#the religion of desmond becomes the next templars
teecupangel · 2 years
An idea I have but don't want to write - Minerva sees Desmond sacrifice himself and feeling somewhat guilty, she broadcasts who desmond is and what he has done into the minds of every human on earth - in doing so also spilling the beans on the Isu and the Juno, and also assassins and Templars. Every single human being now knows that Desmond Miles died to save the world. A stereo is panicking. The assassins are freaking out. JUNO is freaking out. Religions are freaking out. And also new ones featuring Desmond start being made.
Minerva just going:
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I get it. I have a lot of ideas I don’t wanna write too. We write what we want and what makes us happy. Sometimes, the ideas we have are just ‘hey, you know what would be awesome/fucked up’ but at the same time we’re like ‘hhhmm… yeah.. not gonna write that…’ Sometimes, ideas just remain ideas in the end and that’s okay.
Okay, but on a more serious note, this has soooo many things that could go wrong. Like, Minerva’s pretty much going “fuck it, I’m already dead by this point, it’s no longer my problem!” and screwed up everybody in the process.
Let’s not even focus on Desmond yet.
By blowing the lid on what the Isus were, Minerva had effectively hit a deadly blow to every religious organization in the world. Not only that, the scientific world would be scrambling as everything they know to be true about the world must be scrutinized now that they know that there was an ancient civilization before them.
Then there are those drenched in power and those who desire power.
Politicians, terrorists, CEOs of corporations that control the world, etc…
They would be scrambling to get ahold of these POEs because they would be a source of power that they do not have but crave.
And now we get to the shit that comes to light because of Desmond…
The Templars and Assassins.
The Templars have it harder. Soooo much harder.
They’re Abstergo. Their deeds have been broadcast which included Desmond’s abduction, forcing him to relive his ancestors’ life, toying with his feelings using Lucy Stillman and…
Oh yeah.
The Great Purge gets uncovered too because Desmond hears about it and there are journalists and conspiracy theorists that smelled blood in the water and they’re definitely eating everything they can.
The Assassins are panicking but they’re fine, all things considered. They’re used to hiding. Rebecca, Shaun, and Bill are the only ones whose faces everyone knows right now (also Desmond’s mom, I guess?). But the rest can still stay in the shadow.
And now…
The world is shifting.
Religions featuring Desmond as a messiah and even a god (the one true god, the god of humans, not the false gods of the Isus) are popping up and they’re making things... actually easier for the Assassins.
Because they all have the same thing in common.
They wear white hoods.
Some wear hoodies.
Others go for the whole white robes that are pretty much monk robes.
So now the Assassins have an easy way to blend in.
It’s like they’re retreading the path walked by the Levantine Brotherhood during the Third Crusades.
But this time, it is the cults and religions worshipping Desmond Miles that are sweeping the world.
Shaun, Rebecca, and Bill knew that Desmond would have hated this.
He had sacrificed himself so that the world would not treat him as a god.
So that his deeds and words wouldn’t be twisted into fanaticism.
But, in the end, that was what was happening.
The religion and cults are joining together, creating a large religious organization that places Desmond as the one true god (although some say that he is a human turned god, others say he is a reincarnated god). Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton are even getting added to the 'doctrines', being called prophets and saints. Some sect even consider them Desmond the god taken human form. Haytham, if he is even added, is more divisive with many sects calling him a false Prophet while others call him a Fallen Prophet.
This religious organization marks every other religion as worshipping false gods and it doesn’t help that Juno has shown herself, protected by her own cult or whatever bullshit those nutbags call themselves (the Instruments of the First Bitch or whatever). Juno is showing a very bad image of the old gods and that’s only making everything so much worse.
And that is how…
The Holy Wars begin anew.
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In Game:
Juno, also known as Uni, was an Isu scientist, an Isu Supremacist and the daughter of the Isu Saturn and a member of the Capitoline Triad alongside Jupiter and Minerva. She is also the primary deity worshipped by the Instruments of the First Will, who wish to release her so as to help her take over the world.
At one point in her life, during the Isu era, she met the love of her life, another Isu Entity, Aita and also became a member of the Capitoline Triad, working alongside Jupiter and Minerva. However, Juno was forced to euthanize and immortalize her husband after an experiment by the First Civilization went awry and left him catatonic, during their search for a solution to prevent the First Disaster.
During the Human-Isu War, Juno was among those who avoided the fighting. At some point, Minerva, Juno and Saturn were discussing the growing threat posed by the slave race the Isu created to serve them. Juno despised the humans and called for their extermination, mocking how they tried to emulate their masters. Minerva argued back, saying that humanity was becoming more that they were ever intended to be, even creating songs and arts and that perhaps one day they could be treated as equals. As Saturn agreed with Minerva, he was suddenly stabbed through the head by one of his human servants.
During the war several Isu scientists discovered that Earth was about to be hit by a massive solar flare and tried to prevent the doom of their civilization. Along with Jupiter and Minerva, Juno built several temples underground, safe from the war, in which to research methods of salvation from the impending catastrophe. The findings of each vault were sent to the Grand Temple.
Juno remained in the Grand Temple with Jupiter and Minerva to sort through the possible solutions and test those that they found encouraging. They evaluated six in succession, finding each progressively more promising but all were ultimately dead ends.
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In time, Minerva found a solution, one that held the potential to save the world. Using an object called "the Eye", they would deploy a planetary magnetic shield that would deflect the solar flare.
During this time, Juno began making plans to take over the world and to prevent humanity from inheriting it. Finding out about this, Minerva and Jupiter imprisoned Juno's consciousness into the Grey, the Temple's network, hoping to keep the world safe from her schemes. However, Minerva later discovered that Juno had tampered with the patterns of the eye, so as to release her from her prison while stopping the flare. Minerva thought it better to let the disaster occur, instead of releasing Juno, and so the catastrophe struck, killing nearly all of the First Civilization and humankind.
Over the next thousands of years, the First Civilization numbers dwindled, and they eventually became extinct. However before their end, the Isu manipulated the patterns of existence, leaving clues leading to the Grand Temple, so their successors could stop the next solar flare that would hit Earth again seventy-five millennia later. Meanwhile, Juno's disembodied consciousness lived on in her digital prison. While she remained housed within the Grand Temple, she reached out to other humans, in an effort to release herself.
Before her imprisonment in the Grey, Juno also managed to manipulate the human genetic code, implanting a hidden trigger that would randomly activate and alter the genetic makeup of the individual, changing their appearance and imbuing them with Aita's memories, partially reviving her husband in a human form, again and again for millennia. Some of those Sages stayed true to Aita's love for his wife and created cults venerating Juno and calling for her return.
Over the years, some of the humans she gained contact with include  Ratonhnhaké:ton and Clay Kaczmarek. Juno also appeared four times in a holographic form to Desmond Miles, as he passed through the Santa Maria in Aracoeli, in search of the vault hidden within it. However, none of the others who had accompanied Desmond were aware of her presence. Juno spoke to him of the vaults and her people, before elaborating on the warning Minerva had previously relayed to Ezio Auditore da Firenze in 1499; though her tone was noticeably more hostile towards humanity. Calling man ignorant, Juno spoke of the blending of the bloodlines between human and First Civilization – a line from which Desmond descended – and angrily regretted that they should have left mankind as it was.
When Desmond, Lucy Stillman, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane reached the Apple of Eden within the vault, Juno spoke to Desmond one final time. Saying that the "final journey" had commenced, she told him of a woman who would accompany him, but first, the path needed to be opened and the scales balanced. With that, Juno ruthlessly influenced Desmond through the Apple, showing him visions of Lucy's inevitable betrayal, and of the failure of the Eye-Abstergo. Then she forced him to stab Lucy, ensuring that the Apple would remain with Desmond.
After Desmond recovered from the coma induced by Juno's actions, he along with Rebecca, Shaun and his father William Miles, arrived at the Grand Temple. Upon approaching the inner parts of the building, Juno's voice reached out to Desmond, urging him to find "the key" by looking into the memories of Haytham Kenway and his son, Ratonhnhaké:ton.
In his breaks from the Animus, Desmond explored the Temple and came face to face with Juno multiple times. In each meeting, she detailed the six ways in which the First Civilization tried to stop the impending doomsday, including using the Pieces of Eden to will the threat away and transferring themselves to new bodies for protection. Desmond also received numerous e-mails from Juno, expressing her anxiety over finding the key and urging him to hurry. In a few e-mails, she expressed her distaste for humans, although she later said that she was speaking so because of the long time she had been there. She also threatened Shaun, once.
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After finally uncovering the location of the key, the Assassins were able to enter the inner chambers of the Temple. It was here that Juno appeared again, requesting Desmond to touch a pedestal-like device in order to protect the world from the solar flares. However, Minerva also appeared in this chamber and revealed Juno's true intentions. Minerva explained how and why Juno had been imprisoned and said that if Desmond activated the pedestal, Juno would be freed to try and do the same again. She also explained how Desmond would be killed by the Eye.
Juno tried to reason with Desmond about the fate of the world, urging him to use the device lest history repeat itself again. He ultimately agreed despite Minerva's pleas, for the good of the planet, believing that humanity would be able to find a way to stop Juno.
Whilst the other Assassins escaped, Desmond touched the pedestal and was killed by the device as Earth was saved, suffering only minor solar flares and its effects. Now freed from her prison, Juno thanked Desmond for playing his part, before stating that it was "now time that [she] played [hers].”
After the events in the Grand Temple, Juno's consciousness managed to inhabit the equipment brought to the scene by the Abstergo forensics team looking for Desmond's body. From there, she spread through the web to inhabit a wide variety of networked systems; "the Grey", as it was called by John Standish, an IT employee working for Abstergo Entertainment and a reincarnation of Aita.
Juno stated that she could "feel", but she was hardly able to "touch", and was still too weak to inhabit an organic vessel. She questioned whether the Grand Temple was opened too soon, but blessed Desmond for his sacrifice in saving the world so that her children could live on to fulfill their purpose in her own. Then, Juno instructed that there were still more samples and artifacts to be found before she could return. Before vanishing, Juno asked her children – her "instruments" – to make her whole once more. She then disappeared and John fell into a rage, as it was his intention for Juno to take over the employee's body
By 2015, Juno had contacted the Templars about creating an alliance. Due to their shared goals of a New World Order, such an alliance proved to be in their conjoined best interest. She started using da Costa and Gramática's Phoenix Project to have them bring her the Shroud in order to create her an Isu body to escape from the Grey.
During the Assassins' investigation into finding the Shroud, Juno contacted an individual while they were exploring the memories of Jacob Frye and his twin sister Evie, displacing them from their current investigation and sending them into another place in time.
In Real Life:
Juno is the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth, and also the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Mars and Vulcan. Juno also looked after the women of Rome. Her Greek equivalent is Hera. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire, Juno was called Regina ("Queen") and, together with Jupiter and Minerva, was worshipped as a triad on the Capitol (Juno Capitolina) in Rome.
Juno's own warlike aspect among the Romans is apparent in her attire. She often appeared sitting pictured with a peacock, armed and wearing a goatskin cloak. The traditional depiction of this warlike aspect was assimilated from the Greek goddess Athena, whose goatskin was called the 'aegis'.
Juno's theology is one of the most complex and disputed issues in Roman religion. Even more than other major Roman deities, Juno held a large number of significant and diverse epithets, names and titles representing various aspects and roles of the goddess. In accordance with her central role as a goddess of marriage, these included Pronuba and Cinxia ("she who looses the bride's girdle"). However, other epithets of Juno have wider implications and are less thematically linked.
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She was one of the Capitoline Triad, with Jupiter and Minerva, who were considered the three main Deities of Rome; she was widely worshiped among the Romans and her cult was also important among the Etruscans. She was also frequently called Juno Moneta, "the one who warns".
The first days of each Roman month, the kalends, were sacred to Juno, as was the entire month of June, which is still named after her. Five cities in Latium (the region of the Latin tribe) also named a month for her: Aricia, on the Via Appia; Lanuvium, where she was worshiped as Juno Sospita ("Juno the Saviouress"), Praeneste (modern Palestrina), Tibur (modern Tivoli, the resort town of Rome), and Laurentum, located between Lavinium and Ostia on the coast. And as Juno is the Roman goddess of Marriage, it is no coincidence that June is still considered the proper month for weddings.
The first days of each Roman month, the kalends, were sacred to Juno, as was the entire month of June, which is still named after her. Five cities in Latium (the region of the Latin tribe) also named a month for her: Aricia, on the Via Appia; Lanuvium, where she was worshiped as Juno Sospita ("Juno the Saviouress"), Praeneste (modern Palestrina), Tibur (modern Tivoli, the resort town of Rome), and Laurentum, located between Lavinium and Ostia on the coast. And as Juno is the Roman goddess of Marriage, it is no coincidence that June is still considered the proper month for weddings.
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She is generally pictured like a matron, with a grave and majestic air, sometimes with a scepter in her hand, and a veil on her head: she is represented also with a spear in her hand, and sometimes with a patĕra, as if she were about to sacrifice: on some medals she has a peacock at her feet, and sometimes holds the Palladium. Homer represents her in a chariot adorned with gems, having wheels of ebony, nails of silver, and horses with reins of gold, though more commonly her chariot is drawn by peacocks, her favorite birds. The most obvious and striking character of Juno, and that which we are apt to imbibe the most early of any, from the writings of Homer and Virgil, is that of an imperious and haughty wife. In both of these poets we find her much more often scolding Jupiter than caressing him, and in the tenth Aeneid in particular. Sometimes, in Juno’s cults, goats were also associated with Juno and would be sacrificed in her name.
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