#the stanley parable the narrator
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voidghostiie · 3 months ago
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It’s been a while since i’ve drawn them… I kinda strayed away from the fandom a bit but i miss it, the different designs and everything. So, here’s my re-redesign of my Narrator, Hades. There’s also Stanley with the countdown ending.
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somelazyassartist · 2 years ago
I love divorced middle aged men. Anyways
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envyq00 · 2 years ago
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“I’m sorry I was gone but look, I made you some content~”
FINALLY MADE MY CONTRIBUTION TO THIS MEME. During pride month no less. 👀👀 Still trying to figure out out new art style technique stuff. Overall, really like how this came out.
(Actually Charlie’s Inferno really fits this situation much more dhjsjsj)
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voidsnarrator · 8 months ago
Oopsie did a new Narrator design and a new video 🤷‍♀️
Many TSP friends think this song is TSP-coded so well. Here it is (Doesn't necessarily fit this Narrator but I can do what I want)
💜 Please give it a watch, leave a comment or some tags on this 💜
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emptiiwatertank · 2 years ago
Your honor he is a hot topic ahem
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friends made a mall au and i went ballin
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lamecartoonist2nd · 1 year ago
Ya know..if I had a nickel for every time I played a game where the verbally silent protagonist is narrated by a yellow coded disembodied character with a British male voice, and has a blue coded character with a female voice as its counterpart, I’d have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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mossy-rot · 2 years ago
I like to think that Narrator got his idea for his corporeal body bc he saw Aziraphale from good omens and was like "he's just like me fr"
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sunnythesillygoose · 2 years ago
Narrator Design Process (so far (I need a second opinion))
Hello and welcome to this design journey of the Narrator from The Stanley Parable of course (this game is holding me hostage). Im going to take you through my process step by step. Why? Why not?
First I thought it would be fun to look at what the fandom has cooked up. Get a bit inspired and all that. I havent really looked into the fandom before, just saw a couple compilations that convinced me to buy the game. 
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(I linked all of the artist at the end of this mess. Am I making this more complicated than it should be? Probably.)
I love the creativity of the fandom, there are so many different designs for the Narrator. I picked ones I found interesting or are somewhat similar to what I had in mind.
The next step was research, a lot of it actually. I read the fanwiki for information about the narrator, there might be hints at what he actually looks like that I simply missed. Turns out there isnt much, nothing to be precise. I refused to give up yet, so I decided to look up the voice actor of the Narrator: Kevan Brighting. The issue is there arent many pictures of him online(that I could find), which makes it hard for me to guess a bodytype. None the less I used Kevan Brighting as the base for my design. Judging from his twitter he likes being the Narrator and he did a phenomenal job in the game, so I think its fitting to honor him this way.
Since there arent many visuals to go off of I tried to guess more things about the Narrator based off of what he says, how he behaves and how he constructed the game. From here on out its heavy headcanon territory. The story the Narrator wrote takes place in an office building. In the first rooms it all seems normal, but the further down you go things get messy. Messy in the way that no actual building is built like that. In my headcanon the Narrator works in an office building where he spends a lot of time.mainly at his desk somewhere. He wants to be free of that job but somehow cant, so he wrote a little story about the office and the mind control facility and freedom. Through Stanley he can live out this freedom he cant have. If we boil this down to something that can be used for a design, its that the Narrator is an office worker, his outfit should reflect that. In the confusion ending you can also hear the Narrator rustling with paper, so I thought it would be fun to give him a clip board with paper where he organises his story. At the same time he forgets he has a clip board, so he writes on his arms. Many see this as rather childish, it reflects how childish he can be.
The idea I def wanted to adopt from the already existing designs is the headset. I find it very creative and fitting, as the Narrator is well, a narrator.
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This is my second ref board. Here I also started to think about colors, and what else would be more fitting than the game itself? When I design something for myself I use colors I like and I bet the Narrator did the same, so I want to use the colors of the office building for his design. Here Id also like to state that in my headcanon the Narrator is left handed, because he wants Stanley to go trough the left door cuz it might come more naturally to him (because he is left handed).
The thing Im the most unsure about is the Narratos tie. In many designs its yellow, a great spot for an accent color and its a direct reference to the Adventure Line. And thats the thing- its the Adventure Line. The Adventure Line is its own entity with its own will, and Im unsure if I want to make it part of the Narrators design. On the other hand it is genius character design.
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Here are my sketches so far (The sketches with arrows are the ones Im going with). As you can see the hair was a struggle, because I wanted it longer which did not work out as intended. The body type needed a bit too but I am satisfied with how it is in its current form. (I swear he is shaped like my religion teacher)
Just to make it clear, he scribbled on his arm but cant read it afterwards.
Okay Im not actually finished with the design yet because I want a second opinion. So please, if you have any suggestions, ideas or things youve noticed do let me know.
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silverorchideon · 2 years ago
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So I decided to draw my version of the Narrator. I actually had to switch my style just a tiny bit so he didn't look weird (the eyes, especially) and I went with a more "bibically accurate angel masking their true form" sort of vibe with it. I was very much inspired by @/braisedhoney's design of the Narrator, and do support them!! (Their art is really good gjsjcjs)
I have some headcanons with how he interacts with the Parable (assuming he's visibly following Stanley), so I'll put it under a cut here!
Firstly, yes his "true" form does have some bad effects to those who see it. Over the course of the Parable (assuming we go to each unique ending once), he's only shown his true form in two endings, the Skip Button Ending, and the True Person Ending.
The True Person Ending goes first, and it's when the game is shut down and is blaming the player for not following the narrative. In the dark meeting room, he accidentally reveals his true form, leading to the player being ejected from Stanley's body, unable to get back.
Then there's the Skip Button Ending, pictured in the sketches above. It's only on the Unfunny bit, and he did cover Stanley's eyes to prevent his soul being ejected out of his body.
Alright, next headcanon. During the demo, his form was ever shifting since he didn't have a set form yet.
Next up, he's always bent into a laid-back position in the air. His extra hands are either lifitng him from the ground or hanging from the ceiling, and he's always posing like he's reading a book, in contrast to his sibling, the Curator. She's has the same hands as the Narrator (save in blue), and is always pushing herself from the ground, standing straight with her hands clasped in front of her.
The Narrator, in order to reset the game, claps two hands in front of him, keeping one pair of yellow hands on the ground, lifting him up.
The hands are like lizard limbs in the way that they can be detached and grown back. The detached hand then becomes and adventure line. It takes a few resets for the arm to grow back to a normal length, but it works fine before.
If his arms are tired, he'll walk normally, changing his arms to his wings so they don't drag. Granted, it takes him a long while for him to get tired, but it happens sometimes.
Lastly, in the Skip Button Ending, I noticed he said that he couldn't touch the room and couldn't spawn in a door. In this humanoid Narrator, he actually can't come in contact with the room, only allowing his hands to touch it. Actually, when stuff starts to go wrong, he starts standing in the room, his body coming in contact with the floor starts to blacken and melt and bubble into the ground. Eventually, during his "the end is never the end is never the end is never the end-" speal, he's on his knees behind the Skip Button, hand and forehead melting into the tower where the button is, wings melting into the ground. His humanoid illusion is falling, not quite becoming divine, either.
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ohmaerieme · 1 year ago
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did anyone else think the exit-door office scene was the stanley parable or was that just me.
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chellustrates · 3 months ago
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it's done !!!
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voidghostiie · 2 years ago
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Would you care for a dance?
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somelazyassartist · 2 years ago
First time drawing these guys in years, I missed them <3
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(click for better quality)
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voidsnarrator · 8 months ago
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Since they're only seen for so short, here's all my babies! From my newest Animation Meme "I wanna be a machine" ! :D
All of them have the newest Narrator (Button)'s eyes, because of the animation meme! They all usually have normal pupils and don't cry golden tears haha (Lemon can't cry at all! And Vincent's eyes are blind actually too!)
I'm just very happy to see all of my babies like this in one place haha
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cosmokrill · 6 months ago
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My twitter timeline has devolved into madness. have this
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Stanley and The Narrator are being shipped to the pacific ocean!
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Stanley told me that we are being shipped? To where exactly? I'm quite happy here, thank you very much.
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