#the sunday bulletin november 1977
natromanxoff · 2 years
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The Sunday Bulletin - November 20, 1977
Via Queenmuseum.com
Queen, the leading practitioners of heavy metal rock, comes to the Spectrum Wednesday. Making up the group are (from left) Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, Brian May, Roger Taylor.
They’re the Monarchs Of Heavy Metal Rock
Of The Bulletin Staff
Boston — By New York or even Philadelphia standards, Boston is a generally sedate town, although an outsider on hand last week at the Boston Garden would be forced to reassess any such generalization. Indeed, the more than 13,000 young rock fans who packed the Garden on the evening of Nov. 12 provided an awesome example of mass hysteria, as the British rock group Queen unveiled a new stage show of such epic proportion and sustained excitement that there seems no way to adequately describe the impact.
It was only the second performance of the quartet’s current 27-city American tour (which […] down here at the Spectrum for shows Wednesday and Thursday nights), but it was a clear enough indication that Queen has blossomed into the leading practitioner of heavy-metal rock drama. With British kingpins Led Zeppelin temporarily out of the touring picture (due to the sudden death this past summer of singer Robert Plant's young son), Queen literally reigns, thanks to an impressive new album — "News of the World” (Elektra Records) — and the sort of non-stop, three-hour, no-opening-act show pioneered by Zeppelin in the early 70s.
Queen's triumph — after about five years of increasing popularity and one smash hit single (“Bohemian Rhapsody") — derives from a wise and welcome change in musical/theatrical direction. Originaly a […] theatricated "glitter" band […] on a multitude of costume changes, smoke, strobe and fire effects, Queen has considerably […] down its flashy excess.
With the exception of one major costume change — from stripes to sequins — […] the part of lead singer Freddie Mercury, a […] of smoke and flare, and a massive, 5,900-pound lighting rig in the shape of a […]
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drubblernews-blog · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://drubbler.com/2017/02/24/latest-tips-of-soviet-power/
Latest tips of Soviet power
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Polina yakovleva, February 24, 2017, 22:12- REGNUM
Hospital “presidential housing. “The main country here has its own Chamber. Cozy, almost home atmosphere. Here, in one of the rooms, have a ballot. 73-year-old General Secretary Konstantin Chernenko is currently declining to “polling station” in a wheelchair. His assistants will remember how hard he was given these “performances”. This time he is terminally ill, meets with the force and rises to meet Protocol obligations.
the Soviet tv receives picture voting Secretary 1 .
two weeks later, He dies. It will be the last Soviet leader, upokoennym near the Kremlin wall.
at the launch of “flywheel” global changes will need 65 days.
11 March by the Secretary-General of the CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev will become.
April 23 at the plenum will be announced beginning of acceleration policy… “ 2, 3
in the middle of may, during a meeting with activists of the Leningrad city, Gorbachev says his famous” rebuilt “ 4 .
but all that happened later. February 24, 1985 years the country has elected Supreme Soviets Union and autonomous republics, as well as local councils of people’s deputies. The habitual constituencies elections under the command of the COMMUNIST PARTY. That this is the last campaign in this format might, then, is that we in a bad dream on Sunday.
simple slowdown
“go funeral Secretary General. Citizen tries to break closer to the mourning procession. His KGB officers stopped and asked:
— you have an invitation?
— no, I pass! ”
almost a year before Constantine Chernenko, in February 1984, Yuri Andropov died in November 1982 year-Leonid Brezhnev.
Society to a series of “funeral” the Kremlin concerned already calm and politically correct. As there, Leonid Filatov? “Act strictly according to the law — that is, Act … sneaking. The reaction was “kitchen” jokes, which perfectly convey the mood of the people.
a country bursting with events and lived under “Advanced socialism”. Because alternative statements from high tribunes until it was 6. 271 million. man (18 million of which are in the 5 ) read the editorials of newspapers about the growth of economic potential, income and professional successes — Rezhskogo nickel plant workers fighting for the early tasks of the five-year plan, assumed the counterplan and advanced Socialist obligations … ”
Committee on Statistics predicted that national wealth in 1987 year will nearly 50 times in comparison with the year 1913.
However, not all okay in the Soviet State. The collection of statistics did not include an exhaustive “arms race” and the Afghan war, international economic and scientific-technical insulation USSR, strained relations with the largest communist neighbour China, the effects of the political crisis in Poland, the beginning of the 80 ‘s dissident movement, though and could be divided into “Westernizers” and the “Slavophiles”, merged in unison remove power from the Communist Party.
growth, turning into the overall drop, do not justify its name 6 .
many today blamed the economy as the reason for the collapse of the country. However, not all problems lead to a systemic crisis, and not every systemic crisis is destroying the State system.
“stagnant phenomena” in the Soviet economy of that period in the 27th Congress of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev speaks. For others, it was a time of stability. “As the State Planning Commission and 20 years ahead of scheduled” — lived the majority of Soviet citizens. Estimated, planned. Including participation in elections. Voluntary-compulsory. And, in fact, the turnout was such that captures the spirit of almost 100%. Yes there is talk in April weekends dedicated to the day of the birth of Lenin, collectively Meli, painted voroshili, melted snow 160 million people.
the basic law. Childhood, adolescence, youth
here is already 8 years the USSR lived and chose the new “vneklassovoj” of the Constitution.
the election of the first years of Soviet power, universal and secret. Voting rights were denied the “exploiters” (those who used hired labor), private traders, priests, former police officers and a number of other categories of the population 7 . The year 1936 Constitution declared the USSR State workers and peasants “. The Basic Law of 1977 year — already in the preamble commits suicide “dictatorship of the proletariat” in favor of “shhenarodnogo State”.
“a new historical community of people — the Soviet people” exercised State power through the Councils of people’s deputies 8 .
to elect and to be elected at the Supreme (Tips … USSR, Soviet republics, autonomous republics), as well as in the local hierarchy which picture of the status of the administrative-territorial unit. Paramount, along with regional, regional councils of people’s deputies, the Councils of people’s deputies of the autonomous communities and autonomous okrugs, regional, city, district, located in urban and rural councils of people’s deputies — constituted a unified system of public authorities 8 . Supreme Soviets were chosen for 5 years, local councils of people’s Deputies is at 2.5 years.
“leading and guiding force of the Soviet society, the nucleus of its political system, Government and public organisations was the COMMUNIST PARTY 8 .
Apply voice
who in 1984 year voted the first Communist country, “Konstantin Chernenko? Like all — for the only candidate “in place” that was in his bulletin. Agreed that the Secretary General of the party, and led.
how and when Soviet citizens vote explained numerous polygraph. products, media and agitators.
At the first Soviet election turnout at stations was small 7 and propaganda network grew over the years. For example, Molotovskoj (now Perm) oblast by the 1947 year 43 thousand were recruited. agitators on elections (one in ten courtyards, one to 25 − 30 9 ).
it was important to explain and more — who are voting. The first time (that was not yet a habit) is why, actually, for one. The Chairman of the District Commission Kalagaev commented: “we must tell the voters, and even some fellow starts to appear questionable, how do you vote for one. Some thought that the vote must be for 10 − 15 people. This does not necessarily, not told. You understand that we will have a great deal of advocacy on this issue. ” The explanation proposed is: “the other candidates don’t have, because we do not nominate them for our County areas” 7 explained he leadership of the precinct election commissions Gor’kovsko-Leninsky district.
to elections was taken to walk early, do not tighten until the evening. And here in the early morning (often prior to the opening of polling stations) people ran in the elections. This symbol of the emancipation of the working class, eventually evolved into the procedure. In duty. However, pleasant.
more than 99.99% of voters came to the polling stations on February 24 (99.97%)- 15 . Working from 6 am until 10 pm, they smelled fresh pastries, there were music and human gvaltom. Somewhere a clear rhythm dancers struck — master of amateur performances. People were elated.
Polling booths for secret expression “were located in a separate room and were proven over the years a sample” ergonomic design “: two prefabricated plywood shield 2 x 1.6 meters x 1.2 meter. Front cabin was closed curtains. Top remained open. 7
the wooden ballot boxes for the vote, too, fit into the Interior. There is a version that the CPSU (b) back in November 1936, entered into correspondence about purchase “electronic ballot boxes. Negotiations were conducted with the American firm “Omatig Woutng korporeichen” thing, which was the sole producer of machines for voting. But the deal never took place. «Authentic» wooden ballot boxes and voting booths have remained in the country for decades.
elections for many years went by the same scenario.
in the local councils, the Parliament, by the first past the post system, i.e. the majority, chose one member. In the Supreme Soviet of the USSR could pick two, but also “one at a time — in the Union Council and the Council of nationalities.
To vote against, had to do more. And rather moral than physical. Vote “Yes” — you get the newsletter and opuskaesh’ in the URN. Vs-vycherkivaesh’ candidate.
the official results showed that the “against” votes less than 1% of voters. As the saying goes, within the statistical margin of error.
on the ballot — leaders and party elite. Legislative norms do not have representation of women, workers, farmers, non-party and the Communists. However, the recommendation of the Party (including Lenin principle of involving women in governance) and still the same chapter 6 of the Constitution on equality of citizens strictly observed and constitute important features of the Soviet electoral system.
consisting of elected deputies (USSR): 35.2% and 16.1%, 4.5% of farmers to managers; workers party organizations — 16.7%, State and Soviet authorities — 13.2%; 64.7% of men and 35.3 percent of women; youth up to 30 years is 22%.
in 1985, massively and amicably — all to the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics chose 6.730 man:
975 per person. — in the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR,
650 persons. -in the Ukrainian SSR,
485 people. -in Byelorussian SSR,
510 persons. — in the Uzbek SSR, the same is in the Kazakh SSR,
440 persons. — in the Georgian SSR,
-450 in the Azerbaijan SSR,
for the 350 is in Lithuanian, Kyrgyz, Tajik SSR,
340 persons. — in the Armenian SSR,
-380 in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic,
330 Pax. — in the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic,
325 people. — in Latvian SSR,
and 285 people. — in Estonian SSR.
to the Supreme Soviets of the autonomous republics elected deputies:
the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is 280 persons,
Buryat — 170 Pax.,
Dagestan — 210 persons,
Kabardino-Balkar ASSR — 160 Pax.,
Kalmyk — 130 Pax.,
Karelian ASSR-150 Pax.,
Komi-180 Pax.,
Mari-150 Pax.,
Komi-175 persons,
North-Ossetian-150 Pax.
the Tatar-250 Pax.,
Tuva — 130 Pax.,
the Udmurt-200 Pax.,
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