#the rest of the quarters because they barely talk to others esp the guy even tho its a friends trip
exoploring · 2 years
Travelling w couples is annoying ✌️😔
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baroquebucky · 5 years
ummm peter/soft!reader pls? reader is in color guard and maybe gets hurt during her solo in halftime, and peter runs out to see if she’s okay or smth? maybe she’s doing a toss and it goes wrong?
A/N: THIS IS SO CUTE AHHH pls send in some peter requests !! (esp marching band peter or color guard reader and etc hehehe) hope you enjoy !!!! <3
You glanced around the student section of the bleachers, looking for peter from where you were with the marching band. It was still early, he must have been picking up Ned or something. You talked with a few of your guard friends and watched the football team warm up as the band practiced a few scales to warm up.
When peter was in marching band you would look up at him in the sea of instruments and mock his playing position, blowing in and out as the director instructed. Other times half the guard would try and copy the movements of the drum majors and attempt to conduct the band but almost always failed miserably.
You glanced over at the student section once more and locked eyes with a flustered peter parker. He sat as close as he could to the band, but couldn’t get too close since the drill team had a section that separated the band from the students. Before peter liked it, they could go nuts in the stands without having to worry about the students making fun of the ‘band nerds.’ Now peter hated it, he wanted to be next to you as the drum line played cadences and play along with the stand tunes.
You smiled at him and waved at him, he smiled back and waved back equally as excited, everyone around you awed at the sight of the two of you communicating and you only nudged them. You both made eye contact and talked silently throughout the first quarter.
By the second quarter the guard instructed told everyone to head to where the equipment was and you felt yourself get nervous. Your director, who everyone called by his first name came over to you to help you go over your rifle solo.
Usually peter would miss games to patrol and would literally swing by to watch the halftime show, mainly to watch you. And you knew he would, sometimes you could spot him on top of the announcer box and you would smile up at him, but you weren’t sure if he ever saw it.
Today though, you guys were running the whole show, and you had a brand new solo in the ballad. You practiced with your director, reciting the counts and throwing a six with your rifle, under it you would do a sit roll and be up in time to catch it and long with a couple more elements. You were somewhat consistent but you wanted to really impress peter, especially since he was skipping his usual patrolling to be here tonight.
Peter watched as you practiced, the way your uniform would flow with your movements. He smiled as you continued to practice your solo. He looked at the scoreboard and saw how badly you guys were losing, slightly cringing at how bad the football team was.
Ned turned to him and smiled, “ate you excited for the show? I heard y/n has a really hard solo” he spoke and peter nodded. “Yeah that’s the whole reason I actually came tonight, I’m sure she’s gonna nail it” he smiled, suddenly he felt his hair stand and he looked around, there was no threats around. He shook it off and stole some of Neds pretzel, causing Ned to smack the back of his head.
As halftime began the away team preformed their show, it was good, but you were too nervous about your own preformance to appreciate it. As the announcer introduced your band you all scrambled to set your equipment, running to set one.
“good luck guard!” The trumpets around you told you and your team mates. You smiled and replied quickly “good luck trumpets.” As the show began everything went smoothly, you had even forgotten why you were so nervous, you loved preforming and spinning.
As your solo approached the wind picked up and you saw Peter cheering for you in the stands. You picked up your rifle as the band moved around you. You were nervous since it was windy but as you approached the toss, the wind died down and you went for it, doing the sit roll and barely catching the toss as it bent your pinky back. You smiled tightly at the audience before running to switch to some swing flags for the closer. You felt your finger swelling and you just wanted this to be over with.
The show finally ended and you all gathered everything and went back to where the equipment bags were. You called over your director, tears in your eyes as you held your finger.
“The wind picked up and oh my god this hurts so much” you spoke frantically as he told one of your friends to go get ice for your finger, it was already turning purple. “You’re gonna be fine don’t worry i don’t think it’s broken, fractured at worst” he shot you a small smile and you blinked away tears.
“What happened is she okay?” You heard Peters voice approaching, running towards you and holding your hand. Your director explained what happened and peter examined your finger.
Peter knew as soon as you tossed your rifle you were going to get hurt, he wanted to seb your rifle away from you so you wouldn’t get hurt but he knew he couldn’t. Your friend returned with the ice and peter quickly took it and put it gently to your finger.
“You can stay here with her or you guys can go back to the stands but she can’t leave without her family picking her up, sorry parker” your director sighed and he nodded. You looked at peter and smiled softly, taking in how beautiful he looked under stadium lights, the way his curls fell almost perfectly. He looked down at you and smiled.
“You have a maybe fractured finger and you’re still smiling” he laughed as you rolled your eyes.
“How can I not smile when the most perfect hero is here nursing me to health” you teased and he blushed, helping you up from where you were sitting criss cross. “Do you wanna go back to the stands?” You asked him, dusting yourself with your other hand, peter kept a firm hold on the hand with your injured pinky.
“I kinda wanna leave and cuddle but we can’t do that can we” he pouted and you smiled softly at the boy, giving him a small kiss on his cheek.
“Let’s just go to the stands and have fun yeah?” You smiled at your boyfriend and he hesistated, not wanting you to get hurt. You sighed and pulled him in for a hug.
“Pete im fine, it’s probably fine and will go down in a couple of days” you spoke, your arms wrapping around his neck. You smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips.
He smiled at you and rolled his eyes. “Fine, but if it hurts tell me” you smiled at him and walked back to the bleachers together. You gave him a small hug as he sat back down next to ned and you quickly went with your guard friends, getting your bags to go change in the restroom.
As the third quarter ended you felt the slight throbbing of your pinky die down and you looked over at peter, giving him a thumbs up and a smile. He quickly mumbled something under his breath (most likely ‘thank god’) and smiled back at you.
When the game ended you all headed back towards the busses to get back to school, Peter waved goodbye and blew you a kiss. You caught it and sent one back, causing ned to gag and your guard friends to squeal.
After putting everything up, you exited the school and saw peter standing outside with a bouquet of flowers. You blushed and rushed towards him, both your backpacks weighing you down slightly.
“well what a nice surprise” you smiled as the two of you walked away from the school.
“i couldn’t just let you leave, not when you’re hurt” he smiled and you rolled your eyes, adjusting your backpack.
“give me them” peter spoke, reaching for your backpack full of papers and binders, picking it up from your shoulders as if it was nothing, which to him it wasn’t.
You sighed in relief and rolled your shoulders. “So are we walking to my house or what’s gonna happen, because you can’t drive” you smiled and he smirked at you, putting on his webshooters. You smiled excitedly and wrapped your arms around him, you kissed the top of your head and before you knew it, you were swinging across town and landed infront of your house.
As you both entered he immediately grabbed an ice pack from your fridge and held it to your pinky, telling you sternly to keep it there while he put some water and salt in a bowl for you to put your finger in there.
You felt your heart flutter at how sweet he was being towards you, how cautious he was. As he approached with the bowl you quickly kissed him, on his neck, then his jaw, then his nose and forehead and cheeks and then his lips.
“god parker i love you” you spoke between kisses, “i love you so fucking much, i don’t know how i got so lucky” you spoke, your foreheads resting against each other for a second before you both pulled away so he could hand you the bowl of salt water.
“I’m the lucky one, you’re the one with a solo” he winked at you while slowly putting you hand in the warm water.
“This should help with the swelling” he spoke, getting up. You looked at him with puppy eyes.
“You’re leaving already?” You spoke, not wanting him to leave yet. He only laughed at your remark and shook his head.
“baby you really think I’m gonna leave when you’re hurt? of course not, I’m gonna go get the water ready so you can shower because you smell horrible” he teased, scrunching his nose up and you opened your mouth in shock.
“Peter Benjamin Parker my pinky may hurt but I’ll still beat your ass” you scolded him, getting up with the bowl in hand, looking as he put the ice pack in the fridge and carried your bags to your room.
“I’m gonna hold you to that angel, now cmon go get clean” he smiled and you giggled, thankful that even when you didn’t catch correctly or even if you dropped, you still had your number one fan.
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raiswriting · 6 years
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request: art major!reader w law major!doyoung pls :cc bullet note format if u can!!!
a/n: he’s a year older than you but it doesn’t matter that much
warning: a few swear words oopsie
genre: fluffy college!au
pairing: doyoung x reader
summary: ummm basically just how you and doyoung meet and get to know each other
word count: 5.1k (oops)
okay so basically college has been a JOURNEY
people ALWAYS had some shit to say as soon as they found out you were an art major
it was usually “what are you going to do with that” “do you know how unsteady that career path is”
do they really think they’re telling you something new????
oh I’m sorry your majoring in business Susan™ and you decide to throw away your passions just because some high school counselor told you that you wouldn’t be able to support yourself but IM going to make my passion a career
lol sorry I have a lot of feelings
now onto how you met your mans doyoung
your freshman and sophomore years, you had only seen him in passing
tbh you barely recognized him when you saw him more than once
you knew him as “that one dude that i always see in the dining hall wearing suits”
then junior year you got a job at the convenience store on campus (lets get this BREAD)
pls tell me it isn’t some weird niche thing that only my school has
aNyWHO he started coming in around 2 am right before closing
and ALWAYS picked up 3 coffees all of which had double shots of espresso
this happened about 2 or 3 times a week
(which is very unhealthy guys gals and nonbinary pals pls try to drink cold water instead, it helps wake me up or green tea)
so despite seeing him so often at work, he began to appear less and less everywhere else
were you lowkey kinda sad about it???
that was until winter quarter started
you needed an elective class, SO you figured ‘eh why not take philosophy’ you had heard around that the professor is really chill and overall the class wasn’t supposed to be that bad
 because that really nice professor that everyone loved isn’t the one teaching the class this quarter
but hey you figured let’s go into this with an open mind and hope for the best
well on day one of this class (which is a 9 am by the way) guess who struts through the door
mister “that one guy i’d always see wearing a suit” who became mister “that one dude who always buys too much coffee at 3 am”
the man… the myth…… the legend………….MISTER KIM DOYOUNG
yep and ya boi decided to sit 2 seats down from you, it was too far to say hi or anything (esp bc you had never really spoken to him before) but like he was also just close enough for it to be awkward
so class went by normally you found out that the new professor wasn’t THAT bad but there was definitely gonna be a lot of work involved
so yeah life carries on as normal
you still see him all the time at the convenience store
one night it had been a particularly rough shift
your alarm didn’t go off, so you were running late, it had started to rain on your walk to work, and when you finally got there your manager apparently had someone piss in his cheerios because he had S U C H an attitude because you were
you were sat behind the counter after what felt like hours of sweeping and mopping the floors
that’s when he walked in
you didn’t even lift your head to greet him as “hi, welcome” crawled itself out of your mouth
you did however notice when he sat his 3 cans of coffee in front of you
“hey your y/n right?”
 “that’s what it says on my nametag”
“haha yeah it does. i think i have you in my philosophy class”
when you finally met his eyes, you felt a little bad
you had kinda been giving him the cold shoulder for something that wasn’t his fault
 you gave him a little smile
“yeah i am. doyoung right?”
he nodded slightly
the air was a little awkward and silent as you scanned his coffees
as you handed him the receipt he asked “hey do you maybe want to study together sometime. i mean our test is in like two weeks and it’s a quarter of our grade so like if you were free we could hang out and get some work done?”
dUDE you froze
here he was standing right in front of you; messy hair, sweatpants, a sweatshirt repping your school logo and looking very nervous (but very attractive lmao)
i guess your reply took a little too long because he quickly started to back peddle
“i mean if you prefer to study alone that’s cool. i just always see you during lecture and you look like you understand the material and sometimes i get a little lost in terminology but if you don’t want to that’s fine too.”
you quickly snapped out of your haze
 “no, no. i would love to study with you. here let me give you my number so we can meet up. most of my classes are in the morning so any time after like noon should be fine.”
 you grabbed his receipt back and quickly scribbled your number on it before handing it back
“just text me when you want to get together”
 okay honestly you had never been one to give out your phone number just like that and you didn’t really like studying with people
but something about him made it so hard to say no
you just had this urge to get to know him
so when he texted you a few days later asking if you were free to study that night
of course you said yes
and it went pretty smoothly
he has a much better understanding of the material than he let on at first
he even ended up helping you understand a few things
you got together w few times over the next couple of weeks
each time you met you got to know each other more and more
yall quickly became friends
well yall became friends after the first night studying because lets be real it was awKWARD
like neither of you felt particularly comfortable yet because this was the first time you had actually hung out with each other despite knowing of each other’s existence for two years
oh yeah that’s something you found out after getting to know one another
 he had always seen you around campus and wanted to get to know you but never did because he thought it’d freak you out having a random stranger coming up to you like
‘hey I know you don’t know me but I see you all the time. let’s be friends.’
which isn’t THAT crazy but to each their own
okay but let’s jump to the time 2 days before your exam
you guys agreed to meet up at the library and the plan was to study for A WHILE just to make sure you were prepared ya know?
so like you get there and he was already sitting in a room waiting
 when you open the door he gets up to hug you
which he hasn’t ever done before
and like tbh he was really warm and smelled really nice like it his cologne wasn’t too strong, and it smelt sweet but also very inviting which isn’t really a scent but like do you get me? and he gave a really tight hug like the type that you didn’t want to let go of it felt as though you could stay there forever (this is also where you lowkey start having feelings for him but shhh because you don’t realize it yet)
so back the point
obvi you start studying and besides the hug nothing was really that different
you got through the material, quizzed each other, talked a bit
ya know the usual
time flew by and the next thing you know it’s 12:30 am and the library would be closing at 1 so you decide to wrap it up
“alright doyoung i’ll see you in class. get some rest before the test okay?”
 “yeah yeah i will” he rolled his eyes a little bit
 “seriously dude. i know you. go straight to sleep when you get back to your place”
he worried you sometimes. He really wanted to do well and the applications for law school were opening up soon, so he’s been kinda stressed no matter how much he tried to hide it and this test coming up isn’t helping
“i will. i promise.”
he walked you out of the library and you two would usually part ways and walk alone to your apartments
before you could turn and say goodbye doyoung was already speaking
“hey it’s a lot darker out here than usual”
you looked up at the pitch-black sky
“yeah I guess it is, oh well at least I have my pep-“
 “what? you have your pepper spray right?”
“no i forgot that i let my roommate borrow it. she’s going to a sorority thing and won’t be back until like 3 or 4. it’s fine though my apartment is only like a 10-minute walk. goodnight do”
“wait y/n. i’ll walk you back. it’s way too late and too dark for you to go home”
“no i couldn’t ask you to do that. you’re law and society class is at 8 am tomorrow so you need to get some sleep.”
 “well i won’t be able to sleep anyway if I’m staying up worried about you. so lead the way.”
despite the cold fall air, your face felt hot
like you know that it’s normal for friends to be worried about each other but that didn’t make doyoung saying it any less charming
the walk back was nerve wracking
you guys normally don’t hang out outside of the context of studying
so like this was weird, nice but weird
and once you go to your door there was a cast of silence
doyoung was just looking at you
normally it would make you kinda uncomfy/insecure but right now you were calm
there was something about looking into his eyes
the brown was so warm and inviting
after a few seconds of the comfortable silence, he finally looked away
and I awkwardly cleared my throat “thank you for walking me home doyoung”
 “of course, i’m just gald to know you got here safely”
“so um, i was gonna wish you luck just in case we don’t see each other before the test but i mean judging from our study session you won’t need it though.”
he giggled and i swear someone could have mopped up your heart because it was in a puddle on the floor
“shut up y/n. thank you though. i always appreciate your kind words. do you want to meet for lunch after the exam? i usually have a lab afterwards but it got cancelled so if you’re free we should meet up.” asjdjjklcbclkNCKDLSNCOS
“yeah i am free. i guess i’ll see you then.”
 he took a few steps back “yeah i guess you will. goodnight y/n”
“goodnight doyoung. actually get some sleep tonight, yeah?”
you could see his shoulders shake with laughter as he walked down the steps
to say you were smitten would be an UNDERSTATEMENT
the smile that showed up didn’t leave even after you fell asleep
when you get to class on that friday morning, doyoung is already sitting in his usual seat
the bags that usually take their place beneath his eyes are barely visible today
hopefully he took your advice and actually went to sleep
after the test you both got some burgers for lunch and just talked it had nothing to do with the test which was nice
i guess y’all make a great pair because once the scores came out, both of you got A’s
after that studying together became a routine
every tuesday, thursday and saturday leading up to the next test,  you guys would review or sometimes just hang out
it was a mutual decision to help each other study
even if you didn’t share the class, one would be there to quiz and make sure the other focused (most of the time it worked, other times you’d be the reason they got distracted and vice versa)
the two of you would go out for lunch on those days instead
as the quarter drew to a close and the break got nearer and nearer as did finals week
you and doyoung tried to keep up with your study schedule but it was getting harder
you had artwork due
you were particularly stressed over a sculpture that was assigned
your teacher gave you those choice of clay or marbleas a medium and clearly you chose clay
you were going to do marble but then you remembered the other 3 tests you need to prepare for and a portfolio that had to fit the theme of mythology
so basically you had a lot of art to produce and NO INSPIRATION like none, zero, zip, zilch, nada
you sat in the room you had reserved in the arts building
a pile of clay sat atop a slab of rock, a blank page of a sketchbook sat next to that
scrolling through pinterest had stopped working long ago and at this point you were losing hope
ring, ring, ring
doyoung’s name popped up on your screen
it was odd because you two usually texted for everything
“hey, do what’s up?”
“hi y/n i was just wondering if you wanted to grab some fro-yo. i just got out of another test and could use some company”
“ahh, doyoung i’m sorry but i’m stuck doing work. do you remember that mythology sculpture i told you about? well, it’s due next Wednesday and i haven’t even started on it yet”
his voice sounded so concerned “is everything okay? how are you doing?”
“i’m doing okay, just tired. i’ve been trying so hard but can’t find any inspiration” you sighed into the phone, looking out the window of your room
“what room are you in?”
“room 247 in building B. why?”
“just sit tight.”
the call ended before you could ask any more questions
okay when i tell yall it was less than five minutes and he was walking through the door just know that what i really mean is he rAN FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF CAMPUS TO COME COMFORT YOU
so yeah, he got there huffin and puffin, ready to blow your house down (with love)
“doyoung, what are you doing here?”
“well you were upset.” his tone was so matter-of-fact, and his eyes were so wide and innocent
honestly he looked so cute but like you were still very confused
what was he doing there?????
yeah you were upset but you also didn’t want to worry him
he casually walked over to a seat beside a window and pulled something out of his backpack
as he got closer and reached his hand out for you to take it, you noticed it was a sandwich
“it’s ham and cheese. light mayo, no lettuce or tomato”
when your eyes looked up at him he wouldn’t make eye contact
“you said this is the only way you take your sandwiches”
you only told him this once in passing because he was eating a sandwich with mayo
but pls tell you are putting the pieces together
he stopped to get you food and made it across campus in 5 minutes
alrighty anywho
obviously you took the sandwich and spent 5 minutes thanking him for getting it for you
he sat back down in his seat near the window as you guys chatted for a bit
the conversation slowed slightly and you were able to just look at him
the light was bouncing off his face perfectly
his eyes looked like freshly brewed coffee. they were warm and inviting
his smile somehow managed to outshine the light pouring in
there he was
in all of his glory
your muse
your inspiration
his expression shifted to one of confusion
“y/n, why are you looking at me like that”
he could be your subject for not only the sculpture but also the portfolio as well
“okay this may be an odd favor and you can feel free to say no”
your leg couldn’t stop bouncing up and down and you thought your hands might catch a cramp from all the wringing they were doing
“don’t be silly. what is it?”
“well, i was thinking maybe you could be the model for my sculpture.”
 “of course i will but i thought it was supposed to be about mythology and i’m no greek god”
he chuckled a little bit
“shut up do. are you kidding me? your shoulders are like a mile wide. you have a great jawline and that smile? you’d have all the mortal girls falling for you i mean i did. that sounds like god-material to me”
he threw his head back laughing
mostly to hide the huge blush creeping up his cheeks
“okay, okay. i’ll pose for you. what do i have to do?”
“just sit still so that i can take some measurements of your face and then i’ll take some photos for reference afterwards.”
doyoung did as he was told for the most part
he sat there patiently
he kept peeking at your sketchbook as you laid out the rough ideas for a few of your other pieces
tbh you hadn’t even noticed
you were in the ZONE, you hadn’t been this inspired in a while and you wanted to take full advantage of it
you also hadn’t noticed the ,,,, um,,,, lack of space,,,,,, between the two of you
well doyoung had, to say the least
he sat there desperately hoping and praying that you wouldn’t notice how sharply he would breathe in everytime your hands touched his face to move its position
or that you couldn’t notice how much his hands were shaking and how he was constantly wiping them on his pants because they were very sweaty
finally, you had all the information you needed
as you stepped back and over to your chair in front of the clay, doyoung could finally breath
“doyoung, do you have any other classes today? i don’t want to keep you here if you have plans. you can go i can work off of the reference pictures”
he very vigorously shook his head
“no no, i’m free for the day.”
“okay. you should probably go get something to eat while get this started. this will probably be a long process.”
“yeah sure. do you want me to grab you anything while I’m gone?”
“nope i’m good. i already had the sandwich you brought me.”
“okay then i’ll be right back”
after he left it easy to feel the emptiness of the room
even though you were enveloped in your work it was still noticeable
the absence of his presence was palpable
the lack of it was almost suffocating
while you were worked on getting the basic shape and structure you found yourself unsettled
unable to get back into the ‘zone’ you found yourself in before
still, you pushed through the weird shift in the air, but it wasn’t long before doyoung came back with a bag of food
“hey doyoung.”
he glanced over at your pile of clay
“whoa. you made a lot of progress. okay i know you said that you didn’t want anything to eat but i brought burgers and some chips and stuff just in case.
“doyoung, you really didn’t have to. i would have been fine.”
he rolled his eyes but didn’t reply. he simply sat back in his chair and ate some of the fries that came with his burger
the hours seemed to fly by once doyoung returned
it also helped that you played music on the speaker that you brought
before you knew it, it was 5 pm and the sun was setting
you leaned back from your chair to stretch before standing and taking a good look at the sculpture
after about 4 hours of work, you were almost done
of course there were still things that needed to be touched up, like the hair and the eyes
you had decided on a pose of doyoung looking up and off into the distance
you turned and washed your hands in the sink at the back of the room
“here’s your burger if you want it. it might be a little cold, but it doesn’t have any mustard, lettuce, tomato, or pickle. that’s how you like it right?”
“yeah, how’d you know?”
“remember we met up for dinner before a study session a few weeks ago? that’s how you ordered your burger and you told me about how dill pickles were the bane of your existence”
 “which they are” you chuckled “but i can’t believe you remembered that”
“of course, i did. i remember everything you tell me”
your heart melted for like the fiFTH TIME TODAY
you smiled and blushed before grabbing the wrapped burger from his hands
you guys sat and ate in comfortable silence
once you had finished you turned to him
“if you’re ready to leave you can. i just have a few things to add but it’ll be okay if you aren’t here. i’m just about out of daylight anyway.”
he playfully cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms
“y/n. i have a feeling you’re trying to get rid of me”
“maybe i am doyoung. whatcha gonna do about it?”
you both busted up laughing
once you had calmed down you looked at him
“seriously do. if you wanna go study or sleep or something go ahead”
he stood up and began to walk closer to you
“oh stop that. y/n it isn’t a burden for me to stay here with you. i’m honored that you would choose me to be the subject of your work and i love spending my time with you”
at this point he was standing right in front of you. looking down into your eyes.
there was no hiding the redness flushing your skin
after a few moments of silence, you looked back down at your hands
he speaks again as if you two hadn’t spent the past minute just staring into each other’s eyes
“so what next? are you gonna keep sculpting me or are you gonna draw and paint a bit?”
“ummm ,,, i kinda want to just finish the sculpture so that i don’t have to worry about it ya know?”
“yeah. where is the light switch?”
“right by the corner near the door”
as he flipped on the switch and light once again flooded the room
you were able to get a good look at the sculpture
despite it not being finished, you were still incredibly happy and proud of it
you sat back down in front of it ready to finish the work
it only took another hour or two to finish once you really got back into it
you spent the bulk of the time adding in all the little details
and you also decided last minute to add a wreath atop his head and the top of a toga
you took a final step back before sighing in relief
you were finished
you almost wanted to cry
while you were staring at the piece doyoung got up to stand behind you and look at it as well
“wow y/n. it’s beautiful.”
“well it’s you so i hope it is.”
before he could say anything else, you walked back to the sink and while washing your hands, asked his help to put it in another room to dry for a few days before it goes into the kiln
“it’ll take a while to dry so i’m going to leave it here and head to bed”
“okay well i can walk you back to your apartment”
okay so you grabbed all your stuff (with his help because doyoung is too nice to just walk beside you as you try carry 4 different bags filled with art supplies)
the walk back was kind of uneventful
you invited him in to drop all your things off before he headed out, not until you thanked him for spending the day with you and being your subject
okay so 2 weeks pass
you and doyoung meet up a few times because you need him to model a few poses for your portfolio
but FINALLY you finished your portfolio and sculpture and turned it all in
since then you have been relaxing, getting ready for winter break
well “relaxing” is a loose term
tbh you had been kinda stressed over the scores you were going to get on the artwork
and today, the day before the quarter ends, your professor would be handing back your portfolio & sculpture with a score
you decided to text doyoung after getting dismissed from class
y/n: “hey i get the score for my art project back today. do you want to meet up and we can find out together?”
doyoung: “oh my gosh yes. but are you sure you want me to be there?”
y/n: “of course do. you were such a big part of this, i couldn’t leave you out of it. besides you haven’t seen the finished portfolio”
doyoung: “okay. same art room as last time?”
y/n: “yep. i’ll see you in 20”
you were nervous. as you waited in the room, your legs couldn’t stay still so you decided to pace in hopes of calming yourself down
or at least having something to do
when he walked into the room, your eyes met
there was no hiding the frantic look in them either
“hey y/n. do you have it?”
you pulled a card from inside the front of your portfolio and set it down on the table
doyoung’s voice was soft and calming as he walked up to you
“can i look at it?”
he picked up the large folder
in a large gold print:
PROMETHEUS, he dies everyday but wouldn’t wish for any other way to spend eternity
“you chose me to represent Prometheus? what’s his story”
you began to recount the tale as doyoung slowly flipped through pages of your artwork
·         “well he was the youngest of the titans, which were the creators of greek gods. it was said that he was also the kindest. when he looked upon the earth and saw how the humans were struggling, Prometheus felt pity and decided to give them a gift. he gave them a divine secret of the gods. he gave them fire. he did this despite knowing that Zeus would punish him if he found out. which he did. the other titans and gods were furious, so they tied him to a rock near the sea. every day an eagle would come and rip out prometheus’ liver and he would die. every night it would grow back bringing him back to life. this torturous routine goes on every day and night and according to the myth it continues until this day, as it will forever.”
as you finished the story doyoung closed the folder
all he said was “wow”
it made you nervous. “so ,,,,, do you like it?”
“y/n. this is beyond words. this is amazing. and you chose me?”
“well yeah i mean. you two just seemed to fit each other. you are the kindest person i know. you’re very generous too. so really it wouldn’t have worked if i had chosen anyone else or any other myth.”
he said nothing. just set down your work and hugged you.
you embraced each other. sharing this moment.
“y/n no matter the score on the other side of that car, just know that your work is beyond incredible. not just because it’s of me”
you both laughed before he continued
“seriously. you are an amazing artist. your art moves people. it makes me feel emotions that i haven’t felt in a while. it takes me on a journey.”
he pulled back and gave you one last smile before grabbing the card off of the table
“on 3”
a 97 was written in bright red marker
“oh my gosh y/n”
you two jumped back into each other’s arms
the smile on your face was ear to ear. there was no way it was going to fade any time soon
“I knew you could do it.”
“not without you i couldn’t have,” you say leaning back slightly, your arms still around his neck
he rolls his eyes at you
“seriously doyoung. if you hadn’t come by that day i don’t know what i would have done. you were my muse”
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist
your eyes would have met if his weren’t staring at your lips right now
“y/n.” he whispered
“can i kiss you?”
ahem sorry I got a little excited for you
it was great. what can i say
it was everything you expected to be
before you thought that the whole “fireworks” thing was just movies overexaggerating
 but NOW you can attest to that
the kiss with doyoung had so much built up tension and caring and passion and just wowza
when you finally pulled apart
both of you were slightly out of breath
doyoung still had this cute, dumb smile plastered on his face
he gave you a few more pecks
which of course made you have a big dumb smile plastered on your face
you actually pulled apart and out of his arms this time and took a look at the score card
beneath your score the professor left a little note
“i hope you don’t mind but i emailed the art gallery about your work. they have a small exhibition open if you’d like to showcase your art. here’s the email: ­­­­­­_______. please consider it. you have serious talent.”
“an art gallery doyoung. an exhibition in an art gallery.”
tears fell down your face
this was an amazing opportunity
a dream came true
“i can come over tonight and we can email them.”
you just nodded your head
tbh you were still in shock
this was a huge opportunity
“so y/n. i know there is a lot going on right now but I can’t wait. will you be my girl/boy-friend?
“doyoung of course. can you help me take this stuff back to my apartment then if you want we can go grab something to eat?”
he nodded happily and grabbed the sculpture
goodness gracious that took a while
I hope you enjoyed reading this 5 thousand-word trainwreck
I know some of the stuff about creating sculptures isn’t accurate, but I need to make it work with the timeline I had in my head
I hope it didn’t bother anyone too much
but yeah
thanks for reading
also I didn’t proofread this so hopefully there aren’t many mistakes
if there are just message me and I’ll fix them
also also here’s a sequel type thing that doesn’t have to be seen as a sequel umm it isn’t as good as this one but here ya go
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queernundrum · 3 years
oh hey i’m a teacher now and boy did i jump right into the deep end in the middle of the school year (: i’ve had my class almost 2 months now and i’m still getting to know my students and trying to figure out how to be a teacher. i only have 7 students (6 if you don’t count my one that hasn’t been here in almost 3 weeks) but they’re the highest intensity group (behavioral; unsafe behaviors, can be aggressive, inappropriate, break and throw things, etc.) and i’m supposed to be a teacher for autistic students, but half of my class have mainly other intellectual or cognitive disabilities. which would be fine if i knew anything about handling those conditions but i really mostly know autism. i love my kids so much, but they’re difficult and my job is very stressful (,: i applied for the same position next year though and i’m just trying to learn what i can, make it through next week. then it’s spring break, and it’ll be the last quarter before summer. i actually like my class even though they’re talked about like they’re the boogeyman. honestly, i don’t mind the kids, even when they’re being too damn much. i’m mostly stressed and confused on how to be the one in charge of educating students i barely know and being in charge of my two assistants who know them better and the kids listen to more. i have such a low confidence in myself since i started teaching at the high school because the ese unit here has their shit together so much more than the middle school i was at where i was easily one of the more competent people. now i’m the new guy who looks like a student and when i don’t know what to do i get so awkward and i talk so much and i feel so fkn annoying. luckily my assistants are good, and thankfully they’re only two people younger than me because everyone else has kids and marriages and most are a decade older than us. if i can make it through the rest of this year and get rehired for my same class, i think i can make it. i just have to navigate my own internal issues i’m having with self-esteem and guilt, oh god i just feel guilty all the fkn time for existing and having things as good as i do, esp for having my mental bullshit (i also made a questionable choice that reminds me how dumb and naive i really am most of the time and i’m still trying to figure out what i want to do about my Situation™) anyways nothing quite as therapeutic as screaming vaguely about a small portion of my problems on tumblr (:
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