weekend Top Ten #643
Top Ten by Daughter #1: “Top Ten Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo/Magnus Chase characters(I would do Kane Chronicles but I’ve not read it yet) explained in great detail.”
Yes, it’s another one of those weeks; the weeks were, due to chronological happenstance, I turn my beloved listicle factory over to one of my precocious broodlings. This week: Daughter #1, the older one.
It’s of no surprise to anyone that’s encountered her in the last year that she’s chosen to focus on the works of one Rick Riordan. Mr Riordan is, for the uninitiated, the author of the book The Lightning Thief (2005) and its many subsequent follow-ups and spin-offs. In truth, Riordan has created a veritable shared universe starring contemporary demi-gods, factoring in pantheons of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse mythology. It’s a bold and impressive undertaking, and one that she's fully immersed herself in; it’s fair to say it’s become her “thing”, the way at various points in my childhood Transformers, Garfield, or (when I was only a little bit older than she is now) The X-Files was my own particular “thing”.
Anyway, I asked her to write a list, and she came up with this. What follows is all her own work; ten characters, drawn from the fevered imagination of Rick Riordan, and organised in such a way as to represent a preferential ordering. Words and music are my daughter’s own. I shall step away, the producer moving to the back of the auditorium better to witness the production’s unfolding. My eyes will partly be on the stage, partly on the audience. The only alterations I have made are to ensure grammar, punction, and overall formatting is in line with my own internal style guide; and to highlight the first appearance of the given characters. Other than that: Daughter #1.
Take it away.
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Rachel Dare (The Titan’s Curse, 2007): she hits the Titan lord Kronos in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush. I think I’m in love.
Octavian (The Son of Neptune, 2011): I know he is technically a villain and does try to kill Percy and the others several times, but I have written him a backstory and everything. I will die on this hill.
Alex Fierro (The Hammer of Thor, 2016): it’s Alex Fierro. No more needs to be said.
Nico di Angelo (The Titan’s Curse, 2007): gay disaster boy oh Hades thank you for making this angel child I love him so much but he is so sad oh someone please give him a hug his sister is dead. Thank you for giving Will a hug though #relationshipgoals #solangelo
Will Solace (The Last Olympian, 2009): amazing golden retriever boy but like half his cabin is dead omg someone give him a hug as well thank you for giving Nico a hug #relationship goals #solangelo 
Apollo/Lester (The Titan’s Curse, 2007): he is so underrated but his character growth is amazing and his love for his children and Meg is so real.
Bianca di Angelo (The Titan’s Curse, 2007): my sweet child why did you have to die, you were only twelve, no now I’m crying. She was a hunter of Artemis.
Zoë Nightshade (The Titan’s Curse, 2007):  (I couldn’t put the little dots over the e in Zoe sorry [but I can, don’t worry – DH]) but she also died oh why “stars…I can see the stars again my lady” were her last words. No I’m not crying you are. Amazing girl also a hunter of Artemis, her lieutenant actually.
Lavina Asimov (The Tyrant’s Tomb, 2019): she is amazing and glorious and has pink hair. Beautiful.
Hazel Levesque (The Son of Neptune, 2011): my precious daughter of Pluto.
My personal takeaways from this – having not read the books but having seen the Disney+ series – is that Daughter #1 apparently doesn’t actually like Percy, the main character? Yeah? Is that right? Or Annabeth, his girlfriend? Or Grover, literature’s second-most-famous faun? Also, I can only assume that The Titan’s Curse is the most significant book in the entire saga.
Anyway, happy birthday, and see you all again next year.
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greenconverses · 5 years
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Currently reading: The Tyrant’s Tomb (Trials of Apollo #4) by Rick Riordan. 
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roseunspindle · 5 years
Most Anticipated Releases for The Second Half of the Year...
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I couldn’t choose between these two. ^_^
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bex-pendragon · 4 years
Bex’s Book Corner #12
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It’s that spooky time of year. I didn’t read as much in October because I’ve ticked almost all the boxes for the Reading Challenge! I was also planning for NaNoWriMo again, even though I’ve never come close to finishing. I’m really psyched about this year’s idea, though! I’m doing a contemporary retelling of a classic novel. I’ve never written a contemporary or a retelling before. I also realized this would be a story best told in first person. But hey, first time for everything, right? Meanwhile, here’s what I read in October!
1. This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
This is another weird novella that I was into… but I also had mixed feelings about it.
I think I just don’t get the novella as a literary form. It’s not for lack of trying. I’ve read two other novellas this year and I’ve read other ones in years past. It just perplexes me. I feel like most novellas either: 1. stretching out a concept that could have been a short story, or 2. a barebones, long form outline for what could have been a novel-length work. Let me be clear: this is a problem with me not vibing with the novella format in general. It is not a problem with the works themselves.
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TiHYLtTW is a weird little story about rival time travelers, Blue and Red, who are on opposite sides of a time war that’s been going on for longer than either of them has been alive. They travel through different eras, or strands, of time either preventing things from happening or making sure they happen. Atlantis has sunk multiple times across different realities. The world building is really outstanding.
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But the real beating heart of the story is the relationship between Red and Blue. They communicate primarily by letters hidden in increasingly creative ways to keep their bosses unaware. It’s like an epistolary romance hiding inside a science fiction shell. All of it is amazing and I am very impressed that the co-authors were able to pull it off.
I just wanted more. I wanted to know more about the organizations behind Blue and Red. I’m all for not telling the reader more than the need to know to understand a story, but I think the reader needed to know more in this case, not less. I think more backstory would’ve had me rooting even harder for Blue and Red to… become purple, I guess? Because I was definitely rooting for them!
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But still. This book is an amazing achievement. The problems I had with it were definitely me problems, not problems with the work itself.
Content warnings: blood, violence, death, gore/body horror.
This book fills the requirement for the “book with an upside down image on the cover” category.
2. The Tyrant’s Tomb by Rick Riordan
I can’t believe the Trials of Apollo series is ending! That’s what I get for falling so far behind.
The Tyrant’s Tomb is the penultimate book in the series. The finale, Tower of Nero, just came out. Even though I haven’t gotten there yet, it’s the end of an era. The new adaptation of PJO is in the works and Uncle Rick will be concentrating on that for the foreseeable future.
It really impresses me that Riordan has been able to keep this series fresh by phasing new characters in and out. Apollo’s character development has grown with each book. He is forced to come face-to-face with people he wronged in this installment. This disaster god has come so far. He’s become more human. Reminds me a bit of my favourite ineffable husbands in Good Omens and how they became more human too.
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Content warnings: violence, injuries.
This book ticks the box for the “book that won an award in 2019” category. It was a GoodReads Choice award, ok. Don’t @ me.
3. Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
OMG this book. THIS BOOK.
There was a lot of hype surrounding the release of Legendborn. I was already interested in it because it’s another Arthurian reimagining, but you know how it is with hyped books. Sometimes they don’t live up to our expectations.
This was 100% not the case with Legendborn. As much as love Arthurian stuff, I’m also super picky about it. I loved BBC Merlin, but found Starz Camelot unwatchable. I thoroughly enjoyed The Guinevere Deception, but didn’t like Once and Future quite as much. (It’s still really good! I think my own expectations got in the way!) I refuse to watch that Trash King Arthur movie because Katie McGrath’s character gets killed off. I still haven’t watched Cursed on Netflix. And the less said about Once Upon a Time’s Arthurian storyline the better. I still can’t believe they killed off Hot Merlin. Unforgiveable.
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But Legendborn… this book is so good, you guys. Let me explain.
Bree Mathews is still mourning the death of her mother when she leaves home for an early college program. She stumbles onto a secret society on campus that dates back to the time of the original King Arthur and his court. In this world, the descendants of Arthur’s knights are the Legendborn: tasked with fighting demons and keeping the rest of the world safe from dark magic. It’s very much an old boys club: the Legendborn families are lily-white and old money. Bree, a Black girl from a modest background, doesn’t fit in. And yet, she has magical abilities no one else has. She’s able to resist the “mesmer” effect that the sorcerer’s use to keep ordinary folks from seeing monsters. And she has other abilities too.
This is where Legendborn digs deeper. Who has the ability to do magic? Why is it kept only in certain families? What happens when someone comes along who practices a different branch of magic? I had a theory about where Bree’s power came from, and while I didn’t guess it exactly, I was on the right track!
For the old families, their brand of magic was just another way to exclude people they believed unworthy. But we learn that Bree’s ancestors had their own brand of magic. Her legacy is much more complicated than I predicted.
I don’t want to give too much away, but I’m so impressed by what Tracey Deonn has done here. She’s taken a very old story and infused it with new magic. She’s created a seat at the table for a character who usually doesn’t get the chance to star in a story like this. Arthuriana infused with Black Girl Magic. Imagine BBC Merlin if Gwen had been the heroine. This is like that, but EVEN BETTER.
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We also have to talk about the romance for a minute. The main love interest for Bree is Nick Davis, the descendant of Arthur. But I have a feeling things might get triangular as the series progresses. Bree also has a very complex relationship with Selwyn, the young Merlin who fights for the Order. He’s kind of a bad boy, but he also gave me Colin Morgan vibes.
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The relationship between Nick and Sel is complicated too. Definitely some Merthur feels happening for me.
Legendborn takes a very familiar story and expands the scope of it. Easily one of my favourites of the year. I’ll add this: if the first couple of chapters don’t grab you, stick with it! You’re in for some amazing plot twists and great character development. Highly recommended. A new bar has been set for Arthurian retellings.
Content warnings: parental death, grief, racism, violence, blood, injuries, mind control.
4. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon
(I’m including this book in my October roundup because technically I finished it November 1st, but I’m not going to have as much reading time this month because of NaNoWriMo and I have to gush about how much I enjoyed it ok.) Just when I didn’t think I could have any more favourites of the year, Rachel Lynn Solomon gave me the gift that was Today Tonight Tomorrow.
Rowan Roth has competed with Neil McNair all throughout their high school career. He’s smug and insufferable. Their rivalry started when they both wrote an essay on their favourite book. She wrote about a Nora Roberts romance. He wrote about The Great Gatsby. He won, and ridiculed her choice. And thus, a rivalry for the ages was born.
Rowan loves romance novels, but everyone around her seems to think they’re not worth the energy. Even her author parents. We get some great “defense of the novel” passages in this book that would make Jane Austen proud.
But the rivalry! Oh, the rivalry. Rowan and Neil team up for the senior class scavenger hunt and naturally, feelings happen. Feelings that may have been there all along…
Solomon does an incredible job with the character development. There’s this gradual thing where Rowan stops calling him McNair/McNightmare and starts calling him Neil. I live for that stuff.
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And it’s not all cuteness and fluff. Rowan is Jewish and she is shocked when she overhears a classmate make an anti-Semitic comment. It brings back memories of other microaggressions she’s experienced in her life.
The book is also very much a love letter to Seattle. I’ve never been there, but I could tell that the author loves the city and did her research. Following Rowan and Neil around all day was like I was on my own whirlwind tour of the city.
Did I mention the whole book takes place over 24 hours?
Overall, Today Tonight Tomorrow was a delight.
Content warnings: anti-Semitism and micro aggressions.
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akshays · 4 years
4th Book of Trials of Apollo series
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The Tyrant's Tomb is the fourth book of The Trials Of Apollo Series by Rick Riordan. Trials of Apollo is the series of 5 books and this is the second last book of series. The Tyrant's Tomb was published just year before, 24 September 2019.
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maria-jackson · 4 years
Will Percy be in the TON?
Based on what has been posted on Twitter on Percy's birthday (August 18th), I am convinced Percy Jackson will at least make an appearance in the Tower of Nero. And here’s why:
1. Today, Becky Riordan (Rick’s wife) tweeted this:
HappyBirthdayPercyJackson. On this day in 2005 you turned 12. Luckily for you in fiction you are stuck at 18 and about to enter “in person” college.
Now, I may be looking too far into this (let’s be real, I probably am), but the last time we saw Percy, he was 17 years old in the Ship of the Dead (as it ended in July).
Becky has read the Tower of Nero already. She says so in this tweet posted on May 19, 2020:
Publication date is Tuesday October 6. No spoilers. I will tell you that after I read the final pages Rick had to wrap his arms around me and hold me for a long time. It is the end of an amazing journey with Apollo and the beginning of another with Percy.
Once again, I could be grasping at straws here, but if Percy were to turn 18 in the Tower of Nero, Becky could’ve just gone with that age rather than 17, the age that the rest of the fandom knows Percy as. I highly doubt she would have made a mistake about how old he was, as she is the wife of the author of the Percy Jackson series.
2. “ 5 QUOTES FROM TRIALS OF APOLLO SPECIAL GUEST STAR PERCY JACKSON ” - an article posted today on readriordan's website
If you scroll down to the bottom of the article, you can see the paragraph that states:
Get ready for The Tower of Nero, the gripping finale to the Trials of Apollo series, on sale October 6. Who knows? Maybe the birthday boy will make another appearance!
Granted, this article was posted by Read Riordan Staff, so they could be assuming as much as we are, but you must keep in mind that on September 18, 2019 (6 days before the release of the Tyrant’s Tomb), Read Riordan posted an article entitled “FRANK’S BURNING EMBER BUCKET LIST” and at the very bottom of the article, they state:
What do you think Frank should do before his stick burns up in The Tyrant’s Tomb?
Clearly, the Read Riordan staff is given some intel before each book is released. How much and when? Who knows. But with less than two months until the release of the Tower of Nero, I would at least like to imagine that the RR staff knows enough to where they can tease us with the line that states “maybe the birthday boy will make another appearance!” It just seems unnecessary to me to include that line at the end of an article that somewhat concerns a new book, only to let down thousands of fans that read the article who then get to the Tower of Nero and realize Percy was not involved.
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wearethecyclones · 5 years
My YEAR END Book Update
I’m an absolute monster and may have a couple to add to this before 2020 but uhhhh y’all, 63 books down.
2019 Reads:
Always and Forever, Lara Jean - Jenny Han (3/5)
The Diviners - Libba Bray (5/5)
Winter of the Witch - Katherine Arden (150,000/5)
The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious #2) - Maureen Johnson (4/5)
King of Scars - Leigh Bardugo (5/5)
The Prince and the Dressmaker - Jen Wang (5/5)
The Proposal - Jasmine Guillory (1/5)
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine (4/5)
The Witch Boy - Molly Knox Ostertag (4/5)
The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson (5/5)
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera  (4/5)
Inkmistress - Audrey Coulthurst (2/5)
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt (5/5)
The Hidden Witch - Molly Ostertag (4.5/5, loved it)
The Queen of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner (5/5)
Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn (3/5)
The King of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner (5/5)
A Single Man - Charles Isherwood (4/5)
A Conspiracy of Kings - Megan Whalen Turner (5/5)
On a Sunbeam - Tillie Walden (4/5)
Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur (1/5)
The Rise and the Fall of Dinosaurs - Stephen Brusatte (4/5)
Thick as Thieves - Megan Whalen Turner (5/5)
To Night Owl, From Dogfish - Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer (4/5, SO SWEET.)
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (4/5 but like 5/5 in my heart??? EVERYONE READ THIS, it’s so fun and queer and sweet and sexy lol)
Lair of Dreams (Diviners #2) - Libba Bray (5/5!!!)
SAGA Vol. 1 - Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (4/5, I stan forever send help)
Before the Devil Breaks You (Diviners #3) - Libba Bray (5/5 send HELP)
SAGA Vol. 2 - Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (4/5)
The Music Shop - Rachel Joyce (3/5)
Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng (5/5!!!!!!!)
SAGA Vol. 3 - Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (5/5)
Fence Vol. 1 - CS Pacat and Johanna the Mad (4/5, STAN FOREVER)
Spare and Found Parts - Sarah Maria Griffin (3/5)
Fence Vol. 2 - CS Pacat and Johanna the Mad (5/5 STAN!!!)
The Sky Fell on Splendor - Emily Henry (3.5/4)
A Study In Charlotte - Brittany Cavallaro (4/5)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (5/5)
Sadie - Courtney Summers (5/5)
SAGA Book 2 (Volumes 4-6) - Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (4/5)
The Last of August - Brittany Cavallaro (3/5 - which isn’t to say I don’t like this series or this book, it was just not strong enough for a 4/5)
Haikyu!! Vol. 1 - Haruichi Furudate (4/5, good weeb shit)
Fence Vol. 3 - CS Pacat and Johanna the Mad (5/5, big fan)
The Case for Jamie - Brittany Cavallaro (4/5)
Wilder Girls - Rory Power (5/5)
Haikyu!! Vol. 2 - Haruichi Furudate (3/5, good weeb shit)
American Panda - Gloria Chao (3/5)
The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater (obvs 5/5 still, I’m preparing for Call Down the Hawk lmao)
Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater (obvs!! 5/5 BTW this is the 5th time I’m reading this series)
The Trials of Apollo #4 - The Tyrant’s Tomb - Rick Riordan (4/5, stan for life)
Blue Lily, Lily Blue - Maggie Stiefvater (5/5 lol)
Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo (5/5)
Me - Elton John (the Taron Egerton audio book tbhhh, 5/5)
The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson (5/5)
The Raven King - Maggie Stiefvater (lolol 5/5)
Call Down the Hawk - Maggie Stiefvater (5/5!!!!!!)
The Midwinter Witch - Molly Ostertag (4/5)
Daisy Jones and the Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (5/5)
Recursion - Blake Crouch (FUCK!!! 5/5)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (FUCKFUCK! 5/5)
Serpent & Dove - Shelby Mahurin (3/5)
The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren (3.5/5)
The Whisper Man - Alex North (4/5)
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mariko Tamaki (3.5/5)
I had two DNFs this year, yikes. Those would be:
Of Ice and Shadows - Audrey Coulthurst (god I hated it...)
Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell (Literally couldn’t stand a single word of the 30% i read of it YIKES!!)
Post Office - Charles Bukowski
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mariko Tamaki 
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demigodsrock · 6 years
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https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ew.com/books/2019/03/07/trials-of-apollo-the-tyrants-tomb-excerpt/&ved=0ahUKEwiok7yqjvPgAhVRiHAKHVSUCAkQqQIIHigBMAA&usg=AOvVaw3cpbW_jCo3YaKuttAh42Be I'm expecting big things from this book. Alright, let's get down to this. The first two chapter's preview or excerpt or whatever. I'm gonna say the tone is set to be super sad. I feel that the book will play with our emotions a lot. The preview is cool and I hope that this story telling continues throughout. I feel like nobody's talking about this so go check it out. I'm super excited and hope the book will be epic.
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mid-year book freakout
@books-and-cookies thank you for the challenge!!
1. The Best Book of the Year So Far
A Work in Progress- Connor Franta
Even if I personally am not a fan of Connor like so, and have actually never seen one of his videos, I was given two of his books as gifts and I found them both to be incredibly well written, inspiring and real. A Work In Progress left me with the biggest feeling if inspiration and motivation I have felt in a long time to fulfill my goals and become who I truly want to be.
2. Best Sequel of the Year So Far
Leah on the Offbeat- Mary Albertalli
I love that it deals with coming out issues and bisexuality a lot more than other books usually do. I did love the first book, Simon vs. the Homopsapiens Agenda a lot too, but I read it last year, and if we’re talking about sequels, Leah’s where it’s at for me right now.
3. A New Release You Haven’t Read Yet But Want To
Oh boy, so many!! Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (Everyone’s talking about this one). I’m not really caught up on recent releases but I’m very excited to read these
4. Most Anticipated Release for Autumn/Winter
The Tyrant’s Tomb by Rick Riordan [Trials of Apollo #4] and Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell [Sequel to Carry On]
5. Your Biggest Disappointment of the Year So Far
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
6. Your Biggest Surprise of the Year So Far
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, I didnt expect much from it and is now in my top list of favourites.As well as A Work in Progress. I honestly thought that it having been written by a youtuber I dont even know and being a sort of “autobiography” it wouldnt be very good, but oh was I surprised.
7. New Favourite Author
John Green manages to maintain his post
8. Your Newest Favourite Character
Cath from ‘Fangirl’, Leah from ‘Leah on the Offbeat’ and Sadie from ‘The Kane Chronicles’
9. Your Newest Fictional Crush
Anubis in The Kane Chronicles, and Thalia Grace, Nico DiAngelo and Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series.
10. A Book that Has Made You Cry
Rules for Stealing Stars. I dont know if it counts since I had read it multiple times before but I re-read it this year and cried once again.
11. A Book that Has Made You Happy
the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy. The way these books validate and include transgender, genderfluid, and pansexual characters as well as being based on norse mythology but having a muslim and arabic characters, a deaf elf, a black dwarf, and many other characters and yet keeping it as a regular story not focused on these characters’ differences made me very very happy.
12. Some Books You Need to Read Before 2019 Ends
so many
damn it all of them
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
how so many books
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
geez my future reads pile
The Burning Maze [ToA3] by Rick Riordan
oh boy
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy
I have a whole notebook filled with book names
Finish The Kane Chronicles trilogy
I tag anyone who wants to do it uwu
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bookloveravenue · 5 years
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The Trials of Apollo (book 4): The Tyrant’s Tomb by Rick Riordan
In his penultimate adventure, a devastated but determined Apollo travels to Camp Jupiter, where he must learn what it is to be a hero, or die trying.
It's not easy being Apollo, especially when you've been turned into a human and banished from Olympus. On his path to restoring five ancient oracles and reclaiming his godly powers, Apollo (aka Lester Papadopoulos) has faced both triumphs and tragedies. Now his journey takes him to Camp Jupiter in the San Francisco Bay Area, where the Roman demigods are preparing for a desperate last stand against the evil Triumvirate of Roman emperors. Hazel, Reyna, Frank, Tyson, Ella, and many other old friends will need Apollo's aid to survive the onslaught. Unfortunately, the answer to their salvation lies in the forgotten tomb of a Roman ruler . . . someone even worse than the emperors Apollo has already faced.
September 28, 2019 
My Review: 5/5 Stars
The Burning Maze left us heartbroken and after waiting over a year and a half for The Tyrant's Tomb, well at least I can say it was worth the wait. A lot when down in the book. And I will say I was still emotional, especially in the beginning seeing as this book picked up where the last one left off, but there were plenty of fun and laughing moments. Apollo has changed a lot since The Hidden Oracle. He values the friends he has made along his journey and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he loses no one else. Now at Camp Jupiter, Apollo and Meg work with Frank, Hazel, and Reyna to prepare the legion for the emperors who will be arriving on the blood moon. The legion has lost a lot but their hope is gone just yet. There may be a way to turn the tides in the upcoming battle, Apollo just has to be ready for the sacrifice when it comes. Great, great book. Emotions were up and down and plenty of plot twists. And the surprises at the end? Just wow! One more book to go and I cannot wait to see how Riordan closes this series.
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loanstars · 5 years
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An Autumn List Full of Timeless Books
It’s the Loan Stars Jr. September & October 2019 list!
Sharon, Lois and Bram's Skinnamarink by Hampson, Sharon from Tundra Books - Sept 2019 🍁
Guts by Telgemeier, Raina from Scholastic - Sept 2019
The Stone Rainbow by Shaw, Liane from Second Story Press - Sept 2019 🍁
Tunnel of Bones (City of Ghosts #2) by Schwab, Victoria from Scholastic - Sept 2019
The Tyrant's Tomb (The Trials of Apollo #4) by Riordan, Rick from Disney-Hyperion - Sept 2019
Birdsong by Flett, Julie from Greystone Books Sept 2019 🍁
The Black Mage by Barnes, Daniel, Illus. by Kirkland, DJ from Oni Press - Oct 2019
The Blue Road by Compton, Wayde, Illus. by April dela Noche Milne from Arsenal Pulp Press - Oct 2019 🍁
The Kindness Book by Parr, Todd from Little Brown Books for Young Readers - Oct 2019
Five Minutes by Vernick, Audrey & Scalon, Liz Garton, Illus. by Olivier Tallec from G.P Putnam - Sept 2019
Looking for more books to read? Visit loanstars.ca and find what you seek.
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10 books I want to read in 2019
Thank @anassarhenisch for tagging me!
I made up three rules for me: 1.Only one book from a series 2.Only one book from an author 3.No rereads
Twelfth Night/William Shakespeare
Greenwitch/Susan Cooper (The Dark Is Rising #3)
Twilight Watch/Sergei Lukyanenko (Night Watch #3)
The Tyrant’s Tomb/Rick Riordan (Trials of Apollo #4)
A Forest Divided/Erin Hunter (Dawn of the Clans #5)
The Lost Colony/Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl #5)
Ramona Blue/Julie Murphy
Leah On the Offbeat/Becky Albertalli (Creekwood #2)
The Predator/K.A. Applegate (Animorphs #5)
Room for One More/Anna Rose Wright
I honestly have no idea who didn’t do this yet but if you didn’t consider yourself tagged :)
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roseunspindle · 5 years
Reading Plans for the Week
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dru-and-ash · 6 years
I know this is complicately unrelated to TSC
But can we talk about how
Reyna made her first cover appearance!
@calypso-emma I am telling you she&Apollo are meant to be together 😅
Not that I think that immature excuse of a god deserves my Reyna 🙄
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calypso-emma · 6 years
10 books I want to read in 2019...
Thank you @dru-and-ash for tagging me😊😊😊...Well, here's the list...
1) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
2) The Lost World (Ghost of the Shadow Market #9)
3) Forever Fallen (Ghost of the Shadow Market #10)
4) The Tyrant's Tomb by Rick Riordan (Trials of Apollo #4)
5) Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare ( The Eldest Curse #1)
6) Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare (The Last Hour #1)
7) Aru Shah and the Song of Death by Roshani Choksi (Pandava Series #2)
8) The Fire Keeper by Jennifer Cervantes
9) Dr. Sleep by Stephen King (it's basically sequel of the Shining)
10) Torment by Veronica Roth ( From Fallen series ) and it's other books...
Beside these, there is also lots of books I want to read...
I tag you @woodheart-feelingsnebula ....carry this on, if you like it....
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10 Books I Want To Read in 2019
I saw that @bookcub did this tag and I decided that I wanted to do this tag too! These aren’t in any particular order except for the first one: 
1. Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy by Shannon Messenger
2. The School for Good and Evil: A Crystal of Time by Soman Chainani
3. King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
4. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (Yeah, I can’t believe I haven’t read this one yet either)
5. Paperweight by Meg Haston
6. Made You Up by Francesca Zappia
7. The Trials of Apollo: The Tyrants Tomb by Rick Riordan
8. Dark Disciple by Christine Golden
9. The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
10. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 
I don’t know who’s already done this tag, so I tag anyone and everyone who wants to do it!
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