#the start of the funeral is kinda cliche with everyone appearing one after the other and the camera rolling past them but thats just me mb..
hauntingblue · 3 months
For some reason I watched episode 3 of the bear instead of the first and I felt like it was kinda mid and felt kinda sad bc ayo directed it but now I watched episode one (bc I clicked episode 3 and got the same one and thought damn how could my favourite pirating site do this to me) but this one is really good it got me choked up
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merakiui · 2 years
Ok so yk how we have the current manwha au for genshin? Yeah lets start a different version of it, maybe where the mc is a villainess but is actually smart and maybe aria like with a mix of Cayena (The villainess reverses the hourglass and The villainess is a marionette, idk if you read them but if you haven’t I definitely recommend)
So lets start this a little cliche, lets just say your the youngest daughter of a powerful Emperor and lets say your father was Zhongli (I kinda want him to be our dad in this au totally not because I want Ganyu and Xiao to be my siblings).
In the novel “Rose amongst thorns” it was described that the villainess had the knowledge rivalling the God of Wisdom, filled with questionable curiosities, an appearance fairer than the moon, a voice comparable to sirens, although stubborn as her father and a heart cold as ice. It was written she killed herself when the accusation of her poisoning Lady Lumine, a beautiful woman possessing a rare type of magic (light).
Like here is a small part of it and yet again im not a writer.
“No matter how much she pleaded everyone turned a blind eye to her pitiful pleads and tears of innocence, even her own family refused to look at her nor help her.
With that the fair maiden took off and ran through the endless halls with the guards shortly chasing after her trail. She had only then stopped by the room of the deceased empress, her mother who had sadly died a few days after her birth.
Taking the dagger that was hidden underneath her skirt, that was gifted to her by her no other than her father, she took heavy breaths as she took the dagger out of its sheaths, slowly facing the blade towards her with shaking arms and a blank face with red under eyes still slightly wet from the previous crying.
The door suddenly bust open to see her only brother and sister there with guards behind them, before her older sister Ganyu could even peep out a word, the villainess abruptly stab’s herself with tears in her eyes and a yelp of pain.
Her brother dashes through the room towards her with her sister quickly trailing being him and quickly takes out the dagger that was directed to her chest.
In her last moments she felt numb, her vision started getting blurry she could hear the silent plea of her brother and sister to hold on and not die, the sudden heavy footsteps that certainly belonged to emperor, in her final moments and breaths she whispered loud enough for the people around her to hear
‘I wish to never be born into this family again for all you done nothing but bring me to my death’
and with that she took her final breath.
It was only then a 2 days it was discovered that the youngest princess was no more then innocent the poisoning was done by a daughter of a influential Marquis household, it was said the family had begged for forgiveness but in the end they had experience the wrath of the Emperor.
The Imperial family hasn’t had her funeral not yet ready to burry her, then on the year of XXX, the year of the rabbit she had her funeral and to remain asleep in a glass coffin for everyone to admire her beauty and to finally lay rest in her eternal slumber.”
So like I said im not a writer but that’s something from the “og” novel.
Since she was the youngest she had been the last one to inherit the throne and considering her brother is the youngest Yaksha and Ganyu being an assistant to the Liyue Quixing, I don’t think she won’t be getting the throne anytime soon. Plus its not she wanted it anyways with all the responsibilities and shit.
(to the people who are to add more ideas for this au please make sure Xiao and Ganyu won’t have any romance with Darling, I would like it to be very platonic I don’t want either of them to be a Derrick)
Oldest- Ganyu
Middle- Xiao
Youngest- Darling
I hc her being reincarnated with her previous memories (both her past lifes cuz she was the og!villainess) at the age of 12.
She promised herself that she will not die in vain but live a peaceful life, and get revenge on the people who had wronged her.
For that she started distancing herself and started to eat inside her room and did most of her studies privately.
Of course that wasn’t un noticed by her family. When they started to ask her why she hadn’t been showing up to dinner, she only answered that she wasn’t really needed and its not like she was important to them anyways to why should they bother snd meddle with her private affairs?
I hc she learned how to sing and act in her past life so at night she would sneak out and preform on stage with a alias as “Siren”. (Ofc the people don’t really know how the princess look like considering she was extremely sheltered by her father)
Anyways yeah thats it, pls add some ml recommendations I could only think of the fl’s pass and shit.
Although can Aether be one of the mls? I dont wabg him gone in this one.
Oh, that’s so good!!! Xiao and Ganyu would be so protective of their young sibling!! :D It would be interesting if she performed with Xinyan, Yun Jin, or Barbara!
As for male leads, Aether would be a good male lead! He’s such a sweetheart! Ayato and Childe also strike me as interesting male leads. Thoma would definitely be the childhood friend! Kazuha, Kaeya, and Dainsleif could also be great male leads. Aaaa it’s difficult to choose because all of the male characters could fit as a lead!
Maybe Childe is the type who falls for her and is so set on proposing that he tries to see her in person, only to be turned down and shooed away by Xiao because he just doesn’t trust someone like Childe to marry his young sibling. Ganyu won’t say it outright like Xiao does, but she’s also a little iffy about Childe. He’s infamous for all sorts of wild reasons.
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bogsbet · 3 years
The Jeweler
Y'know, it's not easy looking for a gift, especially if it's for your mentor and his former enemy, who is now his lover.
Yup, the gifts he's looking for are for the great sage of heaven and the shadow demon themselves, Monkey King and Six-eared Macaque. Shocking, ain't it?
They both started dating again after MK and the gang rescued him from Lady Bone Demon, following her defeat. After finally talking and admitting their mistakes, they both slowly became allies, to friends, to best friends, to lovers.
 And finally, After a few years of dating, The great sage finally popped the question when they were on a date by the waterfall, and the demon said yes. After they announced to the gang their engagement, obviously they're happy for them, especially MK, he wished them nothing but happiness for both of them.
Even though the wedding was planned for next year, MK is already looking for gifts for them. But what? He wants the gifts to be perfect for the two monkeys. Which leads him to the situation you're seeing right now.
"Ugh, this is harder than I thought!" MK exclaimed while walking with Mei by his side. "Well it was never easy to begin with, MK" She said while comforting the successor. "But I know you will find the perfect gift for them. Oh! What about the one I showed you?" She looked at him as MK looked up to her with the 'are you serious' look. "First of all, no, Second, they looked too way cliche, and third, If my wallet dies, you're paying for the funeral."
"Oh come on, I find them cute" Mei pouts, disagreeing with MK's statement. After walking around town with no luck, they both decided to called it a day and just try again the next day. "I gotta go pick something up first, it might take a while so don't wait for me and just do whatever you want. I'll be back, MK!" The small dragon waved at her monkey friend before leaving. MK waved back and sighed before he started to walk around again in defeat.
What could be the perfect gift for Monkey King and Macaque? It needs to be nice and perfect, and does not make the wallet cry. MK kept thinking before hearing a small giggled passed by. MK turned to see who it was and saw the figure dropped something on the ground. MK picked it up to what it seemed to be some kind of bracelet. The way it looked is quite beautiful, despite it looking so simple.
"Hey, you dropped this!" He ran after the figure. He had a bit of a difficulty due to so many people blocking the way but he managed luckily. He followed the stranger to a alley. He notice the figure wasn't in the alley. That's odd, he could've sworn the figure was here.
"Hello, my dear~" MK yelped by the sudden voice and felled on his butt. He looked up to see it was the stranger from before, the stranger giggled a bit before lending out his hand, offering to help him up. "I'm sorry for startling you, sweetie. Are you okay?" MK stared at the figure for a bit, the stranger appears to have a hat, covering half of his face, and seemed to be wearing some kind of cloak. The only thing he could make out is the gentle smile across his face. Mk glared at the figure before shooking his head, accepting his help and got up, patting the dust off of him.
"Sorry about that, I was going to give this back to you and-" MK cut off when he noticed the stranger isn't in front of him until he looked down...the stranger..is actually shorter than him. "Ah-OH! I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T SEE YOU, I MEAN, I MEAN I DID BUT-!" MK panicked and tries not to be awkward until the figure suddenly laughs at him. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm used to it. And I see you got my bracelet." "Oh! Right! The bracelet, I was just gonna bring it to you since you dropped it."
MK gave the bracelet to the stranger. "You know, the bracelet is really pretty, where did you get it?" MK questioned, thinking he might help him for the gift. "I made it." The stranger replied. "Woah, really?! That's some talent you got there." The stranger smiled by his compliment. "You know, I heard you were looking for a gift for someone, I can be of help." "R-Really?! Can you really help me?!" MK eyes filled with hope while looking at the stranger. "Anything for the Monkie kid."
"Oh, you've heard of me?" "My child, if you lived in a society where piece is no longer the option, you got to know your information. Like, how you fought the demon bull king and nearly buried him with half of a building." "Oh...well I guess you know since it's all over the news." MK chuckled as he scratch the back of his head. "Or, what about the time where you squash the spider queen despite your fear of spiders." "Wait, wha-" How did he know that? There's no way other people know that. "Or maybe that one time where you finally gave the Lady bone demon her dreadful fate.." "..H-How did you know that..?" MK looked at the stranger with a shocked and confused look, there's no way this guy knows what happened. The stranger chuckled before tilting his hat up. "I have my ways, my dear."
The stranger revealed himself to be a monkey just like Wukong and Macaque, except he's shorter, has black and brown fur with markings on his face and pale yellow green eyes. This doesn't surprised MK since he met a few monkeys like him before but he kept his guard up. Knowing what happened before, once he trust someone he's not familiar with, things go wrong. "I heard you're looking for a gift, yes?” "Y-Yeah...For my mentor and his fiance.." "I see, well, if it's jewelry you're looking for, why not wedding rings?" The monkey questioned the mortal.
"Wedding rings?" MK looked at him with confusion. "Why wedding rings?" "Why not? Everyone has courtship bracelets so why not wedding rings? It's a good gift and they don't have to go to get them." The stranger smiled as his tail gently sway a bit. "I mean, I guess so....Okay, well go with that." MK agree to the idea, however he knows that everything is not for free.
"However, they don't come free, my darling" Of course they don't, well there's no going back now MK thought. "Just get on with it, please, just tell me what you want." The stranger chuckled by his response.
"What I want."
Oh god..
Here it comes..
"I-I'm sorry, what?" MK asked. "I wanted some chocolate." "C-Chocolate?" "Yes, chocolate" "Chocolate.." "Mhm" "....Chocolate..?" "Did I stuttered, dear?" He looked at MK while smiling. "Oh no no no no! That's not it!" MK denied while shooking his head and hands. "It's just....that's it?" "Mhm" "That's all you wanted..?" "Yes" "Just chocolate?" "That's right" "No money, or blood sacrifice or anything?!" asked the confused MK as the monkey laugh by his confusion. "Oh you mortals are so adorable with your imagination. But no, that is all I wanted. No money, no blood sacrifice, no offering of your sweet soul. Just some simple chocolate that you can find in a candy store. Can you do that, my dear?" The monkey looked up at the confused successor.
"I mean- I can, it's just...why chocolate..?" Asked the successor before hearing the monkey giggled. "My sweet little chimp, is it a sin to crave for something so sweet and irresistible? The moment you bite into it, the sweet creaminess mixed with the cacao really just filled your mouth with flavor~" The monkey giggled while thinking about it as MK just stood there, silently.
"Now do we have a deal?" The monkey looked at MK, offering him a handshake. MK looked at the monkey's hand, having second thoughts and doubts about this.. Should he really trust this monkey? He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake again.. But since the monkey looked harmless and does not seem to be some kind of threat.. I guess he can give him trust. "Deal." The Monkie kid shook his hand, accepting the deal as the monkey give out a small grin. "Good, now, I'll be on my way to get the materials, I already have ideas on my head. Meet me back here after a few days, okay?"
"O-Okay...Oh! I haven't got your name yet!" said MK as he looked at him, the monkey give him a gentle smile before replying. "Just call me Bogs, dear" The monkey smiled as MK waved at him and was about to leave. But before he leaved he turned to see and notice the short monkey is gone. MK got quiet before he left the alley and went to his best friend. And just as he left, Bogs was just standing on the roof and looked up at the sky. "So you finally did it, Sunny? Heh...I hope you and Moonlight are happy together.." Bogs smiled before walking off. o wow i actually did it, holy smokes, was this okay? idk, its my first time and i kinda did good? im sorry if it looks confusing, i just dont know how to do this thing, uhh hope u like it?
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