#the titere trio!
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 with the Titere siblings!!
Im sorry it took me so long to answer your ask! I DIDN'T FORGET IT- But I hope the littol bby Titere trio under the cut makes things just a little better</3 (I was going to do an art response with their parents but couldnt settle on a design lol)
TW: mentions of child neglect, child abuse, loss of limbs
The Titere trio's parents were very neglectful of their kids, they do not have nor do they know of any other extended family. As the oldest sibling, Wolfo had to step in to take care of his younger siblings, with most of what he learned coming from books, school and pure experimentation.
Whatever mistakes he made, he'd teach the lesson to Poppet and Creek so they dont make the same mistake (obviously accidents/mistakes are bound to happen anyway but they still made it through together).
Their parents couldnt care less of their kids tbh💀
The real game changer happened when their dad literally tore off Poppet's wing-arms from being under the influence of presumably drugs. Wolfo and Creek sought out whatever help they could get their hands on since it was the first time any of them had to deal with a situation like this.
Nothing like a "mysterious friend" to help you out though, right? :)
His help came at a cost, but hey! Wolfo and Creek would rather go through a painful transformation process all over again than lose Poppet<3
Poppet didnt get his arms back though😔✌️ (but at least he's alive ig-)
They kinda just figure out things on their own (which is part of why their grades are a bit trash💀) so hearing they got accepted in a prestigious school made Wolfo do a double take, maybe even ask if they had the wrong names- but nope!
Out of some miracle from The Great Seven, they somehow managed to squeeze themselves into NRC (totally not like they had a helping hand from someone familiar no no shh)
And now they're here!
Wolfo ramming students into the sky with his horns, Creek jumpscaring students from the dark corners of the hall and Poppet growling and biting kids just cause he felt like it.
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koiiiji · 9 months ago
tw ; gn! reader, fluff
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
Kwak Jichang sighed deeply as he unlocked the door to his apartment, the weight of the day's work still heavy on his shoulders. the quietness of the usually bustling hallway hinted at a peaceful evening awaiting him. he pushed open the door, expecting the familiar warmth and brightness of his living room. instead, he was greeted by an eerie, dimly lit space. the only source of light came from the television, casting a flickering glow over the room. on the couch, huddled together a trio of forlorn souls - Jibeom, Jihan, and you. all three of you were facing the screen, eyes glistening with unshed tears. the atmosphere was thick with emotion, and the only sound was the low murmur of the TV, playing a titers from the latest episode of "house of the dragon."
Jichang closed the door quietly behind him and approached the couch. he could see each tear rolling down your cheeks a testament to the intensity of the moment you had just witnessed. confused but concerned, he softly called out, "hey, what’s going on? why are you three crying?"
in unison, you turned to face him, tear-filled eyes locking onto his. there was a brief moment of silence, a collective breath held, before you all spoke at once, your voices choked with emotion. “they were just dragons… they did nothing wrong…” with that, you burst into tears anew, sobbing uncontrollably. Jichang, taken aback by the sheer intensity of your grief, could only stand there for a moment, trying to process what three of you had said. turning to the screen, he finally realized that this was the series that he couldn't find time to watch with you, all together, and apparently you started without him. the sad music ended, and a scene after the credits was shown. a wounded, huge creature lying on the ground, growling piteously in pain, and he finally understood. the episode had clearly hit you hard, the death of the dragon feeling like a personal loss. Jichang, though not as invested in the show, felt a pang of sympathy for the fictional creatures and a deeper one for the people he loved. he moved to the couch, squeezing in between his brothers, and wrapped his arms around you all. “it’s okay, it’s just a show,” - he murmured softly, patting Jihan’s hair. eventually Jibeom wiped his eyes and managed a small, sad smile. “it was just so sad, hyung,” - he said. “they were so majestic, and they just… died.”
“well, we still have more episodes to watch, right? maybe there will be some happy moments too” - Jibeom nodded, though he still looked devastated.
after sitting like that for a couple more minutes, Jibom was the first to suggest to finally have dinner together, and you smoothly moved into the kitchen, still discussing the latest episode. with the clinking of plates, loud screams and the general bustle in the kitchen, Jichang finally relaxed - the familiar homely atmosphere warmed his soul. a little chaos, the squabbles of the younger ones and the taste of the homemade food warmed the soul, and at that moment everything seemed to freeze... Kwak Jichang never been more happy than now, and he wanted to stay in this cocoon of warmth forever, next to his family.
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author’s note ; no, it’s not me crying, i just got s2e4 house of the dragon in my eyes🥹🥹
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
•Wolfo and the remaining trio would be baffled if you told him his form was peak body ideal body-
"Soooo does that mean we gotta fight off the onis with sticks if he gets too popular or something?"
*Hits sibling* "They're oni, not feral animals, dumbass"
*(Gremlin sounds)*
•Jessica promptly acts a bit like a cocky bastard and Oceana has no idea- just acts like her usual chipper self and just thinks they're really polite! And Cho-Hee? He admits he's a little shy about it- just a little bit ODNDKANS
•IM SORRY ONI FOLK- BUT DALLAS IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE AND YOU ARE ALL BEING DECEIVED- bro is the type that purposefully acts sweet and polite if he knows it will win their favor- And Creek? She's kinda empty headed and goofy anyway💀
More Oni Headcanon
characters from @silent-dragon , @hey-its-cweepy , @fumikomiyasaki mentioned
Forenus and Wolfo would be considered Peak Male ideal among Onigashima’s Oni they’d probably get ask how they do it , We could probably add Kareu but Kareu has a Baby face .
Aiden can Cook be see. As automatic Husband material by every oni
Esca would so popular, for the simple reason that most oni can’t grow facial hair and Most oni like Cats . But he also in the ideal male body
… Oni Wonder how Hoshi hasn’t Broken every bone in Flynn’s Birdy Body . Hoshi has said to easily crack Pumpkin on accident , Hiei been seen lifting cars and Shu …he saved a semi truck driver once by lifting the Truck, they think this is normal
Hoshi has said that Flynn would actually be considered the scum of the Earth if he was an Oni . oni Kinda have an Inherent thing againist some of his Sketchy ways.
Hoshiguma said that If Flynn and Nanos Traits were Translated into an oni ,Nanoy would be the more Desirable one due to his demeanor , and the Scars , oni women like men like Nano in Personailty
he also says that Flynn would weight a bit more than Hoshi Doses as an oni however he’d be “soft” but Nanoya would be even bigger due to muscle .
Flynn would keep the Feathers but he’d be too heavy to Fly with them . They basically be decoration.
Rubina… most Male oni would like her , Same with Gabrielle … and Jessica oh Oceana too , Infact Cho-Hee included here too desirable.
Waffle .. let’s say Morey should keep an Eye on her ,Female Oni’s see a Cute thing and gather Around it .
Dallas would be considered too cute and most would not want to touch Creek but would find her attractive
Oni Get offended by Curse meant to turn peoples into Orges as punishment ,like imagine people treating your whole Race as a punishment . They instead try to help people adapt to how an oni body works.
Oni have High Libido but they wish it was less it’s unknown how they kept it under control most oni due so you wouldn’t know until You get one in bed .
They also use alot of stuff to make food more Filling for themselves Eles Oni would eat all the Time due thier Strange metabolisms. If you have an Oni as a Partner you That weights going to sneak up on you and they Worried when People don’t eat
Dont Bring Sigurd to an Oni gathering they’ll think he’s Rude .
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fitnesshealthyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/arizona-republicans-want-to-make-it-easier-to-skip-vaccines-despite-high-number-of-unvaccinated-children/
Arizona Republicans Want To Make It Easier to Skip Vaccines, Despite High Number of Unvaccinated Children
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Arizona, a state with one of the highest rates of unvaccinated children in the U.S, may soon make it easier for parents to get non-medical vaccine exemptions for their children.
Dismissing advice from public health officials at the state and federal level, conservatives in the House’s Health and Human Services Committee pushed through a series of bills that would alter vaccine requirements in the state. The most contentious of the three, HB270, would remove a current provision that requires parents to seek out a form from the state’s health department that authorizes the student to bypass school vaccine requirements. 
The other two bills would expand requirements for medical professionals who administer vaccines. HB 2472 would require them to offer additional testing, while HB 2471 is an informed-consent bill that would mandate the dispersal of additional medical information related to vaccine ingredients and risks, AZ Central reported. All told, the bills would ease barriers to staying unvaccinated while also expanding eligibility for personal and religious vaccine exemptions. 
Republican Rep. Nancy Barto of Pheonix, who introduced all three bills, characterized current state requirements as coercive. She positioned the bills as prohibitive to parental freedom.
“When a parent only has a government statement that they have to sign in order to qualify for an exemption that they don’t agree with, that is coercion. This allows them to either sign that or make their own statement,” Barto said at a Thursday committee hearing. 
Barto had the support of several parents who spoke at the committee hearing. Brandy Williams, the mother of Logan Simpson, spoke passionately and said her son had a serious negative reaction to the Rotavirus vaccine. Said she wasn’t fully informed by doctors of all the risks. 
But several doctors who spoke at the committee hearing argued that easing exemptions would put immuno-compromised children at greater risk. What’s more, asking doctors to perform additional tests could potentially impose a financial burden on patients. A Titer Test for polio, for example, could cost a patient at least $230 without insurance, doctors argued at the hearing, which can be livestreamed in full here. 
Despite a growing anti-vaccination movement in the U.S., the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which operates under the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, recommends routine vaccination for children by the age of 24 months to protect against serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses.
Pediatrician Liz McKenna, representing the Arizona chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, read a prepared statement that warned lawmakers against pushing through the trio of bills.
“If passed, these bills will undermine our efforts to keep children safe and healthy because they would lower the vaccination rates in our communities and increase the risk of community-wide outbreaks,” she stated. 
McKenna pointed to decades of research that show that vaccines are some of the most rigorously tested medical interventions. If measles were to come to Arizona, she said more than 5,000 kids could be susceptible.
“Deadly measles outbreaks, which had disappeared from our practices, are now occurring throughout our communities in the country where children are unvaccinated,” she said, adding that the bills were “extremely onerous and in no way will improve patient care.” 
Arizona is home to some of the highest numbers of unvaccinated children. A 2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey found that the state has the lowest rate for MMR vaccinates in the country, at around 84 percent.
If the state succeeds in passing the bills, which must first wind their through the rest of state legislature, it could translate to an increase in the number of unvaccinated children. A 2018 study published by the medical journal PLOS 1 found that, “the number of ‘philosophical-belief’ vaccine non-medical exemptions has risen in 12 of the 18 states” that allow the policy. 
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Arizona lawmakers are attempting to ease hurdles for parents of unvaccinated children with a trio of bills introduced to the state’s House of Representatives. Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
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Name: Wolfo Titere
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 20
Birthday: January 1st
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 7'1
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Yellow (left) and Black (right)
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania (Fandorm by @terrovaniadorm!)
School year: 3rd
Club: ???
Best subject: Master chef classes
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Meat, breaking things, sweets
Dislikes: Getting wet, bright lights
Favorite food: Shepard's pie!
Least favorite food: Eggplants
Hobbies: Cooking/baking!
Talent: He is scary good at hiding despite his height/weight
Personality: Despite Wolfo giving the illusion he's fat, he's actually mostly muscle (which is why he cant swim). He's very protective over stuff that he owns/people he cares about, so if he's charging at you full speed ahead you probably deserved it-
Despite him being unable to swim (without sinking to the bottom), he's able to hold his breath for a very long time and is very resistant! He can easily lift around 200 kg in human form (and +600kg in monster form)
Unique Magic: Follow the scent: User is capable of finding anyone or anything regardless of where its hidden, but they have to know the person/have made contact with the item
Name: Creek Titere
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 18
Birthday: February 2nd
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 6'2
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Blue
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania (previously tagged!)
School year: 2nd
Club: Science
Best subject: Poison refining
Dominant hand: Left
Likes: Shy/easily scared people, candy, toys
Dislikes: Being told what to do, annoying/bossy people, bitter things, bright lights
Favorite food: Ice cream!
Least favorite food: Anything that's bitter
Hobbies: Painting (She's not very good at it...) And toy collecting!
Talent: She's able to contort her body in a variety of different ways!
Personality: Creek sometimes likes to purposefully mess with people, although she'll never directly hurt them! She also has a bad habit of staring at people, unintentionally causing discomfort and jumping out of corners (without warning) to greet friends-
If you're friends with her, she'll show off the stuff she paints/collects! Although things wont end well if you say you dont like it
Unique Magic: Hello friends!: The user makes the people the spell is aimed at feel paranoid, as if someone is watching them, the spell never lasts for more than 3 days
Name: Poppet Titere
Gender: Demi-boy (He/Him+They/Them)
Age: 16
Birthday: March 3rd
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5'3
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Black
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania! (They're 3 of a kind :))
School year: 1st
Club: ???
Best subject: Summoning
Dominant hand: ... He has no arms :)
Likes: His siblings, chocolate
Dislikes: Bright lights, loud noises
Favorite food: Chocolate and strawberries!
Least favorite food: Spicy food
Hobbies: Sewing, plushie collecting, reading
Talent: Poppet has really great balance! Capable of walking as normal even if its on a tightrope
Personality: Do NOT let his sad muppet eyes fool you, he is a little gremlin- Despite Poppet being incapable of speaking english, he still understands it and can write in it!
Poppet has a habit of growling at anyone they meet for the first time, they're not genuinely mad tho! They're just unsure of your intent-
Poppet may be small, but they're just as powerful and spooky as their siblings
Unique Magic: Its unknown how he says it, but it seems after a few specific sounds, the victim of this spell will feel an intense pain course through their body, however Poppet only seems to use it when he or someone else he cares about if injured
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Happy birthday to the big man!!!!
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Its February 2nd which means-
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Hello cweepy [evil] may i ask your Terrovania ocs opinions on the trio? Feel free to pick and choose 👀
Hello hello!!! :D
Maxwell Murray
🐐Wolfo just respects him as Dorm Leader- and if he dont wanna talk, that's okay! Its not like he can make him anyway sosnsksndislam-
🐐Also blind in one eye buddies✨
🐐Probably almost threw something at him on accident if he (unintentionally) snuck up on him tho
🕊️Creek finds it strange that he leaves stuff up to Sam, but wouldn't really bug him about it
🕊️Also respects his decision that he just simply doesn't like talking to people lol
🕊️Lowkey mad he being unjustly blamed for what happened with his sister-
🦎Poppet would be scared of him at first but eventually warm up!
🦎You still get the "growls at the beginning of the conversation as a first impression" treatment in the beginning though (to which Wolfo has to gently bonk them with a rolled up newspaper and apologize for them)
🦎Probably secretly admires him from a distance since he's big and strong like Wolfo is!
🐐Wolfo does the freaking dad laugh anytime he catches him on the ceiling
🐐Forgot he was the vice dorm leader several times
🐐Just dont let the goofy pranks go too far-
🕊️Creek thinks he's a little silly guy /POS
🕊️Also forgot he was vice dorm leader several times
🕊️Lowkey highkey interested in the culture club but uncertain wether she'd swap clubs or not
🦎Despite me saying Poppet has a gremlin attitude, they'd never break a rule of their dorm (or at the very least try very hard not to)
🦎Very shook and confused seeing him on the ceiling and questions how he got there
🦎Poppet does not care if you are their dorm leader, vice dorm leader or the gosh darn headmaster, they will growl at you in your first meeting- but its okay! Because as said several times before, they just need time- and I think they could probably be friends with time
Hecate Morgan
🐐Wolfo's RSA slander is through the roof- "PAH! Who needs them?! They don't deserve you anyway"
🐐Almost accidently called her "mom" once
🐐Wolfo doesn't appreciate liars though, so that could be one nasty argument depending on how far she's willing to lie about-💀
🕊️Creek literally accidently called her "mom" once and felt really embarrassed by it (Wolfo teases her about it on occasions)
🕊️Her RSA slander is also through the roof, but lowkey glad they have her even if she wishes it didnt have to come from some big argument
🕊️!!! You make branch gift for Creek and she makes doll gift for you👁️
🦎Poppet sees her as a mom-
🦎After the slightly rough first introduction, he's definitely the type to act like a touch-starved cat around her and hide behind her if someone/something is scaring them
🦎Please help them with alchemy, they freaking suck at it💀
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hey-its-cweepy · 3 years ago
Edited 20/Feb/2023, originally posted 25/may/2022
Hello! My name is Cweepy, also known as Cweepus, Cweeper or anything you'd prefer!
I am 19 years old and I mostly do art (occasionally writing)!
I have a love for many fandoms, such as Twisted Wonderland, Cookie Run, Obey Me!, Sanrio, Pokemon and many others lol
My ask box is always open for ANY question as long as its not NSFW/NSFT (HOWEVER NSFW/NSFT asks must go to @no-its-not-cweepy, which is my NSFW account! Ageless blogs and minors will be blocked though)
I have LOTS of OCs, but for the sake of "I mostly post about Twist anyway'', twist OCs will be flopped here! Some of their reference sheets are still needing to be uploaded BUT WE WILL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE!
•Faust Astaroth (2nd yr)
-Based on The Jabberwockey from Alice in Wonderland!
• Salvatore and Vincenzo Festus (2nd yr)
-Based on The Doberman Twins from Oliver and Company!
•Benibara Bellabon (2nd yr)
-Based on Bellwether from Zootopia!
•Kumo Leonard (2nd yr)
-Based on Sabor from Tarzan!
•Banji Chalo (2nd yr)
-Based on Banji from The Lion King! (I love Ruggie but c'mon man no hyena trio???)
•Clover Fox (2nd yr)
-Based on Foxy Loxy from Chicken Little!
Octavinelle (Igni snatched the blue and I play favorites /LH)
•Cweepy Angelicus (2nd yr) (SONA)
-Based on The Squid from Finding Dory!
•Cho-Hee Angelicus (3rd yr)
-Based on The Barracuda from Finding Nemo!
•Marinus Aerwyna (3rd yr)
-Based on The Sirens from Ice Age: Continental Drift!
Scarabia (If yellow was an option, I would've already used it but Im on mobile-):
•Momo Kira (1st yr)
-Based on The Bounty Hunter Plant from Wander Over Yonder!
•Dallas Showstage (1st yr)
-Based on Darla Dimple from Cats Dont Dance!
•Venus Querida (3rd yr)
-Based on Gabi from Rio 2!
•Avery Simmons (2nd yr)
-Based on Mertle Simmons from Lilo and Stitch!
•Dell Nyan Dovahkiin (1st yr)
-Based on Giffany from Gravity Falls!
•Kenzo Matisse (3rd yr)
-Based on Experiment 1 from Lilo and Stitch (the series)!
•Aotome Lenovo (3rd yr)
-Based on Auto from Wall-E!
•Jolie Winters (2nd yr)
-Based on Loosey Goosey from Chicken Little!
•Hextian Alvah (3rd yr)
-Based on Hexxus from Ferngully!
•Kamïk Yela'wate (3rd yr)
-Based on Xibalba from The Book of Life!
•Roan Murdoc (1st yr) (MC OC/YUUSONA)
-... Inspo came out of Ronno from Bambi (1 and 2)
Terrovania (fandorm by @/terrovaniadorm!)
•Pepper Salt (2nd year)
-Based on Basil from OMORI!
•The Titere trio! (Wolfo, Creek and Poppet Titere)
-Based on The Follower, The Greeter and The Waiter from 123 Slaughter Me Street!)
Fangulous (fandorm by @/rookvonhunt!)
•Seine Webbings (3rd year)
-Based on Wydowna Spider from Monster High!
•Toma Elwood (3rd year)
-Based on Hoodude Voodoo from Monster High!
Gracery (by @/forestwispocs!)
•Yuto Mors and Vysio Ambrona (4th years)
-Based on MUTOS 1 and 2 from Godzilla (2014)!
Malihana (by @/forestwispocs!)
•Astoria Mooncloak (3rd year)
-Based on Experiment 20 from Lilo and Stitch!
•Elbarnes Wortcestersire (3rd year)
-Based on Experiment 10 from Lilo and Stitch!
•Alejandro Leonard (RSA prof)
-Based on Renato Manchas from Zootopia!
•Mungo Achibold (NRC prof)
-Based on Mord'u from Brave!
•Amos Castro (3rd year)
-Based on Sawyer from Cats Dont Dance!
•Enid Margarites (2nd year)
-Based on Rita from Oliver and Company!
•Lorien Sanja (3rd year)
-Based on The Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland!
•Jessica Moralle (2nd year)
-Based on Terk from Tarzan!
•Oceana Guinevere (3rd year)
-Based on Destiny from Finding Dory!
INCREMANIA (FANDORM BY @/fumikomiyasaki!)
•Indira Elspeth (3rd year)
-Based on Mystique Sonia from Hero 108!
•Torimiya Blast (3rd year)
-Based on Gogo from Big Hero 6!
•Asahise Jubilee (1st year)
-Based on Number 3 from Codename: Kids Next Door!
•Tokki Chinku (4th year)
-Based on Jumpy Ghostface from Hero 108!
Sanwaii (fandorm by @/twsted-princess!)
•Kuru Makimi and Yaku Ryosuke (1st year and 2nd year respectively)
-Based on Kuromi and Konmi from Sanrio! (respectively)
Evolnation ((FANDORM BY @/fumikomiyasaki))
•Mao Sisu (1st year)
-Based on Marshadow from Pokémon (sun and moon)!
•Sylvester Solace (4th year)
-Based on Seviper from Pokemon!
((COUSINS! (Based on Arbok (NOT A STUDENT) and Ekans (SHROOMSIDE STUDENT) from Pokemon!)
Relinookton ((FANDORM BY @/fumikomiyasaki))
•Mindel Clemente (2nd year)
-Based and Marshal from Animal Crossing!
•Jaiden Galene (3rd year)
-Based on Julian from Animal Crossing
((BROTHER (Judas Galene), studies in a different school))
•Frey Kaius (2nd year)
-Based on Ketchup from Animal Crossing!
•Kendall Bouquet (1st year)
-Based on Rosie from Animal Crossing!
•Charlene Berenice (4th year)
-Based on Dotty from Animal Crossing!
•Connie Vacca (3rd year)
-Based on Mrs. Calloway from Home On The Range!
Dreamystar (fandorm of HSA by @/twsted-princess!)
•Cherokee Patch (3rd year)
-Based on Squashini from Kirby's Epic Yarn!
Exodus (fandorm of HSA!)
•Shiloh Gatti (1st year)
-Based on Gin Ibuki from Your Turn to Die!
Tetravania ((FANDORM by @/fumikomiyasaki!))
•Midge Myriapoda (4th year)
-Based on the centipedes from the Retro Game Centipedes!
•Deedee Spindle (3rd year)
-Based on Mimi from Paper Mario!
Syncrean ((FANDORM by @/fumikomiyasaki!))
•"Dolly" (2nd year)
-Based on Exo-Skin from MLAATR!
•Janus Cosmoem (4th year)
-Based on Two-Face from Batman!
•Birsha Bǫlverkr (4th year)
-Based on Mephisto from Marvel!
•Lucinda Brigetta (1st year)
-Based on Squiggles from the PPG anime!
Kowainya (by @/silent-dragon!)
•Panko Buta (1st year)
-Based on Slumberhog from Yo Kai Watch!
•Pattie Lovegood (4th year)
-Based on Leggly from Yo Kai Watch!
•Jasper and Casper Aponi (4th year)
-Based on Enerfly and Enefly from Yo kai Watch!
•Canela Kurai (3rd year)
-Based on Cinnabar from Houseki No Kuni!
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Hello! Am back again to explain how Momo's x shaped mouth works!
Momo only fully opens his mouth when he's mad (which rarely happens)
But consider their mouth similar to the Demogorgon from Stranger Things!
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Bangs pulled back for a (somewhat) better ref
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You may have noticed there are no teeth at the tips of her petal like "lips", this is so she can press the tips together and kiss people/things without scratching them!
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Momo typically uses his upper "mouth" to express positive feelings (like being happy, excited, surprised, etc)
But he uses his lower "mouth" to express negative feelings (like sadness, anger, disappointment, etc)
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Momo's flower "tongue" extends deep inside of them (her tongue is longer than you think it is!) and the flower end is usually curled up into a bud
However, when he uses his UM, it unfurls into a flower and "spits" out a powder (the UM)
The "petals" of Momo's flower tongue are very sensitive! Please be careful if you are examining it!
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Not related to Momo's mouth, but Momo's eyes are light sensitive (just like the Titere trio!) which is why she hides them under her bangs!
Also bcs she thinks they look weird compared to the other students-
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Reblogging with better pics and closeups!!!!
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Name: Wolfo Titere
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 20
Birthday: January 1st
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 7'1
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Yellow (left) and Black (right)
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania (Fandorm by @terrovaniadorm!)
School year: 3rd
Club: ???
Best subject: Master chef classes
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Meat, breaking things, sweets
Dislikes: Getting wet, bright lights
Favorite food: Shepard's pie!
Least favorite food: Eggplants
Hobbies: Cooking/baking!
Talent: He is scary good at hiding despite his height/weight
Personality: Despite Wolfo giving the illusion he's fat, he's actually mostly muscle (which is why he cant swim). He's very protective over stuff that he owns/people he cares about, so if he's charging at you full speed ahead you probably deserved it-
Despite him being unable to swim (without sinking to the bottom), he's able to hold his breath for a very long time and is very resistant! He can easily lift around 200 kg in human form (and +600kg in monster form)
Unique Magic: Follow the scent: User is capable of finding anyone or anything regardless of where its hidden, but they have to know the person/have made contact with the item
Name: Creek Titere
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 18
Birthday: February 2nd
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 6'2
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Blue
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania (previously tagged!)
School year: 2nd
Club: Science
Best subject: Poison refining
Dominant hand: Left
Likes: Shy/easily scared people, candy, toys
Dislikes: Being told what to do, annoying/bossy people, bitter things, bright lights
Favorite food: Ice cream!
Least favorite food: Anything that's bitter
Hobbies: Painting (She's not very good at it...) And toy collecting!
Talent: She's able to contort her body in a variety of different ways!
Personality: Creek sometimes likes to purposefully mess with people, although she'll never directly hurt them! She also has a bad habit of staring at people, unintentionally causing discomfort and jumping out of corners (without warning) to greet friends-
If you're friends with her, she'll show off the stuff she paints/collects! Although things wont end well if you say you dont like it
Unique Magic: Hello friends!: The user makes the people the spell is aimed at feel paranoid, as if someone is watching them, the spell never lasts for more than 3 days
Name: Poppet Titere
Gender: Demi-boy (He/Him+They/Them)
Age: 16
Birthday: March 3rd
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5'3
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Black
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Terrovania! (They're 3 of a kind :))
School year: 1st
Club: ???
Best subject: Summoning
Dominant hand: ... He has no arms :)
Likes: His siblings, chocolate
Dislikes: Bright lights, loud noises
Favorite food: Chocolate and strawberries!
Least favorite food: Spicy food
Hobbies: Sewing, plushie collecting, reading
Talent: Poppet has really great balance! Capable of walking as normal even if its on a tightrope
Personality: Do NOT let his sad muppet eyes fool you, he is a little gremlin- Despite Poppet being incapable of speaking english, he still understands it and can write in it!
Poppet has a habit of growling at anyone they meet for the first time, they're not genuinely mad tho! They're just unsure of your intent-
Poppet may be small, but they're just as powerful and spooky as their siblings
Unique Magic: Its unknown how he says it, but it seems after a few specific sounds, the victim of this spell will feel an intense pain course through their body, however Poppet only seems to use it when he or someone else he cares about if injured
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