#the skewed priorities thing is also why i rarely interact with this fandom
g0ldgauntlet · 3 months
Being a Genshin Impact Fan is Embarrassing.
First, CW for grooming. This is about Diluc's English voice actor.
If you still would like to read further, proceed below. (Image description is in alt text)
So, more people are finding out about Sean Chiplock having tried to groom a minor. His victim also spoke out against him yesterday (at the time of making this post). Sean has not denied any of these claims when attempting to talk to the victim.
Am I surprised about Sean being a weirdo? No, not in the slightest. He has always been weird about minors and unprofessional around them, and it's frustrating that people constantly kept giving him passes because he's "trying to get a reaction out of people."
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No, Sean doesn't get a pass for making a sexual joke about Sayu.
Sean does not get a pass for telling a kid to "send proof of ID" with suggestive intentions behind that response just because they insulted him online.
Sean does not get a pass for constantly arguing with kids on the internet just because they don't like him.
Sean, you are a grown ass man. You can block and ignore these people at any time. Clearly they must have struck a nerve if you were willing to double down on this behavior for so long until you finally got caught for what you did to Casper.
Again, though, I'm not surprised. This is the same person who shamed the victims of Tighnari's ex-voice actor because Sean deemed them to be attention-seekers.
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Birds of a feather flock together. (He backpedaled and deleted this tweet later, likely because he knew how poorly this reflected on him.)
This fandom's priorities with protecting weird white/lightskinned influencers and creators until it's too late to take that back - all the while bullying brown/other marginalized people at the same time - has infuriated me since day 1 of when I played Genshin. I watched creators and influencers of color in this fandom be harassed, driven off of platforms, and sent threats because they made a joke in relation to an artwork (Layla's VA),
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sided with their gay friend who voiced their opinions about BL content (Candace's VA), or said negative opinions about two characters who the fandom knows are controversial (ttunaartt), yet Sean can get a pass.
Do not defend Sean Chiplock. Please send your support to Casper, his victim.
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