#the spam reblogging before posting the cat fund and then not posting again
ellies-enrichment · 1 year
Yo hi! I’m very sorry to bother you at this time of the day, just reaching out if you’d be so kind to check the post that I pinned on my blog and maybe give it a little help by boosting/sharing it? it’s for my cat who struggles to breathe :((( and we need help to get her the tests that she needs. It would really mean the world to me and I understand if you don’t, still appreciate you and stay safe! Btw, please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately instead as I dont want other blogs to think im a spambot or what, once again im sorry for asking this, praying you’d consider! 😭😭🙏
the video is a main blog thing i can't use that here but basically no
this is a scam
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kyra45 · 2 years
Vet Donation Scams
Common vet scam asks v2
A common scam going around as of recently is several asks regarding the post of a cat or a dog. The ask tells you to check out their blog and reblog their pinned post because they desperately needs funds to support their pets surgery or medication or something else important because their pet is ill and may not be doing too well. For the most part, the ask doesn’t seem too suspicious and for some it doesn’t seem all that bad at a glance. Sure, the asker came out of nowhere but someone asking for help isn’t too uncommon in these days.
However, the blog itself is highly unusual if looked at more closely. Rather new, has one post, and seemingly hasn’t been reblogging anything else. The story you read seems heartbreaking, urging you to donate or reblog to spread the word and written to upset you and want your aid in great detail. It claims the cost of the operation is either very high or very low, but doesn’t specify anything else. The pictures supplied are quite distressing, sometimes showing the pet is grave condition or seemingly just snapped at a random moment in time. Often they’ll supply pictures of vet records, to make it seem like they have all the things necessary to prove to you that it’s real.
However, something will be odd. It’s just one post. There’s either random reblogs up to the post itself or none at all. There’s no updates on the pet even after several days or hours have passed when there could be anything to tell how the pet is doing. You can’t contact them because even if you say something there’s no reply to your ask. Sometimes communication is even disabled even though you was sent an ask their asks are off. Replies on the post are off sometimes. But regardless, it just seems a little suspicious. Why would someone not have any way of contact open or seem to not reply to any concerns? The email is usually there, but sometimes it’s just a PayPal link.
So what makes up a vet donation scam? A fraudulent story written about a cat/dog that needs desperate attention yet the story changes so often it becomes entirely different then when it first appeared. Several asks spammed within days or even hours of the blogs creation, all asking to reblog a pinned post. The email/PayPal often changing while the story itself is all the same as before with only minor adjustments to look more legitimate. The pictures will still be the same pet as before until new pics are stolen and a new story is written and the cycle begins again.
So the next time you see the ask telling you to check out the blogs post about their cat/dog, and read the story that seems to tug at your feelings, and consider reblogging it out of good faith to spread the word that the user needs aid with vets…Please search the ask you received. Look at the story and consider if it’s being truthful. Try and see if the pictures used are stolen and see if the email or PayPal is well known as a scammer. If you locate the information it’s a scam, warn those who already have reblogged it and inform them it’s a scam.
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