#the road to cleveland promo vid where adam cole is extremely mad/obsessed about orange and orange is fed up/annoyed
wrestlezon · 5 months
going through and organizing that best friends + oc vs miro + kip/penelope feud document and 2020 was so long ago that it was before orange even had where is my mind as his theme. he just had generic rock. wild
this feud also goes from october 2020 to march 2021. trent gets injured halfway through in december so, sure. but woof does it drag, man. it also doesn't really get interesting* until the butler stuff comes into play at the beginning of 2021, but by that time its been almost 3 months of this so its a bit harder to appreciate.
it does have a good payoff in the end. but maybe i'll recommend just starting from the dynamite diamond ring match onward lol
*there is nothing more interesting than seeing chuck in turmoil.
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