#the reason why there's no green on her design is that i hc that the divine just. blesses babies to the couples that deserve/can properly
misclogarts · 1 month
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wow i wonder what this could be
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idk-how-to-name-it · 19 days
Could you do the Mikaelys-Mosses family? Bonus if you include ideas of how the family came to be/Nacha and Francis relationship
Hehe thaaaanks!
Firts, let's start with Nacha! Just look at her!
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Sharpless, with purple blue palette(Like, this palette has gentle and soft vibes. Btw green is associated with something friendly and calm), her face...She is definitely kindhearted and sweet lady! She rarely gets mad or angry
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Though, her messy hair say that maybe she gets nervous, at least sometimes(After all, she is a single mother, you know, it can be stressful).
Talking about Francis:
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Yeah, he also mainly have edgyless shapes as main ones, And his face... Look at his face.
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It right says: "Man, I'm tired of working as a damn milkman just to pay child support. Pls help me".
So, for me he looks apathetic and melancholic.
As for Anastacha...I can describe her with one pic
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Jokes aside, but she really looks quite chilly person(She says "whatever" right with her face, without even opening her mouth!). Plus, her colour palette is also chilly, though, she has some edgy shapes in her design...But, can't help but see her as a person who is used to this whole chaos with doppelgangers and neighbors
Oh, and hcs about Francis and Nacha's relationship!
You see, I hc that Francis probably came from...I haven't made my mind where he is from exactly yet. But I've got a feeling that he came somewhere from East/South-East Europe.
So, when Nacha met him for the first time, she was kinda like "Oh, so you're from East, huh? Gawsh, that is hawt"(Eeeeh, you know that thing whe people romanticizes ethnicity for some reasons...Yeah, Nacha has some flaws. I don't approve this thing btw). That's why they were dating until they realised that they both are incompatible for each other(Nacha's expectations failed, yeah), so they broke up. And soon after that Nacha found out that she is pregnant with Anastacha...
After all of this, they maybe try to stay away from each other. Like, they don't despise and hate each other, but they both just don't want to recall those things from the past. Though, Francis works as a milkman to support Nacha and her daughter financially.
Welp, that's all!
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lemonjestercoffee · 3 months
horses! horses! horses! horses!
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i redesigned them! with my own hcs and species design quirks. also woe, height chart be upon ye
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some notes for everypony:
Twilight Sparkle- i like gold on her design but not the absurd amounts everyone else gives her for some reason, so i made it an accent color. yes her magic is gold now too because of her eyes. her hair was also inspired by Mikan Tsumiki's cause i thought a more orderly version of her choppy mess would look good on Twilight, i was right. also glasses go brr, i think she looks cute in 'em
Apple Jack- while i love the long fetlocks people give her, i can't see her actually doing that because they'd be a pain to keep clean, so i did the opposite and had her shave her feathering off. i also put her hair up to keep it off her neck so she doesn't overheat while working. her cutiemark is my favorite part cause it's that family symbol where two adults and a kid make a heart, but i made it an apple instead, does a better job at showing her emphasis on family ties. no hat cause i like the idea of her hat being from her dad, and she doesn't want to mess it up wearing it daily so she wears it exclusively to special events
Rainbow Dash- i decided to make her less of a living lightening bolt and leaned more into her lazy side, going for the type of butch lesbian look that makes her feel like she wears tank tops and hangs out in the basement getting drunk and listening to rock. i wanted her to look like the only part of her she actually puts effort into maintaining is her wings
Fluttershy- i take great enjoyment in making Flutters a fucking lumbering giant compared to his friends (yes my Flutters is a guy), taking fluttertree and running with it. no notes aside from tall and green patterns and long hair and ooo pretty bronze jewelry. ig also his cutie mark is like- it was suppose to just be a paw and a butterfly but i accidentally made a parasprite with it, and instead of fixing it i just rolled with it and made it look more intentional
Pinkie Pie- THIS HORSE GAVE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE!! every part of my body was like "give her patterns! add things to her hair! it makes sense for her!!" but everything i did looked wrong and i couldn't get it to work. so i bit the bullet and made her really plain... and it worked. i don't know why but she just.... looks so much better with a really simple design, the hair texture does all the heavy lifting really
Rarity- of everyone, she's the one who'd have the long pretty fetlocks, and i decided to double down on that by not only making them so long you can't see her hooves, but also by making her have the longest and softest coat in general. she has the time and dedication to take care of such a high maintenance coat and she's gonna do it. it's even more impressive when you realize ponyville uses exclusively dirt roads. aside from that i think she deserves nice jewelry, and they use leather straps cause i think leather would be a ponyville fashion staple, she shows her hometown pride in her fashion
Spike- i thought it was weird he was so small the whole run, he should have had a growth spurt at some point imo, so i made him a bit bigger and more proportional to the older teen dragons, this is less of a redesign and more of a "make him actually grow up" thing, he's still small but not toddler small. this is the point where Twilight starts complaining about him sitting on her back cause he's getting too heavy. i also don't like how adult Spike ended up looking, but i haven't made a redesign of him yet
i have made an older alicorn Twilight design that i've been referring to as Ethereal Twilight, but i might hold off on sharing that for a while cause i have some funky hc lore ideas for the alicorns that i wanna refine a little before posting her. maybe i'll have older Spike drawn by then too, who knows
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qhoaaaa · 5 months
Milo with piercings and other features I imagine he has (and some hcs with Sweetheart hebehebeeheb)
He has them Dahlia piercings (lol) look them up they’re so cool
Has piercings on his ears, a few studs as well as a nose ring
Definitely buys different kinds of earrings and stuff to decorate his ears depending on the event
Brow piercing, especially on the right brow UGHH
They’re all gold colored, he also has some regular silver and black, has a few green colored studs as well
He’s gotta own a few gold chains (as a gold chain haver myself lmao), he keeps them in good condition
Sweetheart got him one as a gift and he teared up, kept asking them how much it was and they only said for him to not worry about it(it was expensive) - he wears it everyday and night and even in the shower
His neck sometimes gets nipped by the metal and when Sweetheart sees him bring a hand to rub at it, they ask, "Why don't you take it off?" And he says, "Eh, I don't wanna... it's from you, sure as hell I'm not gonna take it off."
Symmetrical beauty marks under his eyes (Sweetheart absolutely LOVESSS them, kisses his eyes a lot because of them), and on his cheeks too (genetics are INSANEEE)
Sharp canines,,, yesssss
Few patterned beauty marks on his shoulders
Most of his skin is just bare and smooth but Sweetheart loves when they see his beauty marks on his shoulders or his face when he’s taking a shirt off or resting
His back has a few long scars from sparring with the other wolves when he was younger, he didn’t want them healed fully, let them scar as a learning experience, Milo lets Sweetheart massage them or put a balm on them so the tissue doesn’t get weird, he feels all mushy (in a good way) when Sweetheart unexpectedly kisses down his scars (he makes sure to tell him it feels good too AWGWGW)
Really REALLY soft hands
Chest tattoo, it’s a singular design he made up himself (drew it and everything), it’s probably a symbol that’s important to him/his mother and his way to honor her, he has accompanying designs on his fingers
Tattoo of Sweetheart’s name on his nape (tell me that this wouldn’t look nice,, I’ll wait)
(Off topic but I saw a post where Marie and Colm have tattoos of Milo’s first paw prints of when he shifted for the first time and he would def do the same if he and Sweetheart have kids)
He and Sweetheart get ring tattoos on their ring fingers when discussing getting rings (I love that audio), they wear the actual rings on their thumbs
My personal opinion but he would not have grills ❌❌ (never liked those but to each their own !)
He has golden eyes (all wolves do and it’s just a variety of shades but his are golden golden and they’re so pretty, he wears brown contacts/Unempowereds see brown to cover the color)
Sweetheart has smile lines, they popped up after meeting and getting with Milo, Milo ADORES them
They used to hide their smile before meeting Milo, needless to say, they smile widely now, teeth and all and its the cutest to him, seeing that smile is how Milo knows that they're comfortable and relaxed and having fun
Theyre at least 6'3 , buff and curves THEY GOT IT ALL
Sweetheart works out at the gym semi regularly and Milo practically drools when he sees them and their muscles , they have long legs(LEG MUSCLES TOO) and he's all over them
Sweetheart loves his arms, no reason, they just do
They like to feel up and down his upper arms and his shoulders, he likes the touch
He has super curly black hair, got it from his mom (we love you Mama Greer) while most of his sisters have straight/wavy hair like their dad, no facial hair
He’s just reaaaaaalllllyyyty hot in general ouughhhhh 🫣🫣🫣
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zvmz · 8 months
A few Lizzie Hearts HCs <3
already said but she has a vaguely heart shaped birth mark over her eye and she covers it up with paint
only kitty, maddie, and duchess have seen her without the paint
her pupils are heart-shaped
her favorite memory is during her 10th birthday the queen of hearts let lizzie have kitty, maddie, bunny and alistair come for a banquet of sweets and then a castle-wide game of hide-and-seek
she owns multiple stuffed animals and dolls
all of them are decapitated for some reason? crazy
i was crazy once
once she started openly dating daring, she started working out with him
thats how she discovered her love for boxing
it started as just a way to strengthen her arms for croquet
but eventually she started punching bags every other night as an anger outlet
and she got MUSCLES
daring loves it
all of her outfits, besides the one she escaped wonderland in, were handmade by her
she often exchanges sowing materials with ashlynn
her only crush before daring was on a young guard who worked in the queen of hearts castle
but she was forced to leave him behind when the evil queen cursed wonderland
she has no idea what happened to him after that
she can do seemingly impossible card tricks
has said she "doesnt understand the point of listening to music"
duchess thinks thats the most insane thing about her
but then she discovered Lana del rey and said "nvm"
her side of the dorm is very cluttered, while duchess' side is neat and organized
keeps at least one knife on her at all times (except thats canon)
she had the hardest time out of all the wonderlandians learning to speak normal english rather than riddlish
daring once bought her a bunch of white roses
they spent a date just painting them red together
she hates the color green
she always goes to sleep at the exact same time every night
11:24 pm
why so specific? no one knows
her and cedar dont actually speak to each other much
but they often just sit next to each other, lizzie sketching fashion designs while cedar paints flowers
lizzie calls kitty by her real name "katarina"
shes the only one who gets to do so
shes never played the dulcimer (string instrument) for anyone before. she doesnt believe shes very good at it
ok just one more sad one
the wonderlandians in eah actually have no way to contact anyone in wonderland
yes lets pretend that the cheshires couldnt do magical facetime or anything
so lizzie didnt even know for sure her parents were alive and well until brooke warned maddie there was a plot to overthrow the queen in wtw
i would say same for kitty but lets be real that woman is probably thriving with all the chaos of the curse
doesnt mean she didnt miss her though
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lunar-rcp · 3 months
Any amber hcs?/nf
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𖦹 🌷 ˓ ミ Amber headcanons ໒꒱ ‧₊
♡ !! Thank you for this ask! I love amber a lot!! She needs more attention,,
cw: parental death
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✦ Has the best fashion sense out of the team. Having a fashion crisis? Just come to Amber, she'll help out! Sometimes she even likes to design her own clothing.. however, she does need her own models of course! That being, none other than the rescue team! (Roy & Poli are forced to wear dresses sometimes) (Someone please draw that actually)
✦ It may not seem like it, but she can be a TOTAL flirt. She can be bold, and she's not afraid to do so! Which leads to Poli and Roy mostly being flustered by her sparkle.
✦ The opposite of Roy, Amber actually enjoys spicy food. Whenever they both order something, she helps Roy with his serving if something happened to be spicy in it.
✦ Honestly, I don't think this is my own headcanon. We should all agree Amber would be absolutely terrifying when she gets angry.
✦ Amber beats herself up whenever she messes up something. She's afraid of failure, and she despises it. However, the team will always tell her that it's okay to make mistakes.
✦ Literally smells like roses and flowerly perfume. She's a clean girl i'm telling you.
✦ When she met Sandy, she was EXTREMELY overjoyed. To think there would be an another girl in a rescue team had her on cloud nine. Sandy, Amber and Jin often like to do girl hang outs, gossiping about the guys lol (poor them)
✦ Loves to collect crystals and has an entire collection of them. She even gifted crystals to the rescue team members, they treasure it dearly. Here's the crystals she gave to them
Poli - Sodalite
Roy - Red jasper
Helly - Chyrsoprase
Jin - Sunstone
✦ She can be a bit of a nerd, but that's a given. She sometimes goes off about rambling about random things like gemstones and such, but the others happily listen to her rambles. Even if she gets a little embarrassed when she finds out she's been rambling.
✦ Has the healthiest sleeping schedule out of the team. Wakes up early, and goes to bed early. Poli might wake up the earliest, but does he go to bed early? Well..
✦ Enjoys a green smoothie everyday. She tries to suggest the idea to the others. (She was met with Poli, Helly and Jin in utter disgust. However, Roy enjoyed it.)
✦ While I imagine roy as the cook for the team, she's the BAKER for the team! Absolutely makes the most godly desserts that cease to exist. The team adores it. She's in charge for birthday cakes.
✦ When Amber was little, she had to face her mom being pretty sick. Her mom unfortunately passed away when she was a teenager. This was the main reason why she became a nurse, to protect others.
✦ She comes from a big family! She has 5 other siblings, and she's the oldest. Even if it's a lot, she all loves them dearly with her heart.
✦ Adores jewerly. Whenever she has the time, she loves making little bracelets out of gemstones for the team. She's really creative whenever it comes to making accessoires.
✦ Amber dislikes sea food. Especially octopus. She can't really handle textures of certain foods sometimes.
✦ Whenever she's the one who gets sick, she's forced to face the team go into a mindless panic. Even if it's chaotic, it does make her feel better that they care so much for her.
✦ When the others are sick, she knows exactly what to do. She makes sure they have ALL the comfort they need. To kidshows or humming songs, she got them.
✦ Speaking of humming songs.. Amber can sing really well. She doesn't do it often, but whenever they have karoke nights thats when her voice really comes out.
✦ Good at archery! She has a really good aim. Watch out.
✦ Amber feels like she's the weakest of the team since she can't carry heavy stuff without her arms giving out. She feels like she's just supposed to stand on the side for aid rather than help, because she'll just mess it up.
✦ Sometimes a little TOO forgiving. She tries her best to not easily forgive, but it's hard for her.
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metukika · 2 years
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SDR2 cast talent swap!!! Inspired by @/pancakemolybdenum’s version of the first game’s cast.
This was all randomized!! Here are the titles assigned to the characters!
Mahiru: Ultimate Lucky Student
Kazuichi: Ultimate Musician
Ibuki: Ultimate Princess
Hiyoko: Ultimate ???
Gundham: Ultimate Impostor
Fuyuhiko: Ultimate Breeder
Akane: Ultimate Traditional Dancer
Chiaki: Ultimate Gymnast
Hajime: Ultimate Gamer
Teruteru: Ultimate Mechanic
Sonia: Ultimate Swordswoman
(Impostor): Ultimate Team Manager
Peko: Ultimate Cook
Nekomaru: Ultimate Yakuza
Nagito: Ultimate Nurse
Mikan: Ultimate Photographer
More notes about my hcs for their backstories and stuff about each of their designs under the cut!!
I did not expect to write so much, I’m so sorry. If there are grammar mistakes or misspells there are not anymore because I’m not rereading this thing lol. Feel free to just skip to your favorite character but thank you if you read all of it anyway! Would love to hear your own takes!
Koizumi- lucky: I feel that she is more like Naegi rather than Komaeda when it comes to her luck-- as in, she’s not really aware of it, or believes in it. It’s less straight forward with her. She insists that the only reason she gets the good things she gets is because of hard work and dedication, but behind the scenes in a convoluted way-- her luck works. 
For example, she’ll work hard to study on a test but forget to study one of the subjects. Her luck causes the teacher to accidentally forget to print the pages of the test about that sub-subject because of something that without the whole context doesn’t seem like a coincidence, and then Koizumi will have time to study the subject she forgot, and get a good grade. 
Not a lot for me to say about her design. I gave her a kind of rich-looking school uniform. She says she’s wealthy because of her parents working hard, but the truth is that her father is a slob and had gotten a great promotion following events caused indirectly by her birth. Her birth also inspired her mother in her photography career which helped her with her publicity and gaining more money.
Koizumi doesn’t like the fact that people call her lucky, as she believes people need to work hard and she does really try her best. She came to Hope’s Peak to prove that it is not luck, but dedication that boosts one’s career.
Souda- musician: I think his upbringing would be similar to his canon one, specifically about not being respected in school and his parents’ shop not doing well, leading to money problems. His father is the owner of a shop that sells old electronics, and there Souda finds a cassette tape and records his first songs, fueled by his frustration from school, with a beautiful voice (I know I’m sorry it doesn’t sound right to give him a nice voice but it had to be done).
At the start he sings about heartache and romance and that stuff, but doesn’t tell anyone about it. One day his cassette is stolen and he gets laughed at his corny lyrics by his schoolmates. The embarrassment and even more bullying causes him to change his look to fit in and he stops writing songs, instead he makes mindless mediocre dubstep music. He still hides his earlier songs from his friends at Hope’s Peak and claims it’s the later songs that are the reason he was invited as an ultimate, even though it was his original written on a guitar songs that got him there. Most of his new classmates aren’t really fans of his later works, although they sill act polite. He’s not really a fan either though.
The mp3 device clipped to his belt is a mirror of that screw he has canonically... Not sure why I gave him half green hair. It just felt right.
Mioda- princess: If I need to go into geography my head will explode, unfortunately. Would it have been smarter to think of that before designing? Yes. But I’m not smart, so.
Most of the time she’s a slightly milder version of her canon self-- maybe without the talking of herself in the third person thing, though-- but when she needs to get professional she knows how to put on a calm smile and how to be quiet and obedient (reference to how she acts with the effects of the Despair Disease).
Out of everyone in her family, Mioda is the kindest one. Unlike her parents, she is beloved by all, as she tends to sneak out of the castle and go to the poorer parts of the kingdom to help her people. She likes to be entertained and is known for paying well to street entertainers and musicians, sometimes joining the fun. Her singing’s horrible but everyone has fun when she is around. She might not be the expected image of a princess, but her kindness is what got her to Hope’s Peak.
I kinda fused Sonia’s braids with Mioda’s cone things, and got rid of the colored stripes in her hair (rip), maybe that’s why I gave Souda extra.
Saionji- reserve course student: Since her grandmother had used to attend Hope’s Peak, and Saionji’s family from her mother’s side had all turned out successful, she had a lot of pressure put on her to become talented or at least highly outstanding like them. Her father is the only one who didn’t care how she turned out, and loved her regardless.
Because her family made her work extra hard, Saionji didn’t have time for friends and was bullied heavily. Because she failed to get a talent, she only had her dad to rely on. Her sour life effected her mood and the way she treated others. Because her family is wealthy, they had gotten her into the reserve course department at Hope’s Peak. 
I don’t really know about the whole Kamukura thing. That’s up to you if she agrees to go with the Hope Cultivation Project. Maybe Saionji!Kamukura would be pleasant.
I lowered her pigtails to make her look tamer, and implemented the bows of her kimono onto her new design as well. I thought having an orange school uniform would be fun, especially with the green. I also gave her an ahoge of course.
Tanaka- impostor: As a kid, he liked to people-watch, but not to interact. He’s mostly ignored by his peers, which made him feel less human. The only times kids would interact with him would be to be mean, and the odd attention would encourage Tanaka to angrily stalk them for a little while, learning their traits and how they act. He would notice little things about people and liked to pay close attention to them (since it would make sense that he would be less of an animal guy than canon, and being an impostor would be a very human-heavy job, I think he would have some odd connection to human individuality, although not his self’s).
I think it would make most sense that his mother’s death would be what caused him to start to impersonate others, as she’s the only one by his side, even if it makes me sad... All alone, Tanaka decides to stop being himself so he can get close to the humans he finds so interesting.
He would probably be a slightly less friendly/more awkward version of whoever he is acting as. I know I could have had him impersonate anyone but I’m too lazy to think of anyone else and I thought that making him dress as Togami would be funny. Like every version of the impostor has to be Togami at some point.
As Togami, he fits into the arrogant personality well, although he’s more obnoxious and focuses more about the “I’m better than you” than the “you are worse than me” parts of him but is still more pleasant that the real one. He is not obsessed with the occult or at least doesn’t outwardly show interest in it, but he still has delusions about ruling the world-- probably with the power of blind confidence and money, this time around.
Loud, but very mysterious. If he was in the game the player would be like “Where did Byakuya get that scar from? Did he lose his mind?” But, nope. It’s just Tanaka. I think he’d still refer to himself as a boy, but he has no trouble acting as a girl, when need-be.
Kuzuryuu- breeder and Pekoyama- cook: Kuzuryuu’s family lived pretty out of the way, near a forest in a large mansion. While his parents were either too busy fighting or were focusing on his little sister and her promising grades, Kuzuryuu would venture out into the forest and befriend the animals. Even with his small physique, he wasn't ever scared of the bears or any dangerous animals. He didn’t want to seem threatening to the animals so he would wear soft clothing, even though it didn’t really change anything, and just made his crass personality all the more of a surprise to strangers. Though it’s not as bad as early canon Kuzuryuu.
One day he met an abandoned girl in the forest and his parents took her in and let her be the family’s cook. She was more of a servant than a third child, and was never legally adopted, but Kuzuryuu and his sister had tried to treat her like a friend to their best of their usually-rude abilities, although it was hard for her to accept. By working for the family, Pekoyama became the ultimate cook.
When Kuzuryuu became slightly older and was allowed to leave the house, he would dedicate his time to breeding animals and saving species in the brink of extinction. He often brought Pekoyama with him, as he liked her, but she thought she was only brought to make him food while he was busy. She can make all kinds of food but focuses more on vegetarian options as the first time Kuzuryuu had walked into the kitchen while she was there with raw meat on the counter he couldn’t stop crying. She still cooked meat from time to time for his parents, but she wants to show the world you don’t need any to make a great meal.
I could have made Pekoyama a more specific kind of cook, but again-- I’m too lazy to think about that. I wanted to giver her a different type of outfit, and found this one with like a half overall-thing clipped onto it? Probably should have searched Japanese outfits but oh well. Her braids are now braided against her head, referencing Hanamura’s braided side. I made sure to give her like a little bow thing around her neck. That’s a chef thing, right?
The cow on Kuzuryuu’s sweater is referencing the animal skull he has on his tie in the game. He has a scarf, like how Tanaka has, since I thought it wouldn’t make sense to give it to the Ultimate Impostor. But instead of mysterious, Kuzuryuu’s scarf is soft looking and has stripes like his original suit. I HAD to give him an animal sidekick so I gave him a skunk. I thought it would fit his original color scheme and the cute looking but potentially dangerous vibe would fit him. Also I made the little shaved parts on the sides of his head in the shape of claw marks.
Owari- traditional dancer: It was too late when I though of the idea of making her not Japanese (well it wasn’t really, but-- AGAIN: I’m lazy). I feel that her backstory would be similar to the original. A customer at a workplace she worked at offered her the job, and although Owari is not into feminine things, she decided to accept because the pay was good and she wanted to provide for her siblings. 
She had gotten good reflexes and flexibility by evading harm in the dangerous area she had lived in, which helped her become a great dancer.
I made sure to give her her ahoge but tried making her hair more... in order? She doesn’t bother wearing her kimono tightly.
Nanami- gymnast: Since she’s like an AI and all she canonically doesn’t have a human backstory, but I guess I’ll do my best. She probably got into gymnastics from finding interest in it, maybe she liked the aesthetic. She’s flexible and prefers doing more of the exercises that use objects, like ribbons and balls. She enjoys the art of it more than the physical labor, but she’s still good at it. Even then, I think that for herself, Nanami prefers comfort over looks, so outside of shows, she wears more causal clothing. 
I’m not sure if she would be the “traitor” in this au, since it would make most sense it’s the Ultimate Gamer.
Hinata- gamer: He’s sloppier than most people, and is physically unhealthy and less hygienic. But his kind nature and devotion to common sense is enough to stop others from looking down upon him. Because he looks at screens too often, his eyes are eternally tired and red rimmed, making him look very uncaring and cold (reference to Kamukura) but it’s only when he’s deep into gaming that he acts like that to the outside world as well. It’s best to not bother him while he’s in the middle of a game.
He often forgets about his own health and the need to actually interact with other people, so when he does hang out with the others in big social events, he gets a little overwhelmed and just awkwardly stands to the side.
What happens when you take one of the tamest designs in the games and gives him an ultimate that is usually assigned to people who have no fashion sense? Nothing! Nothing happens! The best I could do was put the logo of his previous school on his sweatshirt.
Is he the “traitor” in this universe? I kind of like that idea actually, because I really like the idea of gamer!Hinata and isn’t putting a character you really like as the traitor just what everyone needs in their life? I’m attached to him, now. And so I must suffer.
Hanamura- mechanic: He helps at his mother’s auto repair shop, as the constant smell of cars and strange angles she needs to work in is not very good for her already fragile health. In his free time, Hanamura used to make little gadgets that would make her day to day life easier. Despite all this, to others, he claims he works to help big companies design new cars and fixes rich people’s limousines (are there like a mechanic hierarchy? I don’t fucking know).
I have no idea how to give a mechanic a well groomed look, so I didn’t do that. Maybe it all transports into his personality, and he’s a gentleman in this one, instead of a pervert. We can only hope.
I kept his three stars to his design, and gave him a black shirt to wear under his button up kind of like his canon pants (I’m a genius).
Sonia- swordswoman: I don’t really know what to say about her... is she a foreigner? Maybe. Is she working as a bodyguard to the Ultimate Yakuza? I personally don’t think she does. She’s a well mannered girl but has more of a personality than early Pekoyama. She expresses interest in dark themes in this au as well, but maybe something different than the occult. Like torture methods or gruesome fighting styles. Maybe ninjas, because they’re Japanese and use swords? that would make sense.
I wanted to put the sword in a different part of her body, rather than her back. I gave her a braid, like Pekoyama, but put it on the side because Sonia’s hair prefers her right side for some reason.
(Impostor)- team manager: What I got from Nidai’s... being, is that team manager translates to coach? (I’m just going to call them Impostor, here, but they would probably have an actual name.) 
Impostor lived with mostly absent parents and no friends. They unashamedly took comfort in food for their loneliness. Because they were very public with their poor eating habits, people had starting accusing them of encouraging others to live an unhealthy lifestyle. While this didn’t bother them at the start, it got to the point of being irritating eventually, and because of Impostor’s natural instinct to be forward, they wanted to prove them wrong.
So they signed up to work as a coach at a children’s football practice, to promote sportive activity, and found that they enjoy being a supporting leader that people looked up to. So much so that they decided to become a coach. Eventually, Impostor started coaching important teams and people stopped bothering them about their weight.
I thought giving them a track-suit would be cute, especially since in the game they wear Togami’s very fancy outfit all the time. 
Nidai- yakuza: Heir to the Nidai clan, he is well respected from the members all around. The ones who aren’t close to him admire his scary stature and his great ability to give out orders and be assertive, and the ones close to him like him for his understanding personality and loyalty. 
Then he should be the perfect heir, right? Problem is that he has a heart defect and will most likely pass very young. For the early part of his life, Nidai had to stay indoors being treated, and was pitied by many. Since then he decided to not let that get him down, and by acting brash he managed to get the support of others, which is what mattered most to him.
Of course I’d get the big intimidating dude to be the Ultimate Yakuza... kind of reminds me of Kuzuryuu’s earlier beta designs. And no I didn’t make him Jewish, that necklace pendant is a reference to the design he has on his canon jacket. I gave him a small handkerchief poking out of his suit’s pocket to symbolize canon Nidai’s... thing that’s sticking out of his pants. 
Komaeda- nurse: Since it was probably because of canon Komaeda’s luck that he was born to a rich family, I’m gonna decide that this version of him was born to a more average family. Because of his poor health, he decided to get into nursing so his family wouldn’t need to pay too much bills if he could do some of the work himself. He mostly only treated himself at home, but with his dwindling health he had to teach himself more and more.
The more time passed, the worse he got, and the more he knew for certain that there would be a chance that he passed young. This is what fueled him into working hard as a nurse and eventually getting him the title of an ultimate. This also what caused him to latch so desperately onto the concept of hope. Hope is what kept him going even when he got worse. For the sake of not killing off Komaeda from this universe, let’s say his abilities as Ultimate Nurse is what helped him eventually achieve redemption on his health and let him live comfortably. 
Mixing canon Komaeda’s crappy luck at times and canon Tsumiki’s clumsiness, we can probably expect this Komaeda to also be a klutz. That is why a part of his doctor coat is ripped. It’s also a reference to his canon weirdly fucking cut jacket. I gave him hair clips since hygiene is probably more important to this Komaeda than canon-- one of them shaped as a medical plus sign. I also turned his shirt’s design into more of a plus sign. I gave him a blood pressure pump and mask as well.
Tsumiki- photographer: As a result of her abusive living space, Tsumiki would escape from home and hide in the nearby nature often. She lived in a small town on a hill with a wonderful view. She would escape and watch the sunset/sunrise and the animals in the distance and that helped her relax. Eventually, she decided she wanted to capture that beauty and managed to get herself a camera. 
After showing her parents some of the pictures, they used her to get money and that is how she started her career as photographer. She was requested to photograph many places due to her natural talent, but her favorite would be in great fields, focusing on wild animals. She decided to focus on capturing wildlife, since she found comfort in staying as still as can be and blending into the background, away from other humans. Since her parents only cared about the money, Tsumiki would photograph often and the great amount of experience is what helped her achieve title of Ultimate Photographer.
It feels a little wrong to not dress her up in pink, but it’s not a color that appears a lot in nature. She’s not as clumsy as canon Tsumiki, but hiding in bushes and such induces the amount of scratches she has. She’s also usually dirty from laying hours on the ground, which does not help her get along with her peers. I thought giving her shorter hair would be more practical. 
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dogmanincorrectquotes · 3 months
Do You do headcanons if so what are your headcanons. Some of mine(mostly for petey cause hes my spirit anime) are: peteys an aroace level 1 autistic,Molly definently bullys little kids on roblox,flippy and petey would def be drinking buddys,petey has insomnia that keeps him up all night were he questions his life's choices,dogman has the mine of a dog and isn't capable of human consent whichi why I don't ship him with anyone,lil petey can draw hands,sarah and yolay are dating
Those are some interesting ones! Thanks for sharing them, def going to accept some of those (especially the Petey insomniac one)
Here are some of mine below the break:
- Petey can swim, but Li’l Petey can’t. The former learned how to swim soon after the vaccum cleaner incident (from the first book), but only because he didn’t want to nearly drown again.
- ‘Molly’ is a nickname. Her real name is Margaret, but she hates that ridiculously long name with her guts.
- Grampa wanted to name Petey after himself, but Grace argued for for the name "Peter", with Petey as a nickname. Even after, Grampa still calls his son Junior because of resemblance.
- Big Jim and Petey are very distant cousins. (I've had this hc long before Scarlet Shedder released)
- Sarah and Zuzu met in passing after the latter bumped into the former during the Mutt-Masher scene in the first book. Sarah took a liking to the poodle, and then adopted her in the next book.
- Melvin used to keep a list of all his siblings’ names, and cross each one off the list when they got their first timeout. (He was ecstatic when the last one was crossed out)
- Adding to the above, Molly got her timeout after the infamous Chip-Dip Incident; afterwards, Molly made the frogs swear they’d never speak of it again. Because of said incident, Flippy no longer buys chip dip for the frogs.
- Even though Knight would screw up a lot in Chief’s presence, they were close friends before the former’s death - rip :’(
- There is a Captain Underpants cartoon (possibly TETOCU?) existent in the universe - this stems from the (canon!) fact that LP learned to draw from cartoons, saying this while doodling CU.
- Molly came to Petey lab in Mothering Heights with the intention of working on Squid Kid and Katydid with LP (and they actually did - whenever they took a break, they made song parodies)
- As an anthropomorphic cat in the DM universe gets older, they lose some fur, especially around their paws. So Li’l Petey actually does have fingers/an opposable thumb; they're just covered by mass amounts of fur.
- Both Officer Knight and Greg had heterochromia, the former with blue-green and the latter with brown-blue. (By extent, doggy man has it too)
- Petey used to be quite the doodler as a kitten, until something involving Grampa happened (screw you Grampa >:/)
- A bajillionth reason to hate Grampa; the motor brain was Petey’s idea, but it was a blueprint when the former raided the latter’s house. Grampa had changed most of its design so he couldn’t be sued. (That doesn’t mean he won’t be sued though haha)
- Grampa found Grace’s ukulele while raiding Petey’s house. Since he didn’t want it, he stuffed it somewhere Petey wouldn’t think to look, which is why Petey thought he lost it.
- Frida (who was noted to have designed the frogs in Baby Frog Squad) designed CC after Molly, at the latter’s suggestion.
And a wholesome one to close out: both of the Peteys love strawberry ice cream :)
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nerosdayinanime · 8 months
thinking abt sabito lives design again & i started putting him in situations and reminded myself of my hc that he does origami in his off time
my original vampire!sab outfit idea, his white haori's sleeves seem kinda short on him as a 13 yo ghost so actually growing to 21 hed probably need to extend it, so why not recycle his funky pattern shirt for it? yellow-green geometric pattern along all the edges, and for a sabito lives in place of giyuu au why not attach his red haori on the inside
something something sanemi stopping by the water estate for whatever reason, sabito being a good host asks if he wants some tea and starts to leave to make some, "where are you going? thats tea there isnt it?"
"not the kind you'd want. its mushroom tea, the funky kind."
"the hell are you drinking that for!?"
"lets me see ghosts."
"...you're sick in the head."
"not wrong, but thats not even top five of reasons why."
them chilling drinking tea & talking abt nothing and after a bit sabito starts smiling at thin air, theyre still talking but he keeps glancing over at nothing and when theres a lull in their convo he turns to talk to said nothing "why are you being so quiet?" (i never see you talking with anyone....i dont want to interrupt) "but i like talking to you.." (you can keep talking with him, i'll still be here) a little huff before looking down at the drink in his hands
"who are you talking to?"
"my best friend."
sabito coming home from a nasty mission and doing his usual wash-up routine & finally sitting down in the main room. then The Horrors hit. (FuckingfailureWasntfastenough) eyes unfocused and unseeing, (BlueeyesLongblackhairSofuckingyoung) world closing in and feeling like its about to explode all the same, (ScreamofdeathSilenceNofuckinghead) thick tears pooling around his forehead pressed to the floor, (WEAKTOOSLOWFUCKINGIDIOTWRONGDECISIONBLOODONYOURHANDSBRAINATYOURFEETBLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD)
the lady housekeep he hired finding him unresponsive curled up on the floor face down hugging himself while shaking like a leaf, freaking the fuck out thinking hes dying of shock or something- pulls him to sit upright leaned against the wall, try and fail to see if hes hugging himself bc of a wound bc hes just. fucking holding onto himself so tightly. white knuckled muscles locked in place. sends a crow to the butterfly mansion for an emergency and sprints to get the nearest doctor, they arrive and hes not moved from where she propped him up, doctor checks his eyes and sees they respond to light theyre just not looking at anything, tries a few taps on the face and the housekeep worriedly calling out for him. nothing. doctor apologizes for what theyre about to do before slapping the Absolute shit out of him.
knocks him over and his hand suddenly snaps out to latch onto theirs to a painful degree, eyes focused and full of fury before it shorts out to confusion. he blearily lets go of the doctor and hisses at the stinging pain in his face, "the fuck hap-ppened?"
"you were hugging yourself on the floor- and you wouldnt respond- you were just shaking!"
"what do you remember?"
he recoils slightly and shakes his head, "g-give me a minute. fuck.."
"take as long as you need"
focusing his Breath as he haphazardly scrubs his eyes dry with the edges of his sleeves, leaning back against the wall. just breathing for a moment.
"I came home. took a quick bath to-" (wash off the blood) "wash. changed clothes. sat down to do- ..something.."
"do you not remember what you sat down to do?"
"not like that- whatever there is to do. Something. anything. i usually do origami.."
doctor talks yadda yadda makes sure he doesnt have immediate brain damage or actively bleeding wounds & leaves with their promise of another doctor on their way
"sabito-san..? what exactly happened..?" he softens a sad look at her
("my mother used to help keep this place up for the man before you." he smiled, "eh? your mother kept the place intact for my mentor. how nice that you're here to help me out now, ne?")
"bad mission, ("oh..") there was a young boy. i fucked up, the demon killed him." he inhaled through his teeth, "i had to tell his family while covered with his brains."
she recoiled, reached out to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, "im so sorry..."
he let his head loll back against the wall, "its fine"
"its not..."
"its not. but it is what it is, and its over with."
"...kocho-sama should be on her way."
he quietly groaned, "thank you. ...was it that scary?"
"you usually hide it with some sort of smile. i cant imagine how you do that if its bad enough to make you look like youre dying when you cant stuff it away anymore.."
"heh, sorry to scare you like that..."
"dont be. talk to kocho-sama and see if she can help you. i just dont want you to be in so much pain.."
he smiled genuinely at that, "you really help. talking with you and helping with chores makes it easy to smile."
easy to forget that hes alone. easy to forget pretty piercing blue eyes, what they look like wide with fear and never what they look like in death. blood that tints his memories old and new. blood that he coats himself in, blood he refuses to wash away- blood thats all he has left of him.
sabito has a little stall at the end of the market in the nearby village, just big enough for himself and a few bundles of paper, out of the way of the busier sections. most people pass seeing how he only has a few paper figures and a bunch of colored paper to sell. a few stop by, intrigued by what he could possibly be doing here.
"whats your favorite animal?"
they answer, he picks out a piece of paper and starts folding, he gives them a little guy
"you never said how much??"
"i dont need money, i just do it 'cuz its fun. want another one?"
people bring their friends to get a little paper creature, talk and laugh, enjoy their new little guys. it makes him smile.
a lady walks up, cant name a creature so he suggests a surprise animal based on her, "sure." he starts folding, eventually she recognizes it "an elephant!?" "yeah," not really looking at her as hes finishing it, "theyre kind animals, 'gentle giants', but theyre still very powerful. predators have to pick off the sick or young because the healthy adults are too strong to be brought down. smart too. i also read that theyre matriarchs- the oldest wisest female usually leads the herd. she shows everyone how to be an elephant, where to find food, how to navigate their world, safest places to travel. she's their guide and teacher." he sets it down closer to her, "you make me think of an elephant."
"oh," she looks at him stunned, "thank you."
he smiles, "careful not to squish it, if you do though i can just make another one for you. have a nice rest of your shopping trip."
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curdled-blood · 3 months
Ur fav chars in general? (or comfort)
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I'm so happy you asked anon !! Here's how I'm gonna do this. I'm just gonna name my favs and comforts from the fandoms I'm in + some honorable mentions :3 (no particular order btw)
First things first!!
Creepypasta !!
• Ok obviously Jeff the killer but tbh idk if he's my favorite per say, but he is DEFINITELY a source of comfort for me ever since I was like 10 😭 i even have an oc to ship eith him LOLL her name is Ashley King and tbh i should post abt her more i think yall would like her
• Idk why but I think my tippy top favorites gotta be the slender family. I just always been specifically obsessed with their aspects of the creepypasta... Ness. I've also become like super attached to my little versions of them eeehehehh. It fucking makes me mad that ppl r still attached to the gross version of Fen and won't MOVE THE FUCK ON FROM IT and get pissed when ppl make their own versions 😡
• LAUGHING JACK !!!!! HES SO SILLY AND DEVIOUS I LOVE HIM SM. I kinda go back and forth on sinking for him tbh, but this dude was a massive source of comfort to me in middle school
• Nurse Ann is my wife btw. We're literally married ong
• I always thought that Bloody Painter was pretty fucking neat and I liked how his story wasn't written like total DOG SHIT like most creepypastas. Tho I fucking hate his creator (BOOOO DOOODOOCAT U SUCK. SAME WITH LJ. BOOOOOOO 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻)
My little pony
• Dear God ok I don't have a single favorite mlp character because I love so many of them that if I started naming my favorites, I'd end up naming every character in the fucking show 😭
• "But Lie!! Isn't it Fluttershy? Your pfp is her!!" ok I rlly like Fluttershy but idk if she's my favorite tho lol.
• Ok yk what I might be lying cuz I rlly do end up fixating on my hcs for her and her relationship with Discord lmaoooo. I just.. I just loved vampire!fluttershy flutterbat so fucking muuuuuch and discord with a vampire wife?!!?!??! AAAAAAAAAH.
• But discord is definitely a fav lolz. I love how he's literally just Q from star trek LMFAOOOO
• For some reason, I really really really LOOOOOOVE Spitfire's design AND name. I just love her colors, hair, and the fact that her name is Spitfire like the plane AHDHWHJAJA
• I've always been a big fan of Celstia too. I love how she's basically royal God but has this huge silly side :3
One piece
• Buggy. Buggy. Buggy. Buggy was my first favorite, as soon as I saw him I fell the fuck in love with him
• Crocodile is also so whdhajdjwiak. I love villains sm. I love when they're just evil to be evil.
• I think my favorite straw hats r Luffy, Chopper, and Nami. Nami just like me fr. I too am a red head who likes to steal money
• Ok so. This one isnt a favorite but he's a huge source of comfort because i made a whole ass oc to ship with him... It's fucking Klahadore. I've been obsessed with him lately I'm shriveling andjwjakkskdjan
Powerpuff Girls
• one of my main comfort characters is fucking Ace Copular from fucking power puff girls. YEAH. THE FUCKING GREEN POINTY GUY. it makes me wanna crumple in a ball I low-key wish he wasn't but I l9vr him sm and i wanna hit him with a hammer/aff
anyways anon thx for asking and I'm so sorry I went the fuck off
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 27: The Green Medusa Season 1, Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
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Ty Lotor for the lore, Planet Medusa was hit with a solar flare that put all of its people into a coma, his plan is to snatch one and let it loose on Arus ofc The sad part about this is that they picked a mother who lost her children, so she's having the worst time
I like the design for the Medusan, just wish it had more flair and no boobs,, is this woman not reptilian why does she have breasts
Ah there's the namesake, when angry the Medusan can grow pretty large, their hair transforms into snakes, and ya guessed it, their laser vision turns enemies to stone she looks a lot more monstrous in this form, a better look imo
Hey a scene from before is reused! We're back on Arus now and the scene of people crowding around lance pidge and hunk for their offer of food from the episode where Sven got got was reused for them calling for orphans since Allura is using part of the castle as an orphanage now A sweet gesture, wish there was more info about it
Back at the castle, an infant apparently chose Keith to be their foster dad oh, I am so making either an AU or a HC from this scene omg
PIDGE LORE he's an orphan! And adopted out of the system recently from what it looks like
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His adoptive parents <3
aw no Pidge,, he still wishes to have his biological mother with him, that's always a hard wish to have, not that I can comment much on it as I'm not adopted
Attack time and the team is already in their lions wow, no launch animation sequence? Amazing
AND NO ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE MEDUSAN? THIS ISN'T THE USUAL EPISODE FORMAT also pidge ejects from green who ends up smashing into the castle flooring below, I thought you were a better pilot than this kid
The Medusan mother grabs him after he lands onto the floor but instead carefully picks him up and places him onto her palm, even her expression is soft! This is why I love this episode, pidge found a mom and yknow what good for him because he keeps getting badass women figures in his life
Allura is freaking out about it and Lance wants to shoot everything at her for grabbing pidge before keith tells him again that she's got pidge in her grasp PIDGE IS JUST ROUTINELY GETTING ADOPTED AT THIS POINT AND WE LOVE THAT HERE
Pidge wakes up in a cave with the Medusan and tries running off but for some reason turns back and then immediately gets brought back by one of her snakes who nuzzle him after picking him back up how cute! I think Pidge knows something is going on especially because she only took him elsewhere instead of killing him
"he's awful little to see from up here" -Hunk such a cute line
PIDGE YOU MADE HER CRY, at least he apologized Lotor finds the two of them and immediately tries to capture them, but she protects pidge from it, and he finally realizes she's protecting him
Pidge likes snakes, sucks for lance who is definitely afraid of snakes after Bokar
Lotor says that he created a monster with too good a heart Created?? mf you KIDNAPPED A MOTHER AFTER FORCFULLY AWAKING HER FROM HER COMA YOU DIDN'T CREATE SHIT
Coran and Nanny immediately think Pidge is dead after the team searches for him again and still doesn't find him which like that's a sane assumption, but I'm also biased against them so how fucking DARE they pretend to care now >:/
Sike, Pidge is alive and he made friends with his new mom, Anga HE'S JUST CHILLING ON HER HAND LIKE IT'S NOTHING, MAN IS LIVING THE LIFE And suddenly Hunk is real hopeful that Anga has a friend lol
Attack hours again, this time with a REAL robeast and Haggar tries to force Anga to attack pidge so he PULLS OUT HIS GUN TO SHOOT AT HAGGAR ICONIC
Anyway Anga is shrunk down to her normal size and Pidge gets back to making sure Haggar knows who the bitch is between the both of them, and it ain't the little boy with a blicky that's for sure
Pidge gets a piggyback ride from Anga but she's super hurt and collapses before they reach the castle so Pidge promises to come back for her after having a memory of his adoptive mother giving him a piggyback right too THIS KID CAN FIT SO MUCH BACKSTORY AND TRAUMA IN HIM OH MY GOD
Voltron formed, robeast defeated, another scene is reused where Lance is kissed by allura and pidge gets kisses from the mice when he asks instead not the best scene to use? i mean nobody did anything except for pidge but all he did was make friends with a woman who died trying to do the right thing for him
/episode end
Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Planet Tyrus is a vacation planet i see, i can't tell if it was taken over and made a vacation planet for the villains to relax at or if it was always like that
So as an amateur archivist for older voltron content, I can definitely see why there were so many people who loved lotor specifically, the douchebag attitude probably doesn't take away from his looks either huh
oh so definitely conquered and it's lotors birthday! I wonder when this aired so I can assign that to him
i'm sorry, Zarkon stole treasure from Arus the week before the events of the episode?? guys what the fuck are you letting happen on arus
the team infiltrates the ship that apparently carrying said treasure, and it's deserted! they find a golden statue of lotor though, so that's pretty wild what the fuck is chitter doing on the ship, did i skip something on accident again
I'm sorry, red lion is able to phase through fucking metal? Lance is straight up hiding in the lotor statue what does this fucking imply because-
lotor sends a squad to go grab the treasure from the ship and keith pretends to be a guard only for the lead of the squad to say "nah youre not treasure so fend for yourselves" absolutely ruthless
the quality of this dub is so low lmao, looks like the team didn't realize that it was keith under the mask when he fell with the key in front of lotor because it was hunks voice first before keith suddenly pipes up and reveals himself
lotor v lance sword fight rematch AND LANCE GETS CAUGHT BY A TRAP DOOR WHAT KEITH TRIED TO CATCH HIM BUT WATCHED HIM FALL very homosexual of them
how many times has allura slapped lotor now? 3 times? she's right to do it every time
oh shit keith lance and pidge are about to be burnt a la witch trials, obvs allura is forced to watch because why would lotor kill her but mouse to save the day because chitter is biting the rope away
LANCE SURVIVES AND HE BLOWS UP BOTH THE CAKE AND THE STATUE he's so great, what a way to stick it to lotor on his birthday
voltron v command ship, obvs they win and apparently are able to get the valuables back allura makes fun of lotor and says he aged 10 years instead of only the 1
/episode end
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new-revenant · 2 years
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Dani Phantom redesignI guess! Is she even recognizable as Dani? Idk but I like the colors. I might draw her ghost form like this from now on-minus the details on the gloves probably-cause it looks cool.
some detail designs and hcs under the cut for your enjoyment
The lightning’s green is muted because it didn’t look as good with bright green
Also, the reason why she’s not tanned like Danny(minus the fact that my ref had her as super pale)is because I like to think that when Danny died in the portal he got slightly tanned before dying, the portal being like a giant tanning station. That’s how I think why Danny got a shade darker as Phantom. Also that makes his death sound a lot worse, as it would’ve had to happen quickly, and it would’ve been even more painful. So now even Danny’s backstory is a shade darker :)
Anyway, since Dani was just cloned and didn’t have to endure such a fate, her skin tone is the same both alive and dead. But I also have an idea to make Dani’s human form slightly tanned since she’s out and about a lot as she travels the world. I dunno, I just thought that it would be funny.
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florelia12 · 1 month
do you have a fancast? like perfect irl people that remind you of florelia (and the rest) not necessarily actors but people in general. tbh it's hard to find the perfect tan girl with green eyes. sometimes it's easy when people aren't in your ear telling you flora is latina bc she might be but it's hard to find latinas with flora's physical traits. and helia to me he's not asian he just has cat eyes. though I have to admit I like it when in fics people say helia and musa are cousins.
okay there is a lot to unpack here.
First of all, no, I actually don't have the perfect fancast for Florelia or any of the Winx characters really and its not something that really bothers me. I don't want a live action (not everything needs to be made live) or a reboot, I want them to fix the mistakes they've done in the actual show and bring back quality content.
Secondly, I am that person in your ear telling you Flora is a Latina and that Helia is Asian.
Not because she might be, but because it has been explicitly said since forever that Iginio was inspired by Jennifer Lopez when creating Flora. The WHOLE POINT of the characters Musa, Aisha and Flora being designed the way they were was to include diversity.
The proof is coming out with the original designs for Musa and Flora where they are both clearly white. What other reason would Iginio have to change their features and the colors of their skin if it wasn't to be inclusive? And what is wrong with him doing that?
When people say Flora is Latina they obviously don't mean she is a Latina, Puerto Rican girl living in an alien world. Her character is inspired by a Latina woman. Hence, her features and skintone (when doing art or fancast) and possible stereotypes (when making hcs or writing fanfics) need to be taken into account.
When you say it's hard to find Latina's with Flora's traits, it's not because Flora's not a Latina or girls who look like her don't exist, it's because there is not enough representation of darker skinned Latinas. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. Especially if you're looking for it on pinterest, like you search girlhood in there and all you get are white girls?? Where the hell are the rest of us?
Also Flora having green eyes is directly related to the fact that she is the Fairy of Nature (they literally glow when she powers up) but that doesn't mean Latinas can't have green eyes. One simple google search will show you.
You can argue for Linphea since it doesn't look like Puerto Rico but it also a realm of Nature and that doesn't leave as much room for them to work with as they got to with Musa and Melody (even that has its issues of lumping in all the different cultures) and lets be honest we barely got a glimpse into Linphea's actual culture as it was.
Then we have Helia. Yes his character wasn't explicitly said to be Asian. But his design doesn't leave much doubt, especially the moment someone points it out. His features are inspired by East Asian features, he shares similar design characteristics to Musa and other asian characters.
The fact that you said he just has cat eyes already proves how you view Asian features. And also the fact that you identify he has Asian features but don't want him to be Asian is because of whatever prejudice you are holding onto.
The joke is so fucking old, it was never, ever funny.
Also I want to pose this question to everyone, not this person since they didn't say they think he's white. Why is it that if a light-skinned character's inspiration isn't explicitly stated, they are just by default white?
And anyone pointing out the possibility of them being otherwise makes people think they have the free-reign to just to ignore because the character is light-skinned?
When Helia's background is left for interpretation it makes more sense to explore the hundreds of Asian cultures that exist instead of ignoring all of that and jumping straight to him being white. Like there are East Asians and there are Southeast Asians and no these aren't just two cultures they are a number of different countries with different cultures.
I am South Asian. No, I do not look like Helia or Musa, I look like Nabu.
Hell, I thought Flora was Indian and Helia was white when I was NINE. It took one person casually pointing out "hey they're not" to realise oh ya they actually aren't.
I don't know if this was a targeted ask because I have posted in this account about how i find the Helia and Musa being cousins hcs uncomfortable.
But yeah, I find it uncomfortable because where I'm from (I can't speak for every single Asian country though I don't think this is an isolated experience) it is a joke to ask any new Asian person you meet if they are related or if they know this other Asian person that you know. Again it's an old joke, it's not that funny, it never was.
It is also a joke to say yeah all Asians are related, or they all cousins. It may seem harmless, but I'd say it has deeper roots of incest accusations/stereotypes like marrying your cousin or whatever. Even if I'm wrong about that (if i am please someone who is a poc correct me, white people shut up), it's still a stereotype you are perpetuating. (and no I'm not just talking about older fanfics that were probably written by 11 year olds where everyone is always related, i'm talking about the ones written by adults.)
Why is it never Sky and Stella being cousins? Or Riven and Tecna? They have similar features. Why not them? Why is it always only Musa and Helia?
But that just brings us back to you saying you don't think Helia's Asian. Musa is clearly Asian (if you're going to say she's not then you are just plain ignorant). But, Musa's Asian and her "cousin" Helia just has cat eyes ???If you like that hc then why can’t you accept that he is clearly Asian?
Before white people get defensive about poc calling out racism that you claim isn't intentional, stop and think WHY. It has been said time and time again, racism is not always inherently overt or 100% intentional. It can come out in even as something as 'small' or 'not as serious' as cartoon characters. But it is serious because we poc exist in these spaces too.
Also you can be POC and still be racist. Funnily enough, that was the very first direct interaction of racism I experienced in this fandom. That also does not mean white people get a pass (it's sad I even have to add that as a disclaimer)
I don't even know if you bothered to read this far, but I hope you've learned something.
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surveillance-0011 · 4 months
Mux HCs if that's alright with you
Yeas ofc!
Bi. Thinks this and putting her pronouns in her bio absolves that she is a billionaire CEO.
Basically the yass queen slay girl boss girl dinner girl math im just a girl version of some sick fusion of Elon and Bezos.
Nice nails. Big on nail art
Probably has the same sort of rabid army of fans that elon has but it's guys who think they have a chance and like. space techbro esque women.
Sometimes plays with her employees like dolls and plays out little scenarios
Canonically Annoying About Ayn Rand.
Avid reader. Her bookshelves are probably full of crummy self help books and Colleen Hoover-esque shlock.
Keeps plants. Keeps killing them.
Has probably killed half her exes but that's ok ig yass girl slaaaaayyy literalllyyyyy
Individualist and a huuuuge believer in the "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps no I'm not aware that this phrase was coined to be an impossible feat and that it's meant to be sarcastic" school of thought
Will grill her employees for even considering calling in sick but on the rare occasion she gets the sniffles she CANNOT fucking take it she will act like she is dying
Will kill an employee if they have AirPods in. I wonder if anyone will get this reference.
She will, however, also force her employees to dance on MikMok.
Honestly muxxalon hq might as well be a prison.
The parasites are a separate species that have a more symbiotic relationship with Mux's, though it's more like her species is so huge that a horde of the damn things is more like waterweight than anything. She can send them out to eat and in return they will protect her and help do her bidding. And it just so happens Mux's bidding is working themselves to death under space capitalism
And there's plenty of her species they just spread out through the planets and galaxies because one is enough to drain the resources of one area. This is also partially why Muxxalon moves around so much, so that resources in one place aren't exhausted
I hope you can still sleep peacefully knowing there's a thousand megalomaniac play dough blobs out there full of parasitic worms ready to start their own companies and timeshares. as for me, this will prove difficult.
Big on grenades. Was considering Muxxalon brand glitter bombs but alas they never got developed 💔
Out of touch with the working class
Overcomplicated starbucks order. Orders overcomplicated cocktails. Hyperspecific, arbitrary instructions on any possible food service imaginable. And god forbid you get it wrong...
I will once again mention I am playing with the idea of her having dated Giblets. It's like if you took all of Elon and Grimes's traits and shuffled them around between the two with a bit of Besos sprinkled onto Mux for good measure. And if one was a huge bag of unfortunate looking organs and the other was a neurotic little worm. of course. They would be so hilariously dysfunctional.
Would. Would Krimothy be like. Their X AE A-XII? With his Bugsnax sounding sort of name? If he’s their kid and not Giblets x some other worm thang? Does Krimothy just have some half sibling named something like Oobleck Delta Kappa Theta the Twost? The possibilities are endless and increasingly distressing!!!
Going 2 be honest in my mind her concept design(?) and the Mux we got are two different unrelated people. They’re just so different 2 me
Beta!Mux/Scrapped green chick was a weapons dealer-expert-mechanic something for the G3 and left pre-Gatlus invasion for reasons unknown.
Judges HARD when it comes to zodiacs. I just realized how fucked up space zodiacs are because every galaxy solar system etc has different constellations… do you think there’s zodiac conversion charts…
Beefing hard w/ Gurgula on the down low. Mux threw a fit about tracking chips or 5G or something in the translator microbes and she felt so attacked by his reasonable response that his packages have all come late, been lost, or boobytrapped ever since. He is trying his damndest to stop using/buying from Muxxalon but there's such a fucking monopoly on space postage. Every time it's not a brand owned by Muxxalon or something she somehow gets word of it and makes it a mission that he just. doesn't fucking get what he ordered on time.
Needless to say he was ecstatic when the BH got her ass. He is pretty sure that the company won't be crumbling any time soon but hopefully the new CEO is a bit more reasonable. Right?
Please, God. Let something good happen for once.
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
When I was a teen I had established (and named after mythological kinds if vampires) 4 races withing the vampire species in School for Vampires. Some vampires had special physical characteristics making them different from others
The first I called "Upyr" (because "upyr" does sound similar to "vampire" in most languages and was one of its etymologies) is the most wide spread species we saw in the show. Lady Kryptina, Alarich, Oskar, Gothetta, Stoker, Klot, Ashley, Klot's father, Batoria, Nofre, Ravena, the vampire hunter's hunter, Maxine, Buck, etc etc most characters are so I am just showing one picture lol. They look like pale humans with pointy ears, deep/dark eyeshadow, claws, often but not always a flat bat-like nose and sharp canines
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The 2nd I called "Nosferat" (look like Count Von Orlock from Nosferatu). They are the 2nd lost widespread, with Leechy, the postman, the Feratus and the Oxbloods (minus Ravena who must have Upyr blood since she looks like one ; also this proves the races can reproduce with each other and must look like just one parent's race, with how Orlock Feratu and Alarich are cousins but look so different). They look similar to Upyrs but "uglier", with more crooked, pointy and rougher traits, males tend to bald more easily and it's not their canines that are sharp but their upper incisives
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The 3rd I called "Vrykolakas" (because vrykolakas are the Balkans equivalent of zombies and these vampires have green skin so something green coming out of a coffin could remind of one). They are very few, Walpurg is definetely one but in my memories so was Frakula but now that I watched again he looks white, pale or greenish depending of the light so I'm unsure. But supposing he is one and looks pale because he is weak after centuries without drinking inside a coffin, they are green(ish) with sharp canines like Upyrs but unlike them when their mouths it's not the upper canines that stick out but the lower (not counting Frakula who has no tooth sticking out but it's because he is old with barely enough teeth legt and other very old vampires with no much teeth left are drawn that way). Also unsure if this is a common trait but these 2 have a long pointy nose, so perhaps ?
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The 4th I called "Strigoi" (no reason other than they are said to have sharp fangs and not just sharp canines and also how strigois are said to be vampire sorcerers and Ironfang has a magical car that drives by itself) and must be the rarest since we only know one in the whole show, Dr Ironfang. It is hard to describe how they are since we only have him and no comparison, but we can determine they have blue skin (not counting his retconned season 1 design that was used once ; HC he was sick that day hence why he was white) and a mouth full of sharp fangs that somehow don't stick out of their mouth when it's closed
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And I suppose one becomes the race of the vampire that vampirized them since Nestor became a "Upyr" after Alarich bit him same for Sunshine after Oskar bit her. I have no idea why Nestor's canines don't stick out of his mouth while Sunshine's did and why Sunshine changed hair color though (and personality but that I saw as a side effect of being bitten by a vampire child hence why vampire children are not allowed to vampirze). You mutate slightly ?
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tuhhadkeryo · 1 year
Hey, Epic! King Dudicus rules! Got any headcanons for him?
yes I are
(sonic boom reference, Srry not srry. Dumb knuckles cracks me up)
thanks for the ask, anon! I hc that -
he’s way, wayyyy smarter than he looks or acts.
his signature sunglasses are actually part of his borg design, not literal sunglasses.
he probably likes any and all Mexican food. You can go to sheetz and order that burrito you KNOW is going to make you regret it the day after and give it to him - he’d be fiiiine
He’s single - but one time I saw a ship on Motherboard and Dudicus and now I think that he has a thing for her. Just a really laid back crush that he knows isn’t going to go anywhere, but he’s ok. He always is.
He is a cunning competitor and in his younger, reckless days, used to cheat. He mellowed out after time and many fights, and now he’s the best at catching a cheater since he has so much experience. He wasn’t even bad at skating - just insecure.
He didn’t know who Slider and Coop were, but after the events Borg of the Ring, he tried to help the supposedly orphaned boy as much as Sly would let him. He quickly caught on that Slider just wanted to be left alone, so resorted to subtle things like some word of mouth advertising for his tiny mechanic business.
He used to be a bit of a hothead until he had to learn to chill tf out. His mental health spiraled upward in his mid twenties and spawned the chill, amiable king we see now.
he’s not academically gifted or mechanically inclined - but he always knows the right people to call. He has a way of gathering people like a magnet. They don’t even know why, but most feel a natural pull to obey his gentle suggestions. For this reason he was extremely popular when the Radsters were electing a new king - so much so that he had no competitor.
He wasn’t too sure about how he felt about Earth kids being there until Hacker took over Radopolis and the threat became way closer.
In ye olden days, he used to know Hacker, who was assistant-chief-technician at the time. His impression was fairly good and when Hacker came to take the crown, he genuinely thought that it wasn’t such a bad idea. One of the only people who knew how cyberspace works, in charge of his site? And he gets to skate all day like he used to? Too good to be true, man. Unfortunately Hacker’s actions were less well known as this was near the beginning of his rampages and Dudicus still had the wrong impression. He learns quick though - as soon as he got the crown back he made a new law, officially signed:
Dudes, like, when you see that green bozo hanging out, tell me! He totally has a bummer attitude. Not cool, man. Not safe for us Radsters.
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