#the red comet
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guarddogdyke · 3 days ago
every dyke has one random twink that they want to chew on like bubblegum. mine is char aznable
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therosecrest · 6 months ago
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moonlight--magician · 4 months ago
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cultofthewyrm · 1 year ago
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by Paperblue
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gallant-char · 2 years ago
Is it true u can't drive
this is a lie made up by the gay ass earth. the red comet needs no drivers liscence i simply know how to do it on my own. i crash and speed because i want to
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asongofstarkandtargaryen · 2 years ago
Every character speculates about the red comet appearing, some even think its about them.
Meanwhile Jon Snow, who is not aware he's in a fantasy book full of prophesies, minds his own business:
"The comet is so bright you can see it by day now" Sam said, shading his eyes with a fistful of books.
[Jon]"Never mind about comets, it's maps the Old Bear wants."
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epicocat · 11 months ago
Hey Gunpla nerds, I have a question, if anyone is willing to shine some light that would be awesome!
Recently I’ve taken to trying to collect every single Char Custom suit, by that I mean one of each per available grade (i.e. a HG, RG, MG, PG, and Mega Size Zaku; a HG and MG Gelgoog; a HG Nightingale; etc)
After finally cleaning off a shelf to put the collection near each other I’ve noticed something… something rather odd.
For some reason each Char suit has one of two different color pallets.
Exhibit A. The Zaku II Brothers
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Now my lighting isn’t great but I think this displays my point quite well. The RG and MG Zaku both have a light pink-salmon as their main color, with a saturated crimson for their vests and skirt armors. The HG on the other hand, is starkly more… well red. Granted that was also hot off the runners, the red has cooled to a salmon color, but still not as pink as it’s more detailed counterparts
Exhibit B. The Z’gok Brothers
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Here the Z’goks have almost the exact opposite issue. The MG and HG have the redder salmon color, while the RG is a lighter pink. Of course the colors are everywhere with the RG so I am just referring to the upper body
Finally Exhibit C. The HG Rick Dom and HG Gelgoog
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Now the lighting is worse here because they’re both on a lower shelf, but as you can see by their baggy leg armor thats right next to each other, the Gelgoog is, again, a darker salmon compared to the pink Rick Dom
I had noticed these differences while doing work in my room and absolutely not while drifting off, staring at and thinking about my model kits
One last piece of evidence I have come across is the age of the kits. The youngest 2 red salmons are from 2023 (Zaku Revive) and 2006 (Gelgoog) while the oldest Pink suit is from 2007 (MG Zaku II 2.0), And even the Rick Dom is actually from a 2015 kit. Assuming the Revive is simply replicating the plastic color of the original 2000s kit, so…
What’s up with that? Why did Bandai just decide to make Char’s suits more saturated in 2007? This is the question I have been pondering for a while…
And yes it’s kinda petty to look this far into “why my plastic different?” But at the same time it’s just a bizarre and petty change too. Why not keep the red? Why switch plastic colors after 2006 and only switch them back for recreating older kits? It’s so mind boggling …
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youreaclownnow · 1 year ago
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amanoedi · 1 year ago
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doing some keychains and I’m proud of how’s going rn 😤
my favourite boys 🫶🏻
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animemakeblog · 6 months ago
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“Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin” The Compilation Trilogy For OVA Announced
The official website of the original video anime, Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin) announced a three-part compilation movie. The trilogy will re-edit the six-episode original video anime using no new material or scenes.
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hunters-hobby-log · 1 year ago
The other day I built the red comet!
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The one I built is the version as seen in Gundam: The Origin. There are some fun differences between him and the zaku II I have from I believe Stardust Memory. Namely the chest and skirt designs. The one from origin is less bulked out, and I feel it does a disservice to the design. It more evokes medieval armor as opposed to walking battletank which is what I get from my normal Zaku.
Overall I had a fun time putting the kit together. Only issued was the little nubbin on the front of the face. I had to glue that in because it just wouldn't stay. Also the beam rifle doesnt pose well, so I needed to cut part of the stock down so I could pose it the way I wanted to.
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therosecrest · 6 months ago
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moonlight--magician · 4 months ago
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gallant-char · 2 years ago
yeah ive hurt people. what ever who hasnt
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asongofstarkandtargaryen · 2 years ago
Interpretations of the red comet:
Jhogo spied it first." There" he said in a husted voice. Dany looked and saw it low in the east. The first star was a comet, burning red; the dragon's tail. She could not have asked for a stronger sign.
It is the herald of my coming, she told herself as she gazed up the night sky with wonder in her heart. The gods have send it to show me the way.
Maester Cressen:
An omen of blood,foretelling murder...yes
Ser Arys Oakheart:
[Sansa]"What do you think it means?"she asked him.
"Glory to your bethrothed" Ser Arys answered at once. "See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace's name day, as if the Gods themselves have raised a banner in his honor[...]
Smallfolk on Kings Landing:
[Ser Arys]" The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey's comet".
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. "I've heard servants calling it the Dragon's tail".
[...]The way she said it made him silver, and when he asked what he comet meant, she answered" Blood and fire, boy, and nothing sweet"
Septon Chayle:
Bran asked Septon Chayle about the comet while they were sorting through some scrolls snatched from the library fire. "It is the sword that slays the season", he replied and soon after the white raven came from Oldtown, bringing word of autumn, so doubtless he was right.
Old Nan:
Through Old Nan did not think so, and she'd lived longer than any of them. "Dragons" she said lifting her head and sniffing. She was near blind and could not see the comet, yet she claimed she could smell it."It be dragons, boy" she insisted. Bran got no princes from Nan, no more than he ever had.
Greatjon Umber, Edmure Tully, Catelyn Stark and Brynden Tully:
[Catelyn]"The Greatjon told Robb that the old gods have unfurled a red flag of vengeance for Ned. Edmure thinks it's an omen for victory for Riverrun - he sees a fish with a long tail, in the tully colors, red against blue."She sighed . "I wish I had their faith. Crimson is a Lannister color".
"That thing's not crimson" Ser Brynden said.Nor Tully red, the mud red of the river. That's blood up there, child, smeared across the sky".
Theon Greyjoy:
It's my comet, Theon told himself, sliding a hand into his fur-lined coat to touch the oilskin pouch snug in its pocket.
Selyse Florent:
Queen Selyse was adamant" None of them was chosen by R'hllor. No red comet blazed across the heavens to herald their coming. None of them wielded the Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes.And none of the paid the price. Lady Melisandre will tell you, my lord.Only death can pay for life".
[Melisandre]"You are he who must stand against the Other. The one whose coming was prophesied five thousand years ago. The red comet was your herald. You are the prince that was promised and if you fail, the world falls with you".
Aeron Greyjoy:
The priest had dreamed the same dream, when he'd first seen the red comet in the sky. We shall sweep over the green lands with fire and sword, root out the seven gods from the septons and the white trees of the northmen...
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#it’s not ego or irrationality when yknow. you DID perform The Miracle #dany doesn’t even really think she is the prophesied hero she just nods politely when other people say it. #you know who IS delusional about this. stannis. it’s his most compelling trait
also after walking into a pyre to die at the lowest moment of her 14 year old life and instead of burning to death enacting the miracle from her prophetic dreams that everyone in her family died and failed trying to do that brings magic back into the world for the first time in 300 years and three dragons who are loyal only to her and the next day there’s a giant red comet in the sky. what is this tenth grader supposed to do NOT suspect a little bit that she’s the messiah.
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