#the shadow empawrium
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It’s not that Callum doesn’t like Ez’s toad. Bait can be cute when he wants to be and his generally grumpy disposition (if toads can be called grumpy at all) is a funny little personality trait that comes off closer to endearing than anything else. Ezran’s had him since he was six, and he was their dad’s before that—secretly, Callum thinks that he can’t be a normal toad because surely normal toads don’t live this long, but no matter—
He doesn’t dislike Bait and that’s the point of it. What’s not so clear to him is why Ezran needs a brand new terrarium for him.
“What’s wrong with the old one?” he asks. They’re pulling into the pet store in a little town just out of state, which is ridiculous on its own because there’s one five minutes from where they live, but Callum understands to certain extent. Once he’d driven out to Caldera just to chase down a specific brand of watercolour paints which is fair, in his opinion—it’s hard to get quality products for a reasonable price—but still. Caldera isn’t out of state.
It took them two hours just to get out here and it’s hot and humid and the air conditioning in Callum’s car failed two and a half years ago, and while Bait’s not with them, he’s probably grumpy enough to make up for it.
Ez rolls his eyes. “It’s ancient,” he says pointedly. “Dad got it second hand and it was ancient then. Bait deserves a better terrarium than that.”
“That still doesn’t explain why we had to come out to Silvergrove,” snaps Callum. He puts the car into park and turns the engine off with a scowl. “There are pet shops in Katolis City, what’s the matter with them?”
“They’re just not as good.” Ezran huffs, climbing out of the car. “The ones here are made with quality materials that are locally and ethically sourced. And we’re supporting small business.”
Callum bristles. “Now you just sound like Dad,” he mutters darkly. It’s not a bad thing. Harrow’s a councilman for a reason, and one of the better ones, too. He can’t dispute that. It’s only fair Ez takes after him. It’s still annoying, though.
The store itself doesn’t look particularly special. It’s got an old-timey sort of feel to it, and the hanging sign is weather worn and in desperate need of a new paint job. Callum squints at it and makes out a bunch of swirling letters that read The Shadow emPawrium: exotic pets and pet supplies before he rolls his eyes and shoulders open the door for Ez.
It’s pretty cramped. The air conditioning is a welcome change, but it feels like he can’t move in here without risking knocking something over. There are a bunch of fancy birdcages here, and cat trees taller than him over there, and a girl, silver haired and lilac eyed, sitting bored by the register with her phone in one hand and a stocklist in the other.
Callum feels his mouth go dry. She’s very pretty. Even the practised customer service smile she greets them with makes his heart skip a beat or two. Her name tag reads Rayla, and she sets her phone down as the doors swing shut behind them.
“Hey,” she says, Silvergrove accent obvious even in the single word. “Can I help you with anything or are you guys just happy to browse?”
Callum opens his mouth to answer her, but he feels the words get all jumbled up in his throat before he can even voice them. Ez, though, personable as he is, swoops in before Rayla (hopefully) notices.
“My toad needs a new terrarium,” he says brightly. “His is pretty old and I reckon it might be time to get him a brand new set up. The Internet said you guys had some really good ones.”
Rayla laughs–a sweet tinkling sound that makes Callum feel all hot and sweaty again in spite of the gentle air-conditioned breeze. “We sure do,” she says. “Just in the back corner over there. Can I help you pick out something specific?”
“Nah,” says Ez, waving her off. “We got it. Callum, come on.”
“What? Oh. Yeah.” Callum offers Rayla an awkward smile and trails after his brother with stiff, heavy legs. If Ezran notices, he doesn’t say anything–he’s happy to start examining terrariums and toad supplies without much preamble. Callum lets him at it and stares around the rest of the shop curiously. Once or twice, he catches himself looking over at Rayla. There’s a very specific moment when he actually meets her eye, and her lips tilt upwards into something a little more genuine before he has the sense to tear his eyes away–
But when he does, Ez is smirking at him with something like a smug looking grin. “See something you like?”
Callum flushes. “Um.”
“You can just go talk to her, you know.”
“That’s not what this is.”
“Isn’t it?” Ez snorts and jerks his head over at Rayla, knowing smile on his lips.“She’s been looking too.”
“I don’t–wait, really?”
Ezran lets out a huff, obviously amused and obviously done with Callum’s lack of nerve. He turns back to the terrariums, picks out one of the bigger ones, and does the next worst thing: he waves a hand and catches Rayla’s attention. “Excuse me!” he calls. “Hey! Sorry to bother you.”
Rayla glances up at them, sets her phone down once more, and hops off her stool “You’re no bother,” she says amicably, making her way towards them through the narrow aisles with a deft sort of grace that makes Callum want to look at her even more. He has to duck his head to avoid showing the very obvious blush rising in his cheeks, but then Rayla’s standing right next to him and he’s pretty sure there’s no point. “What can I help you with?”
“If I get him a new set up entirely, do you think it’s worth getting Glow Tonic too? It’s supposed to be really good for his skin but I’ve never tried it.”
Rayla hums thoughtfully. “It wouldn’t hurt,” she says. “It might help with the transition, y’know? Toads can be pretty nervous around new things. We don’t have any in stock though. I can order it in for you?”
Ez brightens (more, if that’s even possible), and he nods enthusiastically. “That’d be great! Do you think you could ring us when you get it?”
“Sure can,” chuckles Rayla. “What’s the best number to call you on?”
“Mm.” Ez sneaks a glance at Callum. “I never have my phone on me when it matters. Do you think you can call Callum instead?”
Rayla turns to look at him. Callum almost turtles into his shirt out of embarrassment. Ezran’s gall, honestly–but he offers Rayla a sheepish smile anyway and shrugs. “Yeah,” he mumbles. “It’ll probably be best just to call me. If–if that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” says Rayla. She glances at her sneakers with that same little smile that makes Callum’s heart flutter, something pink in her cheeks, and swings her arms with a flattered grin. “Did you pick a terrarium?” she asks Ez after a moment.
“Oh, right, yeah.” Ez points it out to her and the rest is all business. She retrieves a flatpack one from the back room and heaves it to the counter, Ez pays for it, and then they wrangle it out to the car and set it carefully in the back.
Callum shuts the boot with a heavy thud and notices that Ezran purposefully makes himself scarce so that it’s just him and Rayla standing together by the back passenger door before, finally, Rayla unlocks her phone and holds it out to him.
“Put your number in that,” she says, lips tilted upwards, blush in her cheeks. “Callum, right?”
“Uh. Yeah. Thanks.” Callum only flushes more. His fingers feel sweaty as he taps his number into the screen, but she’s smiling the whole time and he’s almost certain employees aren’t supposed to take customer details with their personal phones, and he knows she knows what Ez was up to, but she doesn’t seem to mind. “You’ll–um–you’ll call me, right?”
“Yep. See you guys next time.” She takes it back and steps back onto the sidewalk as Callum climbs into the car, and she waves, even, as they pull out and Callum makes a U-turn at the roundabout a little way down the road.
For a while, Ez says nothing. And then he snorts and smirks at Callum. “Still think coming all the way out here was a waste of time?”
Callum has nothing to say to that.
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a continuation of the pet store meet cute from ia57 (57a). now a series called The Shadow emPawrium bc this fandom’s in dire need of some fluff.
It’s three weeks before Callum receives a phone call.
He’s not been, like, counting, or anything, just to be clear. Ezran’s just been waiting on that Glow Tonic for a while. He’s been holding off on moving Bait into his brand new home because he wants the transition to be as smooth as possible, which is a little extra, admittedly, but Callum does think it’s sweet. Not everyone’s that considerate of their pets, and he supposes it’s kinda weird, but it’s not any weirder than, say, waiting for a phone call from a pet shop out of state for a bottle of Glow Tonic they could have just as easily ordered online, which he hasn’t been doing, by the way, but anyway--
It’s three weeks, and Callum’s in the campus library, and his phone buzzes so loudly against the desk that the kid in the next study pod over peers past the divider with a scowl. Callum snatches at it, apologetic grimace on his lips, and waits until the kid slinks back into his own cubicle before he even looks at the screen.
The number is unfamiliar. The area code is definitely not Katolis state. Honestly, it could be anyone--it could be a scam call from Eborius, or a telemarketer from the Independent Isles, for all he knows--but there’s a rather big part of him that hopes it’s the one he’s (not) been waiting for.
“Hello?” he whispers.
“Oh, sorry,” says the voice on the other end. It’s accented and familiar, and Callum’s heart leaps into his throat at the sound of it. “Is this a bad time?”
“Uh. No! No, it’s--um--it’s fine.” He takes a breath. Be cool, he thinks, willing his heart to slow down. Is it uncool to know it’s her just from the sound of her voice? Is that weird? He coughs. “What--what can I do for you?”
“Sorry,” says the voice again. “I just needed to talk to Callum about some stuff his brother ordered?”
“That’s me!” says Callum, perhaps a bit too loudly. The kid in the next study pod scowls at him again, and Callum remembers, too late, that he’s in a library and he probably should make an effort to sound less like an excited puppy. “Is that--um--Rayla?”
“Yeah!” says Rayla. “You remembered!”
“‘Course I did, how could I forget someone so--uh--” Pretty was what he originally had in mind, but he thinks maybe that’s a little too forward too soon. He scrambles for words. Memorable? No. Personable? No. “--Punctual!”
There’s a pause. “Punctual, huh?” says Rayla after a moment. There’s a smirk in her voice and Callum can practically feel the pink creeping into his cheeks. “Does that work on all the girls you meet at pet stores?”
Callum flinches. Suddenly it’s far too hot and the air is far too dry and he thinks his face might actually be on fire. Punctual. God. “I--uh—”
Rayla laughs. It’s that same tinkling sound that made his heart flutter the first time. It’s nice to know it’s just as effective over the phone. “It’s fine,” she chuckles, hardly sounding put off at all. If anything, she sounds kind of endeared. “I would have gone with something a little bolder. You could try daring next time. I’ve been told I’m quite daring.”
“By… other customers?”
“Just my boss,” she snorts. “Other customers say my customer service is great but I’m keeping punctual. That’s a new one for sure.”
The grin in her voice is infectious, and all embarrassment aside, Callum feels his own lips tug upwards too. Maybe he’s just feeling a bit daring himself, but the next sentence slips from his lips before he has the chance to think about it. “I mean, I was gonna say pretty but I didn’t know if that was--uh—” He falters. “Appropriate.”
But Rayla only laughs some more, flattered, and even a little flirty, if Callum does say so himself. “Well, I can’t say many customers have called me that,” she says with an almost giggle. “Anyway, I was just calling to let you know that your Glow Tonic’s arrived.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeppers. You can come by and get it whenever you want.”
Callum pauses. The math is pretty straightforward: his last class today finishes at three, and it’s a four hour round trip to Silvergrove in light traffic--five during rush hour. It’s a lot of trouble for a bottle of Glow Tonic--but then, it’s not really about the Glow Tonic, is it? He takes a breath and steels his nerve before he loses it. “Will you guys still be open at five?”
“Mm. Technically, no,” says Rayla. “But I can wait for you.”
Callum feels the flush return in full force. “Oh, no, don’t do that--I’ll just come by some other time--”
But Rayla cuts him off. “Don’t worry about it,” she says. “We’ll just say you owe me.”
“Yeah,” she says. And then, a little shyly, “Dinner or something some time. How about it?”
Callum’s face splits into a grin. “I can get you a pizza on the way over? Or do you want to go out to dinner dinner?”
“You decide,” chuckles Rayla. “See you at five?”
Callum lets out a laugh. Whether it’s out of relief or giddiness, he’s not so certain, but his heart feels light and his cheeks ache from the wideness of his smile. “Sure,” he says, “See you at five.” He hangs up feeling a weird sort of excited for someone about to go on a two hour road trip out of state just for a bottle of Glow Tonic (for a toad that’s not even his!), but what the heck, it’s an adventure, right? He grins fondly, if a bit stupidly, at the screen, and when he looks up again a moment later, the kid from the other pod is glaring at him once again.
“You know this is a library, right?” he grumbles. “Flirt somewhere else.”
Callum has the decency to flush at that.
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The drive out to Silvergrove isn’t as long as he thought it would be.
It’s still pretty long. It’s still two hours plus an extra thirty minutes courtesy of the end-of-the-day traffic which would, ordinarily, leave Callum disgruntled and irritable and feeling pretty sour about people being too impatient to stay in their lanes, but he arrives at The Shadow emPawrium just as the sun touches the horizon feeling kinda jittery, actually, and it’s not because of the coffee he’d downed just before he’d left campus.
The clock on the dashboard blinks weakly at him—17:36—and he winces. It’s been five minutes fast for months now, but that makes it five thirty-one which isn’t much better. He’d told Rayla he’d be here at around five.
The sign in the window reads Sorry, we’re closed! in white against faded red. The old-timey hanging sign creaks in the summer breeze. The street lights are flickering to life along the sidewalk. Too late, Callum wonders if this was a good idea after all, because there’s every chance Rayla had grown bored of waiting for him (which would have been fair, honestly) and that he’d just driven two hours out of his way for nothing—
But there’s light in the far corner of the store, and someone’s silhouette against it.
Hopeful, Callum fumbles for his phone.
Hey, he types. Sorry, traffic was awful. I’m just out front if you’re still here.
He waits a moment after he sends it. Then two. His heart beats in his throat and his hands grow clammy around his phone, and then—
The front door swings open, and Rayla smiles at him from the doorway. “Took your time, didn’t you?”
“Ah, yeah.” Callum flushes and stares guiltily at his shoes. “I’m so sorry for making you wait. I should have called or something earlier.”
“Relax,” chuckles Rayla, beckoning him into the store. “It’s not that big a deal. I’m still doing stock.”
The little bell rings as the door closes after him. Callum glances around the store and shivers in the dim light. Shops always feel different after hours—they’re too… subdued, he supposes, and the lack of ambient noise puts his teeth on edge. But Rayla smiles warmly at him as she sets the bottle of Glow Tonic on the counter, rings it up with deft fingers, and slides the EFTPOS machine towards him ready to go.
“That’ll be $17.99, if you please.”
The cheek in her voice is soothing. Callum smiles back and taps his card against the screen. “Thanks again,” he says. “You really didn’t have to wait.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she says, waving him off. The till rings and springs open as the receipt prints. Rayla shuts it out without even looking. “It’s really not a problem. I live just down the road, and I stay late all the time.” She pauses for a moment, brow furrowing over her pretty lilac eyes as catches the crest on his shirt. “You go to Katolis U?”
Callum blinks. Then he stares down at his shirt and flushes some more. “Uh—yeah.”
“You came all the way out to Silvergrove from Katolis for a bottle of Glow Tonic?”
Oh. Oh no. Oh heck. It was fine, probably, when she didn’t know that, but now that she does—too late, Callum realizes how creepy it is that he’d driven all the way out here after hours to pick up a bottle of tonic he should have made Ez order online. It’d sounded so romantic in his head, but now she’s looking at him like he’s crazy and—
“I—um—it was—Ez’d already ordered it from you guys and, well—”
“That’s a two hour drive!” says Rayla, looking appalled. “Yeesh, no wonder it took you so long to get out here. And you still have to drive all the way back!”
“I mean, yeah, I guess—”
She shakes her head at him. “That’s ridiculous,” she says. Callum flinches at how dismissive it sounds and it’s like he can practically see his chances with her wither and die—but Rayla only clucks her tongue. “Do you want a bite to eat before you go?”
“I—” Callum stares. “Wait, what?”
She smiles then, warm and bright and full of sunshine in a room where the light’s beginning to fade. Callum thinks his heart flutters just at the sight of it before he even remembers what she’s asked. “I mean—yes,” he says, “but… are you sure? Do you not find it, like, weird at all that I came all the way out here for—”
“Well, yeah, it’s a little weird, and I think if you were anyone else, I’d find it creepy,” she says with a shrug. “But you drove out here for a bottle of Glow Tonic for a toad that’s not even yours and that pretty much says it all. Besides. You did say you’d get me dinner some time.”
That he did. Callum blushes and swallows and stares at his shoes because this moved a lot faster than he ever expected it to—not that he’s not pleased about it, but still. Then he laughs. “Yeah,” he says, a little flustered and a lot smitten. “Sure. Sounds great.”
Rayla grins at him. “Good. I’ll be five minutes.”
#in anticipation#the shadow empawrium#rayllum#i just like this au ok#no i did not edit this is it obvious
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