#the series does lowkey exaggerate aspects but its not far off from the reality
lnkedmyheart · 3 years
People- YuuMori exaggerates how evil the nobility and upper class is.
(Ignoring the fact that it presents some nobles as decent people while focussing on the one's that aren't)
They thought the poor deserved to stay poor because they were lazy and/or undeserving of fortune.
Orphans would remain orphans even after adoption and were often regarded as intruders and outsiders. An adopted lower class orphan could never be associated with the rich family that adopted them. Adopted orphans could be abandoned and were often subject to harsher punishments and less care. Around 60% of the criminals were estimated to be orphans because of their situation.
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They literally shoved naked toddlers up hot soot filled chimneys to clean them leading them to develop cancer and other terminal diseases. Many of these kids would sometimes get stuck in the chimneys and people would try to smoke them out by lighting a fire under them. Sometimes they'd have to leave the stuck child there because it was too hard to get them out and let them die there. The nobility and the master sweeps threw a massive hissy fit when the practice was abolished and actually continued the practice till very very recently. Oh and the kids literally slept with the same rag blanket they used to collect the chimney dirt during the day.
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The Andover Workhouse Scandal- the workers were so starved and underpaid they ate the animal bones they were supposed to be crushing.
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The fucking Two Penny Hangover- a sleeping arrangement for the poor where you slept hanging on a rope for 2 pennies completely exposed to the elements and they woke you up by untying the rope on one end and letting you crash face first into the floor.
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Or you could sleep in the 4 penny coffin if you managed to have enough to spare.
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The Poor Law Amendment of 1834. Oh how do we fix poverty? Why, by getting those lazy homeless bastards off their assess and forcing them to do gruelling absolutely awful work at warehouses for bare minimum wages and then when they can't pay off the loans and debts, by tossing the entire family into prisons and running them into the ground with work and little food.
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Somewhat less related but Ignaz Semmelweis went insane because he was mocked and attacked for insisting that the victorian doctors actually wash their hands before performing child births after working at the morgue even though the doctors were practically causing a large number of pregnant women to die due to sepsis.
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Seriously, read any Charles Dickens or Thomas Hardy book and you'll see absolutely how disgusting so many of the upper and middle class people were.
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