#the scout guide hunt country
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styllwaters · 1 year ago
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MAP OF ETTERA (Knight Homeplanet)
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Standard map [continents shown]
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Regional map [territories shown]
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I have here a weeks worth of writing and art because I for some reason enjoy torturing myself! I've been slaving away at this for so long but it's finally done and polished. So! As promised, I'm gonna talk a bit about the different Knight cultures/ethnicities, territories and general social structure.
Knights are one of my alien sophont civilisations from my Vivere 44 headworld. Here are more links from my previous posts:
Introductory post
Knight deities
Knight languages and names
With that being said, worldbuilding textwalls below the cut!
First, an explanation of the maps.
There are three main continents on Ettera. The two polar landmasses are Thannoeh in the northern end and Nahrui in the southern end. Thannoeh is divided by east and west, and is home to the two major Polar Knight nations. Nahrui is not occupied by any, aside from explorers or scientists. For many Knights, it is a strange, enigmatic land and a topic of great curiosity. In the middle is Val-srat; the central continent inhabited by Mountain and Plains Knights. The landmass is named as such because it is often represented in folklore as a Knight, with Valazear (the ‘Host’) being the southern Plains territories and Srati (the ‘Helmet’) being the northern Mountain territories. The Ihmna Stretch is the section of land connecting the two countries - ‘Ihmna’ is the Ferhahti word for the Integrator organ which joins the host and helmet’s consciousness.
Plant life on Ettera takes on hues of red and orange.
Before I get into the different ethnicities, I should elaborate more on how Knight Orders are structured and the different titles; some of the clothing articles are specific to status.
Most Knights live in groups called ‘Orders’, which I talked more about in this ask.
The standard roles for an Order are as follows:
Commander - Makes decisions, protects and supports the group. Commanders lead the Order across difficult terrain, plan out hunts, and take care of their members. A Commander might be chosen based on generational succession, experience, or strength. Depending on the rules of the Order, a Commander might be challenged by a Knight who desires their position, although only an elite or lieutenant would be permitted to do this. In more traditional and conservative orders Commanders are always Pike-forts.
Lieutenant - Second in command. The Lieutenant is the Commander’s primary advisor and runs the Order when they are unable to. A Commander may train their lieutenant to one day take their place as leader, or a lieutenant might serve multiple generations of Commanders without ever challenging them.
Elites - A selection of Knight soldiers who are exceptionally experienced, strong and fast. Highly respected by the rest of the Order and carry out important duties such as organisation. They have the highest chance of being the next lieutenant or Commander. 
Soldiers - The main body of the Order, fully grown Knights who are proficient in all the skills necessary for survival. Soldiers are tasked with a variety of jobs to keep the Order healthy and running: they are also farmers, medics, entertainers, strategists, builders, etc. 
Scouts - Scouts are Knights who make reconnaissance trips for the Order. Their job is to gather information about a potential area to settle or travel through. Scouts also have a range of other responsibilities, such as acting as lookouts, messengers, and taking care of Pages.
There are two types of Scouts - temporary and permanent. Temporary scouts are Squires (16-17 years) who have completed their training and are performing Expeditions, which they are required to do before becoming a full soldier. On Expeditions two or three Scouts will travel a certain distance away from the Order, sometimes miles away, to deliver goods to other Orders or to simply evaluate an area/route. Permanent scouts are lower-ranked Knights who are unable to become Soldiers, prefer a caretaker role, or have been relegated to the position.
Squires - Knights in training. Squires learn from a Soldier assigned to teach them. They may be tutored one-on-one, or taught in a group. They learn the ways of the Order and the world around them. Squires will often be assigned small hunting trips with their tutor, or cleaning jobs. Typically aged 7-15 years.
Pages - The youth of the Order, Knights aged 0-6 years. The pages are fiercely protected by every member of the Order. A newborn Helmet or Host will stay with their birth parent/s until they have assimilated, in which care duty is passed on to a permanent Scout. The Scout raises the Pages alongside several others until they are ready to become Squires.
This structure originated from Mountain Orders and spread to Plains and Polar regions a long time ago. Of course, not every Order follows this plan exactly, and there are countless variations. Some Knights don't live in Orders at all, and may live in pairs (which is common for travelling merchants and explorers) or small groups. Very rarely, a Knight may travel alone. This is the case for exiles.
You may already be familiar with the Mountain, Plains and Polar Knight regional varieties, but within these subspecies are various ethnic groups.
✦ Ferhahti [Ferhaht]
The Ferhahti Knights are an ethnic group located in the Ferhaht territory of Srati. Their thick fur is of various shades of grey and grey-blue. Their clothing styles are typically beige and tan, often complete with rectangular tassels and red accents. The Ferhahti have a ‘New Years’ festival called Khulaam in which they call upon Etteran spirits to bless them with good harvests, hunting and rain. During these festivals there is music, food, dancing and socialising with others. Allied Orders, usually 2-5, will come together to celebrate. Celebrations last five days. Alliances may be temporary or long-lasting, but the Orders will go on a hunt on the final day to bring down a large quarry. Oftentimes there will be a ‘Herald’ dancer who bears a flag on their horn, depicting glyphs of good fortune. 
Since the Ferhahti and Kaata territories are neighbouring, and have no physical borders, Orders from both lands will often meet to trade goods and information. Many Plains-Mountain hybrids are of Ferhahti and Kaata descent due to the close proximity of the nations. 
NOTE: Plains and Mountain Knights are capable of producing hybrid offspring, although they will be infertile. Neither Plains nor Mountain Knights can produce viable hybrids with Polar Knights.
✦ Fejga [Fejg]
Fejga Knights (pronounced Fej-ya) make their home in the Fejg archipelago. They are generally of a bulkier physique than other Mountain Knights, have a coat of thick fur and are well adjusted to chillier climates. They also sport a ‘saddle’ marking on their backs and are likely to have mottled/freckled patterns and blue eyes. Their Orders are partially seafaring, with many sailing from island to island in magnificent ships. Fishing is a large part of their lifestyles as the sea provides a stable source of food. 
Their clothes are frequently made from leather and wool from domesticated animals. It is deceptively thin, as their pelts already provide natural insulation from the cold. Fejga Commanders wear three silver piercings on their Helmets.
✦ Svunacht [Svun]
Svunacht Knights live within the mountain-bordered territory of Svun and the island of Naahek. Orders have a special ceremony for choosing their Commander. The next in line, usually a chosen Host and Helmet born of the previous Commander and their partner, must journey across the Asall mountain range which borders Svun. It is a treacherous, long passage, and requires the Knight to wear a mask to block out the searing winds. They must also wear a spiked collar as a traditional accessory and safety measure to deter larger predators which roam the mountains. They are forbidden from carrying firearms, only armed with a knife, their wits, and natural defences. Ceremonial garments are required, passed down through generations, and three slips of fabric are worn on their horn for good luck: representing strength, wisdom and tenacity. The journey, called the Meha, is the final step in a long series of rigorous training for future successors. 
The painting of Helmets is also a large part of Svunacht culture. It is typically only reserved for Commanders, Lieutenants or Elites. 
★ Kaata [Kaat]
Kaata Knight Orders inhabit the deserts of Kaat. They are perfectly suited to desert life, their tan coats reducing heat absorbed from the sun. Kaata Knights make their clothing from woven fibres of plants that are garnished with gold pigments derived from a natural mineral found in the sands. They are especially known for their proficiency in fine crafts, and often trade jewellery to Ferhahti Orders across the Ihmna Stretch connecting Kaat and Ferhaht. Kaata clothing tends to be highly detailed and ornamental, with shiny beads adorning arm cuffs, necklaces, mandible rings and horn sleeves. The many gemstone and fossil deposits in Kaat are also incorporated into their styles. Like the Svunacht Knights, Kaata also paint their Helmets, although the practice is not restricted to any particular titles.
★ Saisala [Saisal]
Saisala Knights live in and around the deltas and rivers of Saisal, the southernmost territory of Val-srat. The area is filled with marshlands and everglades, and the weather is more wet and humid than the dry plains of Kaat. Saisala forts sport a dark reddish mane that grows right down their backs and bears some resemblance to maned wolves. Their pikes have hooked horns and sloping spines, as well as more ‘splotchy’ red stripes. Their Helmet eyes also have a pale ring around their pupils.
Saisala clothing styles are characterised by draping, ovular shapes and translucent sections of fabric. The green and gold drapes in the drawing are traditional wedding garments, complete with rounded tassels and a horn extension for pikes. The hanging ‘coins’ have engravings which tell a short but sweet poem.
★ Yaemioui [Yaemiou]
Yaemioui Orders live in a similar environment to Saisala Knights, in the wetland territories of Yaemiou. Their coats are pale like Kaata, but come in a greater combination of hues such as orange, grey and vermilion. Fun fact: all Plains Host pups are born with faint spots to help them camouflage, like lion cubs. Most lose these markings as they grow older, but Yaemioui hosts retain them even in adulthood. Their patterns are similar to painted dogs. The Yaemioui have a rich storytelling culture and have records dating back thousands of years.
Their clothing styles utilise dusky, non-bright colours that are usually two-piece. The outfit in the picture is worn by an elder Pike-fort who has carried and sired many offspring. The spine extensions are an indicator of age and experience, and a mark of high respect. The scarf around their neck depicts circles symbolising their Helmet children, and the circles on the larger cloth represent their Host progeny. 
★ Balkzaiinu [Balkzaii]
On the island of Balkzaii reside the Balkzaiinu Knights, who have dark stripes on both their Hosts and Helmets and short curly fur. Unlike other Orders, Balkzaiinu communities rarely ever hunt - they were one of the first countries to develop farming and agriculture, and import a lot of domesticated animals to Saisal and Yaemiou. They are also the only country that has no Commanders in their Orders, and decisions are made by a council of higher-ups. They live in a tropical climate which receives lots of rainfall and cyclones. They are also masters in boat making and sailing, and contacted the mainland several centuries ago. Balkzaiinu have different decency standards than other Plains Knights, and in their culture it is considered proper to cover the neck area. Their clothing is generally layered and contains colourful, square designs.
✧ Aikka [Ehtte Thannoeh]
Aikka Knights have domain over the Eastern section of Thannoeh. The polar word for East is Ehtte, and West Uesse. Since the country is so close to the Fegj archipelago, the two have been in contact for a long time.
Aikka have pristine white fur and a slightly bluish tinge to their Helmets. As with all Polar Knights, they are much smaller than their Plains or Mountain relatives, but are incredibly tough and hardy as a result of surviving in one of the harshest biomes. Ehtte Thannoeh is associated with scientific prowess, discovery and knowledge, and many famous Knight explorers are from Thannoeh. There are several research stations on Nahrui that are run and managed by Aikka; they have no difficulty working in the icy environment. Aikka Knights are also experts in carving, sculpting figurines and charms from the ivory tusks of marine animals. The outfit depicted in the drawing shows an Aikka Scout wearing a pendant with a carved basilosaurus-like animal for spiritual protection. These pendants are often given by parents to children. Their coat has six pockets for navigational instruments, goggles, knives, a spyglass, medical equipment and more. 
✧ Myet [Uesse Thannoeh]
Myet Orders have less contact with other regions than Aikka. Residing in Uesse Thannoeh, Many of them live further inland. Myet Hosts have a more yellowish tinge to their fur and their Pike Helmets have a tan stripe. The Helmets also have a more rounded 'snout'. They have managed to domesticate a large predator which defends their camps and is used as a mount/companion. Like the Balkzaiinu, Myet Orders have a different structure than most, having two Commanders, usually a mated pair, and no lieutenants or elites.
Myet clothing is more minimal than Aikka styles. They usually cover the back with a ‘saddle’ and manipulators with gloves. The outfit drawn is of a Commander, distinguished by the ring of fabric around their horn and eye makeup. In their backpack they carry hunting weapons, and wear a knife sheathed at their side.
And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading, this project is truly a delight to work on. I leave you with some messy concept art I did a while ago for Mountain Knight clothing styles.
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isa-ah · 6 months ago
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shiloh! he’s a breeder who’s favorite commissions are shinies, but he breeds for competitive stats too. occasionally he runs into fun genetic mutations, like two shiny zorua tumbling out of the same egg, but one looks a bit… odd. ofc he kept them!
shiny buneary and absol were his two firsts- happy accidents in the wild, several years apart! ponyta was bred and carries eggs close to her hot body, and sentret was hunted wild and evolved, now serving as his mount.
he makes good money so he’s all name brand baby. uncropped size comparisons below!
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furret is huge and mischievous so there rlly isn't anything Shiloh can do to keep it out of trouble LOL
absol was very much an accident; Shiloh and his buneary had wandered too far into the mountains and absol helped to guide them away from danger. seeing another strangely colored pokemon like itself, it followed them home and Shiloh was all too pleased to keep it. he doesn't battle, so it was entirely absols choice to stay.
ponyta has egg holsters bc she's wayyyy too energetic to have to just sit around for her flame body to help with hatching eggs..! she's a space heater on the go. Shiloh has some decent land out in the country to breed on so she's got a pretty big field to roam.
lopunny. 😳 she's like a scout, keeping Shiloh's land patrolled and safe for the baby pokemon and eggs everywhere. she's the only one of his pokemon that battles, and she does it autonomously; he isn't much of a trainer lol they're partners! buneary was his first pokemon. he came across it and was so surprised and intrigued by her coat that he came back often until he had eventually befriended her.
the zorua twins are for fun. to call him a hisuian zorua might be an overstatement; I think of it like a genetic mutation that calls back to the fur texture of his ancestors? I don't know if his typing is actually different; his palette is just like normal zoruas! I figure if all you do all day is breed pokemon, then eventually you're going to run into mutations besides just shiny palettes, and they're his trophies when they happen!!!
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docholligay · 6 months ago
Genuinely just contributed to the Harris-Walz campaign because it enters you for a chance to meet them, and, as jetty has observed, Tim Walz is the dad I always wanted.
He hunts (his opener of 'I can shoot pheasants better than JD' had me from the first moment), he owns an International Scout (one of my three dream cars), he is a country boy who is into education and thinking and trying opinions on. I haven't wanted someone to be my dad so bad since I met that farmer in Circle (pop 600) with a poetry degree.
Actually, it's funny-- in the us at least, a fair amount of politicking is about **relatability** and on the national level, I do not relate to these people. I, too, thought Hillary was an upper crust seven sisters snob who couldn't repair a goddamn leaking pipe. I just also thought Donnie couldn't repair the pipe neither, and was a cunt besides. Every time I volunteered for Obama's campaigns i was well aware that someone with such education and clean Midwestern news announcer diction would probably assume things about me from my less clean voice. I just... do not care. Because I am a pragmatist. I can not feel like a special girl sometimes. It's good.
but my wife and I were talking that on a federal level...Walz is the first person either of us has felt like a guy we might know. I would get a beer with him!
This is a shitty endorsement--policy, and not just voiced policy, but what they have voted for in past, should be your guiding star-- and I guess that's because it's not meant to be! But it's the first time I've seen the dems bring out a rural dem... of which I know a number, who doesn't disavow that link.
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stocky2016 · 2 years ago
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“Jacobs ladder” is a man-made stone staircase from the valley bottom in Edale up to Kinder Scout plateau at 636 metres, and is about half a mile of steep stepped pathway., it is largely due to its tough expectation that this description of “strenuous” is the “warning” the guidebook gives to unwary hikers, Jacob, in case you were wondering, was 18th Century farmer responsible for its construction.
The other interest in this walk was it was the location for the famous Trespass demonstration in 1932,
This protest led to the formation of the “National-Park concept” which gave public access to all the lovely country side which privileged landowners had exclusively enjoyed for horse-riding and hunting.
“Jacobs Ladder”
Climbing Jacob's Ladder, nothing seems to matter,
the higher you ascend, life begins to transcend,
The views and heights astound, spectacular on this ground,
whilst climbing Jacob's Ladder, to a chorus of avian sounds.
On Kinder Scout plateau, you bravely take a few strides
past the trig point and rocks, and take in the sights,
This is a long but worthwhile “walk the talk”
and the Kinder Scout experience will make your muscles taut.
Wind-eroded, rock sculptures, are strewn almost everywhere
we renamed a number, those with identities more spectacular.
“Other-worldly” the guide book defines them but to us they assumed
animal pseudonyms ranging from the polite to the vernacular.
From panoramic views of Edale, what photos you can take?
they’re quite awe-inspiring pictures from this elevation,
it's hard to take it all in, with the stunning valley below
the view from the plateau , a spectacular sensation.
Exploring the glorious Derbyshire Dark-Peak horizon
a land of mystical tales and well kept secrets
This stunning landscape of variety was unique with its
rocky mountains and dales, the beauty of propriety.
Exploring the Peak District, you can't help but feel free.
High above the Edale Valley, the early cuckoo calling from below
Progressing across the plateau this is no easy feat
high above the Valley Floor, a labyrinth of decisions to follow.
G.P.S. 18th May 2023
(Pictures self owned)
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venatorco · 8 months ago
The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Hunting Trip
Hunting trips have been a part of the human experience for millennia. From procuring food to fostering a connection with nature, the reasons to embark on a hunting adventure are as diverse as the landscapes hunters explore. If you're considering hunting trips New Zealandwide, but don't know where to start, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to plan a successful and unforgettable experience.
Types of Hunting Trips
Before diving into logistics, it's important to decide what kind of hunting trip you envision. Here's a breakdown of some popular options:
Big Game Hunting: This involves pursuing large animals like deer, elk, moose, or bears. Often set in breathtaking wilderness areas, big game hunts demand physical fitness, patience, and knowledge of tracking and hunting techniques.
Small Game Hunting: Targeting smaller animals like rabbits, squirrels, or waterfowl offers a different challenge. Many small game hunts can be done closer to home, making them ideal for beginners or those seeking a shorter adventure.
Varmit Hunting: This focuses on controlling populations of animals considered pests, such as coyotes or prairie dogs. Varmit hunting often emphasises marksmanship skills and can be a great way to hone your shooting abilities.
Bird Hunting: Whether pursuing ducks, geese, turkeys, or pheasants, bird hunting is a unique experience that often involves trained hunting dogs. Patience, quick reflexes, and camouflage techniques are key to success.
Planning and Preparation
Once you've chosen your target species, meticulous planning is essential. Here are some crucial steps:
Licensing and Regulations: Every state and country has its own big game hunting regulations and licensing requirements. Familiarise yourself with the specific laws for your chosen location and species well in advance. Obtain the necessary permits and licenses to avoid legal trouble.
Research the Area: Research the hunting grounds you plan to visit. Understand the terrain, weather conditions, and animal behavior in that specific area. Consider factors like public or private land access, available resources like camping facilities, and local hunting guides.
Gear Selection: Choose appropriate hunting equipment for the terrain, weather, and target species. Invest in quality clothing that provides camouflage and protection from the elements. Don't forget essential items like a reliable firearm, ammunition, a sturdy backpack, a first-aid kit, and a sharp knife.
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Sharpening Your Skills
Marksmanship: Ensure your hunting trips in New Zealand shooting skills are up to par. Practice regularly at a shooting range to develop accuracy and confidence with your chosen firearm.
Scouting and Tracking: Learn how to identify animal tracks, signs, and habitat preferences. Understanding animal behavior will significantly improve your chances of success. Consider taking a scouting or tracking course for beginners.
Physical Fitness: Hunting often involves challenging hikes through rugged terrain. Prepare yourself physically by building endurance and strength well before your trip.
Ethical Considerations
Hunting is a responsibility that demands respect for wildlife and the environment. Here are some key principles of ethical hunting:
Sustainability: Always hunt within legal limits and quotas to ensure the sustainability of wildlife populations.
Fair Chase: Only pursue animals that have a fair chance of escape. Techniques like spotlighting or using bait on big game are unethical.
Respecting the Kill: Always strive for a clean and humane shot. Wasting meat or leaving an animal to suffer is disrespectful.
The Hunting Experience
Beyond the thrill of the chase, big game hunting trips offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature. The camaraderie shared among hunting companions, the quiet solitude of the wilderness, and the satisfaction of harvesting wild game are all aspects that contribute to an unforgettable experience.
A successful hunting trips in New Zealand requires planning, preparation, and a deep respect for nature. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a curious beginner, embarking on this adventure can be a rewarding journey. Remember, hunting is more than just harvesting an animal; it's about connecting with the natural world, fostering self-reliance, and appreciating the delicate balance of our ecosystem.
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therealoffer · 2 years ago
Finding Wholesale Real Estate Deals: Navigating the Path to Opportunity
Within the dynamic realm of real estate investment, the art of wholesale deal finding is a treasure hunt that unearths hidden gems of opportunity. The journey to discovering potential wholesale properties is akin to navigating uncharted territories, where strategic maneuvers and innovative approaches lead to valuable acquisitions ripe for profitable endeavors so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). This comprehensive guide serves as your compass, unveiling an array of diverse strategies that empower you to source and identify these hidden treasures within the wholesale real estate market. Prepare to embark on a journey that transforms your investment pursuits into a quest for prosperity. In the multifaceted world of real estate, where opportunities are as varied as the landscapes they inhabit, the process of finding wholesale properties demands a deliberate and systematic approach so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). The landscape is replete with properties waiting to be discovered — properties that possess untapped potential for profit and growth. As you step into this realm, you’ll uncover a tapestry of strategies, each designed to open new doors to opportunities.
The realm of wholesale real estate deals is one of vast possibilities, with each strategy offering a unique avenue for potential discovery so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). By tapping into online platforms, you’ll navigate the digital landscape to uncover digital troves of properties. Leveraging local networking, you’ll forge connections that pave the way to off-market opportunities. Exploring off-market properties reveals hidden gems while scouting distressed neighborhoods unveils diamonds in the rough. These strategies form the compass points that guide your journey, each leading you to distinct landscapes of opportunity so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). The essence of wholesale deal discovery lies not only in recognizing the properties that are visible but also in unveiling the potential that remains unseen. It’s about peeling back layers to reveal the true value and hidden opportunities that lie within each property. This guide delves deep into the heart of each strategy, providing insights and tools that enable you to uncover these opportunities, even when they may be obscured so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). In today’s interconnected world, the digital realm is a treasure trove of wholesale real estate opportunities waiting to be unearthed. Online platforms and databases hold the keys to properties that span cities, states, and even countries. The savvy investor can navigate this virtual landscape to pinpoint promising properties. From auction websites offering distressed assets to real estate marketplaces showcasing off-market gems, your screen becomes a window into a world of potential so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). This guide equips you with the skills to sift through listings, analyze property data, and identify the diamonds in the digital rough. As you venture into this realm, remember that strategic online exploration is not just about scrolling through listings, but about deciphering trends, understanding local markets, and ultimately securing properties that hold hidden value so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). In the age of technology, the power of personal connections remains unparalleled. Networking within your local real estate community opens doors to off-market opportunities that often elude the general market’s gaze. Real estate investment clubs, industry events, and community gatherings become platforms for sharing insights, forming partnerships, and unearthing properties before they hit the open market. This guide sheds light on the art of relationship-building and the strategies to nurture connections with real estate agents, fellow investors, and industry insiders. Through genuine relationships, you’ll gain access to a pipeline of properties that might otherwise remain hidden from view. Visit us for more information :- cash buyer in phoenix
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1.Tapping into Online Platforms:
The digital age has revolutionized the way real estate is discovered. Online platforms are treasure troves of potential wholesale properties, waiting to be unearthed so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
1.1. Exploring Listing Websites:
Real estate listing websites like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Redfin showcase a plethora of properties. Filter your searches to uncover distressed properties, motivated sellers, or those listed below market value so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
1.2 Mining Social Media Networks:
Social media platforms, especially Facebook and LinkedIn groups, offer valuable networking opportunities so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Join local real estate groups where investors and wholesalers share leads, insights, and potential deals.
1.3 Scouring Auction Sites:
Online auction platforms like Auction.com and Hubzu feature distressed properties up for bidding so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). These platforms provide a chance to snag properties at prices lower than their market value.
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2. Leveraging Local Networking:
Building connections within your local real estate community can be a potent strategy for discovering wholesale properties so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
2.1 Attending Real Estate Meetups:
Local real estate meetups and networking events provide opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Engaging in discussions can lead to potential deals and partnerships.
2.2 Partnering with Real Estate Agents:
Establish relationships with real estate agents who specialize in distressed properties so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Real estate agents frequently have access to exclusive off-market deals and can serve as a valuable source of leads.
2.3 Collaborating with Wholesalers:
Networking with other wholesalers can open doors to co-wholesaling opportunities or sharing leads on potential deals that may not align with their portfolio so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Visit us for more information :- cash home buyers phoenix
3. Exploring Off-Market Opportunities:
Off-market properties often hold hidden gems that can yield significant profits for astute investors and wholesalers so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
3.1 Direct Mail Campaigns:
Craft targeted direct mail campaigns to reach distressed property owners who may not have listed their properties yet. Personalized messages can pique their interest so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
3.2 Driving for Dollars:
Physically exploring neighborhoods can help you identify distressed properties that show signs of neglect so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Contact the owners directly to explore potential wholesale opportunities.
3.3 Networking with Probate Attorneys:
Probate properties are often prime candidates for wholesale deals so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Establish connections with probate attorneys who can introduce you to heirs looking to sell inherited properties.
4. Scouting Distressed Neighborhoods:
Distressed neighborhoods can offer a treasure trove of potential wholesale properties with substantial profit potential so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
4.1 Identifying Signs of Distress:
Learn to recognize signs of distressed properties, such as overgrown yards, boarded-up windows, and neglected exteriors. These indicators can lead you to potential deals so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
4.2 Engaging with Property Owners:
Approach property owners in distressed neighborhoods with empathy and understanding so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa). Express your interest in helping them with their property challenges, which can open doors for potential wholesale transactions.
4.3 Building Relationships with Local Contractors:
Local contractors often work in distressed neighborhoods and have insights into properties that might be ripe for wholesale deals. Establishing relationships with them can provide valuable leads so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
Through the strategic implementation of these diverse approaches, you’ll navigate the landscape of wholesale real estate deals with finesse. By tapping into online platforms, leveraging local networking, exploring off-market opportunities, and scouting distressed neighborhoods, you’ll uncover properties brimming with potential for profit and success so that houses can be sold safely for good cash (sell my house for cash mesa).
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tsghuntcountryvirginia · 6 years ago
Check out this article on The Scout Guide Hunt Country featured business Wild Roots Apothecary! 
WILD ROOTS APOTHECARY 4 River Lane Sperryville, VA C: [email protected] Follow on Instagram: @wildroots_apothecary
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helenascorpse · 3 years ago
SCOUT: has a gaming/ like a unus annus style channel. Frequently gets all of the others to participate. long running joke about how jerma and him are long lost brothers. does a few speedpaints and tutorial videos from time to time and of course baseball videos. has his own gfuel flavor 😔 calls his subs his “boyz (gender neutral)”
SNIPER: foraging, hunting and survival videos. “Surviving 3 months in the australian outback” “How to use every part of a moose” “how to preserve animal bones” has a ton of thirsty af fans bc he frequently is seen without a shirt in his survival videos and due to his deep voice 😳🫣 has gotten lots of request to do asmr, always says he will do one at 4 million subscribers (currently at 3.8 million 😰) also revealed the fact he can play the sax on a medic livestream and everyone was SHOOK. calls his subscribers “roos”
SOLDIER: educational channel about various wars and general military stuff. also does mre tasting videos and raccoon care taking videos. frequently appears in scouts videos bc this man loves doing dumb shit. one of his videos blew up and the conservatives started flooding in but he immediately was like “FUCK OFF YOU UNAMERICAN ASSHOLES”subscribers are called “cadets”
ENGIE: obviously he does stuff about engineering but also does videos about grilling and southern cuisine. very popular due to his high quality editing, personality and lovely voice. running joke for his channel is people calling him any variation of dad, he prides himself on it because he often gets emails and comments from people telling him about how he is the father figure people wanted growing up. first time he got a comment like that he cried 😭 also does TheBackyardScientist type videos when Scout appears on his channel. also does videos with demo sometimes. does restoration videos also. AND GUITAR AND VOCAL COVERS OF OLD COUNTRY SONGS 😭😭 calls his subscribers his “darlings”
MEDIC: does similar videos to Ask A Mortician. also dove care and has videos on different medical procedures from around the world and from different time periods. also has basic first aid videos on his channel. calls his subscribers “meine kleine tauben” has random little german lessons in his videos sometimes. had his beloved sometimes help him with videos and he became a fan favorite bc… ough lorge hubby with deep voice and medic talked him into making his own channel. plays his violin on livestreams sometimes (engie, demo and sniper sometimes play with him)
HEAVY: reads classic russian and latin on his channel and does teaching videos about the languages he knows and about chess. very vibey and videos you can fall asleep to easily. also tells stories about his family sometimes. does gun care videos too. calls his subscribers his “медвежата” also gets called a dad by people 😭
DEMOMAN: does videos about cryptids and how to hunt them 😰 also does videos about the occult, on how to make your own alcohol (with the help of engie), piano and bagpipe videos also videos on what its like living life with only one eye. subs are called “lads” 🏃🏻
PYRO: gameplay videos / guides. Minecraft and other games like that are a staple on their channel. Do unboxing videos on different subscription boxes containing cute items. also do videos about mental and physical health (specifically concerning burn victims) always provide subtitles as soon as the videos come out so everyone can enjoy and understand them. also… plush restoration and doll customization videos… subscribers are called “matches” or “lil sparks” and are very protective of pyro
SPY: does film reviews and video essays on like topics that only a niche group of people appreciate. also does very high quality and realistic sfx makeup plus makeup reviews and rant videos about shitty brands. also due to his vast knowledge on languages and different cultures he dies a lot of videos on that plus videos on wine and suits cuz hes a fancy bitch. (and no heidi im sorry but imagining spy as the nostalgia critic makes me want to scream so he is going to be NORMAL)
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thescoutguide · 5 years ago
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EDITOR PICKS: HUNT COUNTRY, VA | How do you make the most of a visit to Hunt Country, Virginia? According to @TSGHuntCountry editor Nelina Loiselle, “The best way to see Hunt Country is by horseback, but a car will do! Plan a road trip down winding country roads past vineyards, horse farms, and grand historic estates—many of which, like @theblackhorseinn, are idyllic wedding venues. Only an hour from D.C., you can come for a day or week. Be sure to book a room and dinner @glengordonmanorva or @thebluedoorkitchen. In spring, enjoy a day at the races watching horses speed over jumps with the blue ridge as a backdrop. Summer is ideal for a visit to @greenhillwinery followed by a picnic while you take in a polo match nearby. Fall brings the @middleburgfilmfest, art tours, leaf-peeping, and a bounty of local food to our tables @thewholeox, and nowhere is more festive for the holidays than Hunt Country. You’ll love shopping at our local boutiques, like @ashbymaeboutique, @augustgeorges_, @terri_pakravan, @baileywyckantiques, @chloesofmiddleburg, @domestic_aspirations, @elizabeth_locke_jewels, @naturecomposed, @southerly_house, @thefoxpheasant, @tricountyfeeds, and @trystgallery so much it will become tradition. While many of the places I mentioned aren’t welcoming in-person visitors at the moment, now is the time to plan your trip.” Find more ways to connect with Nelina and @TSGHuntCountry here: https://thescoutguide.com/hunt-country-va/editors/
| Photo: @victoriaheerphotography
0 notes
samedmunds · 3 years ago
My litany thoughts on 1999 cult classic strategy video game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
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Alpha Centauri is a game of the early Civilization variety from the EA golden age and ranks very highly in my top ten. While you probably heard of it if you were playing video games around the turn of the century, I've found members of my age cohort to be tragically unfamiliar with this masterpiece.
Alpha Centauri is an unofficial sequel to Civilization II, a game where the only way to way to win is either completely eliminate all competitors to the last city or, rather more easily, send a spaceship loaded with colonists to the title star system. Shortly after leaving home, the ship loses contact with Earth, which would make sense to a player of Civilization II where the bonuses to science and trade from democracies evaporate when technology ends, upon which point all the AIs revolt and become militant fundamentalist theocracies and climate change rapidly destroys the planet, leaving the player with an endgame that is literally 1984. Either way, when the already strained ship arrives at the Alpha Centauri system an unknown partisan assassinates the captain of the UNS Unity and the population fractures into seven opposing factions before firing the colony pods and exploring an inconveniently hostile planet.
The player starts here, in typical Civ fashion: a scout, settler, and absolutely no technology to speak of. That isn't to say you are a bunch of primitives, all your units start out with some approximation to modern guns and judging by the amazing quotes and wonder videos your society is well beyond the 21st century--more on the story later. The gameplay is incredibly well-balanced in spite of its age and quirks (with the exception of the freight-train progression of Yang). Rapid early expansion as the bountiful Peacekeepers may leave you at serious risk to the relentlessly martial Spartans, who are in turn threatened by the uber-specialized technocratic University--but be careful to underestimate the backwards Lord's Believers, their probe teams will just as quickly rob you of your gains. The Morganites can afford to sparsely defend their home if they're willing to pay off their aggressors, but they'll struggle expand over great swaths of territory without irking civil unrest drone riots from corruption. Meanwhile the Gaian Acolytes can harness the permanently-dangerous mindworms to great effect from the beginning of the game. Yang just... builds. And keeps building, and next thing you know he's conquered the Peacekeepers and turned Miriam into nothing more than a puppet and where are all these cruise missiles are coming from?
In short, the strategic design of this game is nothing less than a work of art, but that isn't to say it doesn't have its anachronisms. The User Interface has taken its inspiration from early versions of Microsoft Word and it rapidly pays off to know the hotkeys. The wonder videos are resolution locked and can sometimes cause problems depending on your display configuration. The unit creation system is simultaneously wonderful and horrendous. It allows me to create special long-range nerve gas bombers that eradicate cities shortly before orbitally-dropping specially-trained garrisons to quash all resistance. On the other hand, if you do not accept the cumbersome slew of computer-generated options, keeping your new weapons systems up to date with your latest technology (especially when playing as Zakharov) rapidly becomes a chore.
That said, there are a variety of features in the game that I think deserve to make a reappearance in the Civ Games. The pick-your-government system is incredibly balanced and fun to roleplay. You can't get away with crimes against humanity when solar storms hit in Civilization VI, nor can you weaponise climate change to flood your rivals cities, or strategically terraform to alter weather patterns and deny your neighbors arable land. At the bare minimum, we should be given the option to nerve staple rebelling cities when our control runs out!
All that said, there is also the story to contend with. One is at first tempted to think that a 4x strategy game with a marked emphasis on replayability would necessarily have a tacked-on story, if one at all. After all, the point is for the player to create it through their actions, not have it spoonfed to them. The majority of what you learn about your world that isn't printed in numbers and small pictures on the mapscreen is through blurbs that accompany each discovered technology or new building. The aforementioned wonders even have their adorable early-CG renderings, sometimes mixed in with some experimental film footage. There are occasional interludes that describe the mindworms and machinations of Planet, but the bulk of the wordage comes from epigrams of the faction leaders and the occasional bit of Nietzsche or Plato. It's so good that I can't help but stop and listen to CEO Nbwadibuke Morgan ramble on about supply chain economics or Sister Miriam's apocalyptic warnings every single time. Take some examples.
Proper care and education for our children remains a cornerstone of our entire colonization effort. Children not only shape our future; they determine in many ways our present. Men and women work harder knowing their children are safe and close at hand, and never forget that, with children present, parents will defend their home to the death!
--Col. Corazon Santiago, "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"
Or perhaps, a more on the nose one:
"The Academician's private residences shall remain off-limits to the Genetic Inspectors. We possess no retroviral capability, we are not researching retroviral engineering, and we shall not allow this Council to violate faction privileges in the name of this ridiculous witch hunt!
--Fedor Petrov, Vice Provost for University Affairs Accompanies the Retroviral Engineering technology
The game often doesn't directly tell you what Retroviral engineering is, nor does it labor to explain just what having someone nerve stapled means, or the precise function of the Recycling Tanks, but through its quotation it beautifully circumlocutes the world you are shaping--and being shaped by. It really never pulls any of its punches, even if its just on Organic Superlube--great stuff--and I still catch muself quoting it regularly.
Ursula LeGuin once wrote
"Science fiction is often described, and even defined, as extrapolative. The science fiction writer is supposed to take a trend or phenomenon of the here-and-now, purify and intensify it for dramatic effect, and extend it into the future. 'If this goes on, this is what will happen.' [...] This may explain why many people who read science fiction describe it as 'escapist,' but when questioned further, admit they do not read it because 'it's so depressing.'"
Alpha Centauri is absolutely extrapolative fiction and very firmly rooted in the 1990s and I love it. It was released in the Aaron Sorkin TV, pre-9/11 days where the word Internet was more often than not followed by the words, "is like an information superhighway" and it absolutely no efforts are made to cover it up. The main factions are a cross-section of the New Millenium's hopes and anxieties. A New Russia that went a very different path before Putin took over, a cheerful clan of ruthless Western capitalists hellbent on putting Morganvision on every network set, a group of vaguely Scottish free-love peaceniks hellbent on defending the most-of-the-time incredibly hostile environment. There's the Second-Amendment preaching Spartans or the optimistically-influential UN which, judging by its naming scheme for its bases, seems to dedicate entire cities to bureaucratic agencies. The All-American Christian fundamentalists don't entirely butt heads with the frighteningly powerful Human-Hive (if your country calls their cities names like "Huddling of the People" and "Paradise Swarming" you might not be the good guys). The expansion also brings in more dynamic characters like the Information Wants to be Free! data angels Brian Reynolds very clearly came up with after watching Swordfish and Hackers back to back or the Nautilus Pirates who have no right to be as fun as they are.
The visions of the future are at once both anachronistic and prophetic; while elements may come off as cheese, I see it as a sort of window to the past, a way to examine what was once (and sometimes still is) on our mind. All in all, I give Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri 4 out of 5 stars and a definite all-time favorite, warts and all. You can pick it and its expansion up for $6 on Gog.com and play it through a built-in emulator that works for most systems. If you're willing to brave a dated interface and an older-fashioned gameplay style, I would definitely recommend it.
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rinzis · 4 years ago
writing about my new genshin oc??? okay?????okay!!!!!! i’m on mobile so i can’t add the read more option i’m so sorry
name: kiyoharu misa
birthday: august 3rd
sex/pronouns: female, she/her
region: inazuma
constellation: lunam lilia
vision: electro
weapon: sword
rarity: 5*
title: princess of the kiyoharu household, moonlit swordsmaiden (unofficial)
affiliation: kiyoharu clan, the resistance
the princess of the fallen household kiyoharu. she carries a patterned umbrella which she is seldom seen without, and within which lies her precious katana. a gentle yet influential soul, she is well known for her impressive swordsmanship throughout the resistance in inazuma.
character story
character details
at first glance, people might not think that kiyoharu misa was anything special. seeing a young woman strolling through the land of inazuma carrying an intricate paper umbrella would not faze anyone. but, under this delicate guise, misa conceals both her dear katana and her vision.
the princess of the kiyoharu household is known to be a gentle soul who yearns for freedom from the raiden shogun and the tenryou commission. since her childhood, she has always been fascinated by the moon and its rays, a particular trait of kiyoharu descendants. misa earned herself the title of ‘moonlit swordsmaiden’ after combining her unparalleled swordsmanship with her illuminated vision.
story 1
the kiyoharu clan was once a widely respected and loved clan across inazuma. the household was known for its tendency to produce talented swordsmen who earn themselves visions through selflessness and helping others, and for this reason they were seen as high nobility. however, members of the kiyoharu household were reluctant in hiring many maids or servants - they believe that if one can be capable of harnessing the power gifted by gods through blade alone, one should also be able to cook a simple meal, or wash their own clothing. through this doctrine the kiyoharu descendants earned themselves unwavering respect from all citizens of inazuma, and even the raiden shogun herself - for a while.
story 2
descendants such as misa are taught from a young age to honour their ancestors, but also those who currently serve inazuma as well. misa excelled in swordsmanship, being able to wield a blade so gracefully to the point where it appeared as though she was dancing, using it as simply an accessory. the leader of the clan gifted to her a delicate paper umbrella, and he spoke to her these words: “do not mistake kindness for weakness. from dainty petals drip deadly poisons.”, and with that, misa understood her duty. she would protect the citizens of inazuma with her life, with her dainty umbrella and deadly blade at her side. she is seldom seen without either.
story 3
the kiyoharu clan were known best for the number of descendants who possess visions. thus, when the vision hunt decree was issued, the tenryou commission sought out every member of the household owning a vision. misa’s family would rather have died than hand over their precious visions. despite their unyielding fighting spirit, the kiyoharu household was overcome by the sheer numbers in the tenryo commission. there were supposedly no survivors, but it just so happened that the young kiyoharu misa was dispatched on a mission on behalf of the household the day it fell. the young swordsmaiden returned to her home in ruins, her whole life taken from her. she knew at that moment that as the sole descendant of the kiyoharu household, she would avenge her clan and return lost visions to those who suffer at the hands of the tenryo commission.
story 4
misa met all sorts of people on her journey through inazuma as a vision-bearing fighter, the most notable of all being the ronin kaedehara kazuha. she used to live a life of solitude in a small house near the edge of the islands of inazuma, but this life of solitude was changed upon seeing the rain-soaked samurai appear at her doorstep one evening. seeing each other’s visions, misa realised that kazuha was not a threat at all. the days they spent together inspired misa to venture out, to find the resistance in inazuma alongside the swordsman and reclaim justice for the fallen. and so, she left yet another life behind to travel with kazuha through inazuma in search of everything and nothing at all. nights of listening to the ronin’s musings and conversing under the moonlight unknowingly planted a blossom in misa’s heart, one which would remain there forever.
story 5
misa and kazuha’s travels took them all across inazuma. despite them both being wanted for their visions, the tenryo commission’s lackeys and treasure hoarders were no match for the pair’s skill in bladework. misa secretly yearned day after day for any sign of affection or mutuality from the young samurai, but as the princess of a famed clan she chose to remain composed and calm about the whole ordeal. however, when the ronin told the princess of his plan to leave inazuma with the crux fleet, he explained that he did not want to take this life from her. he confessed that his musings and haikus about the heart and its desires he so often shared with her were about her, and that his own heart would belong eternally to her. thus, he left her with a simple promise. “the wind will bring us together once again, misa. i will return home to you, and then will i forever devote myself to you. this i promise, my princess.”
the kiyoharu sword dance
those who have witnessed kiyoharu misa in battle often note how she appears more to be dancing than harshly fighting. the kiyoharu household drew its strength and style in battle from the moon and its light, and they channeled this into their blades during battle. misa’s god given agility combined with this graceful power leads ultimately to her captivating swordsmanship. with the electro imbued in her blade, misa is all too capable in taking down foes with ease. in the night hours, a stroll down to a clearing or open beach may lead you to find the princess honing her blade under the silver of the moon, with a sword that never sleeps. she is renowned throughout the resistance as one of the most talented swordswomen in inazuma.
the vision
misa was granted her vision during a particularly dangerous incident during her early training years. one fateful evening, she was out with other kiyoharu swordsmen, practicing her skills with her blade in the open country.
“lady misa, please remain here while we briefly survey the area. we have had reports of active treasure hoarders roaming this area, and we would hate for anything to happen to you at this time. we will be back shortly.”
and so, they left her on the path to scout the surrounding land. clutching the hilt of her sword, the very thought of being ambushed by grown men with malicious intentions worried misa, especially since she hadn’t obtained a vision yet. but alas, how wrong her fellow swordsmen were.
“well, what do we have here? the prestigious kiyoharu misa, is it? count ourselves lucky boys, it’s just the one we were after.”, drawled the advancing treasure hoarders.
her hands trembled on her sword. how could she possible deter these twenty, no, thirty treasure hoarders alone? glancing down at her sheathed blade, misa wondered if she’d see her family again.
no, why was she thinking like this?
steady yourself, misa. focus on your breathing. the dance will go on. your blade does not rest.
she draws her sword.
to the young swordsmaiden’s surprise, a new energy unlike anything she had witnessed before struck her senses. and so she danced, her blade piercing the air and with it bringing down the treasure hoarders in quick succession. but she could only go on for so long.
panting, misa retreated towards the edge of the river. the men relentlessly kept on coming, and she knew she was almost completely spent. her legs and hands quivered, and her mind raced with prayers to the goddess baal. with a small breath, she spoke these words:
“archons, guide me. i beg, lend me your strength.”
a faint crackling filled the air, before a tremendous burst of silver lightning struck the ground before her. the sword in her hands glowed a pale purple, and it was then that she realised the archons had answered her prayers. wielding this newfound power, she swung her blade with a new fervour.
twenty, no, thirty treasure hoarders lay at the princess of the kiyoharu household’s feet. the chime of a small ornament hitting the ground was the only sound after the crackling died down. at long last, kiyoharu misa’s vision had been granted to her by the gods. holding the electro vision in her hands, she whispered these words:
“the dance will go on.”
voice lines
“i’m kiyoharu misa, nice to meet you! l-lady misa? oh no, please — there’s really no need for the formalities. i’m just as ordinary as you are. say, how about we travel together for a while? i’m sure your stories are bound to keep me entertained on our arduous journeys.”
chat: urgency
“a storm is brewing… let’s keep moving.”
chat: resting
“you’d like to rest? alright, want to share a quick meal?”
chat: sword
“i should really polish my sword soon…”
when it rains
“my my, it seems the heavens really have opened. let’s find shelter quickly, i’d hate to continue travelling in this weather.”
after the rain
“the lingering scent of the rain is one of my most favourite smells… for me, it heralds a fresh start. well, come on then! shall we head off?”
when it snows
“hmm… i really do enjoy the snow. especially when the moonlight casts a glimmering sheen over the world, enveloping inazuma in a soft silver. i hope we can witness it together sometime.”
when the wind is blowing
“i have a friend who adores the wind. he left some time ago, but i know he will return home to me one day. sometimes i wonder if i can hear his voice catching on the breeze, lines of poetry drifting along with it. hey, don’t give me that look! we’re just… uh… friends...”
good morning
“[sigh] i’m really not much of a morning person. i’m certainly not on my best form in the late morning hours… oh, you’re ready to leave already? r-right, i’ll be ready as soon as possible!”
good afternoon
“hmm, i’m feeling a little hungry… would you like to grab a bite to eat? no, it’s alright - there are inns up ahead that know the resistance. we’ll be just fine. and, if not, we have our blades. heh.”
good evening
“the setting sun is particularly pretty this evening. once the storm has fully settled, i hope to see the true beauty of the inazuman skies once again. i will see that vision to the end.”
good night
“you’re heading to sleep? alright, sleep well. me? well… the moon is my friend, i suppose. a little sword dance under its light helps me retain my focus. i won’t be too long, don’t worry.”
about kiyoharu misa
“my umbrella? oh, it was a gift from the leader of the kiyoharu household when i was born. i had it altered to accommodate the length and width of my sword - see? though it appears to be but a dainty paper umbrella, what lies within is a retribution sentence. it is my will given form.”
about us: kiyoharu origin
“my title as princess of the kiyoharu clan is something i will carry with me forever. despite the unjust fall of my household, i will bring back its honour. the raiden shogun’s vision hunt decree stripped my family of their lives, thus i swear i will reclaim justice. for them, and for the future.”
about us: kiyoharu motto
“the motto of the kiyoharu household is: “with grace and with fortitude.”, and i channel this saying into my sword whenever i draw it. it is the foundation for the kiyoharu way of life.”
about us: sword art
“ah, i see you have taken an interest in my fighting style. for me, fighting with a sword should not just be about the battle. it is an art, and i find myself overindulging in the grace and fluidity of swordsmanship all too often.”
about the vision
“my vision? i see it as a way of showing solidarity against the oppressive raiden shogun. i do not wish to hide that which is so dear to me, and that which forges my identity. this vision is my symbol of strength, and the tenryo commission who seeks it will be met with my unyielding blade.”
something to share
“i’m not sure how long you will be in inazuma for, but traveler - one day, i’d like to take you to a festival here. they are truly wonderful, and members of the resistance always find ourselves sneaking in to witness them as well. ever since i was young, i’ve loved them so much, and i’d love to share this memory with you as a reminder of your time in inazuma.”
interesting things
“traveler, is it true that in liyue there are gods that walk amongst the people? huh… adepti you say… so, they just co-exist with mortals peacefully? you’ve met them?! wow… it seems i underestimated your power! just what else have you witnessed since being in teyvat…”
about kazuha: relationships
“kaedehara kazuha? ahem… well… yes, i suppose you could say that we are… lovers, of sorts. on his final night here, he left me with a single promise. i often spend nights staring up at the moon with him in my mind. i will wait for him, for as long as it takes, i know that i will see him again one day. i know that he will return home soon.”
about kazuha: poetry
“kazuha would often recite haikus to me as we’d live together when he was here. i remember him arriving at my doorstep, drenched in rain from head to toe, and i hadn’t the heart to turn him away. he stayed for a while, and after a few days i decided to risk it all for him. the bond we share… is unbreakable. if you see him, let him know that i am waiting for him.”
about kamisato ayaka
“i have a lot of respect for the princess of the kamisato clan. she conducts herself in a light i admire greatly, and she and i are close friends. her swordsmanship is just as impressive, and i would love it if we could spar once more as we used to. perhaps i will visit her soon…”
about yoimiya
“yoimiya? oh, of course - festivals in inazuma aren’t complete without a firework show organised by her. i have also heard her skills with a bow are unique, to say the least. paired with her passion for fireworks, i assume the combination work… interestingly in battle.”
about sayu
“hm? sayu… you mean the ninja who resides in the forests? i can’t say i’ve seen much of her… which is odd, considering she wields that great claymore…”
about gorou
“oh, gorou! i know him very well, actually. he was one of the first people i befriended as part of the resistance. he is a sound fighter, and i believe he can achieve great things. perhaps i can see him again soon.”
about the raiden shogun
“the raiden shogun… her despicable vision hunt decree… the tenryo commission… i detest it all. to see so many people’s dreams stripped, to see the colour fade from so many precious hopes… i will see to it that this is all restored. i cannot sympathise with a god who robs her people of their dreams.”
more about kiyoharu misa i
“you’d like to know more about me? i’m flattered. i know that your journey through inazuma won’t be easy, so please don’t hesitate to drop by every once in a while. my blade never rests, after all.”
more about kiyoharu misa ii
“the carvings on my sword are most intricate. a swordsmaiden’s weapon is her will. i find myself staring at the moon night after night, and the patterns on my sword are a tribute to the power it lends me.”
more about kiyoharu misa iii
“you want to know about my title? well, moonlit swordsmaiden refers to the way i utilise my vision. the light of the moon reflects through the electro element, and i believe that through this combination i can convey the power of the resistance.”
more about kiyoharu misa iv
“i’m an only child, so the fate of the kiyoharu clan rests in my hands. traveler, i believe that through knowing you i have become a better person. i hope that you will visit inazuma once again.”
more about kiyoharu misa v
“here, this is for you. it’s a charm made from pure sea glass. the way the sun and moonlight reflects through its unique colours is a rare sight to behold. i suppose this is a thank you gift, for everything we’ve been through together.”
kiyoharu misa’s hobbies
“my hobbies? well, in the late night and early morning hours, i enjoy heading down to a secluded beach and basking in the moonlight. those hours are the perfect opportunity to practice swordsmanship, and the art of sword dancing too. besides that, i suppose i enjoy embroidery too, although i’m not particularly good at it…”
kiyoharu misa’s troubles
“i often worry about the other members of the resistance. i find myself questioning as to whether they still have their visions, or even their lives. on top of that, i hope that one day i will be reunited with my lover… i pray that he too made it out safely.”
favorite food
“my mother used to make the most takoyaki. my family weren’t so insistent on having maids running around when we could cook everything ourselves, so i would always snack on my mother’s dishes. even today, the taste of takoyaki brings back vivid memories of my mother.”
least favourite food
“honestly, i’m not much of a picky eater, but i’m not too fond of anything containing fish eggs…”
“happy birthday! it’s a special day for you today. is there anything in particular you’d like? no, don’t be silly, of course i’ll get it for you! seeing as you’ve helped me this far, it’s only right that i give something back to you! on top of that, if there’s anything you ever need at all, i’ll be sure to help you out, friend.”
feelings about ascension: intro
“my blade only grows stronger. let’s continue working hard.”
feelings about ascension: building up
“how to describe this feeling… lightweight, but more powerful. the dance will go on.”
feelings about ascension: climax
“with each passing day, my blade grows keener. the moon seems more radiant than ever before.”
feelings about ascension: conclusion
“i believe i owe you a great thanks. the moonlight that rains down on the world will forever be in your favour, traveler. both you and i will improve leaps and bounds from here on out.”
addition to party
“are we heading off?”
“alright, ready when you are.”
“it’s time, let’s go.”
elemental skill
“will of my sword!”
“shrouded in moonlight!”
(convergence) “cut them blind!”
(convergence) “beams, converge!”
elemental burst
“kiyoharu art: carver of radiance!”
“dance of death.”
“face my blade!”
“i thought… we’d meet… again…”
“friends… i’m sorry…”
“no… i wasn’t… done…”
normal attack - kiyoharu sword art
perform up to 5 consecutive attacks with a sword.
charged attack: consume a set amount of stamina to unleash a more powerful attack, dealing physical dmg to enemies.
plunging attack: plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents in an aoe upon impact.
elemental skill - remnants of moonlight
tap once: kiyoharu misa dashes quickly forwards, dealing electro dmg to enemies in her path. she leaves a thunderblade at her starting and end point of her dash.
tap again: the thunderblades converge with kiyoharu misa as the focal point, creating a triangular zone of convergence. enemies within the zone of convergence are dealt electro dmg and are knocked up. a mark of radiance is applied to enemies within the zone of convergence.
if the skill is not reactivated, the two thunderblades will converge in a line after 4s. marks of radiance last for 12s.
elemental burst - kiyoharu art: carver of radiance
kiyoharu misa leaps into the air, before plunging down and dealing a powerful slash to enemies, dealing massive electro dmg. for 3s after her slash, thunder strikes will crash down on enemies who are marked by mark of radiance, dealing extra electro dmg.
passive 1 - swordsmaiden’s revenge
enemies affected by a mark of radiance will take 15% more damage from kiyoharu misa’s normal and charged attacks.
passive 2 - thundering retribution
kiyoharu misa’s crit dmg is increased by 10% for 5s after a zone of convergence is activated.
natural passive - lightning clarity
all party members’ crit dmg is increased by 10% when kiyoharu misa is in the party.
constellation 1: tenacity of lightning
the duration of thunderblades on the field is increased to 6s, and the duration of marks of radiance on enemies is increased to 16s.
constellation 2: shredding thunder
enemies marked by marks of radiance have their elemental res decreased by 20%.
constellation 3: roots of kiyoharu
the level of kiyoharu art: carver of radiance is increased by 3.
constellation 4: fatal reunion
if there are more than 5 enemies within the zone of convergence cast by remnants of moonlight, the cooldown is decreased by 3s.
constellation 5: swordsmaiden’s unwavering will
the level of remnants of moonlight is increased by 3.
constellation 6:
kiyoharu art: carver of radiance deals 50% more dmg to enemies previously affected by electro.
kiyoharu misa is a young woman and is of average height, with light brown hair, tied half up in a braided bow and then tied at the very bottom. she has bangs which frame her face. her eyes are deep gray-purple, and she has a small scar across the bridge of her nose. her outfit is coordinated with white and lavender colours, and her paper umbrella is also patterned with lavender coloured lightning and flower patterns.
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i’m horrible at art so here’s a fun picrew of misa …… this isn’t what she’d wear but it’s the closest thing to what i was imagining ig …… also the band aid is supposed to be her lil scar LOL
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heademptyjustvolleyballs · 5 years ago
Karasuno Back Country Camping
Backcountry camping is done in remote, isolated areas where groups need to be entirely self-sufficient. It usually requires canoeing, hiking, or climbing to reach the site.
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Daichi Sawamura: Brings a family size tent so friends can share. Scouted the site ahead of time and basically organized the whole excursion (it’s a captain thing). Brings the cooking supplies and camp suds.  He’s scheduled group activities for everyone, but once he gets there, he just wants to sit in a folding chair by the fire and watch the clouds.
Koushi Sugawara: At the beginning of the trip his phone's on airplane mode, he packed a book, and he's excited to spend some time off the grid. By day 3, he's taking hour long hikes away from the site, desperate to find a data signal. Eats an entire bag’s worth of marshmallows in a night and makes himself sick. Mosquitos and deer flies ignore him the lucky bastard.
Asahi Azumane: Came fully prepared for the worst case scenario. He brought bear spray, flares, whistles, enough first aid supplies to stock an ambulance... and yet somehow managed to forget his sleeping bag. Brought an axe in case they have to chop wood for the fire, but someone else has to use it because it makes him nervous. Packs everything in waterproof compression sacks & his backpack is super organized. 
Yuu Nishinoya: Packs super light: minimal food & clothes, supplies & entertainment. Sleeps in one of those hammock tents so he doesn’t have to search for level ground. Favourite day time activity is finding that perfect diving rock and jumping in the lake. DIdn’t pack a towel so he has to lay out in the sun to dry off, or use a t-shirt. Prone to wandering off alone to explore the area around the site. Will probably return with mushrooms or berries that he cannot confirm aren’t poisonous.
Ryuunosuke Tananka: Only brought 1 pair of shoes on the trip. They aren’t proper camping shoes, and they get so waterlogged, muddy, and gross he’s going to have to burn them when he gets home. We aren’t even going to talk about the state (and stank) of his feet (RIP Tanaka’s tentmate). Walks around the campsite practically naked. Definitely skinny dips in the lake. Never cooks or offers to do dishes.
Chikara Ennoshita: He’s one of those gourmet back-country types. Sure, bringing more fresh food is extra bulk & weight, but he thinks having a real meal in the middle of the woods is worth it. Invested in kevlar no-tear bags to safely store food overnight. Keeps his cellphone off the entire trip, but brings an actual camera to document the adventure. Makes fun little slideshows from the pictures he takes on the trip. Tells the best scary campfire stories.
Hisashi Kinoshita: He camps so frequently that his bag is always packed and he can be ready to go really quickly.  However, any trip longer than four days has him itching (figuratively and literally) for a shower and starting to get anxious to go home. Brings extra bug spray. Doesn’t own any fancy camping gear except for a camping hammock, he’ll sleep in it on really nice nights. Keeps a camping journal with maps, drawing, notes, etc. that is better than any field guide on the market.
Kazuhito Narita:  Takes him the longest to set up his tent-- he really should have invested in a pop-up to avoid dealing with all the poles. Has watched 1 too many episodes of Survivorman and thinks he’s going to have to Bear Grylls his way through every difficulty he encounters. He’s fully ready to live off the land-- he brought a fishing rod, hunting knife, and wilderness food guide (there’s also 10 packs of instant ramen in his backpack). Once lit a fire just using two sticks and he won’t let you forget it.
Tobio Kageyama: Brought a single-person tent because he doesn’t want to share, but regrets it because he can hear EVERY animal scurrying by at night. Not great at camp cooking but at least he’ll offer to do the dishes. Poor baby has to soak a bandana in bug spray and wear it around his neck all the time because he gets eaten alive. Didn’t bring any rain gear so he has to wait out storms in his tent. Lives off of beef jerky & raisins, no one knows how he isn’t dying of indigestion.
Shoyo Hinata: He’s over-excited and over-packed!  Half the stuff he brings never leaves his backpack.  Runs around the camp barefoot & climbs trees for fun during the day. Manages to see all the wildlife-- otters, foxes, rare birds, snakes-- but by the time he points them out to others, they’re gone.  Hates lake swimming (the lake bed is slimy and he didn’t bring water shoes), so he only gets in the water for quick dips when he starts feeling nasty. Wears a whistle around his neck at all times because if he ventures away from the site, he WILL get lost.
Kei Tsukkishima: No matter how comfy his sleeping pad is, he cannot sleep in a tent and resigns himself to being sleep deprived and extra grumpy the entire time. Offers to bring & make breakfast every morning because it’s not like he’s sleeping in. Can build a functional rain shelter in under 10 minutes with no assistance (it’s a very appreciated gift). Spends the whole trip at the site, he’s too tired to do any hiking or canoeing. Wears the same clothes the whole trip, but washes them with camp suds daily. 
Tadashi Yamaguchi: Borrows most of his gear from more experienced friends, which makes him extra cautious when setting up camp. Made his own fire-starters and lanterns, just to feel extra outdoorsy. Always sunscreened up and wearing a hat. Brings the best snacks, and remembered a portable speaker for the tunes! Terrified of having to shit in the woods.
(I’m going to put the girls on a separate camping trip... stay tuned)
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asweethistory · 5 years ago
S’mores Scouts
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Peach Pit Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers and Roasted Marshmallows
Wanting to create an organization that taught young girls that they could accomplish anything, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low, held the first Girl Scout meeting on March 12, 1912 in Savannah, Georgia. 
As an accident-prone and sickly child growing up in Savannah, Chicago, and New York, Juliette spent most of her energy on art and poetry. With the help of her cousins, she formed the Helpful Hands Club, which made clothing for Italian immigrant children. Her nickname was often altered to “Crazy Daisy” due to her spontaneity and eccentricity. In her early 20s, Juliette traveled to Europe and learnt how to write shorthand, ride bareback, and hunt birds. In 1886, Juliette married William Low, but because of long bouts of separation, his gambling, and Juliette’s inability to have children, the relationship was rocky. While she was home alone, Juliette continued her passion for painting and took up wood- and metalworking.  She also focused on charity work, which William did not support. By the turn of the century, after the revelation of William’s adultery, the couple proceeded with a divorce, although William died before it was finalized, leaving everything to his mistress. Juliette contested the will and ultimately received their Savannah home.
Looking for a new purpose, Juliette met the founder of the Boy Scouts in 1911. After getting involved in the female offshoot of the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides, Juliette started her own organization. Although she originally wanted it to be the sister organization of the Boy Scouts, there was other competition, most notably from the Camp Fire Girls, ran by the chief executive of the Boy Scouts, James West, who promoted strict gender roles. Juliette moved forward with renaming her group the Girl Scouts, a decision that West opposed because he believed that boys wouldn’t be comfortable sharing the name with girls. 
Juliette went on to develop a national headquarters and spread Girl Scouting across the country. She wanted girls to learn self-sufficiency and to understand that life existed outside of traditional womanly duties. On camping trips, the girls learned first aid, astronomy, sports, and math. With the U.S. entering WWI, the Girl Scouts grew and supported the war effort by farming and canning their own food. They also collected and donated peach pits to the Army, since it had been recently discovered that stone fruit pits could be turned into charcoal, which helped to absorb deadly gas. The Girl Scouts were second to the Red Cross in accumulating peach pits, using signs with messages like “You save peach seeds, you will save soldier’s lives.”
In 1920, Juliette pivoted from leading the national organization to traveling and advancing its reach abroad. At the time, the organization had 70,000 members, a number that more than doubled by 1930. Juliette died of breast cancer and lead poisoning at age 66. She was buried in her Girl Scout uniform, the pocket of which contained a note that read, "You are not only the first Girl Scout, but the best Girl Scout of them all."
Today, we know the Girl Scouts foremost for their cookies, which they begin selling in 1917, but there is another sweet treat that is attributed to the scouts. Ten years after they sold their first cookies, a recipe for “Some More” was published in a 1927 Girl Scout guide called “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.” The name of the chocolate, marshmallow, graham cracker sandwich wasn’t shortened to s’more until after 1971. Of course, these treats had been tasted before they were promoted by the Scouts, but it was the Girl Scouts who popularized and named our favorite campfire dessert. Interestingly, the history of marshmallows and graham crackers themselves makes an ironic contrast when then are mushed together: In the late 19th century, marshmallow roasts were known to be great places for sensual flirting, while early in the century, minister Sylvester Graham invented the graham cracker to kill libido.
Never affiliating with the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts always swayed more progressive and preached inclusivity. Juliette,  who had gone deaf at age 17, wanted no disabled girl to feel unwelcomed. Starting in the 1930s, their resources were published in Braille. This attitude was maintained throughout the Girls Scouts history. In 2011, despite haters, a Colorado troop became the first to admit a trans girl. That being said, though, the Girl Scouts were segregated until the 1950s. Yet, Martin Luther King Jr. called them “a force of desegregation” in 1956. The Boy Scouts did not desegregate until the 1970s.
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ofhoneyandrosepetals · 5 years ago
Spooky Little Stories - Halloween special series (Tale I - Bjorn)
Pairing: Modern!Bjorn x OFC
Description: in this Halloween special series you’ll follow five tales, which one of them with a different Ragnarsson and a different pairing! A group of five friends travel to Kattegat in the last week of October to see if what people tell of that little town is true...
Every week a new chapter!
Warnings: swearings and mentions of sex.
Word count: 2,911
A/N: due to Tumblr’s links problems, I’m not going to put here the link for my masterlist and my ask, but you all can keep up with the link for my masterlist in my bio!
It was the spooky season, as my friends had told me, like if I didn’t know that. Of course I knew it, with all of them screaming that all the time as the 1st October arrived. I wasn’t one for Halloween, or even autumn - I rather be at somewhere sunny right now, sat under a coconut tree watching as the waves come and go in their incessant agony.
I liked the warm that surrounded me, the feeling of the sun burning my skin, leaving it golden, and autumn was the complete opposite of that - it was coldish and everything was grey and that weird tone of orange.
Plus, I hated pumpkins.
When I was a child my dad used to put that scarecrow in front of our house during Halloween that had a pumpkin head and that shit just terrified the shit out of me.
“We need to go to Kattegat,” Kimmy said, waking me up from my own thoughts.
“Katte-what?” I asked.
“Kattegat. Never heard of it?” My other friend, Halston, asked.
“No, what is it?” I asked, completely unaware of whatever it was.
“It’s a little town located by the shore of Norway. It has the reputation of being cursed, full of creatures…” Kimmy was coming closer to me in an attempt to give me a jumpscare, but I cut her off.
“What? Do all of you really want to cross the world, to extreme north of Europe in the middle of October just to visit a boring little town? Where is all the money coming from?” I said a little cranky. I was always a little cranky.
“My parents, of course. Since I got dumped, like, one day before my marriage, they’ve been too much sentimental all over me. They’ll do anything I ask them,” and that was Jule, the girl that, during high school, I couldn’t believe even in a thousand years that I would come up being friends with, since she’s super rich, super hot and super blonde.
At first I thought she was super idiot, but she’s actually super awesome. I was the one who introduced her to our little group.
Long story short, since Jule came from the high society and was incredibly beautiful, she got engaged right after graduating from high school. Two years later, almost getting married, her ex-husband - who also happened to be the richest guy in our high school - left her for a chick in Cancún.
Life is a box full of surprises, huh?
And my surprise was right in front of me: my friends and their trip to Kattegat.
“Where’s Sam?” I asked.
And, when I did it, all of them went poker face, not knowing what to do nor to say.
“She’ll be right back,” Kimmy said first.
“With things,” completed Halston.
“Things?” They nodded. “What kind of ‘things’?” I asked, suspicious.
“Tickets,” Jule said right on the spot.
“Imma out here,” I said, pretending to get my car and go back to the safety of my house. They didn’t even need to tell me what kind of tickets they were - I already knew in my guts.
“Oh, no no no no, please stay!” Halston got up with me and held my hands. “You’ll like this trip! It will be in the last week of October - we’ll leave on friday and get back in the next weekend - and you’ll love it! It’s right in the coast of Norway and the landscape is beautiful…” Halston kept mumbling about Kattegat and all its high points, but damn, that bitch knew how to get me going.
She won me in “the landscape is beautiful” because I was a nature goner. I bit my lips, measuring my options and its consequences.
It would be autumn anywhere I’d go in the north hemisphere; it would still be Halloween month; and I couldn’t afford a trip where it was spring.
Gosh, what would I give for a spring break right now…
And, apparently, Jule’s parents would be paying for everything, which I wasn’t so much of a fan, but it was definitely a good point for my pocket change.
“Okay,” I agreed shortly and left the room, trying to make my exit as much as dramatic as I expected it to be.
We rented a car to go to Kattegat, since it was a so far away town. Or, as we arrived, I could call it a village, because that was how it looked like - or at least that part.
“When I was told it was a little town, I wasn’t expecting it to be that little,” I pointed, being a little sarcastic.
“You suck, Ella,” Sam said. “It was where the travel guide told us to come. He would show us the historical part of town so we could go to our hotel.”
“Actually…” Jule started.
“Oh no,” I responded. “That only means one thing.”
“You guys did not reserve rooms in a weird hotel or something, did you?” Now I was a bit terrified - it wasn’t enough the fact that we were all very far from home, but also staying in a weird place in this weird town which, I must complete, have a bad reputation, completely by our own.
“They’re cabins.”
“Oh my god…” I put my elbows on my knees and covered my face with my hands. “Do I even need to point out the danger of this shit? You guys have never even camped before. Did any of you watch Friday the 13th?”
“Ella, you’re overreacting,” Kimmy tried to say.
“I’m not overreacting anything, I’m just saying that I don’t wanna die in a freaking cabin in this freaking place. It’s not only cold here, it looks cold. This is Norway, oh my god. If this end of the world filled with trees is the historical part of town then I don’t wanna see the real urban signs.”
“Someone please calm that bitch down,” Kimmy said, stopping the car.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Ella,” Halston tried to calm me down.
“This is way far from home,” I muttered.
“Hey,” a strong and masculine voice was heard and I screamed.
“God, what is that now? Are you okay, Ella?” Sam asked.
“She’s just freaking out, I think she never left the country before,” Jule said very peacefully.
“Who are you?” I asked to the guy who was standing in front of the driver’s window.
“I’m Bjorn and I’ll be your guide here in Kattegat,” he said with a smile.
When I left the car I could see him better - Bjorn was a huge man, tall and strong, all muscles, very blonde and tanned. How can a person living in a place like this be tanned?, I wondered.
“Do you girls need help with your bagages?” He offered.
Sam was the first to go all flirty, thanking him and touching his forearm, obviously to feel his muscles. The way they looked at each other and the way they connected in a burst made me wanna look the other way, like if I was seeing something I wasn’t supposed to.
Bjorn guided us through what I called “the village”, but he called “the historical side of town”. It was just wooden houses - as far as I could design them - in the middle of a bunch of trees.
“My ancestors once ran this place,” he said, walking in front of us, carrying Sam’s bags as she followed him like a happy puppy. “It was during the Vikings Age.”
“So you’re saying you come from a viking lineage? Like, you have viking blood?” Kimmy asked.
“Yeah, I do,” he said all proud.
“Where can I get a viking?” Kimmy whispered to us.
“Vikings? Cabins? Wood? Axe murders, you mean,” I said.
“They do used axes, yes,” Bjorn said. He kept explaining everything that he could tell from a place around one thousand year ago, which I wasn’t much interested in. I tried to look in the distant, trying to see the beach, but all I could do was hear the waves breaking on the rocks.
“And, in the end of our little walk, there are your cabins, girls,” Bjorn waved to ten wooden cabins, all looking new and built in a viking style. “This year you happen to be only ones here - all our other tourists decided to check the new place in downtown -, so you can choose which one you all want. I can arrange five beds in one cabin if you want me to, there’s no problem.”
“And where are you staying?” Sam said in a tone that made me want to suddenly be her mother.
“Up the hill,” Bjorn pointed to a little house. “I stay there during times like this. The view is amazing and it’s relaxing…” he said getting closer to Sam. That wasn’t going to end well.
“But the most important question, actually, is: are you the only one here? I mean, only the five of us and you?” I asked, and everyone looked at me surprised. “I’m not trying to get laid, I’m just… I mean…” I threw my hands in the air. “How can you take care of all of that alone?”
“Oh, it’s not hard. I have brothers who help me, but they’re here and there running errands, taking care of bigger things in downtown.”
“Brothers,” Kimmy whispered to us, raising her eyebrows and biting her lips.
I rolled my eyes and announced we were taking cabin number 5, because I liked the number and the location of it. It could give me a good look from the windows - for both beauty nature and safety.
Bjorn suggested a campfire during the night, which my friends not only agreed, but also loved the idea.
Campfires weren’t a new and exciting thing to me, especially when they had marshmallows and spooky stories - I was a scout girl when I was a kid, and wasn’t very fond of it.
But there I was, sat by a campfire in the cold night, jet lagged and wanting to die with Sam’s and Bjorn’s flirts to each other. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the guy, he was okay, but I didn’t have good feelings about him. Something was wrong, something was weird.
“So you’re a very… handy guy, aren’t ya?” I asked him directly, cutting his laugh to Sam.
“That depends,” he raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I don’t know. You live up there,” I pointed with my head. “With all of this, that obviously need repairing. I guess you’re good with tools.”
“I happen to be,” he stated, defiantly.
“Like to hunt?”
“I used to hunt with my dad,” I said, and it was truth.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” but this was a lie. I hated to hunt, and the only reason why I did that it was because I was a scout girl and my dad wanted a son. “I have a pretty good aim,” true.
“What is it that I smell?” Bjorn pretended to sniff in the air, taking giggles out of Sam and the other girls. “Oh… challenge?” I shrugged, getting my attention back to my marshmallow. “So, what’s gonna be? Knife or bow?”
“You choose on which one you want to loose with,” I said, sounding a little confident. Bjorn got up, sighing.
“Girl, I’m good with everything, even axes.”
“Axe murder,” I whispered to Jule, who giggled because she was drunk. “I’ll take the knife, then,” Bjorn tilted his head in agreement.
“Knife it’ll be.”
He handed me ten throwing knives and leaded all of us to a place in the woods, not very far from our cabins, and placed two targets in the trees - one for me and one for him.
“Two at a time?” He asked, grinning. I could see his canines shining in the moonlight and that sight gave me shrives. My spider-sense was definitely tingling.
“You’re a viking, I’m only a scout girl. This game needs to be fair.”
“It’ll never be fair if you’re dealing with far more that you can handle.”
“Ouch!” Sam said out loud. “That hurt even in me.”
“Oh, shut up,” I said as I threw two knives at the same time - one got right on spot, but the second went a little far from the red circle.
“Not bad, Ella. Not bad at all,” Bjorn said and threw his knives - and of course the two of them hit the red circle. “Better with three?”
“You shitting me,” and I threw three, one after another, very quickly. I know it wasn’t probably what he meant, but it was the best I could do. At least I got all of them right. And so was Bjorn.
Because of my dad I spent too many afternoons training in our backyard, because I wanted him to be proud of me, to be proud of the daughter he had, because I wasn’t a boy. So, without even saying anything, I threw four knives - two in each hand at the same time - and the last one alone. I got three. Bjorn got them all.
“Damn you,” I said and, right after that, I heard a howling. “Okay, holy shit, no one told me there were wolves here.”
“Oh, they’re harmless,” Bjorn waved his hands as if it was nothing and started taking the knives out of the trees, playing with them in the air and in his hands.
“Harmless?” Halston asked. “I don’t think so.”
“I’m going to the cabin, guys,” I announced. “I intend to survive long enough to at least see what Bjorn calls downtown.”
Halston came with me and we shared the same bed. From the girls, she was my oldest friend - we know each other since we were kids and we lived in the same street. She held my hand when we were laid down.
“I know it’s your first time so far away from home, and look at this. This is so different,” she smiled. “I understand why you’re scared. I am too,” her grip in my hand got stronger. “I know you never wanted to be a scout girl, that you never wanted to do any of that, but you did it because of your father. I know how much this places is fucking up with you. But I’m here, and all of your friends are here, but specially me.”
I was a single child, but Halston was my non-blood sister. I smiled at her and I calmed down a little bit, at least enough to get some sleep.
I had no idea what time it was, but sure it was around 3 PM.
I heard a scream.
To be more accurate, I heard Sam’s scream, and I knew it was her because I recognized the loud tone. Halston, Kimmy and Jule got up, wide eyes open.
“Oh my god what was that?!”
“Where’s Sam?”
“Oh my god, is Sam hurt?”
“Where is she?” I asked Kimmy and Jule, since they were the ones who left outside when me and Halston went inside the cabin.
“We were all drinking, and Bjorn offered to show her his cabin and its view at night, and that’s when we split.”
“How long was that?”
“I don’t know, a couple of hours?”
Then we heard the burst of laughs that obviously belonged to Sam.
“What is happening?” Halston asked, confused and scared.
Sam opened the door, Bjorn right behind her.
“Thank you for walking me,” she said all over him.
Bjorn didn’t say a word, just smiled to all of us and closed the door. His smile made me feel weird in my guts. Even though it was dark in the cabin, I didn’t need light to smell blood, after years of hunting with my dad.
“Sam?” I whispered carefully.
“Yes…?” She responded, sounding drunk - from both alcohol and sex.
“Are you okay, Sam? We heard you scream.”
“Oh, that was nothing…!” I could feel her waving in the air. “Bjorn tried to scare me.”
“Tried? I think he accomplished,” Halston said.
“On all of us, actually,” Kimmy completed.
Sam was so drunk that she immediately fell asleep, and the others slept too, except for me, who couldn’t sleep because of the smell and the curiosity.
So, on the tip of my toes, I got out of bed, making a hell of effort to not wake Halston up, and went to Sam’s bed. Her back was turned to me and I carefully lifted her shirt, just to see that I was right.
A big and deep scratch was on her back, almost like if a savage animal had cut her with its claws, and the vision of it made me freak out and I fell to my knees, trying to clean the blood that was on my hands.
“Oh god what is that what is that what is that what is happening why is she asleep isn’t it hurting oh my god oh my god oh my god…”
And, as an omen, I heard a howl that gave me goosebumps all over my body, and I knew that coming to Kattegat was a bad idea, because it was obvious that all the tales, all the bad reputation were a true bad shit.
There was something in the town and Bjorn was involved, crystal clear.
And, maybe, even his brothers.
Taglist:  @mblaqgi @akamaiden @dangerousvikings @oddsnendsfanfics @deepdarkred @irishhiggins @tinypuppysoul @kingbouji3 @i-war-s-boner @capitanostella @loothbrok @noaor @thehuntress26 @sassymcgonagal1651 @hoodirwin5 @attorneyl @collecting-stories @certainobservationwasteland @dreams-in-different-colours @3x5gurl @readsalot73 @thisisparadisemylove @action-adventure-and-cheesecake @titty-teetee @cutiedaij @austenkingmylady @ivarthesweetheart @golden-pickaxe @lokis-sunflower-anna @bill-istvan @cynthianokamaria @slut4hazeleyes @chinduda @hallowed-heathen @cherryblossombaby69 @paintballkid711 @bisexual-dane
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rjzimmerman · 5 years ago
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
Lebanon’s topography is dominated by two long mountain ranges. Various bird migration routes, or flyways, pass through the country; when squeezed between mountains, the routes narrow, forming bottlenecks. The bottlenecks create conditions for satisfying bird-watching, and make it easier for organizations like S.P.N.L. to conduct bird counts.
But the bottlenecks also serve hunters. At certain points throughout the country, the narrow flyways funnel birds through elevated vantage points from which hunters can get easy shots.
In 2017, Axel Hirschfeld, campaign and operations manager with the Committee Against Bird Slaughter, traveled to Lebanon to conduct a survey of the problem. “What we saw in 2017 was the worst I’d seen in 18 years of work for C.A.B.S.,” he said. Hundreds of dead birds were left uncollected on the ground, and the soft breast feathers of eagles could be seen falling like snow as the birds were shot from the sky.
In addition to working closely with C.A.B.S., Mr. Serhal’s organization has lobbied Lebanon’s government for stricter anti-poaching laws, developed a bird book and field guide, and visited scout groups and schools. It also has reintroduced a traditional Islamic system of conservation to Lebanon.
Two decades ago, Mr. Serhal was looking at century-old military maps of Lebanon when he noticed something oddly familiar: areas labeled “hima,” and town names that included the word. In Arabic, hima can mean refuge, protected area, private pasture or homeland; “Humat al-Hima” (Defenders of the Homeland) is Tunisia’s national anthem. Mr. Serhal had known vaguely of the idea, but had no idea that hima had existed in Lebanon.
He discovered that the concept dates back more than 1,000 years, with a mention in the Quran. Muhammad had designated certain areas as hima, which meant they were subject to rules about grazing, hunting or even trade. On Mr. Serhal’s maps, it turned out, hima signified communal areas. The word’s appearance gave him an idea: Perhaps he could revive its traditional meaning.
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shes-claws-deep · 6 years ago
Warden - Ma’am
A birthday gift for @golele5! Sorry for the lateness but I hope you enjoy it! 
"Agent McKinley, if you get any closer, you will actually be breathing down my neck," you drawl out, looking up and over your shoulder at your tall, suit-clad, moustachioed shadow.
"No can do, ma'am," he drawls back in that slow as molasses Southern accent, one that you know he never actually uses except to flirt. "Six said your noggin' is more important than mine. And when Six says jump, I say how high."
Utter lies. You roll your eyes and sigh. "If Six says so..."
Collin McKinley smiles down at you genially. "Thank ya kindly." Then he puts his hand in front of you to stop you from entering the stairwell first. "Let me go first and check it out, ma'am. Protection 101, remember?"
Infuriating. Utterly infuriating. "Of course, Agent McKinley. Take care that you don't get hit in the head when you do." The sneer on your face could freeze boiling water. The man knows full well you're as seasoned a protection agent as he is. Knows full well you're more than capable of not only protecting yourself but also eliminating anyone who comes after you. *You* know there's little beyond an entire army coming after you that will make you stop in your tracks.
But as always, Agent McKinley is steadfast in his annoying polite Southern gentleman facade. "Just ensuring that no hair on your pretty head gets hurt, ma'am," he says and waves you forward after taking a moment to listen. "Six was adamant in making sure you get back to base safely."
And there he goes with that hand to the small of your back, as though to guide you down the oh so scary staircase.
Goddamnit, you can't take it any longer! "Agent McKinley, touch me again and I'll break your fingers and offer it to your boss."
But rather than feel offended or affronted, the infuriating former Secret Service agent just returns his hand to his side without blinking. "Apologies, ma'am. Force of habit." That satisfied smile on his face says otherwise.
Oh, you know full well how much every move of his is thought out, planned, deliberate. Nothing is ever a 'force of habit'. Not even a hand hovering over the small of your back, touching the back of your blazer but never putting pressure. Is he flirting or is he trying to rile you up? Who could ever know with this man.
Rolling your eyes, you push past him and make your way down the flights of stairs to the garage, ears and eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. As annoyed as you are with Agent McKinley's overbearing 'protection', you have to admit you might actually need it. Apparently being a former royal guard for a now hunted monarch means that you've got a target on your back. You certainly never asked for a terrorist group to come after you.
Also, better him shadow you than that FBI woman with the stick up her ass or that lazy SAT fellow. Certainly better than the brooding masked agent who absolutely refuses to talk to anyone more than necessary and the cute German who seems to have the best comedic timing and the worst social skills you've ever seen. By process of elimination, perhaps Agent McKinley was the lesser of all the evils. Still, it doesn't stop you from feeling a thrum of irritation as you watch him open doors and enter ahead of you, as he checks over the vehicle and doesn't let you do the same. It rankles at you to be this powerless, to let others do the job that you've always done. To let yourself be protected rather than the protector.
"All clear, ma'am," Agent McKinley pipes up as he trots back to you. Like some overgrown, dark-haired, bespectacled puppy. "We're good to go."
You nod back at him and the two men standing by the vehicle. "Good, then let's go. Is our route secure?"
"Yeah," the man who introduced himself as Echo mumbles. "Ash and Vigil went ahead to scout. They said it's all clear on their end too."
Agent McKinley frowns behind his moustache. You do as well.
"Tell your colleagues to keep an eye out for motorbikes and cars. These men and women aren't snipers and gunmen." You furrow your brow and draw close enough to the car for Agent McKinley to open the back door for you. "Let's hope they don't get too creative."
"What was it with wishes and horses again?" The newest bane of your existence chuckles. "We've got a plan B, ma'am, not to worry."
You scoff. "Who's worrying? C'mon, let's get going before we become sitting ducks."
"Yes, ma'am," all three men chime out and hop in after you. The German takes the wheel and the lazy genius takes shotgun, his attention turning to the screen in his lap. Apparently, he has some drone going in the air that will serve as his eye in the sky. Agent McKinley just straps his seatbelt on patiently and goes through his various weapons, checking the magazines and making sure there's a round in the chamber in all of them. Interestingly enough, this mirrors your own actions.
How interesting.
But you ignore his amused look at your grumble, continuing to check your own inventory. Plan B indeed. But instead of an extradition route, as would be the worry for your entourage, you don't like putting your plans to paper. Or rather, you don't like planning in advance. You know the city, the countryside, the suburbs, like the back of your hand. You know your boltholes, your safehouses, and your various ways out of the country. Worst comes to worst, you'll be the one evacuating your bodyguards.
You hope it won't come to that, though. Three guns, four blades, several mystery vials and smoke bombs later, you finish busying yourself and look up just in time to spot a cute little sedan with a suspicious, nervous-looking driver at the next intersection.
"Blue sedan, white driver, two o'clo-ck!" The last syllable is yelped out as the sedan lurches forward and slams into your car.
"Contact, contact, contact!" Agent McKinley roars and yanks you down onto the seats, covering your body with his own as bullets tear through the window where your head was. "Jager, get us the fuck out of here!"
"We're boxed in," Jager grunts back, his breath catching as two more cars slam into the front and the back of your SUV. "Plan B. Evacuate the VIP, Warden!"
"You got it," he grunts and shakes glass out of his perfectly coiffed hair. "Give 'em hell, boys."
And by Plan B, the men mean shooting their way out.
While Jager and Echo draw enemy fire from the front, you and Agent McKinley break out from the back window, slipping free from the wreckage just in time to avoid a fourth car that slams into the passenger's side.
"Motherfucker!" Your growl is muffled by Agent McKinley's chest as he grabs you and rolls to the side to avoid the wheels. But his rescuing hug leaves an arm free for you to whip out a pistol and fire at the driver. "McKinley, I hope to hell you've got a plan C!"
"This is still plan B, ma'am," he drawls calmly, hooking his arms under your armpits to drag you to safety while leaving you to provide cover fire.
One gunman goes down, clutching his neck. Another cries out as he slumps against the blue sedan, hands gripping his bleeding thigh and not his now forgotten gun. A third topples over as he tries to bum rush you and McKinley, planting right onto his face as your round burns a neat hole between his eyes.
"Tell your men to extract once I'm out of sight," you hiss to him as you find your feet and lead the way to a nearby bolthole. "Since they clearly don't mind being shot at, they can help draw attention away while we find another way out of the city. If they're attacking now, they must have our other immediate routes covered. No way we're going to regroup with those two today."
"Roger," McKinley nods and complies with a quiet word. Surprising, considering how overbearing he was just now. That submissive tone of his piques your interest just a little; it's the most agreeable thing he's said since you met him. "Echo, Jager, retreat and rendezvous at point Delta. Going radio silent." Then he rips his earpiece out and stuffs it into a pocket. "You know, this feels familiar."
"Oh yeah?" you growl absent-mindedly, changing out your magazine for a fresh one as you're dragged around the corner of a building. "Why's that?" Another unlucky soul gets downed just as he rounds the corner after you, slamming into the ground with a sickening thump that you and McKinley both ignore. "I've got a bolthole not too far from here. Follow me." Without checking if he follows you, you turn and jog quickly down the alleyway.
"You and me, evacuating Baldwin a couple of years ago off the streets of Marrakesh." He follows you as he speaks, shiny oxfords barely making a noise on the rough concrete as he does so. "Finding one of your safehouses, waiting out the insurgents. Watching you sneak out to recon our exfil."
That mouth of his never stops moving, but strangely enough, his voice helps calm your oddly frayed nerves as you lead him down winding alleys and shady slums. You probably should've taken up your last shrink on her offer to talk about the reason why you left the Royal service, fuck. Who knew that a bunch of cars slamming into your own car would rattle you so much. At least your aim is still true and your experience keeps your hands from shaking, you think, because it would humiliate you to no end if you couldn't even protect yourself at this point.
But as much as you're trying to hide it, McKinley's eyes are ever sharp. "We close to the bolthole yet, ma'am?" He can see the wide pupils of your eyes, the way you're obsessively patting over your other hidden weapons, the way your lip trembles ever so slightly when you turn to answer him.
"Yeah, just up here." You nod up at the run-down, condemned building. "Up the fire escape, McKinley, let's go."
"Yes, ma'am."
The bolthole, one of many in this very city, is small. Bare. Purposed for a single person to take shelter for a night or two. So when you take a tall, well-built man and an average-sized woman and put both inside such a tiny space? You get a very irritated, and a very amused, pair of unlikely comrades.
"McKinley, do me a favour and plaster yourself to the wall so you're not constantly smothering me."
"I'd love to, ma'am, but I ain't flexible enough to bend over the counter," he quips back, though he does arch his back a little and shuffles out of the way so you can unload your arsenal on the tiny little table. "You know, if you wore some heels, you wouldn't have the trouble of having your face in my chest."
You roll your eyes. "Oh yes, let me wear heels and totter all around the city while running away from baddies," you mock him in a high pitched voice, one that doesn't seem to do anything other than tickle his funny bone by the way he's sniggering at you. "If only I could break their necks with it before I do myself."
"But at least you'll look good while you fall over?" McKinley shrugs and laughs as he dodges your thrown boot. Unlike Mr Secret Service, you prefer working boots over looking sharp these days. Which means a steel toe and a blade in the sole. "Kidding, darlin'. Just kidding. You look good in anythin' you wear."
As you shrug off your blazer and bulletproof vest, you glare at him over your shoulder. "'Darlin''? What happened to 'ma'am', huh? Mr Southern Gentleman."
McKinley sucks in air and hisses it out, the sound becoming oddly sexual when paired with the feel of the gust of wind on the back of your neck. "You like it when I call you 'ma'am', eh? I like it too."
"Don't you dare-" Whirling around, you plant a finger in his chest and glare up at him, only to look down when you realise your finger touches bare skin. "Did you just magically lose your clothes?" Although you have to admit, he looks *good*. Like, 'you'd lick chocolate off him' good. Just a healthy sprinkling of hair over his meaty pecs, a sexy happy trail going down into his belted slacks, and a little bit of fur over his forearms, but he looks damn good.
In fact, he looks so good, you didn't even realise you were staring a touch too long.
"My eyes are up here, ma'am." His voice melts into that twang that you love to hate and hate to love, drawing your attention back up to his brown eyes. They're smouldering, full of lust and passion both, fluttering between your chest, your finger, and your face. "Shame we're on the job."
He gasps out a moan at the impact, his face swinging to the side from the impact of your palm hitting his cheek. But it wasn't a moan of pain; rather, it was a moan of pleasure. Looks like someone is kinkier than you could ever imagine. And that turns you the hell on.
"No, Agent McKinley." His eyes grow wide when you take a step towards him, pressing him back until his knees bump against the tiny cot. "*You* are on the job."
"Sure am." He nods, a cute little blush rising on his cheeks as he falls back on the cot with a quick shove. "Don't suppose I could, ah, take a little break for a bit? Reckon we're safe for now."
Another slap. Another moan. Another trembling lip and an amused smirk.
"Never took you to be a man who likes to be slapped around a little," you purr and lean over him, pressing your palms over his built chest just to feel his chest hair scratch at your callouses. "And no, no breaks for you."
He chuckles a strangled laugh, his hands clutching at the threadbare sheets and his hips squirming a little when you brace a knee between his thighs, pressing dangerously close to where he's rock hard and aching. "What red-blooded man could resist a powerful woman like you, ma'am? Especially when you're slapping me around in nothing but your underwear."
Another slap. Another even louder whimper.
"Don't be crass, Agent McKinley." You mimic his drawl in a mocking manner, retreating long enough to snatch his tie from the pile on the floor. "I'm not doing this for you."
His breath comes hot and fast, his chest rising and falling quickly as you yank him up the bed and loop the tie around his neck once more. "You ain't, but hell if this isn't going to benefit me to-o!" The O is cut short as you tie the fabric to the iron bars, anchoring him down and ensuring that he can't get out of it without using both hands. Hands which you're pinning by his sides with your knees, squeezing almost painfully tight but eliciting only a strangled moan instead of a wince.
Shit, Collinn McKinley is a hell lot kinkier than you take him for. What a coincidence that this is all up your alley.
"I think I like you a lot better when you're just making noises," you drawl and shimmy out of your pants and panties. The wet stickiness of your pussy juice soaks the lining of your panties, chilling your hand just a little as you wad it up. "Now keep quiet and let me enjoy this."
"What, you don't like me ta-" He doesn't manage to finish his sentence since you take the opportunity to stuff your sodden panties in his mouth. Jamming it and his tongue so he can only sputter and close his teeth once you take your fingers back. "Mmhh!" Well, if you want to play dirty, he's certainly not going to complain. Although, the missed opportunity to offer you his mouth to get yourself off is a bit of a waste. Still, he's got his hands, doesn't he? He's going to put that to good use, whether you slap him again for it or not.
Actually, he's almost asking for it.
With that in mind, he wriggles a hand free and closes it around your thigh as you slide yourself over his belly to straddle him.
Collinn can only smile at the slap to his face. Jackpot. And yet he doesn't take his hand off you, relishing in the feel of your silken skin beneath his calloused hand, the warmth of you that almost burns his palm as he squeezes you gently.
On your end, you're struggling not to enjoy his touch too much. But fuck, he's got wonderful hands and he knows exactly how to make you feel worshipped even with just a single touch. He doesn't stray beyond your thigh, your hip, and your waist, only his long fingers touching the sensitive skin of your ass, never reaching for your sodden pussy lips that rub against his muscled belly. "Hmph, you're lucky you know what to do with those hands."
There goes his smug smirk. "Mm-hm."
You know what they say about infuriating smirks and wanting to kiss them off his mouth? Yeah, that's exactly what you're feeling right now. Uncaring about his perfectly styled hair, you slide your hands into those dark locks and ball your fingers into a fist, using it to tilt his head back and bare his lips so you can lick and kiss at them lightly, teasingly, riling him up until he's clawing at your back.
"Tease," he mumbles through the panties, pushing it out of his mouth enough that your next kiss is full on the lips. "You're such a fuckin' tease, ma'am."
"You got that goddamn right, McKinley," you growl and tug harder on his hair, pulling and pulling until he winces instead of moans, his jaw dropping from the sharp, erotic pain. "I am a fucking tease."
As much as he wants to quip something smart back at you, he's far too preoccupied with you finally kissing him full on the lips. And when you slip your tongue out so you can give him cute little kitten licks, he can't resist opening his mouth and trying to suck on your tongue where he can. Your taste is addictive, like he substances he swore off on so long ago, urging him to keep kissing, keep sucking, keep licking until his head starts to spin with your taste and your smell.
His lips are sinfully perfect, kissing you just the way you love. Even his soft moustache isn't detracting from his incredible skills. Then it turns out that McKinley is excellent at more than just kissing and making out, because when you lean up to take a break and stretch out your arms, he follows you and latches onto your neck. He sucks at your flesh, nipping at it gingerly with his teeth and then laving at the bruised skin with his tongue, all the while panting softly with an open mouth.
Unwilling to let him take the lead, you yank on his hair and jerk his head to one side to expose his ear. An ear that you promptly suckle like you would his cock. Breathing and moaning and hissing into it until he's squirming and digging his nails into your back.
"You're far too good at picking out my weakspots, darlin'," he gasps out thinly, his cock throbbing and threatening to split the seam of his boxers and his slacks. "Fuck!" A powerful shiver wracks his body when you react to his swear by licking at his earlobe and pulling it into your mouth to suck. "Fuck!"
A dark laugh escapes you at his helpless whimper, so very different from the very in-control Secret Service agent that you know him to be. "Mmm, something wrong, Agent?"
He growls, "You goddamn tease, ma'am. Just fuck me!"
Now here's a proper laugh. "Fuck you? With what, your unprotected cock? No condom, no fucking, Agent."
Who the heck stocks their bolthole with condoms anyway? You certainly never imagined bringing back a beau to fuck in this tiny space. Still, it doesn't stop you and him from groaning in disappointment. From what you felt in his pants, he's gotta be packing a decent cock in there. Then again, you're pretty unprepared, and who says you have to go without penetration just because you can't use his cock?
"Give me your hand."
McKinley hands his hand to you without complaint, watching you with keen eyes as you lick his, thankfully clean and freshly washed, fingers and lower it to where you're aching the most. Oh god. Oh fuck. If he thought you were a tease before, it's got nothing on what you're doing now. Because you're slowly sliding his fingers into your sopping, soaking wet pussy. Taking them knuckle deep and stuffing even more when you decide that a single digit isn't enough. Then when you find the perfect thickness, oh that's when you start to  ride his fingers like you would his cock. His poor, poor cock that lies just mere inches away from where his fingers have found the heaven between your legs.
As expected, his fingers curve instinctively, seeking that one spot that will make you gasp and growl with pleasure. And find it he does, pressing so deliciously that you snarl at him to move his hand faster, to fuck you harder, to keep that spark going until your finger on your clit takes over and helps you cum. It's not the most powerful orgasm you've ever had, far from, but it's enough to make you moan quietly and claw at his bare chest as you ride the wave of intense pleasure.
He stares up at you with wonder and intense lust in his eyes, watching you ride out your orgasm and slump down ever so slightly. With a light sheen of sweat covering your skin and your hair ever so slightly mussed, you look like a goddess in the waning light that shines through the broken, frosted windows. He's not quite sure when he started to look at you as more than just a VIP, as more than a fellow bodyguard. If he wasn't certain you'd hit him for it, he'd say you're more like the previous head of Rainbow herself. A force of nature, wild, powerful, and something to be in complete awe of.
But he keeps that all to himself. An easy thing to do when you take his hand out of you painfully slowly, relishing in the obscene sucking sound as your greedy pussy finally lets go of his fingers. "Clean this up for me," you murmur breathlessly, turning his fingers onto himself and stuffing them into his willing mouth.
As he has most of his career, he obeys without a word, instinct spurring him to lick and suckle at his fingers like he would a popsicle. Sucking and taking your mouthwatering slick off his fingers and onto his tongue. The deep, musky, delightfully salty-sweet taste of it makes him moan without thought, his tongue becoming more and more greedy as he licks between his fingers, desperate to take every little drop you've left behind.
"Good boy," you croon at him with lidded eyes. "Never thought you'd be such a good boy, Agent McKinley. But I'll be nice this once. You want a reward?"
His moustache twitches. "Fuck yeah."
"Get up." With a grunt, you untie his tie from the bed and haul him off, bringing him to his knees. When he's there, kneeling and looking up at you with those fiery eyes, you bend your head and kiss him roughly. "Take your cock out."
"Yes, ma'am." He obeys. Flings his belt to the side, almost tears the button and zip off his slacks. But he eventually gets his cock out, his perfect, throbbing, thick cock that's weeping precum and drooling onto the floor.
"Put your cock between my legs."
What? He looks up at you with a raised brow.
Rolling your eyes, you take over by bending and pinning his cock between your thighs. While you generally curse your short height, at this point you're grateful for it because his cock is sandwiched between the soft flesh of your thighs rather than the bony bits of your knees. "Move."
"Nnngh, thank you, ma'am," he whispers, his arms wrapping around your hips to help balance you as he begins to thrust his hips. Soft, slicking sounds come from behind you as he fucks your thighs; the sound of his foreskin slicking against his pre-cum soaked head, joining the sounds of you kissing the life out of the agent even as he fucks your thighs desperately.
"Fuck my legs till you cum. If you don't cum, too bad," you purr into his lips, enjoying the low groan as he nods his understanding. Deciding to give your lips a bit of a break, you rear up and rip your bra off. You want his lips on your tits and you want them there right now.
Collinn knows exactly what you want and gives it to you. He sucks, licks, and kisses your nipples and creates little hickies along the way. Worshipping your breasts with teeth and tongue and hands until you're clutching at his hair, pulling him ever closer until his face is squished in your cleavage. All the while he's pounding your legs like he would your pussy, his hips slapping against your thighs until both of you are starting to turn red from the impact.
Ah, but it takes surprisingly little time before he begins to beg you nice and pretty. "May I cum, ma'am?" He gasps into your chest.
"Mmmm," you purr and scratch at his scalp. "Not yet."
Undeterred, he tries again. "Pretty please, ma'am?"
"Not yet."
He's starting to lose his mind from holding his orgasm back. It's so close, he can taste it, can feel it rising in his balls. "Please!"
"Not yet. Hold it."
Finally, he breaks, snarling and clawing at you and seizing your lips with his own. "Fucking please let me cum, for god's sake! You're gonna drive me up the goddamn wall."
"That's the point," you cackle aloud. But you relent nevertheless. "Cum for me, slut."
Those four words tip him over the edge. "FUck!" He yells but squeezes it back into his throat, gritting his teeth and burying his face into your chest. His hips thrust uncontrollably, his twitching cock sending his cum spurting out and all over the place. Grunts and whimpers escape his throat long after his cock stops leaking cum, leaving his throat dry and sticky and aching as his head is pulled up and back so he can look up at you.
"You liked that, Agent McKinley?" Your voice is smug now.
A faint smile twitches across his handsome face and he cracks an eye open. "I goddamn loved it." Then he leans up to press a kiss to your smiling lips. "Ma'am."
Cheeky motherfucker. Well, you've got something that will keep him quiet for a while. "Good. Now clean this up. With your mouth."
Oh fuck, you've got him. You've fucking got him.
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