#the same way when squidward trips and then he just blows up after. idk
hoodhinata · 10 months
ok I KNOW suicide jokes are bad and not conducive to a healthy healing process but nothing HITS the way they do. the pure overreaction of it all. yes i AM going to kill myself because i said 'you too' to the waiter.
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Journey into the MCU IX
Avengers: Infinity War
RIGHT. So yesterday I watched Infinity War. Fuck me. So I’ll start by announcing that I cried 12 times during the film. Might as well have cried solidly for the last half an hour. WTF this film gave me so many emotions. After it finished I screamed for a good ten minutes and then just sat. Just sat. Sat and thought for about 20 minutes after that. I could not BELIEVE WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT I HAD JUST WATCHED!!!! I was still on the verge of tears three hours later just thinking about it mate. There were good times as well though! I mean, nothing too happy happened during it but there were loads of funny lines and excellent fight scenes! Throughout every fight scene, or even partial fight scene, I was yelling ‘get shit on! get rekt! bye bitch!’ and that is no joke; you wouldn’t have wanted to be in the same house as me.
Ok so let’s actually get into this. In the first couple of minutes they think it’s a good idea to hit me with Heimdall’s death (but he saves the fucking day by opening the bifrost what a legend) AND THEN about 10 minutes in THEY ACTUALLY KILLED OFF LOKI. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. HE’S NOT COMING BACK THIS TIME, RIGHT? Seriously how could they do this to me. I don’t understand. But I love that my boy just straight up tries to kill Thanos. Then Thanos blows that shit up so now not just the physical Asgard is gone BUT ACTUAL ASGARD IS GONE. DESTROYED. EVERYONE DIES!!!!! And I mean, you know Thor’s not gonna be dead but that’s just worst because then when he gets picked up by the guardians you can feel his hurt and pain. It’s so bloody sad. He’s lost everyone. Wtf. On the plus side, I do really like Thor’s interaction with the guardians and I think it’s a nice way to start bringing everyone together.
So then I feel really bad for Pepper when Tony’s off doing god knows what, especially when she calls him when he’s on the doughnut (lol). OH OH HAPPY THING!!! I love the Stark/Strange tension it’s too good. Two arrogant arses (because let’s be real, neither of them lose that trait however ‘good’ they’ve become) just make a perfect scene together. I also live for all of Tony’s remarks in these scenes - squidward lmao and when Bruce ‘embarrasses him in front of the wizards’ AHHHHH too good! Side note: Bruce in this film is great as well! OMG WHEN STRANGE WINKS AT TONY!!! HAHAHAHA I was wheezing Tony’s reaction is everything!!!!! Omg and when Strange sacrifices the stone to save Tony. AH fuck no I can’t deal with that shit!!!
Every spider kid/iron dad interaction was perfection. The pop culture references. I can’t. On the doughnut when Tony’s like ‘yeh but the kid’s seen more films than you’ ahhhhh too funny. I think Peter grew up a little but still always looks for that guidance and advice from Tony which is so lovely to see. OMG THE LOOK TONY GAVE STRANGE WHEN HE SAID HE’D LET BOTH OF THEM DIE TO PROTECT THE STONE BECAUSE THAT IS HIS SON!!!!! And at the end when I was in my continuous flood of tears and Pete’s like ‘I don’t feel too good Mr Stark’ - Tony really does care about this kid n tries to keep him safe at all costs.
I love the look into Vision/Wanda’s life - I didn’t think that would make me as upset as it did. Scarlet witch actually has to kill Vision. Whomst the fuck decided on that shit show I here you cry?! That was too much. Especially since there are not one but TWO OCCASIONS where she thinks she’ll have to do it. Fuck right off mate.
Okay okay so Steve’s entrance was iconic - I was like ‘wait when’s Steve coming’ cause we were quite a way in when he joins and then boom he’s there to save the day. Steve’s really starting to grow on me. I still think he’s too much of a hero sometimes but he’s learning and developing and I love Chris Evans too much. Not gonna lie, sad he didn’t have his shield for the entire film. I mean I get it but. Shield.
So also Peter Quill was actually gonna kill Gamora when she asked and that was too fucking much. How do expect me to deal with that shit?! I’m also kinda pissed that Gamora’s dead because I really like her but it was a brave choice lol. It’s weird because I actually felt sorry for Thanos when he had to kill her and I really didn’t want to but the whole scene was just so well acted. He thinks what he’s doing is for the good of the universe, so there’s no more suffering or whatever so I get that it must’ve been difficult for him you know? Lol I just love seeing the big purple gherkin on screen. OHHHHH while I’m here can we talk about the fact that Vormir is where Red Skull ended up?! OH MY GOD!!! I was so shook.
Back to Thor and now I wanna chat about him holding open the gateway thing for the star to start up the furnace. He knows he could very well die. This man is so lost of all hope that he really doesn’t care. He’s lost everything so nothing matters anymore. Idk it just got me man. Also when Groot breaks off his arm and makes a handle :’)
I loved the massive fight scene in Wakanda! When Bruce is running about and tripping up like a numpty before they reach the boundary and Okoye just looks at him like ‘who the fuck invited this fool?’ I love. Shuri was working her magic again! And omg when Thor turns up like ‘HEEEY BITCHES DID YOU MISS ME?!’ I also love. Nat and Cap’s fighting was excellent as was Black Panther’s! Yeh just loved this sequence. Oh and it gave me shivers when he knew he had to open the boundary to stop the morons from going round the back ahhhhh! They knew they were gonna have to have a right battle. Oh I almost forgot! BUCKY! And I love when Steve and Bucky meet in this film and it’s just so friendly and ahhhhhh! But also when Bucky’s fighting, why did he just have a gun? I mean come on, he’s a highly skilled assassin no? He should’ve been fighting like Nat, Steve and Okoye.
Right. So I have heard about the Thanos snap but I’m ngl to you, I didn’t know what it was. I did not think he would actually snap his fingers and BYE THAT’S IT FOLKS! I don’t know what I thought was gonna happen, but it was certainly not that lmao.
Okay so overall I absolutely loved this film. I loved the way everyone sort of came together but it was still significantly cut up into portions with various ‘teams’. I like the fact that Bruce is with Thor and then Tony and then Steve; it sandwiches everyone together nicely. I love the risidual tension of Civil War but Tony knows he should call Steve because otherwise the entire universe is in danger lol. And Tony still has the original phone!!!!! We stan. The only thing I was genuinely disappointed about was the lack of Steve/Tony scenes because I wanted even more tension you know? So there’d better be something going on in endgame otherwise I’ve got a bone to pick with the people over at Marvel Studios.
No but seriously, loved the film! I loved seeing where all the memes have come from as well lmao. Any insights are always welcome but no spoilers for future films please ehehehe :)
P.S. Now I have to wait till Captain Marvel and Endgame are released on dvd UGHHHHH!!!
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