#the reason devil's minion is so full of stuff is because you can't even get all of the chaos onto the page
desertfangs · 2 years
I just want to appreciate the sheer, unbridled chaos that living with Armand must have been for Daniel those first few years.
They move to New York City, where presumably Daniel has never lived, and Armand fills their nights with an endless series of concerts, art galas, museum exhibits, movies, parties, symphonies, boxing matches, plays, art house shows, and anything else he can find.
They take night classes and study any number of subjects. Armand obsesses over gadgets and modern technology, buying countless stuff off the television or from store windows, trying to learn how it all works and what it means to be a modern man. The detritus of his obsessions fills empty apartments because he tries on hobbies like he tries on clothes.
And through it all, Armand has Daniel moving apartments every few weeks, sometimes twice a week, because he wants to experiment with types of lifestyles. Different neighborhoods, floor plans, styles of apartments: a 5th floor walk-up, a townhouse, a luxury tower apartment, a studio, a sprawling penthouse, a basement unit with windows that open into an alley.
Imagine Daniel stumbling home drunk from some after-show party Armand dragged him to just after sunrise and not remembering where he lives because he just moved again for the 12th time in three months.
Just absolute pandemonium. No wonder he was exhausted and exasperated a lot of the time.
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uozlulu · 3 months
Still thinking about ep 5 like:
Still not completely believing that Armand and Louis haven't been on/off over the last 77 years, but mostly on
When are we going to hear from Claudia in a way that feels like she's telling her story again? Maybe never? Ragland should send Daniel the missing pages
Did Lestat really talk to Armand or was Armand feeding Louis' own delusion? (I'm inclined to believe the former but how would Daniel or Louis be able to know the part of the conversation Armand didn't say? Unless Armand told them at some point later on and then made them forget it? But why?)
Maybe the story is going to get more convoluted than I want to believe it's going to, or maybe it'll make sense once we know more
I want to think all that Devil's Minion stuff happened (maybe with Louis along too in this universe?) so I keep thinking about Daniel finding out about Lestat through another means or just feeling compelled for no reason to investigate New Orleans and stumbling himself to Rue Royale finding Armand instead and being like "Who?" and Armand being like "If I can't kill you, I'm going to study you like a bug."
I feel like some of my questions, especially those that I feel like I can't quite articulate properly will have answers once we see how they end the Paris in the 40's/50's arc. Because it's like why this? why that? what? And all of that will probably make more sense (hopefully) when we finish that part of the story
I am, as always, even more convinced now that Lestat is going to crash the Dubai interview than I have ever been. I have my full clown costume ready to go if he doesn't actually do that though
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