#the sparkler stuff is so cute this is so creative
goddesscetrion · 1 year
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FATALITY! Li Mei Wins.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 172: Festival Planning and New Attack Training
Previously on BnHA: We spent some time with Gentle, our New Villain who commits chivalrous crimes to punish the worst scum of society, such as guys who sell expired pudding. He’s not as popular as that trendy League of Villains because he’s not big on violence. But he does have a new project up his sleeves! Meanwhile at U.A., class A got to work planning their cultural festival program. Jirou was in need of a drummer, and Bakugou somehow ended up getting volunteered. Turns out he’s actually pretty good, but he was reluctant to perform because he overheard some jerks from the department of gen ed talking shit about class A and blaming them for starting trouble all the time. So he wasn’t keen on the idea of performing to indulge these people. However he is on board to aggressively “knock them dead with his sound”, whatever that means! Everyone was like “...well all right then!” And everything was looking up. And then we found out that Gentle plans to invade U.A. during the festival. Because apparently we can never have nice things.
Today on BnHA: Jirou recruits the rest of the band members: Momo on keyboard, Tokoyami and Kaminari on guitar, and her own self on vocals. A handful of kids -- Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Kouda, and Aoyama -- are assigned to the “staging” team in charge of making everything look cool. And the rest of the kids are assigned to the Dance Team, including IIDA FUCKING TENYA, because when I tell you guys this manga always delivers everything I want, I mean ev.ery.thing. With that settled, Deku meets with All Might the next day and discusses his recent progress (or lack thereof) with One for All. All Might tells Deku he needs to develop a long-range attack, and they head out to the woods for some training. Deku learns that 20% Full Cowl gives him enough power to unleash wind pressure attacks. And with a little nudging, All Might gets Deku to realize he can create a new attack by activating 20% OFA in specific parts of his body, the way he did back before he mastered Full Cowl. Then to end the chapter, we cut to Aizawa and Mirio, who are bringing Eri to visit U.A. for the very first time.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
look who knows how to play the piano because she’s so stinkin’ rich!
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oh my god look how cute she is
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look how cute they are. GOD THIS IS THE BEST
Jirou says she’s gonna be on bass, so they just have guitar and vocals left!
cool cool. they can get literally anyone to do those and I’ll be happy. anyone EXCEPT Iida, that is. because Iida needs to be on that dance floor you guys
lol Todoroki
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I’m fucking dying. Todoroki is nailing that space alien combination of “knows just enough to ask oddly specific questions while still somehow being totally naive and clueless”
Mina is explaining to those unaware that “staging” refers to things that set the atmosphere, such as disco balls, sparklers, streamers, etc.
I wonder if putting Aoyama in charge of that would lead to success or disaster
ooh, apparently Aizawa made arrangements to borrow the gym! so they’ll really have room to go nuts
I have no idea what’s going on in Mina’s head you guys but omg
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yes. yes. I can see it now
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this girl has a fucking VISION and she will not be deterred
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okay so I’m fairly convinced now that Mina might actually be a creative genius and they should really let her loose more often in training. let that imagination go wild and see where it takes you. she could come up with some extremely unpredictable strategies. I’m serious
amazingly, no one is even arguing this except for Aoyama lol. he’s standing there all “I’m the disco ball?” while the rest of them are all “oh is this what you meant by teaming up? cool beans”
(ETA: no one argued it because this is literally what they ended up doing. pretty sure the staging team had one planning meeting and were all “okay, so basically just do all that stuff Mina said?” and agreed on it and then spent the rest of the month playing on their phones while pretending to work real hard. they didn’t even bother to work out the actual logistics of it until basically the night before. this is why Deku hadn’t checked that fucking rope you guys.)
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I want to save this panel and use it as a meme reaction image omg
and that clack you see is the sound of the intern kids finally returning from their supplementary courses!
they’re excited to also get in on this!
Ochako is surprised that Jirou’s not singing!
-- oh no
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when I said “literally anyone” I should have been just slightly more specific huh
oh thank god they’re making these guys try out first
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I can’t fucking wait to see this in the anime omg
Hagakure says that Jirou’s singing is actually amazing and she thinks she should be on vocals
but Jirou really doesn’t want to and says it’s just gonna complicate things
but they’re all encouraging her!
oh my god she’s gonna do it!
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can’t fucking wait. omg. it’s gonna be like a whole year, but hopefully it’ll be worth it
so now Jirou says they need two guitarists
Kaminari is volunteering which is GREAT because Jirou and Momo are already there, so yeah
but Mineta is also volunteering which is. less great
oh my god
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at this point the list of people I ship Bakugou with is significantly longer than the list of people I don’t ship him with, I think
sometimes Horikoshi does nice things. I’ll admit
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Mineta is sulking and the girls are taking pity on him, and honestly I don’t mind it. weirdly. because it’s one of the few times he’s not being a little troll. he just looks small and sad
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MAYBE I’M JUST FEELING GENEROUS TODAY. Mineta, you can exist today
like, even when Mina offers him a “harem part”, he doesn’t turn completely gross, he just kind of goes red a bit. I’m completely fine with this. Horikoshi can write this toned down version of Mineta and I’m cool with it. but I’m sure it won’t last though. alas
(ETA: my biggest problem with Mineta is that he beat Mirio in that goddamn poll his character has no purpose other than being obnoxious. he literally has no other personality traits besides “pervert.” if Horikoshi made even the slightest attempt to tone down that bullshit and actually try to do more with him I’d probably make more of an effort to at least tolerate him. but alas, that ship has sailed I think.)
holy shit how late did they stay up planning this??
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you actually got Bakugou to stay up 5 whole hours past his bedtime. incredible
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do you guys think Bakugou knows how to do that thing where you twirl the drumstick around on your fingers
also if he doesn’t get to shout “WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” then I will forever be upset about the opportunity wasted. in fact, it’s happening in my mind whether Horikoshi likes it or not. that is canon. prove me wrong
(ETA: I have my own mental version of this entire performance and let me tell you, it is very specific)
I’m gonna play some Yeah Yeah Yeahs because right now that’s kind of my mental image for what the band might sound like lol
so now we’re cutting to the break room the next day and Izuku is having some tea with dad
it’s very cute but also All Might’s wondering if Deku had something he specifically wanted to talk to him about, since he’s meeting up with him at such a busy time
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geez All Might can’t a boy just have some TEA with his DAD without being INTERROGATED, GEEZ
but also he’s 100% right to ask, and he does it so gently so that Deku can either take the invitation to talk, or decline politely if he so chooses. All Might really is the best
sure enough, Deku does have something on his mind!
he’s telling All Might about how he was able to bring out 20% of OFA under duress, but only for a short time, and even then it put a ton of strain on his body. not only that but it wasn’t even enough to win
so he’s trying to figure out how he should fight in the current situation, since he can’t master 100% yet
um whoa
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say what now??
I mean like, obviously yes, that would be ideal. but are you implying that there’s some sort of obvious long-range move he should be able to figure out?
Izuku says he wants to learn how to do a weather-altering technique (and I forgot All Might could do those; has he even done it since the opening chapter?), but right now he’s not able yet
but All Might says he has “a few other...” and then he trails off
and he’s saying they should change locations
omg. I’m so hyped!?!
so now they’re in a forested area on the school grounds, and Deku has changed into his gym uniform
is this still during school hours. and Deku still has those supplemental lessons on top of that. All Might doesn’t have any classes he’s supposed to be teaching either? just drop all of your fucking responsibilities then why don’t you
All Might is telling Deku to break out 20% full cowl, and Deku is hesitating
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“YEAH!! IT’S FINE!” lol okay then
so here we go!
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this is always so badass. and I appreciate it so much more when it’s not in the context of a super dragged out fight coming on the tail end of 40 chapters of nonsense
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:D what’s he gonna doooo
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Deku is wincing though and he’s saying “but in any case, my body’s...”
but All Might is wagging a finger in a knowing way and he’s telling Deku to look back at his journey
damn we got like a powerpoint and everything
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does Deku’s mind just naturally think this way. because he’s trained it through all of that obsessive note-taking. I realize this is mostly for our benefit, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if his thoughts actually were this organized
anyways his eyes are widening, because he’s clearly drawn some conclusion from this pattern that I have yet to see! I don’t have a big hero brain like you Deku
All Might says he wasn’t always bringing out 100% himself??
oh shit
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so since he is capable of holding 20% briefly without doing permanent damage to himself, then if he combines points two and six -- drawing out 20% OFA to a specific part of his body -- then he can utilize this badass new air attack!
though All Might says it’s gonna be harder than it sounds, and that it requires significantly more nuanced control
so Deku’s thinking that he’s gonna practice with his fingers
oh god
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I’m still traumatized from that fight against Todoroki honestly. I look at this and can’t help but think “oh shit he’s gonna snap them all one by one” oh my god. it’s making me very uncomfortable even though I’m fully aware it’s not actually going to happen. Deku you’ve fucked me up
oh snap and we’re fast-forwarding to the day of the cultural fest!!
(ETA: lol no, I just thought this because I saw Eri there. jumped the gun just a bit)
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oh my god. I’m so excited oh shit
IT’S ERI’S PROFILE YOU GUYSSSSS. I’m gonna link to it over on aitaikimochi’s tumblr! here!
THIS OUTFIT IS THE CUTEST EVER. I’m gonna gush over it some more in tomorrow’s recap too. it’s just so cute
the clothes Aizawa got her just go to prove that no one is perfect. having some flaws just adds to his charm though
I also want to see Eri eating apples with Tokoyami now
so she is indeed six! my approximate guess was right! however as of where the manga currently is, she’s just about to turn seven. she’s getting so big! they have to figure out what to do about school for her. although her dad is a teacher so
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nancypullen · 3 years
Chugging Along
Hello, bloggy friends. I don't have a single interesting thing to share with you, but I feel the need to fill this space every so often. I kind of miss the days when I had a lot to write about, but I was also spread a little thin in those days, and I don't miss that at all. This blog was definitely funnier and more interesting back then, sorry about that. I've been staying busy tending to gardens and trying to empty this house. Whyyy do we have so much stuff? Ugh, 40 years together and a couple of kids equals a whole lot of junk. Our house doesn't have great storage and I've gotten creative over the decades in order to keep things semi-orderly. Now that I'm emptying closets and going through boxes and bins I feel like tossing everything into the back yard and having a bonfire. There are so many items that we don't use daily but we don't want to part with, then there are sentimental items, kid related stuff, and so on. Add to that the necessary pieces that make a house a home and it's enough to make me crazy. Nothing would make me happier than a house where everything is labeled and in its spot (of course, I'd like it labeled in an adorable floral and gingham way). Today a fellow came by to measure the bedrooms for new carpet. It's one of the few things we'll do before putting the house on the market. We'll probably paint the porch, maybe touch up trim here and there. This house will sell itself just fine without any major changes. In order to install the carpet the bedrooms will be emptied. The easiest thing to do would be to keep them empty, sell what we want to sell, and store what we want to take. BUT it's quite possible we'll have kids home for a visit before listing the house, so we'll need those beds back in place. I feel like we're shoveling the walk while it's still snowing. We're not in a hurry to list. Might be in a couple of months, might not be until spring. The mister waffles on that daily. He's under a lot of pressure at work right now, so I just agree with whatever he says on any given day. I'm used to his constantly changing mind. He's got a sabbatical coming up in October and he has said he'd like to use that time to move. I think he needs the vacation more. I'm pretty sure that the housing market will stay strong in our area, if we listed in early spring we'd probably make the same tidy profit. We'd also allow ourselves more time to prep for a move. That might give us time to build rather than buy at the other end. You can bet that any house we might build would have storage out the wazoo. I don't need a big house (not until Dyson debuts a riding vacuum ), I just need a well-designed house. Are you bored to death yet? Told you I didn't have much to write about. Here's something wonderful - my hydrangeas have never looked better!
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Front yard and back, they're blooming like crazy.
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Also, it's starting to look like I'm going to have a thousand cucumbers. I had a couple of little pickle bush plants and I wasn't sure they were doing well, so I picked up a little potted cucumber plant at Lowe's and stuck it in one of the raised beds. Now all of the plants are going nuts and producing little cukes left and right. We love crisp cucumbers in salads and just for snacks, but I may be driving around after dark sticking cucumbers in mailboxes.
How adorable are baby cucumbers?
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This is the first time I've grown San Marzano tomatoes, and I'm only growing them for pizza sauce - supposedly they're the best, though I think that may refer to the San Marzano tomatoes grown in the volcanic soil around Mt. Vesuvius, not in my raised bed in Tennessee. They grow in long clusters and I'm finding them very interesting. Crossing my fingers for some stellar sauce.
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The green pepper plants have birthed their babies too, and they're so stinkin' cute.
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All of the herbs are healthy, and the lavender and speedwell are hosting bees.
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Our little patch is an absolute delight right now. I love my gardens. I can't imagine not having a little space to grow things. I'm so happy when I'm out pulling a few weeds or giving things a drink. Occasionally I pet a fuzzy bee (they don't mind), or I watch the birds splash in the bird bath and make use of our feeders, and all is right in my world. There's usually a cat snoozing on the deck while I putter and that's exactly how it ought to be.
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When I'm making my silly cards my desk is situated for optimum viewing of the gardens and the activity of birds, bunnies, squirrels, and deer. I love it.
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Not a great pic snapped through that old screen - and a certain cat puts herself front and center the moment I pull my phone out to get a shot. You can just see the edge of my desk in front of her. She can be mid-nap in a sunbeam but she senses a photo op and pops her head up. Uncanny. So that's it. That's why I haven't blogged. Because no one wants to hear about cleaning out closets and talking to birds and cats. I'm so content in my little world but there's not much happening here. There's music, flowers, books, and good food...what else do you need? Maybe we'll get really wild and light a sparkler or two on the 4th of July, or maybe I'll completely lose control and make a dessert. Stand by for that riveting post! Just kidding, I'm actually taking some pics of products I love that I'm going to share with you. I'll get my thoughts together and share that tomorrow. It won't be any more interesting than this post but perhaps you'll find something you like. Hope so! I need to get back into the habit of blogging regularly so writing something is better than writing nothing. I apologize in advance for what you'll wade through until I'm back in the groove. Meetcha' here tomorrow. Take care of your sweet little self until then. XOXO, Nancy
0 notes
sambart93 · 7 years
2017.05.20 OEdo no Candy 2 Event and Movie Review!
I got a chance to go to another OEdo Candy event and I got to go to the showing of the new movie plus they had a butai aisatsu (stage greeting) from some of the cast after.
*PSST: if you just want to read about the stage greeting then Ctrl F and ‘Stage Greeting’. It’s at the bottom of the page/post.
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Overall: This is partly what I was expecting and partly not. I was expecting it to be fantastical and romancy、 BUT I wasn’t expecting it to be so fairy-like and lots of glittery special effects and weird colour tones and such. It definitely makes it all the more magical and luckily, isn’t too distracting. Also it wasn’t as BL-y as I was under the impression of. I wish this movie had been longer. I needed and wanted more character development. The visuals were amazing, it was very funny (which I also wasn’t expecting) and the characters were great. It’s definitely an Indie-styled movie. It’s not a clean cut, it’s not professional looking, the editor purposefully leaves in real actor mistakes that happened for comic relief. BUT it’s enjoyable, fascinating and I’m glad it ended with a ‘To Be Continued’. Rating: 7/10
Now for cast and spoiler section and everything:
Kurihara Rui aka Louis Aramaki Yoshihiko aka MakiChan Someya Toshiyuki aka Someyan Fujita Tom Akazawa Tomoru aka Tomorun Kamiya Riku Shiono Akihisa Asuma Kousuke Yura Achiha Hiko Robin Komina Kouji Nakamura Kaito Tokito Kishimoto Takuya aka KishiTaku Izumi Shuuhei Moriya Koji Kazuki Haru Doi Kazumi Hashimoto Zenitsu Nakajima Ken Nihira Shougo aka Shougokun Mori Issei Dairi IG Saya Onuki Yuusuke Mayama Akihiro Takahashi Hiromu Sano Shirou Fukikoshi Mitsuru Takenaka Naoto Koizumi Kyouko
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That’s a fucking long list xD anyway!
I am going to go into a lot of detail about scenes and plot so you’ve been warned. Also I still haven’t seen the first movie so I many have left stuff out or not understand some parts because of that. Okay, let’s start!
The Movie Itself
Already mentioned in the non-spoiler section but: It was more Indie than I was expecting. I knew it wouldn’t be a perfect Toho cinematic-like movie because it has stage actors in and they usually have the more raw and not quite polished movies, but the director has been on Shabekuri007 and the cast is stella, top stage actors AND some HUGE TV names are in this cast, so I was expecting some professionalism but I was so wrong! It’s so, so Indie in it’s style. The cuts and edits aren’t quite so clean, the special effects are ridiculously fake but make everything look so pretty. The colouring and tone of the movie, especially when they’re in Underworld, is very obvious and like shades of green and blue rather than natural colours. So I was a little surprised at first. It’s obvious straight away that it’s Indie style, but I like this style thankfully so it didn’t bother me for long. I like this style; it’s definitely a style I enjoy but some people won’t.
Continuing on about the use of colour and sparkle effects when they were in the Underland; they were definitely creative and entertaining. For example there’s this sparkler like movement and light that goes around the characters, and at one point, love hearts are falling down around Someya and Riku when they finally meet and they realise they’re fated to be together. Just like these pics:
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At first the special effects were very jarring and distracting BUT I got used to them. Although(!) it’s going to be annoying as fuck when it comes out of DVD because we ALL want to get those pretty and good shots of our favourite actors, but because the sparkles and such that just go all over their faces and everything, they aren’t going to be the best of shots. They should bring out an unfiltered version for us! They’ll make more money that way too!! xD
This movie was a lot less gay than I was expecting. Especially because on Tsutaya’s (a Japanese rental website and store) website the first OEdo movie is labelled as ‘erotica’ but like... there’s two kiss scenes, some rope scenes, and implied whipping but that’s all! But I guess Japanese censorship is more sensitive that way? I’d just say this is a PG-12, it’s really nothing too raunchy.
This movie was FUNNY! Funny as fuck! I wasn’t expecting it to be funny at all! I laughed the entire time! Either because of the stuff happening in the movie itself was funny, or because knowing the actors and their personalities it’s funny. It’s also very purposefully funny, like the editor saw a mistake and was like ‘that’s hilarious! Keep it in!'. Especially Asuma’s scene and the Masturi/Festival scene which I’ll explain later. There’s definitely scenes that happened by mistake or weren’t part of the script, but the editor and director purposefully left them in the final cut to give the audience a laugh and embarrass the actors xD
The story is simple-ish enough to understand and it’s very fun to watch, but like I said in my non-spoiler review; I wish this movie was longer so we could’ve gotten MORE plot and MORE character development and MORE comedy,. I just want MORE. Luckily at the end it said ‘To Be Continued’ however I assume the cast will change again(?) just like it did between the first and second movie, which is a shame because I’d like as much of this cast back as possible.
The Actors and Characters and Their Scenes
Kurihara Rui:
He surprised me. I’ve seen him in person and I’ve seen him on tv as himself many times and he very much has the persona of someone who is very emo-like with life and very monotone and doesn’t like to smile and is very witty but straight faced when he jokes. Even when I saw him at the first OEdo event he was like this! But in the movie, he at least had facial expressions! At first he didn’t but then we see him freaking out in the bathroom and being concerned. For the most part he stays as himself but I was surprised he could actually give SOME sort of acting performance. He is model so of course he looks damn pretty in his white outfit, and his skin looks freaking flawless as fuck in this movie. But I am very happy and surprised from the performance he did give.
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Aramaki Yoshihiko:
My boy... first I have a bone to pick with you Aramaki Yoshi-always-straight-hiko!!!! (Can you tell what it is yet?)
OF COURSE MakiChan is the ONLY (no wait Asuma is too but he’s not a main character) straight person in this movie! EVERYONE else is obviously gay but oh no MakiChan just HAS to be the straight character -__- I was hoping for him and Akazawa to have a thing going on in this, instead of him denying he’s in love with his childhood female friend the entire movie -__- oh well! Least he’s somewhat gay in Honoo no Mirage... one day I’ll get my gay movie from him! I better! All stage actors have one! Also you work with Shosan a lot and he’s done quite a few! Also Baba and TakaChan! Come on Maki! GIVE ME MY GAY MAKICHAN MOVIE! I’m okay... moving on...
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MakiChan’s character was chara (how would you even translate ‘chara’ in English?! ‘Playboy’? or ‘Likes to mess around’?) as fuck though. His first scene is him opening a very posh person’s door to reveal a very posh and stuck up girl and takes her through his izakaya while winking at his mates that he’s ‘gotten in there’. Then at the end of the date she pulls him slightly into the car and kisses him on the cheek. Once she’s left, he’s like ‘yes I’ve scored!’ BUT at the same time is totally adorable because he’s over the moon by just a simple kiss and can’t take his hand off his cheek where she kissed him! He was both chara and cute at the same time! Also the next day he’s with Shiono and is holding a teddy and just being so cute and child-like that he got a kiss from the most popular girl in his university xD Just adorableness galore from MakiChan! With the teddybear = adorable. Trying his hardest to join in on the (real) matsuri/festival = adorable! When he wakes up at the end = ADORABLE! 
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ALSO very badass when he attacks and kills Robin in a second! Also OMG! In the beginning he sees his dad come out of the Boys Bar that’s next door to the izakaya, and he chases his dad down and is like ‘you’re not gay?!’ and his dad’s like ‘why you think your mother and I.... anyway I’m gay. You do realise I’m gay right? You might not understand but that’s how it is!’ And the next day MakiChan turns to Shiono and is like ‘my dad told me he’s gay...what the fuck?!’ xD And his dad was being played by FREAKING Takenaka Naoto! TAKENAKA NAOTO! He’s a freaking movie and TV star! He’s amazing in whatever he does and he was in this?! And with MakiChan?! AND as MakiChan’s DAD?! And being a GAY daddy?! He was fabulous and amazing (as always) in this!
Speaking of Akazawa and MakiChan. I really loved their relationship and my head thinks they were dating in it even though his character is supposed to be straight, and I think Akazawa’s character was supposed to be in love with Rui’s character in the UnderWorld. Nevertheless their relationship was great BECAUSE MakiChan’s character in the Underworld cannot speak, he’s mute, and luckily Akazawa can hear him via telepathy which was cute so Akazawa helped MakiChan out a lot.
I can confirm that for many many months even before the movie first came out, MakiChan and co were saying you can hear them say ‘facial’ instead of ‘washoi’ during the festival scene, and I can confirm that they do in fact say ‘facial’ instead of ‘washoi’ in the scene xD I was giggling quite a bit.
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Little side note: In UnderWorld he is the only character who has a recollection and memories of his time in the Real World.
Finally! As disgusting as it sounds (but shouldn’t be a surprise if you know me) MakiChan’s underarm hair made a special guest appearance and it made me VERY happy <3 why am I so fucking weird...MOVING ON!
Someya Toshiyuki:
Someya is so pretty when he dresses up and has make up in a more feminine manner! He was gorgeous! I could not look away! And the kiss with Someya and Riku was perfect though! It was rather heart-racey but nothing too heart-racey (am I even getting enough oxygen to my brain right now to be able to talk about this properly?!) xD 
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BUT! One moment that got me giggling though is when Someya takes like 5 minutes to cut Riku’s rope from his hands -- it really doesn’t take that long! It wasn’t that thick of a rope at all and I just cracked up the longer the scene went. I get it was a long scene so they could keep talking and so the sexual tension between them built up but it was a ridiculous amount of time.
Why did he have to die though?! Riku gets killed by Tom so then Someya kills himself with a knife in front of Tom and because Tom has essentially lost the person he loves he shoots himself in the head! ... I’ve just realised how freaking Romeo and Juliet this all is... it literally is just a movie about romance and being dramatic and everyone dying and/or killing themselves for the people they love xD what the fuck... it’s still good though!
Fujita Tom:
Surprisngly Tom’s character was pretty interesting! I don’t know why I expected him not to be because I was impressed with him in Kamen Rider Amazons and I enjoyed seeing him in person last time... 
I liked his character. He was like a warlord and looked very good upon his throne. I liked both his Real World and UnderWorld Character. His Real World character works in the freaking Boys Bar along with Someya. In fact the entire Boys Bar scene and location itself is ridiculous and hilarious! It’s this very loud, strip-bar which is right next to MakiChan’s brother’s (played by Riku) izakaya and that’s why they have conflict, because they can hear the Boys Bar’s music every night. Seriously the entire Boys Bar scene is amazing, I think I enjoyed it a bit too much xD Anyway, back to Tom; I liked both his character but was short lived, again leading back to the whole ‘I needed more from this movie’ complaint.
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Akazawa Tomoru:
I remember that in the last event, the director commented (probably during the Making video) on how big Akazawa’s eyes are, and seriously, while watching this movie, they really are huge! It doesn’t help he has these blue eye contacts in that really light his face up (not in a stupid way! A natural way!) so they looked obviously bigger compared to everyone else too.
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But damn Akazawa’s death scene was sad and upsetting =[ It was so quick and unexpected too! He was seriously struggling =‘[ he got his neck slit open and was on the floor in his pool of blood coughing and trying to save the others before they get killed, and he’s like ‘I’m so glad you weren’t here (when they came <-- they being Tom’s group who are after Rui because he’s some magical white fairy thing I think).
Kamiya Riku:
He is MakiChan’s brother in this! But also Someya’s fated lover. A majpr plot of the story is that until he meets Someya (again) in the real world, he doesn’t remember anything except his family. He’s a very quiet character but once he finds Someya the amount of love you can see in his eyes towards Someya and how his face completely softens when he sees Someya, it’s so adorable!
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Shiono Akihisa:
Shiono is a freaking puppy! He’s in love with his and MakiChan’s childhood friend, but she’s in love with MakiChan and instead of confessing his love to her, -- although there is a hypothetical scene that plays out where he tells her to forget MakiChan and hugs her and confesses his love to her but! -- he lets her go and holds back so in the end, her and MakiChan can get together! He’s too precious for this world! He’s so sweet! He also does the Matsuri with MakiChan which is great too! It was a short time but you could easily see their long friendship shine through their scenes together.
Asuma Kousuke:
Asuma’s character had a lisp and it was fucking hilarious. Several times in the movie, the characters (to his character) were like ‘why do you say Sa Si Su Se So instead of Sa Shi Su Se So’ It was a funny bit every time, especially when he was like ‘I don’t speak weird!’ and they all laughed. His character also got slapped a lot by the other characters as another form of comic relief.
Also in his very first scene, he clearly (the actor, not the character) overhits the wooden overhead part and makes a huge noise, you can see slight pain in his face, and everyone in the room (I was in) pissed themselves laughing. It was obviously a ‘the actor accidentally did it but we thought it was hilarious so left it in the movie’ moment.
By the way, Asuma it TOO tall and TOO skinny! xD
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His visual and the metal arm armour he has is badass! He looks so good in his costume and seriously that arm is soooo amazing! Even the cast and staff commented on how nice it is and Robin was happy he got to wear such a cool looking thing. His character is like an assassin but is so easily killed by MakiChan in one swift and quick movement -- it was an awesome scene! But unfortunately it turns out MakiChan didn’t completely and successfully kill him because as MakiChan tries to help Someya get Riku, Robin comes from behind and stabs him and he dies. But it was a cool movement when MakiChan ninja-slashed him.
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Nakamura Kaito:
This little cutie! Him and Tokito were like supposed to be waiting on Someya but spent most of their time being pretty dumb (in an adorable way) and playing games with each other. Especially when MakiChan turns on Tom (he uses a sleeping drug on him) and Robin, after slashing Robin, the two of them are hugging one another and going ‘please don’t kill us!’ and MakiChan lets them go. It was such an adorable moment from them. It was cut when they played Rock-Paper-Scissors together too.
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Kishimoto Takuya:
His guests appearance was absolutely hilarious! So he plays the driver of car of the women who MakiChan takes to his izakaya. And once out of view of the izakaya, she tells KishiTaku to stop the car. Here she removes her shoes and puts her feet on the headrest infront of her (she’s in the back seat behind Kishi who’s driving) and her feet are either side of his face and he’s like ‘o_O’ and ‘=O’ but also super enjoying it. I’m pretty sure she ends up putting her feet ON his face and he’s goes into this like orgasmic state and enjoys it thoroughly. His character was so amusing.
Doi Kazumi and Nihira Shougo:
There were some great cameos from people like Doi Kazumi (who was a worker at the Boys Bar) and Kishimoto Takuya (seriously KishiTaku’s part was hilarious! I am not doing it justice above!), also freaking Takenaka Naoto (who I already fangirled over)!
Furthermore, I freaked during the All Boys Bar scene when for a SPLIT (literally a split, split second) when I saw my very own Shougo-kun!! It was a moment of ‘*double take* wait what?!’ when I saw him. I practically jumped out of my seat when I found him! I was so shocked and excited to see him in it because I was not expecting him! I immediately tweeted him after seeing the movie and was like ‘why didn’t I know?! But also I’m impressed at how quickly I spotted you xD’ which makes me seem super stalkery xD oh well! But I am so proud of my boy and when I saw his name in the credits and realised I was right about spotting him, I was a very happy girl ^_^
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Hashimoto Zenitsu:
He ends up being MakiChan’s dad’s entertainment in the Boys Bar and they look so freaking hilarious with each other. Knowing Takenaka he was the one super into the role and being like ‘lets do this! lets really do this’ and making it look so lovey dovey and sickly and funny as possible and I imagine Zenitsu was just going along with it. It’s such a good but short scene with them two.
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Sano Shirou and Fukikoshi Mitsuru:
These two HUGE tv stars guest starring in this movie. I’ve always liked both of them (and Takenaka) and I really liked Fukikoshi’s character! He was very funny! Especially towards the end when MakiChan(I think?) is trying to explain what happened in Underworld and Fukikoshi is asleep the entire time xD
After the Movie, it was the CAST EVENT/STAGE GREETING:
It was: Aramakaki Yoshihiko (duh that’s why I went xD), Asuma Kousuke, Robin, Nakamura Kaito and Takahashi Zenitsu. 
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I was second row to the right-hand side (and the row behind me and all the seats to my right were empty, so safe to say it was obvious when he was looking at me), so as soon as MakiChan came on stage, he saw me and smiled at me ^_^ Then at another point in the talk show, Asuma was talking and I was giggling silently and very hard at him, and MakiChan saw me and had to stop himself from laughing - he made that ‘holding back the smiling/laughing’ type face. I feel guilty for making him almost crack up on stage but also special because only me and him know why.
They first had a Mini-Talk but I don’t really remember what happened or what was said but I remember laughing a lot - sorry! But I do remember them talking about Robin and his cool character, so he was like ‘okay! Everyone close your eyes! The audience will clap on which one of you they want me to kill!’ Even though they were suspicious at first, they complied and they all closed their eyes and he walked around the back of each of them and waited for us to clap. Naturally Asuma and MakiChan had the biggest claps, SO Robin decided to kill both of them with his ‘air sword’ (he didn’t have one on him). To which MakiChan was like ‘that’s not how I’d kill someone!’ and Robin was alarmed at first at how serious MakiChan sounded at killing someone (xD) but then asked, ‘well how would you do it then?!’ so MakiChan said he’d show them. But before that MakiChan did the same thing as Robin and asked the audience the clap at who they wanted killed and it landed on Asuma xD so the first time he just killed Asuma with an air sword and then the second time it was MakiChan giving Asuma a drink and saying like ‘Otsukare’ and then Asuma drinks it and collapses to the floor and MakiChan is like ‘I’d poison them!’ with a smile on his face xD which is related to his character in the movie because his character does drug Fujita Tom’s drink but doesn’t kill them.
Then we had the Senshuu-Kai which is like a lottery and they picked the audience’s seats from a box and it was to win one of five signed copies of the script. Most of the people who won were on the second floor -- there were only like 20 seats on the second floor and FOUR people from there got signed copies! We were all surprised at how lucky the top floor was. 
ALSO The boys mentioned they watched the movie FROM the second floor. When the movie had ended I did see about 6 people stand up and slink backstage, so it must’ve been them! That means MakiChan was opposite me and one floor up! I wonder if he saw me the entire time! =O *dead*
Finally there was the HIGH TOUCH/FIVE on the way out!
Being technically the back row (it was set out weird. I was row N but second row on the right. Don’t ask) I was one of the first to go to the high five. The boys were lined up outside next to where the goods had been and the order was: Zenitsu, Robin, Nakamura, Asuma and finally MakiChan. I remember high-fiving Zenitsu and Nakamura completely, but I don’t remember high fiving Robin, and I barely remember Asuma, only just thinking ‘he smiles well’ and ‘DAMN HE TALL!’ xD 
With MakiChan being at the end, he got a few seconds longer with everyone as they left. He gave me this huge smile, high fived me, waved at me, said thank you and good bye, and waved me off and watched me walk away to the stairs ^_^ <3 okay I’m dead *dead* he’s always so amazing with his fans. God dammit guys... he’s so amazing... such a good person *dead*
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Speaking of OEdo I hit for the next butai aisatsu of this movie! AND I’M FIRST ROW! LEGIT FIRST ROW! June 24th! So hopefully I’ll have a mini report about the aisatsu and maybe some extra comments about the movie ^_^
I’m getting there! About 3 more to go! *dead*
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harocat · 7 years
Today our HUGE Amiami box came and it’s two months of backed up YOI stuff (plus stuff from other series but this post is focusing on just YOI), so here is an absolutely massive loot post. I  think this literally almost doubled our YOI collection.
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First off is the Chara-Forme Yuri on Ice Acrylic Strap Collection Vol.3 by Empty! These are all Kiss and Cry themed and in my opinion this is one of the cutest sets they’ve released. Look even Georgi is adorable lol. 
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This is the Yuri!!! on Ice Rubber Strap Collection Pair by Movic. There’s actually one non-pair in there as you can see lol. Yes they did remember the ring on the Victuuri one, by the way. Recent merch has been getting better about this, thankfully. I really like this set a lot (especially the bottom two. IDEAL). The only thing I’m not a fan of is how the ‘transparent strap’ style of them washes out the color in their faces a bit so you can’t see their blushes from the original art! 
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The  Chara-Forme Yuri on Ice Acrylic Strap Collection Vol.2 by Empty! These are all based on the ED theme. The Yuuri in this set is blessed by angels. I don’t make the rules. It’s just true. 
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Yuri!!! on Ice Clear Rubber Strap by Sol International. These are really cute and creative and all the straps have different colored sparkly backgrounds!! The top three are obviously themed to go together (both Yuuri and Victor are singing omg), and Yuuri is talking to a tiny Phichit on the bottom one of him. Also Victor and Yuuri as JOINT HASETSU AMBASSADORS is the best thing I never knew I needed. 
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Yuri!!! on Ice Choko Kawa Rubber Strap by Sega. I really like the art in this set. It’s really soft and the thick lines are nice!! Also the skating Yurio has a sweet expression, which is rare but good. 
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es Series nino Rubber Strap Collection by Kotobukiya. Chris’s pose is so extra. Haha I don’t have much to say here. They’re cute. 
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Yuri!!! on Ice YuraYura Keychain by Bushiroad. For some reason my photos of all of these turned out really poorly, so you get these photos where the ones I’m selling are cut off, which I guess doesn’t really matter. I wonder why they put Yuuri in that promo outfit he never wears in so much stuff. I mean it’s a nice outfit but. Anyway, I ended up really LOVING these. The colors are super bright and the art is adorable!! Also no photos but they’re just as detailed on the back (for example Yurio’s hair is braided in the back on the keychain). 
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Yuri!!! on Ice Tojikore Acrylic Keychain Vol.2 by TwinCre. So these are actually keychains, but they came with plastic stands, so you can display them as acrylic stands as well which is the BEST IDEA EVER. I love this so much and I dearly hope more keychain sets do it because it is so clever and handy. @abarero figured out a really, really awesome way to display our excessive amounts of keychains, but even then, this is always going to be better to me than hanging up yet another set of keychains. ANYWAY, every single keychain in this set is a gift; from banquet dancing to katsudon pirozhki to just... all of them. It’s so good. Absolutely one of my top three faves released for the series so far. 
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Here’s keychains that came by themselves!
The History Maker Yuuri and the ending theme sparkler Yuuri were ACTUALLY amiami exclusive bonuses that came with the Kiss and Cry keychains and the Ending Theme keychains, but since they packed them separately I forgot to include them in those pictures. Whoops. 
Anyway, the big chibi keychains of Victor, Yuuri, Yurio, JJ, and Otabek are by Avex and they’re chibi versions of the Comiket exclusive release keychains. JJ, Otabek, and Yurio belong to @pantacular. 
Charappuccino Phichit is by Birthday. I actually did have Victor and Yuuri ordered too, but they were a couple of the items that got canceled, and they were out of stock. I actually did manage to find them on another site and have reordered them, but they’re not here yet. This keychain is so precious. 
The Tsumamare Victor and Yuuri are the little keychains hanging by their shirts. They’re by Cospa. They’re so cute and expressive. Especially the Yuuri! 
Bocchi-kun are by ACG and they’re the little tiny pouty keychains. They’re super cute, but I admit I’m a little disappointed by how tiny they are. Though I’m familiar with the line, I’ve never ordered a Bocchi-kun before, so I was unaware of their size. I don’t regret ordering them, and I’d still have gotten them (it’s not like they were pricey), but yeah, small. 
That single Yuuri is a Jelly Charm by ACG. And lastly is the Oshikura Victor by Orange Rouge. This actually came out in January, but I missed ordering it. Victor and Yurio are relatively easy to find, but Yuuri seems to be sold out everywhere, so Victor is having to wait. I did find Yuuri somewhere, but he’s a bit overpriced. It’s not TOO bad though, so I’ll probably go ahead and bite the bullet and get him instead of having to resort to bidding on auctions.  
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In front, Love&Life and On Ice Victor and Yuuri cellphone stands from Atelier Magi because they’re great. Behind that, Cospa’s Vkusno! rice bowl. Next to that, Gyugyutto cushion straps of Victor and Yuuri by Bell House (Victor gets katsudon but poor Yuuri doesn’t lol). Behind them, Victor and Yuuri mugs by Gift. And inside the mugs, Victor and Yuuri Nitotan plush by Takara Tomy ARTs (which are super cute and nicely detailed). 
Here’s the inside of the rice bowl:
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‘sup from Yuuri
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Okay here we go. More non-keychain loot.
The Playful Mind (that’s the brand) collaboration stuff was cute as shit so I picked up some stuff from it. Good stuff, high quality, adorable art. 
There’s two (faux) leather trays, a coin purse, a phone case, and two cord holders. 
Above that is two pass cases of Victor and Yuuri being dapper in suits by A3! There were keychains released by Animega with this art, but they are near IMPOSSIBLE to get, and I’m resigned to the fact that it will never happen, so when I saw these pass cases, I decided to snag them instead. You can use them as keychains, so they essentially serve the same purpose.  
There’s Victor and Yuuri hair clips by Emu, which I’ll actually probably sell because they are big! I thought they’d be little ones judging by the price, but they’re big and I have short hair, so we’ll see about that. Above that is three sets of can badges, all by Movic. Then there’s the super cute 2016-2017 School Calendar, which I’m so pleased stands up on its own. 
Down below is three pens. Two of them are those kitschy ‘floaty’ ones where a figure floats down the pen, in this case it’s Victor and Yuuri ‘skating down’ a rink in the pen. They’re cute. The other one is a really cool, elegant pen themed after Yuuri’s FS outfit. 
Some closer up pics: 
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The softe things.
Usually I crop images to just the merchandise but like hell I was going to crop out my cat. Oxford now graces this post with his remarkable presence. 
Makkachin tissue box cover by Avex Pictures. Just as fluffy as all the rumors have foretold. 
Then! The Victor and Yuuri pillowcases by M's. Extremely soft fabric!! Would recommend for resting head upon. The picture is kind of a bad angle and frankly they BOTH look weird in this photo because of it but... I think, upon seeing it in person, the complaints about Victor’s face are very unwarranted. He actually looks really good and sweet and gentle in person and very much like Victor? The problem is parts of the rest of his body, where the anatomy is wonk (but this is just the pillow, so it’s only shoulders up and you don’t get that). And Yuuri looks great of course.  
ANYWAY, that’s end of this massive post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ll have a sales post up pretty soon.  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
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isempiterna · 7 years
REALLY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  Repost, don’t  reblog! tag  10  ! good luck! TAGGED.  @starryeyecl  TAGGING. who of my followers haven’t been tagged yet, I tag u
the following information is for the verse YELLOW ROSE. information differs by a little or a lot depending on verse
FULL NAME: Lark Maureen Tempest ∬ Sparrow Grace Weave NICKNAME // ALIAS: HILARIOUS STORY TIME Lark used to introduce herself all the time as “Lark, but you can call me Temmy if you want” and nobody would call her Temmy sdhfdskfslhf  ∬  one of her friends calls her Spar sometimes AGE:  26 ∬ 20 BIRTHDAY:  November 26 (1991) ∬ February 20 (1997) ETHNIC GROUP: European mix (Irish-French, German-Polish-Danish) ∬ European mix ? (Irish-French, British-Indian) NATIONALITY: American LANGUAGE/S: English ∬ English, very limited Spanish SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual ∬ asexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic ∬ demiromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single CLASS: middle class / lower middle HOMETOWN/AREA: I just stick em places CURRENT HOME: ┐(ツ)┌ PROFESSION: café owner ∬ student
HAIR: white-blonde, practically white ∬ black EYES: copper brown ∬ light blue FACE: heart ∬ peach LIPS: pouty, rather pink ∬ soft, dark cherries COMPLEXION: European, tans easily ∬ fair, smooth BLEMISHES: beauty marks! one at the inner corner of her eye (left), one at the bottom of her mouth (left), two on her cheek (right) ∬ none SCARS: a few here and there TATTOOS: none HEIGHT: 5′2″ ∬ 5′3″ WEIGHT: ~116 lbs ∬ ~106 lbs BUILD: hourglass, strong, compact ∬ pear, slender, toned FEATURES: major resting bitch face, can’t tell if eyes are bored or bedroom, STRONG ARMS ∬ delicate, almost a sense of ethereal beauty? bordering on creepy, hidden strength
ALLERGIES: none USUAL HAIR STYLE: casual ponytail, messy bun, whatever it’s called when you fold your hair up with a big hair clip?? ∬ down, easily hides her face when necessary, ponytail for running USUAL FACE LOOK: resting bitch, politely waiting for...something?, clear gaze ∬ thoughtful, mild to intense interest in whatever she’s looking at  USUAL CLOTHING: comfy, loose  ∬ simple, comfortable, subtly stylish
FEAR/S: losing Sparrow, losing her father ∬ losing her loved ones, what happened in elementary/middle/high school coming back to haunt her in college ASPIRATION/S: take care of her sister FOREVER ∬ get a degree that will help her help people (nursing? doctor? therapist? environmentalist? ??) POSITIVE TRAITS: honest, easy to talk to, very aware of her emotions, can let go of grudges ∬ good listener, friendly, supportive, forgiving, pacifist, Mom Friend NEGATIVE TRAITS: immediately dislikes you if you look at Sparrow funny, doesn’t always lose her temper but when she DOES, doesn’t know how to pull her punches, god her plastic smiles are the most annoying thing in the world, possibly too honest  ∬ doesn’t think of her own well-being in the least, can’t stand up for herself, highly manipulable, apologizes for everything, gives way too many chances (as in she never stops giving u another chance) ZODIAC: Sagittarius ∬ Pisces (Aquarius-Pisces cusp) TEMPERAMENT: sanguine  ∬ phlegmatic SOUL TYPE/S: warrior ∬ ghdvkhldlf couldn’t take the quiz again but I’d guess server (maybe she coulda been an artist if I hadn’t fucked w things ( ᐛ ) ) VICE HABIT/S: using force when frustrated, cheat day every day?  ∬ apathy towards herself, unnecessary guilt, keeping secrets VIRTUES/VICES: kindness & wrath ∬ patience (and also liKE ALL OF THEM AAAA) & ........maybe like sloth...about herself.....emotionally....... FAITH: Lark has faith in herself hghdksvh ∬ Sparrow has faith in the good of others GHOSTS?: maybe a little but probably not ∬ who knows, why not? AFTERLIFE?: nope ∬ maybe, who knows REINCARNATION?: god she wants to be Sparrow’s sister foREVER ∬ maybe, who knows? ALIENS?: why not ∬ w h o  kn o w s ? POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: democratic-leaning ∬ democratic-leaning or third party EDUCATION LEVEL: college graduate (4 years) ∬ currently in college
FATHER: Lionel Tempest ∬ Chandler Weave MOTHER: Phoenix Burke SIBLINGS: Sparrow ∬ Lark  EXTENDED FAMILY: uugh I don’t wanna write all this out but Phoenix has a p big family and Lionel has a huge family and Chandler also has a pretty extensive family that he’s largely estranged from NAME MEANING/S: Lark as in the bird ∬ Sparrow as in the bird HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: BIRDS
BOOK: the poetry book Sparrow got her ∬ just one favorite?? MOVIE: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (lotta fond nostalgia) ∬ prolly watches a lot of foreign films? not really a fan of violence 5 SONGS: JUST 5 ??? HOLIDAY: 4th of July bc FIREWORKS  ∬ Christmas bc she can give gifts to ppl MONTH: July ∬ late September/early October SEASON: SUMMER ∬ fall and winter and actually spring and heck why not summer too PLACE: wherever her sister is ∬ home, her uncle’s library (visited once when she was very young, still dreams about it) WEATHER: SUMMER NIGHT ∬ mild autumn day, early winter morning SOUND: the crackle of fireworks and fizz of sparklers; ice cracking; distant traffic; Sparrow singing when no one can hear her; the thump of sand-filled canvas; bird wings ∬ snow falling; Lark idly playing the piano; footsteps on carpet; 3am thunder over the mountains; wind chimes and bells and glass tinkling and music boxes SCENT/S: summer air, heavy and humid; smoke (fireworks, campfire); hot spring waters; lilacs ∬ books and paper and binding glue; evergreen trees and juniper berries; the first breath of a cold day; healthy earth and roots and sun-warmed leaves; graphite and fresh ink TASTE/S: orange soda, carbonates; smooth coffee; light, crunchy snacks ∬ fresh fruits and vegetables; colloidal silver; water after a long run; raspberry chocolate FEEL/S: warmth, solid or soft or just the air pressing around; post-workout, heavy muscles but light on the inside, sweet oxygen and satisfaction; cool piano keys and worn foot pedals ∬ sunlight on window seats; scritta paper; winter’s chill; downy blankets and a warm mug; runner’s high ANIMAL/S: KOALAS ∬ so many?? NUMBER: uh ∬ prolly like 3 or smth COLORS: yellow ∬ soft blue and peach
TALENTS: piano, kick boxing, Worst puns, keeping a straight face ∬ violin, bullet journaling, painting/ink drawing, cooking, running, creative and harmless pranks BAD AT: being patient, cooking, not starting fights with people who are mean to her sister ∬ speaking up for herself, cutting toxic people out of her life, arguing, jokes and sarcasm TURN-ONS: strong people, cute girls, people with secrets, soulful singers ∬ she’s so confused TURN OFFS: too many secrets, dismissive of Sparrow, BAD teeth, narcissism ∬ are u making her uncomfortable?  HOBBIES: kick boxing, piano, talking about her sister ∬ reading, journaling, painting/drawing, running, violin TROPES:  Action Girl, Plucky Girl, Beauty Mark(s), Cool Big Sis, Daddy’s Girl, DEADPAN SNARKER ∬ Sibling Yin-Yang ∬ Actual Pacifist, Shrinking Violet, The Heart, Friendless Background, Feminine Women Can Cook, Nature Lover AESTHETIC TAGS: coffee n shit, fireworks, summery things, bikes maybe?, that’s yellow, this looks like Sparrow ∬ books, journals, art stuff, blue, snow maybe, skies I guess, pretty things GPOY QUOTES: “When the guys call you bro” ∬ “When you think something’s nice but nobody else does” 
MAIN FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ ALT FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ ┐(ツ)┌ OLDER FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ YOUNGER FC/S: ┐(ツ)┌ VOICE CLAIM/S: me, actually, when I channel Lark (?? it’s weird) ∬ Liv Tyler GENDERBENT  FC/S: u think i got time for that
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1: hfskdghsdf I’d prolly end up calling it smth rly edgy and dumb like “Forbidden” or “The Blue Rose Girl” which doesn’t even sound edgy it just sounds dumb. black and white might be cool, or sort of a faded color? maybe it would go from black and white to color. it would be about the blue rose verse and the consequences they face bc of Lark’s actions and maybe Sparrow was better off staying dead? the folly of the heart type thing I’m tired can u tell
Q2: what would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2: pls don’t do this to me rn I’M WORKING ON IT
Q3: why did you start writing this character?        
A3: it all started w Sparrow. actually it all started with BJDs. I did a faceup and was like “cool who’s this” and thought Sparrow Weave was a cool name and literally started rping her with just a name and a face long story between that n this, but I decided Sparrow needed a sister bc of long story, and a lark was a bird and tempest was sort of the opposite of weave? why did they have to be opposite? Lark totally changed as a character tho originally she was super happy-go-lucky and bouncy and cheerful all the time but then I started to rp her and she was like “MOVE bitch get out the way”
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?          
A4: ?? her name was Sparrow and she looked nice with dead flowers and I threw her into the fray. she grew to be beautiful and extremely damaged. Lark tho, I really liked how she kicked my ass and did her own thing
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.          
A5: just cause I know all their flaws doesn’t mean I dont love them for it
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?          
A6: Sparrow and I are super squishy and people-pleasers and like books and art, and Lark and I get waaaaay over protective of people and have similar taste in puns, although I’m never confident enough to say any of mine
Q7: how does your muse feel about you?          
A7: Sparrow would like me, I’d remind Lark of Sparrow until she found out I’m the cause of her suffering?? then I would cease to exist down to the last atom
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8: this is going to sound horrible but I have this weird fascination with Sparrow in unhealthy relationships. she’s extremely manipulable but she’s also aware of that? so she might be onto you the whole time but why is she going along with it why does she have so much faith in you what are you going to do. LARK AND HER ENEMIES HALSKFHDKFSH
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9: Lark writes herself, Sparrow’s more shy but I know her. if I see or think of anything that reminds me of her I remember everything she’s ever done and I fall in love again. I never lose muse just the ability/focus to make the words go
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?          
A10: fuck ass long I stayed up way too lat workin on it, went back and edited/added more information to parts so it made more sense today, STILL WORKING ON THEIR PLAYLISTS but yeah this was fun!
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endlessarchite · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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sherlocklexa · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from car2 http://ift.tt/2siedO7 via as shown a lot
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chocdono · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from mix1 http://ift.tt/2siedO7 via with this info
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petraself · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces published first on http://ift.tt/1kI9W8s
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darensmurray · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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bespokekitchesldn · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from The Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/13-must-haves-outdoor-spaces/
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garagedoorsbrighton · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from The Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/13-must-haves-outdoor-spaces/
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endlessarchite · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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endlessarchite · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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endlessarchite · 7 years
13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces
Hi guys — Sarah here. I just wanted to pop in really quick and introduce a new contributor to the blog, Caroline!
I meant to introduce you guys last week, but I’ve been caught on the phone and getting really behind as usual (and, as always, I’m doing other things behind the scenes that are both gross AND fun AND leading up to a long-awaited reno! Jeez, how long has it been since I tore out my master bathroom? I am going to have a confession all about that later this week as well as what inspired me to start remodeling it again). But Caroline used to write for my team when I worked for an online magazine called Society South, and she’s assisted me in a few articles since then when I do freelance work. Over the last few months, I realized that there are giant chunks of time where writing a post to update you feels like ages (even if it’s only a week, I fondly remember the days where I used to post more frequently), and you don’t see my busy little legs kicking below the surface (the quote of the duck on a calm surface is incredibly apt in my situation!). So, I asked Caroline if she might like to contribute to the site every once in a while for trend-spotting and decorating ideas, much like I used to do a few years ago on Saturdays, but with a little more substance. I like her eye and her writing style, so I’m happy to have her adding some of her own content to the site. Here she is with her first post all about decor for outdoor spaces! I love some of the items she’s found, and each month she’ll be back with themed new finds I hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks, and welcome, Caroline! <3
Hey y’all, I’m Caroline and I’m so excited to join The Ugly Ducking House team! I love that I’m getting the chance to combine two of my passions — writing and design — for Sarah’s blog, and can’t wait to share more of my ideas with everyone. Even though the summer solstice isn’t for another few days, we’ve been lucky enough to have had such warm and beautiful weather early this year — which means extra time to enjoy being outside with friends and family (or just to get working on that tan). That’s why my first post features some of the coolest and handiest outdoor products to enhance your outdoor spaces — enjoy! *contains affiliate links*
Clockwise from top left: chair / lamp / feeder / table torch / hammock / bean bag chair / lawn mower / tunic / bug spray / fire pit / table / cooler / rug
June: you step out of your office to a burst of hot, humid air. You get in your car and nearly every surface burns to the touch. A pop song about fleeting vacation flings is playing on the radio. Ahh, yes, summer has finally begun. But before you get caught up in a day dream montage of grilling burgers poolside, waving sparklers with the kids, and eating too many popsicles, ask yourself — are you, or rather, is your backyard, actually ready? If you’re picturing pollen-covered, half-half broken lawn chairs; a pile of dusty, deflated pool floats; and a grill that’s near rust-damaged disintegration, then no, you are not ready for summer, my friend. Whether your backyard needs a total rehaul or just a little sprucing up,  these outdoor products are guaranteed to upgrade your outdoor space and add a pop of fun just in time for summer to really get into swing.
Natural Wicker/Rattan Furniture – The light, natural wood look as been a popular minimalist interior design style for a while, but now it’s moving to the outdoors again. Retro-vibe rattan furniture gives your patio space a funky twist while still remaining neutral and inviting.
Inside Lighting Brought Outdoors – Bringing the indoors out is often achieved by incorporating comfy sofas or pillow accents into your patio seating design — but have you thought about doing the same with lighting? This solar-powered floor lamp brings the coziness of the indoors outside for an unusual, antique-like lighting effect.
Modern Bird Feeder – Bird feeders don’t have to be reserved for winter and certainly don’t have to be strictly utilitarian in style. Opt for a sleek geometric shape made of glass for a feeder that doubles as yard art.
Decorative Tabletop Torch – If tiki torches feel a little too cheesy-luao-birthday-party-backyard-barbeque to you, opt for a much chicer alternative to keep the bugs away. Fill this copper tabletop torch with citronella oil for a stylish way to stay bug-free without invoking a single hawaiian shirt vibe.
Hammock in a Trendy Color – Bright yellow is one of this summer’s top colors for decor, but think outside the box of throw pillows and pool floaties. A yellow hammock adds a touch of whimsy while still being functional, and the color will pop against a green backyard backdrop.
Creative Outdoor Seating – No more wooden Adirondak chair splinters for you! These outdoor beanbag chairs offer a casual, comfortable, portable seating option perfect for parties and catching some sun (just try not to fall asleep — no one wants an embarrassing sunburn!).
Robotic Lawn Mower – Also known as the “Roomba for lawns,” this little guy is perfect for those who hate cutting the grass in the heat and sun. Personally, I’m extremely curious what kinds of lawn striping or patterns this would create.
SPF or UPF Clothing – Whether gardening, grilling, or beachside, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is a must. Give your sunscreen a hand by wearing some breathable SPF/UPF proof clothing that’s cute, as well as functional.
All Natural Bug Spray – Reduce the chemicals you put on your body and into the air with a tried-and-true, natural citronella spray. I discovered this awesome product a few years ago while on an annual family vacation in South Florida — let me tell you, this stuff really works! Added bonus: no stickiness and it smells great!
Copper Fire Pit – Upgrade your backyard fire pit to the on-trend metallic version that is sure to make any night-time soiree on the deck feel a touch more elegant.
Mosaic Tile Accents – One of this summer’s biggest trends also happens to be a great opportunity for a DIY project. Entertain yourself or your kids by decorating an end table, plant stand, or bird bath with colorful mosaic tiles.
Retro Patio Cooler – Coolers seem to always get the short end of the stick when it comes to design, which makes sense considering the wear-and-tear of countless tailgates and beach trips we put them through. With these retro and brightly-colored standing coolers, you don’t have to sacrifice an ounce of style for your outdoor space or the convenience of an ice-cold beverage. I recommend the turquoise color to continue the theme of bold and bright!
Bright Outdoor Rug – Drab, stained concrete; faded, weathered wood…this does not have to be the fate of your outdoor flooring. Add a colorful, textured outdoor run to create just as an inviting outdoor entertaining space as you have inside. Can y’all tell I like bright colors yet?
Even something as simple as adding a little color or testing a new product to make the sticky days more bearable (lookin’ at you, bug spray) can really make a difference when it comes to revitalizing and enjoying your outdoor space. So, I hope this list has inspired y’all to take your backyard swag up a notch — what’s your outdoors summer-fun must-have?
The post 13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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13 Must-Haves for Outdoor Spaces published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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