#the rorschach reaper
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a-tear-in-space · 1 year ago
(It's Fox psychoanalyses a silly Facebook game time again woo)
I wanna bring up Grimsborough case 41, more specifically the bit when Tess hypnotises Jones to try and get him to kill the player, and the trial afterwards. (Added screenshots so I can properly explain what I wanna say)
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[The majority of the psychoanalysis is under the cut]
So we all know how Tess specifically targets people with deep insecurities, or otherwise had some negative feelings towards their victims - Misha was jealous of Rani because she was growing more popular than she was and was scared because of it, Penelope was worried that Lisa was was going to forget her and find new friends, leading her to go to drastic measures to keep that friendship with her, only to be exposed for it which would have ended their friendship anyway, and Taylor was furious at Aaliyah for only using the environmental protests to boost her reputation. With some encouragement from Tess and her hypnosis, the three killers were lead to be essentially pawns in her game, committing murders with their only motive being that "they did what they had to do." So that's what we know, that's the whole thing, that's what Tess does. Pretty simple. Concise, neat, and blunt.
So, back to the Jones Incident. In case 35, Tess makes a comment about how Jones "takes the credit for *insert player's* work," to which Jones immediately responds by saying that him and the player are a team. Now, here's the thing. Naturally, when you consider yourself to be a team with someone else, only for other people to praise your partner and not you, telling you that you "take credit for your partner's work," you begin to worry, right? You feel insecure. You begin to feel paranoid over whether you are putting enough work in, whether you are helping your partner enough. Hell, you might even begin to quietly resent your partner because they're getting the credit. You might feel paranoid over whether they are secretly revelling in all the praise and don't care about you, even if they do correct people and say that your work was a joint effort between the two of you. Do you communicate your feelings with your partner? Usually, the answer is no, as you are worried that if you voice your paranoia over the situation, they will think that you expect praise over everything and are majorly egotistical. So you keep quiet. You don't voice anything to anyone for fear of being seen as a bad person.
This can lead to a lot of negative feelings towards your partner and a lot of self-doubt - aka, the type of things that Tess Goodwin, as we know, looks for in her victims, leading me to believe that Tess fully knew what she was doing when she said that one, simple comment, as we already know that Tess is highly intelligent, manipulative, and very good at things like human psychology. She was sewing the seeds for her masterpiece, her metaphorical "checkmate," if you will. She took something that must have already been an insecurity for Jones (his usefulness in the police force, especially compared to the player) and made it grow, fanning the flames without really doing anything, waiting for the moment where she could fully take advantage of his negative feelings and try and get him to kill the player. Again, we all know this.
But during the trial, she says something I consider interesting.
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Tess describes Jones as being essentially volatile, harbouring negative feelings towards the player - which ties into what I said above, the whole "paranoia leading to bottled-up feelings of resentment and jealousy" thing.
Knowing how Tess is, and how she subtly manipulates people, I have reason to believe that this was a further attempt to place feelings of doubt and anxiety between the player and Jones. After all, Jones has just attempted to kill the player, and Tess, again, specifically targets those who harbour insecurities and negative feelings towards their victims. So it stands to reason that the player may believe that Jones legitimately does have those negative feelings towards them, and may begin to feel worried that Jones might actually try something. Yes, Tess is a master manipulator, the player knows this, they know what Tess is doing. But there's got to be at least some paranoia, right? The whole "but what if...?" thing. Especially as Tess literally states that the player should be careful around Jones, insinuating that he might really kill (or at least, try to kill) the player, this time without being hypnotised into doing so.
So yeah. You really do have to love Tess and hate her in equal measure, because you have to admit, that girl is SMART.
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mirror-ralsei · 1 year ago
THEORY: The Ink Blot Test & Symmetry in UTDR
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This isn't as much of a typical theory as it is pointing out a design element that I think really needs more discussion: the distinctive style used in certain visuals in the game.
It's actually kind of difficult for me to describe. But there seems to be a recurring style used across many enemies and their weapons. This style is typically white in color, and typically very ornate and detailed-looking. It's easy to pick out because most of the shapes in Undertale/Deltarune's sprites are more simple...and because of one fact: all of these designs look symmetrical.
Here are the places I noticed this style appearing. Hopefully as you look at these, you can understand what I mean by a particular “ornate, symmetrical look”:
Reaper Bird's overworld appearance
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Reaper Bird's body
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Final Froggit
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POSSIBLE: Knight Knight's Good Morningstar (listed here as “hammer”)
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POSSIBLE: Memoryheads (they're in 3/4 view and melting-looking so it's harder to tell, but notice the curly parts and comb-teeth-like parts)
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Gaster Blasters (using the unused version since it's easier to notice the style without the eyes)
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(While most of these designs are technically not symmetrical if you look closely, they all definitely give the impression of being so.)
There's some other possible references to this style, but I'm just going to focus on the more distinct ones for now. And even some of the ones I've listed are debatable. If I had to pick just a few, I'd use Reaper Bird, their overworld sprite, and CHAOS BUSTER as the definitive examples.
So it's taken me a couple years of not quite being able to place why this style felt so familiar. At first I thought they might look like fractals...
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...but that wasn't quite it. Finally, all of a sudden, I put my finger on it.
This design style reminds me of Rorschach blots.
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For anyone who doesn't know, the Rorschach test is a psychological test involving the subject looking at inkblots and determining what these patterns look like to them. As you can see, the inkblots are very intricate and symmetrical - just like the examples above.
How does this connect to Undertale? Not too much. But Deltarune? Possibly a lot! Maybe that's the reason most of the instances where this style appears seem connected to Deltarune in some way.
For starters, inkblots are black and white. Specifically, they're black patterns on a white background. So far, every instance of these inkblot-like designs in UT/DR have been the inverse of this: they're all white patterns on dark or black backgrounds. We know light and dark have meaning in Deltarune, so this makes sense.
The ink blots' meaning are what you make of it. Your brain determines what real world things this abstract ink on paper looks like to you. This seems like it could tie into the concept behind the Dark Worlds, and how they seem like “interpretations” of items in real life: For example, the Halloween Pencil becomes a SpookySword. (It's possible the ShadowCrystals may play on this “perception” idea a bit too, but we don't know yet.)
Doctor Gaster seems to be conducting tests on us (Sound Test, SURVEY_PROGRAM, etc.) to observe our feedback. This thematically fits with this whole Rorschach blot test reference. I'm not sure if “WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK?” from Entry 17 and the egg man's flavor text 'What do you think?” are necessarily connected to this at all, but it does happen to fit the theme, lol.
All right, so we've established that there seems to be a symmetrical-looking style. We theorized that maybe they were supposed to evoke a similar look to Rorschach blot tests.
Now we're going to speculate even further.
So why exactly was this Rorschach blot looking style chosen? I think this symmetrical look might be based around reflections. After all, Deltarune involves a Light World and Dark World that reflect each other. And there are actually a few important references to reflections across Undertale and Deltarune.
Kris first appeared in Undertale as the PC's reflection in a puddle if Undertale is being run in Debug mode (Video by marxvee)
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Reaper Bird is encountered in a mirror
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Asriel and Kris' sides of their room are almost perfectly symmetrical in terms of layout and furniture
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Kris' room in Ralsei's Castle has mirrored sprites of Asriel's trophies
The File Select text before Chapter 1's completion states “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION” when copying a file, “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE” when trying to copy a fiile onto itself, and “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION” when overwriting a file with a copied one
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Mettaton NEO's attack is incredibly high but defenses are low, Spamton NEO's defense is incredibly high but attack is low
Gaster's motif of “666” is “mirrored” by 999: 999 appears in multiple places, eg. Chara's attack, stats of Grandpa Semi were “atk: 99999, df: 99999, hp: 999” (pointed out by LeedleLel's comment on this video by Lil' Alien).
The background of Jevil's fight is a mirrored image of a carousel.
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The mirrored sinks in the right hospital room read “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” Also: “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)”
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All leg options in the GONER_MAKER are identical except the final one, which is mirrored. (pointed out by Shayy via Semi Frequent Undertale Facts)
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The background of the GONER_MAKER itself is mirrored.
The background of the Asriel Dreemurr fight is mirrored.
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The strange fog graphic before Papyrus' battle appears mirrored.
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"I can't get any closer to the camera, I can't even see...my...little reflection." from the Spamton Sweepstakes
POSSIBLE: Gaster's belly face (upside down, details are white on black background, where Gaster's main face are black on white background)
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POSSIBLE: Hot Fridge (inverse of the function of a normal fridge. look this one's loose lol, only including it because Alphys invented it and fridges are tied to Asgore's egg fridge, Snowdrake's mother, the Sans fridge call, and maybe the unused “rustfridge” in the Trash Zone (a place rife with possible Deltarune references))
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POSSIBLE: Unused rooms 123 and 321 (123 is a relatively accessible unused room with interesting dialogue and 321 is...dark, and "empty").
So notably, the places we find this reflection motif in Undertale seem mostly connected to Deltarune: Kris is the PC of Deltarune, Reaper Bird is tied to Deltarune through Everyman, Mettaton NEO is similar to Deltarune's Spamton NEO, and Gaster is...well, probably the one who gave us our SURVEY_PROGRAM in the first place. Even the more tenuous examples of reflections seem plausibly Deltarune-related, such as the fridge Fun call and the Gaster belly face in Spamton's dumpster and a reflected dark room.
I'd like to expound a little bit on the File Select and sink dialogues. Both of these seem to be playing with a concept that could explain this reflection motif.
Copying a file in the File Select seems to mean we are “reflecting” it onto another slot: “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION.” We cannot copy a file onto itself because “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE.” If we overwrite an existing file with a copied one, “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION.” Interestingly, though, if you copy a file into an empty slot... “THE DIVISION IS COMPLETE.”
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Not multiplying the file - dividing it in two. The original file is also implied to be changed in some way by this, because if you cancel the action of copying a file into an empty slot, “IT RETAINED ITS ORIGINAL SHAPE.” Meaning it would not have retained its original shape if it were copied.
The flavor text for the “cloned” sinks reflects this (hah) exactly. “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” are followed by “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)” Aside from being relevant to the only tall sink we know of, Papyrus' in Undertale, this seems to be setting up a concept of “reflections” representing “an original being divided in two.”
That's about as far as I can take this with the context we have now. We don't know what exactly this reflection/division concept will mean in the plot of Deltarune, as it hasn't showed its hand yet. We don't know if the resemblance of that one recurring style to inkblots is intentional or just coincidence. But at least we have some possible explanation for why these motifs of symmetry and reflections keep showing up.
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astra-galaxie · 3 months ago
What's your top 10 case in season1/first game?
10 The Reaper and the Geek
I liked this case for all the sci-fi references it packed into it. I might not be as much of a geek as I used to be, but I was a MAJOR geek when I played it! Seeing the comics, cartoons, and other references made me so happy. I loved searching the scenes for everything hidden in them!
Plus, we got to partner with Alex, which was a bonus!
9 The Haunting of Elm Manor
I enjoyed this case for how well the killer used the haunted house rumours to kill their victim. And the added use of the hallucinogenic drug to make the victim believe his house was trying to kill him was diabolically genius! Overall, I liked the supernatural elements and the almost Scooby-Doo-esque traps the killer set to kill the victim.
8 Troubled Waters
I liked this mainly for Archibald Ashworth. He is just such a funny, bee-loving old man! Oh, and seeing Jones in a sailor suit was fun, too!
7 Into the Vipers' Nest
This was the first district finale case I played, so of course, it was special. And seeing Salvador dead gave a morbid sense of satisfaction. It also showed another side of Marconi that some people forget about and helped make him a more complex character, in my opinion.
6 The Secret Experiments
Similar to Into The Vipers’ Nest, as a district final case, this is one of the best in the Financial Center. The murder method was incredibly (and horrifyingly) creative, and we managed to arrest multiple people before finishing the district, thanks to the case. So a very successful case, to say the least!
5 A Deadly Game
This case had so many surprises that guessing the killer’s next move was nearly impossible! It was also the first case where we didn’t find the victim’s body in the first chapter, which makes it more unique. Overall, despite the significant torture theme of the case, it worked strangely well with the plot.
4 Ashes to Ashes
A serial killer becoming the victim? Witchcraft among the suspects? And a centuries-old mystery you're still trying to solve? What’s not to like! Having the victim escape prison only to end up murdered while attempting to help reveal the Crimson Order was a shocking surprise! I knew when we were told she had escaped that she would become the next victim, but I didn’t think we would see her again after arresting her two-ish districts earlier!
3 The Rorschach Reaper
Catching our first serial killer always makes for a memorable case! And you have to hand it to the killer for using hypnosis to make others do her dirty work to avoid suspicion and arrest. Of course, she couldn't escape justice forever, but it was an intense case nonetheless as we worked to find out The Rorschach Reaper’s identity!
I also liked how Nathan, Alex and Grace got to join in with their outfit changes! Let the lab experts have more clothing options!
2 Dog Eats Dog
The only reason this case isn’t first is because I HATED how they killed so many innocent dogs! It was a rollercoaster of a case to play, especially after Jones got sick and we still hadn’t caught the killer! The suspects did a good job at keeping you guessing which of them was guilty, and even I have to admit, the killer wasn’t my first guess!
1 It All Ends Here
What can I say except that there’s no other case like it? We had several suspects, motives, and even an extra chapter to boot! Sure, The Darkest Hour has extra suspects, but no case has had an extra chapter except this one! And as sad as the killer’s end is, it was a monumental plot point that was well written and a good introduction to the following district. This case has always had an impact on me, and personally, I think it's better than the S1 finale case!
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echoes-lighthouse · 6 months ago
F/O Masterlist
Okay, I'm at the point where I'm going to have to make The Big List. So this is just a list of everyone that I conceivably might post selfship content about, so if people need to block tags or ask me in advance to tag things, you're aware of the possibility! I'll do my best to update this and let folks know when it's been updated.
This is specifically a list of my romantic or semi-romantic f/os, since those are the ones people usually care about blocking. Maybe I will make a separate list for platonic/familial selfships!
Organized alphabetically by source: let's go!
(I Have Posted About Them Before And I Will Likely Post Again)
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story - #my ghost boy), miscellaneous sideships with other Season 1 ghosts
Grell Sutcliffe (Black Butler - #don't fear the reaper)
Toshinori Yagi (BNHA- #sunflower time)
Shigaraki Tomura (BNHA- #my gamer boy)
Himiko Toga (BNHA - #bestie hours), includes a LoV polycule with Shigaraki, Spinner, Magne, Mr. Compress, Dabi, and maybe Kurogiri
Alex (Clockwork Orange - #clockwork siblings)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds - #simpatico in quantico)
Jester Lavorre (Critical Role- #my sweetling)
Hoid (Cosmere- #like attracts like)
The Joker (DC/TDK - #the lover who laughs)
13th Doctor (Doctor Who- #my doctor)
Sun/Moon (FNAF:SB- #daycare squad)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck - #heart of hearts)
Vox and Valentino (Hazbin Hotel - #digital poison), includes sex work with most of the main cast
Stolas (Helluva Boss - #secrets of the stars)
Armand, Gabrielle, Lestat, Louis, Daniel (Interview With The Vampire - #messy vampire polycule)
Val Frizzle (Magic School Bus - #val <3)
Jonah Magnus (The Magnus Archives - #eyes on you)
Zero Rick Sanchez (Pocket Mortys - #waiting in the stars), may include other Ricks as the mood takes me
Death (Sandman - #death becomes them)
Delirium (Sandman - #eyestrain pals)
Cecil and Kevin (WTNV - #listener and watcher)
Tumblr (Miscellanious Sources - #beloved hellsite)
(content about these is rare or hasn't happened yet, but it might! Only some have tags, but you can ask me to tag any.)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone)
Iroh (ATLA)
Tsuyu Asui (BNHA)
Nezu (BNHA)
Aizawa Shota (BNHA) only in a hook-up sense but still worth mentioning
Laudna and Imogen (Critical Role), currently on hold because I only got 10 episodes into C3
Monokuma (Danganronpa- #my evil lil bear)
Celeste, Junko, Toko (Danganronpa 1)
Eventually I'll get through the other Danganronpa games and add f/os from those as well
L (Death Note)
Queen (Deltarune)
Judge Frollo (Disney's Notre Dame)
Captain Hook (Live Action Peter Pan)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Oswalda Cobblepots (DC)
TARDIS (Doctor Who: my partner ships with her, not me, but I might post content for them)
Fandomstuck f/os are still to be determined
Glamrock Chica (FNAF:SB)
The Creation (Frankenstein)
Garfield (Garfield)
Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton fandom - #insufferable pokelovers)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Emberlynn (Helluva Boss)
Honestly the entire Homestuck cast is a possibility for me
The Devil (The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus)
Persephone (Lore Olympus)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Michael (The Magnus Archives)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives - #archivist my archivist)
Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins - #mary and me)
Minecraft Villager OC
Bert, Ernie, Gonzo (The Muppets)
Mae Borowski (Night In The Woods)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas - #my skeleman)
Haruhi Fujioka (OHSHC)
Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Erik (POTO)
Christine Daae(POTO)
Desire (Sandman)
Trencil (Smile For Me)
Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
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fanfictiontrash · 5 months ago
Current Character Ability Scores
Story Update (This serves as both a note for our progress and where to get thoughts out about stats and class choices.)
As we leave the prologue that was Grimsborough, (The two main characters don't meet until the Rorschach Reaper case, but even then, they only get to know each other more in passing. After the other main character joins the fight against Milton, he makes the decision to stay by Athena's side, she's the character I'm playing.) we make our way to Pacific Bay! Pacific Bay is where we (By we I mean the player since he's never heard or played this game.) get to really know the characters now that both main characters are working together, I'll talk about Athena's ability scores another time so let's talk about Amy and Frank! Amy has a 14 in Strength (STR), a 14 in Dexterity (DEX), a 14 in Constitution (CON), a 10 Intelligence (INT), a 10 Wisdom (WIS), and a 14 Charisma (CHA). Frank has a 14 in STR, a 16 in DEX, a 14 in CON, a 10 INT, a 10 WIS, and a 10 CHA.
More details under the cut! I'll get to the others later.
A 10 in a stat isn't bad, it's just average, it's bad when it's under 10 due to the fact it starts to negativity effect the character. I'm making Amy a Fighter/Paladin. STR is a must for a Fighter, I also thought she'd make use of the STR to help her friends and others. Her DEX is high cause I'd think she'd be pretty good on her feet; she's walking around in heels in sand, she's getting a good DEX to keep her footing. CON! More hit points mean she's able to stay in a fight much longer! Protect more! Both her INT and WIS being a 10 is because she's a rookie cop, she knows what she needs to know and can make reasonable decisions, she has room to grow from learning from the main character, which is what she'll be doing. CHA is high because it's the Paladin's spell casting modifier, in this setting it's not nearly as important but CHA is helpful for getting information.
Frank! Frank's a pure Fighter. As mentioned with Amy STR is a must have for Fighters, also he headlocks someone who's like 250lbs, he needs that STR. His DEX is high to help with his sleight of hand skills, for no reason in particular of course. His CON is a 14 because honestly, I feel like he could take some hits, and yeah, it helps determine his ability to handle drinks. INT, WIS and CHA are all spell casting modifiers and while magic does exist in this world, I am a firm believer Frank heavily denies its existence even when it's proven it's real. He knows what he needs to, can make some good decisions and can for the most part does not offend people just by breathing.
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criminalcase-confessions · 1 year ago
I don't know why but I'm disappointed that no evil group or person has really tried to turn the player to their side and that there is no plotline tied to the player.
Sure they get acknowledged by people but it mostly is just people saying how good they are at finding stuff and so on and it barely feels like they as a person have an effect on the world ??? I guess the closest was the Rorschach Reaper
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smash-or-pass-otome · 1 year ago
Tags and Links A-M (In Progress)
Some might still be missing cause I just went down the Smash or Pass tag on here and there's some i forgot to tag
Also I put links for the Lovebrush guys cause I didn't want to list each version
If any links don't work please let me know. I tested some but not all
The * is just me marking where I stopped when making the list
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Elliot March
Amnesia Memories
Arcana Twilight
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Toichiro Yuri
Yakumo Koizumi
Backstage Pass
Adam Eaton
John Brandon
Matthew Partridge
Baldur's Gate 2
Anomen Delyrn
Minamoto Yoritomo
Blind Griffin
Blooming Panic
Boyfriend Dungeon
Crow "Scarecrow" Miller
Helvetica Orsted
Limbo Fitzgerald
Mozu Shepherd
Shu Lyn O'Keefe
Cafe Enchante
Canus Espada
Ignis Carbunculus
Il Fado de Rie
Kaoru Rindo
Misyr Rex
Charade Maniacs
Akase Kyoya
Futami Ryouichi
Iochi Mizuki
Mamoru Chigasaki
Cinderella Phenomenon
City of Love Paris
Louise Paquier
Cloud Meadow
Code Realize
Impey Barbicane
Saint Germain
Collar X Malice
Takeru Sasazuka
Court of Darkness
Fenn Luxure
Cupid Parasite
Alan Melville
Gill Lovecraft
Raul Aconite
Ryuki F Keisaiin
Shelby Snail
Cute Demon Crashers
Dangerous Fellows
A Date With Death
Grim Reaper
Sir Brash
Devil butler with Black Cat
Berrien Cliane
Devil Kiss
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
Cullen Rutherford
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Even If Tempest
Tyril I Lister
The Fate of Wonderland
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Claude Von Riegan
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Edelgard Von Hresvelg
Felix Fraldarius
Mercedes von Martritz
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Hatoful Boyfriend
Kazuaki Nanaki
Shuu Iwamine
Hustle Cat
Grave Serling
I was a Teenage Exocolonist
Ikemen Sengoku
Masamune Date
Sasuke Sarutobi
Ikemen Vampire
Arthur Conan Doyle
Kamigami no Asobi
Anubis Ma'at
Loki Laevatein
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Mamoru Kishi
Shuichi Hishikura
Knights of the Old Republic
Carth Onasi
Love Spell Written in the Stars
Enix Gray
Florian Atlas
Jamie Niro
Marcello DiNucci
Lovebrush Chronicles
Ayn Alwyn
Cael Anselm
Clarence Clayden
Lars Rorschach
Blake Bailey
Lover Pretend
Asagi Eiichiro
Kamikubo Kazuma
Makino Harumi
Sena Yukito
Riku Nishijima
Lullaby of Demonia
Max Gentleman Sexy Business
Samuel Finch
Vicki Lestrange
Vlad Nibblesome
Wu Xiang
Metro PD: Close To You
Katsuyuki Kyobashi
Monster Prom
Damien Lavey
Moonlight Lovers
Mr Love Queen's Choice
My Candy Love University Life
Mystic Messenger
Jumin Han
Saeyoung Choi
Yoosung Kim
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hunterssm00n · 1 year ago
fandoms 🎂
Alien (Xenomorphs)
Predator (Yautja)
Slashers/Horror Movies
Mad Max: Fury Road
Resident Evil
Misc Monsters/Creatures
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Transformers - Bayverse & Prime
Jurassic Park/World
Hannibal NBC
Mortal Kombat
Batman - Arkhamverse & Nolanverse
Dead Space
Godzilla - Monsterverse
Ghost Rider
Star Wars
Sons of Anarchy
My Loves <3
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes
Immortan Joe
Glamrock Freddy
JEH! Freddy Krueger
Richard Trager
Shao Kahn
Michael Myers
Remake! Jason Voorhees
Tig Trager
Ripper aka the Indoraptor
Soldier: 76
Arkham Knight! Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
Ghost Rider
Darth Vader
Night Hunter
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slickbackdani · 1 year ago
I'm perusing TV Tropes for great ideas for future DEATH BATTLE installments, and here are the ideas I like most:
Agent 47 (Hitman) vs The Spy (TF2)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) vs Gamora (Marvel)
Aku (Samurai Jack) vs Hades (Hercules)
Ares (DC) vs Hela (Marvel)
Asgore Dreemur (Undertale) vs Andrias Leviathan (Amphibia)
Atrocitus (DC) vs Jiren (Dragon Ball)
Azula (Avatar) vs Esidisi (JJBA)
Baraka (Mortal Kombat) vs Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Beast Boy (DC) vs Nimona
Belos (The Owl House) vs Vecna (Stranger Things)
Black Manta (DC) vs Killmonger (Marvel)
Cheetah (DC) vs Catra (SPOP)
Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece) vs Jolyne Kujoh (JJBA)
Freddy Fazbear (FNAF) vs Monokuma (Danganronpa)
Gengar (Pokemon) vs King Boo (Luigi's Mansion)
Indiana Jones vs Rick O'Connell (The Mummy)
John Constantine (DC) vs Hellboy
Johnny Gat (Saints Row) vs Trevor Phillips (GTA 5)
Joseph Joestar (JJBA) vs Star-Lord (Marvel)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) vs Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Kars (JJBA) vs Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Katsuki Bakugo (MHA) vs Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Lizard (Marvel) vs either Killer Croc or Man-Bat (DC)
Loki (Marvel) vs Shinnok (Mortal Kombat)
Lord Raptor (Darkstalkers) vs Brook (One Piece)
Maui (Moana) vs King Shark (DC)
Moon Knight (Marvel) vs Azrael (DC)
Mysterio (Marvel) vs Scarecrow (DC)
Okuyasu Nijimura (JJBA) vs Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Overhaul (MHA) vs Diavolo (JJBA)
Peacemaker (DC) vs The Soldier (TF2)
Pennywise (It) vs either Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) or Sinestro (DC)
The Pyro (TF2) vs either Firefly (DC) or Roadhog (Overwatch)
Ra's al Ghul (DC) vs Will Zeppeli (JJBA)
Reaper (Overwatch) vs Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat)
Risotto Nero (JJBA) vs Skarlet (Mortal Kombat)
Robin Hood vs Zorro
Rorschach (Watchmen) vs V (V for Vendetta)
Sandman Marvel) vs either Clayface (DC) or Crocodile (One Piece)
Saxton Hale (TF2) vs Kano (Mortal Kombat)
Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear) vs President Valentine (JJBA)
The Sniper (TF2) vs Captain Boomerang (DC)
Tomura Shigaraki (MHA) vs Yoshikage Kira (JJBA)
Trixie Lulamoon (MLP: FIM) vs Peridot (Steven Universe)
Two-Face (DC) vs Mal (Total Drama)
Vilgax (Ben 10) vs General Zod (DC)
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs John Kramer (Saw)
Xenomorph (Alien) vs Demogorgon (Stranger Things)
Zim (Invader Zim) vs Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
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issy5316 · 1 year ago
For Tess Goodwin: Hey Tess, what happened to your sister’s life after people found out you were the Rorschach Reaper?
tess: people started to avoid her and thought she was like me, i ruined her life and.....this is strange coming from me, but i didn't want her life to be ruined because of my decisions.
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bunniesfluff · 5 years ago
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“Your wings will always be my safe place, Reaps”
Inkshipsweek- Day 5 - Blue
-Ink belongs to Comyet/Myebi
-Reaper belongs to Renrink

 Shipsweek hosted by @old-desert
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mllkymash · 5 years ago
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                                        THE TRILOGY OF TESS
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hammerhead918 · 7 years ago
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“The end is nigh… die!, die!, die!”
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rarepair-haven · 5 years ago
Do you have a name for the Reaper/Ink ship?
We sure do! The two that are written down are “MementoMori” and “Rorschach”, though you could also use “Reapink”.
-Mod Goof
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endangered-liaison · 4 years ago
FFXIVWrite Prompt #1: Crux
[Featuring @with-fists-and-folded-steel ‘s Claudia!]
The smell of engine oil and ceruleum is a sickly, cloying scent. Memorable, in the way that breaking a bone is memorable. It sticks with you, even after years. They blend together, overlaying one another in a way that makes both so much worse.
Maxima wraps a cloth around her face, tying it back to cover her mouth and nose. Too many fumes.
"Ain't this somethin' for the Jens to manage?" She finally speaks up, voice muffled by the bandana.
The Decurion pauses in what she's doing. "Sure. But we don't take them into the field with us. Wrench."
Max lifts the wrench from her box of tools and passes it over. A moment later, she gags and coughs at the smell as Claudia twists a bolt and a flood of viscous, lumpy oil splashes from the hull of the Reaper she's working on. It spatters across the floor, making the realm's worst Rorschach Test. Max thinks it looks kind of like a map of Thavnair. "Fuck," Max gasps out, taking a step back so she can actually breathe without wanting to vomit. "We ain't in the field, Dec."
Claudia shrugs. "What happens if the walker breaks down in a fight? Or halfway across Gyr Abania after a combat drop?"
"Point." Max hates to agree, but it's not wrong. And hey, at least she's not being asked to learn about it herself. It's all Servius's pet project.
"Come look at this."
Max blanches, shifting a few shades paler. An excellent pureblood imitation, in all. "Uh...I'm good, yeah?"
Claudia turns her head to give Max a flat look with all three eyes. She raises one oil-covered hand and points a middle finger at her. "Get over here, Max. And bring a screwdriver."
Max groans, pantomiming taking deep breaths before stepping back into the splash radius. She grabs a pair of screwdrivers on the way, crouching down under the hull of the Reaper.
Claudia takes one of the screwdrivers from her hands and begins working on a small panel beneath the armour plating she'd already unbolted.
"So. The fuck do you want me to look at?"
There's a dull thud, and the whole plate releases. There's a low magnetic humming, and Claudia grins, lowering the plate with the care one would give to a firstborn child. Probably not the thirdborn, though. She hands the plates over to Max, who tries her best not to fumble it.
"This...is the core of the Reaper." Claudia points the screwdriver at what she'd just opened, then steps aside. With a degree of reticence, Max steps around to look at whatever's being indicated. It's...oh. Okay. Engines, Max knows well enough. But this is...different. Ceruleum pipes and electrical wiring twist like vines around a circular core, thrumming with power. The engine powers the vehicle's motors, but this is its weaponry, its readouts, its linking tech. It glows, faintly, rhythmically.
It's honestly almost beautiful.
"...It safe to be this close to it? Without the platin'?"
Claudia shrugs. "It's just magitek. Don't worry about it so much, legionary."
Max frowns, handing the armour plate back to Claudia. "Can't help it. I bunk with Castellus, the girl must be rubbin' off on me."
Claudia smirks sidelong at that but, mercifully, doesn't make any sort of comments. That would be more Lee's purview, anyway. Claudia raises the plate, slotting it back in place and starting to screw it shut again. She seems satisfied with whatever maintenance she's been doing, at least for today.
"Why's it...pulse like that?" Max can't help but ask the question, and Claudia pauses.
"...I think it's the photon generators for the side guns. But it really does look like a heart, don't it?" Claudia wipes a hand over her brow, smearing oil and ceruleum over her forehead, the dark brown and the deep blue muddying together to make an awful mess. "The beating heart of a steel beast."
Max leans back against the Reaper's leg, watching the Decurion work. After a moment, she gets an idea, and rummages through her toolbox for what she needs. After a few seconds, she finds a chisel and a hammer. Hardly the most high-tech tools, but still useful enough.
Claudia half-glances her way. "...Sawyer, what the fuck are you doing with that?"
"Got an idea."
After a few long seconds, she sighs, but goes back to working replacing the armour plates. She only stops when Max places the chisel against the cermet plating of one of the legs. "If you crack that, the replacement's comin' out of your pay." She thinks about it. "If you draw a dick on it, the replacement's comin' out of your pay twice."
Max sighs. "Trust me, yeah?"
Claudia gives a long-suffering look.
"Come on, Dec."
She just sighs, and pulls her welding goggles down despite not having any welding to do. If she can't see what's happening, she doesn't have to acknowledge it. That’s become somewhat of a mantra, running III Squad the way she does.
Half a bell later, after she's finished bolting the last panel in place on the Reaper, Claudia wanders her way around the Reaper to see what fresh nightmare Max has left her with.
Instead, what she sees surprises her. In Max's rough-hewn script, made rougher by the use of the chisel, there's two words. A name.
Ferro Ferarum
"Y'know, Sawyer?" She grins slowly, and wraps an oil-covered arm around Max's shoulders. "I don't hate it."
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artfulwraith · 4 years ago
She has always been the whole one between the two of them. Even before he was gone, he was missing some pieces, he was a darling glitch, growing and wilting just as quickly between a breath of life. It begs the question if he was every really here.  But there are traces, streaks of him, sometimes trickling into her thoughts and other times hitting her like a wallop to the chest. There was always too much of her to be lost in him, thank god, even with her thinning skin she is a marvel, it lays like satin over her strong bones while others wrinkle and crease, many of them long before her. He’s a myth, a detested Rorschach blotch, or a faceless angel fading into ancient silver emulsion.  He’s more of a feeling now, a glimmer entombed in the thoughts of a few weary dreamers, many of them unable now, as they wrestle in the chokehold of time’s sinister squeeze, to recall his name. And then the rest of them, feelings, just like himself, endure in the dunes of her maddening, brilliant, mind that coaxes her into an eternity where a reaper yields while her disciples must, inevitably, drift to the wayside.
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