#the reader knits and runs a yarn shop
birdgirl90 · 2 years
Tangled Threads Updates
Alright folks on here, I have been awful at posting links to the updates.  We are three chapters in on updates since I shared last, so here are the links!
Chapter 15 is here, Chapter 16 is here, and I just posted Chapter 17 which is here! This story will have 25 chapters altogether, so stay tuned!
Tangled Threads is a knitlit Loki/Ace!Female Reader fic where the Reader owns a yarn store in the middle of a small town and ends up crossing paths with Loki. I mostly write fluff, so that’s what most of this is, and the Ace!Reader is based on my experiences as someone who is Asexual in a romantic relationship. (I also knit and fantasize about owning a yarn shop, so you can see the inspiration here.) 
The first chapter can be found here!  I used to try to post the actual story here, but got very little interaction for the effort it took, so I only post on AO3 now. 
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palajae · 1 year
love me (k)not. | 1k special
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PAIRING ▸ niki x reader, slight jungwon x reader
GENRE ▸ soulmate! au, string of fate! au, photographer! au, childhood-friends-to-lovers, romance, fluff, angst, humor, SLOW BURN
SUMMARY ▸ yes, niki can see the red string of fate that connects two people together. and no, he can’t just tell people who their soulmate is. you’re his only friend but there’s one problem and he can see it quite clearly (and literally)- your string isn’t connected to his. 
AKA a reality check that niki loves you, no matter what the universe says. 
AN/NOTES ▸ mentions of bullying, slight violence, child experimentation, food, drinking/alcohol (but only with an aged up riki and reader!!), kissing, jungwon being a jerk for a little :(
hi guys did anyone miss me :) it’s been a long ride but due to popular request for longer oneshots here is a very long one that i basically died over! i really hope you guys enjoy it as i worked super hard, and thank you guys again for 1k (more like 1.2k now but) ily 🩷
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i. one string, two strings, red strings, new strings. 
he doesn’t know when it really started. it simply happened one cloudy afternoon. and it’s not like the subject was completely foreign to riki, oh no, he had definitely heard tales from older people about the topic. 
unfortunately for him, it just had to be when he was a mere seven year old. ‘it’ meaning the delicate and thin red strings— almost identical to the yarn his grandma would use for knitting—appearing all around him, encasing him in a world like a spy in a laser trap trying to escape with their precious treasure. 
tiny riki frowned, glancing around while still having a tight grip on his mother’s hand in order not to get lost in the vast mall they were currently shopping at. his attention was suddenly caught, eyes focusing on the larger hand he was still holding onto. more specifically, the pinky finger of his mother’s right hand. 
a perfect little knot wrapped around her smallest finger. 
his eyes followed the string, but it traveled quite far through the crowd of people and he eventually gave up, the string pulling farther than he thought. later would he really figure out the meaning of this, but at the time, he simply tugged on his mother’s shirt, attracting her attention. she glanced down, answering her child with a hum. 
cautiously, riki took a quick peek around at the passerby’s, confirming what he saw on what seemed to be about everyone else’s hands as well, almost getting lost in the maze of the red before his eyes flicked up to her. 
“what are the red strings for?”
his mother raised an eyebrow, leaning closer to hear better. “what? repeat what you said, riki.”
he stood up straighter, clearing his throat. “i said, what are the red strings on everyone’s hand for?”
riki’s mother paused, a train of thoughts running through her head. once an answer finally appeared, she attempted to calm her suddenly racing heart before squatting down and leaning even closer to her son. she looked him carefully in the eye, and riki can still remember the movement of her lips speaking clearly and slowly, the words that left her lips that day and changed his life forever. 
“just like the ones grandpa told you about?”
he remembers exactly what he responded back with. 
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they went to the doctors eventually for assistance. riki now knows it would’ve been inevitable, and perhaps earlier was better than later. 
the doctor returned back with what seemed like an impossible diagnosis: riki can see people’s red strings of fate.
their soulmate connections. 
then came the questions, tests, experiments. it lasted for a long time in little riki’s head, and it was indeed a long time for a child. several years- five to be exact. five years spent in a lab, all in solitude, to be kept under control and monitored over time. 
riki remembers the overwhelming amount of people. people like the scientists with the tidy white coats and glasses who came in and took his blood or ran tests on his eyes and brain. he also remembers the average people who would occasionally come in, usually a man and woman looking quite anxious and timid, and who would sit down in front of him, both hands clearly in sight of riki. 
every time, as if it was natural instinct, his eyes would flick down to their right hand, spotting the tied knot on their pinky. then a scientist would ask questions- 
do you see a red string? yes. 
can you see who it is connected to? yes. 
is it to each other? 
yes—most of the time. occasionally, he would answer no with a shake of his head. there was always the variety of responses from the people. a gasp, crestfallen look, maybe even tears. whispers and murmurs would come from the white coated people as they wrote stuff down. 
riki was confused. did being soulmates really matter when most people (meaning everyone except riki) never had to ability to see who their soulmate was anyways? people fell in and out of love, regardless. 
the lab came up with a final conclusion: most likely, nishimura riki could indeed see people’s soulmates through their red strings. he couldn’t touch the red strings, it was like they were just imaginary, only visible to him. but they had no idea how, but they knew he could see them and if they were connected or not in accordance with his field of vision. 
most would think he was just a kid faking it—with a great deal of imagination—but his accuracy of determining two people’s soul connection was a little too frightening to be a childish prank. 
form what riki overheard, the government planned to keep his special “power” a secret. after all, riki was just a kid. public knowledge only meant trouble and who knew what else. half argued to leave the poor kid alone, while others vouched to keep him under surveillance for the rest of his life. 
either way, riki was forced to keep his mouth shut about his ability—not that he wouldn’t have wanted to say anything anyway. 
of course, rumors and secrets still leaked out, but for the most part, riki seemed to be safe. maybe a little too safe. he didn’t really have friends. no, he didn’t have friends at all. 
personally, the imaginary ones appearing in his years of loneliness didn’t count. riki possessed a power the world had never seen before, but he had no friends. no childhood. no life. 
after five years of living alone in a laboratory surrounded by white lights, white clothes, and more white walls, riki was finally released when the government reached a dead end in their research. how much power could a kid with soulmate seeing abilities wield? the government hoped it was close to none. besides, no one knew when he could get called in again.  
his parents? yes, he supposed they did love him. but enough to keep him from being tested on for years and not having a proper life? other would argue it was for the benefit of his “special ability.” 
research gave answers that in reality, didn’t have any use. (his parents wouldn’t mention the copious compensation fee the government gave for testing on their son, though).
and riki’s red string himself? 
he had to admit, when he was first discovering his newly identified ability, he was also curious about who his soulmate could be. and like many, many others when he took a peek, the string just carried on in the distance, unable to display the carrier of the other end. 
once riki was back in the “real world,” he was kept mostly at home during the heat of the summer. but he would always remember the feeling of being taken out of his room and directed outside into a dark, heavily guarded vehicle for occasional checkups. he remembers glancing outside while driving past tall buildings and sometimes seeing countless red strings pass him by, a sight he hadn’t seen since going to the mall with his mother all those years ago. 
his mother walked into his room one day with a clean, white envelope in her hands and an unreadable expression on her face. he looked up from his hands, eyes catching her red string hanging again before looking at his mother fully. 
“you’re attending a new school, riki.”
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ii. eros and psyche. 
the cursed rules echo in his mind. they were pretty simple, yet held the heaviest consequences. 
don’t tell anyone about your abilities.
especially don’t tell anyone about their soulmate. 
it wasn’t his choice to. it’s not like he wanted to, either. even at the mere age of twelve, riki wasn’t one to mess with fate or whatever the universe was doing to him. the red lines invaded his personal space, but at some point it didn’t bother him anymore.
what really bothered him was the daunting task of attending school. learning in person, having homework, interacting with others. 
riki was educated at the labs, but that schooling came in the form of simple workbooks and videos. 
needless to say, the first few days were rough. 
quite hard. 
very hard. 
waking up early probably got riki the most. being surrounded by so many other kids was quite overwhelming. especially when they stared at him whenever he passed by like he was different. 
which, he was.
everyone else had established their respective friend groups already. he learned why pretty early on, though. why the weird looks and gossip passed by him. it was all because of one girl who just really couldn’t whisper for her life. (even without confirming or denying it, he wondered how they found out?) 
he even started to go by niki instead of riki—the one letter difference was the best he could do. 
perhaps rumors were spreading quickly around about riki and his ‘power’ to see others’ red strings connected to their soulmates. 
not even a week of school and riki already developed his own reputation. a feat of its own, no? 
at first, it was hard to adjust to seeing so many other kids, waking up at the crack of dawn, and managing the stupid overload of work—basically what seemed to be about everything. but somehow, riki felt a bit more settled in, if he could even describe it as that. 
he was quiet, extremely, but still very well known around the school. his grades weren’t bad after all, it turns out riki was pretty alright at “school”, although he mostly slept in class or daydreamed away. 
the one thing he could admit he failed at as a human (albeit a ‘special’ human) was socialization. 
yeah, riki had basically no friends and he embraced it. 
he sat in the back of the class, spoke a total of four words per day, and occasionally messed around. if he really felt like it, he would put in his earbuds and listen to his mixtape like an angsty teen before going home for the day. 
all day. all week. on repeat. 
if his mother was ever concerned and asked, his rationale would be that riki simply didn’t trust other people. he forced himself to stop caring about and looking at everyone’s red string and soulmates, or anything related. 
yet he still had to deal with strangers confronting him and asking who their soulmate was. it was all random people to him, mostly. so who knew what would happen if he became friends with someone, just to discover they used him to find out their soulmate? 
even years later, his theory is proven to be accurate. 
why, riki internally sighs, do people think they can get whatever they want, whenever they want?
the two girls in front of him, he finally spares them a glance. he just wanted to call it a day, go home and watch some anime or something, not have two random girls pounce on him after school. he barely manages to keep his mouth shut. 
“so,” one of them says, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, “can you tell us who our soulmates are?”
which obviously translates to: tell us now or you’ll suffer the consequences. 
he takes out an earbud nonchalantly, a blank expression on his face. 
“no thanks.”
she takes a step closer, and his eye twitches. “but you can.” 
her eyes glare into his, and her friend does the same. 
“i can, but will i?” riki asks sarcastically, annoyance beginning to reach its limit. when one of them grabs his shoulder, he starts to panic. 
“get your hand off me.” his voice is cold. 
“or what?” they mock. 
riki grits his teeth, attempting to cool down. he can’t fight back—not just because he doesn’t want to hit them, but because it’ll attract unnecessary attention and that’s the last thing he needs. 
the girls giggle that same annoying high pitched sound, although it’s not a blissful or joyful one, it sounds more like a warning with a malicious edge to it. 
“oh come on, won’t you be nice to us girls? we’ll let you-“ 
one hand reaches out and he dodges so quickly they have to pause for a second. 
“don’t touch me,” riki puffs out, barely keeping it together. 
“i said-“
“how many times does he have to tell you two to leave him alone?”
that was the first time. 
the very first time riki ever laid eyes on you, and the very first time his eyes didn’t immediately fall to your hand and red string.
they scowl, about to retort when you shrug uninterestedly, revealing your phone camera pointing straight at them. “i can just report you guys for bullying, you know, or like harassment.”
their eyes widen, before flashing you that look- the one blatantly showing that they just cursed at you silently- before furiously stalking off. 
silence follows as you put your phone away and riki collects himself. 
you turn to him, voice and expression softer than earlier. 
“you good?”
riki shrugs, about to turn away. 
“w-wait!” you call out hesitantly. he stops, on the verge of leaving regardless of what you have to say. 
“uh, don’t worry. i didn’t actually record anything, just made it look like i did.” 
you inhale, trying your best to ignore the awkward atmosphere. “i think we have some classes together? my name’s y/n.”
his eyes flick to yours for a split second before looking away. riki barely nods, putting his earbud back in. 
you clear your throat. “and yours is?” 
you can barely hear his quiet mutter of an answer before he walks off, leaving you alone in the hallway. you already knew what it was, you just wanted to hear his voice at least once. but his answer leaves you frowning (wondering if you didn’t hear him properly or didn’t clean your own ears properly.) 
riki, you contemplate thoughtfully.
regardless of if he was niki or riki, it sounded nicer coming from himself than it did from others. 
surprisingly enough, he runs into you again the next day. or not really, you sort of just found your way towards him in the back of the classroom and plopped your stuff down right beside riki. 
he didn’t notice you because of his earbuds in until you tap his shoulder, sending a small smile. riki stays emotionless, acknowledging your presence with a quick glance over. 
he can’t count the amount of times you attempted at keeping up conversation before giving up. riki would later regret the short, blunt answers he always gave in return. but it baffled him, how you would never mention the red strings or anything related. 
you talked about normal things like a normal person, and like riki was a normal person. it was weird how he could learn so much about you based on what you said in a day. 
like how you would complain about the astounding amount of homework but always did it all on time and aced every single test. or when you said you were starving but during lunch he would catch you giving your packed lunch to your other friends who were just as hungry as you. 
even how you would never fail to greet and sit next to riki, and randomly mutter under your breath for no reason. 
he didn’t understand you and how pervasive you were. when he’s a hard concrete wall and you’re still pounding at it every single time. but deep down, he never failed to see your lively soul.
riki’s encountered so many different people with differing intentions, and yet you stand out. he just can’t figure you out. 
you pass him the paper for attendance one day and he mutters a small thanks. you practically do a double take, staring at him for a good five seconds before beaming down at your paper. riki doesn’t miss that, either. 
he doesn’t know how it happens. you talk to him, and he feels himself responding before he can realize it. you never once mentioned the words red string or soulmate ever. perhaps that was what led him to feel a bit more safe around you. maybe his guard was never let down completely, but you certainly had some effect on him. 
maybe, you two became friends. although riki didn’t even know what friends even were. even the school picked up on it quite easily. one of the most brilliant kids in the grade hanging with the outcast- the weird kid who never said a word. 
riki doesn’t understand. you have your own friends–he assumes. why even bother with him? 
you start sitting next to him at lunch, for crying out loud. 
not that he minded, it was actually nice to sit next to someone and not an empty chair or desk.
“hey,” you plop down next to riki, stuffing a grape into your mouth. “what’d you get on the test?”
he looks up. “which one?”
you sigh, taking out a binder. 
riki takes out an earbud, blinking. “78. you?”
you tsk while popping another grape into your mouth. “i thought our study session was helpful. i got a 97.”
he scoffs, nothing your displeased expression. “you’re smart. you should be happy.” 
you raise your eyebrows, ready to retort. 
“ you’re smart too, nishimura riki.”
“-if you stopped watching anime all day.”
you just barely manage to dodge the flying grape aimed at you. 
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you take the seat next to him, taking out one of his earbuds with an intent expression. riki looks up at the loss of sound in his left ear, eyebrows furrowed to object. he stops when he sees you.
“you wanna hang out after class?”
you pout. “why not?”
he shrugs. “ask my mom.”
“i personally think she would be ecstatic with you going out instead of staying cooped up inside all day.”  
he has to stay silent at that. 
triumphant, you pack up your stuff, not bothering to wait for his answer. “five pm at the gates.”
he shows up. riki wasn’t that big of a jerk (at least he thinks so). 
he did again when you invited him out after that. and again, and again. 
even when you both start adding more and more layers to your everyday outfits, nothing changes. even when exams started and the pink blossoms began falling from the trees. 
it’s like one second you were having one sided conversations and the next thing you know, you’re laying down next to each other in the grass during your lunch break. 
“so you literally just see the strings?”
oh, yeah. 
that was one of the things about you that made riki dumbfounded. at first, you didn’t say a single word about his ability. but as riki let his guard down and opened up more, he realized it was because you actually had no clue. somehow all the rumors that were spread about him never reached you. but once you found out, you did not stop asking questions. countless questions about his “really, really cool superpower” as you deemed it. 
“yeah. i see it.”
“everyday? all the time?”
he shoots you a look. “no, i can just sneeze and it’ll turn off.” 
“no, stupid.” 
you huff, hands behind your head as you turn to glance at him and he averts his gaze quickly from your face. 
“that’s cool. but you probably wish you could turn it off, right?”
all the time, he thinks bitterly. maybe even permanently.
“can you touch them?”
“i told you already that i can’t!” he shifts, “besides, why would i want to—everyone would just be staring at me like i was a psycho if they just saw me creepily petting the air or whatever.”
he watches your reaction, seeing the corners of your mouth tilt up as you imagine it, and it makes his as well. there’s something satisfying about seeing your reaction that makes him unable to resist.
you abruptly stop, murmuring, “we’re friends, right?”
he pauses, swallowing. “uh, sure. what makes you ask that?” quickly, you shake your head. “oh no,  i just never asked you before. wanted confirmation.” 
“your only friend, right?” you add jokingly, and he elbows your side. 
“i’m kidding-“
“...but i like that,” you add quietly. 
a petal flutters down from the tree above you, landing in your hair. you don’t notice as you’re distracted, but riki does. as you start to speak again, he lifts a hand and delicately picks it out. you stop mid sentence as riki watches you gently. 
he swallows, and you quickly clear your throat. 
it was true. suddenly, riki’s quite glad that he didn’t know who your—his only friend—soulmate was. why, he’s not sure. all riki knows is that he doesn’t want to find out who your soulmate is. 
and he’d never admit it, but it was probably (definitely) fear. fear at who your string was connected to. why? 
he had no clue and that scared him even more. 
riki’s pulled along by your surprisingly strong grip, weaving through corridors and into an empty classroom. a couple of students stare as you two pass by, apparently still not over the fact that you and riki could be friends—let alone be in the same room. 
panting, you shut the door and lock it, but stay close to watch out through the window quietly. riki notices your hand still tightly intertwined with his but he decides to keep quiet. 
“what’s going on?” he whispers. your gaze breaks away from the window in order to reply to him. “this guy keeps following me-i’m pretty sure it’s the one who left the confession note in my locker and won’t leave me alone during the periods i don’t have with you.”
“someone likes you?” he asks incredulously, and you slap a hand over his mouth, shushing him fiercely as you continue your patrol from inside the classroom. 
his insides suddenly feel unpleasant. it’s already uncomfortable and stuffy enough in the room, being squished next to you behind the door so no one- well, apparently this annoying guy who’s stalking you- can find your whereabouts. he doesn’t know who this person is, but he doesn’t like it. not one bit. 
suddenly, there’s a voice coming from outside, one asking for the location of you. a couple of female ones answer, and riki figures they must belong to the girls from earlier who saw you guys pass by. 
you gasp, and riki feels your grip tighten. you pull him in closer so you’re practically squished together against the door, breaths held as quietly as possible. 
it takes everything in him not to squirm as riki waits, he fears you can hear the sound of his heart pounding. 
two… three… five minutes pass. only when you hear complete silence do you release him. flustered, riki pulls away, attempting to fix his wrinkled uniform so you don’t notice his reaction. 
it must’ve been a clear success, as you only heave a sigh of relief and flash a mischievous grin towards riki. 
“i think we’re good, let’s get out of here!”
you don’t make any leeway for him, escaping past the door and out the classroom without a sound. 
riki pauses, taking a second to catch his breath. the past few seconds of your close proximity replay in his mind. he shakes it off, brushing the weird sensation in his gut. 
still, he wonders if there was any chance you felt that too. or was it just him?
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you throw your arm around riki, sporting a grin with a creepy similarity to that of the cheshire cat’s. he flinches at your action, almost cursing in the middle of the crowd of students. “what do you want?”
by this point, finally after two years, most people had gotten used to the sight of the two of you. all the gossip and whispers behind your back flew over his head—and it had never bothered you in the first place. 
you stifle a laugh. “no need to be so grumpy. come on, follow me.” you weave through the hallway of crowded kids and riki struggles to keep up, puzzled. 
he follows you to the somewhat empty courtyard, sitting down on a nice patch of grass as you wait for him to get settled. “why did you take me out here?”
you roll your eyes, “patient as ever, nishimura riki.” you dig through your messy school bag before your eyes light up. 
“close your eyes,” you order. 
he does as you say, no questions asked. riki feels a delicate sensation on his wrist—at this point he can recognize your warmth pretty easily. 
“all done.” 
he cautiously peeks his eyes open only to see you staring expectantly back at him. soon, his gaze falls down to where he felt your light touch before.
a simple, silver chain wraps around his thin wrist. 
confused, riki furrows his eyebrows, meeting your eyes that glimmer with a strange compassion. 
you hold up your own hand with a cute smile that makes his heart pound, displaying a matching bracelet—identical to his. 
“it’s not much but, happy birthday, riki.” 
to think that he himself didn’t even remember his own birthday. you beam at him, and he feels his ears grow red. 
“do you like it?”
“y-yeah,” he mumbles and you nod in satisfaction. “good, because i spent my own money out of my pocket for it. it wasn’t cheap, you know.” 
his eyes widen and you press your lips together. “in exchange, you have to promise me something.” 
under the peacefully swaying trees, under the warm sunlight and buzzing spring, he realizes he could promise you anything. 
you hold out your left pinky. “you’ll stick by my side no matter what. promise me that.”
he opens his mouth to speak but you’re faster, raising your other pointer finger to cover his lips. “just promise me or else i’ll take away your gift.” 
your childlike orbs envelop him, full of life and sincerity—he knows he’ll never forget that day.
nor when his own pinky reaches up to link with yours. 
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riki remembers the day as clear as a fresh glass of water, a still puddle of rain that collected after the summer thunderstorms. 
you met up with him in first period as you usually did, ruffling his hair with an easy grin as he grumbles (albeit with an affectionate look that you failed to notice). 
class continued on normally, somewhat rowdy as always before the teacher came in. you get up to grab something on the floor, hair falling into your eyes. as usual, riki watches over you before spotting your foot catching on one of the chair’s legs. he quickly shouts out a warning, grabbing your wrist in order to balance you as your head whips up. 
he catches you, staring at you in concern and making sure you’re alright. you stare at him in shock, flustered and without a response. he chides you with a roll of his eyes, mumbling something about how clumsy you always were and how he always had to watch out for you.
you can’t seem to form any words, so you just snatch your arm back and sit down. riki wordlessly offers a earbud to you, and you accept it with a smile. it’s something you got used to doing, sharing music and playlists with each other. 
even as others made fun of you for doing supposedly cheesy couple things, you ignored them. but it did make you wonder. did you and riki seem like a couple? were you?
you guys were young, you had all of high school still to get through together. 
what did it mean? 
your thoughts get interrupted by the teacher opening the door. everyone settles down, attention focusing. 
but today, it was different. it wasn’t just your teacher walking in. 
there was an addition. an addition that came in the form of a handsome looking boy, around the same age as you guys. 
the teacher introduces him as a transfer student. yang jungwon, he smiles and riki swears people swoon. everyone’s attention is on him, even yours is as you all study him curiously. 
riki swore he was past all that looking at people’s soulmate strings and connections. it had been so long since he tried to put two and two together. it was a whole invasion of privacy, and he simply didn’t want to bother himself with other people’s affairs and relations. 
but once he saw that new kid step into the room, riki can only focus on his hand, the first thing that came into his view. 
and like it was in slow motion, he follows the tiny red string on his pinky down the row of desks to someone sitting a few inches away from riki himself, obviously not paying attention and oblivious to everything while listening to a shared earbud— you. 
he almost thinks his eyes are fooling him. it was barely connected by that thin, cursed string. and that’s when it really hits him.
that string was connected to yours. 
that string meant your soulmate just walked into the classroom—
and it certainly wasn’t riki. 
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“jungwon’s really cool. did you know he did taekwondo since he was….”
riki ignores the chatter in the halls as he walks by, brooding as always. but this week was a bit harsher. probably, no, definitely because of the new student jungwon. 
ever since he joined your class, people had been talking about him nonstop. it seemed like jungwon was one of the popular kids now, without even doing anything. riki didn’t get what was so cool about him, anyway. 
sure he was “cute” and had a kind personality. sure he was incredibly smart and well spoken. that’s all riki had heard the past week from everyone else gossiping in awe. 
he turns up the volume on his phone, scoffing. what are they, his fans? 
riki wasn’t sure what to do with the newfound information about your soulmate. he didn’t really want to think about it, his first instinct was to look for you in his next period for some cheering up. but when he walks into the classroom, he doesn’t expect to see aforementioned person talking to you, an animated look on his face. 
jungwon gestures grandly, probably telling some super cool story from all his achievements. you seem pretty invested, watching with big eyes and occasionally laughing.  
riki feels desperation and anger swirl in the pit of his stomach. even worse, he feels loneliness. something he hasn’t felt for a long time blooms inside—something he hasn’t felt since he met you. 
what is he supposed to do now that you’ve found your soulmate? or rather, riki has? 
you thought everything was fine. everything seemed fine. after the new guy joined your class, riki acted a little weird the first couple of days but he returned to normal soon after. you figured it was because of his normally shy personality. it took you a (long) while for him to warm up to too, after all. 
but what you didn’t expect was for him to almost launch a full on investigation. on the new kid jungwon, strangely enough. 
you frown. “he’s nice? why are you asking me this? it’s not like we’re friends or anything.” 
sure, jungwon talked to you unexpectedly a couple of times, but he was very popular and did that to many people. it wasn’t like he was targeting you or anything like that. or so that’s what you believed. 
but it didn’t stop there. in the few classes you shared with the two boys, whenever jungwon would start up a friendly conversation with you, you could feel riki staring holes into your back. and whenever riki made a dumb joke in the middle of class and you flicked him playfully, you swore you caught jungwon’s eye on more than one occasion. 
you brushed it off, but one day it was suddenly no longer a matter of trivial things. 
usually it was just you and riki at your lunch table, and it had been that way for a while. your friends opted to stay away from him, and you shrugged it off. it was their loss, not yours. 
so when jungwon and his group of popular kids approached you and riki, jungwon taking the seat next to you while riki visibly tensed, you figured something was up. you could hear the onslaught of whispers from surrounding tables. 
jungwon, the ideal student, joining you and the weird outcast riki? 
from then on, the changes were too drastic to ignore. hanging out with just riki, you knew he was obviously bothered but wouldn’t tell you about it. it was visible that he had a clear disdain for jungwon, but would never verbally express it as much as you tried to get it out of him. it was an unreachable part of him, although you thought you had worked hard to get past that secretive, closed off part of him. 
worse was jungwon sitting next to you various times in class and making too much conversation for you to ignore (although you really tried to show you weren’t interested in talking the whole time). all while riki stared forward with an unreadable expression, music practically on full blast. 
you didn’t know what was going on, and you didn’t know the situation—how to get a grasp on it. you especially didn’t know the occasional looks the two boys would give each other, and how things would change so soon. 
all you knew was that it happened one gloomy day, nearing the end of the school year. 
you had just finished an exam in science and went looking for riki to walk home together, as you did every day when school ended. when he wasn’t anywhere to be found, you asked around. 
most answers came in the form of shrugs, however a couple of classmates recalled seeing him with another group of kids. 
you frowned—what reason would riki have to go off with some other people? perhaps you heard the mention of jungwon’s name but you were too preoccupied with finding riki to really pay attention. 
before you could get far, you were welcomed into a strange atmosphere when you reached the courtyard. students whispering and gossiping with a variety of expressions present. your heart began to race as you look around. where is he? 
you figure you must’ve missed something as the crowd eventually disperses and you get no answers. perhaps riki had a schedule after school and forgot to tell you? 
you could’ve sworn you heard someone say jungwon’s name again, but this time along with riki’s name. you brush it off though as you needed to get home before it started to rain—you could feel it in the air. 
so you send riki a quick message before starting on the journey home. 
the next morning, you checked your phone to find no response. weird. 
either way, you had no time to question it as you were already late to class, so you quickly slip in to the seat next to your classmate. your eyes don’t fail to see riki and jungwon’s empty seats. 
you nudge haerin sitting next to you. “do you know where niki is? i haven’t seen him since lunch yesterday and he hasn’t responded to any of my texts.”
her eyes widen as she places a hand on your shoulder. 
“y/n….you haven’t heard?”
your eyebrows furrow, “heard what? what’s going on?”
the next thing you remember, is your heart dropping. 
“niki’s leaving.” 
riki…leaving you? 
“what do you mean?”
her eyes soften, and you begin to despise the pity on her face. “he’s leaving the school. no one knows why but-“
you zone out after that. 
your best friend transferring schools—moving away for some unexplained reason? 
no one at school says anything, and you feel like everyone’s keeping you out of the loop on purpose. you hate the feeling that you’re missing a huge piece of the puzzle. 
with no explanation, with no answer from his number (no matter how many times you tried calling), riki disappears in the blink of an eye. it’s as if he never existed in the first place. 
rumors follow but you know better than to listen to them. all you found out was apparently something happened that day—you suspect, no you know, between riki and jungwon—and the damned result was riki leaving your school. 
he never mentioned anything about moving, as far as you knew. he never acted like anything was wrong either. it had to have been something from that day. or maybe not. 
at this point, you didn’t know what to believe. you had just lost your closest friend, your study-slash-lunch-slash-everything buddy, and your number one support. 
and somehow everything was supposed to go back to normal. everyone continues on normally, including jungwon. 
everyone except you. 
he’s gone and he left you alone. 
as if you ever hoped to see him again. 
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iii. welcome to the world.
you exhale, smoothing out your wrinkled outfit for the tenth time. you chide yourself internally, why were you so nervous? 
it was just an internship. your first day, too. only recently did you graduate high school yourself. 
it was just the first day of your newly acquired internship and yet you were nervous for it at a new company in a new city. it was your choice to relocate to a new area for new beginnings and new memories. 
to be quite frank, you had no clue what you were doing. why did you even decide to focus on photography? you most definitely didn’t have much experience, only starting the hobby when you graduated high school. maybe you wanted a chance to take your mind off life and see things in a new light. a second chance. 
maybe photos didn’t make you feel as alone.
shivering, you shake your head to clear free of thoughts. time to get this over with. the oh so dreaded first day. 
before leaving, you don’t forget to leave some food for the stray cat outside your place. you then get up with a satisfied grunt and make your way to the bus stop. 
however, your new boss was kind and understanding of your nervousness. you visited the company a couple times before, but never enough to get familiar with the layout and other photographers due to obtaining the internship so suddenly. you didn’t expect to get it either, not as a young, inexperienced student almost fresh out of college. either luck was on your side or your talent seemed to shine through. 
it was strange to be in such a different environment than from what you grew up in. supportive, encouraging people all highly invested and passionate in their jobs. 
you set up everything in your assigned desk and wait for further instruction. 
your boss had showed you around and gotten you used to the daily activities of those working at a photography company, making your transition much smoother.  
the whole experience was a little too easy, making you feel so much lighter. you could feel it. things were good- perhaps too good to be true. 
“isn’t the first day always the best?” mr. lee, your boss, speaks up. 
you quickly nod. “so far, it’s been really good. i was just wondering what my job was actually going to be for the next few months.”
he claps his hands together, almost startling you. 
“of course—i like your attentiveness! you’ll be working under one of our best, accompanying him on his work and assisting with whatever he needs to get a feel for what we do here. we can meet him now if you’d like?” his question causes you to pause.
“of course.” you wonder who this ‘he’ was, apparently being one of the best. 
a sudden wave of nervousness hits you. all the doubts and fears start to rise, so you swallow and try your best to suppress it. 
why did you have such a bad feeling? 
as your boss leads you down the offices and desks, you nod enthusiastically and laugh at his remarks as you make your way to the stairway. you go up, about to reach the top step when you spot someone coming down, their faculty name tag flashing in the light. you just barely steal a glimpse of the name, of the face of the person moving. 
it’s foreign yet familiar at the same time. 
you pause. his face…
you doubt you heard mr lee’s sudden hearty welcome to said person, turning to introduce you with a bright smile. a smile that doesn’t know anything. 
“ha, what a coincidence. this is miss y/l/n! you still haven’t met one of our most talented photographers, have you?” 
that’s when it hits you. 
you feel like everything’s occurring in slow motion, mr. lee’s lips moving slowly, the person’s unreadable expression morphing as you both come to a realization. 
“this is our very own best nishimura. nishimura riki.” 
your heart drops. no. 
it’s not. it can’t be.
why does it feel like the world just crashed down around you? why is it suddenly so hard to breathe? your eyes can’t leave those familiar ones, the same ones that have haunted you ever since that day. 
those eyes that fill with recognition at the sight of you, you’re sure of it. 
and then, everything is set into motion once more. you blink quickly, several times, exhaling as you try to readjust. 
“nice to meet you,” you quickly bow while avoiding his gaze. this actually can’t be. 
“you’ll be working with him for the-“
you mutter some lame excuse of needing to go to the restroom before dashing up the rest of the stairs to the nearest safe room, ignoring your boss’s surprised voice.
once you find the restroom, you find the sink and turn on the water. you scrub and scrub your hands before staring at yourself in the mirror. 
not after all this time-
not after he left you, he can’t just suddenly appear again. did you just imagine him? 
you still can’t believe it, almost refuse to believe it. nishimura riki, after 10 or so years, appears in the flesh right before you. you had long given up on trying to find him. and here he is, working at the same place as you. 
he exists, perfectly alive and well without you. 
it was just too much. riki was all grown up. he really looked the same, just much, much taller and more grown up in his professional attire. you weren’t used to it. or the fact that, he came back. 
unless he never really left. 
all those years in middle school and high school you tried to forget come rushing back. the rumors that followed your footsteps, the questions never answered. all those years of pain and loneliness, and confusion-
staying up so many nights pondering what you did that made him run away, leave you when he promised he would be there. after all that time wondering and wondering why and how and what you did. and what could’ve been done. 
maybe you were being dramatic but it doesn’t change the fact that he left without a word, and with no contact for you to keep in touch. no attempt at all. 
you were so hurt, so closed off now. you convinced yourself that you never cared to see his face again, but what were you supposed to do when riki shows up again, unannounced in front of you like nothing ever happened? 
was there even anything left between you two? 
you decided early on that your best course of action was to pretend that you never knew him. riki was a complete stranger, and it wasn’t truly a lie. it had been so long since you last saw him. 
but you know that won’t work forever. especially not when he was the one you were working under.  
you didn’t know what to call him, how to call him. mr. nishimura sounded way too formal especially considering your history, and riki was obviously off limits.  
the next day, you stand in front of his desk with your hands clasped together in front of you like a scolded child in front of the principal. you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. 
“so…uh, i guess you’ll be working with me for the next couple of months?”
you barely nod, shifting in your position uncomfortably. instead, your eyes fall on the pictures scattered around the walls in riki’s office. 
“i’ve never had an intern before, so-“
you interrupt him impatiently while still avoiding eye contact. 
“just tell me what you need me to do, mr. nishimura.” 
you could visibly see the both of you cringe at that. 
“-please.” you add pitifully as an afterthought. 
noticing your coldness, riki must have enough common sense to give you some papers to file and chart. 
what a wonderful first day. 
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you would describe your present relationship with riki as a very formal (and strained) senior-junior one. besides your daily task of avoiding your own mentor as much as possible, you rather enjoyed the work. so far, getting to learn the true process behind taking photos was something you never experienced. 
and seeing riki in his element, with his raw talent and skill was another thing in itself. it was a lot to process, seeing an entirely different, mature riki. 
you were a little too sad that you missed his growing up. 
in the break room one morning, you sip peacefully on your freshly made coffee. it was a nice day, at least you believed so until you heard the door open, signaling the entrance of another person. 
you’re about to greet them politely until you realize who exactly it was. you swallow a little too harshly, tensing as the person approached you. 
“if you’ll excuse me,” you mutter while slipping past him. riki stands there, unmoving as he watches your figure leave. 
it had been like that since the first day when he was reintroduced to you. dry to no responses, indifferent gaze, not a single glimpse into you. into the you that he knew, or once knew. 
it was like he was the one talking to a built up wall, unable to do any damage. it’s almost funny how it’s like your positions from back then were switched. 
he figured your cold and unapproachable demeanor was only to him—understandably. there was a lot you must’ve been feeling, as well as he. it was a long journey with a lot of baggage riki was still carrying. 
still, he sees you with some of the other interns, smiling and laughing as you once did with him. as he stares at you from afar (hopefully not in a stalkerish way), riki realizes that you still have the same laugh, same smile, same attentive expression when someone calls your name. 
and yet, you’re so different. you’re so far away from him. 
as time goes on, you realize you can’t act like a little kid for the rest of your life. well, for the rest of the time you had this internship (and currently you didn’t have any plans to resign, especially since you literally just started).
during the lunch break, you don’t expect the seat next to you to be taken. you stiffen once you realize who it is—his presence was so familiar that you didn’t even have to take a glance to see who it was. 
you start to rise from your seat, but a hand clasps gently around your arm. you freeze. 
“y/n,” he starts quietly. you shiver at the sound of his voice, recognizable yet unrecognizable at the same time. you feel like you can’t breathe. 
“please. not now.” 
with that, you stalk away, meanwhile your eyes fly across the room to ensure no one saw your interaction.  
how much longer could you keep doing this? 
the more you see him, the more you can’t ignore the fact that you really, really did miss him. it’s like nothing changed—except for his appearance—and you couldn’t suppress the amount of relief you had at the realization that riki was still riki, after all. 
he was still the same boy you shared earbuds with back then, at least in your eyes.
you want to know how he’s been. what he’s done, how he came back, how he became the person he is today. 
on the other hand, riki realizes the complete transformation you’ve undergone.
the first conversation he had with you after oh so many years, you merely handed him his coffee with a short nod. his attempt to bring up the weather, school, anything just to talk to you again, obviously fell short. 
riki’s strategy? give you your space and time. of course he respected that, and maybe you noticed because it seemed to weaken the intimidating barrier from before. 
after that, you acknowledged him, greeted him (albeit shortly) every morning—riki even noticed you watching him edit some photos although you thought he couldn’t see you. 
while you would never admit it, riki looked pretty cool teaching you his tips and tricks. you didn’t realize how much his job suited him and how lucky his company was to have acquired such a talented, soulful person as a photographer. 
you can tell, riki wants to get talk to you so badly, but in fear of getting hurt again, you push him away. it’s hard, when all you can do is expect him to vanish without another trace again. 
as you finish touchups on the last photo, you sigh and rub your eyes. things were different now. no point in wondering what could have been. 
you walk out into the hallway, wishing to get some coffee to power through those last edits. but you soon stop in your tracks. 
your eyes lower to the floor, acknowledging him with a nod. “hey.” 
“are you going to the break room?”
you nod again. 
“then…” he hits you with those hopeful eyes and you curse internally. “can i come with?”
a surprisingly comfortable silence fills the air, along with the soothing smell of coffee. 
riki comments on your more compliant and meek nature—it’s certainly supposed to be a joke but you take it the wrong way.
you frown. “i’ve changed, riki.” 
he falters. maybe he’s done too much, too soon.
“i’ve grown up. just like you have. we both have, so maybe you should accept me now like i have to you.”
you turn to leave but he grabs your wrist. 
“please. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it like that. i know i’m in no position to say this, but i thought we were doing okay. i really want to be friends with you again—truly.”
you sigh audibly. there really was no value in being awkward with him for your time here. at least if you tried to maintain an amicable relationship, you wouldn’t have to make up dumb excuses every time you saw him. and if you got closer again, perhaps you could figure out after all this time why he left.
even more importantly, why he came back. 
“could we please start over?” his voice is the softest you’ve ever heard it (and much deeper than you were used to). 
you wait two, three seconds before turning around, 
and sticking your hand out. 
“nice to meet you,” you introduce yourself. you watch the smile start to grow on his face. 
“i’m nishimura riki, and it’s very nice to meet you too.”
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riki sighs, clicking the red x button in the corner. he finished his last portfolio with you as his assistant. it was only a matter of hours, or minutes, before he was assigned his next project. he turns off the light and closes the door behind his office, only to be greeted by your figure. 
an eyebrow of his raises. “were you waiting for me?” 
you scoff, casually kicking the ground with your shoe while looking off into the distance. “no.” 
“well, i was,” you glance at him abruptly in surprise, “let’s go.” 
he shrugs, “we finished and everyone else is gone.” 
you didn’t expect riki to be so… enthusiastic about it. it as in hanging out together, as friends again. 
maybe, you always knew in the end you had to give in. there was no way you could keep up this act against riki. it had always been like that. 
if anyone saw you two out now they would probably assume you were two college kids on a date. 
wait- date? 
you glance up, startled. “yeah?”
riki frowns, sipping his boba. “are you okay? you seemed distracted. what were you thinking about?” 
you shake your head with a sheepish laugh, “nothing. sorry.” 
you wondered how you got to this point. 
meeting riki outside of work and hoping you don’t run into any of your co-workers. honestly, it was fun to have a friend to talk with—it was fun to have riki next to you again. 
your teenage self would have been dumbfounded. 
while you had this time with him, you could finally ask some things you were curious about. 
“riki,” you start off and he tries his best to keep calm. it was the first time you had called him by his first name in years. he missed it dearly. 
“how did you get into photography?”
he knows what you meant to ask. how did you get here? 
he falls back into his chair, staring up at the ceiling. you know just know riki too well, simply waiting patiently for him to take his time.
“i don’t know, to be honest. i always felt different from everyone else.” he pauses and looks at you, “you knew that the best.”
“i wanted to study people more. so i started taking pictures of others. now i just specialize in photographing more important people, like models and idols. i still don’t know how i got here though. that’s the truth.” 
“you’re really good,” you say lamely. “you’re very talented and i’m jealous, to be frank.”
you see his ears turn red as he coughs shyly. 
“thank you. i guess it’s what i’m best at.”
that wasn’t the exact answer you were expecting, but you took it. soon, you promised yourself, you would uncover the truth. 
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iv. cupid’s attack. 
you like to think that you and riki get into a good groove at work. 
you can’t help but burst out laughing, and riki almost stops in his tracks. 
he realizes that sweet and soulful sound was just as he last remembered it. it almost makes him shiver. yes, not everything changed about you.
he knows. it can’t last forever—this push and pull relationship. plus, your budding relationship has to result in an explanation. you deserve it at the very least.
as much as riki wanted to keep it hidden, secrets can’t always stay secrets forever. he can’t protect you from everything in this world, his selfish wants can’t always be kept.
as the two of you joke around, various other workers stare at you in envy. somehow, you got to work with the mysterious yet talented riki. the one who got hired out of the blue and somehow rose to the top. no one could deny his skill. 
his intimidating and mysterious aura haunted the office for some time. that is, until you came. the way he treated you was shocking to say the least. it seemed like you two were in your own world. there was definitely something, and everyone could see that. 
“sorry to interrupt,” another intern speaks up shyly, but the boss wanted me to tell you guys that the party starts at 8.”
“party?” you turn to riki with a perplexed expression. 
“ah, i forgot to mention. we have an office dinner party to celebrate the new interns and their hard work.” riki nudges you with a glint as your eyes widen. 
“that includes you.”
you weren’t the partying type—if that wasn’t obvious enough. especially not one out of the blue, one not meant for you. 
you shift uncomfortably at the large dinner table. riki ended up sitting next to you somehow. you like to think he did it on purpose, knowing you weren’t the type to enjoy socializing in large groups (and neither was he). but little did you know, he came for you. 
only you. 
everyone was urging you guys to drink, as it was custom to do so at office parties. but you had a limit, so when you get up to leave, making some lame excuse about having more work to finish up at home, riki immediately gets up as well. all eyes fall on you two, and you awkwardly take your leave with a tipsy riki in tow. 
“yeah, it’s definitely time to get you home.” 
with a rather embarrassing grunt and help from fellow co-workers, you manage to get a grip around riki’s shoulders. 
once you make it out of the restaurant however, you realize that you indeed have no clue where riki lives. 
“riki,” you start off cautiously, “what’s your address?” 
“there!” he points sluggishly toward a nearby barbecue place. you huff. 
“seriously, riki. i need to get you home. you’re way too drunk to-“
“let’s go there,” he slurs. “i’m hungry.” 
as much as you stand your ground, his incessant begging eventually gets to your head and you cave. 
“fine. i’ll just order you some side dishes. then we’re actually going home.” 
you can only blink at the amount of dishes on the table that riki ate alone (and the amount that was going to be charged to your card). 
“riki… i think that’s enough.” you softly place a hand on his still holding the chopsticks. you mutter something along the lines of, i didn’t know you ate this much this late at night… 
somehow, he manages to hear you. he sounds more sober and looks more sober as well, to your relief. “yeah, well, how do you think i got this tall?”
it’s true, you were quite shocked at how tall he got. for a second, you simply stare at him while lost in your thoughts. perhaps it was the alcohol still running in your system. 
he raises an eyebrow, “what’s so interesting about me suddenly?”
you clear your throat, felling your face turn hot. “nothing.” 
suddenly, it feels as if the mood has changed again. you know this is your chance, and you can’t miss it. not ever again. 
“don’t you need to go home soon? would, would anyone be waiting?”
riki lets out a short laugh. 
“as if. i’ve been living alone ever since i came back.” 
ever since he came back. 
you look down at your hands. 
“why did you come back?” you whisper. and yet, he hears it again. 
as he’s about to respond, you glance at him with a conflicted look. “why did you leave?”
riki inhales, placing his chopsticks on the table neatly. “i’m just… so sorry y/n, for leaving you-“
“then tell me. that’s the least you can do.” 
you hate how your voice quivers at the end. 
“i… it’s all my fault. i lost control. i got into a fight with yang jungwon.” 
you try your best to keep the surprise off your face and let him continue.  
“and with my reputation at the school, my parents and the principal came to the conclusion that it was best for me to leave.” 
“i didn’t know that it meant going overseas,” he quickly adds, “but i had no choice as a teenager. i could only listen to my parents and when i got the chance, i came back as soon as i could.” 
you almost forgot about his so called ability. but it didn’t even matter at this point. you had countless questions, but it seemed like riki was still holding back. there was something he didn’t want to tell you, something he didn’t want you to know. 
you were somewhat satisfied with his answers, but something was still bothering you. 
you can feel his eyes on you, waiting for some sort of response. 
“i see… but why didn’t you come find me?” you voice cracks. “why didn’t you make any effort at all to see me again? because so far, it seems like you were pretty okay with me not knowing that you still existed.” 
what you really meant to say was, 
you seemed perfectly fine without me. you seemed perfectly fine while i was still hurting after all this time. 
“even more,” you continue on, “after you came back all this time.” 
riki shakes his head, “i was looking for you.” 
you falter at that. 
“i always was, even in another country far away. i had to get a new phone and lost your number and all contact. but when i was finally able to come back to our hometown, you were gone. i was able to get a job at our current company due to my parents connections, and i was going to use that money to pay for travel expenses. just to find you.” 
“i swear y/n,” and you almost tear up at the sincerity in his eyes, “i would never abandon you.” 
“just like i promised all those years ago.” 
his voice grows soft, “i always wondered what happened after i left. what you were up to. i imagined you being super successful while doing something you love.” 
you laugh in order to lighten up the heavy mood, “as you can see now, that’s certainly not the case. i actually have no clue what i’m doing with my life.” 
“you’re- you’re not with anyone or anything?” 
you shoot him a baffled look, “what in the world? i can’t even take care of myself, let alone another person.” 
you’re so shocked at the question that you miss riki’s subtle sigh of relief. you hadn’t gotten with jungwon— at least not yet, he thinks. 
“then, what was high school like? you know, without me?” 
you shake your head, not willing to think about those times. 
“lonely, obviously, without you,” you grumble. 
you had some friends still, but they weren’t riki. they never would be and could never replace him. 
you decide to not mention jungwon and the short period of time after riki’s leaving in which he tried to hang out with you. most definitely not after learning what riki told you. 
it was weird even to you, how such a popular guy like yang jungwon wanted to hang out with you for some time. but he soon gave up, whether it was because of all the other students noticing and gossiping or because of your moody brooding over the loss of riki.
“that’s all?”
you nod shortly. “i graduated, became interested in photography, and applied for this internship. end of story.” 
you shake your head, “i just don’t know how we both got here at the same company, at the same time. man, i was even chosen to work for you of all people.” 
riki’s smile grows–
“it’s like it was fate,” you murmur absentmindedly. 
–and it immediately drops at that.  
“can you still see people’s red strings?” of course, you had to bring that topic up at this time. 
“yeah. but i’m done with all that soulmate connection strings and stuff. i just ignore it now.” 
you obviously see his change in demeanor at the topic. 
“that’s good. it obviously doesn’t affect your photography. i didn’t know how talented you were.” 
although so many people had told him that before, it was different hearing it from you. he blames his face flushing on the alcohol, not your compliment.
“t-thanks. you are too. i can see your potential.” 
you cock your head, “really? aren’t you just saying that because i’m working with you?”
he shakes his head vehemently. 
“of course not. i think you’re one of the most special people in the world. you would be good at anything you want to do, because that’s just you y/n.”
you cough at the sudden change in the air. you don’t think you can handle his endless complimenting. 
“thank you riki, really. but are you done eating? i think we should head out.” 
you leave with not just your stomachs fuller, but your mind and heart as well. 
other nights were spent staying up at the office, finishing edits and cuts. those were the best nights though, in your opinion. 
you got the best advice and the best late night talks with riki—he really felt like a leader now. it made you realize how grown up he became. 
“i still have the bracelet you gave me. i keep it on my desk just so i don’t lose it.” 
your mouth drops open, “ no way? the one i gave you in middle school?” he nods and you internally shudder while thinking about what happened to yours. 
“i hate to break it to you, riki, but i actually lost mine..” 
–which translated to i threw mine away out of anger and sadness. but you figured you could keep that a secret for the time being.
“it’s fine. i’ll just get us new matching ones.” riki swears he never will forget the satisfied smile on your face, eyes twinkling and nose scrunching. 
that was it. riki really tried. 
he tried his best, but he can’t help falling in love with you. 
he can’t even tell if you like him back or if you’re just being kind, because you are originally just a kind and beautiful soul. 
he likes you too much it hurts, but he can’t be hurt again. he doesn’t want to be. 
he doesn’t want to tell you about all the secret pictures he would snap of you instead of the actual model that he was working with. the amount of time and effort put into his hidden collection of you. it was one of his works that he was the most proudest of. one that he would cherish forever. 
he didn’t even know when he realized it— that riki loved you. perhaps it was the countless hours spent up at night thinking about you, all alone. 
but loving you came easily and naturally. red string or not, niki would love you endlessly no matter what. and whatever happened in the end, he would only want happiness for you. 
occasionally he would wonder why he had to go through all that testing when he was young, why he had to go thought that entire, torturous and isolating experience. 
but then he thinks about you and how without being stuck in the lab for however many years, he would have never met you in the conditions that you met in. you would have never gotten the chance to save him from those bullies if he had gone to school at a normal age and been like all the other kids. 
everything that happened to riki, it was to bring him to you. for some reason, he’s sure of it. 
even with all that—the feelings and acceptance and denial— riki tries his best to suppress his feelings and just enjoy being with you again. just to make up for lost time, he reasons. 
he knew you two weren’t soulmates, he saw it once more the supposedly fated day he met you again for the second time. 
still, he doesn’t think he could be with anyone else but you. riki knows in his heart you’re the only one for him. he stares at his own red string leading off into the unknown distance. even if the universe said otherwise. 
even if the universe said otherwise, he didn’t want to lose you again. 
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the vip landyards you got for entering the venue backstage weren’t vip after all. 
one good thing about riki’s job was the free access to public events, obviously to capture the best photos. but on this occasion, you two were denied access for no particular reason. 
no matter how much riki demanded, the even taller and intimidating body guards wouldn’t budge. 
“it’s fine,” you place a hand on riki’s shoulder to calm him. “we can just go through the front. i bet someone will be willing to listen to us there.” 
you know riki wants to argue more but you give him a look and he concedes. 
the crowd was wilder than you thought though. mainly due to it being some group called oncolon or whatever performing. navigating through the huge crowd, riki suddenly takes your hand tightly. 
you almost trip over some person’s foot, glancing at him with wide eyes and a slight blush. he doesn’t say a single word. 
you’re sure you’ve gotten knocked and pushed several times in the wild crowd. you try your best to keep up, but at some point, too many bodies separate you and riki. 
a rather hard shove causes you to lose your balance, falling onto the ground (with a painful jolt up your butt). 
all you can hear is the booming music for a moment and the flashing lights, until a hand suddenly reaches through. you almost don’t notice it at first until you hear your name being called. 
suddenly you’re being pulled up forward, into sturdy arms. 
“are you okay? sorry i lost you-“
when you see that it’s riki, dark orbs filled with concerned as he speaks, you nod dumbly while zoning the rest of his words out. 
you couldn’t really concentrate, not when you were trying to process the fluttering of your heart and his body oh so close to yours. 
but oh no, it doesn’t stop there. 
it was rather sudden—you called riki over to your desk to ask for his opinion some time later. 
“should i lower the exposure more? i know you were going for a darker look since it fits the concept-?”
what you don’t expect is him to lean a little too close to comfort over you and your desk to reach the computer. even more, you don’t expect his hand to cover yours over the mouse as he clicks a few things. 
all you do is hold your breath but you can still smell him faintly, a comforting and familiar scent. your eyes almost flutter shut. 
suppressed feelings are coming back. coming back to haunt you for good. 
it does indeed feel a little too good to be true. you feel so giddy around riki, like a high schooler experiencing their first love. but you never got to. 
it felt like you were getting to reexperience your teenage years properly with riki—how it should’ve gone. but it’s a little different. it feels a little too different. you want to blame it on the fact that you guys are older and you overthink things, but the feelings and emotions inside you say otherwise. 
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v. the thin line between love and hate. 
you startle at the sudden coffee placed in front of you, by a bashful riki. 
“hm? what’s this for?”
he scratches the back of his head, “you’ve been working so hard lately, too much for an intern. i don’t want to be known as the guy who overworks the newbies.”  
the warming of your heart falls flat.
“ha ha ha,” you laugh dryly. “thank you though.” 
before he leaves you to continue your work, he adds, “don’t forget to eat too. i brought some lunch for you in the fridge.” 
you don’t fight off the dumb smile on your face when you open the community fridge to see a packaged lunch with a sticky note on top reading, 
y/n’s only!! no touching!! (please and thank you) 
in someone’s very familiar handwriting that hadn’t changed at all since middle school. 
still, you don’t know how you haven’t gotten fired yet. you tried your best to maintain a professional relationship at work, yet the amount of jokes and ridiculous faces riki made was going to be the death of you. 
he manages to get a choked sound out of you as you put your head down in an attempt to hold back your laughter. he only looks on proudly when you try your best to chide him. 
“focus, riki!”
“how can i focus when his feet smell from across the roo-“
you place a finger over his soft lips, eyes raising from them to his innocent (yet deadly) looking gaze. 
“stop disturbing the others!” you scold. 
“i think you should tell his feet that.”
you stare at each other blankly for a second or two, your eyes flicking to the man’s shoes across the room, before you both can’t help but bursting into a silent fit of laughter. 
meanwhile everyone else looks on, confused but starting to get used to the two of you at this point. 
as riki admires your face full of glee, he thinks there couldn’t have been anything better. 
maybe he should’ve known the universe wouldn’t let him off that easy. 
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you’re on the way home from work when you receive a message from riki. he asks for you to stop by the store to grab him ice cream, and you roll your eyes. 
you already knew what that meant. anime night at riki’s place although his deadline was the next day. 
when he sends the begging emojis, you sigh and change routes to the nearest mart. you couldn’t resist him, even if you wanted to. 
you’re browsing the aisles, adding more and more snacks that you really didn’t need but you knew would make riki (and by default—you) happy. 
as you reach for the bungeobbang snack, you don’t notice the hand that grabs it at the same time. a shock courses through you for a split second, and you pull your hand back. 
you glance at the figure. and you cock your head. 
a distinct pair of eyes blink back at you. 
wait a second… 
“no way. yang jungwon?”
his mouth drops open. “y/n? it’s been years!” 
you nod, almost laughing at the complete turn of events. “i can’t believe it either. what are you doing here?”
it turns out jungwon was in town for work, as per a client's request. he had also grown up a lot and changed much more than you expected. 
he was still the same, handsome and charming jungwon. but he had definitely matured and you found yourself enjoying the catching-up talk with him. to the point where you lost track of time. 
only was it until you see riki’s name light up your phone do you remember. you scramble to get your things (and probably melted ice cream). 
“sorry jungwon, i have to get going.” 
he gets up to help you gather your things. you can’t help but notice the warmth of his hand lingering on yours when he passes you the last grocery bag. 
“it was really nice to see you again. do you maybe want to keep in touch?” 
you only nod at his hopeful eyes. “of course! we can exchange numbers and meet up again while you’re still here.” 
feeling strangely light on your way to riki’s place, the guilt hits you when you are greeted by riki’s worried face. 
“what took so long?”
you think about jungwon and cringe internally. you don’t think you have the heart to tell riki. not today. 
-Is what you keep telling yourself. days, and days after that first encounter. you just don’t know how to bring it up to riki, or when. after everything that happened, 
you don’t think you can’t risk it. not when you just got your riki back. 
you’re surprised at how often jungwon texts you. maybe he was still the same jungwon after all, still wanting to hang out with you all the time like back in the old days. 
but this time, you had no reason to object. again, guilt washes over you as you respond to his text before looking over at a focused riki. 
just once wouldn’t hurt, you manage to convince yourself. 
it’s not like riki would care that much anyways. the past was the past and things were different now. why would he care if you hung out with another guy? 
it’s not like he liked you… right? 
you repeat that to yourself everyday. everyday that riki greets you with that adoring face of his. everyday that he teases you, makes you laugh, and helps you through all the hard times. 
even the day that you thought he was going to kiss you. when he reached over you to grab the remote, but he didn’t go back to his spot. he stayed hovering over you, faces inches apart. 
and he stared at you, into you, with those eyes that he always looked at you with. 
yet riki didn’t do anything. he didn’t make a single move, so that means it should be fine if you met jungwon just this once? 
even so, you get off work early, rushing to get home and prepare. you brush off riki’s reminder of him stopping by your house later to return your jacket he borrowed. how it fit him, you still don’t know. 
even more you don’t know is why you feel pressured to dress up nice and prepare, just to see jungwon. it was just a simple catch up with him. it wasn’t like you were going to keep seeing him after that. it wasn’t a date of any sort… 
jungwon pulls out the chair and you awkwardly sit down and thank him. 
ok so maybe you should have dated in high school, just so you wouldn’t have been so clueless now. 
it wasn’t a date. you know it wasn’t. and you keep repeating it to yourself. 
maybe jungwon notices your stiffness, because he compliments your outfit. 
“you look really nice.”
“thanks,” you smile, “so do you.” 
“i didn’t know what places were good in this area, but i liked this cafe so i thought it would be a good place for us to talk!” 
you’ve always admired jungwon’s thoughtfulness. or rather, been jealous. there was only one other person who could compete with him on that: nishimura riki. 
again, time passes you as you spend the night with him. it’s quite dark out when you realize you should get going. 
jungwon being ever the gentleman offers to walk you home. he also lends you his jacket, which you have no choice but to accept both his offers. it would end on an awkward note if you rejected him—which you didn’t want—so you decide to bear with it just this once. 
jungwon was simply a cool and fun person to hang out with anyway, so you had no complaints. you trusted him naturally. 
it was all fine until you reached the outside of your apartment. 
you certainly weren’t expecting to see riki waiting outside your door, looking visibly and obviously upset. your feet come to a halt.
you completely forgot. 
jungwon grabs your arm suddenly. “is that niki?” 
you see the expression on riki’s face visibly change, and you rush to explain yourself. 
“riki, please let me-“ 
ignoring jungwon, the coldness emanating from riki physically makes you shiver. 
“we need to talk.” 
you bite your lip. 
“jungwon, i… think you should go.” 
he complies when you ask once more, but not without a concerned request to contact him later. 
even with jungwon gone, riki still looks like he’s about to get attacked, threatened and rigid. 
you call out his name quietly, “can we at least go inside first?” 
you reach for his hand but he pulls away before heading in. fair, you think. 
“-i’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier, but it was a sudden decision.”
“i still don’t get why you didn’t tell me,” he snaps. 
you don’t like the way this is heading. and you both know where it was going to go. “it was just one small hangout, we were only catching up,” you frown. 
“but you know how i feel about him! you should have told me-“
you feel your anger rise as well as you get to your feet. 
“do i have an obligation to tell you? why is a fight that happened over ten years ago still such a big deal? what’s your issue with jungwon?”
you cross your arms, facing an agitated riki. 
“nevermind that. why can’t you just tell me what happened back then?!” 
the silence, accompanied by the sound of your mixed heavy breaths, leave you weary. you pinch the space between your eyebrows. 
“riki-“ you reach out for him but he pulls away. he’s doing it once again. 
it hurts more than you thought. “fine. if you’re not going to say anything, then i think you should just leave.” 
and you don’t object when he listens to your suggestion, without a second glance back. 
it felt like deja vu, seeing him leave just as he did before. 
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it’s been days since you last talked to riki, let alone spared a glance in his direction. work was awkward enough, just like it had been the first week you came.
how could your relationship turn back to strangers so suddenly? did riki not care? 
if anything, he cared too much—but you would have never known. 
it’s hard to work next to him, be near him without the unspoken feelings rising up. a hand brushing his when he passed you papers almost felt like it was burning you. riki noticed how you would flinch away, every time. 
it didn’t matter. your internship was coming to an end, and you were already preparing yourself to leave. 
maybe this was just a sign from the universe telling you that you and riki were meant to be apart. that you weren’t meant to be together after all. 
you loved the area, company, office environment and just about everything else. it should’ve been perfect. 
but you don’t know if you can stand working here, staying here and living here, 
knowing that riki is right around the corner, carrying your heart without a second thought. 
the power that he holds, the fact that he’s able to break your heart in the matter of seconds or make you smile like the happiest person in the world, it’s just too scary for you to handle. 
you’re already planning to head back home and stay with your parents for a little until you get things figured out again. 
you still had tickets to a small festival at the nearby plaza that you planned to go with riki, but that certainly wasn’t happening anymore. 
you didn’t want the second ticket to go to waste, so in your lostness and desperation (and several rejections by coworkers), you asked jungwon. you were leaving soon and didn’t know when the next time you would see him was. 
you greet him with a halfhearted smile, and he gestures for you guys to get closer to the stage to get a better view. but there’s a big crowd, and you stumble over an arm or leg or something. 
for some reason, you expect him to be there and help you up. like someone else did in a strangely familiar situation. 
but there’s no one. nothing except the crowd of bodies that’s starting to get a little too overwhelming. 
for the first time, you wish to the universe for one thing. you wish you had riki again, with you by your side. 
it’s then you realize you’ve been thinking about him the whole time. he who’s been the one always to pick you back up. he was always there for you. 
you know, you need to do something before you leave. you can’t handle leaving things like this. 
you plan to, however, the next day is the last day of your internship and some of the kind workers surprised the interns with a small going away party. it’s bittersweet, especially when everyone assumes you’re getting hired for an official position due to your exceptional work, and another person. 
you were grateful for everyone who planned and showed up. but there was one person who didn’t that you kept looking for. everyone knows who, but no one knows why. 
at the end of the day, you make your way back to riki’s office in order to pack up your stuff. 
you take one last glance around the room and all of its memories. leaving this place felt like leaving riki behind as well. 
you were grateful that you got the chance to see him once more. you were beginning to accept that this was the end. 
putting all your stuff in boxes, you frown while wondering where your compartment desk key was. maybe riki mistakenly took yours instead of his?
you open various drawers, rummaging around. but when you get to the bottommost drawer, your heart stops. 
it’s only a plain cream folder, but what’s written on it takes your breath away. 
just your name. 
photos and photos of you, beautifully crafted and arranged together. it’s riki’s work, you know that for sure. memories spanning your entire internship—from the first day to the last time you talked to him. 
you don’t know when and how he took these photos. or when tears fell down your cheeks. 
you hastily rub the wetness away, sniffling as you close the folder and continue your search. now wasn’t the time to get sentimental. 
it would be alright, because you planned on finding riki the next day before you left. it was too late today, and you needed to finish packing. you just wanted one last chance to say everything you wanted to before going. 
you have to because you feel it deep within, tugging at your heartstrings. 
it’s about 1am when you finish packing. you don’t even want to think about the time you need to get up, nor the fact that you still had to find a way to see riki. 
you zip up the last luggage when the doorbell rings. who in the world would be at your door this late? you consider grabbing some sort of weapon, but decide against it for the time being. 
you nervously peek through the peephole, before throwing the door open. 
you’re more shocked that he was crying than him even showing up at your place. 
riki almost lunges forward, trapping you in his arms. he hiccups and you feel a pang in your chest. 
“y/n- please- just please, will you forgive me?”
“what?” you breathe out. you couldn’t even process the situation. 
“please. never leave me.”
“what? why would i ever?” you comfortingly bring a hand to rub his back. it takes a little bit to soothe him, and he speaks again when you feel his erratic breathing has calmed and his body relaxes. 
“i’m so scared to lose you again,” he whispers shakily. you soften, pulling back to see his red eyes and nose. 
“riki, please tell me what’s going on.” he knows immediately what you mean. 
you reach up to wipe the corners of his eyes and the side of his face gently. he closes his eyes at the feeling, to go back into time. 
honestly, he remembers that day as if it was just yesterday. it was a day that haunted him up until now. 
riki always knew then. maybe you weren’t aware but he definitely was.  
yang jungwon liked you. it was obvious. 
riki could see it—physically too. that cursed red string mocked him everyday he saw you two in class. 
riki knew jungwon could feel it too. you were too close to riki and everyone knew that. jungwon knew, and he didn’t care. 
it was raining, as riki recalled many times over and over again. he was alone while waiting for you to finish class. riki was alone until jungwon and his group of friends approached him. 
jungwon knew about his power. he said his father worked for the government, worked with riki. riki suddenly thought of one of the head scientists and his eyes, strikingly similar to jungwon’s. 
so that was his father, he remembers thinking. 
riki never liked him.
regardless, jungwon asked if riki could see your string. just like the others. riki chooses not to answer as always, but jungwon naturally got on his nerves. 
riki remembers the exact words. 
“if you two aren’t dating, does that mean you aren’t soulmates? you would’ve asked y/n out already if you were, am i right?” 
at that, riki’s blood began to boil. but he couldn’t do anything. mainly because jungwon was right. and it infuriated riki. 
jungwon laughed. “then… i can ask y/n out? since you guys aren’t soulmates?”
riki doesn’t remember the next part. maybe he blacked out or chose to erase it from his memory. but apparently, he punched jungwon. he snapped for the first time. 
riki opens his eyes again slowly, seeing your heartfelt gaze on him and him only. 
he almost doesn’t recognize his own voice when he speaks. it sounded too quiet. too defeated. like he was already accepting his loss. 
”you’re jungwon’s soulmate. not mine.”
he glances down at your pinky. it had been a while since he saw your red string, let alone anyone else’s. 
“no matter how much i wished your red string was connected to mine, it wasn’t.” 
at some point, riki assumed his string had no other person it was attached to, because he had never met anyone who made him feel like how you did. no one else made him as happy, as sad, or as loved as you did. 
riki knew if he had a soulmate, it would have been you and only you. 
“i-i was upset when you saw jungwon again that you would fall in love with him. and leave me.”
it was a lot to process. you know and he knows. it wasn’t what you were expecting, but you were fine with that. 
when you call out his name, your hands reach to the sides of his face to guide them to look at you. you take a deep breath. 
“i’ve always loved you.”
and exhale. 
“jungwon was never on my mind, only you’ve been. even after all this time-” 
abruptly, riki reached forward to kiss you harshly and you instantly reciprocate it. your hands tighten around his neck while his come to wrap around your waist, naturally. 
you just can’t seem to let each other go. 
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you ask jungwon to meet up with one last time before he leaves, at the same cafe he suggested last time. 
you comment on the nice weather and he agrees. you fiddle with your fingers. 
“this is a bit random, but do you believe in soulmates?” 
jungwon looks confused but he says, “yeah. from what i’ve heard, i think so?” 
your eyes narrow. “even if two people are soulmates, do you think they can love different people?” 
“y/n, where is this-“
“answer the question and i’ll explain. i promise.” 
he scratches his head, “i… i suppose so?” 
“and if two people aren’t soulmates, do you think that they can love each other?” you continue. 
“sure. but i don’t get why you’re asking-“
ignoring him, you nod thoughtfully. “okay.”
he opens his mouth to respond, but you hold up a hand. 
“i just wanted to say it was nice seeing you again.” 
he looks a bit surprised. 
“me too. i enjoyed the time we spent together. i know that i’m leaving soon and this is a bit sudden, but do you want to see each other again-?”
you sigh, looking out the window again. 
“i’m sorry, but i don’t think that’s possible. i hope the rest of your life goes well as you want it to, yang jungwon.”
he nods solemnly. “it’s because you’re with niki, right?” he smiles at your shocked expression. “i figured since he was outside your place. no harm in shooting my shot. but wow, you guys really found each other again.”
you don’t know what to say so you just nod. 
“tell him that i’m sorry for what i said in the past and that i wish him the best too.” he gets up from his chair, prompting you too as well. 
“we can still be friends, of course,” you rush to add. 
jungwon laughs, “it’s alright. i should get over you first before considering a friendship.” 
“maybe in another life. we get along too well,” you joke. he laughs too and you know it’s not forced. 
“come on, i’ll walk you home.” 
you stare at jungwon’s side profile during the walk, as he speaks about random topics and leads the way back. 
it’s strange, imagining him as your soulmate. it was weird imagining a life with anyone else but riki. although yang jungwon may be your soulmate, he’s not the one that you want. that’s okay. 
when he drops you off, riki opens the door. you’re hesitant, but you see the two give a final nod to each other. jungwon leaves without a glance back, and riki closes the door. 
“how was it?” 
you lean in to peck his lips. “good. better than i expected, to be honest. now can we start the movie? i was waiting for this all day.” 
riki smiles as you take off your shoes and get ready for a night in with him. he glances at your matching gold chain bracelets that he bought recently, a promise for the future. just as riki wanted. 
riki doesn’t know what’s going to happen in the future. all he knows is that he’ll be with you forever, red string or not. 
that night, he realized he couldn’t give up on you. not again. he would fight like he did before and choose his own destiny. 
because the only destiny he had was one with you. 
nishimura riki couldn’t see the end of his string. he probably never would. and he didn’t want to. it didn’t matter, after all. now, he looks back at your hands and imagines a perfect little knot in the middle connecting both your red strings. 
and he smiles. 
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hi it’s jae again—thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it as i put a lot of work and effort into it (my longest one shot so far skxnksdnj so pls excuse mistakes/typos if i missed some) actually it hurt to write won as the “bad guy” but i couldn’t think of anyone else close enough to fit the role lol. anyways that’s all, just wanted to say that i’m thankful for all the love, comments, rbs, and support i receive as it keeps me going to write more. i truly do appreciate all 1.2k and more followers, see you guys again in the next works coming soon ;)
MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @kynrki @heesterical @jungwonize @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount @hoeshii @love-4-keum @nyanggk @luvhyun3 @dimplewonie @yjjungwon
ONESHOT TAGLIST ▸ @annoyingbitch83 @rizzshimura @enhastolemyheart @naddii @st4rfiles @officiallyjaehyuns @xiaoderrrr @miercerise @jhopesucker @if-i-like-i-reblog @4imhry @1-800shutthefuckup @luvistqrzzz @asyleums
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emperorpalpatittay · 10 months
Waiting On You
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Pregnant!Wife reader
This is my first ever one-shot I hope you guys enjoy!
A little bit of angst in the beginning then tooth rotting fluff
No proofreading we sendin it
Yarn over. Loop one, two, three. Yarn over.
Your face was scrunched in concentration at the crochet project laid over your swelling bump. A small blanket made out of the softest yarn you could find.
You had taken up crocheting as a way to distract you from your husbands absence. Usually gone for weeks or months at a time you were used to it. This time, however you’d heard nothing from him past the time he called to tell you he’d landed. He’d usually ring you at least once every few days to check in. He had now been gone for five months. Five long months of waiting anxiously.
For the first month you were a wreck. You were so anxious you were sick, or so you thought. You found out you were nine weeks pregnant. After the shock wore off you knew you had to try to calm down and distract yourself for yours and your child’s health instead of worrying yourself to the point of insanity.
Every doctors appointment broke your heart knowing your husband was missing from the room. Every time you saw your little one through an ultrasound was bittersweet. You sent him text after text.
“Call me please.”, again and again.
Just hoping, Praying he would answer. But no answer ever came. So you distracted yourself however you could.
Embroidery, reading, crochet, knitting, macrame, mosaic tiling, painting, shopping for and decorating the nursery, attempting to put together the furniture (did not go well), sewing, walking, etc. Anything to get your mind off of it.
It had worked for the most part but you would reach a new milestone in your pregnancy and the heartbreak would hit all over again. Your house felt quiet and empty, almost stagnant and suffocating. The few pictures you had of you and Simon hung on the walls covered in fingerprints where you would stop and run your fingers over them reminiscing.
Was he hurt, was he dead, had he been captured, did he not want you, was he ignoring you. You cycled through these thoughts.
On this particular day Simons absence hit you harder than usual. You had found out the gender of your child. You wept with joy before sobbing out of despair. You would be left to raise this child alone. Your little one would never know his fathers gravelly voice, or see his rare face splitting smiles.
You threw yourself into your baby blanket when you came home in an effort to distract yourself from your sorrow. For three months you had worked on the perfect blanket for your child. A beautiful soft cream blanket. Now that you knew your baby’s gender you would add the border.
You were so stuck in your project and thoughts you didn’t notice the sound of your front door opening and closing.It was the sound of his heavy duffel bag falling to the ground that shook you from your thoughts.
“Si…”, you heard his heavy footsteps and knew at once,”SI!!!” You scrambled to get up and started running through the house.
You turned the corner to the hallway and saw him. Balaclava pulled off and thrown aside, no eye black. He was in Civi clothes. No trace of ghost. He was just Simon, your Simon. He was here.
You slammed into his broad chest sobbing and thanking whatever god or higher being you could think of. He held you to him as hard as he could as if you could just disappear if he let go. You felt him try and steady his breath before just giving in letting go. Letting salty tears fall down his face and sobs wrack his body. He fell to his knees and brought you with him.
Putting his hand under your chin he tilted it up to look at you. For the last five months he dreamed of your face trying to remember every inch of it. Now here he was look at you using the rough pads of his thumbs to wipe away the tears and you did the same. You both breathlessly laughing through tears.
“You are so beautiful. Look at you. God, I missed you.”, he kissed the crown of your head and brought you closer to his chest, “My girl.”
“I was so worried, Si. When I heard nothing I thought the worst.”
He raised your head back up to look into your eyes again. Hands on both side of your face.
“I will always come back to you. Always. Death itself could not keep me from you.”
“I know it’s just the pregnancy hormones and str—“
You rambled without thinking and immediately knew when his eyes shot down to your bump.
“You’re pregnant?”
His face went blank which caused you to panic for a split second before he broke out into a grin.
“Oh my god! I’m gonna be a dad. We- We’re going to be parents.”, all of the sudden his face dropped, “I wasn’t here. You’ve had to go through all of this alone.”
You turned your head into his hand and placed a gentle kiss onto it. “Shh my love you’re here now that’s what matters. I’m just so happy you’re back with us.”
He nodded and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. An idea suddenly sprung into your head.
“Wait here darling I’ve got a surprise for you.” You sprung to your feet quickly waddling to grab the blanket off of the coffee table.
“Close your eyes!” You called to him. You could hear him chuckling to himself. You poked your head around the corner to make sure his eyes were indeed closed. Once you determined they were you walked over and placed the blanket in his massive hands.
“Okay, open ‘em.”
He looked down at the blanket noticing the blue border with look of awe and shock he looked back up at you.
“Are we having a baby boy.”
“Yes, my love.”
He pulled you back into him one hand behind your head to cradle it and another resting on your bump. His thumb stroking it lovingly.
“Hello li’l one it’s me. I’m your dad. Me and your mum love you so much already. We can’t wait to meet you.”
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jungle-angel · 11 months
His Little Doodlebug (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: There's a damn good reason you gave Amy the nickname "Doodlebug"
Rhett had always had a deep love-hate relationship with Wal Mart in the month of August. Usually you would go and take Amy on a little excursion by yourself while Rhett and Royal ran down to Tractor Supply to get parts for the neighbors' farming equipment, but ever since you had gotten pregnant, that task had fallen on Rhett while Wes, his best friend, had decided to help Royal.
Amy hurried off towards the clothing section, her little sandals flapping against the tiled floor with her little circus-clown ragdoll tucked under her arm. "Hey, slow down there Doodlebug," Rhett called after her.
Amy giggled, excited as ever as Rhett pushed the cart that already had a few extra garden things in it. He didn't really have much of an idea about what kinds of clothes would be the best fit for Amy, but he was damn sure gonna try.
It was a whole back and forth mess of texting you pictures of all the clothes he could find that hadn't already been cleared out, little pairs of shorts with the lace trim around the legs, pretty little gingham dresses in pink, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple and red, plenty of jeans and little sweaters that would serve her well in late fall and early winter. However, what you knew you couldn't get in the store, you'd make by hand which would include plenty of Irish knit sweaters for Amy and the new babies.
"Hey!" Rhett called playfully to Amy as she zoomed from one end of the aisle and back to him. "Don't you run from me Doodlebug."
Amy giggled again. "Can we get more clothes Daddy?"
"Not right now Doodlebug," Rhett told her. "We've still gotta go to the other place and get your other stuff for school."
"No we don't," Amy giggled.
"Yeah we do, you're goin into preschool at the hippie school where Momma teaches," Rhett told her.
Amy held onto her ragdoll with one hand and her other one gripping the beltloop of Rhett's jeans with her little fingers. As soon as the clothes and the plant stuff had been purchased, Rhett loaded Amy and the bags up into the truck to head for the next destination.
Back into the center of town he went with Amy in tow, to the little shop owned by Mrs. Newman, who in turn would be Amy's preschool teacher. You and Rhett absolutely loved her store and all the supplies she carried, the cozy building with its knotty pine floors, shelves full of yarn, brightly colored wools, stones, books, pastel colored cloth and a whole host of other things that the children at the school you taught at would need for the coming year.
Two boxes of block crayons, a little case of beeswax and a basket of wool later, Rhett finally had what he needed and even let Amy pick a few items for later. He thanked Mrs. Newman, promising that over the weekend he, Royal and Wes would be down to help her husband fix his horse trailer.
Home he went and finally pulled up the driveway just as the sun had begun to set. Wes's truck was no longer there, a sign that he had gone back over the hill to the reservation to bed down his own horses and cattle for the night, yet the porch light had remained on. Royal and Cecelia would most likely be sitting out in the porch rockers, Royal smoking a hand rolled cigar while Cecelia told him about everything that had happened in the day.
"Alright sweet pea, out," Rhett said, opening the truck door so Amy could get out.
Amy practically jumped out of the truck and ran for the house, yanking open the door as Rhett unloaded the truck and kicked off his shoes in the mudroom. The house smelled so good with the steaks just having been pulled off the grill along with the smells of white rice and green beans trailing it its wake.
"Oh jeez! Somebody's happy," Cecelia chuckled as Amy rushed to hug her.
"I was hoping the trip would tire her out," Rhett answered. "Hannah-Banana go to bed?"
"Nope," Cecelia answered. "She just ate, but I'll give her a bath in a few minutes."
"Thanks Ma," Rhett said, hugging his mother.
Cecelia took the clothing and supplies from him to put them away while he made Amy a plate full of steak, rice and green beans for her to eat before her bath.
Upstairs he went to his room, which had become your shared bedroom. Even though you were only five months along, you had already begun nesting, preparing the crib at the foot of the bed for the two little boys resting in your belly.
Rhett wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek, his hands coming to rest on your swollen bump. "Boys give you any trouble?" he asked.
You hummed, delighted by the warm breath on your cheek. "Not really," you sighed.
You two were yanked from the moment by the sound of Amy running through the upstairs hall in nothing but her pink wrap towel. "Daddy, can I use Momma's bubble bath?"
You two laughed and shook your heads. "Give Momma a minute honey," you told her.
Amy zoomed back into the bathroom as the bathtub filled up. You grabbed the pink grapefruit bubble bath out of the medicine cabinet and poured a little bit of the slimy pink liquid in for her and watched it foam.
"Guess someone had a bad case of the zoomies tonight," you laughed.
"Yep," Rhett answered. "Guess that's why we call her 'Doodlebug'."
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writers-ex · 2 years
ugly sweater weather
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word count: 1.5k
gf!ryujin x fem!reader
warnings: ugly sweaters, reader is a horrible knitter, teasing, strip tease/lingeire surprise, christmas puns :)
enjoy @musicblissworld~
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"but babe its tradition!" crossing her arms ryujin looks at you with an annoyed look. grabbing her arm you tug on it softly giving her pleading eyes. "please!! i made this, especially for you, do you remember how long it took me? all those trips to the craft store to buy yarn? the constant sore wrists? sleepless nights?" holding up the item in question you quiver your lower lip as a final straw, ryujin's shoulders slump in defeat as she takes what you're holding up. 
"fine...but only for today and you're definitely on santa's naughty list this year! i mean this sweater is criminal?" grumbling the last part to herself she heads to your shared bedroom to change for the day's activities. as you finish cooking some gingerbread-shaped french toast you hear footsteps enter the kitchen, turning around you almost drop the plate in awe.
"...whatever i'll just tell them my girlfriend is color blind and knitted this in the dark surely-OW?!" rubbing her arm ryujin whines trying to escape from your grasp. "why did you pinch me?"
"hmph! you deserve it, just for that no french toast for you." letting go of her you head to the table to take her plate causing her to chase after you with a lost look.
"hmph! you deserve it, just for that no french toast for you." letting go of her you head to the table to take her plate causing her to chase after you with a lost look.
"no no i'm sorry love, my angel, my miss claus. you're the best knitter in the world and i'll wear anything you make me with pride. even if it means i have to change my name and wear sunglasses so no one-OW!!! i'm joking geeze stop with the pinching you're not the grinch!" kissing your cheek ryujin steals her food back and tries to scarf it down before you had any time to react.
eventually you both make it out of the house to begin your errands for the day. ryujin was in charge of buying the wrapping paper and decorations while you went to buy the groceries. you were supposed to meet back at the town square after dropping the things off at home to buy your gifts for your families and each other. finishing everything in light speed you see your girlfriend on her phone waiting on a bench nearby, running over you throw your arms around her neck and kiss her face multiple times. 
"guess who~"
smiling she turns around and kisses your lips. “i wonder who?” turning around she smiles brightly at you. “all done with getting our dinner ready?"
"yes ma'am, and you're done looking cute in that sweater?" rolling her eyes she gets up and takes your hand.
"shut up, i got laughed at by a little kid and one lady asked me i needed money. babe i'm sorry but i'm confiscating your needles when we get home. we'll leave the knitting to your mom ok?" pouting you nod dejectedly as she strokes your cheek. "but hey let's buy everyone's gifts who knows maybe we'll find matching sweaters to take a picture together later? how does that sound?" ears perking up at the idea your small nod makes ryujin squeeze your hand in return. "perfect, nutmeg is on me today."
after window shopping in little shops and kiosks all over town, you both managed to buy everyone's gifts yet there was no sign of matching sweaters that fit up to your standards.
"jin they have to be super ugly! that's the whole point of wearing them!!" shaking her head ryujin stays quiet as you continue to rant to her.
"you know what? we'll just order them off esty or something, right now you look like you need something sweet to calm down, i'll be right back ok?" walking toward the food stalls you take a seat nearby and wait for her to return. scanning the area you spot a shop you hadn't entered and decide to browse while you wait, getting closer you see that it was a lingerie shop full of themed underwear sets on sale for the season. looking around you settle on a cute matching set for you and ryujin in hopes of this making up for the ugly sweater you made her. 
walking out of the store you fail to realize ryujin watching you leave said store that she may or may not have gone to buy your lingerie before your previous birthdays. seeing you clutch the bag tightly in your hands she chuckles as you stuff it inside one of the gift bags you're holding. pretending as if nothing had happened you see ryujin holding a box of donuts and cheer as she comes closer. 
"they're for after dinner missy. now carry this box and i'll handle the gifts ok?" 
"yes dear~" kissing your handsome girlfriend on the cheek you lead the way back to your apartment. placing everything down ryujin gets to cooking dinner while you start wrapping everyone's presents. occasionally glancing at you she sees the mystery bag and your embarrassed look as you try to check if she's watching you. 
"i-i'm going to take a shower!!" quickly standing up you 'hide' the bag from her sight and book it to your bathroom. having an idea of what you were planning ryujin decides to play it dumb and wait to see what'll happen. putting on the underwear you smile at how the red complimented your skin making you look sexier than ever for your girlfriend, ryujin was going to be in a surprise for sure. covering it up with your black pjs shorts and an oversized hoodie you finish cooking for ryujin while she heads to shower and manage to plate everything as she comes out. chatting about your purchases and the reaction everyone will have after receiving your gifts you feel time slow as you wonder when would be the right time to show her. eyeing her chest multiple times it comes to the point where she grabs your chin and makes you look her in the eye. 
"um baby girl my eyes are up here unless you're thinking of something else?" smirking she waits until your flustered expression calms down and you've collected your thoughts. tugging at the end of her sweater you into her eyes challenging her silently.
"jin you know how i wanted to find us something to match for the holidays...well i found something and wanted to see what you thought." tilting her head she nods.
"sure thing let's have a fashion show in the living room." getting up she puts both of your dishes in the sink while you close your blinds and make sure the door is locked (just in case) before standing in the center of the area. sitting on the couch ryujin sits with her legs open as she lays back relaxed. "so where is the sweater?" playing with the string of your shorts you shake your head.
"a-actually jin...it's something different..." slipping your shorts off her eyes widen as you take off the hoodie and reveal what was underneath. sitting upright she scoots closer to get a better look at you. "i-i got us m-matching underwear w-well two pairs this red one and a really cute white patterned one but i felt like you would want to see this one first." hiding your hands behind your back you blush pink at the reveal. "sooo what do you think?" taking a moment to study the way the fabric barely hugged your body she feels herself get wet at the thought of all the things you could do together while wearing or rather not wearing this. moving her hands to touch your stomach trailing them down to cup your ass she pulls you close to bury her head in between your boobs. groaning she gives you a light squeeze and lets out a heavy breath.
"oh you're definitely on santa's naughty list now." mumbling against your chest ryujin pulls back and looks up at your face. "i love it babe, in fact, i love it so much that i think its time you sit on my lap and tell santa what you want for christmas this year or at least tonight." patting her lap she grabs your waist to place you against her. trailing her fingers up your bare thigh lingering near the waistband of your panty she whispers against your ear. "i'm feeling a bit chilly princess why don't we warm each other up in bed?" shivering at the nickname you nod and feel yourself swept into her arms locking lips all the way to bed.
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annegirl13 · 1 year
Book Review
The Vampire Knitting Club by Nancy Warren
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Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️.5
Paranormal Cozy Mystery — Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. I picked it at random because it had “knitting” in the title.
Lucy’s grandmother runs Cardinal Woolsey’s, a yarn shop in Oxford. Lucy goes to visit her only to find out Gran is dead! Except this is a book called “Vampire Knitting Club” and so Gran is actually undead. (And that’s not spoilers. It’s in the synopsis!)
The story describes the yarn shop well, and includes a mention of “knitting porn” (pretty patterns Lucy thinks no one could actually make; I know it well). Lucy is not a knitter—apparently everything she tries ends up scrunched—but she’s got the language down.
The tone of the book is light and kind of tongue in cheek. It’s a cute book. Perfect popcorn reading. I intended to give the book four stars, but Lucy is kind of…let’s say she’s a few skeins short of a sweater. What is obvious to the reader is not obvious to Lucy and it’s kind of annoying to watch her go around like a dimwit when the obvious answers are RIGHT THERE.
I enjoyed the book, but I don’t think I’ll be continuing with the rest of this series.
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toastedkiwi · 2 years
Chris Loves His Wife
Summary: fan interactions/witnessing how much Chris loves you.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Shy!Reader
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We, at FuzzBeed, love a good man and a great husband! Chris Evans is what everyone is looking for in a man. Here’s some eye witness stories:
@/puppiesaremypassion via Tweeter Chris Evans just came into the shelter I volunteered at. One of the regular workers was helping him out and all he said was “get me the fugliest and grumpiest cat and my wife will love it more than anything in the world.” He was shown the one eyed asthmatic asshole cat that doesn’t get along with the other cats or like people except for this one kitten. He took them both home as he just couldn’t separate them 😭
@/hoeforcevans OMG my mom was telling me that this guy came into her yarn shop and bought a shit ton of yarn. Turns out it was Chris Evans and his wife knits and was running low on yarn so he got her more. He had my mom help him put the bags of yarn on his arms as he wanted to do it all in one shot to his Audi. I still can’t believe she met him!
@/bitchesbesogay fcking Chris Evans strolled into the VS I work at and knew exactly what he wanted. My coworker had to help him since we didn’t have the size up at the front for one of the teddies he was buying and I was helping someone else. —BITCH HE SPENT NEARLY $300 ON LINGERIE ON HIS WIFE! 💀💀💀💀
@/imdedoverhereee I want what Chris Evans’ wife has. I was trying on dresses for this wedding I have to go to and his wife was trying on dresses as well. Him and my grandma were chatting each other up while waiting. His wife came out before me and my grandma says he jumped up out of his seat, went to his wife, grabbed her hand, and fucking twirled her around like a Disney princess. I could hear him tell her how beautiful she looks. It happened with nearly every dress she tried on.
@/notmyfaultbitchh via Tweeter uh not Chris Evans coming into the movie theater to see a late night showing of his latest movie with his wife. They got a big thing of popcorn and got two straws for this giant icee. I’m not crying over here.
@/mylifeisalieeeeeeee my husband and I were out to breakfast on a Tuesday. Chris Evans and his wife were there. They were literally in the booth behind ours with their baby. And the conversations they were having— 🥺😭🥺😭🥺
@/donutsaremylife I used to work with Chris Evans’ wife at the same company. She was pretty shy and just wouldn’t speak much unless necessary. She also just speaks so quietly. She’d bring him to the lame ass Christmas party and she’d actually speak a little more with him around and she was a bit louder. He got her to speak more.
@/donutsaremylife continued Chris would also pick her up from work especially when the weather was bad and he dropped her off whenever he could. He brought her lunch a few times when he was in town. Sometimes they would have her lunch break in his car and you could see how brightly she smiled being with him.
@/anon1 he was out with his wife getting new clothes for her. As it was time to pay, he literally grabbed her and put her off to the side before she could pay with her credit card. He quickly shoved his credit card in and paid.
@/saltypretzelz Chris and his wife were in the Sephora I work at. She’d pick something up and read what it does or look at the color name. With lipsticks/glosses, he’d swatch it on his own arm when she wasn’t looking and take a picture with the product by it’s swatch. When she figured out what he was doing, she whispered “CHRISTOPHER!” Her and I had to team up to get the swatches off of both of his arms. I still have the photo we took together.
@/anon2 I was getting new glasses as well as his wife. She wasn’t having any luck in finding a pair she liked and the optician wasn’t pulling anything great either. Chris had been taking a call outside and stepped in to the rescue. He even sat in a backless wheelie chair and zoomed around grabbing her pairs of frames to try. He eventually found a pair worthy enough for her and he presented it to her like an offering to a god. I’m pretty sure she went with that pair but he was making her laugh and everyone around him.
@/nobody.com via Tweeter Chris traded his first class seat with me for an uncomfortable middle seat in coach so he could sit with his wife who had the window seat. I think it was a last minute trip for them and couldn’t get her to first class. When I looked at them at a later time, he was happily holding her while they watched a movie together. He was looking at her most of the time.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Can I request an imagine where the reader is mad at the Mikaelsons and she pretends to forget anything about them (maybe through compulsion like Stefan forgot about Klaus?) to teach them a lesson? And I would also like to say that I love your fics!
Yes time for some angst. And thank you also sorry for this angst.
Warnings: Angst like all the of the angst again sorry
You knew it was stupid and knew they loved you but you were feeling ignored by your lovers. You understand that Hayley needed to be protected as she had Klaus's child. But you saw how she seemly had both Elijah and Klaus wrapped around her finger.
Kol was always around Hayley too so was Rebekah, while Hope you completely understood but why Hayley. The more you thought about it the angrier you got and was tired of a cold bed and being seemly cast aside so you had packed a bag feeling an anger you never felt before. You texted Marcel to meet you at the train station as you headed down stairs pausing seeing Hayley practically nuzzled up to Elijah as she happily talked to the others.
Angry tears clouded your eyes and left knowing that once they knew what you did they'll be upset. But so were you and left for the train station.
"Are you sure about this? What about the baby?" Marcel asked as he stood in front of you as you smiled sadly looking at your best friend placing a hand on your abdomen as hurt wrapped around your heart.
"Yeah Marcel.....maybe they'll learn a lesson but I know I'll go crawling back if I don't. So here." You say taking off your vervain necklace handing it to the vampire ready for him to compel you.
"You will forget all you know of the Mikaelsons. You'll forget that you loved them. You'll live a happy life, find love....you will happy with your baby."
The composition settled over you and Marcel left watching you blinked confused then looked at your train ticket. You hurried to your train ignoring the odd pain in your heart.
"Where is she!" Kol called out from your bedroom that felt oddly cold as it had been three months since you left. Kol was looking for you when Rebekah brought up your anniversary was coming up.
"Who?" Hayley asked as Elijah gently removed the female hybrid from his side frowning. Elijah knew who Kol was talking about, you their little Queen who seemed to be gone at the moment.
"Y/N isn't in her bedroom?" Elijah asked Kol looking up at his brother who was on the catwalk while Hayley followed after him.
"Check my bedroom if she isn't there then she's in Niklaus's."
"She isn't there either!" Kol said making Elijah frown listening for your heartbeat coming up with nothing. Klaus and Rebekah was walking in with bags of gifts for you.
"Something wrong?"
"Y/N isn't in the compound." Elijah answered Rebekah who smiled placing the bags down.
"Maybe she out getting gifts. You know our little wife Elijah, things need to be prefect."
"No she would have told Kol and I if she was leaving." Elijah said this made Klaus and Rebekah frown while Hayley was confused.
"Wait....I thought Y/N was only dating Kol?"
"No, Hayley we share her. She is our lover but now seems to be missing." Rebekah tells the hybrid as Klaus searched their home for you. Hayley looked to Elijah who nodded this made Hayley a little jealous knowing this new information.
"She isn't here." Klaus growled as Marcel walked in carrying a box when Klaus grabbed his attention.
"Marcel! Do know where Y/N is?" Klaus asked the vampire who was your best friend. Marcel was a little annoyed that it took them three months for them to notice you were gone.
"Yeah but I am not telling you." Marcel tells Klaus as he had a guy watching over you as you were happy and safe. Marcel grunted surprised to see Elijah was the one holding him by his throat.
"Speak. Where is she?" Elijah growled eyes narrowed at Marcel as the younger vampire flinched.
"She is in New York."
You were shopping getting some Christmas presents for your work friends and your boyfriend. You had settled in New York after leaving New Orleans and you gotten a job as a historian at a museum.
"Oh sorry." You say bumping into a man dressed in a long coat and suit, he was handsome too handsome. He caught you and right away noticed your bumb and helped you stand.
"My apologies." He breathed as you felt like crying for some reason and saw four other people with the guy. You felt heartbroken for some reason seeing them but let go and stepped out of the man's arms.
"Well I need to go. So once again sorry." You say picking your bags up walking off missing the heartbroken look in the man's eyes. They watched you run to a man smiling at him as he wrapped his arm around you touching your belly.
"She doesn't seem to know us." Rebekah said frowning as Elijah nodded watching the man kiss your forehead. You both talking about a Christmas party something that hurt your vampires seeing you with another.
"It seems she had Marcel compel her." Kol said frowning as Hayley stepped forward wrapping her arms around Elijah's arm.
"Sounds like to me she doesn't want to be you with anymore." Hayley said rubbing Elijah's hand as he frowned.
"No she would still want us." Klaus said hurting as Kol and Rebekah agreed so they stayed going to win you back even though Hayley thought it was a waste of time.
They arrived to a Christmas party that Kol compelled their way in and stopped seeing you dressed in a gorgeous dress that flowed over your curves perfectly. You were with Ryan when you noticed the Mikaelsons blinking as the weird heartache was back
"Baby? You Alright?"
"Yeah Ry. Just the little bean being restless."
"All this lawyer talk got your little bean tired." Ryan teased lightly kissing your neck making you giggle pushing him away. Jealousy flooded the Mikaelsons as Hayley didn't understand why they wanted you back if you left and having Marcel compelled you to forget.
"Compel this Ryan and undo what Marcel compelled her to forget." Kol said as they agreed while Hayley got a drink shaking her head finding this all stupid. Hayley watched for the rest of the party of the Mikaelsons getting closer to you.
"Can we just go home? Who cares that she left. Because from what I'm seeing she doesn't want you all anymore." Hayley said wrapping her arms around Elijah's arm who was ignoring her.
"Heading off Ryan and Y/N?" Larry called out as Ryan laughed nodding wrapping your scarf around your neck getting the vampire's attention. Hayley was quite impressed of the apartment Ryan and you lived in still finding the Mikaelsons wanting you back stupid.
They reached your door and Kol knocked on the door which Ryan answered blinking seeing Kol. You looked up from knitting seeing Ryan walking in smiling with the Mikaelsons and Hayley following.
"Ryan, what is hap......" You cut off when Elijah was suddenly in front of you cupping your cheek.
"The composition you are under is lifted. You will remember everything." Elijah said watching you blinked as Ryan was compelled to stay in his office. You surprised them when you slapped Elijah as angry tears fell from your eyes.
"Why are you here?! And I am not surprised you guys brought her ." You said glaring as Elijah touched his cheek finding it hard to believe you smacked him.
"Now love, no need to be hostile."
"No need to be hostile? Fuck you Nik! You all seemly set me aside for some new pretty face!" You said standing anger filled you as they were taken back as Hayley crossed her arms.
"Rich coming from the pregnant woman that ran off. Maybe you don't satisfy them no longer." Hayley said as you glared darkly at her clutching your fists that were shaking.
"Or maybe you were just some lonely little wolf who took advantage of the fact she was pregnant with Klaus's daughter." You said lowly making Hayley freeze.
Now your lovers had never seen you like this before and this angry before as Rebekah stepped up to calm you down.
"Now sweetheart no...."
"No what? Be angry? Be upset? You all ignored me and that I gave you what you wanted suddenly you want me back? Because you finally notice I was gone."
"Guess what this isn't something you can fix with a sorry and we'll do better!" You said pulling away from Rebekah which hurt her as she other than Kol was the most affectionate with you.
"Look sorry I slept with Klaus and had Hope. Sorry you feel like I am so call stealing them away from you." Hayley huffed rolling her eyes annoyed with the situation. You held your head high a gilt in your eyes.
"Then say it Hayley if it ain't true. Tell Elijah that you aren't in love with him. Tell him your feelings for him means nothing. In fact tell them all how you didn't just sleep with Klaus to get information about the Crescent wolves."
You stood there a fire in your eyes anger in your heart as Hayley stared feeling the Mikaelsons eyes on her. You were ready to burn every bridge while Klaus couldn't take his eyes off you. You were reminding him of a Queen ready to wage war.
"I....you guys can't seriously believe her?! I have no feelings for Elijah." Hayley said looking at you frowning.
"If this is done. You guys can leave and undo the composition on Ryan." You say going back to your knitting things as Kol frowned.
"Darling, we can't leave you here to raise Elijah's child with some lawyer."
"How did you?"
"Figure it out? Easy Elijah was the last one in your room after me," Kol said crossing his arms, "also over heard you and Freya talking about getting you pregnant."
"Fine I'll give you that but I am not leaving." You said sitting down as Klaus groaned.
"Love, you are being stubborn. Come home.....it is cold without you."
"I could say the same when I was home. My bed was just as cold and lonely while you all fawned over Hayley." You said hitting them in the heart.
"Then why not speak to us how you felt?"
"Oh sorry Y/N Hayley needs help with the wolves. Sorry Y/N I am doing this thing for Hayley. Sorry for missing dinner love but had dinner with Hayley." You said mocking their accents while putting away your yarn since you won't be knitting.
Kol snorted a laugh getting a glare from Rebekah as Elijah knelt by you grabbing your hand. You looked at him raising your eyebrow at him.
"You're right. If you wish to stay here baby then we won't force you to come home. Lesson learned but promise you will come home when you forgive us."
"I will but don't hold your breath." You say taking your hand away as Elijah stood nodding to Klaus who fixed Ryan. They moved to the door hoping you'll change your mind but it never came.
You waited until you heard the door close before the tears fell from your eyes as you let out a sob and Ryan came out pulling you into his arms. You knew it hurt but you couldn't bring yourself to follow after them.
"We should have dragged her home, Elijah."
"Then she would have been more angry, Niklaus. We can only hope she'll return to us."
"Better hope you didn't make a mistake Elijah." Klaus growled walking out of Elijah's study. Elijah looked at his drink frowning.
"I hope so too Niklaus."
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helnjk · 3 years
Stitching Together - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader 
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Requested: yes !! by my lovely bean marissa @lumos-barnes
please accept my humble request for a george x reader where the reader owns a shop in diagon alley and one day they walk into WWW and george knocks over a whole display, he is a complete SIMP & cannot compose himself. complete buffoonery when the reader is near. they become friends & do all these nice things for each other and the reader is oblivious like "george, i'm so lucky to be your friend" (even though the reader is secretly simping) and he's like "um what, i'm literally in love with you"
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of meals and drinks (coffee), but other than that it’s just pure fluff & Dumb Idiots In Love
A/N: somehow i always end up writing george knitting? idk how it happened, but it happened. i hope you like it marissa 🥺💕
You took a step back to admire your handiwork. 
After what seemed like neverending hours, the layout of your shop was finally perfect. From where you stood, you had a view of the streets of Diagon Alley, several passersby coming and goings from your sight. The display of charmed knit work by the window was already moving, demonstrating simple stitches that formed into a scarf. 
It had always been your dream to open up your own shop in the most prominent wizarding area of Britain, with your passion for knitting and crafting, but the timing had always been off. Now, about a year or so since the war had ended, your grandmother surprised you with the capital to make your dreams come true. 
The gesture was extra special because she was the one who first taught you how to knit. Many summers were spent in her cottage, sitting side by side and working on personal projects together. 
Outside, your sign read ‘Stitching Together: Grand Opening’. There were a few flyers posted right on the door and on the window advertising the different classes and crafting groups you were offering, as well as the different products that could be found in your store. 
It was as if your heart could burst at the sight of your fully furnished shop and you could wait no longer. With a flick of your wand, the sign on the door flipped to say open and that was that. 
“Hey Freddie, have you seen that new shop that’s opened down the street?” George yelled from the bottom of the stairs once the last customer of the day made their leave. 
“Haven’t gone in, but it’s gotten a lot of customers from what I can tell!” the disembodied voice of his twin replied from somewhere above. 
As he began the process of cleaning up and reshelving, products floating in midair or zooming towards their proper shelves, he called out once more, “What type of store is it d’you reckon?” 
“Arts and crafts? Something like that.” 
George’s eyes drifted towards the shop window, where he could just barely see the outline of the new store. Dusk had begun to set in London, so the sky was filled with brilliant hues of purple and orange. His curiosity getting the better of him, he decided that he would go welcome the new shop owner to Diagon Alley. 
With a shout to let his twin know where he was off to, George strode out of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and into the brisk weather. Luckily for him, Stitching Together was still open. He could see you bustling around inside, fixing displays and swishing your wand to tidy everything up.
It had only been around a month since your shop had opened, but the local wizard folk of London seemed to be very keen on buying the different things you sold. Many came around to purchase the instructional books and the different kinds of wool and yarn, and some of your regulars had even taken an interest in the classes you held weekly. It was a great way for you to get to know the community and to establish friendships. 
You had always taken note of the joke shop a few shops down from you, but with the hustle and bustle of just opening, you hadn’t had a chance to visit or introduce yourself to the owners. It was just your luck that one half of them pushed open the door to your shop, the little bell at the top of it ringing to indicate his presence. 
“Oh, hello!” you smiled, turning to face the redheaded man, “Welcome to Stitching Together, what could I help you with?” 
Unbeknownst to George, your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest. How could a man be so positively handsome you didn’t know, but at the sight of him standing by the door, all you could think about was how gorgeous he was. And he hadn’t even uttered a single word yet! 
The charming smile he sent your way did not help the heat you could feel creeping up your neck. “Just popping by to say hello and welcome to Diagon Alley! My twin and I run Wheezes just down the street,” he said. 
Your smile grew as he stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Oh I was just thinking about how I’ve been wanting to pay your shop a visit! I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“George Weasley at your service,” his hand was firm and warm as he shook yours, eyes sparkling with something you couldn’t quite name. “Nice to meet you!” 
“So tell me about your shop!” 
Somehow, after that evening, George Weasley snuck his way into becoming a part of your daily routine.
Every morning he would show up with two cups of coffee in hand right before your shop was set to open. After realizing that you depended on caffeine to function throughout your day, he made it a point to bring you one everyday. As you sipped on your coffees, the two of you would spend a few minutes chatting about your plans for the day before going to work. 
Whenever you would offer to pay for your own cup or even try to insinuate that you could get your own coffee in the morning, just so that he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble, he would stop you in your tracks.
“But George–”
“Nope!” he would say in a voice louder than yours. “I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I really feel for your customers who have to deal with a Y/N that hasn’t had her coffee fix. Could you imagine the grumpiness? Not on my watch!” 
You would roll your eyes, but secretly it warmed your heart how sweet this boy could be. He was slowly inching his way into your life and becoming a great friend. 
“So,” said Fred one day as George had gotten back from delivering your daily coffee, “The bird from the knitting shop, huh?” 
His twin only rolled his eyes in response, used to the teasing that came with being brothers (and twins) with Fred Weasley. Instead of engaging, George went instead to do the routine last check over their store before they officially opened their doors. Still, Fred couldn’t resist the temptation to continue provoking him. 
“Oi! C’mon, you bring her coffee everyday even if you don’t like the stuff. If I don’t remind you that you have a store to run, you would spend the whole day staring out the window just to catch a glimpse of the girl! Tell me you’re not whipped for her,” he teased, following George through the shop.
From their position at the till and on the second floor, both Verity and Lee tried to hide their smirks. This was too good a story to not eavesdrop on. 
“Come off it, Fred.” George rolled his eyes. “I’m just being a good friend, that’s all!” 
“Yeah but you wouldn’t mind being more than friends.” 
The cheeky wink Fred sent George was not appreciated, as the prior soon found out, having to duck away from a stinging hex. Still, Fred’s laugh rang through the semi-empty store as he ran away from his brother. 
Later in the day, as the lunch crowd tapered off, the four of them were left to mull around a bit. Lee and Verity were off taking stock in the back room, Fred was doing some accounting (because his twin couldn’t be trusted with any sort of math), and George was reshelving some Skiving Snackboxes. 
The bell above the door to the shop rang, but he couldn’t quite tell who came in from his position towards the back of the shop. 
“Welcome to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!” he yelled, rushing to get all the boxes in order before he could help the new customer, “I’ll be with you in just a second!” 
Just as he admired his handiwork, eyes scanning the display to make sure nothing was out of place, a familiar voice called from behind him, “It’s alright, take your time. I’m not looking for anything in particular.” 
George almost jumped out of his skin as he heard your voice. He was so surprised that as he turned to meet you, his elbow caught on the edge of one of the Snackboxes and the whole thing toppled over. 
You watched as the tower of boxes crumbled around him, and your hand automatically covered your mouth as you tried to contain your laughter. It didn’t work, though, and soon the whole store could hear your guffaws. 
Thankfully, George was a wizard, and what would’ve taken a muggle quite some time to fix, only took a quick flick of his wand. 
“Oops,” you smiled at him bashfully as he finished, “Didn’t mean to startle you, Weasley.”
“Erm, it-it’s alright,” he blushed, “I just didn’t expect you to come ‘round today.” 
In truth, the reason why George was so flustered at your appearance at his shop was because he had just spent most of the afternoon thinking about you. He often did that, getting lost in his thoughts about the many little things that made you, well, you. The deep breath you took before that first sip of coffee in the morning, revelling in the aroma. How your face lit up when you spoke about the different people you met in your classes. Your hands and how skillfully they worked whatever project you were creating at the moment. 
He wouldn’t admit it to Fred, but what his twin had said earlier in the day was accurate. He was absolutely smitten over you. 
“Well you’ve been a regular over at mine for the last couple of weeks, I’m just returning the favor and visiting my favorite redhead at his place of work!” 
“I-I,” he stuttered, his brain refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was your favorite anything. 
Fred, who had heard the commotion and had gone down to check if everything was okay, nearly face palmed as he watched George fumble through his words. The man was whipped for you, no doubt about it, and as a good twin, he decided to save his brother from further humiliation. 
“I think what my lovely twin here is trying to say, is that you just haven’t met enough redheads to make your decision about your favorite one,” he said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. “Fred Weasley, at your service!” 
Your smile immediately brightened at the sight of George’s twin holding out his hand for you to shake, “Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N, George’s told me loads about you!” 
“Has he?” Fred raised his eyebrow, turning to look at George who was still a little dumbstruck at the sight of you in his shop. “Well, that just means it’s my turn to spend some time with such a lovely lady. C’mon, I’ll give you a tour of the shop!”
“Oh I’d love that.” 
With a small glance and wave at George, you took the arm that Fred was holding out for you, and so began his (largely amusing) tour of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. 
“What in Merlin’s name was that!” yelled Fred the moment you left the shop. 
George groaned into his hands, embarrassment creeping back into him. He had acted a fool, unable to even mutter a single sentence to you the whole time you were around. 
“Mate, I have never seen you so flustered around a girl,” his twin muttered, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Just tell her you’ve got feelings for her! Ask her on a date, do something! From what I could tell, you’re not the only one who’s caught feelings.” 
“It’s not like that between us,” he said, “I doubt she even notices how much I fancy her.” 
Somehow, George wound up taking Fred’s advice. Though, in typical-George fashion, he never explicitly mentioned to you anything about the way he felt. 
Instead, he would stay around your shop longer in the mornings, taking slower than usual sips of his coffee (which he still couldn’t say he preferred over a good cup of tea). Other days, he would come around closing time and help put everything back in order and if he was lucky, the two of you would go out to dinner. Of course, he would also never let you pay a sickle for your meal, no matter how much you insisted. 
Weekends were usually spent together as well. 
Saturdays were for brunch and muggle films on the telly. It was one of the rare occasions he would drink a beverage in front of you that wasn’t that (god forsaken) coffee. 
Sundays were more for crafting together. He would floo into your flat after having lunch with his family and the two of you would continue working on his little project. 
“My mum loves to knit,” he mentioned one day, while he observed your quick hands skillfully moving the thread through your needles. “She knits us all sweaters for Christmas. It’s become a tradition of sorts.” 
“That’s lovely,” you smiled up at him.
“Yeah, anyone who’s practically family gets one too. Like Harry and Hermione,” he mused.
“I could teach you how to knit her something, if you wanted,” you offered. “It’d be something pretty simple though, especially if you’ve never knitted anything before.”
The smile he sent you was so dazzling, you had to take a moment. You were practically melting under his tender gaze and you swallowed thickly, trying to gain your composure. 
 “That’d be bloody brilliant, Y/N!” 
You only hoped he didn’t notice how your face got hot and how your hands couldn’t move the needles to do what you wanted, too flustered to be precise with your movements.
Since then, the two of you spent most of Sunday afternoons making sure George had the correct strings of yarn on the correct needle. You would keep a close eye on him and his progress, but most of the time he was alright on his own. Sometimes, he would purposely sit closer to you on your couch and you could practically feel the warmth radiating from him. 
In between knits, your eyes would drift towards his focused face and you would smile. George had a habit of poking the tip of his tongue out when he was knitting. Something about the gesture helped him concentrate, and you found it absolutely adorable.
The more time you spent together, though, the more confused George got. It was getting to a point where in his head, it was impossible to miss what he was trying to say with his actions. You had to have caught on by now. And, since you hadn’t acknowledged what was going on between the two of you, he had assumed that this was your polite way of rejecting him.  
On a chilly morning, he clutched the warm cups of coffee in his hands as he pushed the door to Stitching Together open with his back. 
“Morning, Y/N!” he greeted.
You grinned in his direction as he made his way towards you. The moment he placed the warm drink in your hands and you took your first sip, a small moan of gratefulness escaped your lips.
“Merlin, I don’t deserve you,” you mumbled to your cup. 
“Sorry?” George asked, brows furrowed slightly. 
“Oh nothing!” you quickly said, “I’m just really glad you’re my friend, Georgie.” 
The word seemed to make his heart sink down to his stomach and ignite something in him at the same time. It was time that he told you how he felt, no matter what would happen afterwards. He couldn’t keep going on pretending he wasn’t head over heels in love with you. 
“Erm, about that Y/N,” he began, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his work uniform, “I’ve got to tell you something.” 
It was now or never. 
You smiled up at him encouragingly, almost oblivious to the bundle of nerves that were most definitely visible in his expression. 
“I-I don’t want to be just friends, Y/N,” he said, lips pursed in anticipation.
“What do you want then?” you still didn’t understand what he was trying to say. 
In a burst of confidence, George took your hands in his and gripped them tightly, “I want to be with you. I fancy you loads, I think I might even be in love with you, Y/N. Honestly, I might’ve been in love with you from the moment I first walked into your shop.” 
Your lack of an immediate response left him to back track, “But I understand completely if you don’t feel the same way, I just wanted to get it out there.” 
For a moment, the two of you were silent. George eyed you nervously, wondering what was going on through your head, bracing himself for the rejection that he thought was on the tip of your tongue. 
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, “Y/N? Do you want me to go?” 
Instead of answering, you flung your arms around his neck. He was so startled at your sudden gesture that he almost didn’t notice your lips on his. Almost. 
As suddenly as you had kissed him, all of his apprehensions melted away. Almost automatically, his arms found themselves wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. Your lips melted together seamlessly. It was as if this was where the two of you were meant to be, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 
Sooner than you had liked, George pulled away from you slightly. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t help but dip his head down to peck your lips again. Once, twice, three times. This left you a giggly mess, your nose scrunching up in a way that was practically begging him to kiss it as well. 
“Does that mean you fancy me too?” he murmured against your lips. 
“Absolutely, head over heels,” you smiled in return. 
The pair of you spent a brief moment with your foreheads pressed together, giddy smiles on your faces. That was until a knock on the door of your shop sounded. Immediately, you sprung apart, a blush coating tip of George’s ears and cheeks. 
A few people stood outside, eyeing you amusedly. 
“Oh shit,” you said, hurrying to flip the sign on the door to say ‘open’ and to unlock the door with a flick of your wand. “I completely forgot I had a class today.” 
As the small group of people began to file inside, they sent knowing glances your way to which you only groaned softly and looked up at George.
“I’ll see you tonight?” you asked hopefully. 
With a kiss to your cheek and a mischievous grin he said, “You can count on it, love.” 
General taglist: @expectoevans @george-fabian-weasley @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles @harpyloon @nuttytani @mesmerisedangel @amourtentiaa @sarcasticallywitty15 @lumos-barnes
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies @pineapplesandpinas @papapapadumb @Mrs-g-weasley @a-castle-of--glass @hey-there-angels @leovaldez37 @pinkypurplemagic @werewolfslut @surprizeshawtyy
crossed out means i couldn’t tag you for some reason, sorry!
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birdgirl90 · 2 years
Tangled Threads: A Knit Lit Fanfic
Tangled Threads is a story about an Ace Reader who runs a yarn shop in a small town.  When a SHIELD base opens up nearby, it brings with it a tall god of mischief and the start of a new adventure. Filled with fluff, identity struggles, friendship, budding romance, and of course knitting, this story is self exploration and growth in the best way possible.
Updated weekly on AO3.
Find it here!
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golden-barnes · 3 years
First of many
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Summary: This is your first anniversary with Spencer. And it’s nerve racking.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X GN!Reader
Content/Warning: Just fluff cause I’m a softie. But a few curse words and mention of anxiety.
Word Count: 2,021
Author’s note: I wrote this for @homoose​ ��s creator challenge because I love her Spencer fics. I am so happy that you reached 2k, you deserve it and more. 
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Spencer was, scrolling through Netflix, while you were getting some snacks. He came across Pan’s Labyrinth, which was the first movie the two of you had ever watched. 
Very early on you had realized that Spencer hasn’t watched a lot of pop culture-relevant movies and that’s when you decided that they would have mini movie marathons to get him caught up. Spencer smiled at the memory that was in the first months of your relationship. And then it hit him, like a bag of bricks. 
Their first anniversary was coming up. Real soon. Like in two weeks soon. How could Spencer forget? He had an eidetic memory. It’s just that everything was just so fast and nice, that it seems like time passed him by and he didn’t even notice. He didn’t have to stress about anything, everything came naturally between you two. 
Yes, there were ups and downs. Spencer is a stubborn man and you can be even more stubborn. He would try to protect you by closing off, you would call him out on it. He had his bad days and you had her bad days too, but would always talk it out and resolve it.
He loved you with all his might and you had made this year incredible. He felt at home when he was with you. He never imagined being able to feel this love for a singular person. And he was excited to show you. 
One problem though; this was the first time one of his relationships has lasted more than a few months. He didn’t know how to start. He didn’t know the proper etiquette for anniversaries. Hell, he had never read any literature about how to celebrate an anniversary. Fuck, what was he going to do? 
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, while waiting for the popcorn to be done to get back to cuddling with your boyfriend, You had an inkling that you were missing something. It was like an itch you couldn’t scratch. You grabbed your phone to see if there was anything that would help you remember. But nothing. You still felt something wasn’t right. That’s when you saw it.
You knew you weren’t going to remember, you didn’t have Spencer’s memory. You wrote it on your calendar that was on the fridge. It was right there, with a red heart around the day and everything. Fuck.
Your anniversary was coming up. And you had no idea what to do. But that wasn’t the most stressful thing about the entire thing. It was that it was a reminder that you were Spencer’s longest relationship and this was the first time he has ever lasted a year with someone.
Spencer told you in the beginning about his woes and struggles with dating and being in a relationship. You found it adorable how nervous he was trying to figure out how to manage these relationship things. You even heard him talking to Derek and Luke one night to get advice. 
Thankfully, he was much more comfortable now and realized that he just had to be himself. But those first months were filled with you reassuring Spencer that he didn’t have to change or anything. That you loved him just the way he was.
That’s why you wanted to make this day special for Spencer. To celebrate that you have overcome multiple obstacles and are still together, one year later. To show him that he was the best boyfriend you could ever wish for. But, how can you do that? How can you make this the perfect day for the certified genius that was sitting in the living room? 
Out of all his friends, he knew only one of them could help him. Someone with the creativity, the passion for love, and the knowledge of you and that was Miss Penelope Garcia. Before he could even finish his sentence, she already knew what to do. 
She grabbed a piece of paper off her desk and started to scribble some words down. 
“Okay, boy wonder, you will meet me here after your last class. I will not accept any excuses. ” She gave Spencer a piece of paper. He smiled at his friend.
“Oh, I’m not done yet, mighty professor. How do you feel about shopping?” Spencer’s eyes widened. Shopping with Garcia wasn’t an easy thing, or so he heard from JJ.
“Hey, Reid! What are you doing here?” Luke said, poking his head from the door. 
“I- uhm. My classes are later in the day and I wanted to ask Garcia something.” Spencer told his friend, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Luke smiled at the brunet and turned his attention to Garcia. 
“It’s Spencer and Y/N anniversary in a couple of weeks and we are gonna help our beautiful genius.”  She said with the biggest smile. Luke laughed at Spencer’s confusion.
“Oh, this gonna be so much fun.” Garcia clapped.
You, on the other hand, were on a phone call with Emily ranting about it. You had no idea how to start. You knew what you were going to get him, sorta. Okay, you thought about one thing. But it wasn’t enough. It didn’t feel like enough.
“Y/N, calm down.” Emily laughed.
“Emily! Please, I need your help.” You groaned while Emily let another laugh. 
“How about a picnic?” She suggested.
“I don’t know. He probably won’t like the grass being close to the food. And then there’s all the people at the park. I don’t think Spencer would enjoy all the germs there must be. ” You rubbed your eyes, stressing out.
“Well, picnics don’t have to be in parks.” And that, folks, is why in Emily Prentiss we trust. You both started scheming to make this the best anniversary ever.
It wasn’t a competition but not even an unbiased jury of profilers and behavior specialists can decipher which one of you two was more nervous. 
On one hand, we had Spencer checking his gift that he put in the backseat so you wouldn’t be able to peak. His head wasn’t even in the conversation you were trying to form, keyword trying. He just felt his hands getting clammy. His heart was in his throat, not literally but he felt it. He had never done something like this.
Then, on the other hand, we had you. Gripping the steering wheel as if someone was going to rip it from you. You were trying to calm yourself down by talking with Spencer but he kept looking over his shoulder, staring at the gift he got you. He said he wasn’t gonna show it to you till you reached your destination. The minute you saw a big purple gift bag, you felt your heart stop. But also your brain starts to run. What if he didn’t like your gifts? 
You parked in front of the location and turned off the car. Spencer gave you a soft smile and grabbed your hand. He kissed it and rubbed the place where he planted the kiss.
“What was that for?” You giggled. 
“No reason. Just because I love you.” He gave you a wink. You grabbed his face and pulled him in for a soft kiss.
“C’mon, sweetie. Let’s go.” You opened your car door and headed out. You entered the place, trying to set out everything.
“You can do this, Reid.” Spencer took a deep breath, grabbed the gift, and headed to where you were. 
Spencer knocked on the door and quickly you opened it. You gave him a smile and let him in. Spencer gasped.
“Ta-da!” It was an art gallery, filled with brand new paintings and unknown artists. But in the middle of the room, there was a blanket, a light candle, and a picnic basket. 
“What? I- How did you do this?" Spencer couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was just too overwhelming.
"Well, Emily Prentiss has friends in high places. And one of them just so happened to own this gallery." You explained, grabbing his hands leading him to the blanket. "So what do you think?" 
"I love it so much! It's- Woah." Spencer was speechless. His eyes were sparkling with love. He couldn't believe it.
"Did I just render doctor Spencer Reid speechless?" You joked, Spencer rolled his eyes.
"You know it's not that difficult for you." You smiled at his words. Spencer remembered his gift and started to scratch his neck nervously. How could he top this? What he didn’t realize is that you are still nervous.
"Do you- uhm- want to have your gift right now?" He grabbed the purple gift bag, clenching it close to his heart. 
“Well if you want to.” You said, trying to ease his discomfort. 
“I mean you already gave me my present and it was spectacular. It’s only fair and just that I give you yours. Obviously, if you want to wait it’s fine by me. Or if you don’t want it till we get home, I understand. I-” Spencer rambled, before being cut off by you.
“Spence, hey, calm down. First of all, this isn’t your only gift.” You stated. Spencer looked at you strangely. 
“Woah, it’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but this is enough. I mean look at this. This is incredible. I can’t believe you did this. I love everything about it. It’s the best way to have a picnic. ” He exclaimed. You chuckled at your boyfriend’s excitement. 
“It’s just a small thing. Don’t worry about it. Now.” You made grabby hands at him, and he laughed while giving you the gift. You opened the bag to see a familiar color purple ball of yarn, a box, and a little book.
“I know you like my purple scarf and since I take it to cases sometimes, so I made you one.” You pulled the scarf out of the bag.
“How?” You gasped. 
“Garcia took me to this recreational center she volunteers at and they had a knitting class. I don’t know, it just made sense.” Spence explained. 
“It’s even warmer than yours.” You said putting it around your neck. Spencer’s heart clenched. “Wait, there’s more. Right.” You pulled the box out of the bag and opened it. It was a simple gold necklace with an S on it. You gasped at the gift. 
“Spencer, I-” “That’s not all. Look at the book.” It was a simple leather small letter notebook. You gave Spencer a look, to which he responded by giving you a reassuring smile.
You opened it to see Spencer’s writing on the first page. 
Whenever you are feeling sad, lonely, or need a pick me up, read a page from this book.
With love, Spencer 
“They are a collection of love letters. Or messages meant to be in love letters, to you.” He said softly.
“Oh, Spencer!.” You pulled into a hug. He gripped you tightly. You pulled away and started peppering kisses all over his face.
“I love you so much.” You said, grabbing his face. He smiled. Something Spencer loved was when you hold his face in your hands. It made him feel safe and loved.
“And I love you.” He leaned in and kissed you. You pulled away first and gave him a smile.
“‘Now time for your present.” You opened the basket to pull out a box. Spencer grabbed the box out of your hands and started to take off the gift wrap. Spencer gasped, his eyes almost bulging out of his skull.
“You didn’t.” He said his eyes never leaving the book in his hands. You chuckled. Spencer had recently been going through all of his mom’s scrapbooks. And you would sit in his lap while he explained every picture and every article. It was like a therapeutic thing. So you decided you wanted to make one for you guys. 
“Oh but I did.” You winked at him. He went through the pictures with tears in his eyes. A year’s worth of memories, right there. He noticed there were a couple of blank pages.
“For the years to come.” You said softly. 
“For the years to come.” Spencer repeated.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Her Matching Pair of Socks - George Weasley
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Title: Her Matching Pair of Socks Pairing: George x Fem!Reader, Adrian Pucey x Fem!Reader (ish, not really) Summary: George will always protect Y/N, even if it means confronting his true feelings . A/N: for the anon who wanted George being overprotective of the reader who was being teased!! The house of the reader is unspecified b/c it truly doesn’t matter but I pictured her as a Hufflepuff as I wrote, please do with that what you will haha. Feedback is always welcome!!! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​ @thefifthweasley 
“George? George?” Y/N asks, waving her hand in front of his face. She giggles as his eyes seem to refocus on the world and he smiles at her. “Were you listening to anything I just said?”
George nods as he searches his brain, trying to see if any part of it retained any of the things Y/N had been talking about just a second ago while he’d been daydreaming. Y/N is magnetic. She has warm eyes, a kind smile and the biggest heart George has ever seen. She draws people in with one look, and once she’s captured them they have no chance of getting away; not that they’d want to. Unfortunately for George this means he rarely gets a moment alone with her, which is something he so desperately craves. Y/N has been the star of George’s thoughts since the first moment they met when she had quite literally saved his ass.
He and Fred had just pulled a prank on a few Slytherins and were running away from Snape. They had split up at some point, and as George ran away he could hear Snape gaining on him. George was sure he was about to be caught when a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him into an empty classroom. Y/N had simply placed her finger over her mouth and winked at him, and as soon as Snape ran by their hiding spot she’d burst out in a fit of giggles. George had never heard anything so beautiful, and he sat there with her for hours, sometimes talking, but mostly just watching her knit. Y/N is sunshine encapsulated, and George could have sat there for days, basking in her rays of light and warmth.
Fred had found him eventually and dragged him back to the Gryffindor common room, and George worried that he’d never see her again. But the next morning at breakfast the hat she had been knitting was sitting in his usual spot waiting for him, and when his eyes met hers across the Hall she winked. From that moment on George has been caught in Y/N’s magnetic field, constantly swirling around her but never quite connecting the way he wants.
“Were you? Then what did I say?” she questions with a grin, one of her eyebrows raising.
George’s heart melts and he leans in closer to her, resting his chin on his hand. “I’m sorry, love. I wasn’t giving you the attention you deserve. Tell me again.”
Y/N rolls her eyes playfully and puts her knitting needles down so she can ruffle George’s hair. “That’s okay, Georgie. It wasn’t that important anyway. What’s on your mind?”
“Just this Transfiguration assignment,” he lies. George isn’t quite sure why he hasn’t shared his true feelings with Y/N, and it’s not as if he hasn’t tried either. There have been quite a few times when his confession was resting on the tip of his tongue, but each time someone ended up being drawn to Y/N and stole her attention away. “McGonagall’s really giving it to us this term.”
“Maybe your assignments would be easier to handle if you didn’t wait until the last minute to do them?” Y/N suggests with a wink.
George’s heart flutters in his chest and he has to take a deep breath to calm himself down. “Ah yes, but if I didn’t leave my homework until the day before it was due then who would sit here with you and keep you company while everyone else is outside soaking up the last of the weekend?” George is sure that anyone Y/N asked for companionship would drop everything to sit with her, and he feels honored that she always chooses him.
“Now how can I argue with that?” she teases, picking her needles up once again.
Watching Y/N knit is one of George’s favorite pastimes. She’s tried to teach him a few times, but he always ends up just creating a big knot of yarn and using the needles as drumsticks. The way her fingers move mesmerizes George to no end and he loves watching whatever she’s making start to take form before his eyes. More often than not whatever she’s making somehow always ends up in George’s possession, not that he’s complaining. So far this school year he’s added two new jumpers, three hats, a scarf and half a dozen pairs of socks to his wardrobe. Every item radiates the same warmth Y/N does, and on days where he can’t have her to himself he puts something on and when he closes his eyes it’s as if she’s right there with him.
“Whatcha makin?” George asks, completely abandoning any attempt at finishing his homework. McGonagall will probably be shocked that he did any of it at all, and he doesn’t want to put her into an early grave by actually finishing it.
“A sweater,” she responds sweetly, not looking up from her work. “And before you ask, no it’s not for you,” she chuckles and gestures towards the skein of yarn she’s using. “Though you may recognize the yarn.”
The yarn Y/N is using is a soft lilac color with glitter interwoven throughout the soft strands and George recognizes it because he’s the one who bought it. He and Fred had ventured into Diagon Alley a few days before Christmas to check out the space they were thinking about opening their joke shop in, and the yarn had caught George’s attention from a window display. He spent quite a bit of money buying every skein the store had, but it was all worth it to him. Lilac is Y/N’s favorite color, and George would do just about anything to see her smile. He gave it to her on the first day back from break a few weeks ago, and he can practically still feel how tightly she had hugged him.
“Does look kinda familiar, I bet a world class bloke gave that to you,” he jokes. Y/N laughs, and it makes George’s stomach feel queasy.
“Best bloke I know anyway,” she compliments with a wink.
George can feel his cheeks heating up, and he’s thankful for the distraction when students start to pour into the Great Hall for dinner. He sighs heavily and starts to pack his homework up, disappointed that his time with Y/N is already coming to an end. “See you in class tomorrow?”
Y/N nods as she stands up, gathering her latest project into her arms. “Most definitely, Georgie.” She leans over and boops him on the nose, before turning away and heading towards her house table.
“Hello lover boy,” Fred greets suddenly.
George jumps, having been too focused on Y/N to notice his brother’s sudden presence. He glares at Fred as he plops into the seat next to George, and he smacks him on the chest. “Screw off.” Suddenly the tables in the Great Hall fill with everything needed for dinner, and George starts piling his plate with food. “You get everything we need?”
Fred nods as he does the same as his brother. “Oh yeah. We’ve got enough Chinese gun powder to level all of England. It’ll be delivered to the store next weekend. We can apperate to Diagon Alley from Hogsmeade to meet the delivery person.”
“Wicked,” George responds, a glint of mischief in his eye. Fred had used the secret passageway into Honeydukes basement to meet a guy who deals with explosives at the Hogshead Inn. They’re starting to put their plans together for their joke shop, and the first step has been to find decent suppliers so they can start producing some stock. “You take care of the other stuff I asked?”
Fred rolls his eyes and hands George a bag from Honeydukes. “Yes, you big softie. I got everything on the list, don’t you worry.”
“Thanks, prat.” George takes the bag from Fred and peers inside to make sure he actually did pick up everything George requested. Y/N’s sweet tooth is one of George’s favorite things about her and he’s always sure to have a stash of her favorites on hand at all times. “Where’s my change?”
Fred grins and pats his pocket. “Consider it my fee so you could spend the day staring at Y/N inside the warm castle, while I tread through a dark underground tunnel.”
“Whatever, drama queen,” George huffs with an eyeroll. He puts the bag down and starts to eat, turning his attention to Y/N. She’s sitting with her friends talking happily, and George can feel his heart rate increase as a smile spreads across his face. But just as quickly as it appears it vanishes, when Adrian Pucey comes up behind Y/N and taps her on the shoulder. He watches her nod as they talk, and when Adrian walks away he looks way too smug with himself.
“That didn’t look good,” Fred comments, nudging George with his elbow.
George shrugs, trying to seem like his stomach isn’t churning with dread. “You know how Y/N is. People like talking to her. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“What did Adrian want yesterday?” George asks Y/N the following evening, trying to sound casual. They’re sitting in the library working on a Potions assignment, and it seems like there has been a never ending stream of people approaching them to speak with Y/N. He’s been dying to ask her about Adrian, but he wanted to wait until they were alone.
Y/N bites her lip as she looks up at George. “He asked me on a date, actually. To Hogsmeade next weekend.”
“Oh,” George says softly. His stomach has dropped into the floor and it feels like he was punched in the chest. “What did you say?”
“I told him that I would think about it.” Y/N gives George a look and there’s an unreadable expression on her face. “Do you think I should say yes?”
The tips of George’s ears feel like they’re on fire, and he has to put his quill down so he can wipe his sweaty palms off on his school trousers. What he wants to say is no, that she should go with him to Hogsmeade instead, and then lean forward and kiss her. But instead he shrugs and says, “If you want to, I guess.”
“Oh, okay,” Y/N responds quietly, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. “Thanks, I guess.”
George refocuses his attention on his homework for once, hoping that the sound of his heart pounding in his chest isn’t audible.
The next day by lunch time word has gotten to George that Y/N agreed to go on a date with Adrian. It makes his chest feel hollow, and he avoids her gaze at all costs. He avoids her in the hallways and when she asks to study with him in the library George brushes her off, claiming that he already has plans with Fred. He can tell that she’s upset, and it breaks George’s heart as he walks away.
He’s never been jealous over Y/N before. Even though he craves her presence and would give anything to spend every moment of every day with her, George has never minded sharing her with others. He’s spent countless hours with Y/N where they never even speak because her attention is captured by other people. Whether it’s people catching her in a casual conversation, or someone who takes a seat with them for a deeper interaction. George has always been content to just sit there and watch her face light up as she talks about whatever topic is at hand. Even if he’s not around Y/N, he loves to watch her from across the room as she talks to people. He finds everything she does absolutely adorable, and Fred often teases him for how hard he swoons.
But the thought of Y/N being alone with Adrian fills his chest with so much jealousy it feels like he’s drowning in it. He knows he has no right to be jealous, he’s never shared his romantic feelings with Y/N, and she isn’t his girlfriend or even a girl he’s casually dated. She’d even asked his opinion on whether she should accept. And instead of doing the smart thing and just telling her how he feels, he’d basically brushed her off.
As much as George wants to avoid Y/N, he’s still stuck in her orbit, so on Wednesday afternoon during break he parts ways with Fred and heads over to Y/N. “Got room for one more?” he asks, grinning down at her. Y/N moves over but doesn’t say anything. George frowns as he sits down. “What’s got you down, clown?”
Y/N cracks the faintest smile before she lets it fall from her features. “Just wasn’t sure you were talking to me is all. You haven’t been around lately.”
“I’m around now,” George points out, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve just been a bit busy with Fred is all. You’re still my number one girl.” George’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest as he raises up one of his pantlegs. “I wouldn’t be rockin’ these bad boys if you weren’t.”
Y/N giggles as she looks at George’s sock, shoving him playfully. It’s neon pink and is truly the most offensive piece of clothing she’s ever seen. The yarn had been left over from a Christmas present she made for a young cousin a few years ago, and Y/N needed to use it up somehow. She originally planned on leaving them in her sock drawer for a few months before donating them to a charity, but the second George saw them he nabbed them from her, and he’s worn them quite a few times sense.
“They look wonderful, Georgie. Though I think it’s best you keep them hidden, they clash terribly with your Gryffindor tie and your fiery hair.” Y/N reaches up and tugs on a strand of George’s hair and he can feel his blood pressure spike.
“Well in that case.” George leans down and rolls up the cuff of both his pant legs, so a few inches of the socks are visible. “How do I look?”
“Ravishing,” Y/N says with a laugh.
It’s the most beautiful sound George has ever heard, and it sends a shiver down his spine. “Bet you wished you kept these for yourself now, don’t ya?”
Before Y/N can respond, one of her other friends swoops in to talk to her about her upcoming date with Adrian, and George sneaks away to avoid the heart break.
“Are you excited for your date?” Y/N’s friend Emily asks as they head towards the entrance to the castle.
Y/N nods happily, letting her eyes scan the crowd of people heading out of the castle. She gets her hopes up when she spots a shock of ginger hair bobbing above the crowd, but they evaporate when the person turns around and it turns out to be Fred. Y/N hasn’t seen George in three days, and his absence has been driving her crazy. She’s friendly with everyone but only has a few true friends, and she considers George to be one of them. She would even consider George to be her best friend, and it feels weird to not have spoken to him in a few days.
“What are you guys going to do?” Emily asks, pulling Y/N’s attention back to the present.
“Just have some butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, hang out, talk. Nothing too super crazy. I don’t really know Adrian that well, so I think it’ll give us a nice chance to get to know each other.”
Y/N had agreed to meet Adrian there, so when her and Emily reach Hogsmeade a few minutes later, she parts from her with a wave and heads right into the pub. She grabs a drink at the bar before settling in at a table in the back corner. When Adrian is 5 minutes late Y/N brushes it off, figuring that he got caught up leaving the castle or lost track of time. When he’s 30 minutes late, Y/N has already ordered another drink, figuring that he’ll be there any minute. And when he doesn’t show up after an hour Y/N decides to throw the towel in and head back to the castle.
Y/N feels emotionally drained as she makes her way back up towards Hogwarts, and she blinks back a few tears. Even though she’s not particularly interested in Adrian romantically, it had felt nice to be asked out and she truly was looking forward to getting to know him more. She always gives anyone who wants it a piece of her day, and Adrian not showing up make her feel as if she’s been taken advantage of. Her plan is to try and forget this ever happened until dinner that evening.
Y/N turns around when she feels something hit her in the back of the head, and when she turns around she can see Adrian, Marcus Flint and Theodore Knott laughing amongst themselves. There’s a piece of balled up parchment on the ground, and Y/N tries to ignore their stares as she leans down to pick it up.
How was the butterbeer? Lonely?
Y/N’s cheeks feel like they’re on fire, and she quickly turns back into her seat, shoving the piece of parchment into her pocket. She forces her tears away as she tries to get back into the conversation going on around her, unable to stop herself from searching George out in the crowd.
For the next week it seems everywhere she goes Adrian, Marcus and Theo are following a few paces behind. They never directly talk to her, but they talk about her loud enough for her to hear.
“Can’t believe she actually thought I wanted to go out with her!”
“How pathetic. I can’t believe it took her over an hour to realize you weren’t going to show up! What a moron.”
“She’s such a weirdo, no wonder she has no actual friends.”
It doesn’t help that George seems to be avoiding her as well. He doesn’t pass her stupid little notes in class anymore and when their eyes lock across the Great Hall he immediately looks away instead of giving her a cheeky grin. Every time she tries to ask him to come sit with her in the library he turns the other way in the hall before she catches him, and when she catches a peak of him and Fred outside pelting snowballs at Ron, he’s wearing his Gryffindor beanie, instead of one of her knit caps.
She misses George like crazy. He’s one of the only people who doesn’t want something from her. Most people only spend time with Y/N when they need to vent or ask her a question. George is the only person who is content with just sitting there with her in silence while they do their homework, or she knits. She could sit in silence with George for hours and just exist, so having him gone while also being tormented by Adrian and his gang has left Y/N with a deep ache in her chest and a pit of loneliness in her stomach.
Avoiding Y/N has to be the hardest thing George has ever done, and he once spent a week with his Great Aunt Tessie when he was 8. He craves her presence, but the thought of hearing about Adrian endlessly makes his stomach churn. Watching Y/N’s face fall every time he dodged her absolutely broke George’s heart, but he can’t stand to see someone else make her happy.
“You think she’s going to cry?”
George grimaces when he’s brought from his thoughts of Y/N and notices that Adrian and his goons are a few feet in front of him. Most of the school is in the Great Hall having dinner, but George didn’t feel like eating. Y/N had spent most of Transfiguration trying to get George’s attention, and ignoring her has left his stomach queasy.
“Reckon she might with how soft she is. Bet she’s cried herself to sleep every night this week.”
He has no idea who they’re talking about and he figures they’re tormenting some first year who is walking ahead of them. George is a little too far behind them to see who it is, but he decides to follow them anyway, in case he needs to intervene.
“What a stupid girl.”
Adrian’s words cut George deep. How could Y/N be interested in someone like him? George clenches his fist and starts to walk faster to catch up with them. He’s been wanting to smack Adrian and his smug face since the day he asked Y/N out, and this seems like a perfect excuse.
“Will you leave me alone!” Y/N shouts, and George’s blood runs cold. Her voice is shaky, and George knows that if she’s not already crying she will be soon.
Adrian, Marcus and Theodore stop in their tracks and cackle, and the sound makes George even angrier.
“Aw, poor pathetic Y/N has finally managed to stand up for herself. How cute,” Adrian taunts.
Y/N sniffles, and George can feel anger swell up in his chest. “Standing me up wasn’t enough for you, was it? Now you have to torment me about it too? Is that why you asked me out? So you could be mean to me?”
“Why else would someone ask you out? You’re not worth anyone’s time.”
George reaches them then, and he grips is wand tightly in one hand while the other grips the collar of Adrian’s shirt. He pulls him back sharply, causing Marcus and Theodore to take a few steps back as well. George takes one look at Y/N’s tear stained face and lets the anger in his chest consume him completely. “Leave her the fuck alone,” he spits, turning to face Adrian.
“Shove off, Weasley. Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something,” Adrian seethes, squaring up against George.
“Not anymore you prick.” George can hear Y/N crying, and he moves slightly to shield her behind his back. “Now get lost before I make you.” Adrian takes a step forward and George raises his wand, pressing the tip of it to Adrian’s throat. “Unless you want to end up in the Hospital Wing for the next three weeks I suggest you move along.” George’s jaw is clenched, and his voice is deep and dark. George doesn’t move until they disappear down the hall. Only then does he drop his wand and turn around to hug Y/N.
Y/N presses her face into George’s chest and lets out a few more tears. “Thank you, George,” she mumbles.
“Of course, love. I will always be there for you, you know that.” George squeezes her tighter and resists his urge to kiss the top of her head. Instead he rests his chin there, and his eyes flutter closed as he soaks in her warmth. “How long have they been bothering you?” George asks quietly when he starts to feel like himself again.
“Since last Saturday, after Adrian stood me up.” Y/N pulls away from George’s chest so she can look up at him. “How come you’ve been ignoring me, Georgie? I’ve missed you so much.”
George’s heart breaks, and he brings a hand up to wipe away the last few tears from her cheeks. “I’ve missed you too, Y/N. I was being an idiot, like usual.” He takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s about to say. “I’ve liked you Y/N, for as long as I’ve known you. And after Adrian asked you out I got so unbelievably jealous that I couldn’t be around you, I couldn’t hear you talk about your date with him and how excited you were because just the thought of him being alone with you made me want to throw up.”
Y/N bites her lip as she considers what to say next. “You’d do anything for me George, right?”
“Of course, Y/N. Anything,” George confirms, cupping her cheek gently.
“Kiss me,” she breathes.
George hesitates for a second before he leans down and presses their mouths together softly. Their lips move together slowly, and George can feel his head spinning. His knees shake when they pull apart, and when George looks into Y/N’s eyes they shine brighter than the sun.
“Nice sweater,” George compliments as Y/N joins him in that Great Hall that Sunday. She giggles and does a little twirl for him and George feels like he’s soaring through the air.
“Thank you, my boyfriend gave me the yarn I used to make it.” Y/N leans over the table to press a kiss to George’s cheek before taking the seat across from him. She digs around in her bag for a moment before pulling out a pair of socks, knit from the same lilac material as her sweater.
“For me?” George asks, giving her a bright smile. He takes them from her excitedly and kicks off his shoes so he can pull them on.
Y/N laughs as George bring one of his feet up to show off the lilac sock, letting the glitter in the yarn shine. “Of course. What’s a sweater without a pair of matching socks?”
George leans over and kisses Y/N gently. “I’m always down to be your matching pair of socks.”
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 years
Imagine being Sirius’s daughter {Part 3}
Part one
Part two
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-Remus never told you that he still believed your father was guilty, his heart was in a state of heartbreak whenever he would look at you, your eyes filled with hope that you could somehow set him free. Remus wanted so desperately to have your blind, bias belief, I mean what little girl wants to believe her dad was a spy for the enemy and was responsible for the death of most of your family, which was the only reason he couldn’t forgive Sirius for his crimes.
-You and the boys wrote each other daily during the winter break.
-On Christmas Remus surprised you with a book by Lockheart, “Everyone says he is very popular amongst the female readers.”
“He also is a fiction writer, I mean there is no way that someone with a face like his could be the smartest ravenclaw there ever was.”
-Remus chuckled at your response, and then surprised you with a trip to Hogwarts, his backpack filled with presents from you both. When you arrived in Dumbledore’s office you immediately wanted to go find Hagrid, to which the two men stated was okay, “We will meet you at his hut shortly.” Dumbledore answered as you raced from the office towards the spiral stairs.
“I know that look Remus, what is on your mind?”
“You promised me he would never get in contact with her while she was here.” His voice was low
“I did, and I have...”
“He has been writing her since she arrived Albus, and now I just had to tell my daughter that he has been writing to her constantly! I had to look my daughter in the eyes and lie to her that I believed her father was innocent. How can I believe a man who betrayed his friends, who murdered them all, almost got his own godson killed, and not once thought about his incredibly smart, talented, humble, compassionate little girl? I wanted to avoid this Albus, but it seemed I can not trust anyone but my daughter.”
“Your daughter?” Albus asked, Remus hadn’t even realized he kept calling you his daughter, normally he would just call you his niece, or by name. His eyes softened towards the headmaster as he hissed, “Well she might as well be.”
-Dumbledore reassured him that Sirius posed no real threat to you or him, “He is locked away in a cell, never to be freed again.”
-When they went to the Hut with McGonnagall, and some of the other professors, when they opened the door, they saw you sitting on the couch opposite the armchair, your coat discarded, revealing your maroon and gold stripped sweater. A mug was in between your hands, whip cream towering over the top of it as you looked at Hagrid, who was telling you a story about Bowtruckles. Your giggles filled the small space as they all filed into the room. That’s when Hagrid turned around and stood, ready to prepare hot chocolate for everyone, as Remus pushed by and sat beside you on the couch.
-The day after Christmas you went to Diagon Alley to try to find a good gift for Fred. You searched high and low, but nothing stood out to you. That was until you saw the window display of the Quality Quidditch Supplies.
“Uncle Mooney, how realistic would it be to hex my bag with the Undetectable Extension Charm?”
-Quite, why?”
“Because I think I found the gift I want to get Fred.” You answered with a smile before opening the shop door.
-One night while Remus was sipping his tea, he looked up at you, curled up at the end of the sofa, reading a book in one of your oversized sweaters, the glow of the fire illuminated your face, as your tea sat beside you, “You know who you look like right now?”
“Your niece?”
“No, you look just like your Aunt Lily. I mean she was a bookworm, intelligent witch, who was somehow involved with the pranksters of Gryffindor.”
“I’m glad.” You smiled, before Remus smiled, a ping of sadness overcoming him as he missed his friends... the only real family he ever had. You could tell he was off suddenly, and looking at him as he sipped his tea again you asked, “Uncle Mooney, tell me about your time at Hogwarts?”
-You both stayed up most of the night, chuckling at the stories he told. By the time you went to bed, the fire was down to just glowing embers, both of your teas cold, but you were happy, and that night you both slept in until noon.
-When the full moon occurred you went to Hagrid’s hut, and spent the day with him walking in the forbidden forest in the snow.
-When you left to go back to Hogwarts, you looked at your uncle on the station, “Uncle Mooney?”
“Yes Love?”
“No more secrets okay, I mean I would hope you trust me enough to tell me anything, cause I certainly trust you.”
-Of course Love.” He smiled before pulling you in for a hug, and handing you a chocolate bar, “For the journey.”
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-When you found the booth that the twins and Lee were hiding in your whole face lit up, and you were quick to slip in next to Fred as they all were laughing at the story of how Fred and George turned Percy’s hair pink by adding some of their mom’s herbs to his shampoo, and how it backfired when everyone’s had turned pink.
-Once the train started to move however you smiled, “Okay, so shall we exchange?”
-In a circle you each gave your gifts one by one, Fred got Lee, Lee got George, George had gotten you, and you had gotten Fred. You decided to go in the same order you drew names, meaning Fred went first.
-Fred reached in his bag and pulled out a rectangular box, and handed it over to you, “Here, I hope you like it.”
When you opened it, you noticed the dull blue of the tissue paper, and slowly pulled it back to reveal the knitted yarn, the collar was a pastel purple color, while the rest of the sweater was a minty green, your first initial in the same pastel purple. As you held it up, you couldn’t suppress a smile, “I love it.”
-George got Lee the same present, except his was Gryffindor colors.
-Both boys were estact that you liked their gifts.
-Lee handed George a box, and when he opened it, it was filled to the brim with all different sorts of candy. However when he reached inside he withdrew a gameboy.
“The muggles use it to play video games, I figured it might be an interesting gift, and something your dad would love to learn about.”
-Once it was your turn you smiled towards Fred, “You can’t be mad.”
“How could I ever be mad at you?” He chuckled as you smiled wide, before opening your charmed bag and reaching all the way into it, the boys eyes widening as you exclaimed, “Got it.”
-The package was as neatly wrapped as it could be, the paper was a matte blue, with a green ribbon on top. Using both hands you extended it towards Fred, “I figured if you and Georgie were going to someday be real quidditch players, you might as well have a good broom.”
-When he unwrapped it, he was blown away to see the Comet 260, his hands slightly going over the wood as he admired it. However he stopped for a moment at the handle, “Why did you engrave a G in it?”
“Oh bloody hell, that one was meant for George, give me a second.” You exclaimed reaching back in to pull out another one, this time wrapped in orange paper with a yellow bow, “This one is yours Freddie, I mean I couldn’t get one brother a broom and not the other.”
“You got a present in there for me too?” Lee joked as you reached in and withdrew a box wrapped in green paper, which held a box microphone. “Of course.” However they didn’t see the second small box you withdrew, and as George and Lee admired the Gameboy, you gently tapped Fred on the leg, “Here’s one more gift, and I promise, it isn’t another broom.”
- As he opened it, he noticed it was also charmed with the Undetectable expansion charm. Reaching inside he withdrew a Jersey, which was maroon and gold, and had the snitch embroidered onto it.
“Figured you could be the most official looking player when you match up with your siblings.” You whispered
“You really didn’t have to.” He replied, tears in his eyes as you rested your chin on his shoulder, “No, but what are friends for, we are supposed to support each other’s dreams.”
-After that, you and Fred were always close, Lee used to joke that he liked hanging out with you far more than his own twin brother.
-About a month after arriving, at the feast table Albus leaned over to McGonagall, “10 Galleons says that Fred and [Y/N] are dating by their seventh year?”
“I say it will be by their fifth year.” She replied, before reaching her hand out to shake on it
-You never told the boys you knew who created the map, nor did you tell your father that George and Fred were using it to prank students and staff during the school year.
-Sirius wrote you once a week.
- You were in all the same classes as the boys, and it made it so much easier for you to help them with homework. The boys were pretty bright, however they would sometimes get carried away thinking about who to prank and how. Occasionally you would chime in, but most times you would just chuckle and shake your head.
-Percy always looked at you and asked how you could be friends with people like his younger brothers, to which you always gave a witty response. The responses would always cause Fred and George to laugh.
-One night Lee looked at you, both of the twins were running late to dinner, meaning it was just you and Lee for a while. Knowing that the food would disappear probably before the boys made it to the Great Hall, you made a plate for both boys, and made sure to grab an extra pudding for Fred.
“You never get me an extra pudding?” Lee faked whined as you raised an eyebrow, “Lee, I literally gave you my pudding yesterday.” 
-When the boys arrived Fred sat across from you, and smiled, “No way, you snagged me an extra pudding.”
“What are friends for?” You smiled as George looked at his plate, which you had put extra turkey on for him, a smile on his face as he looked at his friends.
“You know something, we should all get together this summer.” George suggested, as you raised an eyebrow, “George it’s only March.”
“Yeah, and school ends soon. Then we have to go 3 months without seeing each other. We could ask our mum, I am sure you all could stay in our room.”
“My parents would probably be okay with that, what about you [Y/N]?”
“I’m sure it would be okay, I can ask him.” You let it slip, as they all looked towards you.
“Don’t you mean them?” George asked
“Um..... no. I ummmm live with my uncle.” You answered, you had never told them you didn’t have a mom, or that your father was in Azkaban on a false charge, or that your uncle who you lived with was a werewolf.”
-The boys went silent, and after several seconds, they began their regular banter.
-The next day you wrote Remus, and asked what he would think about you spending some time with the Weasleys at the burrow. He replied within the week and said it would be fine with him, as long as you never returned on a full moon, or the day after.
-When George and Fred asked their parents, Arthur expressed some concern to Molly in private, “I mean how do we know we can trust her, what if she is just like her father?”
“She is just a little girl Art, besides she has basically lived with Remus her whole life. He would never let her grow up to be a monster. Let’s just give her a chance, besides the boys will be heartbroken if we say Lee can come and not [Y/N].”
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- The first time you went to the Burrow, you used Floo powder to get there, your eyes widened as you took in the scenery. Everything about the burrow looked homey, and you were fascinated by the use of magic throughout the home. The needle moving to create a sweater, the sponge moving itself in a circular motion on the dishes, the stove turning itself off as the kettle whistled, the broom sweeping into the dust pan, as the mop followed behind. The dry dishes putting themselves away, as you exited the mantle.
-Molly rounded the corner as you stepped out, her round face dressed with a smile as she extended her arms, “You must be [Y/N], it is so nice to finally meet you my dear.” She quickly advanced towards you as she wrapped you in a hug, “I hope you got here alright.”
“Of course Mrs. Weasley, thank you so much for allowing me to stay for a while in your lovely home.”
“Of course my dear, and no need for formality here, Molly is fine.” She smiled, before calling, “Boys! [Y/N] is here!”
-You couldn’t help but smile as 3 pairs of feet came raising down the stairs, and tackled you onto the couch. The room erupting into a fit of laughter as the boys all dog piled you, and as they stood up (After Molly telling them to), Fred reached out to help you up.
-You slept in the twins room, the boys had made up two cots for you and Lee. Your cot was closer to Fred’s bed. Most nights after the rest of the house had fallen asleep, you and the boys would stay up quietly giggling at future pranks.
-Ron and Ginny loved having you around, whenever they would try to hang out with their two older brothers they would say that they were busy with their friends, yet you would say, “If you want we can do something, who needs these losers anyway to have fun.”
-You always offered to help Molly with the chores, and some nights you even convinced the boys to help.
-One night while you were doing chores with Molly, she leaned over, “I never thanked you by the way.”
“For what?”
“Fred and George were so excited when they got home, they wanted to show us the new brooms they had written us so much about. I know it is just a material object, but most people don’t know that the boys are skilled quidditch players. They just see the jokes, and the pranks, which leads them to get labeled as the general prankster. I can’t tell you how many times the boys have gotten rubber chickens, and whoopie cushions, or little fireworks. You actually showed that you listen to them, and that is all a mother can ask of her children’s friends.”
“No problem Molly, they are wonderful boys.” You smiled, as Ginny raced into the kitchen, “Hey [Y/N], do you think we can have a girls night?”
“Of course.” You smiled.
-You always helped with the twin’s chores, which Molly thought was wonderful.
-You hated weeding the garden though, so you would just lay in the grass and read while the boys labored in the dirt.
-You were only supposed to stay for two weeks, however you ended up staying for a whole month. Lee left after the two weeks though.
-Whenever they would play quidditch in the garden George was insistent on having you on their team, you were an okay player. Whenever you all had some free time between chores, Fred and George would teach you how to play, helping you learn strategies.
-When you went home each of the Weasleys gave you a hug, Molly of course looked at you and smiled, “Now don’t be a stranger, you are welcome anytime.”
“Really, if you don’t mind me asking, may I come stay August 6th?”
“That’s next week?” George replied, his tone questioning as you smiled, it wouldn’t be for too long, just a day or two, my Uncle is going to be out of town for those days. I didn’t want to spend the day alone.”
“Of course Love, whatever you need.” Arthur smiled, his whole attitude towards you altered after your first visit to the burrow.
-After that visit, you spent all the full moons at the Burrow. None of them ever asked why you always stayed on full moons, nor did the professors ask why you stopped coming to Hogwarts.
-Remus hated when you were away, the cabin was so quiet, but he couldn’t stop you. He knew your father was the same way during summer breaks so he could only imagine it was the Black genes in you. You however always came back with a smile plastered on your face, and spent the week telling him all about what you did.
-When you went shopping for your supplies for your second year, Molly and Arthur invited you and Remus to join them, which you eagerly agreed to.
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-The plan was to meet at the Burrow, as soon as the twins heard the sound of an Apparition spell, they were out the door. Immediately they had you wrapped in a hug, your arms hanging around both of their necks as they gripped you tightly. Pulling away they then looked at Remus.
“You must be Mister Lupin, pleasure to see you again sir.” They both said at the same time, hands rocketing out for a handshake. He just looked at the pair and replied, “And you must be George,” he pointed to George, “And Fred.” He pointed to Fred before reaching out and shaking both of their hands.
“Blimey, not even our own mum can tell us apart like that.” George joked as you immediately piped up, “Your mum can tell you apart just fine, it is just the two of you that like to switch identities to see if anyone will notice.”
-Next out the door was Ron, his kind of grown out red mop blowing in the wind as he raced over and into your arms, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too kid.”
-Fred and George rolled their eyes at the interaction, both of them had figured out during your first stay that Ron had developed some little crush on you, Remus of course saw the eye rolls and whispered, “Now don’t tell me you never had a crush on one of your brother’s friends when you were his age?”
-while all the kids raced around the yard before going, Remus talked with Arthur and Molly. Of course the awkward subject came up, “So does she know...”
“Yes, she knows exactly what her father did, and as much as I hate it, she believes he was framed. However we don’t discuss the topic of her father unless absolutely necessary. I would hope the same is being done here.”
“Of course Remus.” Molly replied, shooting Arthur a disapproving look, “Our kids don’t know anything about him, and I doubt she has told any of them.”
“I mean Fred and George might know, seeing how close they are.” Athur piped up, but Remus just looked at him, “No they don’t, she would never risk losing your boys. I dare say she would protect them with her life if she had too.”
“Just as her father was supposed to?” The response was automatic, Arthur hadn’t even thought of it when it slipped out, and he immediately regretted it, whispering an apology as Remus shot him a disapproving look, as Molly gave him the look of death. However all Remus replied with was, “She is nothing like her father.”
- The twins and you wanted ventured out on your own as soon as you arrived to Diagon Alley, Remus chuckling as you looked at him quickly, “You can join us if you like.”
“Are you sure darling, I would hate to spoil your fun?” He replied as George laughed
“Nonsense Mr. Lupin, [Y/N] tells us you were quite the prankster when you were our age, we would love to hear more about it. Maybe get some ideas.” Fred smiled, as Remus looked towards the ground, a ping of sadness entering his heart as he chuckled, “Now Fred, I was not the prankster of the group, that title was held by [Y/N]’s father, and her Uncle James.”
-After going to a few shops looking for supplies, the four of you all went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, and got some ice cream. As you sat at the table Fred and George asked Remus what it was like when he was at Hogwarts. As you licked your cone you couldn’t help but chuckle as Remus’s face lit up, telling Jame’s and Sirius’s prank stories to the twins.
-Their personal favorite was when Sirius and James had discovered a new muggle song, and somehow disguised a boom box in the Great Hall, and turned it to Maximum volume. The entire day the Hall was filled with Don’t Go Breaking my Heart by Thin Lizzy, on a loop. They earned two days of detention with Flich, in which he had them polish all of the trophies in case.
-At one point while you were shopping, Fred picked up a flower on the side of the road, and paid 15 Sickles for it, he then walked up beside you and leaned over, “Figured you might like this.”
“You bought me a Garden Rose, is it bewitched?”
“Course not, can’t a boy just buy his best friend a pretty flower?” He smiled as you cautiously took it from him, and thanked him.
-Remus was watching you both from a distance, and smiled as he thought of his niece falling in love, and was hopeful that it was at least with one of the Weasley boys.
-When it was time to part ways Fred asked Remus, “Sir, do you mind if one day, George and I come over, and stay for a week? We would love to see what your home looks like, and to hear more stories?”
“Unfortunately boys, I don’t think that is possible, however I would be more than happy to come to the burrow whenever you want to tell you more.”
-Remus didn’t know how to explain the scratches that were randomly scattered along the interior and exterior of the cottage.
-When you got home, Remus looked at you with a smile, “I like those two.”
“I knew you would.” You smiled, as you put your bags down, and dropped your garden rose into a vase.
-You sent your father letters all about the Weasley twins, and told him how they looked up to him and Uncle Prongs after Remus shared their stories. You had no idea how much it meant to him that Remus was still talking about him.
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-When it was time for you all to go back, Remus stood on the platform with you, “Now don’t let those boys rope you into any pranks that will get you expelled.”
“Course Uncle Mooney.” You replied, before wrapping him into a hug. As you pulled away you saw two tuffs of red hair race over, “Come on [Y/N], Lee’s already on the train saving us a booth.” George whined as they both grabbed your hands and led you away, while shouting, “Good to see you Mr. Lupin.”
-When you started your second year you noticed you were in all the opposite classes as the boys. Your smile dropping as you tried to envision classes without your best friends.
-That first night in the common room the four of you all sat around in the corner, the moonlight pouring into the window as you watched Lee and Fred compet in a game of Wizards Chess, George scribbling down prank ideas. Finally he looked at you, “How do you think we can pull off your father’s prank?”
“You know the one where they blasted muggle music throughout the Great Hall?”
“Don’t you think that will be too odvious, I mean the only people who would know about that would be [Y/N], we would be had for sure.” Lee replied, before saying, “Pawn to E6.”
“Besides, I think we can pull off far better pranks then my dad and his friends, I mean you two are the Weasley Twins, greatest pranksters to ever attend Hogwarts.” You smiled as Fred slightly blushed.
-Lee and George both noticed how Fred blushed, and when you went to bed that night both of them looked at him, “Okay, spit it out.”
“Spit out what Lee?” He asked confused.
“Do you have a crush on our very own Miss Black?” George asked, as Fred began to stutter, causing both boys to smile.
“Blimey Fred, why don’t you just tell her then.”
“It’s not that simple Georgie, I mean... what if she doesn’t feel the same, how will that affect the group. We can’t lose her, she is the brains behind a quarter of these pranks.”
-The rest of the term you helped the boys with all of their schoolwork, as normal.
-You were the top of your class, all the professors were proud of your work, even Snape.
-Most nights you and the boys would end up sitting at the table in the corner, or on the love seats that were against one of the farthest walls. Whenever you were on the loveseats, Lee and George would make sure you and Fred were on the same sofa, and whenever you’ll would sit at the table they would arrange the seats so that you were also next to Fred. You didn’t think anything of it, but Fred knew what they were trying to do, and he would always just stare at them with dirty looks when you weren’t looking.
-When they tried out for the Quidditch team, you were sitting in the stands, your scarf and hat on as you watched them prove their skills, your applause Louder than everyone else’s as you cheered them on.
-When George and Fred made the Quidditch team, you were the first person to congratulate them, a huge smile on your face as you leapt into Fred’s arms, as he twirled you around. Then you went to hug George, and looked at them both, “I am so bloody proud of you.”
-Hagrid sat with you at every game, and afterwards you would go to the hut with him and share a cup of tea.
-Remus wrote you often, and told you about the woods, and the lilies. However he wasn’t a fan of how quiet it was, and often found himself playing music throughout the cabin. The records that he had were classics that he had collected over the years, but he always found himself gravitating towards the small collection of records that Lily had given him. They were some of her favorites, and he had given him a few copies of them once they were out of school. The genre of them varied.
-Every once and a while however his fingers would find the section of records that were not his... they belonged to Sirius. He had taken them when he went to the house to collect your things, he wasn’t sure why he had the urge to take them from the house with your stuff, but he didn’t feel right leaving the house without them. He would take the vinyl disk out of the sleeve and spin it between his fingers a few times before placing it on the player, his body slumping into the armchair after putting the needle on. His eyes would shut as he put his fingers to his temple, the familiar melodies filling the space as he remembered the days he would go to Sirius’s flat and he would be blasting the record player. Most times you were resting on his hip, a huge smile on your face as he twirled you around and danced to the beat. Your giggles almost drowned out by the guitars, and drums. As Remus listened to them, tears would normally slid down his cheeks, as he thought to himself, “Why Pads, why did you do it?”
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-Before leaving for Christmas break, you did the secret Santa again, this time you drew Lee’s name.
-That Christmas break you went to the cabin, and stayed with Remus the whole time, both of you just enjoying the comfort of being together. He would sometimes find himself chuckling as you sat at the dining room table and wrote letters to the boys, and your father.
-You were laughing when on Christmas Day you found a present under the tree addressed to you from the Weasleys. You opened it to find that you once again had received a Christmas sweater, this time it was purple and blue, there was a note attached that read, “You might as well be part of the family.”
-On the last night you and Remus were sitting in the living room, the fire roaring as you looked toward Remus, “Uncle Mooney?”
“Yes love.”
“Do you ever wonder how Harry is?” This wasn’t the first time you had asked about Harry, but this was the first time in a while. Your head was resting on your knees as he spoke, “I am sure Harry is just fine, I am sure he is sitting at his Aunt Petunia’s right now surrounded by all his presents, and is filled with fmdread that school is going to start back up.”
“I hope so.” You answered with a smile. You had no idea though that Remus was slightly filled with doubt. Every time he would think about Harry, he would remember what James used to tell him about Petunia Evans, and how she was a arrogant, closed minded bitch when it came to anything in her sister’s life.
-When you got on the train you were excited to see the three boys, all of them wearing their Weasley sweaters. George laughing as he looked towards you, “I love that we are all matching, it’s almost like we planned this.”
“Too bad we didn’t.” Fred barked, as you plopped down next to Lee, your back leaning against the wall of the booth as you put your legs over his lap. His arms laying over your legs as you spoke to the twins across from you both.
-Finally after swapping stories of the break Lee smiled, “Time for secret Santa?”
“Course it is, I’ll go first.” George replied, as he reached into his bag and withdrew a small box, thrusting it towards Fred, “Here you go Fred.”
“You got me?” He asked, taking the box in hand, “You told me that you had gotten Lee.”
“What was I supposed to do, tell you that I drew your name out of the hat and that I bought you your present right in front of you. That would ruin the whole tradition.” George replied as you smiled, “He has a point Freddie.”
-When Fred opened the box he was greeted by a whole box full of dungbombs. He chuckled as he carefully removed one and whispered, “Wicked.”
-Next was Lee, who handed a gift towards George, “I can’t top the gift [Y/N] got you last year, but I sure as hell can try.”
-In the box was a Gryffindor colored Hackey Sack which George twirled between his fingers, “What is it?”
“You kick it, when we get to Hogwarts I can show you how to play with it.” Lee smiled as you reached into your bag and withdrew a box, the boys all chuckling at the fact that your bag was still charmed from last Christmas. “Here Lee, just promise me you won’t use it to blow us up.”
“I promise, however are you trying to tell me you bought me a bomb?”
“You’re just gonna have to open it to find out.” You smiled as he tore the paper slightly and revealed that logo of Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks. “No way.” Lee gasped as you smiled.
“Figured we could light it off down by the lake.” You replied as Fred pulled a rectangular, brightly wrapped present out of his bag, the ribbon on top of it still in tact as he placed it on his lap. Your eyes still on Lee, he was taking in the smallest details of your face, and watching how the fluorescent lighting in the booth made your eyes twinkle slightly. After a few minutes though he noticed you had looked towards him, a smile plastered on your face as you asked, “So guess that just leaves you Freddie.”
“Ummm yeah.” He answered, looking down quickly, before sticking his hand out towards you, the present grasped tightly between his fingers as he said, “Looks like I got you again.”
-You carefully unwrapped the paper, and smiled as you revealed the limited edition cover of Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. You smiled wide as you looked up, “Fred, I love it.” You smiled as you slowly opened it and looked at the updated drawings.
-You spent the rest of the train ride reading, while the boys groaned about going back to class.
-When you went to get off you were walking beside Fred, and bumped your shoulder into his, “Thank you again, I really do love it.”
“I’m glad.” He smiled
- After a month back at Hogwarts you found yourself sitting in the common room, and heard the portrait open, the room filled with the giggles of the three boys you valued, your eyes raising from your parchmentad you looked at them. “What did you do?”
“We may have just set off a bunch of dungbombs in Snape’s classroom.” George gasped while trying to maintain his composure.
“Oh bloody hell.” You sighed, “he is going to assign your class extra homework now you know?”
“Worth it.” Lee replied as Fred flopped down on the couch next to you, and added, “Besides he will have no clue who did it.”
“You really think he won’t put it together?” You asked, your eyes meeting his as he answered, “Nope.”
-The next day they came in with a groan, and looked at you, “Want to help us with our Potions homework?”
“He figured it out, didn’t he?” You smiled, your eyes never leaving your book as George groaned, “Yup.”
“Told you.” You responded, as the three boys flopped around you.
-You used to sit in your dormitory with the Marauders Map, and study it for hours, watching as the little footsteps moved across the parchment. It made you feel closer to the Marauders.
-You alternated which spare jersey you wore to the games, since George and Fred had both given you their spares to wear.
-Towards the end of the year you found yourself helping the boys more with the pranks, which they loved because you were always telling them how not to get caught.
-At the end of the year you went straight to the Burrow, since it was a full moon. You smiled walking into the Burrow, a sense of home washing over you as Ron raced into the kitchen, and looked at you, “Bloody hell, I am starting Hogwarts this year, where did the year go?”
-And that’s when it hit you... Harry Potter was starting at Hogwarts next term.
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-When you went back to the cabin you closed the door and slowly slid down it, the sounds of your father’s records filling the space as Remus sat in the armchair. Your trunk abandoned next to you as you leaned your head back, your thoughts filled with the idea of Harry coming to Hogwarts. You wondered if he knew who you and Remus were, or if you were long forgotten. You wondered if he knew about your father, you were sure he would have, even if he lived with muggles. Would he judge you? Would he be angry at you for your father’s false crimes?
-Remus turned in the chair, and watched you sit there, knowing that the wheels were turning in your head. Finally after five minutes he rose slowly as turned the music down, before making his way towards you and kneeling in front of you, “Would you like to go out tonight?”
“Anywhere you want my love.”
-You chose Hogwarts, and you ended up sitting in Dumbledore’s office with Remus, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and McGonagall. You were all smiles and laughing as you listened to them share stories.
-That summer you spent another month at the Burrow, most days you would lay in the sun with the Twins, and discuss possibly opening a joke shop in the future, which was the twin’s dream.
-Molly always told you that you didn’t have to help with chores, however you would always smile and reply, “You really think Freddie and Georgie will do chores if I don’t help.”
-Sometimes at night you and the boys would lay out in the grass and look at the stars, the cool summer air breezing over your forms as you all laid with your heads pointed towards each other. A few times you had fallen asleep while you all were out there, which resulted in Fred carrying you upstairs to your cot. George would always trail behind, slightly chuckling as he wondered when you and his older brother would get together finally.
-Ginny and you would sometimes sit in the couch and just talk, or you would braid her long, ginger hair. Ron would occasionally join as well but Ginny always looked at him and snapped, “Piss off, she doesn’t like you like that.”
-One day while you brushed her hair she asked you if you could ever see yourself dating one of her brothers. You smiled and replied, “Who knows, maybe one day I will, however that is probably going to be the day that I lose all my sanity.”
-On your last night there, you and the twins snuck out to the roof, and sat out there for hours. However at one point George went inside to pee, leaving you and Fred alone.
“Hey.” His voice was quiet as you looked towards him, the wind picking up a strand of your hair as you smeirked, “Hey.”
“I want to ask you something, but I don’t want it to make things awkward between us.”
Your heart rate escalated, and your palms became sweaty, you were hoping he would finally ask you out, “Nothing you ask me would make stuff awkward Freddie.”
He scooted closer to you, maintaining eye contact as he did, soon you were shoulder to shoulder as he took a deep breath.
“You gonna ask me, or should I wait for tomorrow?” You teased as he let out a chuckle.
“No.” He looked at his hands, which were entangling in each other, and then back at you, his eyes glassy as he whispered, “Why do you live with Mr. Lupin?”
“Like what happened to your parents?”
“Well... my mom didn’t tell my dad at first that she was pregnant. He didn’t find out I even existed until I was 6 months old, when she dropped me off at his flat and disappeared. I was starting to display accidental magic, and she freaked out because she was a muggle. I lived with my dad until November of 1981, that’s when I moved in with Uncle Lupin. My dad, ummm, got arrested on false charges.”
“What were they?”
“Murder, and everyone also pinned him as a death eater. He didn’t do anything though.”
“So your father is in...”
“Azkaban.....” you were silent for a second, before looking up towards the stars, “Yeah, he is.”
-There was silence between you and Fred, neither one sure what to say, until his hand slowly glided towards your leg, and he gently placed it down on your thigh, “We don’t have to talk about it again, I just wanted to know.”
“It’s fine Freddie, really.” You replied, before leaning over and resting your head in his shoulder, your eyes closing as you took a deep breath of the summer air, wishing that life could have been slightly different.
Part Four
Part Five
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lucywrites02 · 4 years
Winter with Loki (part 1?)
A headcanon about you and Loki spending winter together
A/N: I’ve never specified which holiday does the Reader celebrate. You can interpret it as either Christmas or Hanukkah. But then again, this headcanon is about the winter time, not only the holidays
Taglist:  @twhiddlestonsstuff   @dreamingyouth​
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As I said before, Loki isn’t fond of winter
It reminds him too much of Jotunheim, a place he would erase from his memory if he could
He knows how much you hate cold and so he tries not to make any unnecessary contact with you
He fears you would find him disgusting
That once you feel him you would pull away
 Imagine his surprise when he found you at 3 in the morning rolling in the snow in your backyard 
With only a jacket over your pyjamas
“What are you doing?”  “I woke up and saw the snow outside, I couldn’t resist”
He had to pick you up and carry back home because you insisted on staying longer
The god convinced you to go to sleep with cuddles and extra good night kisses
 You couldn't say no to him now, could you
And so Loki went to sleep content 
Only to find you in the garden making a snowman the next morning
Loki wanted to learn more about midgardian traditions and holidays to be closer to you
So you explained him the concept of Christmas and Hanukkah
Being a god, the trickster loved the idea of receiving gifts
 But he enjoyed the idea of spoiling you rotten even more
Loki didn’t want this gift to be anything ordinary for it was your first holidays together
So he asked the spider child for advice and went shopping with him
Peter suggested buying gifts online but Loki had no idea how that works
You wanted to make this December special for Loki
It was his birthday and the holidays so you were going to make him feel loved like never before
You took him ice skating and he loved it
He also really liked gingerbread cookies 
The trickster had no idea they were supposed to last until Tony’s party on 25th and  ate them all
Loki knew how much you liked handmade gifts so he decided to make you a sweater
While you were at work Loki went to the store and bought an incredible amount of yarn in many colours (mostly green, black and yellow but there was some red and blue ones as well)
The god watched many tutorials how to crochet and knit 
After what seemed like eternity he finally finished 
But yeah…..
He didn’t like it at all
It was slightly asymmetrical
One of the sleeves was way longer than the other and the knots were tighter in some places
So he gave up
When you came home you noticed the sweater laying on the ground surrounded by pieces of yarn 
You figured it was Loki’s attempt at making something for you by himself
You took the blouse you had on your body off and put the sweater on
To say you looked ridiculous wasn’t enough but you actually liked it
Loki heard you and came out of the kitchen
He noticed what you were wearing and got really embarrassed
“Did you make it for me?” “Yes, but it’s terrible” 
You walked to him and hugged your lover 
“I think it’s very pretty”
You made him your special hot chocolate and he loved it
He’s addicted now
Like seriously addicted
Instead coffee and tea he drinks hot chocolate
You had to hide it from him so he wouldn’t use it all
One Sunday morning you made him go for a walk with you
He’s a Frost Giant and doesn't feel the cold the same way we do
But he made sure you were warm (he said he won’t let you out until you have your winter jacket, gloves, an extra tick scarf and a beanie)
As you were walking around the park he noticed some kids having a snowball fight
You see where I’m going with it
You didn’t noticed when he let go of your hand
 But when you did you turned around to see what he was doing
Yeah…...That was a mistake
Loki aimed at your back but when you turned to him it hit your face
That’s how you and your lover engaged in the most epic and intense snowball fight
You were both red from the cold and tired of constantly running around but it was totally worth it
Loki still doesn’t like winter but you make him hate it less
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A Gift
Luke x ghost!reader
Summary: It's your birthday and you wish you could spend it with your family. Luke and the band try to cheer you up (super fluffy).
Requested?: Nope
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
A/n: This kinda came out of nowhere and once I had the idea I got carried away. I hope y'all like it!!
For you birthdays were a big thing when you were alive. You and your family would always go on a camping trip and have the time of your lives together. It wasn’t just limited to your family either, it was open to your friends too. It was your favorite tradition.
When you had met Luke, you had been looking forward to inviting him and the band, but then the fateful night at the Orpheum had happened. You and the rest of the band had died that night, now it was twenty-twenty and you were ghosts.
It had been great meeting Julie and forming a band with her, but as your birthday rolled around you were feeling immensely sad. Like Luke you had visited their family and you had seen them preparing to go on the camping trip in your honor. While it made you happy to see them keeping up the tradition, it also felt like a stab to the heart that you couldn’t be there with them.
In the days leading up to your birthday you had grown quiet and more reserved, struggling to find the energy to be happy. You couldn’t visit your family anymore, it just made you cry, but knowing that they were camping and you couldn’t be there also made you cry. It was a lose-lose.
So you had spent most of your time at the beach, watching the ocean and letting it calm you. There was something so relaxing about the way the waves moved and the push and pull of the tide. It was also nice to have privacy, just the crashing waves to keep you company.
It was inevitable that the band would notice your mood and absence of course, and notice they did.
You were at the beach, watching the ocean like normal. It was admittedly a beautiful day for your birthday. The sun was just breaking through the marine layer, creating bright orange patterns on the clouds.
Luke poofed in beside you, startling you out of your sad thoughts. The two of you had been dating since you got the band together and he was always there to comfort you.
“Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around you. You sniffed in return.
“You didn’t think I would forget what today is, did you?” He asked, giving a small smile.
“No,” you answered, smiling a little bit.
“Good,” he stood up in front of you and grabbed your hands. “You are amazing and you are so great and understanding when it comes to me missing my parents, now it’s my turn to help you with your grief.”
You didn’t have time to respond before you felt the cold sand disappear from beneath you. The world shifted to new surroundings, ones that you definitely did not recognize.
“Luke?” You asked, letting go of his hand. You weren’t exactly in the mood for any surprises at the moment.
Luke moved back to standing in front of you. “Trust me on this, okay?”
He took your hand again and led you down a path. You looked around, trying to find anything that would clue you into where you were.
You slowly began to recognize your surroundings and you stopped walking. “What’s wrong?” Luke asked, stopping with you once he realized you weren’t moving.
“Luke, I-I’ve already visited, seeing them just makes me even sadder.”
“That isn’t why we’re here, Y/n/n. I’ve got a completely unrelated surprise for you.”
You hesitantly began to walk and Luke gave you an encouraging smile. “You are going to have a great day today. I promise.”
You gave him a weak and slightly nervous smile as you followed him. You walked over a hill and what you saw made you smile for real.
Julie and her family were setting up a campsite while the rest of the band and Flynn helped. After the whole Caleb fiasco Julie had let her family in on the ghostly little secret.
“Happy Birthday!” Luke exclaimed, gesturing excitedly at everyone.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” Everyone called, though Flynn, Carlos, Victoria, and Ray were a little late since they didn’t see your arrival.
You smiled at your found family. “Guys, this is so sweet.”
“Oh, this isn’t everything,” Reggie said excitedly. “Wait till you see what else we have planned.”
For the first time in a while, you forgot your grief and excitement replaced it. “I can’t wait.”
After a few incredibly fun activities, you made it back to your campsite. The sun was still up and you had a while before everyone would eat dinner.
Still hyped up you had a lot of energy and you didn’t know if you could just sit around and chat or play cards. Thankfully Carlos suggested a game of Ultimate frisbee and once the words were out of his mouth, Reggie was chanting it to. You were definitely up for a game and from there, teams were formed.
It was you, Julie, and Alex versus Luke, Reggie, Flynn, and Carlos. You may or may not have specifically engineered it to have Alex on your team, him being the tallest gave an advantage.
You took on Luke. He smirked at you as Alex threw the frisbee to Julie and Flynn intercepted. You rolled your eyes and saw Flynn get ready to throw the frisbee at Carlos. Julie was trying to guard her and Alex was on Reggie, so in a split second you ran over to Carlos. You knew you were faster than Luke so you’d be able to get to Carlos and catch the frisbee first and fortunately you were right.
You intercepted and Luke tried to guard you, giving you a pouty face when Alex caught your throw. You smirked at him, running past Alex to the area near your goal. You had barely stopped running when Alex tossed the frisbee back to you. Luke was almost to you and Julie was open. You threw it to her and smiled as she caught it, scoring a point.
“We’ll get it next time,” Luke called running off towards his team's end of the field.
“Sure!” You called back, a bright smile on your face. However, Luke was right, his team scored the next two times and your team scored the last time before dinner, leaving you at a tie.
You all made your way back to the campsite and you ghosts sat down while the ‘lifers’ got their food.
“It was interesting seeing the frisbee get caught in midair.” Ray chuckled as he took his seat, almost sitting in Reggie before Julie warned him.
“Yes, I’m glad you were having fun,” Victoria said, patting Julie. You smiled at the gesture, trying not to feel sad about your own aunts.
Dinner was full of fun chatting and Julie translating for you and the guys. After dinner the guys got their instruments out and began to sing ‘happy birthday’ to you. You sang along so everyone could see you and it turned into an impromptu concert.
As the sun disappeared and the stars came out, you and your found family sang, enjoying the moment. You would definitely treasure these memories for years to come.
After you finished singing Luke came over to you. “Just close your eyes for a second,” he said, grinning at you like an excited puppy. You did what he asked, though rather reluctantly.
“Guys, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“We wanted to,” Alex said.
You heard a lot of shuffling right in front of you and eventually Luke spoke. “Okay, open your eyes.”
In front of you was a small pile of gifts. “Guys-“
Luke cut you off before you could protest any further, “Stop, you deserve all of this and more. And don’t say you feel bad for not doing more for our birthdays, I know how long it takes you to knit those scarves.”
“Fine,” you smiled. “Which one first?”
“Ooo! Open mine!” Reggie begged, pointing at a cleanly wrapped box.” You unwrapped it, careful to make sure none of the trash went anywhere, and gasped at what you were holding. It was an incredibly detailed and beautiful sketch of a horse.
“Reggie, did you draw this?”
He nodded. “And it’s got the first country song we wrote together on it.”
You beamed at him. “We’ll get that country album some day,” you vowed, gently nudging Luke when he rolled his eyes.
“Mine next,” Alex requested, pointing to an even more elaborately wrapped box. You opened it to see Alex had decorated your old guitar strap, painting it with your favorite colors. You had been meaning to do that since you got it and you were grateful he had taken the initiative.
“I love it.”
“Good, I’m not that artistic so I didn’t know what to get you and then I remembered that you had been meaning to decorate your guitar strap since you got it, so I did it,” Alex rambled.
You laughed. “How very thoughtful of you.”
You turned your attention back to the rest of the stack, but Luke was already ready. “Here’s mine.”
“You took the small package from him and opened it. Inside was a little box and in that there was a necklace. The pendant was an old guitar pick branded with the sunset curve logo and with it was a little card in Luke’s messy handwriting: A memento of the band we started all those years ago.
“I think I’m gonna cry.” You put your hand to your mouth and Luke took the necklace from the box, putting it on you.
“I love you so much,” Luke whispered to you.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, kissing his cheek.
After admiring the necklace for a little while longer, you went to open the rest of the pile. Julie got you a gift card so you could shop together(you still only had your clothes from the nineties). Ray gave you a framed photograph of you guys at the garage party singing Edge of Great and Carlos got you a ball of yarn. Even Victoria even got you a little candle that you absolutely adored and Flynn got you a bracelet that matched one that she and Julie were wearing.
“Guys, these are all so great, I can’t thank you enough! You better bet I’ll be stepping it up for your guys’ birthdays.”
“Looking forward to it,” Carlos said, after Julie repeated what you said. He turned to his left and smiled at you and you laughed, you were sitting more to his right.
“Tell him that I can’t wait,” you requested and Julie obliged.
While she did that you got up and hugged everyone you could. “Guys, this could not have been a better day.”
“It’s not over yet. We have one last gift for you!” Reggie said excitedly and you smiled brightly, tears of joy forming in your eyes.
“You guys didn’t have to,” you protested, blushing at the kindness they had been showing you. “You’ve already done so much for me.”
“Yes we did.” Julie sat down next to you and Luke sat on the other side, with an arm around you while Reggie and Alex leaned in behind you. You tilted your head as Julie turned on her phone and went to her camera roll.
You were about to ask what was going on when she played a video. Julie and the guys appeared on screen and you saw that they were standing outside the garage.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” They all yelled and you smiled, expecting them to do a little birthday recording of a song for you, but instead of getting their instruments Luke spoke.
“We noticed how sad you were about your parents and we had this idea...” with that the screen shifted.
You were only more confused when you recognized the inside of your parents house. It was easy to tell that the camera was filming from just inside your old kitchen. You watched curiously as Julie and your parents stepped into the frame.
“If you could say one thing to her, what would you say?” Julie asked and you realized she was talking about you.
Your mom sniffed, tears in her eyes. “I’d let her know how much I love her and how proud we are of her. I just wish we could tell her that. She was so talented, I just wish she could have lived her dream.”
Tears welled in your eyes at what your mom said, but they started falling when your dad spoke. “I’d wish her a happy birthday and tell her that I wish she could come camping with us. We kept up our tradition and I just wish she could know how much she meant-means to us. We missed out on so much with her and though we can’t get it back I hope she knows that we love her with all of our hearts.”
The video faded into a slideshow of some pictures of you, and in the background Now or Never was playing.
A good majority of the old pictures were taken during your camping trips and it was interesting to see how you had grown. When you were twelve, guitars began to appear in the pictures and there were quite a few ones of you playing around a campfire. Everyone was laughing in those, and it made you smile to remember when they were taken.
After the pictures of your family, they faded to pictures of you with the guys. There was even one of your first gig, you recalled that your mom had taken it. Your parents had been so excited for you. You had always felt so lucky to have such supportive parents.
From there, there were the newest pictures, ones of you with Julie and even some from your current camping trip that she must have added at the last minute.
After the last picture faded away you immediately grabbed all of your friends into a group hug. You couldn’t believe they had done this for you. You felt so unbelievably honored and touched.
You sniffed. “Guys, how did you do this?”
“Well, Alex, Reggie, and I got most of the pictures, we used some cameras to sneak them,” Luke explained.
“Yeah, it was not easy. I can’t count the number of times your parents almost saw the floating cameras,” Reggie said and you laughed.
You turned to Julie. “It means the world to me that you got my parents to say that. How?”
“I told them that I was trying to get to know the old band that had once practiced in my garage and from there they told me everything.” You hugged the girl tightly.
“I can’t begin to explain how much this means to me.” You opened your mouth to explain more, but nothing came out. “Just...this is...wow, guys. I-I just, thank you? I don’t know, thank you doesn’t sound like enough.”
“You don’t have to explain, Y/n, we’re just glad you liked it,” Alex said.
“After this, I’m gonna make sure you guys have great birthdays too.” Some more tears fell. “I just, wow.”
“So you liked it?” Luke asked and you beamed at him.
“I loved it.”
Tada, I hope y'all enjoyed this! Once I started writing it bloomed into this and I'm happy with what it came out to be. It's also been a while since I played frisbee, so sorry if the rules are wrong. Anyways, I loved writing this and I hope y'all have a fantastically safe and wonderful day/night!
Also if you want me to do more gender neutral fics just let me know, I only do she/her because that's what I’m most comfortable with, but please let me know if you want they/them on more stuff. I want to make this blog inclusive.
P.S. I am open to requests, but I won't get to them until after Halloween :) Please check my blog for the pinned post before requesting.
P.P.S. if you want to be on my taglist for all things Julie and the Phantoms, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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A Bit Carried Away
Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: Being excited in an art store with Thoma. Only went in with a few things, left with way too much. Modern Au. Can be read as platonic or dating.
Words: 582
AN: This is the first thing I’ve written with the new laptop. I don’t have to worry about my laptop not charging while I do anything now. It’s great! Figured I might as well learn how I want to write for Thoma in between working on all of my WIPs I had to pause on either because of class or the dead laptop. I got a few ideas for Thoma but they’ve all been on the short side. I’m sure they’ll get longer one day. At least short-form content is always fun. This is also first in works I’ve started building up have posted now that the semester is over. Which also means this note is partially out of date but oh well
Going out shopping with Thoma usually met sticking to the list and not buying something that wasn’t needed
There were a few occasions where this rule was broken but the place that had Thoma breaking this rule more often was in craft stores
If he brought a friend with him to go shopping with he could usually contain himself
Once Y/N was part of his life, just picking yarn to make a gift for a friend could be dangerous
Thoma used to think having the same hobby with someone you’re close to would be great until he saw the receipt on the first trip
It wasn’t entirely Y/N’s price for the high price tag, He threw a lot in the basket too
It was just so easy to get caught up in the idea of getting supplies to work on a project together whether it be the same one as a team or having similar projects that could be worked on simultaneously
So when the afternoon came where he asked if Y/N wanted to come it him to pick up some yarn cause he ran out, he should have known what would have happened
“How does this fabric look?” Y/N asked holding up a bolt of a knit fabric. “Wouldn’t it make such a pretty loungewear set?”
Thoma looked up from his phone where he was already scanning for more coupons. “That could make a nice two-tone set.” He felt the fabric. “It’s a bit thin for the fall a winter though.”
“I know. There’s nothing wrong with it just being a set for indoors, especially since there are so many blankets around the house.” They reasoned.
“Hey! It’s not like you didn’t make any of them either.”
“You have a whole bunch of yarn in the basket right now to make two more.”
“I didn’t know what to get Ayaka and Ayato for the holidays. You can’t go wrong with a nice blanket for a gift.” Thoma defended only to be met with a laugh.
With Y/N running around in the fabric section, he couldn’t help but add more fabric into the basket
Then there were the things they could also use more like elastic, zippers, and buttons
And if they were already getting fabric, Thoma might as well look at the remnants from the bolts. It tended to be the perfect place to find a fabric you could try something new with
The two of them probably could stay in the store for hours if it wasn’t for a growling stomach to remind them they still had to make and eat dinner
Which left them with the most dreadful part of their trip, the checkout line
The wait in line was never too bad, it really was just about being kicked in the face with how expensive hobbies were
Hobbies are like a trick
A ball of yarn could be only 144 Mora but that could add up so quickly under your nose
And with every item scanned, the price went up
Coupons brought it down but not as much as one could hope
There was a mutual look between Y/N and Thoma of ‘we need to stop shopping here together’
It was fun but at that cost
The worst part was despite how many times this would happen, it was bound to happen again.
There wasn’t much that could stop these trips from costing so much well besides not shopping together
But where would the fun be in that?
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