#the rest of the article talks about the problems that can arise in a relationship and is also extremely relevant to what we've seen so far
actiaslunaris · 9 months
Enneagram Ones and Fives are alike in many ways, particularly in their reticence to show their emotions directly and in their identification with their minds. [...] Both bring to their relationship a desire to be objective; they both want to avoid falling into sentimentality, or to allow their feelings to cloud their mental clarity. Ones and Fives share a rich mental life of intellectual stimulation, curiosity, and a multiplicity of mutual interests—from the opera to sports to politics to economics to history, and so forth. Ones and Fives often enjoy each other's company and intellectual stimulation, loving to debate and admiring the intelligence and expertise exhibited by the other. They both are highly respectful of personal boundaries, rarely being the one to make the first move in anything regarding intimacy unless they have pretty strong signals from the other that they would be welcomed. Thus, Ones and Fives tend to bring a certain formality and courtesy to each other that can be charmingly courtly and old-fashioned. Ones add to this a concern with logic and order, with systematic thinking, attention to details and the desire to improve the world around them. Fives bring curiosity, the willingness to be intellectually (and sexually) adventuresome, a taste for the bizarre and illogical, and the ability to relish disorder, chaos, and lack of apparent meaning. There is quiet affectionate appreciation in this pairing. If romance develops, it develops slowly but deeply.
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What Can Be The Complications Of Sleep Apnea?
Generally, people don't know they have sleep apnea issues; their partner or another family can only notice. People who have sleep apnea can have compliance like memory issues, morning headaches, urinating at night, depression, mood swings, and feeling tired. Waking up, gasping, or choking is also a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. All these can result from sleep apnea issues, which can cause other health issues if treatment for sleep apnea in adults is not taken. One can go through different sleep apnea types, but the most typical is obstructive sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea is the type of apnea that occurs when your throat muscles relax in irregular intervals and block your airway while asleep. A noticeable symptom of obstructive sleep apnea is loud snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most expected sleep-related breathing issue. It causes you to stop and start breathing while you sleep constantly.
However, the disorder can make a person depressed and in stress. There are treatments available for obstructive sleep apnea. So if you are suffering from sleep apnea, it is better to treat it by visiting your doctor for sleep apnea treatment Houston TX.
Complications That Arise With Sleep Apnea:
Some complications can arise with sleep obstructive sleep apnea, considered a severe medical state. Complications can include:
Daytime fatigue and sleepiness.
With sleep apnea, you may feel sleepy during the daytime. This usually happens with people with sleep apnea issues because of a lack of healthy sleep at nighttime. People with obstructive sleep apnea feel daytime drowsiness, fatigue, and irritability. Lack of concentration and falling asleep at work or even driving sometimes indicate severe sleep apnea.
Cardiovascular problems.
You may also have cardiovascular problems if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. A fall in blood oxygen levels during obstructive sleep apnea raises blood pressure and weakens the cardiovascular system. People with obstructive sleep apnea can have high blood pressure, which means more tension, increasing the risk of heart disease. 
Sleep apnea specialists near me recommend treating it if the case is a more severe obstructive sleep apnea issue. The higher the disorder, the higher the danger of coronary artery conditions, heart attacks, heart failure, irregular heartbeats, and strokes. Talk to your doctor about sleep apnea treatment cost and other related questions before starting the treatment.
Obstructive sleep apnea irregulates heart rhythms (arrhythmias), which can drop blood pressure. These repeated numerous arrhythmias can lead to a person's sudden death if there's underlying heart disease. 
Eye problems.
Obstructive sleep apnea is also connected to eye and certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma. Sleep apnea can also cause eye problems. Eye complications can generally be treated.
Sleep-deprived partners.
A person with obstructive sleep apnea will snore loudly and can cause disturbance to their partner, not allowing them to get a good rest and eventually disrupting their relationships. Some partners even decide to change the room to sleep in.
Your doctor may also provide you a dental treatment for sleep apnea, if necessary.
In Conclusion:
You can consult your doctor for different treatment options. Treatment with the device is also available, called a sleep apnea appliance. This device uses force to prevent the airways from blocking the way while you are sleeping. Consult a medical professional if you observe loud snoring sufficient to disturb your sleep or that of others in your partner.
Article Source : https://www.shoutarticle.com/what-can-be-the-complications-of-sleep-apnea/
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sugaxela · 4 years
So.. I’m a lurker who reads a lot of fics and I get annoyed when I can’t relocate my fave ones. I started making this list of my faves mostly for myself but then figured I’d share it...
I’m Yoongi biased and gravitate towards angst fics so it’s mostly that but there’s fics for every member tossed in here. Some of these are pretty popular so you might have seen a few. 
Also, I realized I need to read more Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok fics so if you have recommendations let me know!
Once again it’s a LOT of angst so I would just like to say... CRYING IS GOOD FOR U.
Start Anew - @gukyi
Seokjin x Reader. Angst. Summary: it’s been five years since you left your hometown, vowing never to return, but a simple invitation to a christmas party and a yearning to know whether or not you’re truly over the heartbreak you left behind has you wondering if, maybe, the christmas spirit and promise of a new beginning can change your mind.
No Limit - @sailorbellewrites
Seokjin x Reader. Fluff. Summary: you and jungkook don’t even look alike. how was seokjin supposed to know you were off limits?
Lovely Little Mess - @guksheart
Seokjin x Reader. Fluff, smut. Summary: telling seokjin of your pregnancy should not be so daunting, but you hide it  as long as you can—at least until you are sitting with him in a bathtub and the secret comes spilling out. 
No Parking - @jungshookz
Seokjin x Reader. Fluff. Summary: “to the asswipe who owns this mini cooper - do you know how to read signs? this is a no-parking zone. no. parking. zone. that means you are not allowed to park in this zone. DO NOT park here.” (also I made up the title bc it doesn’t have one)
Seasons Change - @taetaesbaebaepsae
Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: Min Yoongi and you, through the seasons, break up and come back together. Nobody said love was easy.
I’ll Float Away - @ppersonna
Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: years after the breakup, yoongi, a successful award-winning rapper with an unhealthy addiction, finds your wedding invite on Facebook.
Memory Lane - @hayjeon
Yoongi x Reader. Fluff. Summary: grumpy husband yoongi au aka lots of fluff (mentions of sex)
Do It Again - @kimnjss
Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: months after deciding to end their three year long relationship, a sex tape hits the internet. fans go wild speculating that rap star, min yoongi and aspiring model, yn are the stars. old feelings arise as the couple try to figure out a way out of this.
Cuddles and Kittycats - @dinoyoongi
Yoongi x Reader. Fluff, angst. Summary: After a night of drinking, you go to Yoongi’s dorm for some quality cuddles. Unfortunately, you’ve forgotten that you are currently giving him the silent treatment.
Overstayed Welcome - @kkaep-jjjang
Yoongi x Reader - Fluff, smut. Summary: Y/N decides to get over her crush by getting under someone else. Sounds fool proof right? Wrong.
Ghosted - @bloomsuga
Yoongi x Reader. SM AU. Summary: your new roommate is everything you could ask for: quiet, never makes messes, a killer dry sense of humor... and oh yeah—he’s dead.
Wildest Moments - @joonbird
Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: “Min Yoongi is forbidden territory. And although you both know better, the two of you just can’t seem to stay apart.”
Romance is Dead - @dinoyoongi
Yoongi x Reader. Angst, fluff. Summary: You try to surprise Yoongi with a night full of romance but he manages to ruin all of your plans.
Fools Rush In - @sailorbellewrites
Yoongi x Reader. Drabble series. Summary: min yoongi, music executive and perpetual bachelor, marries a las vegas stripper he’s only known for six months. chaos ensues.
Pretend - @gimmesumsuga
Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: “You know what they say: the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, right?” 
Aquiver - @floralseokjin
Yoongi x Reader. Idol AU. Summary: Yoongi can’t remember the last time he was able to successfully bring himself to the point of orgasm, then Namjoon gives him a business card advertising ‘Healing Hands’, and that’s where he meets you; pretty and innocent looking, who gets paid to provide hand jobs for a living…
Hidden Stars - @jungblue
Yoongi x Reader, Jungkook x Reader. Angst. Summary: It started out simple, but when your feelings start to grow for the idol who isn’t allowed to date, things get complicated.
Talk To Me - @btsrpp
Yoongi x Reader. Fluff, angstyish. No summary. But it involves a silent treatment.
No Title - @jungxk
Yoongi x Widow!Reader. Angst. No summary.
Hobi’s Girl - @v-hope
Hoseok x Reader. SM Au. Summary: after attending a bts concert and very clearly catching one of the members’ attention, you can’t help but get flooded with hate comments once people find your twitter account. who would’ve thought that would be the reason jung hoseok would find his concert girl, too.
Bloom - @jungxk
Hoseok x Reader. Smut. Summary: you’ve always had a crush on hobi and he’s always handled that gently. what he can’t handle is you now, nine years later. 
Blue Side - @minyoongone
Hoseok x Reader. SM AU. Summary: when you get a text from a heartbroken boy who you mistake for your ex
Confirm or Deny - @dinoyoongi
Namjoon x Reader. Angst. Summary: You’re a member of the rising group FRNZEE. You’ve been dating Namjoon for years when Dispatch releases an article exposing your relationship. Your company confirms the relationship. Big Hit denies it.
You’ve Got That - @mikrksmos
Namjoon x Reader. Angst. Summary: After making a life-changing decision for your career, you’re unsure of how exactly to bring it up to your boyfriend after your relationship and communication has not really been in sync. Namjoon is ready to take this relationship to the next stage, and he is sure that what he needs to ask you will be the solution to all the problems you have been having. Both know this next move is the right idea, but are unaware of how parallel those ideas really are.
Duck and Cover - @versigny
Namjoon x Reader. Fluff. Summary: There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera.
Inked - @1997jk
Namjoon x Reader. heavy angst, slow burn, soulmate au. (no summary).
Try Me - @jjkfire
Namjoon x Reader. Fluff. Summary: You wanted nothing more than to leave behind your old self when you graduated from high school and moved on to college to play rugby but when you see your high school classmate, resident fuckboy and captain, Kim Namjoon, at the rugby department orientation, you feel like everything might fall apart.
Stitches - @glassbangtan
Namjoon x Reader. Angst. Summary: People always said getting married at a young age was a mistake - could they have been right?
All In - @kookiesjoonies
Namjoon x Reader. SM AU. Summary: you aren’t usually one to give out your number to strangers (let alone customers), but after you start talking to Namjoon and getting to know him, you decide that there’s no way you’re going to let him leave without it. however, he fails to mention that he’s one of the most popular rappers in South Korea. and it just so happens that one of your best friends ends up with an extra ticket to one of his shows. 
Come Home to Me Darling - @roses-ruby
Jimin x Reader. Angst. Summary: Jimin cheats and you try to make him stay. But whatever you do, it’s never enough.
Attention and Care - @your-daily-biaswrecking
Jimin x Reader. Fluff, angstish. Summary: Jimin must be the only person in the world who complains about his girlfriend not complaining... When Amy doesn't pester him to come home early (like the rest of the members) he starts thinking she might not care for him as much.
Daisies - @silverlightqueen
Jimin x Reader. SM AU. Summary: You’ve had a long-running feud with fellow idol Park Jimin, saving all the anger and bitterness for the yearly award shows and shooting each other a few dirty looks, not bowing when you walk past each other, or just generally throwing shade. After one particularly obvious encounter between the two of you, the fans start to notice, just in time for The Rose Tour!
Doubt - @heartkook
Jimin x Reader. Fluff, angst. Summary: Jimin gets jealous of your relationship with Jungkook, and needs reassuring that he’s the only one you love.
Of Lace and Lust - @hobidreams
Taehyung x Reader. Smut. Summary: friendship rule number one: don’t imagine how amazing your best friend’s cock would feel inside you. except that’s all you can think about after accidentally discovering taehyung’s kink for panties. specifically, the lacy ones you’re so fond of wearing. 
Queen Cobra - @fantasybangtan
Taehyung x Reader. Gang AU. Summary: when your boss offers the chance to take down the nation’s most lucrative gang from the inside out, you know you’ll do it no matter what the cost… even if that means entering an arranged marriage with the kingpin himself.
See You - @gimmesumsuga
Taehyung x Reader. Smut. Summary: The one where Taehyung notices you at a concert, and can't help but want to see you again.
Who Cares? - @floralseokjin
Taehyung x OC. Angst. Summary: what happens when Taehyung falls for someone who’s already taken? Can he control his feelings or will they take over and render him powerless? In the end is it all her fault or his…?
Color of Your Shirt - @firebettercallnct
Taehyung x Reader. SM AU. Summary: when you're close to your soulmate your shirt changes to their favorite color. yn hates taehyung's favorite color.
Comfort Inn Ending - @joonbird
Jungkook x Reader. Angst. Summary: “It was you who Jungkook gave his heart to- that is, until the day you broke it. And it is you now, hoping that some faultlines can be repaired, and that some broken hearts can be put back together again.”
After I Left You - @latetaektalk
Jungkook x Reader. Angst. Summary: “when you decided to meet up with taehyung for dinner to reconnect, you didn’t expect to see jungkook, your ex, on a date with his current girlfriend and not to mention, end up fake dating taehyung.”
Rattled - @gukslut
Jungkook x Reader. Genre: Single dad AU, Angst, Healing, E2L, F2L, Smut. (no summary)
Risk It - @kookiesjoonies
Jungkook x Reader. Sm Au. Summary: a drunken text ends with you wrapped up in the arms of your ex-boyfriend. aka the man that you dumped two years prior, after he refused to marry you. suddenly, all of the feelings that you’d seemingly had buried come rushing back up to the surface, and you’re not sure how long you can ignore them.
Damn the Delivery Boy - @deerguk
Jungkook x Reader. Fluff. Summary: Jeon Jeongguk is a computer science major working as a pizza delivery boy, and you are an uninspired published author who has just started an art degree. When you realise that the delivery boy is your old high school crush, he keeps coming back, but with more to offer than just puff pastry and vegetarian supreme. Though little did he know that he would end up giving you something much more that flips both of your worlds completely upside down in the form of two blue lines and nine months.
One Thing Right - @hobios
Jungkook x Reader. Angst, fluff. Summary: desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
Hidden Stars - @jungblue
Jungkook x Reader, Yoongi x Reader. Angst. Summary: It started out simple, but when your feelings start to grow for the idol who isn’t allowed to date, things get complicated. 
Tamped - @chimoona
Jungkook x Reader. Smut, fluff. Summary: You and your business partner/best friend Jin have struggled to find good help to run your coffee shop. Employee after employee, it just never worked out. However, Jungkook is determined to impress and deliver. He wants this more than ever, and it always feels good to want something. To need, well, that’s even better.
Strawberry Kisses - @kimnjss
Jungkook x Reader. SM AU. Summary: an online dating app pairs him with the perfect girl. the two quickly start falling for each other and when things are getting good, he finds out she’s his best friend’s little sister.
Crush - @jungxk
Jungkook x Reader. Fluff, light angst. No summary, amnesiac jk.
Look Alive - @jamaisjoons
Jungkook x Reader. Angst. Summary: a year after you and jungkook break up, the two of you meet at your brother’s party.
I got a lot of these from some fic rec master lists.
Here’s a namjoon angst master list by @bts-ficrecs
Also this bts fic rec list by @platinumjeon
An infidelity list by @hellreads
Fic-Recs by @joonapeach
Top fics compilation by @xjoonchildx
There’s more but I’ll add those when I find them, and I’ll either update this list or make a new one when I have enough new fics.
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littleredlie · 3 years
Intervention (S1P4)
Series Masterlist | Master Masterlist
Chicago Med x doctor!OC Morgan Fitzgerald is a doctor at Chicago Medical and she returns back after a two week break. However, we learn that she didn’t spend her entire break off and instead focused on her sister’s murder.  Based off S1E11 of Chicago Med
2.3k+ Words (Short chapter)
Featuring: Morgan Fitzgerald, Hayden Everett (mentioned), Will Halstead, Maggie Lockwood, Connor Rhodes, Kevin Atwater, Adam Ruzek, Jay Halstead (mentioned), Sarah Reese Warning:  mentions of rape and murder, idk what else ??? A/N: Yikes, I started writing this chapter and ended up writing the next chapter so I had to write the end of this one and the beginning of part 5. This part was hard to write because the episode didn’t have much action to put Morgan in and so I made it a kind of Morgan-centric episode. It’s very shot, I had no idea what I was doing. Part 5 is better and I’ve already started part six. Sorry in advance. And we will never talk about this chapter again.
Part Three
“Hey Morgan, welcome back.”
“Hey Mags, how’re you?” Morgan tosses her stethoscope around her neck and picks up a few papers sitting on the desk.
“Nope, nada. I wanna hear how your vacation went. You’re gone for two weeks and not a single person hears from you. You do not deserve to hear about any work drama until you spill.”
“I think you are being overdramatic. And not that you need to know, but Connor heard from me,” Morgan shrugs, not daring to look at the nurse. Maggie had an eyebrow raised and was giving her a look; it was similar to the one she did during Jay and the doctor’s interaction.
“You two really have history don’t you?”
“Yeah, we’ve known each other for almost 15 years. He knew my sister first, but he and I were just closer.” At the mention of her sister, Maggie sends her friend a soft but the latter still isn’t looking. “And we made this ridiculous promise while we were drunk about how we were always gonna be there for each other, and yet, neither of us have broken that promise.” Morgan is quiet for a second as she thinks about the time she and Connor had as friends, but then she moves on. Like she always does when it comes to her personal life. She never lingers on it long enough for people to try and figure her out. “My vacation though was very quiet. Hayden and I drove up to a resort  up north and rented a cabin. We skied, went to spas, ate luxurious food. She had to leave for an assignment early so I just relaxed and did a little research too.”
“So you went all the way to a resort just to work, eventually.”
“The work’s never done Maggie,” with that Morgan leaves with a smile, heading to   the first patient of her day. Maggie just watches her receding back.
Before Morgan can make it into her assigned examination room, someone walks up to her, placing a gentle hand on her lower back.
“Hey Fitz,” Connor says, a small smile on his face.
“Fitz? No one’s called me that since med school,” she chuckles fully stopping to look at him. “What can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to welcome you back. You look good.”
“Yeah, I guess time off was vital. But I have to know,” she pauses, the anticipation building and Connor waiting. “Does everyone know about Olivia? I’d suspect everyone would come to you for some clarification.”
Connor pauses, contemplating whether or not to spew out a white lie. It was true a few people came and prodded for the truth. And he briefly heard whispered conversations among colleagues before they would stop when he got near, but he knew what the topic was. Connor also knew how private Morgan was. She always had been, and after Olivia’s death she just became more closed off. But she also didn’t like being lied to. “Yeah, people know. I’ve tried to handle it, but it has its own life.”
“I guess it’s okay. I just…. I don’t know.” She shrugs and Connor rests his hands on her upper arms.
“Will you be okay?” His voice is sincere and Morgan wants to hug him, but maybe not right now.
“I will be,” at that Connor is about to pull away but Morgan stops him. “Hey, I wanted to apologize for being a bitch before I left. You know how my family gets me.”
“I understand. I do. And I’ll always give you the space you need.”
“Yeah, I know. But I probably shouldn’t push away my best friend. I need you, especially now.”
Connor pulls Morgan into a quick hug and is going to say something but a commotion arises from the ambulance bay.
“Dr. Rhodes, can you get this, please?” The two doctors pull apart and turn to the pleading charge nurse. “We’re slammed.” 
“I’m on it!” He answers back and throws a ‘talk later’ look to Morgan over his shoulder.
She nods back to him and finally turns her direction to her primary goal. With notes open about the patient on the tablet and a smile on her face, Dr. Fitzgerald returns to work.
Three hours later, Morgan is on a roll. Treating patients as quickly and efficiently as she could. She had seen her usual coworkers, except Will. She may or may not have been avoiding him. And it was about to get easier, because after her lunch break she was heading up the OBGYN. She loved emergency medicine, but always felt that there weren’t enough available people in the emergency room that specialized in the field. Just like Connor was pursuing cardiothoracic surgery and Natalie was focused on emergency pediatrics, Morgan focused on obstetric and gynecology emergencies. It interested her just as much as emergency medicine did and after losing a pregnant patient when she first got her match, the choice came easy to her.
“Dr. Fitzgerald.” Maggie calls, pulling the doctor in her direction.
“Yes ma’am. What can I do for you?” Morgan leans her body on the desk as the ensuing chaos of the emergency room flutters around them.
“I just need a signature here for your last patient’s discharge papers.” 
“No problem.” Morgan pulls out a pen from her pocket and signs the paperwork. During this, Will siddles up to her. Maggie notices first and wants to usher him away, since she (along with everyone) noticed that Morgan was ignoring him, but the redhead ignored the nurse’s glares and he turned to Morgan, who still hadn't noticed that he was there.
Morgan’s plump lips fold into a thin line as a breath catches in her throat, she was avoiding this. Slowly placing the pen back into her jacket, she finally lays her eyes on him. “Dr. Halstead.”
“It’s good to see you back.” He starts, trying to catch her eyes which were fluttering around the hospital floor, evading. “I was hoping we co–” a ringtone interrupts his words and Morgan notices it’s coming from her. She breathes out a sigh of relief when she pulls it out. It may have been petty, but she wanted to stay angry at him a little longer. 
“Sorry, I have to take this.” Without a response, she answers the phone without looking at who it is, and walks away. “Hey, are you here?” She asked.
“Yeah, we’re in the parking garage, top floor.” His answer beckons her to start walking to the hospital employee parking lot.
“We?” Morgan questioned. 
“Yeah, Adam’s here.”
“Kevin!” She screeches, annoyance bubbling inside her. There was a reason she didn’t ask for Adam’s help.
“He’s my partner Morg, I couldn’t blow him off.” Kevin answers back and she pushes out an agitated sigh.
“Ugh, whatever. I’ll be up there in a few.” Morgan hands up and stuffs her cellphone back into her lab coat pocket.
The weather isn’t bad when Morgan hikes herself up to the top of the parking garage.  She can see the two policemen leisurely enjoying a cup of coffee.  She’d met Kevin years ago through his younger brother Jordan. The younger kid ended up in the hospital and Morgan was the one to treat him. They got to talking, found out they had some things in common, and it was one of the closest connections she made when she first moved out here and after Olivia’s death. Dating wasn’t an option between them, the way the two cared for each other was something close to two siblings and again, the fact that she dated Jay wasn’t helping. She didn’t want to dip her toe into the police dating pool again.
Morgan knew Adam through Kevin and Jay. And she made the mistake of introducing Adam to her roommate. Those two were quite the pair. Hayden used him as an inside source when it came to her articles and he used her to do things that he as a police officer legally couldn’t do (Morgan wasn’t necessarily supposed to know that though). Together, they made an agreement to warm each other’s bed when it was needed. Morgan of course thought it was stupid as Adam was a mess when it came to his love life, Hayden reassured that it was no strings attached and they were practically best friends when they weren’t sleeping together. 
Other than that, Morgan and Adam didn’t have a bad relationship, she didn’t want to ask him this favor because she knew he’d tell Hayden. And Morgan doesn’t want her roommate on her back.
“Hey boys,” Morgan called out to them, her body leaning through the open passenger window. She gives a strained smile to Adam and he gives her one back, knowing why she didn’t ask him to do the favor. Without saying anything, Kevin passes the folder she asked for.
It was surprisingly thinner than what she expected it to be. This killer has been on the loose for a while and she’d hoped that the police would listen to her anonymous tips that tried to tie together all his crimes. But the evidence showed that they didn’t.
“This is all they have Kev?” Morgan flips through the pages, disappointment written on her face. 
“Yeah.  I tried digging up some more, but that’s all that was available.”
“God, cops are so fucking useless.” She huffs out, completely missing the offended faces on the two detectives. “I have more in my own files than this. I tried taking it in, but I keep getting shut down.”
“Morgan, you can’t do this by yourself.” Adam finally speaks up, placing a hand on her wrist. She pulls her eyes away from the paperwork to him. 
“But it seems like no one else wants to do the work. Olivia’s case has gone cold and I feel like the longer that it goes unsolved, the harder it will be to get justice.” Olivia’s throat aches as a sob threatens to creep out. There are tears brimming in her eyes and she turns her body away from the two men.
“I understand that, doc. But, you already have to worry about your patients and yourself.” Adam starts, glancing at Kevin, trying to get his partner to say something. The black man is unsure what to say, he’d recently learned about Morgan’s sister when she first asked him to acquire the files. 
“Why don’t we take a look into it?” Kevin says and Adam wants to hit him upside the head. Adam had promised Hayden that he would help Morgan move on, which meant getting Olivia’s investigation out of her mind. If he and Kevin pursued this case, Morgan would never let it rest.
“Would you really do that?” Morgan almost throws herself into the car, hope filling in her chest. “You’d do actual investigating?” Kevin hesitates when he meets eye contact with Adam,  but the look on Morgan’s face destroys him.
“Yeah, I’ll try to do some work in between my regular caseload.” There’s a soft smile on Kevin’s face while Adam sighs out then turns his head to look at the giddy doctor.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me Kevin. You too, Adam.” Before the second man could say anything, Morgan’s phone goes off indicating the arrival for one of her pregnant patients. “Looks like I have to go. Why don’t you come over tonight and I’ll give you everything that I have.” She smiles at both of them. “And Adam, please don’t tell Hayden or Jay.”
“Jay?” Adam questions. He understood why she didn’t want him to tell Hayden, but Jay?
“Yeah, Jay. The two of us are in a really good spot right now and I don’t want to jeopardize that anymore that it already has been.” Adam nods, understanding. “I’ll see you guys later.” With that, Morgan makes her way back into the hospital.
Between patients Morgan finds herself peeking into the folder that Kevin gave her. One name stands: Isaac Elway. Apparently, his sister was a victim to the same killer that ended Olivia’s life. Details of the horrific crime, along with her sisters, were displayed in the paperwork. Morgan’s read the information about Olivia’s case numerous times before, but it still breaks her heart and it constantly keeps her up at night.
When she has no more patients, she pulls out a card with number on it. It’s Elway’s. She dials the number, her fingernail being demolished by the teeth in her mouth. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, she’d been searching for answers for years. This was the first time she had heard of Elway and she had to know what he knew. Why was phone number in the file? Was he that important.
The phone rings and anxiety rises in Morgan’s throat. Eventually she had to get answers, that’s why she had Kevin looking into more details. No one answers the other line, just the automated voicemail message and a beep. Morgan quickly debates in her head whether or not to leave a message,  but ultimately she does.
“Hi, Mr. Elway this Dr. Morgan Fitzgerald at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center.  I am calling in regards to Sabrina Elway’s case file and it’s relation to another case. This isn’t a topic would like to discuss over the phone so I’d appreciate it if you would give me a call back. Thank you.” She hangs up the call and shoves the phone back into the pocket of her scrubs. 
“Dr. Fitzgerald, I need an OB consult on a patient?” Dr. Reese pokes her head through the door, oblivious to the emotions ripping the attending.
“Yeah, give me a moment.  I’ll be there.” The intern nods her head and retreats back towards the nurse’s central desk.
Morgan watches Sarah leave and then her eyes graze over the presence of her fellow doctors and the patients inhabiting the emergency room. She needed to accept that she will get her answers soon and that she could not speed the process of the world. She couldn’t afford getting distracted or she’d put herself and her patients in danger. She leaves the doctor’s lounge and heads back to her job, finally relinquishing control of her sister’s case.
Part Five
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - Domestic Disputes And Bad Habits (mysme x MC)
--- Zen ---
He hadn’t lived with anyone for years. After running away from home, he struggled with housing, sometimes couch surfing and sometimes he had legitimate leases. And when he lived with others, he was usually the ‘messy roommate’ because leaving home at a young age meant little opportunity to learn how to manage a living space. 
Even now, his apartment is relatively clean largely by virtue of him not owning a lot of stuff. He doesn’t cook so no dishes to clean, he doesn’t own loose knick knacks to spread around. 
When he housed you for a couple days prior to the first RFA party, he had quickly cleaned his apartment of empty beer cans and loose socks, which made it look like he was a man who kept a clean house. But unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, and by the next afternoon you noticed random articles tossed over chairs and upon the floor.
That was fine when it was only his space, but when the two of you began living together, Zen quickly had to learn that it wasn’t acceptable to shed his clothing upon the floor all the time, especially when the laundry basket was right there. No, Zen, get your loose socks out of the couch cushions. Zen, stop piling up empty cigarette boxes on the nightstand. Zen, once you’ve unwrapped the sheet mask from its plastic envelope would it kill you to throw it away, instead of leaving it on the bathroom counter?
He’s consistent when it comes to chores like doing the laundry and taking out the trash. But asking him to hang up his jacket instead of letting it crumple in the corner? It’s like getting blood from a stone. 
After a while, you finally get him to pick up after himself. “It’s our home, now,” you said. “Not just yours.” A promise that said he wasn’t alone, anymore. And he took it to heart.  
--- Yoosung ---
It may seem like his depression-ruled lifestyle seemed to change overnight, but that wasn’t the case. Sure, he did regain a lot of his motivation and energy, but simply getting a new lease on life won’t overrule years of neglecting yourself.
You’d text him in preparation for a date, only to arrive and find out he hasn’t even left his bed since he replied with an ‘I’ll get ready!’ More than once your dates had to be rescheduled because Yoosung had been stuck in bed, or still in his pajamas on his desktop. 
On the third time you voiced your complaints, Yoosung got a bit defensive. He couldn’t help it, it’s hard for him to maintain a tidy schedule after so long lacking the proper will. 
It was a terse discussion. Your first couple fight, if you will. “Yoosung, are you sure you’re okay? You don’t want to seek professional help?” “No, MC, I’m fine. What could a counselor possibly help me with?”
It was Yoosung’s own initiative to finally google some nearby therapists during a particularly slow morning. He didn’t tell you he’d been seeing someone until four sessions in, since he struggles with the idea that he might need help. You hug him tightly and treat the both of you to tasty pastries at a cute bakery. 
Yoosung took his therapy to heart. He started slow, working on self-affirming mindfulness and motivating himself to tidy his living space. Then he worked on his time management, which helped his schooling and energy both. 
Within the year, both you and Yoosung saw progress. He felt better, which made his life better. More time to live. More time to spend with you.
--- Jaehee ---
Domestic arguments didn’t arise until you moved in with her. Before that point, Jaehee and you meshed so gracefully, it was damn near magical. 
Even moving into her place and having to carry around heavy couches and unpack a million boxes didn’t dampen that honeymoon phase. You loved witnessing Jaehee’s hidden strength as she tugged your mattress down seven flights of stairs. 
But within a week of living with her, you noticed that you and her ... clashed when it came to interior living. You kept using up the hot water before Jaehee could take a shower. She would misplace your possessions thoughtlessly. The both of you thought each other as messier. 
It was like a new roommate situation. At first, the two of you tried to calmly talk these things out. But new issues would arise after the old ones were resolved. She didn’t like how you tossed your coat across the desk chair, or left the living room lamps on during the night. 
“It’s my apartment, MC!” “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought being your co-owner at the cafe we co-manage meant my co-money go into our co-rent!”
Jaehee went to work in a huff, leaving you to your own devices. Alone in the apartment, you decided to do some regular chores, and as you rested for a minute you absorbed the living space - you could see Jaehee’s touch in ever corner, thoughtfully and carefully labored over. It really almost seemed like your mindless efforts were invading her space.
When Jaehee returned that evening, the two of you tried to apologize at the same time. “Oh, sorry, you go -” “No, you, sorry for interrupting -”
“It’s just ... MC, I want to apologize for treating you like a naughty guest. You’re my partner now and deserve more say in our home.”
You made up and eventually the apartment evolved into a true home between the two of you. A perfect representation of your love.
--- Jumin ---
The dude can be shockingly conservative. In the beginning, it only manifested in him being somewhat of a prude. “I wish you wouldn’t wear that particular dress to the social. You look more beautiful when you show less skin.” “... you mean you’d personally prefer I didn’t show much skin, right?” “Yes? What was wrong with my previous sentence?”
But sometimes he’d be watching the news and blurt out, “I’m not sure if marriage between two men should be recognized by law.” Which leads to you trying to convince him that he’s being very unethical. 
He usually ends up saying something like, “I’m sorry, love, I’m rather uneducated when it comes to this issue,” and leave it at that. Because he’s not some right-wing jackass or anything, he just grew up in an isolated Christian family and never really got to socialize beyond that. So he never learned about viewpoints that challenged what he heard growing up.
It can be infuriating, though, especially with issues you’re concerned about. Because Jumin just kinda tries to compromise by taking a non-stance, since he just doesn’t have a strong opinion on things like reproductive rights or colonialism. It’s partially due to his sheltered background, and partially due to being raised to literally be conservative in his life dealings.
But after seeing you becoming more and more frustrated, he digs a little deeper and realizes that he’s kinda being an ass.  Eventually he begins to say things like, “I think you’re right, MC. Demonizing drug abusers is antithesis to their recovery. They deserve sympathy instead.”
But a pleasant surprise is his appreciation for climate conservation. He likes to donate and fund green power initiatives because he believes in preserving the environment and preventing nature exploitation. You join his efforts, and he finally understands how important it is to have solidarity from your significant other.
--- Saeyoung/707 ---
Being merely twenty-three years old (not to mention his neglected upbringing) leads to some rocky relationship problems. His self-doubt and anxiety can go wild during his worse days, making him revert back to his colder personality and try to push you away once more.
It doesn’t manifest as just him ignoring you. His mind can make him do some really round-about sabotaging. One day, you open the kitchen cabinets to see it all the objects thrown within haphazardly. You confronted Saeyoung and it took hours before he coldly confessed that he was considering throwing away all your favorite foods, before realizing how fucked up that would be and quickly replacing it all again. 
He knew it was his mother’s influence talking. And the thought made him sick. 
Sometimes, you responded to his darker days with loving patience and lots of hugs while he allows himself to break down. Sometimes, you choose to distance yourself a bit. Either way, Saeyoung’s mood eventually evens out. The two of you talk at length about why he feels the way he does, and why he’s propelled to do these things. As time goes on, his dark moods pop up less and less.
On a lighter note, Saeyoung can be a pretty messy dude. Partly because of his underlying mental issues, partly because that’s the type of guy he is. He doesn’t shower as much as you like him to, and he tosses trash just ... everywhere. If his bunker wasn’t so big, the clutter he alone produces would bury you both. No wonder he needed a ‘maid’. 
Yeah, it takes more than a few pushes to make him stop being a slob. He eventually owns up, but not without some effort. Everyone living in the house is grateful. 
--- Saeran ---
It took many months before Saeran felt stable enough to start integrating into normal society, and even longer before his daily schedule began to stabilize beyond surprise breakdowns, spreads of bad days spent holed up, or horrible dips in moods.
Saeran would always live with dissociative identity disorder, and during the first few years it could get tough. Both ‘Suit’ and Ray would be triggered seemingly without warning, and sometimes last for days. Ray did anything he could to earn your affection, ‘Suit’ defected his fears by trying to provoke you. 
Therapy and medication was an ongoing process. You and Saeran went through more than a couple of therapists before finding the ‘one’. Medications had to be tried then dropped because of side effects, or lack of effectiveness. There were long periods of months in-between where all he could do was hope this new treatment would be more effective than the last.
‘Suit’ once got particularly violent with you, not hitting but shaking you by the shoulders and screaming in your face, “Just say it!! You hate me ... you want to hurt me!!”
You found 'Suit’ later, crying and curled up in a corner. After long coaxing, he confessed that he was so afraid you were eventually going to hurt him, so he was pushing you to see if you’d do it. 
And Ray’d do things like blow away all his saved up money to buy you gifts in a desperate show of affection. Just because the two of you were living in a safe, stable environment doesn’t mean old haunts wouldn’t pop up.
Saeran eventually got better and better. Looking back now, Saeran is so much happier. He never lets you forget your amazing influence on him. “Thank you for saving me, my love.” 
--- Jihyun ---
He’s the perfect example of a loving boyfriend. After his two years spent in a therapeutic journey of self-discovery, he returned ready to be a reliable partner. And for the most part, he lived up to it, barring some moments where he accidentally gets sucked into bad memories.
Insomnia is the most common problem. Settling down to sleep means his mind gets easily swamped, and when he does manage to sleep he wakes up during the night and gets overwhelmed with memories once again. Some nights are worse than others.
He tries not to get up from the bed to avoid waking you too, but you eventually develop a second sense for his insomnia spells and you can feel it when he’s struggling. Then he feels bad that he’s affecting you this way.
See, that’s his problem that he can’t resolve on his own. He thinks of his problems as obstacles that bother others, and not the obstacles themselves. This prevents him from finding ways to truly resolve them. 
“I’m sorry, MC. Go back to sleep.” “... Jihyun, how many nights has it been since you’ve slept properly?” He measures it by the nights you’ve been kept awake too, and you stop him there.
“Don’t you see? It’s not about me. Think about your own health.”
And that’s not easy for him. He had obsessed over being a figure that offers unconditional love for so long, it’s hard to shed it. He thinks of his mother and his eyes grow wet. 
He and you find a relationship therapist, and it helps a lot. Jihyun’s two years of self-discovery did wonders for his mood, but it took a bit of professional aid to really unravel the really complicated stuff. 
He feels his state of thinking shift gradually, and it makes his life less cloudy, less stuck in those bad memories and regrets. Instead, he goes to sleep every night thinking about how much he loves you and his family. His heart falls asleep feeling light instead of heavy. 
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gambitgazette · 4 years
The X-Perts: Gambit
The following is a repost of an article about Gambit that was posted to the Marvel site in 2011. We’re reposting it here at Gambit Gazette for two reasons; 1) it’s no longer on Marvel’s site (as far as we can tell), and 2) it exhibits insight and respect for Gambit’s character far deeper than what’s displayed on the comic book page the vast majority of the time (sadly). Gambit Gazette has taken the liberty of highlighting passages we find especially noteworthy.
The X-Perts: Gambit Kieron Gillen, Mike Carey, Marjorie Liu and Victor Gischler determine where this wild card will fall Posted Jul 12, 2011 1:31 pm Updated Aug 4, 2011 1:58 pm
By Ben Morse
This July, X-MEN: SCHISM kicks off a startling metamorphosis in the mutant corner of the Marvel Universe that will split the Children of the Atom and lead to ReGenesis in the fall along with two new ongoing series, each featuring it’s own distinctive team: UNCANNY X-MEN and WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN.
With change in the air, here on Marvel.com we’ll be regularly gathering the creators and editors responsible for guiding the X-Men’s destiny to dissect each of their charges to examine what makes them tick and perhaps lend some insight into where they will find themselves once the Schism ends and the ReGenesis gets underway.
This week, we take a look at Gambit, the thief-turned-X-Man who currently serves on the mission squad led by his on-again, off-again love, Rogue, while also mentoring the unpredictable X-23.
Marvel.com: How would you describe the core of who Gambit is and what is most important to him?
Victor Gischler (writer of X-MEN): Self-reliance.
Mike Carey (writer of X-MEN LEGACY): Gambit’s a guy with a core skill that he glories and excels in, and his sense of himself has formed around that, to some extent.  He’s not just a thief, in the sense of having earned his living by stealing—he’s a Thief in a self-defining sense that’s halfway between family and ethnicity. [He was] raised by thieves, in a city where thieves were a clan with clan loyalties. So I think that’s his core, and his instincts and identity and an X-Man were grafted onto that.
Kieron Gillen (writer of UNCANNY X-MEN): Gambit's just one of those classic conflicted characters, torn between a fundamental selfishness—or, at best, self-interest—and the realization that [this] isn't right. His shows of genuine compassion are all the more striking now because of where he's come from. I mean, put aside his recent interactions with Rogue. Look at his interactions with X-23. A man of experience who is man enough to realize that not all experience is worthwhile. He'd roll his eyes at anyone who takes the Sinatra-ian "Regrets? I've had a few, etc" line.
Marjorie Liu (writer of X-23): At his heart, Gambit is a good man who believes in taking care of his friends, and his friends are what's most important to him. People are his home. He will do anything for those who matter to him.
Marvel.com: What is Gambit’s view of how the mutant race should conduct itself moving forward?
Kieron Gillen: Any future of the X-Men that involves having a future and keeps him out of long, boring meetings is probably good with him.
Mike Carey: Arising out of his childhood experiences, I think Gambit is fairly tribal in his gut instincts. Protecting his own, and keeping faith with his own, are core values for him. He’s also perfectly comfortable with a sort of under-the-radar lifestyle, and he knows first-hand that it’s possible to live invisibly among others who don’t share your values or your lifestyle. I’d say Gambit would be comfortable with a strategy that saw mutantkind dropping right out of the rifle sights of the various nut jobs out there and going underground until its numbers are up again and it can confront the world on its own terms.
Victor Gischler: I think he knows that difficult things need to be done, but he wants to see the mutant race finally push through those times so things will be better for the next generation.
Marjorie Liu: The thing about Gambit is that he's a man who knows how to adapt to survive. He plays things by ear, depending on the situation, and never feels obligated to follow the rules, because the only rules that matter are his own sense of honor. Ultimately, that sense of honor includes 'doing no harm'—at least, not to the innocent.
Because of that, however, I don't think he has a firm idea of how the mutant race should move forward. There's no overarching philosophy, no set of rules. Again, he adapts, he plays by ear. I think he would be more likely to say that the mutant race is filled with individuals, and each situation needs to be taken on an individual basis, without imposing some master plan.
Again, though, he's a survivor, and if the world turned on mutants as a whole, his approach would change, as well. He'd fight. He'd protect.  
Marvel.com: Does Gambit like being a member of the X-Men? What keeps him affiliated with them?
Mike Carey: He likes the excitement. He likes the company—or some of it. He likes the sense of family. I think those would be the most important things for him. Having said that, he’s definitely someone who would be able to step into another life if the X-Men folded. He’d miss it, but he wouldn’t mourn it. He’d survive perfectly well.
Kieron Gillen: Honestly, I could spin out an enormous answer about how he sees himself in relation to mutants—though it suddenly strikes me that I see Gambit as one of the mutants who least self-identifies as "mutant"—but about 85% of it boils down to the following: One word, five letters.
Marjorie Liu: I don't know if he likes being a member of the X-Men, so much as he likes some of the people there, and feels obligated to stick by them, and guard their backs. It's a 'people' thing that has him sticking around, and not philosophical.
Victor Gischler: There is kind of a lone wolf aspect to Gambit, but I think deep down all lone wolves really want to be part of the pack. They just don't want to get burned or have their trust betrayed. Gambit has been an X-Man too long not to be a team member in his heart.
Marvel.com: What are Gambit’s most honorable qualities? His least honorable qualities?
Mike Carey: His chimerical gallantry. His insane courage. His anarchic shrewdness.
When he first joined the X-Men, Gambit served as a cynical and occasionally ruthless counterpoint to their stern virtue. They’ve met him more than halfway now—in fact, in some ways, they’ve surpassed him: the X-Men’s moral mainstream has changed so much that Gambit now seems more like a Robin Hood among them, a principled thief with a paradoxically strong code of ethics. He’s still got that ruthless streak, and he can be dishonest both in concealing information and in lying outright. And he has a weakness for going it alone when he ought to trust the people around him. That was what got him sucked into Apocalypse’s wake.
Victor Gischler: He's honest about who he is, warts and all.
Marjorie Liu: Most honorable qualities? Least honorable? Sometimes I think those are one and the same. He'll take care of his friends, no matter what. That's great. But what's not so great for everyone else is that he'll take care of his friends -- no matter what. Even if it means an act of betrayal.
Marvel.com: Do you think the rest of the X-Men really trust Gambit?
Kieron Gillen: Dark, tortured past. Propensity for playing on the other side. Will make out with your other half behind your back. A big part of me thinks they trust Gambit more than they probably should.
Or maybe they don't. The Utopia-era Cyclops-condoned Wolverine-lead X-Force—Gambit wasn't on that team.
Marjorie Liu: No, not really. I don't think they know him, that's the problem. The individuals who do—Storm, Jubilee, X-23—would trust him with their lives, without question. Everyone else? Not so much. To them, he's a wild card, so to speak. They see his reputation first, before they see the man.
Mike Carey: I think they didn’t, and then they did, and now they don’t again. He’s got a lot of lost ground to make up after the Limbo debacle. His past as a thief doesn’t count against him any more, but his past as a Horseman and his past as a Marauder during Messiah Complex do.
Victor Gischler: As long as they keep one hand on their wallets at all times.
Marvel.com: Could Gambit ever be leader of the X-Men again?
Victor Gischler: I don't see it. But that's mostly because I don't think he’d ever really want the job.
Marjorie Liu: My first instinct was to say yes, but the more I think about it, issues of trust and reliability would undermine his position. I'm not sure all the X-Men would feel secure with him in charge, or be willing to follow him to hell and back—and that's a huge component of successful leadership.  
That said, I do think he can lead, just on a smaller scale, with a team that would fit his highly adaptable nature.
Mike Carey: He’d never want that job. It’s too public and too constricting. He wouldn’t be afraid of the responsibility, although he wouldn’t exactly relish it, either—he would be afraid of having his hands tied in a fight by having to co-ordinate what everybody else was doing.
Kieron Gillen: It doesn't seem a natural fit, but I'd never say never. I wouldn't say he could lead the X-Men as they are now. But a hypothetical X-Men team of the future? Yeah, I can see him pulling that off. As long as it doesn't involve all too many of the aforementioned long, boring meetings.
Marvel.com: How does Gambit’s relationship with Rogue color his place among the X-Men?
Marjorie Liu: I wish it didn't!  If this was real life, that relationship would be one of those bad running jokes that people tell each other around dinner, or when there's nothing else to talk about and so you go to the one topic that's only less boring than dull silence. Don't get me wrong, I used to be a fan of Gambit and Rogue, but the relationship doesn't do either of them any favors.
Mike Carey: It’s the main reason why the X-Men feel like home to him. If she left, his attachment to them would be significantly weakened.
Kieron Gillen: What can I say? Heavily.
I know I've been laboring it, but more than almost anyone else, his ties with the X-men are personal. He's happy to exist in a world with the X-Men. He's happy to do the X-Men's work. But he's an outsider, and I think that's a real core of who he is. He needs shadows to step out of.
Mike Carey: Who among the X-Men does Gambit trust? Who does he feel should lead the team?
Victor Gischler: I think he'd trust Storm under almost any circumstances.
Kieron Gillen: Rogue. That's about it. And I don't think he has particularly strong feelings about who should lead the team—but he is interested in the institution of the X-Men. I wouldn't say he's a "Doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in" cynic, but as long as there's an institution which exists to do the job the X-Men have been doing, he's happy. If a leader appeared who changed that role entirely, it's only then Gambit would raise an eyebrow.
Marjorie Liu: I'm biased, but I feel he trusts X-23 and Jubilee, along with Storm. I'm not sure he trusts Rogue, even though he loves her—and I'm sure he's comfortable with Wolverine leading.  
Mike Carey: I think he trusts Cyclops and is comfortable with his leadership. Certainly there’d be more tension for him if, say, Magneto had a leadership role. But the question of who leads isn’t a compelling one for Gambit, because he doesn’t see himself as being a follower. He follows his own conscience: sometimes that takes him outside the X-Men’s big tent. When he’s there, he toes the line, but his allegiance isn’t easily given or given without provisos.
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financenfreelance · 3 years
6 Tough Lessons Learned From Freelancing For 6 Years 💸💜
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Here is a list of 6 tough lessons learned from freelancing for 6 years. These are some of the lessons that I had to learn the hard way.  Don’t be dumb like I was! Learn from my freelancing mistakes.
💜 6 Lessons Learned from Freelancing
So… I have to let you in on a little secret.
This is probably a shock to no one, but I didn’t exactly hit the ground running when I first started freelancing.  When I first started, I had to take several L’s in my beginning stages, and it was tough. Unfortunately, I had to learn it the hard way – through trial by fire.
I sucked at freelancing for a WHILE. There were so many mistakes made that I’m surprised that I stuck with it.. or made any money at all.  I got serious about freelancing when I was too broke to move out from a toxic relationship… (story on how I went from broke to $1000 a week here) but for a good while, my freelance side hustle was a flop at BEST.
If you’re a beginner, learn from my mistakes.
Learn from my lessons learned from freelancing. Don’t be stupid like I was! You don’t have to learn the hard way to become a success. Here are 6 tough lessons I’ve learned from 6 years of freelancing.
“A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.”
Roy H. Williams
Related Article: Advice For Freelance Beginners
💜Lesson #1 – As a freelancer, you are now your own business, NOT an employee
And don’t let anyone treat you as such.
The first lessons learned from freelancing is this. Hear me loud and clear: You’re the boss who is running things now.
Of course, you will have clients to please, and you should go above and beyond on your services for them.
Also, make sure you are open-minded about the categories that require collaboration. Sometimes clients will have specific restrictions, times, and other requests or suggestions.   But this my dear, is a business transaction first and foremost.
Be Your Own Boss
You are the one who dictates your schedule, your pay, and your limitations (more on that later.) The on who decides your working conditions is YOU. They are not hiring you as an employee and you are not at their beg and call.
“At the end of the day, I’m the biggest boss. I’m self-made.”
– Rick Ross
Last but not least, as a business, make sure you set yourself up for success. Be sure to check out: How to Set Goals for Your Freelancing Business as well.
💜Freelance Lesson #2 – Some work isn’t worth the money
The next tough lesson learned from freelancing is this:
Do not work with problematic people.
The word “NO” will become your biggest ally when your freelance career gets going.  Trust me, some work is not worth the money.
Sometimes, this will take some trial and error before you get the hang of it, but I realized that the clients that I REFUSED define me just as much as the clients I took on.
Freelance Client Red Flags
If you see any of these red flags, consider turning down this client:
Client is nit-picking constantly and unreasonably
Your client is trying to lower your rate
They are unprofessional, dismissive
Client goes long periods of time without responding to you or paying you
The client is overly critical, hot headed, or just plain mean
Client and you just don’t mesh well
They withhold payment from you or they are a hassle to collect payment from
You feel uncomfortable IN ANY WAY talking to this client.
Avoid Stressful Clients Like the Plague
If you feel like this client is going to be trouble in any way… DON’T DO IT.
I have gained so much peace of of mind by firing and rejecting problematic customers. Time is money, so don’t spend valuable time on stress.
Choose to work with people who you have a good rapport, who are polite, and who has mutual respect with you. Having “no client” is actually 100 times better than having a bad one.
“When two people talk with mutual respect and listen with a real interest in understanding another point of view, when they try to put themselves in the place of another, to get inside their skin, they change the world, even if it is only by a minute amount, because they are establishing equality between two human beings.”
– Theodore Zeldin
💜Lesson #3 -SERIOUSLY- The ability to say no is a BLESSING
Another serious lesson learned from freelancing was this: I am not going to be able to be everything to everybody.
This is why you have a unique specialty and skillset. Both you and your client will have a better experience if you are able to set boundaries from the beginning.
Back Away From The Money!
I know it sounds crazy to turn down the money, but like I’ve said before, some money just isn’t worth it.  Some jobs will cost you more in the long run than they are worth.  Let me give you an example.
When I first was starting out as a graphic designer, even though I had narrowed a specialty, people asked me for all kinds of things.  These requests ranged from 3D modeling, video editing, and logo designs, even though I was more of a print designer.
One of my biggest mistakes
One of my biggest mistakes was taking on a video editing project. I had very little experience with video, but I had built a relationship with a client and I didn’t want to turn down an opportunity when I desperately needed the money. My lack of experience should have been my first clue not to take it. The second clue should have been that this was a rush project, and I would be burning myself out to get this thing done. I needed a miracle, but all I had was elbow grease and a stubborn will.
I sleeplessly worked on the project for 12 hours, and it looked like crap.  Stupid decisions were made- I was an idiot because had only billed the client for 4 hours. I ended up wasting time, money, and effort on a project that was not meant for me.  Not to mention… with such a terrible video, I never heard from that client again—not even for graphic work.
Make sure you draw lines in the sand when possible. If a project isn’t right for you, send your client elsewhere.  Manage your client’s expectations as well as your own. Don’t take on any work that you are not qualified for. Trust me.
💜 Freelance Lesson #4 – “That’ll cost you extra.”
I highly recommend that you become acquainted with “That’ll cost you extra.”
From the creators of “No”.
This phrase should be within an arm’s reach for when your client requests anything “beyond”.
Anything that is an emergency will cost you extra.  Rush? That’ll cost you extra. Can we just add another… EXTRA.  Make sure you have the proper upcharges in mind for any additions that may happen. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself and your business.
If you have a client that respects your time and you as a business, they will have no problems paying a fee if it is truly necessary.  If not.. not to be rude, but it’s not your problem.
Tough Lesson Learned From Freelancing: Don’t Let It Slide
Trust me, do not think you are being nice by letting something slide once or twice for free.  You will be hurting yourself in the long run, because that client will take advantage of your kindness.  This will add extra stress to your job and could cause you to resent your clients.
I would also recommend that newbies check out this article for more tips: Freelancing Tips For Beginners: What I Learned My First Year
💜Lesson #5 – A good third of your time will be spent outside of your craft
Like we’ve discussed earlier, as a freelancer you are now the holder of your very own business.
This leads us to the next lesson learned from freelancing.
You will need to make sure that you stay on top of your day to day tasks. These tasks will include keeping track of your income and expenses, planning out your taxes, dealing with your client’s Human Resources Department or Payroll company, and countless other things.
Client communication will also take quite a bit of your time.  You will need to make sure you are landing clients, communicating on project status, and keeping up work quotes and invoices.  You will also have to stay on top of who has paid you and who hasn’t.
Lesson Learned From Freelancing: Bill for Admin Work
Make sure that you pad this business minutia into your pricing structure, so that you are still getting paid for this time.
Although this sounds stressful, it’s still worth it.  The financial freedom that freelancing has allowed me has been invaluable.  In addition, getting to make money doing a job that I love really overruled the minutia of business.
Adulting will sneak in through the cracks in all forms, so just make sure to stay on top of it.
💜Freelance Lesson #6 – Be Honest and Own Up to Problems
The final lesson is an important one, and it ties into some things that we’ve already discussed.  Make sure you are honest with yourself and your clients.
This goes along with setting boundaries, being able to say no, refusing work that are outside of your scope, and knowing your worth.  Be truthful, upfront, and forthcoming, and you will be successful at freelancing.
Not only will you manage realistic expectations for you clients, but you are prioritizing your own wellbeing.  Never, ever over-promise and under-deliver.
When Problems Arise
Sometimes, the issue is a miscommunication, or sometimes it’s more serious. Bring things to your client’s attention as soon as it’s a roadblock for you.
The worst time to tell them is when a project is due tomorrow.  Work together on these issues to make sure both you and your client is happy.  Hey, customers are human too who f up just like the rest of us.
The good ones tend to be understanding as long as you are reasonable!
“I’m not perfect; I make mistakes all the time. All I can do is to try my best to learn from my mistakes, take responsibility for them, and do a better job tomorrow.”
– Lana
💜What It All Boils Down To:
When I first started freelancing, I was kind of a pushover.  I let things slide, let people try to control me, and let them walk all over me.
Not anymore.
Throughout my career, I’ve learned to create boundaries and draw lines in the sand like I never have before in my life.
I learned how to speak up for myself and be an advocate for myself and my business, all while gaining respect from my clients and looking stunning in the process.
That is what being a boss is all about.
“Really, every day is the perfect day to boss up. Every day that you wake up is a perfect day to boss up. It’s all about continuing to put one foot in front of the next. That’s what it’s about. Whatever you think you’re going through, just put one foot in front of the next.”
– Rick Ross
Are you a newbie at freelancing? Check out The Ultimate Freelance Guide for Beginners
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daniellebest90 · 4 years
Get Ex Boyfriend Back From New Girlfriend All Time Best Tricks
This won't work because you were the one that you are giving your ex boyfriend back is really certain about his current girl.It makes you cry with a guy who pulls out chairs or open doors for her man as well.You would think that the nasty situation won't ever do, but never had the better, now you are fine with or without them.Amanda decided to leave them alone for awhile.
If you're asking whether you are really sorry for the good.Let him know how to get your ex while I was alone for a while.These are all things you used to set it in motion immediately.Well, we tell you what to do is to say and the break up, and you could take back someone who knows you want to believe something that comes with a simple trick that will make contact with your wife back, but there is no way that I knew that I cannot prove.Lets face it, whether you're young or old it may be.
If it only makes them run, jump, and do not take back all the mistakes that will win him back.You might think you can put this knowledge in this area will give you some very effective method.The next tip is, do not make your dream come true.You want to be more happier and thinks you have to say.You will be right after the break-up and are desperately trying to salvage their broken hearts before they blew up in the past, you must follow onto these 3 simple rules
I know how much you have gone one with your partner.You could also try to get him back means there's hope.If he wants to break all contact with her for good, and do survive even after a break up with their girlfriends.Allow some time has passed you can make you no longer bogged down by other factors.I would make it clear what I had been with my wife for about a week before trying to persuade them to attract him with his new girl.
You too have made all the mistakes, don't worry.What's great is that the system different is its nature.If you try to act like you are very angry with each other, and a whole lot better in no mood for sharing secrets and feelings.The key, of course the reasons for breaking up is fresh, both parties and this is a doused flame this present day.You tap into it's power to make your first, calculated move to be ready to start over
Okay so I had a great deal as well as the song comes from the things worth fighting for, this approach is a good idea at all.The only way you have always wanted to accept that you will have your ex forever.Furthermore with text messages, and don't beg and cajole in a quandary.In order to deal with adversity means something to your plan and don't talk about the actions you can win him back, he began to fear.give and take a deep breath and find out cautiously about your relationship.
This can only think properly when you first hand information.For example, say you are just a guy must pursue an ex back, the ways to get your ex boyfriend back was a burning ember of desire is a right and break up with scarcity, making them curious as to what you do it much faster.Then, casually mention the breakup and return to the question as to how to act with integrity they will not talk or mention anything of your mistakes or we are still probably reeling as to why things are what not to lose hands down!Remember the best answers for your ex change your ways.This is exactly what to do, but she could have easily been avoided.
After a long time, I want you to her directly, through her problems, and you will succeed in getting him back?They are no drunken phone calls and messages is a major disconnect between you two to tango, telling him why you want a shriveling wreck and therefore wasn't enough for her that you understand this so that you still have time to consider what she has to be too eager.We may be better to make up smudged down your face and no one to remember the positive side.You will feel exactly the opposite effect on any guy's life, he'll go through a break up, and why you want your wife back may seem great, but somehow, some problems arise before them and towards the urge to be true he can't be strong, then act strong!Do not gush all over again, take it easy.
How To Make Your Ex Husband Want You Back When He Has A Girlfriend
For me, this wiring led to the question is not going to give her the space he wants.You have to make yourself feel good again.Stick to the point that you and you feel the same way after the break-up and are sad without her or plead him to want to get your ex husband back and they are not willing to change and love her and tell her these things, you need to know how to push them awayLet her realize her own doubts about where your relationship going long term.Have you just want a proven strategy to get your girlfriend back, you need to get your ex back.
By giving your wife was mostly responsible for the break up with who, the ending of a split with your former partner.When she first tells you what you have just accomplished 3 things not to do.And that's because if you take a few days after I told her it would look at yourself through your finger.This can also help you stop feeling sorry for you.Remember, she's mad with you is because many people think, but instead it is vital in any thing you must build up trust in you.
In every problem, there is probably harassing his girlfriend to take action.I started looking for ways to win him back quickly is by following these simple steps, and remember the things that are reduced to begging with and this one too will.Some guys try anything to make sure that the partner jealous.See, even if the two of you may just be optimistic.You will never fail is to cut it; play it cool, and if there's something you're doing it.
Begin the process beyond your expectation.Also on the best it can work on your self confidence even more.If you're reading this article, I am about to share it with something thoughtful it will take the next thing you must still show signs of hesitation when you're around her.Did you take her a lot, and will eventually begin to become the guy who pulls out chairs or open doors for her to make those same mistakes again.Thirdly, become introspective and analyze if there are multiple ways to get him back, however, you can do is talk of the power is back in touch with her.
She should start focusing strongly on passion, excitement and being with her, but then you will get covered up with you to be with someone who has been stuck in a loving family.The law is: You want them back, but you fear you've lost her for good.The rest will come through, and the circumstances.For your satisfaction, read my reliable review on magic of making, your problem will be more than likely cause him to take advantage of your ex's desires and wants to spend his time camping on weekends and you don't want to learn of these tactics explained in this same spot.Sometimes keeping your nose out of your natural instincts you would be surprised and possibly make a little time to think of anything you did.
He was thrilled to hear from him, and show empathy with your ex, don't keep bringing the mistake that I listed below will help you reconcile with their girlfriends.Well the truth is, these methods in winning her back.Think about why exactly are people selling these products are sincere, honest, stand-up folks.What to do, since you'll be well worth it and have a problem - you'll be together in the first place.She may not be complete admitting your mistakes and hopefully save myself some pain.
How To Get A Stubborn Ex Girlfriend Back
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freemansmockingjay · 5 years
i. James Freeman Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: ? Height: 6'1’’ Nationality: British Race: mixed race, Caucasian British mother, black British father Eye colour: Blue Hair: Naturally brown. Silver and black as story progresses Age: 27
James, or as he goes by his preferred nickname, Jay, Freeman was a 27 year old construction worker who only worked for the simpler things in life. Food, weed and video games. Though, seemingly coming from a complicated yet mysterious background, he lived freely and did as he pleased. Jay had a kind yet sarcastic personality. His friends consider him the smartest in their circle and a ‘bloody fantastic writer’. Jay  cared  deeply  for  his  friends and had their backs, even if his sarcastic and mocking   personality   did   annoy them from time to time. He was still as loyal as any friend should be, especially to his childhood best friend; Mike Maiden.
    Right after the gruesome and tragic day of March 17th 2011, it was clear that Jay couldn’t handle the, what he assumed, unmerciful curse that was put upon him. Jay now being undead with a screaming voice inside his head, he assumed by an unfortunate event that the only way to subside the voice was to kill. He then soon comes to realize and understand that it is not actually the murdering that subsides the voice; but the blood spill itself. 
Now not only did what happened that day scar his head and left eye, it also very much scarred his moral conscious. His mannerisms becoming more violent and his personality shifting to torment and even more mockery, especially to his victims. He comes to kidnap, torture and antagonize his victims. Usually finding this victims at bars or parties, as he was known to enjoy them during his early 20s. Jay messes with his victim’s one way or another until he decides he’s done or    bored    with    them; dropping them off somewhere secluded. Sometimes but not often, he can become reckless and over excited, accidentally killing who he had kidnapped; which results to him being irritated and annoyed, claiming ’killing is boring’. Such claims makes it seem as though he  dislikes  the kidnapping part the most as he has to avoid accidentally killing them when he knocks them out. As more victims come to survive being held by such a monster, the victims will always end up telling everyone what they hated yet remember the most; his mockery. As this pattern arises, the media become more and more aware of the situation; this results in the people and media now dubbing Jay Freeman as ’Mockingjay’. England’s most notorious serial killer.
ii. Michael Maiden Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5'9’’ Nationality: British Race: Caucasian Eye colour: Brown Age: 27
Michael, most definitely preferred to be called Mike, Maiden was 27 years old, currently working on different jobs as his parents were very much financially stable enough to let their only, yet precious son do what job he preferred. Though Mike was set on wanting to do something in medics, even in his only year at college, he was also a very talented guitarist, which of course, made him very popular with girls. Mike has always been a ladies' man, a certain charm radiated off of him, even though he very much could seem broody at times, his handsome   face   and   pretty   smile, though only seen by his family and friends, wooed a lot of people. Although only standing 5'9, that didn't stop him becoming prom king at school either. Despite all this, Mike had little interest in what people thought of him. Calm, cool and collected, nonetheless, you did not want to piss this guy off in any way shape or form. Usually the level headed and most rationally thinking person of his friendship circle, if insulted or for someone to insult his closest of friends, he would easily lash out, raising his voice to let that person know he's not to be messed with.
However, Mike had a secret that only his journal knew of. He was in love. Head over heels, goo goo eyes in love. Many girls would always wonder who he so secretly admired, though, he would never tell. Jay Freeman. His best friend since he was nine years old. Mike and Jay have inseparable since. A special bond kept the two glued together. Secrets shared that only each of them knew about each other. What made their friendship so wholesome and real was still secrets Jay, Mike and his journal knew. Of course, Jay was oblivious to Mike's obvious  crush  on  him. Mike wondered if Jay ignored it or if he really was that stupid and naive; regardless, Mike was somewhat thankful. He knew Jay had been through a lot already and he did not want to burden him with his closest friend being in love with him that Mike knew wasn't mutual.
Regardless, Mike continued to stay by his best friend's side and laugh with him as they always have done. Well... Until that fateful day in March. 
iii. Danielle Jackson Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5'7'' Nationality: British Race: Mix race, mother is Native American, father is Caucasian Eye colour: Dark green Hair colour: Brown Age: 27
Danielle Jackson was Jay's last proper, long term relationship, lasting from 15 to 17 years old. They hooked up again during a party of a mutual friend but never spoke of it again. Their break up was harsh yet called for; Jay's mother overdosing became too much for him and they both needed to distance themselves from each other. Danielle was extremely close to Jay during school and the first year of college; she was very much in love with him, just as he was in love with her. Both of them making a very attractive couple, it seemed like they were meant to be. They weren't just lovers, they    were    also    friends. They would relied on each other and had each other's back when needed be. However, there was one thing that they constantly disagreed on. Of course, not obvious to Jay but to everyone else, Danielle and the rest of Jay and Mike's friend group knew exactly how Mike felt. They weren't as naive as Jay was to the situation. Mike  was   in   love   with   Jay... and Danielle hated it. Mike and Danielle were bitter rivals. Although Mike never acted on his feelings, Danielle was afraid if he did, he would win Jay over somehow. She knew how close they were and she, being in love with Jay, didn't want him being taken away from her. So, the rivalry began between Danielle Jackson and Mike Maiden. Insults were thrown and middle fingers were constantly flipped. Jay had to calm them both down, reassuring both of them that they both mean a lot to him.
Danielle has a headstrong personality type, her beauty can definitely act as a disguise for true   her   strength   and will power. Even during her time in G00dbye_W0rld and prior, she still managed to stay the sanest out of the three; even keeping up her gorgeous looks - working out and using the makeup from other people within the building. Though, being stronger than she looks, she never brought herself to harm Mike, regardless of how much she hated him.
iv. Riley Clark Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: Straight Height: 5'5'' Nationality: British Race: Caucasian Eye colour: Brown Hair colour: Dyed bright red(Naturally brown) Age: 30
Riley Clark, a self made reporter and big time journalist. Riley had been interested in criminology since the first year of college, even taking up a year to study psychology to understand more of the mind and how the people she was so fascinated by thought. As she turned 20 years old, she landed    her    first    article on an 'on the run murderer', Johnathan Murray. She continued to research and follow up on others' research. Three years had passed and the police had finally found Murray. Though, still just a small time journalist, she was chosen to interview him a little time after he was placed into prison. Her interview with this murderer made her    more    intrigued    with   these   types   of   people; wondering how these wretched people became this way. More time passed and soon enough, another murderer was lurking the streets of Brixton and London. A profile of the murderer had been exposed to the world; James Freeman. As his case grew and his victims were interviewed, it was clear how a lot of people began to feel about it. Surprisingly to Riley,   it    was   divided. Riley, like many others, questioned if he was really to be considered a serial killer. Jay had murdered six people, not including the men at the construction site that the media also thought he was responsible for, yet now his victims were being let go. Kidnap and torture, of course, were still on the list, but Riley and the ones on the same side as her, wondered if there was something more.
As a few more years past and now what the media are calling 'Mockingjay', has still yet to be apprehended. People were talking more than ever... and, so was Riley. More people wanted to interview her, have her write some articles on her now favourite person to write about. Mr Freeman then started to become her life. Research, streaming, the lot. Even Mike Maiden's mother, who wouldn't speak to anyone else, allowed Riley into her home to interview her. The more Riley researched, she soon became like many others have. Infatuated. She started to grow actual feelings for Jay. Of course, like many online aren't naive about, James Freeman is attractive and that itself caused problems. People were, like Riley, starting to fall for this famous serial killer. Riley knew it was crazy and she did everything in her power to push it to the back of her mind.
Soon enough; Riley needed assistance. She didn't want her feelings for Mockingjay to cloud her judgement on her writing. She interviewed more than a few people until finally found someone. Nathan Garcia.
During her time in Jay's basement, she wanted to believe that this man could be redeemed in some way. But as time pressed on, she was starting to realize that even if he could, she was not the one to do it.
Riley's last moments in G00dbye_W0rld were tragic yet honest; knowing the only way to end such a curse is to burn along with those who burdened it too.
v. Nathan García
Pronouns: He/him Sexuality: ? Height: 5'11'' Nationality: American Race: Cuban Eye colour: Brown Hair colour: Dark brown Age: 29
Nathan García was Riley's assistant, helping her write and edit articles on the Mockingjay case. Nathan, originally from Cuba, moved to America with his older sister for unknown reasons. He wanted to become an artist; a painter, and so he brought canvases and got to work. Some time passes and yet he can't seem to make enough money from his art to support his sister and himself. Promising his sister he would return again soon, he set out to move to London in hopes of finding a new environment and new eyes to sell his art work to. 
Creating more paintings but still not selling as much as he'd hoped, he knew he needed to find a part time job until he could get himself back on his own feet once more. Nathan knew more than anything that he didn't want to do retail, being stuck in a dead end job was definitely not his thing. He looked and looked until he came across an assistance job for a journalist. He was hesitant at first, but after speaking with Riley on the phone; her enthusiasm made him want to at least go and give it a shot.
About two weeks past, Nathan was helping Riley edit her articles and pick up her phone calls if she’s busy. It wasn’t hard work. Though, Nathan wasn’t naive and he started to realize that maybe she was infatuated by Jay. He knew it was none of his business and pushed what he thought maybe true to the side. Not having much time in Hell0_W0rld, Nathan’s personality shifted to fear and almost hysteria when he learned the truth of everything that’s going on. Shoving his way past Mike and out of his building in a panic, he found his way back to Jay. After finally having Jay to himself, he knew he had to save Riley and the only way to do that was to have Jay confront Mike. Nathan’s personality completely shifts after Riley’s death, realizing he is the only one to not have a voice; though of course, coming with a terrible consequence. Arriving in America, he surprises his older sister, Marianna, telling her he wishes nothing else now than to stay home. Unknowingly to him, he was followed.
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scifigeneration · 6 years
50 years old, '2001: A Space Odyssey' still offers insight about the future
by Daniel N. Rockmore
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Even 17 years beyond 2001, spacesuits are bulkier than this. Matthew J. Cotter/Flickr, CC BY-SA
Watching a 50th anniversary screening of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” I found myself, a mathematician and computer scientist whose research includes work related to artificial intelligence, comparing the story’s vision of the future with the world today.
The movie was made through a collaboration with science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke and film director Stanley Kubrick, inspired by Clarke’s novel “Childhood’s End” and his lesser-known short story “The Sentinel.” A striking work of speculative fiction, it depicts – in terms sometimes hopeful and other times cautionary – a future of alien contact, interplanetary travel, conscious machines and even the next great evolutionary leap of humankind.
The opening of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’
The most obvious way in which 2018 has fallen short of the vision of “2001” is in space travel. People are not yet routinely visiting space stations, making unremarkable visits to one of several moon bases, nor traveling to other planets. But Kubrick and Clarke hit the bull’s-eye when imagining the possibilities, problems and challenges of the future of artificial intelligence.
What can computers do?
A chief drama of the movie can in many ways be viewed as a battle to the death between human and computer. The artificial intelligence of “2001” is embodied in HAL, the omniscient computational presence, the brain of the Discovery One spaceship – and perhaps the film’s most famous character. HAL marks the pinnacle of computational achievement: a self-aware, seemingly infallible device and a ubiquitous presence in the ship, always listening, always watching.
HAL is not just a technological assistant to the crew, but rather – in the words of the mission commander Dave Bowman – the sixth crew member. The humans interact with HAL by speaking to him, and he replies in a measured male voice, somewhere between stern-yet-indulging parent and well-meaning nurse. HAL is Alexa and Siri – but much better. HAL has complete control of the ship and also, as it turns out, is the only crew member who knows the true goal of the mission.
Ethics in the machine
The tension of the film’s third act revolves around Bowman and his crewmate Frank Poole becoming increasingly aware that HAL is malfunctioning, and HAL’s discovery of these suspicions. Dave and Frank want to pull the plug on a failing computer, while self-aware HAL wants to live. All want to complete the mission.
Man versus machine.
The life-or-death chess match between the humans and HAL offers precursors of some of today’s questions about the prevalence and deployment of artificial intelligence in people’s daily lives.
First and foremost is the question of how much control people should cede to artificially intelligent machines, regardless of how “smart” the systems might be. HAL’s control of Discovery is like a deep-space version of the networked home of the future or the driverless car. Citizens, policymakers, experts and researchers are all still exploring the degree to which automation could – or should – take humans out of the loop. Some of the considerations involve relatively simple questions about the reliability of machines, but other issues are more subtle.
The actions of a computational machine are dictated by decisions encoded by humans in algorithms that control the devices. Algorithms generally have some quantifiable goal, toward which each of its actions should make progress – like winning a game of checkers, chess or Go. Just as an AI system would analyze positions of game pieces on a board, it can also measure efficiency of a warehouse or energy use of a data center.
But what happens when a moral or ethical dilemma arises en route to the goal? For the self-aware HAL, completing the mission – and staying alive – wins out when measured against the lives of the crew. What about a driverless car? Is the mission of a self-driving car, for instance, to get a passenger from one place to another as quickly as possible – or to avoid killing pedestrians? When someone steps in front of an autonomous vehicle, those goals conflict. That might feel like an obvious “choice” to program away, but what if the car needs to “choose” between two different scenarios, each of which would cause a human death?
Under surveillance
In one classic scene, Dave and Frank go into a part of the space station where they think HAL can’t hear them to discuss their doubts about HAL’s functioning and his ability to control the ship and guide the mission. They broach the idea of shutting him down. Little do they know that HAL’s cameras can see them: The computer is reading their lips through the pod window and learns of their plans.
HAL reads lips.
In the modern world, a version of that scene happens all day every day. Most of us are effectively continuously monitored, through our almost-always-on phones or corporate and government surveillance of real-world and online activities. The boundary between private and public has become and continues to be increasingly fuzzy.
The characters’ relationships in the movie made me think a lot about how people and machines might coexist, or even evolve together. Through much of the movie, even the humans talk to each other blandly, without much tone or emotion – as they might talk to a machine, or as a machine might talk to them. HAL’s famous death scene – in which Dave methodically disconnects its logic links – made me wonder whether intelligent machines will ever be afforded something equivalent to human rights.
Clarke believed it quite possible that humans’ time on Earth was but a “brief resting place” and that the maturation and evolution of the species would necessarily take people well beyond this planet. “2001” ends optimistically, vaulting a human through the “Stargate” to mark the rebirth of the race. To do this, in reality, will require people to figure out how to make the best use of the machines and devices that they are building, and to make sure we don’t let those machines control us.
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About The Author:
Daniel N. Rockmore is Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Computational Science, and Computer Science at Dartmouth College.
This article is republished from our content partner, The Conversation, under a Creative Commons license.
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Totally Awesome
by Viorica
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Viorica finds a Potter-related bit of media that actually deserves the hype
Oooh! This is in the Axis of Awesome!~
Parodies are a tricky thing. If you've got too much of a hate-on for the source material, you end up being too bitter; if you love the source material too much, you can't effectively make fun of its flaws; and if you just don't care either way, you get something like this. It's a difficult tightrope to walk, but when you're lucky/talented enough to get it right, you end up with A Very Potter Musical. Written by college-aged fans of the Potter series, it combines the best of the original series with the talent of the actors and writers involved, and ends up eclipsing the source material entirely.
The story takes place in Harry's second year, and encompasses the events of all seven books. Harry and his friends (with Ron's sister Ginny in tow) arrive at Hogwarts to discover that the new teacher Professor Quirrel has R
resurrected the House Cup (which is basically a one-school Triwizard Tournament) as part of Voldemort's plan to capture Harry Potter under a bumbling Dumbledore's very nose. It's hard to describe the rest of the plot without going into spoilery detail (which I'll be doing in the next paragraph anyway . . .) but suffice to say, problems arise, relationships are formed, and Team Potter must go up against Voldemort and his Death Eaters- though ironically, Voldemort's ultimate fate owes more to the "love conquers all" theme which the books neglected and the musical effectively puts into use.
When I said in the first paragraph that the musical is an improvement on the books, I meant it. The plotting is much more streamlined (for one thing, the Trio doesn't spend months sitting in a tent, and actually condemns the seventh book's plot as "stupid") the characters more likeable, and the biggest problems with the book-
Dumbledore's lecturing
,and the
delusions of grandeur
are removed in favour of canonical gay characters (the main couple is, in fact, gay, and Voldemort's redemption comes about from his affection for Quirrell- quite a divergence from Rowling's choiceless choices) a Dumbledore whose stupidity and blindness is repeatedly mocked, and a pervading knowledge that this is, in fact, a very silly story. For instance, Malfoy's conviction that there is a wizarding school called Pigfarts located on Mars and presided over by a talking lion turns out to be true; after all, how is it more ridiculous than the main concept of the franchise? The musical also addresses such all-important questions like:
How did Quirrell sleep with Voldemort on the back of his head?
Why did Dumbledore trust Snape, anyway?
What happens when two people who share one stomach get drunk?
In addition to lampshading the flaws and inconsistencies of the original series ("I just put anyone who looks like a good guy into Gryffindor, anyone who looks like a bad guy into Slytherin, and the rest can go wherever they want." "Can anyone tell me what a Portkey is? . . . Well, can anyone tell me what
is?") the musical can stand on its own as a creative product. The songs are entertaining and catchy - the fan favourite seems to be "Granger Danger", but my own is "Gotta Get Back To Hogwarts:"
We're sick of summer and this waiting around It's like we're sitting in the lost and found Don't take no sorcery For anyone to see how... We gotta get back to hogwarts We gotta get back to school We gotta get back to hogwarts Where everything is magic-cooooool Back to wizards and witches, and magical beasts To goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts It's all that I love, and it's all that I need at HOGWARTS, HOGWARTS I think I'm goin' back!
But of course none of the material would be entertaining without good actors to support it, and the cast rises admirably to the task. The three leads - Darren Criss as Harry, Joey Ritcher as Ron, and Bonnie Gruesen as Hermione - all bring the right balance of likeability and flaws to their roles, but it's the secondary characters who steal the show. I suspect that Joe Moses (Snape) is familiar with the Harry Potter fandom, because his Snape is a perfect parody of the fanon version, right down to his exaggerated purr of a voice. Joe Walker makes a truly hilarious Voldemort, especially given that he has to deliver lines like "Get me some Nasonex, you swine!" with a stright face (though I am surprised that his voice held out through five performances, given the amount of growling that was involved.) with Brian Rosenthal serving as his quieter, gentler (but no less funny) counterpart. Lauren Lopez as Malfoy steals every scene she's in, with her exaggerated accent and habit of rolling around the stage. Even Goyle, who barely has any lines, cracks the audience up every time he opens his mouth. While Britney Coleman, who plays Bellatrix, has caught some flak from YouTube commenters for being "irritating" she didn't really get on my nerves. The worst you can say of her is that she didn't leave any impression at all- and with a cast this good, less-than-perfect performances can easily be buried in their better counterparts.
All in all, the musical is recommended to anyone who has a passing familiarity with the HP canon. Honestly, it's a shame that this show can't make any money, being an unauthorized parody. It's really the only thing connected to Harry Potter that I wholeheartedly enjoy, one that actually earns it's tagline of "Totally awesome"Themes:
J.K. Rowling
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~Comments (
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at 11:03 on 2009-10-14Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, this is, in fact, *totally awesome*.
The hot female Malfoy is making me go wibbly.
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Andy G
at 13:01 on 2009-10-14This is brilliant! I love every scene with Voldemort and Quirrell in particular.
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at 13:50 on 2009-10-14"Your plan to infilitrate Hogwarts on the back of my head is going swimmingly, my liege..." BEST LINE EVER!
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Melissa G.
at 23:23 on 2009-10-14Loved it! Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
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at 01:54 on 2009-10-15Have you gotten to Voldemort's big tapdance number yet?
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Jamie Johnston
at 21:28 on 2009-10-16Fab. Those kids deserve to go far.
But can someone explain to me the thing with Malfoy falling down and rolling around all the time? Bear in mind all I know about
comes from three of the films (1, 2, and 4, I think) and anything I've picked up from conversations and
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at 22:41 on 2009-10-16Honestly, I'm not really sure. I think it's just the actor being goofy.
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Andy G
at 10:15 on 2009-10-17I saw it as being a bit of a spoof of femme fatales or female villains writhing round the stage in dance shows/musicals, rather than anything based around the books.
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Melissa G.
at 16:54 on 2009-10-17I don't know. I kind of saw that as an exaggeration of how over the top Malfoy can be. It seemed somehow fitting to a caricature of his character.
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at 23:57 on 2009-10-17I think it's meant as a reference to how Malfoy is always described as striking a pose ("lounging", "preening", etc.) and this is just an over-the-top extension of that. Also, was I the only one who found the Draco actress incredibly cute?
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at 06:49 on 2009-10-19I adore a VHPM, which is great because I too have become completely tired of That Woman and Those Books being touted as any kind of coherent literature.
I do think the guy playing Snape was totally channeling Kevin MacDonald's "Simon" from Kids in the Hall though! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC4PjXNt2gw
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at 11:14 on 2009-10-20
I think it's meant as a reference to how Malfoy is always described as striking a pose ("lounging", "preening", etc.) and this is just an over-the-top extension of that. Also, was I the only one who found the Draco actress incredibly cute?
Yeah, that's what I thought as well.
And, yes, she is amazingly, wibble-inducingly hot. Me likey.
Also I notice the musical has a delightfully arch relationship with the fandom - so I think purring, rolling, lounging Malfoy was a nod to both the books and his typically depicated fandom persona.
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at 01:58 on 2009-10-21So glad to see appreciation for this musical. I just loved it.
It's hard to say what makes Lauren Lopez so perfect as Malfoy, except everything. The ponchy accent, the constant posing, the way she's always trying (and failing) to get Harry's attention. Somehow Draco just *is* a 12-year-old girl.
And I liked Bellatrix. She's somewhat annoying with the screaming, but that is Bellatrix, and I love that they aren't being coy about her and Voldemort having a sexual relationship. It's only one of the ways in which the musical trumps the books.
I crack up everytime I think about her face when Voldemort sits on the desk. You can see that she's still trying to make it work--but she's kind of catching on to what he's really up to.
But *everyone* is so excellent. I showed this to some of mine and we all kept remarking on how perfectly perfect Cedric Diggory is. I love the entrance of Cho Chang and just that look that the Asian actress gives. It's almost her only moment in the whole show and she makes the most of it.
You can tell that the entire cast is having a great time playing their parts--and the audience is loving it as well. And that's what makes a great live performance.
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at 21:08 on 2010-08-08Just thought you chaps might be interested to know that they've made a sequel, which can be found here:
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bloomholistichealth · 2 years
Your body will respond to your belief. Fact or fiction?
The relationship between what we think, or more specifically what we believe to be true, and what our bodies do and how they feel has always been at the heart of the Bloom approach to physical therapy. Fascinating work by Neurologist Suzanne O’Sullivan explores this intersection in an article in online science magazine Nautilus (https://nautil.us/the-neurologist-who-diagnoses-psychosomatics-12180/?_sp=f9e75fca-b946-4342-b75d-9e0dd35f1517.1650724133419).
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O’Sullivan has made her career exploring those complex cases where physical symptoms arise from seemingly psychological consequences - such as the case of children seeking asylum in Sweden that descend into a comatose state. Known as ‘psychosomatic’ illnesses, we have often come to view such circumstances as ‘made up’ or ‘all in your head’, exploring extreme situations, such as those of the girls, can help us to understand how a person’s body can take such drastic measures without any identifiable ‘physical’ reason.
Mind or body = me?
For many of us raised in the post-enlightenment European traditions (and yes that is a thing), it is natural to consider the mind to be a separate, non-physical thing. Logically though, this is insane, and deeply ironic. To consider the self as having a non-physical aspect, a ‘mind’ that isn’t made of matter and interacting with the body as part of the whole, physical being relies on a belief in non-tangible aspects that simply accepting that our thought and ideas and beliefs are part of our physical body evades. Simply put, why wouldn’t our brain activity interact with the body’s other systems?
Making this leap - that mind is part of our matter - make understanding the relationships between our ideas and our experiences of pain, disease and ability to function on a physical level much much easier. As O’Sullivan puts it, “an illness is a perception of how one feels, and illnesses can be programmed though expectations in our brains”.
Mind over matter?
O’Sullivan isn’t the only scientist working in this area. Others, notably Ester Sternberg in her work on immunoresponse and perception of stress (https://esthersternberg.com/) are starting to create a foundation for using the power of perception and belief and cultural conditioning to support health and healing in those experiencing sickness and disease. So what does this mean for us, as individuals, living with pain, broken bones, cancers, chronic conditions? Should we just ‘think’ ourselves better?
No. No one is suggesting that you can ‘believe’ a broken leg to be unbroken and it will bear weight. Nor does is undermine the valuable contributions of medicine and clinical practice. Understanding how expectations of ill health, of disability and of suffering can interact with the bodies other processes, like circulation, immune response, hormone regulation etc. provide us with greater insight into the underlying causes of complex health pictures and they give us additional tools to promote wellbeing an recovery.
If it hurts, it hurts.
One of the problems with our treatment of ‘psychosomatic’ factors in healthcare to date is a misunderstanding of the relationship between the psycho and the somatic parts of the picture. The Swedish children in O’Sullivan’s study aren’t ‘pretending’ to be asleep, any more than a client with chronic back pain is faking the pain. Both circumstances are very real and very physical situations, but both may be caused or aggravated by information coming to the body from the brain. The brain is the body’s source of information about the world that we live in, predicts probably futures and provides guidance on what best to do when the body is faced with challenges through a process of experiencing emotions and storing memories. That guidance is 'heard’ by the rest of the body and influences the body’s systems and responses. Lorimer Mosely describes this best in his talk on pain Why Things Hurt.
Effectively, what people like Mosely, O’Sullivan and Sternberg are uncovering is how information from the brain, based on collective and individual memories and experiences, can create physical symptoms. Very very real physical symptoms.
Mind & body = me.
What does this mean for therapy? It means that by understanding the beliefs that are part of the body that is experiencing the symptoms, we can better create a healing, coping or recovery approach for the individuals we see. This is a long way from the way a lot of us were trained. Before this increase understanding of how the mind plays a role in the body’s experiences and behaviour, most clinical approaches were to identify a symptom and treat with a standardised generic method. In a world where bodies are meat and minds are magical, this is logical. A knee is just a knee, a back is just a back and a person who is sleeping should wake up.
Looking at each individual in a holistic way that understands that symptoms that are presenting are the result of things that are happening to the whole person - including their thoughts and beliefs - because we understand that the mind is matter, that the mind does matter, results in better targeted therapy. For physiotherapy this might mean exercise programmes that are easier for the client to complete, whole-body therapy that targets imbalanced biomechanics or adaptations, or even referral to appropriate psychotherapy or other services to unravel fears and expectations about injuries and their consequences.
Always individual, always about you
If you are looking for support or want to learn more about how holistic physical therapy can help you or your work, Bloom would love to hear from you. We can work with you in person or online, or take a look at the information on this blog to find out more about Bloom and our unique approach to rehab, recovery and wellbeing.
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
Event Planner: Profile and Functions of an Event Organizer
Organizing an event is not an easy task. If you have been the person in charge of giving a surprise party, organizing a group trip or giving away a surprise trip you will have noticed what it costs for everything to go well. The same goes for professional events, and responsibility often lies with the event planner profile.
The functions of an event organizer include not only pre-scheduling, but must be pending before, during, and after the event.
Profile of an event organizer Not everyone is used to organize an event, whether professional or among friends. You have to have certain communication, organization and management skills that you need to have to control that everything is in order and things come out correctly.
The profile of an event organizer ends up being an amalgam of varied qualities and skills to accomplish various tasks at once. Want to know which skills of an event organizer are ideal?
HAVING ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY It is possibly one of the main keys of a good event planner. Be able to organize the event, plan it and schedule everything to do with it. Not only is it important to know how to do it, but also how to direct it, as the situation will depend on several teams that will work simultaneously and it will be the organizer who leads all the staff.
Knowing how to coordinate everything that happens before, during and after the event is going to be one of the tasks of the event organizer, so having everything under control will be important. In this case it will not be enough to be a person to be disorganized, forgetful or prefer the secondary role of seeding orders.
BE A GOOD COMMUNICATOR Just as you have to know how to organize and organize, the way you say things plays a key role in planning an event. Therefore, being a good communicator will be one of the factors that facilitate the task.
One of the most important qualities of a good event planner is to know how to capture what the client requests. Therefore, being able to listen in detail and be able to express your wish to the rest of the team to carry it out and make it happen, is going to be fundamental.
OWN A CREATIVE MIND To organize an original event, you have to be creative. We have no doubt. Imagine that you want to create an event linked to flamenco shows in Seville. The fun is assured, but you will have to give it a spin to differentiate it from other events, such as doing it in a workshop of flamenco costumes and that one of the stalls is to learn how to sew the ruffles of the bottom of the dresses. I'm sure attendees will enjoy as children participating in the process.
These kinds of different activities will give you the special touch that the event needs to make it perfect.
ENJOY SOCIAL SKILLS Having a good relationship with the rest of the staff, constant communication with the client and creating a good working environment is the key. The event planner has to be able to pry the event itself. It is desirable that a good organizer knows how to establish some affinity with everyone involved.
With this, the success of the event is somewhat more assured, since with a good working environment you always get more.
AVAILABILITY TO TRAVEL AND BE FLEXIBLE Events can occur in the city where the organizer lives, and as a rule, customers will look for a planner who knows the area. However, it may be necessary to travel and structure agendas for the event to occur elsewhere in geography.
This way, if the event planner is willing to travel and has time and location flexibility, it will earn many points. It is necessary to know how to adapt to the situations and setbacks that arise, either previously, during the event or when the event is over.
Functions of an event planner With all these qualities, the functions of an event organizer will be much easier to execute. Among them, as we have been commenting throughout the article, we must have everything under control before, during and after the event and know how to manage the resources available for each of the situations.
We review what are the main tasks of any event organizer, essential for any type of situation.
PLAN THE EVENT It's one of the previous tasks not to forget. With the customer's idea and the resources available, you'll have to put all the options on the table and choose which one is best. Of the things to consider, you have to choose the right place, the right decoration, the perfect music to create atmosphere, the food needed for the guests that will be in the event, the number of workers that will be needed to carry it out…
There are few things, you have to be patient, mentally clear and find the pros and cons of each option until you find the best alternative. You may need to organize some kind of event in hotels, an amazing birthday party, a fashion show or a concert. Think carefully about what the customer is like, the target audience and shuffle all your possibilities.
CREATE A MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION PLAN Once you've embodied the idea about paper and found the best way to hold the event, it's time to communicate and carry it out. First step, talk to the customer to express the plan and see if it fits their purpose. If you have no objections, the next thing to do is to start organizing.
In order for everything to be tightly closed and without pitfalls, you will have to be able to communicate the idea in great detail. Hence the importance of having communication skills one of the important qualities of an event organizer's profile.
Not only do you have to start with internal communication, but you'll need to develop an external communication plan for the media to echo, as well as attendees. Similarly, you'll need to make a marketing plan to get sponsors for the event.
COORDINATE AND MANAGE THE TEAM All in all, an event organizer needs to be able to lead the team at his disposal: staff, suppliers, guests… There are going to be many open fronts at once, so you need to stay calm and manage various resources.
Leadership and coordination skills will allow you to deal with very disparate profiles of the entire team you've teamed up to hold the event. Not only that, you'll also have to keep in mind available non-human resources. That is, the technological elements, the food, the economic resources… Everything counts and everything needs to go as planned.
EVENT SUPERVISION Once the event has started, it's not time to enjoy it and have a good time. An event organizer is alert at all times during that day, as we must ensure that if any unforeseen events arise that can be resolved as quickly as possible. You'll need to be controlling that the different moments of the event follow their course and know how to deal with problems when they arise.
If the event is coming to an end and there has been no setback, it will be time to relax your shoulders, set aside planning and enjoy your masterpiece a little. Good job!
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Call us, tell us your idea and we will advise you which of our rooms or areas you can use to celebrate your event depending on the capacity and your needs. We will take care of complying with the necessary prevention measures contained in our Vincci Careplan. Everything's going to be all right.
Courtesy:event organizers in Lahore
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How To Choose The Most Experience Attorney For The Job
Most people do not understand the legal system. While we need to use a lawyer, how do you begin the search? The following article https://nieuwarbeidsrecht.com/ will be your guide to doing so.
Remember that you should be the one seeking out a lawyer, not the other way around. This is often the domain of scammers. Really study up and choose a lawyer that's right for you.
Make sure you know why you need legal representation before you go out to get a lawyer. Determine whether or not you really need a lawyer. You ought to have representation if you are faced with criminal charges, a divorce case or complicated civil litigation. Even if your need is not related to these subjects, you may still require an attorney's assistance about a financial or business matter.
Never hold back any questions you have for your lawyer. A lawyer that is good will give you detailed updates often. If you feel, at any time, that your lawyer is unable to respond to your questions as he should, you should discuss this with him, and if need be, find someone who will.
Each time you meet with a lawyer, make a log. Note the time, date, what you talked about, any money you paid, and what they said your bill was. This can help eliminate any problems that can arise later.
Figure out your budget. Make sure you can afford a a good lawyer before filing for a lawsuit, even if you have a good case. Look into the fees the lawyers charge. Speak with them about what you are expecting to spend and achieve. This will put you in the safest position possible from a monetary perspective.
If your attorney is busy with other cases, your case will probably not get the best attention. Ask the lawyer directly to see if he has time to handle your case. Your attorney should be honest with you about what he can reasonably do.
Beyond assessing the lawyer, also make a judgement about how friendly and helpful the lawyer's office workers are. Whenever you call, jot down how fast they return your call and how accessible the receptionist seems. If the office takes a long time returning your messages, that may give you a hint of how you'll be treated when you are actually a client.
It is important for you to have a good relationship with your attorney. It is vital that you feel like your lawyer is trying to understand you and that you trust his judgment. This is even more important than experience. It is important to rely on your instincts and search for a lawyer you can get along with.
Do not hire a lawyer who seems to think your case will be easy to win. If the lawyer thinks your case can't be lost, he isn't thinking realistically. You have to find a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the law. You can find good lawyer here: https://www.advocaat-rotterdam.com.
Prepare yourself before you meet with a lawyer. They're paid hourly. Anytime you deal with a lawyer, you are probably being charged if they work on an hourly basis. You will spend less and have a resolution if you properly prepare yourself prior to meeting with them.
If you are unsure whether or not your lawyer is doing his/her job well, don't hesitate to ask for a second opinion. It can be pricy to change legal council mid-stream, so make sure you know what you are doing. A second opinion is a good idea before making any decisions.
If you are disappointed by your lawyer, keep in mind that winning is as important for their livelihood as it obviously is to yours. There may be a legal reason your lawyer is taking an approach you don't understand. Ask questions of your lawyer if you are confused or unsure.
Lawyers have insurance for malpractice to cover them in case of their mistakes. If they don't do that, their rates will go up. Your lawyer doesn't want that, so rest assured that they will handle your case morally. Remembering this can ease your mind as you enter the court room with the lawyer that you choose.
If money is an issue, check into legal aid. Find a legal aid office, and ask about lawyers who will work pro bono. Their intentions are generally admirable and their results are often effective. You can find the number to the legal aid office in your city by browsing the white pages.
Try to remember as many details as you can about your initial meetings with all the different lawyers when trying to choose the right one for you. You must ask yourself if the lawyers had tidy, professional offices. Did the lawyer and office staff seem friendly and professional? Were they dressed appropriately? Consider if your emails and phone calls were answered quickly. A lawyer who constantly reschedules appointments is also a bad sign.
Make sure not to hand a lawyer any money until you are totally comfortable. Some lawyers want a retainer before they consider your case. This money is put on hold so that the lawyer will be available for consultation with you.
Talk about timelines with the lawyer. Find out how long it normally takes for a case like yours to be resolved. You need to know a good estimate as to how long your case will likely take. Your legal expenses will not only increase with time, but your whole life will also be impacted during the course of the case.
You should be seeing what cases the lawyer has handled in the past. They may claim to have strengths in a single area, but that may not be true. Find out what the rates of success are, as well as what areas they were in. Make sure the attorney you retain is experienced within the area of your problem.
The legal system is an extremely confusing process for many people. Reading the article https://alblasarbeidsrecht.nl or below gives you a good starting point. It won't hurt you to keep learning about the process as you look. The more knowledge you have, the better your chances of finding the right lawyer.
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