#the reaper's rose
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Welcome to my silly ass game idea: Left Hand Gun Club an otome game (that I'll probably never make cause I can't code), about these 4 boys, and how you win your way into their hearts. And I will fully admit: this is entirely self indulgent lol. Where I take a few of my own original main characters, and make them dateable.
It's unabashedly Christian, and (unsurprisingly) pro-gun. The name literally just comes from the fact that I somehow chose all my male characters that are specifically left-handed.
Ignore the fact that none of them are using their left hands in this picture lol
So lets meet the Boys!
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Aharen Jacison
This Orc is the leader of both the Men's Bible Study, and the Gun Club. He's the eldest, and probably the most responsible, which isn't all that surprising, considering he's the only one with children. He's a single father who's been raising both his son and daughter alone for their entire lives. It would be nice if they had a mother to add to their family.
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Can you be both a jester and emo? Brosmýr seemed to have found a way. The poor man is exhausted 24/7, mostly due to his late night job. He is constantly drinking energy drink to the point your pretty sure his heart rate is at a constant 200 bpm. He's a bit of a shit-stirrer, and loves to make fun of Jekzün in particular, but there is something there that you just can't quite place. A sadness lurking in the back of his mind... And Brosmýr's not the type to kiss and tell.
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Jekzün Ademz
The Dwarf with Napoleon syndrome. The man who thinks that the world is forever against him, so he bites back, hard. Don't let that cactus exterior fool you, though. Behind all the posturing and bravado is a genuinely good man, with a kind heart, it's just been hurt quite a bit.
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The youngest, and tallest of the group, Tali is a very quiet and gentle soul. The literal personification of the "Gentle Giant". To the point, he actually rarely speaks, usually only speaking in sign, or through the whiteboard he always carries with him. He would consider himself quite the simple Centaur, enjoying the modest things in life. He's a hopeless romantic through and through, and would love to one day settle down and have a family. However, there are a lot of problems he feels he needs to fix before even thinking about that.
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Kiss in the Rain
It's not really proper for an Orcish woman in work clothing to kiss someone. Since she's considered a man while wearing it.
However, in the glow of the fire-bright bugs, and the downpour of rain, Amelija took the silly, dangerous, task of kissing her faux-husband, Jekzün.
It had been literal years since the Dwarvish man had let anyone dare touch him... this marriage was supposed to be façade... right?
This is a redraw of a of a picture I did a couple of years ago, when The Reaper's Rose was still called Mochi Turtle, Nijezdo wasn't created yet, and this story was based off the 1960s rather than the 1920s. It's crazy how much things have changed.
Original under cut
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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metakeno · 4 months
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Been a minute tumblr, much appreciation for 100+ notes on my last post. I greatly appreciate it. Here’s another one. (Once again click image for better quality)
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witchofthemidlands · 4 months
“there is one thing that i can never do, ruby & that's take you to that church on ruby road that christmas. absolutely never.” - the doctor
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lyricthecat-12 · 14 days
A little tribute to some of my favorite RWBY fight scenes
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infoglitch · 22 days
(I bet y'all mfs don't remember when I created rouge for the rose reaper and dork knight series did ya? Well guess what-)
Dork Knights Rose Remorse!
I'll finish this angst war with a critical blow to you, @epic-arc this is and always will be the glitch cycle!
Jaune sat alone, his appearance much older as he appeared in his 60's as he sat in a chair on his cabins porch, looking at a field of Roses and sunflowers.
A young man walked up to him, his hair black, eyes azure blue, wearing a red t-shirt and black jacket as well as white jeans. He sat beside Jaune as the now old huntsmen smiled.
Rouge: the garden looks good.. I'm surprised you planted the roses so close.
Jaune: well.. your aunt and mother were always close..
Rouge: yeah.. how is Aunt Blake doing?
Jaune: we talked.. she's on the end of her rope.. I worry for her
Rouge: you worry for everyone old man.. so.. are we gonna talk about mom?
Jaune: Rouge.. I know it's been awhile-
Rouge: dad! It's been months.. you need someone to talk to. And I know you haven't talked to Aunt Blake or Mrs. Schnee.. you can't bottle up your grief!
Jaune: I'm not! I just.. your mother was.. she was my everything.. she made every day feel like I could live.. she inspired me after Beacons' fall.
Rouge: that doesn't mean just because she's gone you should shut everyone out.. when have you last talked to great uncle Qrow? When have you talked to Mr. Pine?!
Jaune:.. I don't want to discuss this anymore.
Rouge: she was your wife, but she was my mother.. I know how much it hurts.. or at least I can try! We both know mom would kick out asses for mopping!
Jaune: I said-
Rouge: how long until you realize you can't just shut people out dad?! How long until you realize you're shutting me out?!
The air went still as jaune sat there. He would look at his son as for a moment he could see both himself and his wife in his son's eyes.
Jaune:.. it just... It hurts.. it hurts because she doesn't get to be here, because she had to go on that mission, that one mission to destroy the relics! It.. it isn't fair, she was 55!
Rouge: and I was 16 dad. 16. It wasn't fair I lost my mother and it wasn't fair you lost your wife.. but im not about to let her death ruin my family.. your 61 dad, she died 4 years ago... You need to move on.
Jaune:.. I miss her.. so much.
Rouge sighed as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder.
Rouge: i miss her too dad.. I miss her too.
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vane-sya · 11 months
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Ghostly Reaper by IonicAI
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craziechwiv · 4 months
The Paladin and their Succubus frenemy - 3
At the tavern, the team were all drinking to their heart's content. Or rather, the loud and always rowdy Nora was taking swig after swig of ale as the tavern patrons cheered her on. Thus, leaving a very much annoyed Ren to just look onwards at his friends' reckless actions while Pyrrha was tapping her fingers on the tavern table, eagerly awaiting their leader's arrival.
Ren: Can you believe this? Such disgracefulness. But, she is what she was born to be...can't stop her once she has alcohol in her system.
Pyrrha: Uh huh.
Ren: It's like she's...her. But somehow even more her! Does that even make sense? Because if it does, then this is how much trouble we're in if she decides to go off on someone here.
Pyrrha: Mhm.
Ren: Are you even listening to me, oh great champion?
Pyrrha: Y-Yeah, I don't really like the drinks here either.
Ren: ...I hear our leader has a new partner.
Pyrrha: What?!
The sly Monk chuckled under his breath, taking a swig out of his mug that he made sure was just water. However, the champion didn't find his joke amusing at all.
Pyrrha: Oh haha, Ren. And maybe I'll tell Nora how you have a secret journal with a 'couple' of pages directed towards-
Pyrrha: That's what I thought.
As Pyrrha triumphantly took a hearty swig from her mug, the pair heard the tavern's door open and in came their leader. Now this alone would've been alright...if he hadn't came in with someone else.
Jaune: H-Hey guys...looks like we have a new member to the team.
Reaper?Ruby: A pleasure to meet you all~
Pyrrha: W-Whuh...
Ren: Oh, I guess that wasn't a lie after all~.
Upon Ren's comment, Pyrrha couldn't control her strength for a minute, cracking the mug in her hand into decent sized chunks.
Jaune: Wait what li-OOF!
Jaune is hit by a thrown patron who got a bit handsy with a certain red-headed dwarf...
Reaper?Ruby: sigh I feel welcomed here already.
Oh, what fun I'll have~.
Next Chapter >
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emerald-dragonflame · 1 month
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I have been neglecting so many of my babies
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The Reaper's Rose (Faux) Cover Art
Mochi Turtle now has a new name! And an actual plot that I'm working on (ish, I still plan on finishing Garden of Sandstorms and Evergreen's Leit before I get to this one). So I decided to make a fake noir/pulp book cover for it. Cause it fits the aesthetic quite a bit.
Summery on the back of the book:
"Detective Amelija Hunthrak* finally got the gig of a lifetime, when a rich and powerful Harpy stepped into her office for a proposal. 'Find out what my husband has been doing, and if you can; save him'. While on the job, she meets quite the oddity, a Dwarvish Assassin named Jakzün Adüm*. Or so he says.
Is he friend? Or Foe? Or... more?"
*ah-meh-lee-yah hoon-thrahk
*yahk-zuhn ah-duhm
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zsofieia · 7 months
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once believed love would be burning red
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fredwardrawn · 4 months
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Some recent dist inks ❤️
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he's not mad, just disappointed
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iersei · 10 months
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what a cute plucky little protagonist i hope nothing bad happens to her ever ~
a ruby rose for @lil-red-reaper !! thank you again for voting !!
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