#the shoulder length tiny braid number was in both games....why are you taking it away from me!!!!
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sadmages · 2 years ago
the true pain of trying to make moustache hawke in inquisition with none of the assets that make moustache hawke moustache hawke available in the character creator
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shyvioletcat · 6 years ago
Umm can you continue the couples retreat prompt? I need the full story or I’ll dieeeeee please please please 💘💘💘💘
Well... If your’re going to die I guess I have no choice. 
Part 1
They pulled up in Rowan’s 4WD, opting for that rather than Aelin’s sleek sedan for the trek up into the mountains. Aelin was out of the car in a few moments and let out a low whistle as surveyed their surroundings. The setting was picturesque to say the least. Nestled in front of a spectacular landscape of green, tree covered mountains was the main building of the retreat, and it looked like an overgrown rustic looking cottage.
Rowan came to stand beside Aelin taking in the location as well, carrying his duffel overnight bag and her medium sized suitcase.
“Nice,” Rowan said as the surveyed the area. “Care to tell me why your bag about five times the size of mine and 10 times as heavy for a weekend?”
Aelin just rolled her eyes, “You may be fine with just swapping shirts for the weekend but I like to come prepared.”
“I brought more than one pair of pants, thank yo very much,” Rowan said as they started towards the double door of the main building. “It was shoes I only brought one pair of.”
Aelin looked down to the shoes that Rowan was wearing and stopped short.
“Please tell me you’re joking?”
Rowan stopped a few feet away and looked down as well. “What’s wrong with these?”
The look on Aelin’s face was one of disbelief. “You’re telling me that for every activity over the weekend you’re going to wear those? A pair of old man sneakers?”
He just shrugged. “They’re not old man sneakers. They’re hiking boots.”
“Still old-mannish.”
Rowan just elbowed her gently once Aelin caught up.
“Welcome to The Staghorn Hideaway, can I help get you checked in?” The receptionist asked cheerily as they came through the doors.
“Galathynius, we’re booked into the couples’ retreat,” Aelin said.
“Of course, I have your packet right here,” she said as she flicked through a few stacks of paper then handed Aelin and key and A4 sized envelope. “If you would like to leave your bags here we’ll have them delivered to your room. The welcome awakening is happening in the courtyard through those doors to your left. Enjoy your visit with us.”
Rowan unceremoniously dropped his bag on top of Aelin’s and headed towards the door. Aelin gave a quick smile to the receptionist and went after him, linking her arm with his.
“Welcome ‘awakening’? What the hell have you got me into?” Rowan muttered as they passed through the second set of doors.
“It’s a couple’s retreat, what did you expect? Once we’re done with this I’m sure they’ll leave us to our own devices.” Aelin assured him.
Rowan just gave her a sceptical side glance.
The courtyard was large with views of the mountains and was surrounded by ten tiny cottages, they looked like they were the children of the main building they were so similar looking. The mini cottages were spaced far enough apart that they all had ample privacy, the trees and shrubs in between each of them adding to it. There were already a few couples milling about, chatting, eating and drinking. One of the girls spied Aelin and gave a wave. Aelin waved back and led Rowan on.
“Remember everyone thinks we’re a couple. Act the part,” Aelin whispered.
“What’s wrong with just telling them that we’re here for the food and views?”
“Because they might kick us out.” Aelin hissed back.
Whatever reply Aelin had Rowan didn’t get to hear because they had reached the other couples.
“Aelin!” The woman who had waved exclaimed, giving Aelin a brief hug. “And this must be Rowan.”
“Yep, this is Rowan. My boyfriend.” Aelin pulled in closer to Rowan and she publicly declared their pretend relationship status. “This is Claire. She works in HR.”
“Oh I remember now, I’ve seen you around,” Claire said, giving Rowan a quick once over. “Nice you meet you in person. Finally. Aelin talks about you constantly at lunchtime.”
“Pleasure to meet you too,” Rowan said, a forced smile plastered on his face.
Aelin noticed the smile and decided to escape before he gave anything away. “Let’s go get a drink.”
Arms still linked, Aelin led Rowan to the refreshment tables and picked up a flute of sparkling liquid. Rowan did the same and took a sip.
“This apple cider. Like the non-alcoholic type. Where’s the alcohol?”
Aelin took a deep drink before she answered. “There isn’t any.”
“What?” Rowan “At all?”
Aelin shrugged, “I thought you saw on the information page that this is an alcohol free weekend.”
“Are you...”
Rowan was cut off by the arrival of a woman dressed all in white, her long dark hair tied in a ponytail at the base of her neck. She drew the attention of everyone in the courtyard.
“I am Natasha and I will be your guide throughout this weekend. You have come here for many reasons. You might want to reconnect with your partner, reignite that dimming spark. Or to strengthen and build on what you already have. Or maybe your romance is budding and new and you want to start on a strong foundation. Whatever the reason, I and my team are here to help with whatever journey you find yourself on. All our exercises are about awakening connections between you and your partner. And that starts now.”
Natasha revealed a canvas bag she had been holding behind her back.
“If you would like to come in closer, put down or finish whatever you may be holding.”
Everyone did and moved into a rough circle, Natasha began to reach into the bag and hand out something small and black. Aelin received hers, looked at it and realised it was satiny eye mask.
Once Natasha had handed one to each person she stood back and announced, “Can I please get one half of the couple to stand on my right and the other on my left. Good. Now please spread out, with about an arms length circumference around you.”
Everyone complied, a quick glance at Rowan and his glowering face told Aelin he wasn’t a fan of whatever this game was.
“This exercise is about that blind connection you have between the two of you. When I instruct, please put your blind fold on then you need to find each other. Once you find your partner return to your rooms. You are not to speak to anyone. Only using the senses of touch, and smell if you can. Nothing above the shoulders or below the waist unless by invitation.”
“How are we supposed to do that?” Someone asked.
“A simple guiding hand. Now, blindfolds on.”
Aelin gave Rowan an apologetic smile and he just scowled, then the world went dark. Soft music started to play and Aelin headed to where she had last seen Rowan. Hopefully.
Minutes passed, there where a few brushing touches, the earlier ones from the people who had been closest to. It was easy to eliminate the women within a few seconds with a brief hand hold and she relied on her sense of smell when it came to the men. The man in front of her smelt heavily of sandalwood and she was quick to put some distance between the two of them. Aelin could hear less and less people milling about, culling down the number of fish in the barrel.
A definite masculine hand brushed against hers and Aelin gripped their wrist to stop them from going elsewhere. She ran a hand up his arm to his shoulder, then rand it along the breadth of his chest. He certainly felt like he was the width of Rowan. Her current companion ran his hand up her arm in a likewise manner, stopping at her shoulder, then gently ran his fingers down her braid that had been draped over her shoulder.
This could be Rowan, but Aelin wasn’t one hundred percent sure. She traced her hand back down to his hand and she felt a shudder go through his body. When she got to his hand she placed her own hand in his, palm up. Her companion held it gently and raised it to his cheek. Aelin felt a light stubble there and then felt her way to his nose. From what she could tell from the size and sharpness, it certainly felt like Rowan’s nose. Or what she imagined it to feel like. Then, before she could even think or stop herself, she was dragging her thumb across his lips and she felt his sharp intake of breath. His hand came up to her jaw on what seemed like instinct, and she felt his fingers run along her jaw. It was then that Aelin took in a deep breath through her nose, and she knew that it was Rowan who was in front of her. His fresh, but subtle pine scent hit her nose.
She pulled her blind fold off the same time that she pulled Rowan’s off, both of them blinking at the sudden onset of light. Aelin was smiling up at Rowan, but that smile fell a little when she saw an expression she could not read on Rowan’s face.
Rowan just cleared his throat then looked around, Aelin doing the same. Natasha gave them a nod and a knowing look, then turned back to the other couples who were still looking for their partners. One couple had most obviously found each other but were enjoying the excitement of the blink fold. A little too much.
Before Aelin’s lunch lurched back up to her mouth at the sight of the over amorous couple she made her way to where she had put down the welcome packet and picked it up. She didn’t look back at Rowan, the activity had left her stomach fluttering and the odd expression at Rowan’s hadn’t helped settle it, at all. When she flipped the envelope open she found a key with a large wooden key chain with a large 5 painted on it in a bright red paint. Rowan just followed as Aelin made her way towards the cottages, relying on her to find theirs. Which she did.
Within a few moments she was up the few steps and had opened the door. When she got through it she stopped.
“Damn it...” Aelin breathed.
The cottage was a single room, decked out with a sitting area and a little kitchenette. It was all lovely. But everything was made for two, well except for the bed which looked like it could fit three full grown men in it. The problem was that Aelin and Rowan had decided that they would do alternating nights on the couch. But the couch was tiny, barely enough for two people, unless someone was in someone else’s lap.
“What?” Rowan asked as he came to stand behind Aelin in the doorway.
Aelin swallowed against the dryness in her mouth as she replied, “There’s only one bed.”
Tags:  @fucking-winchester-trash @literary-licorice @galyxsy @tangledraysofsunshine @highqueenofelfhame @rowanwhitethornss @witchling13 @heymichelle360 @wifeofchrishemsworth
@bailey-4244 and @run-as-fast-as-you-caan if you see this I tried to tag you bt tumblr wouldn’t let me. Soz.
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funsize-lucifer-hongjoong · 6 years ago
We Are Stars For Each Other Ch.3 - Hearts Awakened
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Genre: fluff, eventual smut, and some angst. NSFW
Female reader X Hongjoong 
Word count: 3,558
So Here’s Chapter 3, released because our boys got their first win and let’s spread some ATEEZ love, Yeah? 
The evening seems to end so fast. It's as though it didn't happen at all. You're home now, a few hours have passed since you left the venue, heartbroken and crushed.
"It's all a game to them." you sigh as you sit down, "They were born to do this to women, or maybe they just like to." Laying back you stare up at the ceiling in distaste.
You lay there, trying to figure out what went wrong. You did everything you could think of. Wooyoung didn't want anything to do with you, and if he did, he was sending mixed signals. Rolling to the side to face the wall, you notice a few tears leaking from your eyes. Had it really hurt you that bad? Maybe it's just because this is your first crush since the breakup. Yeah, that had to be the answer.
"No more fan events for me." steeling yourself and wiping the tears from your cheeks, "And no more K-pop."
Maybe that would be a vain threat to yourself. You had to work all week and there was just too much going on to put any more energy into it.
"I'm an adult, in my 30's. I can't just catch feelings for some random guy, crushes are for teenagers." Rolling over, you decide, it's just for the best.
You fall asleep, not seeing beautiful cat-like eyes, but expressive grey ones, and a beaming smile.
Waking up proved to be harder than you expected when Monday came to pass. It seemed so boring now. It was the same gross Monday morning, with the same ugly outfit, in the same beige building.
Going to work was becoming a chore. You wanted to sit at home and mope, feeling sorry for yourself. The foul mood you were sporting from a bruised ego and busted confidence shined here. It was almost as if, the longer you were in this building, the worse you felt.
Walking home was no different. There were posters on cafe doors of Ateez.
"Fuck my life." You mumble as you walk through the door, "Will these guys never go away? It's like they're haunting me."
You just need to get something to eat, and then you can go back home. Pajamas and junk food were the only things left on your to-do list.
The woman at the counter takes the order, and you sit in a corner booth. Looking out the window wishing for the mess you've made to clean itself up.
A buzzing startles you from a lovely daydream about warm summer weather. Your food is finished and you walk quickly to grab it, and back out the door past that poster again.
"I just want to go home." tears slip from your eyes. You were starting to think that it did hurt more than you originally thought.
It didn't stop you from grabbing the paper off the door, with every intention of throwing it in the nearest garbage can. Once you're in front of one, you can't bring yourself to chuck it in.
"I've got to be the worst at life. I'm just hurting myself." Stuffing the paper in your bag, you walk toward home.
Pajamas and Junk food achieved and Min Seo out of the country for a shoot, you're home alone. Just your whirling thoughts to keep you company.
"Alright Y/N, just pull that poster out and read it. Then throw it straight into the trash." You grab the paper out, reading it aloud, "Ateez Fan sign, at KBS Studios, Friday"
"It must be for an Afterschool pop chart show or something. Why else would KBS be involved?" you question softly
"I understand the whole promotion for the new album, but why are there so many different fan events?" You sit down on the floor, advertisement still in hand.
"Wooyoung looks so gorgeous here. He's so gorgeous all the time." Closing your eyes to the pain ripping through your chest.
"Maybe if I go see him, and just be myself, it'll all work out. Just one more time." A tear hits the paper, staining it and making the ink run. "I could sneak my phone number to him in a gift. Then I'll see what his intentions are."
You tilt your head back, laying the paper down to wipe both hands over your cheeks. Staining them with your pain.
"This is my last chance. I have to make it count." You stand, sticking the poster up to the fridge with a magnet. "Min Seo won't be home for another week, so I'll have to go at it alone. I got this."
With a reserve of confidence you didn't know you had. You snatched up your phone and bought the ticket, walking back to the bedroom.
"I have to do this for my own sanity. If not, I may just go crazy. You've got this Y/N!" Nodding at yourself in the mirror.
"I'm just gonna go to work the rest of the week and before I know it, it'll be Friday." You flop onto your bed.
The rest of the week goes by agonizingly slow. Anxiety bares it's teeth every time you think of how close you're getting.
When you get off of work Thursday you remember something very important, "Oh shit, the gift! I have to get something I can hide my number in. Shhhiiiittt." smacking your palm to your forehead.
"I'm so damn forgetful. Why is it always me?!" you say to the sky, where you hope someone is listening to give some kind of answer to your stupidity.
This plan won't work without the proper pieces, and you didn't remember the main one. Now instead of going home to relax, you have a pain in the ass trip to Hongdae to try to find the perfect gift for Wooyoung.
Hongdae is always busy in the evening. You liked it here when you first moved, but now you see it for what it is. A nightclub infested haven for young people, and the inability to avoid stepping in vomit on the sidewalks.
"So. Fucking. Gross." As you step around, dodging the drunk and the sick.
A small shop in a back alley catches your eye, tiny keychains hang from racks in the window. You walk through the glass door, greeting the older woman behind the counter with a smile.
You see it out of the corner of your eye as you walk the back row. A keychain coin purse shaped like a skull and crossbones, it even had a tiny zipper on the back.
"Perfect." You snatch it up and nearly run up to the woman at the counter. You were so excited you could hardly pull out your card to pay.
You found the perfect gift. What happens tomorrow is decided by fate, and maybe you could pick up a nice dress on your way back to the bus stop.
4 hours in Hongdae and a crammed bus ride later, you're finally home. Kicking off your shoes in the entryway you jog into your room, dumping out a bag onto the bed.
"Here's Wooyoung's present," you smirk, "And here's my new dress." You pick it up and hold it to yourself. The dress was beautiful on the mannequin in the shop window. The length hit just above your knee, in a grey toned fabric with the collar in white.
You hang it from the closet door and grab your phone to text Min Seo. Your fingers flying across the letters, excitement coursing through you.
**Min Seo, I'm going to the Ateez thing tomorrow at KBS.
You weren't expecting her reply so fast.
**Y/N! You're going without me? :(
You smiled at that, she hated to be left out of the fun.
**Yes Minie, I got a new dress for the occasion, I have a plan to get Wooyoung's attention this time.
**Oh yeah? Tell me this plan, maybe I can use it on San
Her reply comes bookended with drooling and eggplant emojis. You can't help but roll your eyes.
**Damn girl, calm down. Lol. I'm gonna put my phone number in this
You take a picture of the tiny toy and send it to her
****Image 234 sent
**OMG Y/N. Why didn't I think of something this brilliant? Ugh. Hey, while you're there, can you tell San I said hello? See if he remembers me, and make sure you tell me EVERYTHING ASAP!
**Alright Minie, I'll do it all for you. Cuz you da real MVP. Lol!
You finish it off with a few heart emojis and a rolling laughing before tossing your phone on the bed.
"Well, tomorrow is the big day. Let's not fuck it up now." Your pep talk ends in a sigh. Closing your eyes for any sleep you can seem to get.
Sleep didn't last as long as the excitement did. You found out quick that it was gonna be a long night, and an even longer day tomorrow.
A long day it was, filled with boring meetings and your mind drifting off to Wooyoung. What would you say to him without sounding like a stalker? This was looking like less of a good idea, the longer you thought about it.
The thought of walking home seemed like torture and taking the bus, worse. A cab seemed like the best option, even though you hated how high the rates were. You flagged one down and rode home in silence. Your mind racing.
Walking into the apartment, shutting the door and leaning against it. The fatigue of sleep loss and the excitement had you burned out at this point.
"Just get it over with. You'll feel better tomorrow, and you can sleep when you die." throwing your bag on the couch and throwing off clothes in every direction on your way to the bathroom.
The process of makeup and hair without Min Seo's help was daunting. It had to be done, even if it was subpar. When you finished, standing to brush the wrinkles from your dress, you thought it was passable at best.
Black heels, your hair braided loosely to one shoulder. The makeup was minimal, only what you knew how to put on. Your eyes were lined, and pink lipstick. You were hoping it was enough to entice Wooyoung, but then you remembered you were going to be yourself.
Dressing up like a high dollar whore last time was an epic fail. Dressing down the first time got no reaction at all. This time it was just you, and you couldn't help the feeling of it not being enough as you walked out the door. All you could hear over the thundering in your chest was the lock clicking behind you.
KBS studio was a bright building at the end of the block. You'd walked through here with Min Seo, but never by yourself. That thought shot fear through you.
Ticket in hand, you walked to the guard at the door. "Hm, no line." You thought, glancing around to confirm no one else was around.
The guard asked about your purse and the stuffed toy in your hand. You nearly forgot to put your number in it, but as he unzipped the top and looked inside to find it empty, you were grateful for your forgetful brain.
"You can pass." The guard nodded his head to the side, "Door 3. The line is in there."
"Thank you!" You scrambled to grab your bag, hooking the keychain on it.
The building itself was much larger than it looked from the street. You followed where the guard pointed you, hearing hushed voices from behind the door stamped with a red 3.
"He wasn't joking. This line is ridiculous." standing with crossed arms you realized why Min Seo always wanted to leave the apartment early.
The table At the front of the room had Ateez seated neatly in a row. Between you and them, a winding queue that looked like a snake of people.
This time was different, it looked more professional than the last fan event. Security stood at either end of the table and between the 8 boys. As the line moved slowly you could take your time to look. You knew mostly who was who now, although you did mix up Yunho and Seonghwa a few times.
Your eyes fell on Wooyoung immediately. He looked so adorable in his sweater with leather straps across his chest. His hair was paler now, almost blonde. His eyes a piercing steel blue.
Grabbing a pen and a small sticky note from your purse you wrote your number down. It was clearly legible. Below the number a tiny heart and Y/N. You folded it up, the line moving slowly still, before putting it in the pouch and pulling the zipper closed.
You were close enough now to hear them talking across the table to the fans stood before them. You clutched the toy skull in your hand, threatening to crush it.
The first one you stood in front of was Yeosang. His smile was adorable, if not a bit mischievous. His hands were thin with long fingers, a piano players hands. A few words were spoken between you as you moved to the next.
Mingi was the bad boy trope. He glanced up at you and bit his lip. While asking if you were excited to see him.
"Is this dude so full of himself that he thinks this actually works?!" You thought, smiling back at him before moving down the line.
When you looked down the table, you saw them. The trio of devilry and filth, sitting like a row of ducks in a pond. San, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong. All sitting beside each other at the end.
"Damn my luck." you said louder then you thought, "Of course they'd all sit together, they probably scheme up which poor girl they're gonna pick on to see if she faints."
You heard Jongho laugh as the next girl had taken your place in front of him. He must've heard you. At least they found you funny, even if they didn't find you charming.
"Well last I checked the score was San had 4, Wooyoung had 6, and Hongjoong had 3. That's been a week ago though." Jongho said as he smirked in your direction.
"Are you planning to be number 5, 7, or 4?" He continued his smile deepening around his eyes.
"I'll just be the first one for you Jongho." You fired back, batting your eyelashes at him. The apples of his smiling cheeks turning rosy.
The line was moving and now you were standing in front of San, and away from Jongho and his inflated ego. You were beside Wooyoung though, and that alone had you nervous.
San seemed to recognize you right away. "Y/N, you came to see me again. Where's Min Seo?"
You noticed he looked a bit sad, not seeing her with you. "She had a modeling contract, so she'll be gone the rest of the week. I came alone this time."
San replied softly, "Ah, tell her to come see me, I miss her lovely smile." he seemed to light up at the thought. It made your heart warm that he felt that way about Min Seo.
While talking with San, you hadn't noticed the eyes that looked over from Wooyoung's other side. Hongjoong was admiring you. "Such a beautiful girl." He thought, as his lip curled into a smirk. He knew you weren't there for him. He had told Wooyoung everything after the last fan event you went to.
Wooyoung had felt so sad for his Hyung then. It seemed to always be like that for Hongjoong. He wasn't the stereotypically pretty man. He was short, with long hair. He didn't follow beauty or fashion trends. There was no way, in his mind, that he could get you away from Wooyoung.
The line moved again, and this was it. Standing in front of Wooyoung. "Goddamnit, why is he so perfect?" you screamed in your head.
Wooyoung glanced up, "Y/N?"
He remembered you. Of all the people he had seen today alone, he knew your name. Your heart soared with new found confidence.
"Wooyoung, you remember my name?" you said, shocked.
"Of course, sweetheart. How can I forget you?" Wooyoung smiled then, but he wouldn't tell you the truth. He knew you alright, if only because Hongjoong Hyung constantly talked about you like you were the last woman on earth.
You stuttered slightly before choking out, "Uh..uhm...I got you something. I put something very special in the pocket, please don't lose it. Alright?"
You handed the toy skull to Wooyoung, your heart hammering away. When he grabbed it from you, his hand brushed yours. Your breath caught in your throat.
The warmth from his fingers and it seemed like all the noise of the event drowned out to silence. It was just the two of you now. He was looking at you with soft eyes and a smile.
"Something special for me?" He looked at the pirate skull noticing the tiny zipper and clipped it to his belt loop. "I'm sure you wrote me a lovely letter, sweetheart. I promise not to let anyone else read it."
Little did you know that Hongjoong had been listening in, barely paying attention to the crying fan in front of him. "She went out of her way for Wooyoung. I'm never going to make this work." He thought to himself, a fake smile plastered on his face.
You stepped in front of Hongjoong, after telling Wooyoung goodbye.
"Hello pink cheeks, back to see me so soon?" Hongjoong spoke softly as he grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers with his smaller ones.
"Of course Shorty, I need to see my guys every now and then." You crinkled your nose at him, absentmindedly playing with the ring he wore.
He laughed. It was a breathy sound, almost as if it were just for you.
"Did you miss me so much?" He said then, pouting.
You smirked at him, two could play this game, and with no concert, there wasn't a chance for him to lure you in with his hip-swinging ways.
"Hongjoong, are you always so flirty with your fans?" You leaned in, "For a man so small, you have a huge ego."
The words had fallen out of your mouth so quickly you couldn't stop them, and Hongjoong turned a shade of red you hadn't seen before. Wooyoung must've overheard it, by the sound of the squeaking laugh to your left.
Hongjoong leaned closer to you, just as the guard was readying you to leave. "Y/N, don't assume I have a huge anything, that's for me to know, and you to find out."
You glanced into his eyes, and it was over. Time stopped, and it was Hongjoong. His pupils were blown out, and his bottom lip between his teeth. When he let go of your hand, the world started spinning again.
"Come see me again Pink cheeks, I'll miss you." He blew you a kiss.
You nodded and walked to your right in a daze. What the hell just happened, and right in front of Wooyoung? Does Hongjoong have no fucking manners?
"He's the fucking devil." You remarked as you turned back from one more look.
Wooyoung wasn't paying attention but Hongjoong was. His eyes were trained on you. He flicked his tongue out to wet his lips and you felt goosebumps run down your arms.
Hongjoong knew you weren't just playing with him. Somewhere deep down, you meant the things you had said. He just hoped he hadn't scared you.
As the fan event wrapped up, and he had watched you walk through the door and back outside, he turned to Wooyoung.
"What was it?! What did she give you? I need to know." Hongjoong sounded desperate and it broke Wooyoung's heart.
"Here hyung, open it and tell me." Wooyoung unclipped the toy and tossed it to Hongjoong.
He opened it quickly, under the table. A small piece of paper was inside and on it a neatly written phone number with a heart. Hongjoong laid his head on the table. You gave Wooyoung your number, maybe he was wrong.
"What was it, Hyung?" Wooyoung asked, concerned for the color draining from Hongjoong's face.
Hongjoong handed Wooyoung the slip of paper, but he didn't lift his head up. When Wooyoung saw what it was, he swallowed hard.
"Hyung, you know I don't want her! I swear! I can't help it!" Wooyoung said quickly, pulling at Hongjoong's sleeve in an attempt to look pitiful and get mercy.
Hongjoong lifted his head and laid his hand on Wooyoung's.
"I know Wooyoung, I know. I'm not mad at you. Would you mind if I kept her number though?" Hongjoong continued, "I need to know if I'm ever on her mind"
Wooyoung smiled at his leader. Hongjoong was tough, but he had a soft spot and you hit it.
"Sure Hyung, keep it, just don't drag me into it." Wooyoung handed the paper back to his hyung. Who then stuffed it into his wallet.
Hongjoong was going to get his answers, one way or another. Just like a pirate, he was ruthless and wouldn't give up until he had his treasure.
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