bananashemmo · 8 years ago
When We Collide (Part 4)
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Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: PG-All
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand?
”I’m here, spill all the details!”
It was as if a huge morning shock went through your body when Nicole practically slammed herself in front of the coffee machine to get your attention and almost made you drop the package of white coffee cops you were about to take out.
“What are you talking about?” You confusedly questioned, you had been so caught up in your own business that your heart had skipped a beat or two by her small jump scare.
She rolled her eyes as if you were playing totally dumb and placed the tray on the counter next to her. She had a little bit of flour sprinkled on her cheek but you decided not to warn her now because she was so caught up in whatever she was thinking you couldn’t pass through the barrier.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Her face showed annoyance but her tone was way different, you almost heard it as seductive.
You still didn’t say anything but sighed deeply trying to think back. Nothing came to the top of your head but you assumed it was something big because usually she wouldn’t have the time to run up to you and speak during the mornings at work. She had a busy schedule and you knew she would only be here for an hour before she would hurry to her classes.
“You have absolutely no idea what I’m referring to, right?” She asked in a boring tone and sighed deeply to herself. Strands of hair were falling down from her large bun and she tensed less in her shoulders having to explain.
“Gossip has been spread between the offices this morning that Mr. Hemmings took someone home after the party. Now I know, it’s not something knew but I have a feeling that’s it you because you haven’t said a word since we left and you even forgot to send me your ‘I’m safety home’ message.”
If it hadn’t been for the fact that you had woken up this morning to the owner of your dorm room knocking furiously on the door at 6 A.M you would have reacted way different. The only thing you could do was stare at her with no emotion on your face.
“It wasn’t me.” You stated and to prove that you weren’t lying you leaned forward to start the coffee machine to distract your face. You had always been a good liar after all but Nicole could be spot on at times. Just like she was now and you hadn’t spoiled a single thing to her.
“Yeah right.” She laughed and leaned her arm on top of the coffee machine, watching your every move with the biggest smile growing on her face.
You quivered an eyebrow suspiciously by her expression, you didn’t want to know what was going on in her mind. She sometimes assumed the worst picture scenarios possible, she had a dirty mind and people wouldn’t think that because her attitude seemed like the sweetest girl next door possible.
Leaning forward to place the cup below the coffee machine you tried to ignore her but failed horribly. You wanted to erase the night out because it had only been a drunken crash on whatever Italian bed you had been resting on, you couldn’t remember half the things Patrick had explained once you were there.
“Nicole let me tell you one thing.” You admitted, catching her attention and saw as she most assumingly prepared herself for some good old gossip.
“There’s no way in hell I would ever sleep with ‘Mr. Hemmings’. He’s a straight up asshole without lack of situation awareness, respect for the opposite genders and doesn’t know how to behave properly in the society we live in.”
You would have expected her to widen her eyes by having you reading her mind but she kept quiet and quivered an eyebrow instead. You felt confused by her reaction you had expected her to shake her head in disbelief but she only looked over your shoulder with a surprised look on her face.
“The asshole is here!” Luke almost loudly announced with the biggest smile on his face and you saw how you almost looked like a ghost in the face by your reflection in the window in front of you.
Your jaw fell as you turned around to look up at him, his hair freshly pulled back with some fancy hair wax and his grey suit fitting him nicely. You had no idea what to say but your jaw was slowly falling down to touch the top of your feet.
“I uh…” You mumbled confused not knowing how to save the situation but it wasn’t necessary because Luke was quick to change the subject and make everything even worse than it already was.
“I bought you this.” He announced and lifted up a pink striped bag from Victoria’s Secret, your eyes widening even more than before and you could feel how your cheeks already prepared to heat up in an embarrassing blush.
You didn’t like where this was going especially not because he was having that smile on his face that told he was about to throw some sort of explosive bomb.
“After you forgot your bra at my place this weekend and that you apparently buy your underwear at target I couldn’t not buy this for you. Now I don’t really know why you forgot your bra in the first place but something tells me you will be very happy for this. It’s black and purple, lace and sexy as hell.”
There it was, the blush starting from your cheeks and spread down to your neck. Luke almost wanted to push the bag into your embrace when you didn’t react, you barely flicked your muscle but it was most probably because you could practically see Nicole’s face from your behind.
“But if you actually want that old bra thing back you know where I live.” He winked, letting go of the bag so you were forced to grab it, watching him walk past you and nodded down at Nicole.
“Good morning Penelope.”
You rolled your eyes by the fact that he still hadn’t learned Nicole’s name yet, she even had a damn name tag! Not to mention she was wearing it right on her boob so it was surprising Luke hadn’t glanced down. But there was too many thoughts at once for you to multiply what had just happened and you looked back at Nicole.
She wasn’t just surprised she was completely shocked and you thought there was no way in hell you could save this but you had to. In reality nothing had happened when you closed the door right in Luke’s face but now when you thought about it you had forgotten your bra after hanging it up to dry.
“You dirty little fucker.” Was the first thing she said after a full minute of silence and she shook her head almost in disbelief with a huge smirk on her face.
“I fucking knew it!”
“We didn’t do anything!” You yelled almost too loudly in frustration, almost wanting to knock down the bag not even curious to what was actually hiding inside of it.
“Sure you fucking did I know you Y/N.” Nicole laughed and curiously took a look down in the bag hell she wanted to see what he had bought for you. At least she had a bit of care, you just wanted to put it in the nearest trashcan because if you kept it, it meant he would get his will once again.
“No I swear to god we didn’t do anything.” You gave in and gave her the back fully to explain yourself, “I was on my way home in the rain, he showed up out of nowhere in this giant ass car and he politely took me home so I could sleep at this place for the night. I know this sounds like bow chica wowwow but I swear to god we weren’t near each other in any way. I even had a room for myself where I slept for the night and before he could show up in the morning in only his underwear I left! It was the reason why I forgot my bra because I was in such a hurry!”
It was almost as if the smirk on her face disappeared ever so slowly as if she was almost disappointed. She looked between the bag and you while listening, she had almost hoped you would actually sleep with him just because it would be the biggest gossip around campus.
“So you didn’t sleep with him? Not even a small hand troll under the sheets?” Her voice was almost above a whisper and she faintly heard her name being called by the kitchen boss standing behind the counter with an angry expression on his face.
“No, nothing happened and nothing will ever happen.” You replied in serious tone just to show her that this wasn’t something to me kidding about, “Plus after work today I will go over to the mall and return these. He needs to understand that he can’t cover up his shitty personality by buying stuff in replacement!”
You took the bag out of her hands almost to her surprise and she looked down at the bag almost as if he she had become hurt by your actions.
“But Y/N come on look how expensive it is imagine how it must feel to wear and if-,” She paused in track by the look you were giving her, trying to prove that there was no way in hell you would keep this.
“Or you can get the money back and forget completely how sexy you would actually look in this.” She said instead and almost quoted what Luke had told minutes ago.
You sighed carefully and looked into the bag, it did in fact look pretty expensive but instead of keeping it you rather wanted to sell and use it to pay rent. Maybe that meant you could save a day extra and wouldn’t have to think about moving out already. You could almost imagine the face of the dorm owner once you would force a stack of money in his face.
“Nicole we have a cafeteria to serve right now, get your ass over here!” The kitchen boss yelled once his temper had finally come to the point of boiling, he had been polite and patient but now he didn’t want to wait anymore.
Nicole’s eyes widened once she came back to reality and remembered she was actually at work and in instinct she touched her cheek and brushed away the small amount of flour. She looked back at you in apology but you nodded your head regardless, you had someone to confront that couldn’t wait a second.
“I’ll see you around babe.” She said and gave you a short hug, hurrying back towards the counter with her tray and filled it up with cups of coffee.
You stood to yourself in your thoughts without really doing anything, trying to let everything sink in and finally pressed down on the coffee starter. You weren’t even that tired after wall but you had grown addicted to this special latte that they served here.
You tried to stabilize the coffee in your hand while rushing towards the elevator and took the many floors up until you finally arrived at your office. You barely cared about the mess you had created once you had thrown your own personal bag and the Victoria secret one onto the counter of already messy papers.
You could already see he was inside his office and after taking a large sip of the very hot coffee you tried to brush off the burning sensation on your tongue and almost busted the door open.
Luke wasn’t even startled by the sudden noise, it was almost as if he had expected you to arrive and he stopped from swirling a pencil between his long fingers.
“Coming to say thank you for the underwear? Also you were so quick to leave last Friday you didn’t even get the chance to order scrambled eggs or say good morning.” He grinned lightly and moved his legs down from his desk to roll the chair closer to the wooden surface.
You almost groaned loudly by his question and removed yourself from the door without wanting to shut it, if he wanted to brag about pulling his assistant home after a party they might as well also wanted to hear the outcome of it.
“What’s the matter with you?” You almost questioned loudly but your tone didn’t have the slightest affection on him.
“Not much,” He replied back and stood up from his chair, “I went to the hairdresser today, took a small run at the gym and now I’m here. Oh, not to mention that I ordered Patrick to buy your clothes, he really has a great taste in bras doesn’t he?”
“Yes-, but-, No that’s not important!” You were confused for one second but you didn’t have the time for that and focused back on why you had showed up at his office in the first place.
“You need to understand that you can’t buy me okay! So what if I buy bras at Target, they’re nice they’re cheap and I don’t have anyone to show them to other than me so they’re perfectly fine!” You said everything so fast you almost believed he didn’t catch up but he sure did.
“Fine I’ll buy bras from Target from now on, can’t you like get 10 for like $5?” Luke rolled his eyes as if it was him giving in and giving you the will but you only shook your head in disagreement and ran a hand through your hair frustrated.
“No Luke you’re not supposed to buy anything and even more no you have no idea how fucking expensive bras are!” You argued, you literally only had four bras, now only three because he still had yours and you didn’t want to say you wanted it back because that meant you would have to show up at his place again.
“If it’s such a huge problem to you that bras are expensive why the hell won’t you let me buy you some?” He questioned like you were dumb and you took yourself to the head by the insane conversation you were having.
“Why are we discussing about bras!?” You yelled at him, seeing his eyes widening.
“I don’t know you were the one showing up at my office in the first place!” He yelled back, feeling how the tone had suddenly changed but it wasn’t as if you were angry at each other.
You looked at him confusedly not knowing what to do but then again, the only way to stop the conversation would be to leave. You had learned from now that trying to discuss with Luke would literally be impossible, he could be arguing with a wall and would still think he had won.
Turning around on your feet you hurried out of his office but not without a small trip with the stupid high heels but it was something you had grown used to. You didn’t know what to do with yourself because you hadn’t even heard today’s program but you could start out by turning on your computer.
“Y/N…” Luke was quick to walk into your office and grabbed your arm to turn you around and make you look at him.
He wasn’t looking as frustrated as he did before and you quivered an eyebrow. He didn’t say anything but still kept his hand on your arm, you could feel how there was still a tension in the air that lingered, clouding right above your heads.
“We look at each other like we’re about to kiss.” He suddenly hummed, his nose very close to touching yours but before he could get the chance you took a large step back and knocked your hip into your desk.
If it wasn’t for you holding everything in and trying not to whimper by the sudden foolish action you pointed at him in warning and felt how you were losing your breath.
“Please, for god sake just leave me!” You didn’t yell but neither was your tone above a whisper. It had all the seriousness it needed to show how tired you were of his behavior and if he tried to take one step again you would slap him in the face.
“Please just leave me alone.”
He was smiling once again almost as if it was a challenge but regardless respected your words. He took a few steps back but not before being his typical self and winking down at the Victoria’s Secret bag.
“Tell me if it’s the right size.”
Part 5
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