#the seto side was easier and done quicker than the yugi side
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romanceddawn · 7 months ago
Rivalshipping: "Don't you know...?"
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silverwindsblog · 8 years ago
7, 17, and 27 for the meme
Warning, Yugioh Dsod spoilers. Also, a very long post.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
P/rideshipping. Honestly one of the reason why I hesistant to put my thoughts on Yugioh dsod is because I was struggling on what to say about Seto and Atem’s relationship in the movie. There’s a expectation to talk about their relationship since it’s the driving force of the movie and I felt pressured to talk about it. Another reason is that I have difficulty concentrating on writing my thoughts down for a long period of time due to my personal life and the current news drained my energy. The fandom in general have a favorable opinion on their relationship in the movie, while I am at the opposite spectrum. I used to enjoy Seto and Atem’s rivalry for both of them are passionate for dueling, they help each other become better duelists, they experienced an adrenaline rush from the thrill of dueling someone who is strong. I love Setos’s complex personality and how much he changed throughout the series from a cold hearted duelist who doesn’t value life and is willing to have someone die to get to his goals to someone who learns to show affection to Mokuba. While he has a hot blooded personality, he does not go into the extremes of taking someone’s life as a stake in a duel and show some mercy to others. He grew to be kinder (though he still refuses to ask for help unless he needs it) because of Atem.
After watching Dsod, I felt that he lost some of his character development from the original series. Seto missed Atem and didn’t get a chance to get closure with him. So he created a hologram and finds a method to revive Atem. However, Seto has taken into the extreme to ending the world for his goal and while I understand and can sympathize him because he struggled to develop healthy ways to cope with loss and forming friendships, it contradicts from his lessons learned of valuing people’s lives and overcoming his past. Seto is not my favorite character but I would rank him in my top 10. in This movie left a mixed feeling for me on how Seto was portrayed in the movie and the ending. Initially, I enjoyed the Dsod jokes of Seto wanting to duel Atem from the fandom, but then it was tiresome for me to see it everywhere. It became a running joke for Seto to be reduced into a one dimensional character obsessing about dueling Atem. I personally felt overwhelmed from seeing it everywhere and I felt the similar pressure from the current news in US about politics. It’s everywhere and it wears you out. People have their own thing on how they enjoy their favorite things and I let them do their thing and respect them. No harm done.
I wouldn’t say I hated it, but it’s something that I wish there’s a new interpretation or view of this relationship aside from the general opinion while respecting Seto’s character development.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of having card games as a major part of the Yugioh series, I would have more character development for minor characters. I would also love to see more day to day life in the Ygo cast. For example, seeing the gang coping with juggling school while saving the world, Anzu struggling to attend her dance classes and pursuing her dreams while supporting Yugi and Atem, etc. Another example would be expanding Atem’s culture and Atem learning his past and history from Ishizu. It would be pretty cool seeing how Atem and Ishizu interacted as a ruler/guardian and Atem easing Ishizu the formality and getting to know each other outside of their role.
I would expand the 5th season of Ygo and flesh out Mana’s and Mahaad’s background and see more of Atem’s memories. It’s too bad that we didn’t get to know more about Atem’s past and there’s so much potential. I would like to know how Mana and Mahaad met Atem and their relationships. Do they get along at first or they were butting heads? Did Mana and Mahaad have magic because their family have it? Or did they learn magic from someone and before meeting Atem, they were wondering their purpose of life and how to use their powers for good.
Instead of having Ygo 4th season happen, I would rewrite with female Ygo characters have better roles in this season and doesn’t reduce them into damsel in distress role. I was disappointed with Mai and instead of having her joining the Orichalcos cult, I would have Mai going through depression and have the gang tried to reach her out while she attempted to push them away. Considering that Mai goes through mind rape from Yami Malik, she suffered from PTSD which crippled her ability to enjoy playing duel monsters. She will get better from the gang especially from Joey and surprisingly from Ishizu who she felt horrible for her brother inflicting pain on others (even though Ishizu is not at the fault here). To demonstrate Mai’s overcoming from the trauma and Ishizu’s guilt from her brother’s actions, there will be a evil force called “mirrors” that transforms people into their worst fear and traits that they hated the most through shapeshifting. Mirrors feed on despair and people’s insecurities and its power depends on how strong the person’s mind is and their sense of self. People who have a strong sense of self, are determined, ability to tell apart truths and lies, and accepts their flaws and their virtues are going to have an easier time to defeat their “mirror”. People who have insecurities, are secretive, self loathing, and repressive will have a harder time fighting their “mirror”. The gang will face them and go through trials. As they went further to the evil force, one by one the gang is stuck to fighting their “mirror”. Finally, Mai will face her own “mirror”, duels with it, and is able to overcome it. She was able to enjoy dueling again and regain trust with people.
For Yugi, his “mirror” would be taunting him for his naive nature, showing his repressed resentment towards the love triangle between Anzu and Atem, and would be a warped version of him, seducing him to become cynical and questioning him on why he stay on the side of good. “It would be so much easier if you take revenge on the people who wrong you, it’s stupid to turn the other cheek while others taunted you, people only become friends with you because they pity you…”
For Joey, his “mirror” is his father and taunting him that he will become like his father. The “mirror” will criticize Joey for being the second best, he is nothing because of his poor status and people only care about status and appearance rather than the heart of a person. “Like father, like son. Why bother trying to improve? You work hard as a duelist, but your best friend gets all the fame…” Of course, Joey won’t believe it and knew that this is false. He would break away from his “mirror” quicker than other people.
Anzu’s mirror would plagued her for being “useless” in the group as a cheerleader and guilt her for the love triangle between Yugi and Atem. It would taunt her dancing dreams, her being an outcast from what society expects her, and being an eyecandy for men. “Since all you did is being on the sideline, why not try to be a good girl? Give up your silly dreams as a dancer and make your parents proud by being a good daughter. It’s easier to do what others expect of you, rather than rebelling against them. Do you think you in love? Or are you in love with his shadow? We shall dance to see who is superior…”
Tristan’s mirror will taunt him for being incapable to duel, his dating life, and being a sidekick to Yugi. “ Who are you exactly? Oh, right, the one that everyone forgets. No wonder you couldn’t get anyone…”
Atem’s mirror will resemble his darker self when he was unstable in the early season. It will manifest his doubts if he makes personal connections with Yugi’s gang, his insecurities on if he’s a good person, his identity, and will exploit his flaws: His self sacrificing nature, arrogance, and pride. The “mirror” will give foreshadowing to Atem’s past. “Don’t you see how Yugi gave his puzzle to his possessed friend without asking you? Yugi is willing to die for Joey. But would he die for you? Would he care so much about you if his life isn’t intertwine with yours? Who are you? You can’t even answer that question yourself but I can do it for you. You’re a vessel. You’re a king for your people who adore you. Treated you as a god. Fitting that people would worship you considering your powers. But do people really care about you outside of your power and status? Of course not, you’re a god! Your father raised you for this position. Why else he would care about you? Yes, your father was just and good king for his people. I doubt you would a good king. After all, you have no memories of yourself, so how else are you going to be a good king? And the cruel acts you did, they are unforgivable. I see that you have lingering feelings of regret from your past actions. But no matter! This is going to be so much fun…”
Ishizu’s mirror taunts her for her fault on the events in Battle City, her failure as an guardian, and exploit her fears of her past. The “mirror” will inflict her worst memories in her past and would manifest into Malik. “You’re a failure as a guardian for the pharaoh. You’re a disgrace for your line. The only way to redeem yourself is to take the life of your brother…”
Part of my shipping side wanted to see instead of Atem leaving, I would tie up loose ends on Anzu’s relationship with Atem. Anzu traveled to Japan after graduation and 6 months in New York, while Anzu is tracing her cartouche and thinking about Atem, he appeared to thank her for supporting him and revealed his requited feelings to Anzu. Then, they share a heartwarming embrace. From time to time, Atem supported Anzu with her dancing. :3 They will reunited in the afterlife.
For Yugioh DSOD movie, I would instead have more scenes of how Yugi’s gang deal with Atem’s departure in a individual level. We get to see how Yugi is feeling over Atem’s departure since he has a personal bond with Atem and it affects him more than others, but not so much for others. For Joey, he would want to show to Atem how much he grew as a duelist and wanted to duel with him as well thanking him for making him and Yugi stronger as a person. For Anzu, she has feelings for Atem and I was shocked on how she doesn’t wear the cartouche in the movie despite that Atem’s departure hit her really hard. I would love to see Joey getting out from the alternative realm by having his friends do the friendship hands from the first episode or at least do a flashback.
27. Least shippable character?
Yugioh: Ryou Bakura aside from a couple of shippings such as Softshipping and Hostshipping. In my opinion, he’s an ace more interested in his hobbies more than romantic relationships. Same goes with Seto, I don’t see him be invested in relationships because aside from his brother, he doesn’t display affection. Even if he is interested in a relationship, he would struggle a lot in terms of dealing with people and learning to deal with his disappointments in a healthy way. I ship Seto with Kisara both platonic and romantic way.Yugioh Gx: Amon GaramYugioh 5ds: Yusei Fudo. I like having BrOTP with other characters, but I can’t see him interested in relationships aside from Starshipping and few other shippings.Yugioh Zexal: Mr. HeartlandYugioh Arc V: Leo AkabaPuella Magi Madoka Magica: Kyubey. For everyone who contacted with him, let’s just say that it doesn’t end well for them.
Thanks for the ask! 17 was pretty fun to answer.
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