#the queuetest boys around
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
Noctis, nude: "take a picture, it'll last longer"
Prompto: "haha very funny"
Prompto: "wait. Can I?"
yeah you can, bro
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
Noctis would often fall asleep on calls late at night whenever Prompto couldn't stay over.
I'm imagining Prompto walking out of Noct's apartment and immediately getting a call the second he's outside.
"Why'd you call? Did I forget something?"
"No I just miss you"
Then they laugh and talk while Prompto makes his way home, and while he's getting ready for bed, Prompto trying to talk while brushing his teeth and Noctis making fun of him, laying down and chatting as if they were still right there next to each other. Prompto keeps talking (he ended up on a bit of a tangent about something) without getting much response back aside from the occasional murmur or "uh-huh" from Noctis. Eventually he realizes that the goof fell asleep and he's been talking to himself for the past 5 minutes. Honestly, though, he's a little impressed that he stayed awake for so long this time. He whispers a quiet goodnight, but he can't quite bring himself to hang up. In the end he lets the call continue and leaves the phone next to his pillow as he falls asleep.
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
Have you ever seen those rings where you look through the gem and there's a photo in it? Noctis commissions one of those from Dino. An engagement ring with subtle details like Chocobos carved into it and little pistols on the band, at first glance the whole thing looks SUPER fancy and regal and you'd really have to look closely to notice these details about it. And the gem has an illusion of a selfie Prompto and Noctis took at one time, be it in highschool or their first kiss or something. Just a huge landmark. The whole thing is a surprise for when Noctis proposes and Dino cracks jokes about how he's happy to know the prince is confident in his ability but it was quite the challenge to pull off. Noctis has to control how giddy he is, he wants to marry Prompto so bad and he can't WAIT to give him this ring. He knows he'd love it and say yes, it's not too feminine or anything and Prompto would definitely take tons of pictures and show it off to everyone he can. Honestly, it's probably the only time Noctis ever looks forward to seeing Prompto cry because he knows he'd just be THAT excited.
Not me having this in my inbox for like a whole year
This is such a cute idea! I'm a sucker for proposals, and the little details like this get me so bad. I adore the idea of a little picture of them in there as something that Prompto can look back on for years with fondness. And he's definitely gonna cry. Someone get over here and marry these two idiots, already.
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
Horror movie night but it's Noctis that's squeamish
This is a hilarious concept and I love it. I feel like we always make Prompto the squeamish one (and I mean, that has its basis in canon), but now I'm picturing horror fanatic Prompto. He's fine as long as it's not happening in real life/to him! Crazy boy would watch horror movies alone at home growing up, and nothing really gets to him anymore when he watches them.
But Noctis. Noctis being the one that's cringing and grimacing and lowkey hiding during gory scenes (and trying to adamantly deny that he's doing it) is so funny, and Prompto did not expect it when he asked if Noctis wanted to have a horror movie night.
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
I love flustered Prompto, where it's early in the relationship and pda gives him psychic damage. But also, I love to think about like, confident Prompto doing the same to Noctis. Imagine they're in the citadel and Prompto has the balls to kiss Noctis in front of Nocts dad. And Noctis' blush doesn't go down for ages.
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Gain that confidence, boy. I love him being really awkward and skittish and thinking it's wrong of him to even hold Noctis' hand in public. And then I love him growing comfortable with his love and full-on dragging Noctis into a kiss in front of the literal king of Lucis. In all honesty, Regis would probably find it hilarious. Actually, can we have Prompto and Regis being buddies teasing Noctis.
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promptis-imagines 4 years ago
i love how the fandom calls 30 year old prompto and noctis "old men" its so funny, anyways, old men prompto and noctis being awoken from their royal chambers for an important meeting but theyre snuggled up together in a chocobo onesie and a cat onesie. all that time ignis was worried hed have to wake them up and theyd both be nude.
It's hilarious 30 is still young. I just like to think that they call each other old and have been doing so since they were like 17.
And Ignis, c'mon, you have to expect this nonsense from them by now. They're disaster children at heart.
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promptis-imagines 7 years ago
Prompto: Hey Noct! So... *nervous laugh*
Noctis: Yeah, what's up?
Prompto: Hypothetically speaking...
Noctis: Yes?
Prompto: If I were to, ya know, hypothetically mind you, ask you out on a date... would you say yes?
Noctis: Hypothetically, yes I would.
Prompto: Yeah right, hypothetical. Totally hypothetical... *forced laugh*
Noctis: Yes... hypothetical. Hey Prompto can I ask you something?
Prompto: Yeah...
Noctis: Would you go on a date with me?
Prompto: *blushes* H-hypothetically?
Noctis: *smiles* Reality
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promptis-imagines 4 years ago
As dumb as it is I wanna imagine Noct's eyes glowing randomly like they do when he summons but at the weirdest of times and he has zero control over it
Just gets caught by Prom getting snacks from the fridge at a dumb time, scares the shit out of Prom when he looks at him with glowing eyes
Prom trudging in like "Noct it's 2 am why are you awa- OH GODS DEMON"
this image is glorious and I love it
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promptis-imagines 4 years ago
Everybody lives/nobody dies au where Noctis gets the miqo'te outfit and lives the rest of his life as a catboy and everyone else just has to deal with it
Everyone welcome your king, Sir Catboy
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
All I'm imagining is Noct just proudly showing off their baby to literally anyone who ends up near him. Man's very proud of his daughter and just wants everyone to know how great she is while Prom's just quietly telling him not to move her around too much cause she's just had a bottle
Clarus is just having flashbacks of Regis being exactly like this with Noct
It runs in the family! Dads must show off baby. This is law.
Prompto has to take her and politely tell him to hush so they don't wake her or mess with her stomach, and Noctis realizes that he got a bit excited. And then he realizes he's completely turned into his dad. Embarrassment ensues, but he understands now.
Clarus is definitely having so many flashbacks lmao
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promptis-imagines 7 years ago
Prompto: Say Ignis, uh, is it gay that I sometimes look at Noct and can't help but notice how pretty he is?
Ignis: That's completely normal, Prompto. Anyone's aesthetics can be appreciated regardless of sexuality.
Prompto: Oh that's a relief, haha. Because like, sometimes I see his back muscles through his shirt, and I'm just like "Damn is a shoulderblade-job a thing? Cos if it isn't-"
Ignis: I'd like to rescind my previous statement. You are absolutely gay.
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
Had a dream where Noctis and Prompto were married and there was a meeting at the citadel. They had a baby, and not wanting to spend time away from the baby, Noctis showed up to the meeting with the baby in a carrier on his chest and acted totally nonchalantly and professional aside from that. Eventually the baby woke up and Prompto took her outside though.
What I want dreams like that!! I love the idea that Noctis would in full seriousness walk around with a baby on his chest to any and all official royal business things. You all have such galaxy brains and are 100% correct.
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promptis-imagines 4 years ago
ok but now imagine Prompto sleep talking and smooching a pillow, waking Noctis up. Promptos cuddling and holding the pillow and from what hes saying in his sleep, Noctis can gather that Prompto is dreaming about him. Its sweet and adorable but Noctis still gets a bit jealous so he wakes Prompto up to make him cuddle HIM instead. Like a needy cat or something.
This would be 10 times funnier if they weren't even dating yet. Noctis is just that jealous and decides to shoot his shot while he's 3/4 asleep. Prompto, of course, thinks he's still dreaming and 100% swaps out for the real Noctis, and they fall asleep like that. When they wake up the next morning, neither is entirely sure how they got there or if they should talk about it. Then one of them gives the other a good morning kiss and it's all over.
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promptis-imagines 3 years ago
I think Noctis would have a whole lot of trauma after everything that goes down, they all would, but being in the crystal and having so many of your loved ones die in quick succession? This should be a broken man. I want to see Prompto be his rock, I want him to accept all of Noctis when Noctis has fits of depression and mood swings. When he's not the cool and collected man he usually is he would probably hate himself and feel ashamed but Prompto would be there to calm him down and reassure him. Gay people.
I was reading this and going "aw yeah that's sweet" and then just. "Gay people." made me crack up help. I wish I was a gay people.
Anyway yes please let Noctis break down and lean on Prompto for support. He needs the catharsis of venting his frustrations and letting go of the cool and collected front he's putting on for his people. Let the man grieve!
But I also raise you: Noctis doing the same for Prompto. He has to deal with the trauma of those ten years and all that came with it. That isn't easy, either. There's a lot that both of them are struggling with, and they often need to talk it through or just have a frustrated cry while the other holds them.
Yeah that's right this post is about mutual love and care.
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promptis-imagines 7 years ago
Prompto: "Who's-that-sexy thing, I see over there?"
Ignis: *sigh* You, in the mirror, I presume?
Prompto: What, no Iggy, it's Noctis, wtf
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promptis-imagines 4 years ago
First few nights of actually sleeping together in the same bed and Prompto wakes up early to yawn and stretch, only to accidentally smack Noctis in the face and jump in surprise because he forgot that he was sleeping next to Noctis.
They keep routinely smacking each other in the face, Prompto from stretching in the morning and Noctis from flailing in his sleep. They grow to be unable to sleep without the other's presence.
Still imagining Prompto screaming because he's not alone when he wakes up and feels True Fear tho
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