#the r/bisexual subreddit had that weird reddit groupthink effect too
if you told me that r/egg_irl was a project by antitrans groups to convince trans people to never transition and spiral further into depression, i would not be surprised in the slightest. at the very least i know it must be run by transmedicalists (read: antitrans trans people) because of the top-down usage of transmed + NB-exclusionary terms like FTM/MTF and the cumulative rhetoric of the meme ecosystem they've fostered.
nothing about that community fosters transpositive thinking, hope, or self-esteem. it's a masterclass in transmed thought. doomer memes about transitioning being terrible, transphobic self-fetishization via trans hypno kink shit and forced feminization porn, reinforcing toxic gender roles, reinforcing internalized transmisogyny via hyperfemininty + impossible beauty standards being pushed as the norm, turning the complex and diverse experiences of self-discovery into a fucking checklist of canon "egg behaviors," constant memes about dysphoria that imply that feeling soul-crushing levels of dysphoria is the only trans experience, "haha cut the dysphoria noodle" memes implying that bottom dysphoria is required to be trans, full blast suicidal ideation memes, and so on.
all of this culminates in that characteristic reddit groupthink where if you feel like you don't fit in or relate to the memes, then you're not really trans, and that dynamic can get people killed.
and please don't come at me with shit like "oh it's gotten much better since 2017, you wouldn't know," because every time some stupid fucking drama breaches containment or i hear about the most toxic trans people peddling transmed garbage being avid egg_irl meme posters, i'm comfortable in saying that nothing has changed. you cannot rehabilitate egg culture. egg culture is transmed culture. it must be nuked from orbit.
(if you couldn't tell, i was a victim of egg_irl. i delayed my transition and delayed admitting to myself that i was trans. this is the second time this happened to me, after tumblr transmeds did the same damage to me in 2009. i didn't transition until i was 30. fuck all of these people.)
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