#the song of the week is dreamers❤️
roncheg · 5 months
practicing with references (you know:)
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slightlymore · 2 years
omg hello first things first i just wanna say i have probably read if i lose my mind countless of times since i love it so much!
i really love the way u write the story from the plot, characters, pacing, everything! it made me crave more of your similar haechan works and saw that u dropped ur newest death of peace of mind AND OH MY GOSH I JUST FINISHED READING IT JUST NOW AND INITIALLY GOT SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW IT'S FOR THE ONE'S WHO LOVE DREAM SORTER HAECHAN!
thank you thank you so much for writing this! ♡♡♡ AAAAAA I JUST REALLY ENJOYED READING IT AND I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART 😭
with that being said, although i am a bit familiar with miyazaki or tim burton films, i still have yet to completely immerse myself in watching them sooooooo i am quite curious where you get these specific ideas and inspirations (like dream sorter and soulmate train conductor) from hehe since it's so interesting to incorporate those seemingly mundane type of things irl (like dreams and trains) into a magic core concept love story! like were those ideas garnered from the concept of the films themselves or did you add anything from your end for a little ✨pizzazz✨?
omg i hope my last ramble made at least any sense since i really don't know much about miyazaki and tim burton films 😅
anyway, thank you so much again and i hope you have a great week ahead! ♡♡♡
hello!!!!!! thank you so so so much for sending this! I'm so glad you loved the stories!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
dream sorter came to me when I saw those pictures of bell boy haechan in the hotel and i was like yo imagine a hotel you stay in and you fall in love with him but it sounded so boring just like that so I was like well all those colours and the eerie vibes reminds me of something more magical so I was like DREAMS, and that's how it came around hehehe also teddy bear the song really added to it because the main lines haechan sing are let's meet in our dreams and I was like YOOOO bet let's
the train one is when 2 days ago I saw this tik tok on my fyp of an account doing magical scenarios and they were like imagine you go on a train and it brings you to different magical places and you meet your soulmate there and I was like HUHHH so I made up the idea of this world where you must go on this train to meet your soulmate but again having yn meet the soulmate there and that's it sounded boring so I was like TRAIN CONDUCTOR and then the imagery just came to me, steam train, late Victorian era/industrial revolution, nice dresses and little spring and summery towns like a ghibli film BUT also the lack of time in the train, curtains on the windows at all times, basically sentient train, little magical happenings, it also feels like some kind of eerie dream which recalls burton
as you perhaps noticed, in both stories the reader falls in love with background people or people who organise the magical world and I really like this idea. instead of falling in love with another dreamer in your dreams you fall in love with the sorter of them, and instead of finding your soulmate in another passenger you find it in the conductor. there's something curious and powerful about this
when it comes to the miyazaki and tim burton tags i basically use them mostly to kinda explain to people what the vibe of the fics are and nothing from the actual plot of the films. the magic in these particular fics is not explained in depth (as it is for example in my demon Haechan series), it's taken for granted, like it's just there, mostly how it happened in miyazakis and burton's films, and it's just eerie and weird, nothing more. I've also only seen a few of the movies and that's it but they have a very specific vibe to them. miyazaki has these gorgeous lands and flowers and little towns and steam boats and trains and planes and burton has these eerie and borderline creepy imagery. in both of their works the stories are gorgeous but also kinda tragic somehow and the weirdnesses the characters encounter are seen as normal (marrying a skeleton, howls whole persona and walking house, talking animals, a town in which people find normal seeing a boy with scissors for hands etc) merging them together I feel like they describe the dream sorter haechan fic and the conductor fic well
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
For nostalgic music, ask, can I get numbers 9, 23, and 24? <3
Thanks for sending these in! 🥰❤️
9. what is the first song that really made you feel something?
I’m sure there were others earlier than this one, but I remember crying while listening to Every Light In The House by Trace Adkins because it made me think of better times with a family member of mine.
23. what song never gets old?
Dreamer by Brother Elsey - I can’t help but scream the chorus every time.
24. what was the first band/ artist poster you owned?
One Direction. And a few weeks ago I discovered that there’s one still hanging on the back of my bedroom door….and I’m gonna keep it there 🤣
Send me music asks!
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starrybluez · 2 years
Hello hello! 🎅🏼
I do apologise, I know it’s been a few days since my previous response. I’m finally getting a breather from school and work, but I hope all is well with you :)
Ah yes, I do get a sense of innocence in some of my favourite musicians also. Whether they show it in interviews or music videos, there’s always something so admirable about seeing younger versions of my faves. It always puts a smile on my face when I see video footage of them acting like absolute goofballs or just simply being darlings. It truly is refreshing to see.
Paul and Linda gave such perfect hippie couple vibes, in my opinion ✨ I love that so much about them ☺️ I think they should’ve been crowned “couple of the decade” in the 70s, when they were most active. They were practically inseparable, they did everything together as a couple and that’s so endearing to see. One can only imagine having the kind of relationship they had 💗
Supertramp is such a brilliant group! And I love Breakfast in America! my favourites off that album other than “Breakfast in America” are “Logical Song”, “Goodbye Stranger” and “Take the Long Way Home.” I also love the album, Even in The Quietest Moments and I especially love “Give a Little Bit” and “Babaji” off that Album. Their album, Crime of the Century is another favourite of mine. My faves off that album are probably “Bloody Well Right”, “Dreamer”, “Rudy” and “School”
And I agree, something about songs with strong bass lines just hit different. I’ve recently been getting back into Zeppelin, a good example of a group with such powerful bass lines in their songs. To be quite honest, I’ve slowly developed an obsession with their bassist, John Paul Jones especially ever since I found out that not only is he an excellent bassist, but he’s also a brilliant multi-instrumentalist and I’m just so fascinated with the way he delivers such mind blowing bass lines and piano solos.
Also not meaning to change topics, and not sure if you celebrate Christmas, but since Christmas is upon us, do you have any favourite Christmas films or Christmas tunes even? I always like the classic holiday films like Home Alone 1-2 and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. As far as Christmas songs, i’m pretty old-fashioned and I always listen to “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee and “Jingle Bell Rock” by Bobby Helms to get me hyped for Christmas.
Have a wonderful week and wishing you happy holidays in advance 💙
Hello! No apologies needed, you've been a great Secret Santa! ☺️ Hope all is well with you too 🙂
I love seeing the old interviews too - for all my favorite musicians, but particularly for DD and the Beatles. I tend to think the press was right about the similarities in personalities between the two bands.
Aw yes I agree about Paul & Linda being the couple of the 70's 🥰 They were so perfect together!
Oh I forgot about adding "Goodbye Stranger" as a favorite! I always loved how the guitar just took off at the end. Great driving song, that one. 🚗
Yes John Paul Jones is a musical mastermind. 👏 That keyboard solo on "All My Love" alone is genius - I could get lost in it. One of my favorite Zeppelin songs too. 💕
I think my all-time favorite Christmas movie would be "It's A Wonderful Life". I have that one almost memorized! 😅 And also " Elf", "Rudolph", "The Year Without A Santa Claus", "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" (the original version). Home Alone and National Lampoon are always fun to watch too. For songs, I tend to enjoy the old carols the most : "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear", "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" and "O Holy Night". And of course the Charlie Brown Christmas album that I mentioned. ☺️
Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄🎅💙 Thanks for the well wishes and great conversation! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! 🎄❤️
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yazthebookish · 3 years
Hi Yaz, within the last few weeks I discovered the ACOTAR series and became obsessed. Obsessed probably isn’t a strong enough word, but in an attempt to not sound too unhinged, I have barely slept and read every book multiple times. I have been lucky enough to find amazing blogs like yours (bless you!!!) and don’t even know what to do with myself now.
This is the first time in years I’ve gotten back into reading for personal enjoyment. I loved the world-building (and let’s be honest, the romance - and the erotic content of ACOSF). I haven’t read other SJM books or similar series before. What should I read next?!? Thank you!!
Hello! Welcome to the fandom!❤️ and thank you for your sweet words🥰
I will recommend some books you may like! A couple might be YA or heavy with fantasy:
• From Blood and Ash series
• The Plated Prisoner (check TWs)
• To Bleed a Crystal Bloom (check TWs)
• Throne of Glass series (is a MUST)
• The Bridge Kingdom duology
• A Fate of Wrath and Flame
• Strange the Dreamer duology
• The Infernal Devices
• The Darkest London
• Poison Study
• Deathless
• Air Awakens
• East duology
• Daevabad Trilogy
• A Deal with the Elf King
• The Song of the Forever ones
• Kingdom of the Wicked
• The Winternight Trilogy
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unioncolours · 3 years
For the ask game maybe Shikamaru? Or Naruto himself?
Please and thank you! ❤️
Oh, what a treat, a double ask! <3 ASK GAME
Since I will reply for both Shikamaru and Naruto, I will put this under a read more. Click to read my replies 🤍⬇
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
His appearance! My first love from Naruto. Freaking love his Shippuden design - the uniform, his hair, his earrings.... *mwah*
least favorite thing about them
Can one call oneself a she/her without having to point out his SUPER WEIRD remarks from OG Naruto? Hrrrr, this is why we love Shikamaru starting from when he got his ass handed to him in the fight with Tayuya <3
favorite line
"I am your god now."
All of Ino-Shika-Cho, spouses included!
Shikatema, all days in the week. My OTP. I would not say no to a well fleshed out ShikaCho-fic, and there is one (1) ShikaNaru fic I really enjoyed. But Shikatema is the OTP of OTPs.
Any woman that isn't Temari 😂
random headcanon
Shikamaru has PTSD, but as an adult he's managing the symptoms pretty well. Except when his baby boy's life is on the line. Then the nightmares, the random outbursts, the guilt return...
unpopular opinion
In my honest, unpopular opinion, Shikamaru would be a more charming character if he weren't a genius. I'd love him to own that trait from hard work, training (like shogi) and risking to die, but it's always presented as a natural talent he just automatically owns.
song i associate with them
All my Shikamaru songs are Shikatema songs 😭 This is one of the Shikatema songs I have
favorite picture of them
Can I say the cover of Shikamaru's Story (Mourning Clouds)?
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
No, but honestly, I don't like Naruto's character. Sadly, to me he is annoying, and I never got over it, nor did I relate or care about his Hokage journey, sorry. My least favourite thing was that he was so overpowered in the end. Give me an MC that doesn't have magical powers OP to the rest (the weird-ass reincarnation, and no, I don't get it either).
favorite line
Whatever he says when he cries for Gaara. *SOBS*
Naruto and Kiba. It's so sad it wasn't explored further. They're both two fools and it could have been hell of a journey to follow!
Other than that, hands DOWN, Naruto and Gaara. Their friendship is HNGNGNGNG
I don't like shipping him with anyone, if I am honest. Himawari makes up for canon though, and I'm always down for Bort kiddos.
S*su//Naru (bc of the other guy, not Nart)
random headcanon
That Naruto and Gaara often meet each other post Shippuden.
unpopular opinion
Kiba should have won the chunin fight, and Naruto's powers should have stayed at Kurama's service (meaning no powerful frogs and absoLUTELY no reincarnation).
song i associate with them
Fighting dreamers, that one opening, haha.
favorite picture of them
I don't have one for Naruto, I think
Thank you for the game!
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