#the sarlaac
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meowmeowneon-arts · 2 months
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เฟทท หัวใจ หนวด 2
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davnittbraes · 1 year
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And for a brief, glorious moment, I thought the Republicans had a rancor, until common sense shattered my dream into a thousand pieces.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Soooo guess what happens when your highest influence companion somehow winds up being an opposing faction recruit? :D
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
The light on his face dimmed; the differential in temperature was enough that he could just make out the blurred edges of shadow falling upon him. He wondered what new vision his agony-fractured brain was about to conjure up. There were others, he knew, here in the belly of the beast; he had seen them fall and be swallowed up. A little company, the dying man decided. He might as well hallucinate voices, from those about to be digested; it would help pass the long endless hours before his own body's atoms floated free from one another. One of the voices he heard was his own. "Help. . . ." "What happened?" He could almost have laughed, if any twitch of his raw muscles hadn't hurt so much, pushing him toward unconscious oblivion. Shouldn't hallucinations know these things? "Sarlacc . . . swallowed me." The words seemed to come of their own volition. "I killed it . . . blew it up. . . ." He heard another voice, a female's. "He's dying." The man's voice spoke again, in hushed tones. "Manaroo-do you know who this is?" "I don't care. Help me get him inside." The female's shadow fell across him. Suddenly he felt himself rising, dirt and grit falling from his mangled form. The next sensation was that of being thrown across someone's broad shoulder, an arm encircling his waist to steady him. A sense of shame filled the dying man. There had been so many times when he had faced his own extinction-painful or otherwise-the contemplation of his death, and the dismissal of it as being of no concern, had given him strength. And now some weak part of him had summoned up this pitiful fantasy of rescue. Better to die, he thought, than to fear dying. "Hang on," came the hallucinated voice. "I'll get you someplace safe." The man called Boba Fett felt the jostle of the other's footsteps, the motion of being carried across the stony ground. For a moment his vision cleared, the blindness dissipating enough that he could see his own hand flopping limp and disjointed, leaving a trail of spattered blood on the sand. . . . That was when he knew that what he saw and felt was real. And that he was still alive.
The Mandalorian Armor by K.W.Jeter
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wickedghxst · 2 years
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hang on wdym star wars once had “sexy” monster girls
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gshubin · 2 years
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A grass spider's web and a bit of rainfall becomes a galaxy at our feet. . #45thphoto #raindrops #spiderweb #abstract #abstractart #sarlaac #nature #naturalbeauty #funnelweb #web #spider #grassspider #abstractnature #lumixg9 #leica1260 #lumixusa #microfourthirdsgallery #microfourthirds https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBm5fwJ45x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nahoney22 · 4 months
Hello darling!
Hope all is well!
I would love a season 2! Hunter x reader smut fic if you have the time!
I was thinking reader has broken up with her ex after a horrible dinner at his family’s house and after the ex doesn’t defend her, she walks away. Hunter noticed reader having a rough time for a few weeks and finally asks her about it leading to confessions of feelings and some loving intimacy.
Like reader really wanted to be with Hunter but he didn’t seem interested (even though he was) so she started dating a guy none of the boys liked but kept quiet for her sake.
I love everything you’ve written Honey so take your time!
Thank you love!
In Plain Sight***🌊
🫧 Pairing: Hunter X Female Reader
word count: 4.4k
prompts: none
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After an embarrassing breakup, you feel lost and confused. But as Hunter comes to lend a reassuring hand he’s surprised about what you tell him and more so, how you feel for him.
warnings: NSFW, 18+ only. Bad Breakup, Reader’s ex is an arse and so is his family, angst, mutual pining, friends to lovers, confessing of feelings, first kiss, making out, explicit sexual content and language, oral sex, fingering, blowjob, nudity, vaginal sex, porn with feelings, aftercare. Not proofread.
warnings: hope this is okay @originalcollectionartistry 🩵
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You thought you knew the pain of breakups, having weathered a few in the past. But nothing had prepared you for this.
Meeting your partner's family had always felt like a make-or-break moment, and tonight, as you trudged back to the Marauder in the pouring rain, clothes clinging to your skin, frustration and rage boiling within you, it was painfully clear how disastrously it had gone.
Initially, his parents seemed charming, nice even. Their pride in their son evident. But when their eyes fell on you, you felt like an insect under a magnifying glass. They peppered you with questions about your job or lack of currently, your home, your life, and with each chuckle that followed your answers, discomfort gnawed at you. What had you said that was so amusing? Why did his siblings give you dirty looks as though you’d been dragged through a sarlaac pit?
Desperately, you reached for your boyfriend's hand under the dinner table, hoping for some sign of comfort and support. Instead, his laugh cut through the air, and his words shattered you. "I told her she could be successful if she stops what she does now! She just likes being in tattered armour rather than dressing like a normal citizen."
Your heart stopped. Where had that come from? He had always claimed to admire your ambitions and your adventures? "Babe?" you pleaded uncomfortably, but he only laughed harder, his family joining in as they began to tear you apart.
You couldn’t take it any longer. With a sharp slam of your hand on the table, you left, storming out without a backward glance. The worst part? He didn't chase after you. He didn't try to stop you or even comm you as you walked away.
The Marauder loomed ahead, but you paused, struggling to catch your breath. The wind and rain howled, wrapping around you like a constrictive shroud, but you pressed on, doing your best to appear unbothered.
What a failure that was.
You hit a button on your wrist, and the door to the ship opened with a mechanical hiss, the gangplank dropping down. Normally, the sounds of life inside the Marauder would bring a smile to your face, but not today.
Dripping wet, you walked up, running a hand through your soaked hair, hoping to slip in unnoticed. You kicked off your boots, pleasantly surprised they weren’t brimming with rainwater, and prepared to stealthily sneak to your bunk. However, a voice stopped you in your tracks.
“You’re back early.” Hunter; voice calm but observant.
Biting your lip, you kept your back to him as tears automatically threatened to spill. “Uh, yeah. Got a stomach ache,” you lied, your voice unsteady.
You heard Hunter draw a breath to speak, but before he could, a heavy hand clasped your shoulder, turning you to face Wrecker, who was grinning until he saw your face. “Back from lover boy’s alre—uh, what’s the matter?”
You couldn’t stop the sob that erupted from your chest, your hand flying to your mouth in a futile attempt to stifle it. The noise drew everyone’s attention. Omega darted between Hunter and Wrecker, her eyes wide with worry. “What’s wrong?” she asked, reaching out for your arm.
You hated pulling away from her, but you did, turning quickly and retreating to your bunk. The others, sensing your need for space, didn’t follow—at least, not immediately.
“She did not seem okay,” Tech states, his tone neutral.
“Well observed, Tech,” Echo retorted, rolling his eyes.
Hunter stood silent, his knuckles white as he clenched his fists at his sides. What had happened to you? “Let’s give her some space,” he said finally. “Omega, maybe bring her some caf in an hour or two, hm?” He placed a reassuring hand on the young girl’s shoulder. Omega’s eyes, still glazed with worry, never left the spot where you had disappeared. She had never seen you cry like that before—tears of laughter, sure, but never this.
As you wept in your bunk, a deep sense of embarrassment gnawed at you. Embarrassed by what happened at your ex-boyfriend's family home—because yes, he was clearly an ex now—and even more embarrassed that five people you adored had witnessed your emotional breakdown.
Six months. You had been with him for just shy of six months, and you had genuinely believed things were going well. No 'I love yous' had been exchanged, but that hadn't bothered you. Or so you thought. Now, the humiliation he had inflicted stung more than the end of the relationship itself. That spoke volumes. And his family? Utterly slimy.
"Hey," a quiet voice broke through your thoughts. You sniffled, rolling over to see Omega standing there, a steaming cup of caf in her hands and Lula tucked under her arm. "I got you a drink."
You managed a soft smile, sitting up and making room for Omega to sit beside you. "Thanks," you mumbled, taking the drink from her hands. She remained silent for a moment, and you half-expected her to say something, but she didn't. Instead, she rested her head on your arm, and your heart swelled.
Sometimes, just a hug was all you needed. But sadly, that was only sometimes. The comfort was fleeting but you had a lot of thinking to do.
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Days blurred into weeks, but the pain didn't subside. Each attempt at conversation ended in choked sobs, leaving you feeling more isolated than ever. Finally, you made a decision—for the sake of the team, and for your own well-being. You had to leave.
Albeit, only temporarily.
Finding a small apartment on Ord Mantell, you sought solace. The others had insisted you stay with them, promising things would improve, but you couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t find peace. And Hunter... well, he didn’t exactly make things easier.
Before your ill-fated relationship, your heart had belonged to Hunter, whether he knew it or not. His mere presence had always set your heart aflutter, but it had been painfully obvious that he didn’t share your feelings. Truthfully you had never confessed your emotions, but being around him now, as a single person, only reignited those dormant feelings.
You came to the quick realisation you hadn’t loved your ex—not truly. Deep down, you feared that your heart was still reserved for someone else. Someone like Hunter. Someone who is Hunter.
You gaze out the window of your apartment, lost in thought and it wasn't just about the desperate need to spruce up the place. The dim lights flickered occasionally from the outdated fixtures. The walls, scuffed and patched but showed no signs of damp or mold, which was a relief. The landlords had tried to add a touch of character with cheap holo-posters of Mandalorian warriors and a famous podracer you hadn’t heard of and as for the kitchenette it was uninspiring, but functional atleast.
However, the bedroom was your solace. Modest, with a slightly lumpy mattress, but it offered you the best sleep you'd had in ages, a rare chance to clear your mind.
Your thoughts were fixed to your ex—not out of longing, but out of lingering self-doubt. His cruel words still echoed, making you question if others felt the same way about you. Was this the life you were destined for? Barely surviving with the Batch, every transmission from Cid leading you on another wild Bantha chase for a pittance. It wasn’t sustainable for anyone.
A sudden buzz from your door jolted you from your thoughts. You blinked, unsure if you'd heard correctly, before it buzzed again. "Oh."
You jogged over, curiosity piqued. As the door opened with an unpleasant hiss from its faulty wiring, your eyes widened at the familiar sight of golden-brown eyes staring back at you.
"Hi, Hunter," you said softly, a strange sensation washing over you.
"Hey. Mind if I come in?" he asked, and you stepped aside as he brushed past you. Stars, you would never get over how good he smelled.
You let the door close behind you and watched as Hunter took in your apartment. "It’s not much," you said sheepishly, folding your arms over your chest.
"It’s cold," he remarked, moving to a heating unit and switching it on. It rattled and creaked ominously, so he quickly turned it off. "Tech should take a look at that."
You chuckled in agreement, following Hunter as he continued to inspect your environment, not very discreetly. "So… any reason for the visit?"
"Can’t an old friend come to see you?" he replied. The term 'friend' made your heart somewhat pang, but you rolled your eyes at his comment.
"Old friend? Hunter, I’ve been gone for like four rotations."
"Feels like fourteen," he muttered, taking a seat on the couch, which seemed surprisingly comfortable judging by his expression.
A moment of silence settled between you, thick with unspoken words. You took a seat beside him, the reality of his presence slowly sinking in. "Hunter, why are you really here?"
He looked at you, eyes serious. "I came to check on you. To make sure you're okay. You left so suddenly, and… it didn’t feel right without you around."
“It’s been… tough,” you admit quietly. “Being away from you all, dealing with...everything.”
Hunter looks at you, his gaze steady and warm. “We miss you. I, uh, miss you. The team isn’t the same without you.”
His words hit you harder than you expected. You look down, unable to meet his eyes. “I just needed some space to figure things out.”
“Can I ask what it is you need to figure out?”
“You can,” you begin with a small scoff, “but I’m afraid I don’t even know the answer to that.”
Hunter clasps his hands together, his knee bouncing up and down. His gaze shifts to your kitchenette. “Did…” he trails off, hesitating. You look at him, raising a brow, silently urging him to continue.
Finally, he meets your eyes again. “You were really upset all those weeks ago and so I’m assuming you and that guy broke up and I can’t help but ask… did he hurt you?”
You close your eyes, the topic still painful, but you shake your head. “No, he didn’t. Not physically anyway.”
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he says quickly, concern etched on his face. Again, you shake your head.
“Maybe this is a good idea,” you admit. “Someone to rant to. It’s been weeks, almost months since the breakup, and my mind has been a mess. Some advice would be good.”
Hunter nods, his expression softening. “I’m here. Talk to me.”
You take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts. “It’s not just about the breakup. It’s about everything. I feel like I’m constantly fighting just to keep my head above water. Every mission we go on for Cid feels like a waste, and I can’t shake the feeling that we’re stuck in a cycle. And then, he… he made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. Like my choices were wrong, my ambitions worthless.”
Hunter’s eyes darken slightly, his jaw tightening. “He was wrong. You’re one of the strongest people I know. And your ambitions? They’re what make you who you are.”
“But what if he wasn’t entirely wrong?” you counter, your voice beginning to tremble. “What if I’m just fooling myself, thinking I’m capable of more when I’m not?”
Hunter reaches out, placing a hand over yours. The warmth and steadiness of his touch grounds you. “Listen to me. You are capable. You’ve proven that time and time again. And it’s okay to feel lost sometimes. We all do. But you don’t have to face it alone.”
“Thanks Hunter,” you say with earnest, “I appreciate what you’ve said.”
The pair of you sit in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. You can’t help but glance down at his hand still on top of yours, his thumb brushing over your skin delicately. Your skin prickles with an intensity, a burning sensation that makes your heart race. Luckily, Hunter speaks up before you do or say anything foolish.
“If it makes you feel any better, me and the lads didn’t really like him.”
Oddly enough, it doesn’t. You turn your gaze back to him, giving him a look of uncertainty. “Why not?”
He seems surprised by your question and clears his throat. “Uh, there was just something off, I guess.”
You blink and have to refrain from scoffing. “So after all this time, none of you decided to tell me that you didn’t even like the guy?”
Hunter removes his hand from yours, and you shudder internally as the sudden coldness replaces his touch. “The others thought you were happy.”
“And you didn’t?”
Hunter hesitates, a mixture of frustration and concern etched on his face as he searches for the right words. “I saw things that made me worry. Little signs that you weren’t entirely happy. But I didn’t want to interfere.”
You don’t know why, but a sudden surge of irritation wells up inside you, threatening to spill over. “So you saw that I wasn’t entirely happy and just decided to stay quiet? Let me guess, you also knew I liked you and didn’t say anything either?”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you freeze. Hunter’s eyes widen in surprise, and you feel a rush of panic, your heart pounding in your chest. “I… I didn’t mean…”
The realisation of what you’ve just admitted hits you like a punch to the gut. Flustered and embarrassed, you quickly retreat to your bedroom, your voice barely a whisper as you mutter, “You’re free to leave whenever you want,” before shutting the door behind you.
You sit on the edge of your bed, your heart racing and your mind spinning with a thousand thoughts. What have you done? You put your face in your hands, trying to calm yourself, but the embarrassment only grows, a painful lump forming in your throat.
Minutes pass, each one stretching out miserably as you replay the conversation in your mind. You curse yourself for letting your emotions get the better of you, for blurting out something so deeply personal. The silence in your room feels oppressive, weighing down on you.
Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, you decide to leave your bedroom and apologise. Taking a deep breath, you open the door, only to find Hunter standing right there, his expression a mixture of determination and vulnerability.
“I knew,” he says softly, stepping closer, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. “I knew because your heart never beat the way it did around me when you were with him.”
Your breath catches, backing up as he comes closer, the raw honesty in his voice and the closeness of his body making your pulse quicken. “Hunter…”
“I could see how your eyes lit up around me, how you laughed and weren’t as reserved around me,” you stop just by the edge of your bed, your knees trembling at his every word, “I could sense how aroused you were around me…”
“Hunter,” you repeat again, breathless, “w-why are you saying this now?”
“Because I was stupid to think that we would naturally click. That one day we will both wake up and decide to be together but it never happened.” He mutters, his hand raising, taking some of your hair between his fingers and twisting it softly. “I’ve always felt it, and I couldn’t stand seeing you with him, knowing you weren’t happy.”
Before you can finish, he leans in, his lips capturing yours in a fierce, passionate kiss. At long last.
Your hands find their way to his muscular shoulders, pulling him closer as he deepens the kiss once you moan into his mouth, tongue exploring yours with an urgency that makes your body feel ablaze.
He breaks the kiss, his breath hot against your skin, his eyes dark with desire. “Tell me you want this. Tell me you want me too.”
“I want you,” you whisper, your voice trembling with need, your fingers clutching at his shirt, “I always have.”
With a satisfied grunt, Hunter pushes you back onto the bed, crawling over you as your arms and legs entwine, lips chasing yours with a hungry urgency. His body is a comforting weight against you, his presence grounding you in the moment, erasing the turmoil of the past weeks.
It isn’t long before you’re both stripped bare, his lips trailing fiery paths down your neck, alternating with his hand on your breast, kneading and teasing. “Hunter,” you pant his name, the sound escaping your lips without conscious thought, a natural response to his touch.
“You’re beautiful,” he purrs, his lips moving up to your jaw, then capturing your mouth again. “So beautiful.”
“So are you,” you manage, blushing as you smile against his lips. Your breath hitches when you feel the warm, hard length of him press against your thigh. You can't deny that you’ve fantasised about this moment, wondering about the size and feel of Hunter’s cock, imagining the sensation of it in your mouth.
Hunter seems to read your thoughts, flashing you a knowing smirk before kissing your cheek. Slowly, you start to move down his body, your eyes never leaving his. His gaze darkens with lust, his pupils blown wide, and he lets out a low groan as your tongue flicks over the bulbous head of his cock. That dainty lick is just the beginning, a tease that quickly transforms into something more intense. A moan escapes Hunter as your warm, slick tongue circles the tip, exploring every ridge and vein. “Fuck, you’re so good.”
The sensation of your tongue dancing over his length is exquisite, his throat closing up, unable to contain the gritted, strained moans that tumble from his lips. He gently lays a hand in your hair, grabbing a handful as he starts to guide your head, the pressure firm but tender.
You moan around his cock, the vibrations sending shivers through his body. His breathing becomes tight as you bob your head back and forth with growing fervor, taking him deeper with each movement. His grip in your hair tightens, his hips starting to move in time with your rhythm, a low growl escaping him as he fights to maintain control.
“Stars, you’re amazing,” he murmurs, his voice rough with desire. The slick, wet sound of your mouth on him fills the room like a symphony of pleasure. Hunter's hand tightens in your hair, his control slipping as he guides you faster, the pleasure building.
You hollow your cheeks, taking him deeper, your tongue continuing its dance along his length. Hunter’s hips buck involuntarily, his breaths coming in ragged gasp. ''Hah, ahh... keep going, keep- fu...'
As Hunter's moans intensify, panting your name, you suddenly pull away, a teasing smile on your lips as he gasps at the loss of contact. “You minx.” His eyes, dark with desire, follow your movements as you shift back onto the bed.
He knows what to do.
Placing a lingering kiss to your lips, you bite your lip in anticipation as he moves down down, his breath warm against your skin, as he trails kisses along your inner thigh. “I can’t believe I have you.” He murmurs to himself, his hands gliding over your hips.
“Let me take care of you,” he then whispers, his voice thick with need. Before you can respond, his mouth finds your most sensitive spot, his tongue tracing slow, deliberate circles that send waves of pleasure through your body. You gasp, your hands gripping the sheets as he works, his tongue alternating between gentle flicks and deep, languid strokes agaisnt your pussy.
Your body feels like jelly already, legs threatening to close over his head but Hunter’s hands spread your legs wider, his grip firm yet tender.
You’ve propped yourself up on your elbows to watch him, your chest rising and falling heavily as he looks up at you, his eyes locking with yours. Fuck, he’s beautiful. Truly. The intensity of his gaze makes your breath hitch and toh watch in awe as he sticks out his tongue, making sure you were watching as he leans in closer and flicks your pretty pearl. “That’s so good.” You sigh, on cloud 9.
He continues his pace for a minute before he dives back in, his tongue exploring every inch of you with a fervour that leaves you trembling. One hand moves to your breast, his thumb brushing over your hardened nipple, sending tingles down your spine.
Then, you feel his fingers replace his tongue, sliding inside you with ease, curling to hit that perfect spot. A wanton moan of surprise leaves your mouth, head falling back as you grip the sheets below you. “H-Hunter, don’t stop.”
You can feel his smirk once his mouth returns to your clit, sucking gently as his fingers pump in and out, the dual sensation driving you to the edge.
And he doesn’t let up, his pace relentless, and you feel the tension coiling tighter in your core until it snaps. You cry out, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure crash over you, his name a litany on your lips as you cum all over his mouth. Your body becomes jelly, trembling as Hunter continues to move, drawing out your climax until you’re left breathless and practically boneless beneath him.
He crawls over you once you settle, a hand cupping your face. “Was that okay?” he asks, his voice tender, filled with genuine concern.
“Perfect,” you sigh, still completely spent. “I never thought this would happen,” you whisper.
He gazes down at you, smitten. “Me either. I’ve… I’ve wanted to do this for so long. To finally be with you.”
You lean up, stealing a kiss that he reciprocates eagerly. “Do you want more?” he asks, the implication of sex evident as you feel his cock press against you, hard and ready.
You still for a moment. A small pang of guilt surfaces—was it too soon to be doing this? But as you meet Hunter’s gaze, you see something you had never seen or felt with your ex: love. You always loved him, and you were now certain he had always loved you.
“You don’t have to ask twice,” you murmur, your voice soft but filled with resolve.
His eyes glimmer with excitement. He lifts himself slightly, grasping his cock with his right hand and guiding himself to your entrance. Running the tip along your sensitive puffy slit, a teasing moan falls from your lips that nearly makes him thrust right in—but he waits just a little longer, enjoying the gentle friction of his cock against your throbbing sex.
Propped up on his left arm, he admires your nude frame perfectly, your lower lips parting as he inches in just a little. “Oh… that feels…”
“I know,” he groans as he sheaths himself halfway into you, his eyelids heavy with pleasure.
And then, with a deep, satisfied groan, the sergeant pushes all the way inside.
You purse your lips but whine through them all the same, your expression pinching only momentarily before a laboured moan escapes, pleasure evident as he sinks inch after inch of his girth inside you. “You’re so thick in me,” you gasp, your back arching as he stills, remaining buried inside you. It’s a snug fit, but it feels right.
Hunter begins to move, setting a slow, deliberate pace. Each thrust is measured, savoring the way your body responds to him, the way you tighten around him with every stroke. His hands roam your body, one coming to rest on one of your breasts, his thumb brushing over your nipple.
Then, he picks up a new rhythm that feels achingly perfect, each thrust driving deeper, the friction igniting sparks of pleasure with every stroke. Your cunt clenched around his cock, your breasts bouncing up and down with each penetration into you.
“Oh fuck! D-don’t stop, don’t stop.” Your expression is one of pure lust, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer, wanting him closer. “Deeper. Fuck me deeper.” You cry, eyes almost rolling into the back of your head as one hand grips your hips, the other circling your clit with a tense pace.
Soon he leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his movements becoming more urgent. The room is filled with the sound of your bodies coming together, the steady slap of skin on skin, punctuated by your shared moans and gasps. His pace quickens, his thrusts becoming more powerful, driving deeper.
“Hunter,” you moan, your nails digging into his shoulders as he pushes you both higher to another climax.
“You feel so good,” he murmurs, voice heavy with want. He shifts slightly, angling his hips to hit that perfect spot inside you, making you whimper out in ecstasy. The pleasure is overwhelming, building to a fever pitch, and you can feel another climax approaching fast.
“Cum for me,” he murmurs against your lips, his voice rough with desire. “I want to feel you cum around me.”
His words are your undoing. With a cry, you shatter around him, your body tensing and trembling as the orgasm rips through you as your hands tangle in his long hair. Hunter follows close behind, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chases his own release. With a final, deep thrust, he pulls out, his hand moving to stroke himself.
Hunter groans your name repetitively as he hits his high, hot ropes of his release splashing across your chest and stomach. He collapses beside you, wiping the sweat from his brow before pulling you into his arms, his breath mingling with yours in the aftermath.
After a while he gets up and gets something to clean you up with and once done, he lays back down beside you with your head buried into his chest.
For a moment, everything else fades away, and all that exists is the two of you, tangled in each other’s embrace. “It’s going to be okay, you know?” he murmurs, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “We’ll figure this out. Together.”
As you lie there, the warmth of his body against yours, the future suddenly seems a little less uncertain as long as you were with Hunter.
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🫧Hunter Works
Tags: @lulalovez @photogirl894 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi
@greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420
@ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot
@ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka
@theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone
@ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog
@ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter r @erellenora
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canonizzyhours · 8 months
imagine it's 1982 and you really love star wars.
you go looking for other fans to talk about star wars with. you meet someone. "my favorite character is boba fett," they say. "cool! i love boba fett, he's such a great bad guy," you reply. the person you're talking to suddenly becomes deadly serious. "what? he's not a bad guy," they respond. "how could you even think that? what's wrong with you?"
you laugh nervously, thinking this is some kind of jokey deliberate-reading-against-the-text gag, but it becomes clear your new friend is absolutely deadly serious about this. unsure what to do, you try to redirect the conversation to subjects other than boba fett. you try talking about the first movie. but it turns out this person has an entire bonkers reinterpretation of the first movie where it's all about showing how luke and han and leia will be ultimately unable to succeed on their own, thus foreshadowing the eventual arrival of boba fett as fourth co-protagonist. you try pointing out that if there's a fourth protagonist surely it would be lando, and ignoring him seems kind of maybe a tiny bit racist? this goes over even worse.
you start to avoid this person. you seek out other fan spaces. but people who are like this about boba fett keep showing up. you feel increasingly insane every time you talk to them, hearing yourself saying obvious things like "well, uh, that's certainly one interpretation, but i feel like if darth vader has to caution you not to disintegrate people that might be a sign you're a villain?" and having them laugh in your face like this is absurd and offensive. you gradually realize that while most star wars fans aren't like this, everyone normal has learned to politely avoid talking about boba fett and other subjects that trigger the boba fett guys, because nobody wants to deal with them. you learn to only talk about star wars in closed communities that don't have any boba fett stans.
the saddest part of this is that over time it makes it very, very hard for you to enjoy boba fett, a character you used to really genuinely like.
the first trailer for return of the jedi drops. the boba fett guys go nuts, insisting that this proves their ultimate vindication is at hand, despite the fact that actually he's barely in the trailer. "uh, guys, i don't know about that," you say cautiously, kind of alarmed at how they're setting themselves up for disappointment. "i think boba fett might be a really cool character but not actually a super important one, and maybe he's just going to die in a sarlaac pit halfway through the movie and the rest will be about luke defeating darth vader." the boba fett guys respond by screenshotting your posts (social media exists in this version of 1982 for purposes of this analogy. work with me here) to publicly make fun of you. how could anyone possibly be dumb enough to think this, they say.
return of the jedi comes out. boba fett dies in the sarlaac pit. the boba fett stan community goes even more nuts than usual and schisms into a faction who are insisting that this is all part of a plan to resurrect boba fett like jesus in episode 7 and a faction who insist that george lucas has personally betrayed them. some of the latter faction manage to take control of the fan campaign to get more movies made despite the fact that they've explicitly said they don't actually want any more movies.
this is what my experience of ofmd fandom has been like.
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bobafettfanclub · 3 months
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"Greetings, Solo." – Boba Fett "Boba Fett! But you're dead!" – Han Solo "The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible, Solo." – Boba Fett On this day in 1992, Dark Empire 4 was published with the most significant post-Sarlacc reveal at that time, written by Tom Veitch with art by Cam Kennedy Learn more about it on BFFC: https://bobafett.club/tm8kg Trivia: Sarlacc was spelled Sarlaac in this comic
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poobur79 · 7 months
Loved what we got but I'm feeling seriously Echo deprived! Where is my boy?? Where is our wounded warrior???
Does Crosshair know about Tech?? I wanted to see that conversation…
Was… was that a sarlaac??
I was so hoping to get a reunion this week but at least Cross & Omega made it out! Omega is resourceful and capable while still being an adorable little girl, I love to see it. Girlie is going to be a force (ha! Sorry) to be reckoned with!
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arielsojourner · 11 months
So my fic "Back from the Future: Episode IV" has as part of its third act a lot of focus on Tatooine slave culture and slave liberation. I have, in fact, tagged my entire fic with the tag "slavery" and the tag "Tatooine Slave Culture" and "Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD". Despite this, for some reason, I still occasionally get comments on this fic telling me I need MORE warnings because people find the depiction of Tatooine slavery shocking. Somehow they are unprepared for what happens and these readers think I owe them additional warnings.
Such comments leave me baffled.
What do people think I mean when I include the tag "slavery" and the tag "Tatooine Slave Culture"? I think these tags are pretty clear. Under slavery people suffered. People died. People were abused and treated horrifically. Families were ripped apart. Modern day slavery still exists. And then when we speak of Tatooine specifically? Anakin in Episode I of Star Wars tells us that slaves are implanted with detonators and they blow people up who try and escape. In Episode VI of Star Wars Jabba feeds people alive to his pet rancor and then executes people via a sarlaac. These are not spoilers. These are not head canons. This is canon. This is known. It shouldn't require forewarning when writing about Tatooine and slavery that the brutality of slavery will be a subject covered in a story and all that entails, which is NOT pretty.
I don't think I need to add more warnings at the beginning of every chapter. I think the tags I put on the entire fic are very clear. Tagging is a great function of AO3 and I have always striven to tag responsibly. I only add chapter warnings if it is for something I have NOT tagged for the entire story.
Am I missing something when it comes to tagging fanfic? Some new standard? Are people just not reading tags anymore before they start to read a fic?
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bigbadbatch · 4 months
The Light We Feel - Ch. 1
Hunter x fem!OCKeep reading
Jedi OC meets the Bad Batch for the first time.
Chapter One - Thea’s POV
“And then we blasted the creature out of a window!” I laughed at Omega’s excited story, the girl so expressive as she told her tale, she nearly knocked cups off the table she sat at. “No wonder your brothers went on this mission without you. You are the perfect size snack for an angry sarlaac.” I finished wiping down the bar counter and sat with Omega at the sabaac table. The table lit up, the game blinking into the starting positions. Omega huffed. “The only reason I didn’t go is because of the sand. I hate sand. And that’s all Tatooine is. Sand.”
She made the first move. I took a moment to study the board. This is how it had been for the past two weeks, ever since Marko dropped me off. Omega’s brothers had been away on mission, and she had been so excited to meet me. “Cid doesn’t play against me anymore. Not since I wiped her of credits.” Omega had complained. Since working for Cid I had become not only the resident bar-keep, but Omega’s confidant and ally. In these past two weeks, the we had formed a sort of bond. Though I had easily ten years on Omega, a sisterhood had bloomed. I must admit, it felt good. I had spent months isolated, and with the constant moving and running, friendships were brief. Omega was so easy to talk to, and so smart. It amazed me how quickly she picked up on things.
Those first few nights we had talked for hours. About Omega’s past, her brothers (Clones- can you believe it? A squad of defective clones who deserted the empire as it rose) and of my past, too. “I’ve lived all over the galaxy” I’d say. “Loth is my home world, and I miss it very much.” I’ve found the most compelling lies also hold fractions of truth.
Omega believed that I had been an archeologist, traveling the planets surveying and eventually dealing in artifacts. The story was that I refused to sell an artifact to a rivaling faction of the culture it came from, and had to flee and go into hiding. “That’s why Cid took me in”. I’d said, the first time I’d had to share my new story.
But now I sat across from Omega, having made a series of moves that I actually thought would finally earn me a win against the young girl.
“Omeggaaaa, where’s the Mantell Mix, I’m starving!” A loud booming voice echoed through the bar as a hulking shape stepped through the doorway. “Wrecker!” All thoughts of the game abandoned, Omega hopped up and ran to hug who I had come to assume was one of her brothers. My breath caught. In walked four clones, but these clones didn’t look how I expected them to. They were all of varying heights and build, and were tattooed and adorned with a myriad of scars. Still my heart pounded, and I struggled to calm the beating. Clones. The sound of blaster fire echoed in my memory. My body tensed, ever so slightly, and I struggled to remind myself- You’re safe. I took a few quiet, deep breaths and plastered a smile on my face. Show time.
“Hi.” I said. “You must be the band of brothers I’ve heard so much about. I’m Thea.” Wrecker, an immensely tall and broad man, bald with a blind eye shook my hand vigorously. “Nice to meet ya. Thanks for keeping Omega company while we were gone.” A tall thin man looked up, his goggles reflecting gold. “Yes Cid mentioned over comm that she had a new recruit she’d taken in. Pleasure to meet you, I’m Tech, you’ve met Wrecker.” A shorter man, with droidian appendages and additives nodded and chimed in with a simple “Echo. Pleasure.” I turned to the last man and my heart stuttered. He stared at me, his eyes flicking over my form. He seemed to study me, seeing past my facade and into the very heart of me.
He knows.
But he didn’t reach for a blaster, didn’t make to carry out that world-ending order as other clones had. He gave a terse nod, his long hair falling into his face. He had broad, strong shoulders and arms, a tight lipped smirk above his stubbled jaw. The tattooed skull half of his face seemed to grin as he said, “Name’s Hunter. I’ve gotta get this to Cid. Nice to meet you.” And he was off. I exhaled. Perhaps he didn’t have some sixth sense after all.
Omega prattled on to her brothers, regaling them of our talks and our games, her infinite wins against me, and of the time I roughhoused two patrons out the door with only my bare hands after a bar fight had broken out. “She’s really strong! Wrecker, she might could take you in an arm wrestling match!” I laughed. They laughed. And my fears eased. I smiled at Omega and got up to grab the men some caf. Hunter walked back into the bar, and his eyes met mine. He smiled softly as I handed him a cup. “So.” He said. “Cid has your first mission with us ready to go. Feel up to it?”
I nod.
He smiles again.
And we begin.
Chapter 2
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theliterarywolf · 3 months
Hey, random monster design question, figured you're the local expert, may as well run it by you.
Man-Eating Plants. I feel like 90% or more of them are explicitly based on Venus Fly Traps, and then the majority of those are pretty clearly based specifically on Audrey II.
So... is trying to pick another carnivorous plant to use as inspo a worthy idea, for the same of simple variety? Or is the fact that the venus fly trap is so commonly used as inspiration because it's simply the best option, and other choices would be trying to re-invent the wheel?
On the one hand, Venus Fly Trap monsters kinda feel... "default", for lack of a better word? Generic?
But on the other hand, no other carnivorous plan has the mouth that opens and closes with "teeth", so it does look the most like a predator. I mean, pitcher plants are cool, but only so much you can do with that before you've just re-created the sarlaac from Star Wars...
Dunno, definitely overthinking this, but I've got man-eating plants on the brain, figured I'd see what your two-cents were :)
Well, if I must give my insight...
Jk, you know that there's two things I will always be down to talk about: monster designs and cursed, potentially-NSFW content.
It has to be remembered that some of the most effective monster/nonhuman designs have originated from someone getting it in their head to say 'okay, but what if I do something outside of the status-quo?'
So you have the mainstream approach of using Venus Flytraps. What other carnivorous plant features stand out (or, rather, could fit into some deadly/lewd scenarios)?
You mentioned pitcher-plants in your initial ask. Maybe you could deconstruct that: the main function of a pitcher-plant is luring prey in with a sweet scent/alluring color, causing them to fall into a vat of inescapable nectar. You could easily turn that into a monster: make it a play on a living-lure that has an alluring shape that can draw unsuspecting prey into a humid, lush cavern... That turns out to be a sentient cave.
Or! Consider sundews (also known as droseras)!
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Just from this picture alone, we can get inspirations for design aspects, including slime-monster archetypes and tentacle archetypes; hell, if you really wanted to take it up a notch, you could toss some naga and hypno aspects in there, too.
So, to answer your initial question (before I started rambling): yes, looking into other plants for inspiration and ideas is definitely worth it.
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fanonical · 10 months
the sarlaac would like to politely request that you stop giving it mandolorians to eat
it just can't stand canned food
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