#the situation with that neighbor is so bad mr61below is making noise about having a talk with that man
61below · 3 years
We used to dogsit our friends suuuuuper spoiled husky, who absolutely WOULD NOT eat his dinner unless you microwaved some butter and poured it over his kibble. We loved spending the occasional evening with that Dramatique(tm) but we always sort of teased our dogs that they would turn into Otto whenever they would flounce about something too hard…
Y’all. The universe is dishing that right back to me 🤦🏻‍♀️
For some context: the last few weeks, my absolute shithead of a weim has been waking me up in the middle of the night, sometimes multiple times! to go potty. He also stopped having any real interest in food and would sometimes skip meals entirely. Well, finally last week I put on my coat and boots to follow him to see if he was like, having midnight diarrhea or something equally wonderful, but as I was following him, he kept trying to give me the slip. Then I realized he was making for the woods between our property and the neighbors. Fucking turns out, said neighbor started throwing down bread and god knows what else in the woods at dusk, to feed the deer or some shit. (The same gd neighbor who hit our Heikki to begin with, let’s be clear).
This has lead to a lot of shouts of “GO. FUCKING. POTTY!” and all nighttime forays out are supervised, which he totally sulks about when he realizes he’s no longer pulling a gd fast one over us anymore. But he’s still on, idk, a hunger strike. He Does Not Want his fancy, $80/month premium kibble, he wants to fucking scrounge up whatever junk that 90-something year old stubborn jackass is throwing down, and I’m so annoyed with both of them right now.
But capping all this, the real cherry on this whole steaming shit, I realized that I can get Heikki to eat his fucking breakfast at 9pm if I put a dropper-full of the emu oil I used to put on his post-surgery scars last year. He fucking loves that oil so much that it will supersede his pettiness 🤦🏻‍♀️
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