#the reality is just that I should like not play backline in x at least
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slicksquid · 4 months ago
I think every time I pop a money ticket the karmic forces of the universe converge to make it impossible for me to win any games
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teamcalamity · 6 years ago
Opus Explorations - FF8 In depth
FF8 is my favourite of the Final Fantasy's and the release of a new Squall sees the perfect excuse to try and get an 8 themed deck into play (I would have tried anyway).  You should by now already be well aware of the issues facing FF8 in FFTCG, Edea is the nuts but is limited to mono lightning, the next 3 best cards are all called Rinoa and the EX searcher can't search the main protagonists' Legend card. If this is going to do well (or at least vaguely OK) then we will have to show some restraint and not go all in on the FF8 characters, bulking out the deck with some strong supporting plays.   I felt the best balance for this was in mono ice, as we can employ some key characters (Squall, Rinoa, Laguna, Ultimecia), take advantage of powerful cards available to the element (Genesis etc) yet still maintain some kind of tangent theme.......Time Compression (aka dull/freeze). This deck is full of dull/freeze mechanics, I personally find full on discard a bit grubby.  We want to be on the front foot so ideally we want to get 2 backups down early and then starting putting pressure on the opponent with our forwards.  We should be able to control their response by locking it down or removing it. I'll start with the FF8 crew..... Squall x2 - Of all the main protagonists, Squall has probably had the roughest deal in terms of the cards he's been given and for some reason he's usually focused on discard.  I'm going for the new one here but you can pick whichever you want (5 drop hero might be a good shout).  This new one is at least on curve at 8k.  His first ability should be fairly easy to get off and is a nice bonus but we will focus more on the second ability with our dull/freeze theme and try and work some ways to make this worthwhile without messing up our own gameplan. Laguna x2 - Weird art but searches Squall so gives us a bit of tempo and might even sneak a point of damage early on.  Also means we can keep Squall at 2 copies and make space for some better ice cards ;) I'd love to see a Laguna backup. Rinoa x3 - I've gone for Opus 2 Rinoa mainly because of her synergy with other VIII forwards.  We should be able to get her some boosts (I want to say pump her) so she might be quite formidable even though that does slightly go against her break effect.  It's still relevant though and awkward for your opponent to play around (fingers crossed full art Yuna is just used for peoples collections).   Ultimecia x2 - Probably a 1 of but with our theme it sucks to see it early and have to ditch it so will go for 2.  Still a relatively new card and has 2 nice effects.  I don't see the 6 damage situation being a strategy we want to pursue as with ice we want to be on the front foot, instead this will help reinforce the advantage. Don't be afraid to play just to get one effect off, we don't mind paying 6 as this might enable Squalls ability as well.  Yes I know, Orphan is a better 6cp ice forward but this is an 8 deck (feel free to swap with Orphan haha) Cid Kramer x0 - He doesn't exist. Why not! In chapters he searched Squall or Seifer and gave them haste.  Can we get that now please. OK our fan service is over, let's look at the rest of the forwards.... Lasswell x2 - 2cp on entry removal option, should be able to attain the 7k, awesome card. Palom x2 - A bit of Opus 8 flavour.  Rich hates this card so I'm desperate to fuck him over with it.  He thinks dulling all the backups is irrelevant...until we follow up with Ultimecia mwah haha!  The effects are all actually decent for a 2cp forward. The freeze will probably be most useful. Garland x2 - Marmite card from spoiler season, I think it's gonna be good so let's give it a spin.  More dull freeze options but with a dull bonus of not choosing.  Opponent is most likely going to dull their lava spider every turn though. Time Mage x2 - More Opus 8 flavours that fit in with the dull freeze theme.  I originally had White Tiger L'Cie as the idea of making opponent pay an extra 3 for a Diabolos is quite appealing.  I've gone for this to give it a try but I'm not sure we need it.  Most likely this will go for Bablizz. Genesis x3 - Don't think this needs explanation. #bangenesis used to be a thing. Kuja x1 - Perfect turn 1 play to generate 2 cp.  We want him in the break zone as he's there for the backup recycling ability.  EX burst is a juicy bonus if it comes up.       Kurasame x2 - We are running all 3 of the Type-0 package so will get the search (EX too) and boosts the other forwards.  If we can get him down for 4cp with Enima we're in Value Town! Next up I'll go through the backups, there are 8 different ones which all have a purpose but only 5 spaces available, hence the Kuja incase we need to get something else in mid/late game.  Legend Aerith ruins the fun slightly so fingers crossed everyone goes for the new forward.  As I said, try and get two cheap backups down early and start playing out forwards to apply pressure. Continue building up the backline as we go. Jihl Nabaat x2 - The Calamity meta makes this quite essential, protects from Fusoya, Alhanalem etc.  I want to play x3 EX Jihl and x3 Cocytus.  Maybe I'll stop being a pussy and go for it. Emina x1 - Playing this turn 1 will feel sweet.  Makes Kurasame and Kazusa 4cp and can be searched.  Once that's done Kuja it away. Cocytus x 2 -  Playing this turn 1 will feel shit.  Sexy Jihl's lazy eye'd cousin.  EX conditions shouldn't be too much of a problem to achieve and if played to field at the right time it's really good.   The Emperor x3 - Have you tried this yet? I reckon probably not.  It's actually bonkers.  Once you are ahead in board state this just hammers home the advantage every turn.  On 5 backups we can happily empty our hand and discard 2 for the effect to break a forward and then follow up with Squall's ability. Duke Larg x 2 - Ice booster, pretty standard and +1k is always nice to have out, particularly with ice's undercurve power. Terra x2 - Dulls a forward when you cast a summon.  Haven't seen this used very much, I think it's underrated. Once it gets going it's so cool.  When I go through the summons I'm going to remind you of this each time, kind of want this at 3. Snow x3 - 3 might be too much but at 2 when you don't see it you wish you had 3. Some people say this is shit, but the reality is if your opponent can't deal with it it's gg.  At 4cp make sure you play it on a turn you will get value out of it with some attacks.  Heca and Alexander are about so this probably won't survive many games.  I'm tempted to run Doctor Cid as a deterrent. Kazusa x2 - We shouldn't have much issue with dulling forwards so let's smash one with 10k.  He breaks himself to dull 2 as well.  A bit telegraphed once they see Emina and Kurasame are out or you search him but we have dulls for days so not much they can do about it. I think most people forget he exists anyway. OK, finally the summons, they are all dull focused and mostly called Shiva.  Remember every time you cast one, Terra can dull something as well. Shiva x3 - An ice staple, can be used on defence or attack.  Dulls 2, oh wait with Terra it dulls 3. Shiva x3 - EX burst and damages a dull forward.  Will be loads of Shiva in the break zone so you should be able to pop whoever you want.  Oh yeah you get an extra dull on top with Terra. Shiva x1 - The EX burst is nice but as a stock cast, 2 freeze is pretty good.....if 1 of the targets is active, Terra dulls it as well. Shiva x2  - The new Shiva! Choose 3 forwards or monsters, dull them and freeze them.  Brutal.  Only in your turn though...booooo.  Imagine being able to dull 4, if only there was a way. Zalera x1 - It's not called Shiva!  4 is the key number at the moment so I've only gone as 1 of.  Doesn't suffer from choosing though.  A nice follow up to a dead Rinoa or a Time Mage.  Terra stacks as well to add someone else to the resolution pot if needed.  Did I mention I like Terra? Hopefully you get some joy out of this or worst case it inspires some new ideas for your own deck.  Maybe one day we'll see a FF8 starter deck.
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