#the puking sucked/sucks (hopefully not gonna puke more)
softgothbabe · 5 months
Drank too much and had to very suddenly get off the bus to puke in a bush 🙃
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trashbag-baby666 · 5 months
Apple of my Eye-(firehouse au)
Summary: John’s woken up by his and Gale’s youngest not feeling too good.
WC: 710
C/W: mentions of throwing up
MOTA Masterlist!
au masterlist!
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"Papa?" The small voice whispered shaking
John's shoulder slightly, "Papa?"
His heavy eyelids unpeeled his eyes, focusing in the dark.
Flynn stood at the side of their bed, her short brown hair disheveled and he could begin to make out a stain on the front of her nightgown.
"What's up, Peanut? Everything okay?" He whispered carefully lifting the blankets as not to wake Gale and sitting at the edge of the bed.
"I threw up."
John sucked in a breath, "Okay. Did you throw up in your bed?"
Flynn nodded and pointed at the stain on the cat nightgown.
"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" John took Flynn's hand walking back to her bedroom with her.
He had gotten Flynn cleaned up and into new pajamas, her bedding and pajamas in the wash, and now he was carrying Flynn down the stairs. Chili in her arms the dog nodding in and out already. That dog slept more than everyone else in the house combined.
"Can we watch cartoons?"
"Just for a little bit, Peanut. But we gotta get you back to sleep." Anything his little girl wanted that might make her feel better. She definitely had caught something, he knew better than anyone that being sick in the summer sucked.
He set her down on the couch and went into the kitchen filling a cup with lukewarm water. He grabbed the infamous ice cream bucket out from under the sink. The one Gale kept for when the girls were throwing up sick and couldn't make it to the bathroom. The last thing he wanted to do tonight was clean up puke off of their couch.
Flynn sat with her legs crossed and the chihuahua in her lap asleep already. "Okay, you know the drill. Pales right here in case you need it, and sip on this." He set the bucket on the coffee table and pulled Flynn into his lap. He kissed her forehead to check for a template like Gale had taught him.
She felt a little warm but he definitely would have Gale check in the morning.
"Thank you papa." She took the cup from him, sipping out of it.
It's moments like these that John really thanked the universe for everything he had.
"Is your tummy feeling any better?" He clicked on the tv flicking through to the last episode of SpongeBob they had watched together. Although he swore up and down to Gale, no SpongeBob.
"Little," she held her small fingers up in a pinch leaving about an inch between them. John nodded and raked a hand through her brown curls that resembled his own. She truly was John's mini me.
"Hopefully you can sleep it off, Peanut." John laid back against the arm rest Flynn cuddled into his chest. He felt her small fingers begin to trace the flowers on John's arm.
"Someday I'm gonna have colors on my arms like you and uncle Curtie."
"Are ya now? What kind of pictures do you want?" He let a smile crack on his lips watching Flynn study the sleeve tattoo. His botanicals were her favorite on him, some days him and Curt would let her color in their tattoos with her markers.
"Maybe some pretty flowers and Chili, like Curt's animals." Her small sweet voice grounding John to the couch feeling his eyelids grow heavier by the moment.
"I'm sure Chili would be so honored to be on your arm." He eyed the brown chihuahua laying by his feet, he knew he'd have to sleep still. Chili had a temper with everyone except the girls, specially if you disturbed his slumber, "Why don't we try to go back to sleep? It'll help your tummy." He tried to think of the things Gale would say to convince the girls to do things. Sometimes it was just more believable coming out of Gale's mouth since he had a PhD in medicine.
"I love you, papa."
"I love you too, Flynni." He kissed the top of her head satisfied as she closed her big blue eyes.
It wasn't long before the living room was filled with the sound of John's soft snores and the grumbly ones from Chili. This is what made parenthood all the more worth it for John.
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scaryscarecrows · 5 months
The thing leaps on him, bringing them both to the ground in a flurry of screams and snarls. It breath stinks and its claws feel like fire tearing into his chest and he never thought he’d die like this, but who does–
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
The raptor stills, curving sickle claws retracting, and hops off him. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t think he can, anyway.
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
It books it, vanishing off somewhere in the darkness, and Jason plunks his head back and tries to breathe and assess his injuries. Broken ribs. Severe lacerations of the hands and arms. More lacerations in the…fuck it, entire torso area. Joker-damaged ankle furious at being disturbed liked that. In short: moving is going to be rough, and the odds of him bleeding out are higher than he’d like.
Well, shit.
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
What the hell is it? It doesn’t sound like the Tyrannosaur, which seems the most likely one to scare a lone raptor away. But the ground’s not thudding and honestly, it doesn’t sound big enough. The rex roars, it’s true, but the first time they saw her, they felt that rumbling hiss first, like a massive crocodile.
He looks around as best he can, eyes straining in the dim lighting, and things he catches a glimpse of…something…darting from shadow to shadow. What the hell?
He doesn’t wanna know. Everything here is a horror and he doesn’t wanna face this one.
Shut up and deal, ankle.
He takes as deep a breath as his ribs will allow and pushes himself up. This sucks: his vision swims, everything shrieks in protest, and his stomach does a backflip.
Not gonna puke. That’ll put me back on the ground and I won’t get back up.
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
The exit to the room isn’t far. But then again, that’s what he thought about the power box, and look how that turned out.
There’s the sound of scurrying behind him and he lurches around in time to see something with big, bulbous eyes coming at him.
“Get back!”
Well, that’s what he meant to say, preferably in a you don’t want to fuck with me voice. What comes out is a garbled noise, breathless and pained, and he knows it knows he can barely stand. It twitches, head jerking in a very birdlike way, and makes that sound.
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
A flash of movement to the left tries to draw his attention. He ignores it as best he can and continues to shuffle backwards towards the door. If he can just get to the door, he can slam it and lock these things in here and just…no idea, yet. That’ll come later.
The bug-eyed thing in front of him steps forward. It’s got teeth, lotta teeth, but it’s not very big. Comes up to his knee, maybe. Not that it matters: the raptor fled, and that’s enough for him to be very, very wary of it.
He’s almost to the door now. So of course the other one, the one he’s trying not to look at, dashes by him and knocks him on his ass. This is it, he’s dead, it’s over–
–they’re not attacking. Why aren’t they attacking?
Doesn’t matter. He drags himself into the hall as they follow, leisurely and honestly, it’s gotta be blood loss, but they remind him of Crane and Richardson. They follow people like this, once they’ve been drugged all to Hell. Slow and easy, because why get in hitting range when they can just wait?
There’s a light switch by the door and he thrusts one bloodied hand up to smack it. That gets results: the things scream and scuttle back into the dark, hissing and snapping their little jaws. Cave dwellers? Does it matter?
He shoves the heavy door shut, reaches up to push the deadbolt into place, and slumps down at last, gasping for breath. God. Good God.
Get up, you can’t stay here.
But he can. Just for a minute, just to get his breath back.
He reaches up, fumbles with his earpiece for a second and finally gets it to click.
“Does anyone copy?” Static. “Hello?”
Rogers is the one to answer first.
“Power on?”
Jason looks at the too-bright bulb and the green ‘locked’ light on the door.
“Yeah,” he wheezes. “Power’s on. Coming back now.”
Hopefully, anyway.
Shkkkk. Shkkkk.
Yeah. Hopefully.
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ash-mcj · 1 year
kiri sully x female!reader
modern AU | all characters are adults
prompt—"i don't want a shy Kiri, I want a Kiri that gonna kiss me so hard in a party bathroom and go away giving me smile as if she didn't just make me so fucking needy" (x)
Tsireya was already running down the driveway towards your car when you pulled up to her house. You put the car in park and unlocked the doors half a second before she pulled yours open, a bright smile on her face.
“You’re here!” she greeted amiably. “You took long enough.”
“Yeah, yeah—I’m here now,” you said. Sure, you were a little late—but was it really your fault, when she invited you to come over less than two hours before you were expected to get there? 
Tsireya grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the car. “Come in and get something to eat and drink. We bought so much crap and it needs to be gone before tomorrow.”
“I can probably help with that,” you agreed, letting her drag you towards the front door. As you approached, you caught the rowdy voices of more people than you thought were supposed to be hanging out tonight.
You squeezed her hand and stopped walking, forcing her to pause with you. “Reya, didn’t you say this was a kickback?”
“It was,” Tsireya answered, then pursed her lips in annoyance. “Then Ao’nung invited his stupid friends, and now it’s a party. And our parents are going to kill us when they come home tomorrow, because Ongu already broke a picture frame by knocking it off the wall, and Koro doesn’t know when it’s time to stop drinking until he pukes.”
“You know what, I just remembered that I actually have to be up early tomorrow,” you lied, the thought of dealing with Ao’nung’s friends all night making you slightly regret coming. “I should probably get going.”
Tsireya’s eyebrows pinched together and you knew you were about to be hit with her pleading eyes—which nobody in the entire universe other than her own parents could hold strong against—but her expression quickly relaxed into faux indifference.
“Fine,” she sighed. “I guess Rotxo will have to try keeping the boys away from Kiri by himself. Hopefully he manages.”
She was evil. Everyone always thought Tsireya was such a perfect, sweet angel—but they were wrong.
You rolled your eyes and stomped into the house, muttering, “I don’t know what Lo’ak sees in you.”—which was a damn lie, because you probably would have gone for her if she wasn’t your best friend. She was probably the second hottest girl you’d ever seen in your town.
Right behind Kiri Sully, of course.
“Dude, stop,” Rotxo chuckled, as he watched Ongu dance around the living room to the beat of the music blasting from a stereo on the coffee table. “This is embarrassing.”
“Nah, bro, you look good—keep going,” Ao’nung cheered him on, his phone raised and obviously recording—probably for blackmail. You made a mental note to ask Ao’nung for the video later.
The coffee table was covered in empty beer bottles and soda cans—and you felt pretty confident that you could guess which choice of drink Ongu had, from the uncoordinated swaying of his body.
“Come dance with me,” he said, offering a hand to Nash’vi—who shook his head and playfully pushed him away.
“Nobody wants to dance with you,” Rotxo told him.
“Kiri does!” Ongu claimed, pointing at her. “C’mon, Kiri, you know you want to. One song.”
Kiri scoffed and raised an eyebrow. “I’d rather drink acid.”
“Oof,” Ao’nung snickered as he turned the camera to her. She stuck her tongue out at it, then took a drink from her soda.
“You’re breaking my heart, Sully.”
“That really sucks,” Kiri deadpanned. “For you.”
Ongu put his hand over his chest and stumbled backwards, as if he’d been shot—but it somehow turned into a very messy body roll of some sort.
“I think I have some tape in my car, if you wanna put it back together,” you suggested as you sat on the armrest of the couch, beside Rotxo. He held his half-empty beer up for you, and you took a swig, before passing it back. “I’m surprised Lo’ak isn’t getting in on of all… this.”
“He’s in my room,” Tsireya said, heading for the stairs. “So is Neteyam. You can join us, if you don’t want to hang out with these fools.”
“Well, what are you doing down here?” you asked Kiri. You’d rather be upstairs, but you weren’t going to leave her by herself.
“They needed a babysitter, since they collectively share half of a single brain cell, and I pulled the short stick.”
You gasped and put your hands over Rotxo’s ears. “Don’t say that about him—his heart is huge, despite his small size.”
Rotxo smacked your arms away from him and you laughed, before stealing his beer. 
As you brought the bottle up to your lips, you caught Kiri’s stare from across the room. Her eyes slowly roamed up your body, heat building in them as she took in the way the green dress you wore accentuated your figure. When she finally met your gaze, a smirk played on her lips, and she shot you a wink that made your breath hitch.
This had become normal, lately. You’d been dancing around each other for the past few months, and you were pretty sure that one of you was going to break soon and make a real move. Your flirting had started innocently enough. Boys would try to hit on one of you, and the other would jump in with compliments or innuendos that would make the boys understand that they were going for someone who didn’t play for the assumed team.
“Damn, Sully, your ass looks good in those,” Makeyo—a guy who went to highschool with you and apparently didn’t fuck off to college—said as he trailed behind Kiri on her way to the park bench she was meeting your friend group at.
“It would look even better in my lap,” you spoke, shifting one of your legs out from under the table.
Kiri turned to you with an almost disbelieving smile, and your eyes darted down to your leg, before returning to her. An invitation. You figured it was your job to step in if she was in an uncomfortable situation, right? Any friend would. Girls helping girls, or something.
“You’re right,” she agreed, stepping over to you and plopping down to practically straddle your leg and lean back against you like she belonged there. You wrapped one arm around her waist and waved your fingers dismissively at Makeyo with your other hand.
To your surprise, Kiri stayed there in your lap for the rest of lunch, and your friends didn’t even bat an eye at it as they all talked and shared food. You definitely had no complaints.
At some point, these interactions bled into moments where nobody was bothering either of you. Eventually, they began happening when nobody else was around at all.
You were slightly out of breath as you ran into your favorite coffee shop. You had work in about ten minutes, but you’d happily be late before you tried dealing with the bullshit of your job without caffeine. You had Kiri to thank for introducing you to the cafe, since she worked there. And by some miracle, she was working that morning.
“Running late?” she asked, a teasing grin on her face.
“Very. Be glad you’re working and didn’t have to listen to my ranting about it in the group chat.”
Kiri chuckled. “You think I don’t read the group chat while working? You’re very whiny this morning.”
“Shut up,” you sneered, though there was no bite in your tone. “I need a—”
“On the counter,” she cut you off, nodding towards the pick up counter, where your drink was waiting for you.
You stared dumbly at it for a moment, before a smile spread across your face. “You’re amazing.”
“I know.”
You grabbed it and immediately brought it to your mouth to start drinking as you hurried out of the shop, giving her a grateful wave as you left.
As you got in your car, you noticed writing scrawled on the side of the cup where the customer’s name would usually go.
‘the most gorgeous girl i know’
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Kiri announced, standing up. She nodded to you and asked, “You wanna come?”
You wanted to say ‘on your fingers, absolutely’—but you more appropriately answered, “Yeah, sure.”
“Why do girls do that?” Koro asked. “They always go to the bathroom together.”
Rotxo shrugged. “Mysteries of the universe.”
Kiri snagged your hand as she passed in front of you, and led you down the hallway. She didn’t say anything or look back at you, so you didn’t bother speaking either. You paused when she reached the bathroom, but she didn’t let go of your hand—pulling you right in with her. Before you could question it, she kicked the door closed and quickly brought the hand that was laced with yours up above your head, pinning it to the door as her body trapped you against it.
“Hello,” you whispered, your eyes darting down to her lips only a few inches from your own.
“I like this,” Kiri complimented, her other hand running up the side of your dress. Your eyes snapped up to meet hers when her fingers trailed across the side of your breast. “When you asked me what my favorite color was the other day, this isn't what I expected.”
“Who said it was for you?” you challenged, though it came out a bit breathier than intended. “Maybe I wore it because I like this color.”
“I’ve never seen you wear green.”
“You pay that much attention to what I wear?”
“Yes,” Kiri answered without an ounce of hesitation.
“So what if it was for you?”
“Well, if it was for me, I’d show you how much I like it,” Kiri said. She hooked her finger under your chin and ran her thumb over your bottom lip, her eyes tracing the touch. 
“It’s for you.”
She grinned, her eyes finding yours again. “I know, baby.”
Your mind was still reeling from the endearment, but she didn’t give you any time to process it, before closing the space between your faces. She released your lip just to gently suck it into her mouth, and you let her. As her soft lips moved against yours with the fervor of dancing around one another for months and finally being able to touch, to taste, you realized that you really would have let her do anything she wanted.
Heat began pooling in your stomach when she let out a quiet moan as you caressed her jaw. Fuck, you wanted to hear more of that. Your fingers trailed down her neck, down to her chest, and then paused at the feeling of the familiar twine-wrapped rose quartz pendant you’d given her. 
She suddenly hiked your leg up onto her hip, and a needy whimper fell from your lips as she firmly pressed her thigh against you. Distantly, you noted that you could feel her grin as she languidly licked into your mouth. 
“You want me?” she whispered, her breath tickling your spit-slick lips.
“For a long time,” you confirmed, using your leg to pull her firmly against your body.
Two sharp knocks on the door behind your head startled you both, and you separated, chests heaving and faces flushed.
“Get out already—I gotta pee,” Ao’nung called.
You wondered if Tsireya would forgive you for murdering her brother.
“Occupied,” you snapped.
“I will piss in Kiri’s shoes, if you guys don’t let me in there in the next thirty seconds.”
Kiri rolled her eyes and shook her head. “We should probably go.”
“Or I could buy you new shoes,” you proposed.
“You’re ridiculous.” She laughed, her hands flitting about your body to quickly fix your hair and resituate your dress. “Sexy, but ridiculous.”
“We’re really gonna let Ao’nung cockblock us?”
Kiri smirked as she tugged you closer by your waist and brushed her lips against the shell of your ear. “You’re so desperate for me. It’s hot.”
“Guys!” Ao’nung complained.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Not yet, but that sounds fun,” Kiri said as she moved you away from the door and turned the knob. “C’mon, let’s go rejoin the party. And maybe, in a bit, we can take my brother’s car for a spin. I have the keys.”
You nodded emphatically, fantasies flashing through your mind about how useful Neteyam’s spacious back seat and tinted windows were going to be.
Thank fuck you came to this stupid party.
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bihansthot · 5 months
Little update incoming but please mind the tags, I talk about some things not everyone might be comfy with!So far I’m pretty pleased with how things are going on Wegovy but there definitely are cases of “am I full or am I gonna puke” ngl I have vomited a few times on it. I’ve been losing a little over a pound a week and have been on the .25 dose for two months and just started the .5 dose today. Side effects have been very minimal but there’s definitely some stomach issues here and there. My only real complaint is I very rarely feel full, I’m never hungry and never have an appetite but I hardly ever feel well and truly full. There’s a lot more work involved with it than just skinny celebs lead you to believe, you actually have to put in the work of counting calories and exercising. Which I used to be very judicious about to the point of borderline anorexia so I’m a little scared I might get back to that point again. I’ve done a lot of mental health work between then and now though so I like to hope it will be ok. I need to be better about getting protein though, I’ve been very lax about it all week and that’s not good. I’m not overly concerned about losing muscle mass as I have a good bit of muscle but I don’t want to end up with skeletor face. So yeah there’s an update of sorts, I’m still in limbo after Ani ended things so I’m not sure what I’ll do. My partner is currently out of town so it’s just me and Denny for the next four days which is frustrating. Denny is a wonderful little lovebug but sometimes he likes to try and play when you take him out and he’s very strong and can get away from me so I worry. He thankfully just stays close by and runs little circles around me but it still stresses me out, he’s stressed too without my partner here. He won’t eat yet but hopefully he will soon, he usually gets like this when they’re away so no real cause for concern or alarm. If anyone wants to occasionally check in on us my inbox and discord (same name) are open. :) Ohhh update on my Dad, he’s going to get gel injected into his knees and it’ll hopefully buy him another year before he needs a replacement but he’s being really stubborn about it and quite honestly it’s pissing me off. He’s in constant pain, has limited mobility and has been told for years he needs a knee replacement and keeps putting it off. Why I’m frustrated is I would have killed for the luxury of declining/delaying any of the operations I’ve had, I’ve never had a choice and in the exceptionally rare case (my tubal ligation) I did, I still bit the bullet and did what I needed to do. My Dad has never had an operation in his life and while I understand being scared and apprehensive it’s something he needs done so he needs to suck it up and do it. Then again we’re talking about a man who nearly faints when getting his blood drawn, how I’m so damn resilient I’ll never know. I just worry about him, he’s in his late 70s now and things will just keep going downhill and I want him to stay as healthy and mobile for as long as he can. Ok I’m off to take Denny out, wish me luck.
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
My 3.07 “Strings That Bind Us” liveblog...
Cranberries’ "Dreams” to start us off? Okay.
Why does Jamie pulling Roy's bike along (in a pink sweatshirt & shorts no less) feel like the most obvious next step in their dynamic after "Sunflowers"?
More Jade-Nate stuff...
And Jack is totally being Keeley's "sugar daddy"... so it won't last.
I love Chef Simi. Still can't tell if this is a shipping situation or not... but obviously not siblings.
Barbecue sauce induced hallucination... okay. I'll accept that.
ASH! I always forget his name. I shall now refer to him as Cool Hat Guy.
They're still calling him Van Damme?
Nate got Siri to call him Wunderkind? lol
Okay... needed a warning for that puke-a-thon.
They are NOT going to last. Those are NOT green flags, Keeley.
Rebecca talking about Rupert lovebombing her with a CAR... exact thing he did with Nate.
Beard Kitman is... actually kinda accurate. And Coach Will Beard is FANTASTIC.
"This is yummy. What is this?" "Water."
lol... I'm gonna need a spinoff with Will Beard.
Oh, K/J are so over.
OF COURSE IT'S ROY'S IDEA. Boy needs some joy in his life right now. I gotta say... We need this technique in ALL FOOTBALL CODES.
Hm... Not sure if that'll work Nate. But it's the thought that counts.
J: "It better be amazing!" (what you do for me, compared to all the lavishness I've bestowed upon you... and if it sucks... well, you know who has all the POWER in this relationship don't you?) RED FLAG RED FLAG
And... okay, yeah. Thoughts count. Words do too.
Yikes. Sorry Sam. I mean, you were right to call him a bigot, but that was playing with fire. Let's just be thankful it wasn't a fire, yeah? :|
Oh, that working/marching song thing... I know it, but I can't remember where it's from.
Sam rightfully swearing! And then crying in his HUGE daddy's arms.
"Big whoop"? Sam's dad is Ted! And they get on very well... brilliant.
But they were all coordinated and stuff in the locker room!
Heh... love that the 3 pub guys are so so calm about the team’s performance.
Poor Roy... making puns while Ted talks.
ASS-SQUATCH "Make it stop" ... No, it's awesome.
Lol... pre-emptive bird flips.
JAMIE! YOU'RE BECOMING THE BEST YOU CAN BE! YOU'RE BETTER THAN ZAVA, BOY. Damn, I can't believe I'm proud of him (again - I was proud of him in 2.03 but that wasn't as a footballer).
Arlo: "That was bloody gorgeous!" Yes, it was.
Yeah, knew they wouldn't win. But they didn't let Arsenal get anymore goals, so there's that.
And... TRENT! He's excited about football again! Well, about The Lasso Way.
"Yeah, but he's our dork." :D
Aw, they're not over yet? Damn. But it still feels likely. If she doesn't have Epstein connections, SHE JOKED ABOUT HAVING EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS. That's not a good thing! Unless her Epstein is not that Epstein... in which case, who's the other famous Epstein?
Keep the mirrors as they are? I get the idea, Sam, but you gotta at least cover those shards with something. IT'S A SAFETY HAZARD.
And since... Ted & Rebecca did not share a scene AT ALL... I guess I'm just shipping Sam with Simi?
Yeah, not looking positive re: tedbecca here, so I’ll wait till 3.08 to either resurrect my shipper-self or bury it.  This episode was more about the team - with added Nate & Keeley’s storylines - so I get there wasn’t really any room for tedbecca stuff. They didn’t even focus that much on Ted. But now the team is kinda working like a well-oiled machine again... I think they’ll be able to return to the main ships & their individual journeys to find their way [back] to each other. 
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I wrote some shit for my oc? I guess.
However long its been has passed once again as Lute woke up in a dirty tshirt and his underpants in his bathroom "Hm?" He'd look around his bathroom before getting himself up and stumbling. "Jesus fuck my head hurts so bad." he'd say as he stumbled through his words. "I either had one of the worst or best time of my life last night." he'd state as he'd look around "And judging by me actually getting blackout drunk , I'm gonna guess it's the ladder option." Lute stated dryly."Alright let's get up Lute." He'd say to himself as he'd stumble to lift himself up on his bathtub."Nope , can't do that yet." Lute waited a few more minutes before stumbling himself up from his bathtub before promptly puking in his toilet. After he'd stop throwing up in his toilet , Lute stumbled over to his sink and leaned on it. "Alright old friend , where the fuck is the tyenol?"He'd open his mirror for the pill cabinet and rummaged throughout it for a solid minute or two "Thank fuck." He'd sigh as he'd pop open the pill bottle and probably poured around 3-4ish as he'd throw it down his mouth . "Alright. That should hopefully help." He stated as he'd close the mirror cabinet before staring back himself. He looked dirty and unclean , he clearly had been taking showers and baths but not shampoo usage. His clothes were gross in the way of never being ironed and full of animal fur and wrinkles. His face looked uncared for with deep tired eyebags and a face of almost nothing staring back at him"We look shit huh?" He'd say to himself."We really need to clean up in some way , its not a something that makes us look normal." He'd say to himself as he'd sigh."Granted it still feels weird even looking at myself." He'd say as he'd feel around his face"I look so much like nothing. Like its hard to just stare at myself without recoiling." He'd say as he'd lean on the sink more and stared into himself. "God we really do fucking suck huh?" Lute bluntly stated with venom in his voice. "No matter what we do , we always end up looking like a piece of shit who refuses to care to look how we are." Lute said as he started rambling "Cause we don't fucking have a worth of anything else because we're a petty piece of shit.We're sitting and talking to ourself in a mirror in some form of self pity for ourselves.Because its not like we actually fucking care whats going on or whats about us.If we actually weren't a fucking worthless blob , we wouldn't look like this.We wouldn't be yelling at ourselves in a mirror after a night of blacking out to forget."He'd look at himself more "God we look so much like him." Lute once again stated. "And by god you're such a fucking worthless piece of shit." He'd keep looking at himself in the mirror , he knew it was his body staring back him but it didn't feel like it. It felt like the body he knew he was in was a differing person talking to him throughout the mirror. Mocking and taunting him with what he looks like. Every single issue of him mocking in in something that didn't even feel like he was , and yet he didn't want to change it. Because that required him to do anything to help himself , and hes as fucking much as worthless piece of shit as the man he looks like. Because that's all he ever feels like he will be as the face stares back at him as a body that is clearly his but does't feel like it. He then left the bathroom door quietly back into his messy house to sink into a pile. Because he's to scared to change yet sad and scared that everyone he knows will view him as worthless. A person who never mattered because they were never better then the person they knew , because the self hate and words said by the past worms itself into his brain and tricks himself into thinking its true. After years and years of listening to the same horrible words lobbed towards every year growing up over sand over just made it feel true.Lute left and then went into the living room to watch youtube.
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Brain Puke: Submissive and Bread-able
Well, I'm laid up with a hurt back again... Fucking sucks, but I think it's mostly just really bad fatigue from walking almost thirty miles this week on top of taking out way more trash than usual after a bunch of cleaning and home improvement projects.
There was this one particular moment when I was working on our shower on Monday or Tuesday when I felt a twinge in my back and thought "Oh shit, I'm definitely gonna pay for that one later" aaaand here we are.
Upside is that I checked all the big "around the house" projects off my current list, finally replaced our junked up studio monitors, and picked up a Moog DFAM which already sounds like it's gonna fit right in with the rest of our setup. (Also: Weird that Moog saw fit to release what is essentially a death industrial/ powernoise rhythm generator... No wonder they just went out of business.)
Downside is that I feel like Bane gave me the fucking Bat-Breaker and I just found out I have to limp my ass to the grocery store to get bread for dinner 'cos the bread we ordered didn't show up.
Anyway, here's some Bathory while I go deal with that, because Christ knows I'm gonna need something epic to get me through the two mile hike to Shop Rite and back.
Oh yeah, one other real quick thing before I head out: I know posting has been slow for the past couple weeks, It's 'cos I'm recording with two different bands right now. Things will hopefully pick back up when the albums are done and I have a bit more free time.
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gabsisnotamazing · 1 year
tw disgusting sickness
i just want to vent don't read this
i feel like shit i already puked everything i ate like 8 hours ago and now im hungry but get dizzy everytime i stand up and im scared that if i eat im gonna puke more and there's nothing i hate more thank puking, it fucking sucks, and now i guess everything that was left from whatever i didnt puke is being pooped and it is not good nothing is okay rn send help, hopefully its just a today thing and my stomach will be fine tomorrow but it really isnt cooperating rn
also my leg fucking hurts bc i moved way too much two days ago and its still cramped, my muscles feel so tight and it hurts ugh and just to finish it off i feel like i have a fever i feel too hot, everything sucks atm
alright im done
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oflgtfol · 2 years
sorry i feel like after every single migraine i have i need to do a self reflection afterward
holy shit so i woke up. at 2am like i said i would and my migraine is gone im still kinda weird so im gonna go back to sleep to make sure its entirely gone bc being on my phone again is making me wary of it returning but like. my 2am estimate was spot on LMAO
But anyway uhm my real holy shit moment is the fact that. this was the very first migraine ive ever experienced where i never got sick. which kind of made it miserable because i normally cope with migraines by, uhm TMI + emetophobia warning, but i normally cope with the pain because puking makes the pain stop for a few minutes, and thats normally when im finally able to fall asleep, so i normally spend the entire migraine mostly sleeping and then just waking up briefly to puke again and then go back to sleep, and then over the course of the next 6 hours each time i wake up the pain gradually weakens until its gone. but when i dont puke its just pain and pain and theres no relief it took me two entire hours to finally fall asleep today and i was even like rocking bakc and forth trying to make myself nauseous to puke to get some relief but it just wouldnt happen im surprised i even fell asleep within two hours but i did and i slept right through until 2am and now my migraines gone.
this sort of happened with the last migraine i had except if i rememeber correctly i did puke, but only once, and it was after that one time that i was able to sleep the rest off, and that happened about an hour into it but it was still a miserable hour. and again even just getting sick only one time is an outlier for me
i did take excedrin right at the beginning of my migraine today, which my mom has been using for her own migraines, and she also got me to take it last time as well, so im wondering if the excedrin is whats making my migraines less intense in terms of getting sick. and also the pain hasnt been as bad as it normally is, but again its still a migraine so its still Bad, so i still kinda wanna get sick just for relief. bur when the pain is its normal level then i like NEED to get sick so i can get relief. so i guess in exchange for not getting sick, i get less pain as well, but its like, it kinda makes it more of a miserable experience than a normal migraine because i dont get any relief. so i dont know i have mixed feelings about excedrin if its gonna make it harder for me to sleep off my migraines which is my main way of coping with it
bur then the other part of me is wondering, this frequency of migraines is really new and abnormal. im normally on a strict 2 year schedule, my last on-schedule migraine was in fall 2021 i wasnt scheduled for another migraine until fall 2023, but then i got one in october 2022, i think i got one again sometime a month or two after that, and now here i am again in march 2023, like three migraines in a row in a year that i wasnt even scheduled to have a single migraine in. some part of me is worried it might be an effect of accutane but hopefully since im off it now and its getting out of my system i’ll make my way back to my old schedule (if it even is a side effect of accutane) cuz like it sucks getting one this frequently, although its still not as bad as people who have like actual chronic migraines like my mom who gets one every 2-3 weeks, or others who get them even more frequently than that. but it still sucks yknow lol
the only other thing i can think of that might be causing migraines more frequently is that like. either my chronic sleep deprivation is catching up to me, or like. shits so bad im seriously wondering if every little thing wrong with me lately can be like a physical side effect of having severe depression like im seriously about to google if depression can make migraines worse cuz i dont know anything anymore. especially because i was in such a shit ass fucking mood this morning and then lo and behold migraine
so anyway im also wondering if maybe just the fact that these migraines are off schedule might be making them weaker than my normal ones. like my 2 year schedule ones are the mega migraines the things that last 6-8 hours, the ones that cause the huge entire, UNMISTAKABLE auras that cover my whole vision (rather than my wimpy ones lately that have me doubting if its an aura at all until its already almost over), the ones that have me bedridden within minutes of the aura ending, the ones that have the worst pain of my life and make sick like every 20 minutes, etc. And then maybe these off schedule ones, since theyre off schedule, might be weaker, have me sick less offen and with less pain, and tend to be slightly shorter than normal, etc? but i dont know it probably is just the excedrin causing the difference
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thoughtssssssssssss · 2 years
I’m disappointed of myself. I’m so lost. The whole fucking month I was able to be productive just for three days. JUST THREE DAYS?!? And that was just doctor appointments. I hate everything. Everything makes me wanna puke constantly. What’s the point? I even created an imaginary talking pet for myself that I talk to. So I can be less lonely and hopefully more productive. But it’s not really working. I think I just added another brain puzzle for myself. I’m probably gonna do it time to time but I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. The whole world is crushing in front of me and I’m not able to do anything about it. I’m paralyzed with fear and perfection. My arms are tied with the possibility of failure. And the constant guilt of being alive makes me shut my mouth so I cannot longer talk about it. It hurts me deeply. I’m scared I’m so scared. Every daydream I created was for someone else. I wanted to be for myself but the I will see my daydream happening to someone else and I will be disappointed. Like did I just manifested someone else’s dream? That’s not fair! I don’t want this. I want MY DAYDREAM TO HAPPEN TO ME! I WANT TO BE AN ACTOR DOING AMAZING MOVIES. I WANT TO ACT OUT INTERESTING CHARACTERS WITH A-LIST ACTORS!! Fuck fuck fuck. I’m ducking it up. Maybe they were right. Maybe I should go there. Start there. Maybe I will have more chance. Maybe they will like me since I graduated form outside? But then. I’m not pretty enough for them. And they will just give me comedic roles, aren’t they? Since somehow ugly equals to comedy… it’s so stupid. And why the weather fucking sucks today fuck u. Also I wanna puke again. Aaaahh
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witchyweasley · 4 years
Release the Tension - Fred Weasley
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: The final year at Hogwarts is always a rough one, so you try to find ways to release tension in whatever way you can.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, oral (male receiving), public-ish?
The final year at Hogwarts is usually the most stressful. Professors expect you to be perfect, and every little mistake you make is amplified 10 times more than it should be because “You’re about to be out in the real world,” and “Hogwarts can’t protect you forever.” All of the little things really add up, and sometimes you just need a way to release the tension.
Thankfully, Fred Weasley has felt the same way. After one particularly rough game of quidditch and a victory party in the Gryffindor common room, I found myself waking up in his bed. The bed curtains were drawn, so hopefully none of his roommates saw me in there. They obviously knew someone was there, but they didn’t need to know who.
I quickly threw on my clothes and quickly headed over to my own dorm room, stepping over various passed out gryffindors who just didn’t have the energy to walk upstairs last night. I went down to the showers and got myself ready for the long day of classes ahead of me.
When I got to the great hall for breakfast, I found the Weasley twins sitting in our usual spot, both looking a little worse for wear.
“Oof, what got into you two?” I asked, sitting across from them.
“Firewhiskey. And a bit too much of it,” George answered as his fingers massaged his temples. “I’m going to go take a puking pastille, just to speed up the inevitable. Either of you want one?”
“No, I’m good thanks,” I answered and Fred shook his head no.
“Suit yourselves, I’ll see you in potions, if I make it that far,” George groaned as he headed back to his dorm.
“So, was I dreaming, or did we fuck last night?” Fred asked as he rubbed his forehead.
“As much as I would like to say ‘In your dreams’, we definitely fucked,” I said, loading my plate up with toast.
“I’m sorry, we probably shouldn’t have done that,” Fred said, grabbing a piece of toast that I buttered up for him.
“I don’t remember complaining about it?” I said nonchalantly.
“Oh? Have a bit of a crush do we?” He smirked.
“Not quite Weasley. It’s our last year of school, I’m not really looking for a serious relationship,” I said.
“So that was a one time thing? Damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have drank last night, then I could at least remember it,” Fred groaned.
“Well, it doesn’t have to be a one time thing…” I suggested.
“Oh? And what do you propose?” Fred asked.
“Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits?” I suggest.
“No strings attached?” Fred clarified.
“Correct, just fucking no feelings. We’ve both got a lot of tension with school, quidditch, and worrying about the future, and I think last night we released some of that,” I said.
“Alright, I’m down,” Fred shrugged. I nodded and continued eating my toast, mentally preparing myself for my classes today.
“These are some of the most practical skills you will ever learn in your time at Hogwarts. These are also some of the hardest skills you will learn. Pay close attention to me, this will be on the test next week and I will not be repeating myself,” McGonagall said as she showed us a difficult spell.
My brain was already so clouded from the test in Potions where greaseball wouldn’t let us use our notes to brew a potion he only taught us a couple days prior. I couldn’t focus at all. I found myself staring across the room at Fred, watching his hands as he took careful notes of McGonagall's demonstration. He caught me staring at him and raised his eyebrows at me before mouthing “pay attention” at me. I just winked at him and watched his face flush at my actions.
After class I quickly caught up with Fred and dragged him away from his friends.
“Want to release some tension?” I asked, overly stressed from the last test. He smirked and pulled me into one of the many hidden corridors of Hogwarts, one I had never even seen before.
“How do you always know where these are?” I asked.
“Oh is that what you want to do, you want to talk?” Fred asked, towering over me as he backed me up against the wall, “Or do you want to fuck?”
I grabbed his tie and pulled his lips against mine in a rough kiss. My hands slid up into his hair, as he gripped my waist and pulled me close. A soft growl escaping his lips as I tugged at his ginger hair. His fingers began unbuttoning my top, stopping halfway through. No point in fully undressing in case someone were to miraculously come by and ruin the moment.
His lips travelled down to my jawline, making their way to my neck where he lightly sucked at the sweet spot. After making a small mark, he worked his way to my collar bones, and then down to my breasts. He pulled down the lacey cup of my bra and took one nipple into his mouth while he pinched the other, causing small, breathy moans from me.
As he moved to give my other nipple some attention, his other hand slipped down under my skirt, rubbing circles over my panties.
“Fuck Freddie,” I moaned, causing him to remove his mouth from my nipple and press a hard kiss to my lips.
“Quiet love, we don’t want anyone to catch us. Can you be quiet for me?” He asked quietly. I nodded in response, but admittedly I didn’t trust myself very much. I don’t think he trusted me either, but he returned back to giving my nipple attention. I bit my lip, but lost control as he slipped a finger into my panties.
“Do that again and I’m gonna have to make you be quiet,” He said, smirking at me. He knew what he was doing.
Biting down on my lip only got me so quiet, but not quite enough as he slid a second finger into my pussy. He quickly removed his fingers and put them in his mouth, sucking them clean.
“Fine, looks like I’ll have to make you be quiet. Get on your knees for me,” Fred smirked. I sank down to my knees, watching as Fred quickly unbuckled his belt, and quickly released his erection from his pants.
He watched me intently as I took his length into my hand, pumping it a few times before licking it from base to tip. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as I took his length into my mouth, using my hand to pump what I couldn’t comfortably fit in my mouth. I continued bobbing my head, slowly taking more and more of him into my mouth. I then took his entire length in my mouth, causing a moan to escape from him.
I started to move back to make a snarky comment, but Fred pressed a hand to the back of my head.
“Don’t even think about it,” He said, knowing what I was going to say. He was now thrusting his hips, controlling the pace that I was originally in charge of. His head was thrown back and his breathing was ragged.
“Fuck, you’re so good at this,” he breathed out. His thrusts slowed down and soon he released into my mouth. I looked up at him while I swallowed the salty white liquid.
“What is it Mrs. Norris? Are children in the forbidden corridor?” I heard Filch say. Sure enough, Mrs. Norris rounded the corner and started meowing loudly. Fred quickly shoved his dick back into his pants, helped me up, and grabbed my hand as we started running down the corridor. Barely avoiding Filch, and just barely out running Mrs. Norris.
Once we were safe from them, Fred pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard.
“We can continue this after quidditch practice.”
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Ch. 4
Tumblr media
18 + Minors DNI Please Check Rules Before You Follow
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader (brief reference to Dabi x Hawks)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: smut, allusion to nausea (once), brief sacrilegious language (dabi), mentions of alcohol (dabi), mentions of smoking (dabi), dabi is just a whole warning of his own, gender neutral pronouns for reader, fem cause they're called a woman as an insult, Shiggy is an asshole, grinding, degradation,
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Summary: In which a project is completed and a new one begins
AO3 Mirror
Taglist: @dillybuggg (shoot me an ask if you want to be tagged)
Your project was almost complete.
In some ways, it sort of felt like the end of an era. To Tomura, who was a creature of habit by nature, it was doubly strange to imagine no longer spending hours a few days each week locked away in your little study room with you bugging him to teach you simple html and him not-so-discreetly sniffing your hair.
He still hadn’t asked you out or whatever he’d been trying to do, much to Dabi’s chagrin. And because of this, Tomura was consistently plagued with the feeling of time running out.
You were supposed to meet today for probably the last time seeing as the presentation was coming up at the end of the week. He knew it was now or never at this point. If he didn’t fucking say something now, he never would and then he’d have to live with the same his roommate wouldn’t let him live down.
So instead of heading directly to the library after class, Tomura took the old route back to his apartment and shot you a quick text—praying to the fucking boner gods, as Dabi called them, that you’d take the bait.
would you mind putting the finish touches on shit at my place?—
there’s some parts i gotta do from my desktop—
That wasn’t completely a lie. It was nicer working from his pc setup, but before he wouldn’t have let you come anywhere fucking near there. Not until he’d finally accepted that you’d wormed your way into his brain somehow and he couldn’t live another day not knowing what your tongue tasted like.
bitch (endearing):
—no problem
—what’s your address?
Tomura’s heart fucking pounded mercilessly against the bony prison of his ribs. It wasn’t like he was a stranger to some good old fashioned anxiety, but he’d never felt a strange stirring in his stomach quite like this. Like he might puke, but in a good way.
He quickly sent back his street and apartment number, and waited on the corner until you texted back that you’d be there in an hour before he rushed inside.
“What the hell are you doing, creep?!” Dabi snapped at him when he burst through the door and yeeted his backpack onto the kitchen table.
Tomura didn’t answer, just made a beeline for the bathroom and slammed the door. He doused himself in record time, unbothered by the hot water causing red, patchy flare ups to bloom over his skin. He was almost disgusted with himself for putting in this much effort for someone like you. Someone being definitely kind of a slut if the way you dressed was a good indicator. But he just kept thinking about the way your hair or skin smelled so goddamn good when you leaned in close and he wanted you to be obsessed with him in the same way. Wanted you to want to bury your face in his neck and breath him in.
When he stumbled out into the hall moments later, towel drying his hair roughly, Dabi was taking a shot over the sink.
He looked at Tomura like hell had frozen over.
“Two showers in like a month?” he mused, sucking his teeth as the alcohol slid down his throat. “What’s the occasion? The fucking, second coming of Christ?”
“Well the bitch is coming over so…”
“Oh, that is a fucking miracle,” Dabi whistled and knocked back a second shot.
Tomura glared, stepping into his room and tossing his towel aside to tug on his nicest pair of black joggers and t-shirt that gapped a bit at the front, showing off a large expanse of his chest. It made him a bit nervous even just looking at his reflection but you definitely stared the few times he’d taken off his hoodie while you were working, so the risk seemed worth the reward.
“Yeah, well you’re gonna have to piss off for the night,” Tomura shouted into the kitchen as Dabi sauntered over to lean against his doorframe.
“You know, I conveniently do have a dick appointment with my own bitch, but now I don’t want to go.”
His tone was teasing, eyes hooded and clearly enjoying how flustered Tomura was already before you’d even gotten here. Tomura moved to snatch another pillow and do battle but Dabi raised his hands up quickly in defeat.
“Oh no, no, I just fucking did my hair for this Keigo asshole you are not gonna ruin it with that petty shit,” he shot back and disappeared somewhere into his own room. “I’ll be out of your greasy ass hair don’t worry.”
Tomura seethed and bit back of reply of his hair for once not being greasy as hell, but the multiple cum stains—both his and his nasty fucking roommates—marring the comforter caught his eye.
“Ugh,” he mumbled and balled the whole thing up, shoving it under the bed and spreading out one of his merch blankets from that manga you both liked.
Hopefully you wouldn’t think that was too cringey, but he had definitely seen your room plastered with merch in the background of your social media profiles which he totally did not stalk at all and maybe jerk off to on occasion.
The rest of his room was quickly cleared by a combination of shoving random crap into his closet and filling up their recycling bin to the brim with empty energy drink cans. He tackled the kitchen next which wasn’t as hard as he’d expected. Neither he nor Dabi cooked all that frequently, so the dishes weren’t an issue and the vague, lingering smell of whatever the fuck Dabi had been smoking early was cleared out a bit by leaving the balcony door ajar.
He checked the time on his phone obsessively, about ready to pound on Dabi’s door and throw him out on the step when the man in question emerged on his own—black platform boots donned with his ass hugging ripped jeans and a loose tank top.
He had on fucking eyeliner.
God and he thought Tomura was being desperate.
“What? Wishing you’d locked this down first?” Dabi sneered, grabbing his jacket from the rack and shoulder checking Tomura on his way to the door.
“I—” he stammered for a second, bristling as Dabi towered over him a bit in those fucking boots. “No, asshole, just leave before they get here.”
But at the exact moment that Dabi rolled his eyes and flung open the door, Tomura’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Looking up in mingled horror and embarrassment, he watched the door hit the wall and reveal you, a little more casually dressed than usual looking stunned as Dabi grinned down at you with pierced lips.
“Hi, I’m-” you started but Tomura’s live-in nightmare cut you off.
“Oh I know who you are, dollface,” Dabi wiggled his fucking eyebrows at you, clearly playing up the dramatics as much as possible to a degree even Tomura didn’t think he could pull off. “Name’s Dabi—”
“Uh, yeah and he was just leaving,” Tomura hissed and placed his shoulder firmly in the center of his roommate’s back, launching him onto the welcome mat as you side-stepped through the door.
“Yeah, see ya later creep,” he fucking winked as the door slammed shut in his face.
Tomura’s cheeks burned in the following silence which was only broken by your quiet chuckle. He noticed you did that a lot. Laughed at things without even thinking about whether it would sound weird.
“He seems like a lot,” you mumbled and glanced around at the living room/kitchen/foyer of his tiny apartment.
He thought he might feel the same sort of disturbance he usually did when Dabi brought his dates home but you seemed to fit easily into the space, unobtrusive but bright against the dingy walls.
“So, should we get to it?” you asked with a wry smile, spinning to face him and silhouetted by the sun set filtering in past the balcony.
He may not have felt the usual discomfort of intruders in his space, but his hands shook where he clutched at his thighs nonetheless. And just like always, if you noticed the bunched up fabric and the not so slight tremor in his bony arms, you didn’t say a thing about it.
You looked so good propped up on his bed, back against the wall and legs dangling off the sides as the now strangely comforting sound of your furious typing filled his room. It had been a few hours now, and Dabi had been true to his word, seemingly gone until tomorrow morning. The room was illuminated only by your screens and his small desk lamp that lit up your legs like a stage spot light.
His mind fogged over more than once with the fantasy of laying in between them.
“I just shared the final bit of script,” you said, breaking the comfortable silence.
The notification pinged at the top of his screen and he hummed in acknowledgement, plugging in your last pieces of text and saving the program.
And just like that.
It was over.
“I think we’re done,” Tomura whispered.
He didn’t really mean to say it so softly, but it felt strange to talk at full volume so he rasped out the words, knowing you wouldn’t care how shitty his voice sounded.
There was a creak and soft footsteps behind him as you shuffled off the bed and over to his desk. Your hands rested way too close to his shoulders than necessary while you leaned over his chair to look at the finished product.
It was still a little rough around the edges but Tomura found himself feeling a swell of satisfaction now that it was complete. All things considered, you’d come up with a pretty damn good concept and he liked knowing he played a role in helping it come to fruition.
The piece you picked was weird as shit. Some political satire about eating babies, lots of juxtaposition about the private life versus the public self and some bullshit rants on the nature of humanity blah blah blah.
It actually reminded him of you a little bit, now that he thought about it as he took advantage of you position to stare intently at your eyes scanning the screen. Not the eating babies thing, but the whole private self stuff.
In the half semester he’d spent locked away with you in quiet rooms and noisy, dimly lit basements, he could see such a stark contrast between the you he’d known from class all those weeks ago and the you currently sighing in relief over his shoulder.
Softer, more real—not so Stacy, bimbo, pick me slut like he’d always imagined you to be.
“Damn, we did it my guy,” you nodded, clearly impressed with yourself and him as well, which had Tomura’s chest puffing out just a bit under the attention. “I could fucking kiss you, I thought we’d never get it done.”
You turned to him, eyes closed in a half laugh but Tomura was so far from laughing. Cause you were really, really fucking close and he could smell you again and you’d been chewing that fucking gum cause it was hot on your breath. He knew, he really did, that you were kidding, that this was just a thing people said when they were relieved but he couldn’t help the weird, deer in the headlights stare that his face froze in.
Blinking, you raised your eyebrows at him questioningly when he didn’t make some crude comment about your chest brushing against his arm or shrug you off like he might have before.
And then you got this knowing, little mischievous look that reminds him far too much of Dabi for a split second before you pressed your face just an inch closer.
His eyes flicked down instinctively to your lips and his face burned when realized there was no way you didn’t see how he looked at you. Shockingly, despite the churning in his gut and the shaking in his legs, Tomura leaned forward just a bit too, working up enough scant courage to maybe close the gap. But then you started laughing?
It bubbled up quietly in your chest, more of a giggle than anything else.
You were laughing and shaking your head and his stomach fucking dropped to the ground and his face was on fire cause you were laughing and that meant he’d been fucking played like a goddamn fiddle but—
But then you gave him this faint smile and you weren't laughing anymore, because you were kissing him.
You were fucking kissing him.
Which, while yes he had set out to have this be the end goal of the night, he hadn’t actually believed it would ever happen. He’d never felt it in his bones like he thought he was supposed to.
And holy shit your lips were so soft??
So soft and smooth with no cool, sharp metal poking or pulling at the splits on his. It was like fucking crack, or what he imagined crack might be like with the way your mouth just glided against his. It was so easy to follow you, which was good cause he didn’t have a goddamn clue what he was doing for the most part. But you made it feel simple, and you even ran your tongue over the little scar that bisected his lips in this painfully adorable way that had Tomura pitching a tent in his pants like lightning.
God and when you pulled back and just enough to look at him again:
It was like every one of those cutesy, shojo manga suddenly made sense. The panels where the main characters look at each other and flowers bloom off the fucking page while they stare with those dark, hungry eyes—
Yeah he got it now.
And he was gonna ride that wave while he had it. So Tomura steeled himself and surged forward, grabbing both your arms and smashing his face much less gracefully against yours. He stood and you straightened with him, that same half giggle slipping out in the gaps where your lips parted on his as he clacked your teeth together and pulled back at the jarring sting.
“Eager are we?” you had that stupid smile on your face again but he honestly didn’t care anymore if it was an act or if your face really just looked like that with no fucking ulterior motive.
“Shut up,” he muttered, trying to catch your lips again and you mercifully let him.
Tomura nearly fucking came in his pants when you licked into his mouth and oh fucking god he really could taste the gum and that loud ass shit you were always drinking. Dabi was right, this was a fucking miracle.
Did other people always taste this good or was it just you?
He responded enthusiastically to say the least, sucking your tongue into his mouth and letting out a choked little noise when you prodded the back of his teeth. The movement of your legs, pulling him back towards the bed went mostly unnoticed until he felt himself tipping forward, landing with a thump on top of you as you both tumbled onto his mattress.
Tomura’s lips wondered boldly down your throat, smelling the soap or lotion or whatever the hell made you so fucking baby smooth compared to him and he actually growled into your nape when you laughed again.
“God, what the fuck is so funny?” he sounded muffled from where he was tonguing at the fleshy joining of your neck and shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry,” you pressed your lips against the peeling crown of his head and that alone made up for the interruption, “I’m just basking in the glory of being right.”
“About?” Tomura nipped at your skin once before lifting his chin to rest on your sternum.
“I just always thought you were sorta into me, but it was hard to tell cause you’re so quiet about that kinda thing.”
“....oh,” he didn’t really have an argument for that so he didn’t try to fight you.
“Did you think I didn’t notice all the convenient excuses to touch me or like the fact that you’re mean as shit to everyone else but me?" you asked not unkindly as you stroked a hand through his hair, frizzy from being left to air dry. “I also got the vibes you thought I was a slut anyway and it wasn’t super clear if that was a turn on or not.”
He cringed a bit at the blatant way you acknowledged all ruder inner monologues about your character.
“Well, I did a bit initially,” Tomura glanced off to the side, suddenly finding the chipping paint much more fascinating. God he really wanted to get back to the good stuff. “But I don’t now…”
“Oh no,” you cupped his face, running a thumb against the cracked skin on his cheeks and didn’t cringe when the drying skin flaked onto your shirt, “that was a pretty astute assumption.”
“Uh, what?”
He felt his draw drop and you dipped your thumb past his front row of teeth, toying with the pooling saliva.
“All the better for you though,” you continued dragging his chest against yours so he could feel your nipples through his shirt, “cause that just means I know how to show you a good time, and I get the feeling you’ve never had that happen before.”
You punctuated your words with roll of your hips against the fucking iron rod in his pants. The noise that left Tomura was inhuman.
He thought back to the day you got partnered with him. How he thought it would be a fucking nightmare and Tomura wanted to let the record show that he officially retracted that statement. This was in no uncertain terms, actually a wet dream come true and he was sure Dabi would never fucking believe him unless he walked through the door right now.
“That works,” he stuttered around the finger in his mouth and you reared up to wrap your legs around his waist.
Your lips found his again and he hummed in approval only cut off as you rolled so he was laying back and looking up. When you pulled back, he shivered at the way you raked your nails over his chest.
“So, you gonna tell me how much of a disgusting whore you think I am?”
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hangovercurse · 4 years
I’ll Be Here
Colson tries to take you out for a nice dinner, but things don’t go exactly as planned.
Request: “hey there !! i absolutely love your work and was wondering if you'd consider writing something where the reader struggles with an ED? and Colson finds out? Just an angsty hurt/comfort-y kind of thing maybe? If you aren't comfortable/don't have the time then no worries !! I hope you have a lovely day ♥️🐇”
Colson x reader
Warnings: Eating disorders (explicit), cursing, vomit
A/N: If you are struggling with an eating disorder, there is help. The National Eating Disorders Association Hotline is 1-800-931-2237 and the national hopeline (for any and all crises) 1-800-442-4673. It gets better, I promise.
A/N part 2: This is really personal to me, as I am currently in treatment for an ED and still very much suffer from those impulses. If you are struggling and need to talk to someone who has been where you are, my dms are always open.
Word Count: 3107
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Friday nights were always date nights. They had been since you and Colson had gone out on a Friday for your first date, 3 months ago. And tonight was no exception, but you wanted nothing more than to cancel.
Colson had announced he would be taking you to a very fancy restaurant that would be serving you both a five-course meal. “Babe, I won’t be able to eat all of that.” You told him, being completely serious.
He laughed it off, thinking you were just being overdramatic. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat whatever you don’t.” You pretended to laugh along, but in reality, your stomach was churning with the thought of how much food you’d be eating come Friday.
And now it was here, and you felt no more confident in yourself. You hadn’t eaten in almost two days to prepare for this, even though you’d gone longer for less before. You had been trying to eat more whenever Colson was around so he wouldn’t pick up on anything, but he was starting to be around a lot more, and it was getting harder to fake normalcy.
You were getting ready at your house, your hair and makeup done. You pulled the dress you planned on wearing out of your closet, a loose black dress with gold accents on it. You were hoping that it’s flowing would hide your figure. You caught a glimpse of yourself in your mirror, only a bra and underwear covering you. You scowled in disgust at your figure, sucking in your stomach and straightening your posture to try and flatten yourself out, but it didn’t help.
Before you could get more upset with yourself, you turned away from the mirror and put the dress on. “Tonight is going to be a good night.” You chanted to yourself.
Colson picked you up, looking sexy as ever. He was in a pair of blue pants, a plain white t-shirt, and a blue jacket. “You clean up nicely.” You smiled as he pulled you in for a quick kiss.
“You look fuckin’ incredible, babe.” He told you as he separated your lips. “Like, seriously, how did I get so lucky?”
You rolled your eyes, cringing internally but externally walking to the other side of his car. “If anyone here is lucky it’s me.”
The restaurant was, as he promised, hella fancy. The hostess led you both to a table in the far corner of the restaurant, away from peering eyes. You were handed a menu with five course headings on it and 3 options under each.
You looked at Colson with wide eyes, only to find him grinning at the menu. You decided not to say anything, not wanting to ruin his good night with all of your problems. You knew he would find out eventually, but you determined that tonight would not be that time. So, you gave the waitress your orders. Colson ordered a bottle of white wine for you two to sip on.
Before you know it, the first course had arrived. It was small, thank goodness, as it was only hors d’oeuvres, but you usually only ate that much food in a day, you couldn’t imagine how the next courses would go.
You had to admit, despite your hatred for food, the shallot and pancetta tortilla crisps were good. You figured this could be easy if you just let yourself relax. You let yourself fall into easy conversation with your boyfriend.
Then the appetizer came out, stuffed mushrooms. You struggled your way through, eating very slowly so that Colson would hopefully not notice that you were only eating half the amount that he was.
You got about halfway through your salad before your entire body said “stop.” You physically couldn’t eat anymore, the thought of holding your fork made you want to throw up. You got distracted by trying to calm yourself down that you were completely ignoring Colson.
“Y/N, are you listening?”
You snapped your head up from your plate to meet his eyes, a sorry expression coming onto your face. “Yeah, sorry. I just got distracted. I’m good.”
Colson eyed you wearily before continuing whatever he was talking about. The waitress brought out the fourth course in the meantime; your main meal. You had gotten Chicken Francese, hoping it would be the lightest thing on the menu. You were wrong.
The chicken was huge. You tried to smile at the waitress, but you couldn’t even look her in the face, too focused on how the hell you were going to pretend to eat this chicken. Colson sent a look in your direction before giving the waitress a polite, “thank you.”
Once she had left, he glared at you. You looked up once again, “what?” Your voice was quiet.
Colson grumbled, “nothing.” You gave a small pout when he looked away from you, cutting into his food. You decided it was better not to respond to him.
Instead, you returned your attention to the food in front of you. The tossing and turning of your stomach reminded you how disgusting you already felt. You could hear the faintest whispers of the devil in the back of your mind.
You’re gonna eat all that? Think about everything else you’ve consumed already! No wonder you’re so fat.
He’s never gonna stay with someone who eats as much as you do.
You shooed them away, taking your fork and knife in your hand. You cut the chicken into a few small pieces, taking nibbles at them, and pretending to enjoy it. You and Colson had stopped talking, and you could feel his irritation building.
You looked up to see his plate almost half empty, Jesus how could he eat so fast? He met your gaze, glancing down to your plate and scowling. “Why aren’t you eating?”
You looked down, a small sigh escaping your mouth. “I’m just not that hungry, I guess.” You bit your lip, about to continue when he cut you off “I told y-“
“Do you not like it?”
You shook your head, “No, it’s no th-“
Colson let out a frustrated sigh, “well, sorry Y/N. Tried to do something nice for you but apparently even this isn’t good enough for you.”
You wanted to scream at him, “that’s not what this is about you fucking idiot!” But you were in a very nice restaurant and the patrons would not appreciate that at all.
If you kept pushing, it would end up going in that direction, so you decided not to explain yourself. Instead, you forced the food down, showing Colson that you were eating it. He scoffed every time you made a show of putting the fork into your mouth and chewing the chicken.
Every swallow felt like an anchor dropping into your stomach. Your stomach was bubbling like some kind of witch’s brew.
When dessert arrived, you wanted to get up and walk out, but Colson was already on edge and you didn’t want to make it any worse. You both hadn’t spoken much, but you could tell he was getting frustrated with you. It was the worst feeling in the world.
Your stupid insecurities are ruining his life.
You can’t even stop thinking about yourself for one night to let him have a good time?
Talk about selfish.
You pushed the thoughts down, taking a small bite of the apple crème brûlée. It felt like a tipping point, like if you ate anything else you would throw up right then and there.
You placed your spoon down onto your plate, harsher than you had hoped. You mumbled out a quick, “I’ll be right back.” Before standing up and making your way to the restrooms.
Luckily, there was no one inside, though you knew that could change at any moment. You locked yourself in the stall furthest away from the door, crouching down in your heels.
It only took a few moments before the food you had just eaten came up, your vomit filling the toilet bowl. You tried to keep your gags quiet in case anyone were to walk in.
He tries to take you on a nice date and you’re in the bathroom, puking.
Like I said, selfish.
I don’t even know why he stays with you, honestly
You’re not pretty, you’re not very smart, you’re not much of anything at all, really.
You’re a drama queen!
Maybe you should just stop eating for good
Then this wouldn’t be an issue
You don’t know when the tears started, but they were streaming down your face. You grabbed a handful of toilet paper, softly dabbing your face to hopefully clear your skin of any makeup that may have run off.
You flushed the toilet, piecing yourself together haphazardly. You stood up, stumbling out of the stall, and facing yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were slightly puffy, but none of your makeup had smeared, luckily.
You sighed, glancing up to prevent more tears from falling. You put a fake smile on your face, walking out of the restroom and to your table. When Colson saw you, he stood up abruptly. “I already paid, let’s go.” His voice wasn’t loud, but it was harsh enough for you to know he was angry.
He walked in front of you as you made your way to the car. His hand never found yours like it normally would, there was no warmth coming from him, only a cold distance. The car ride to your house was silent. You wanted to say something, but you couldn’t quite find the words. At one point you’d reached out to place your hand on top of his, but he jerked his hand away, his other hand gripping the wheel tighter.
When he finally pulled into your driveway, you sat there for a few moments, studying his face as he looked straight ahead. “Colson,” You whispered.
You sighed, your eyes filling with tears again. You hated almost everything about yourself, but you hated when he was mad at you even more.
You don’t deserve him.
You nodded to yourself, opening the door and stepping out of the car. As much as you wanted to explain yourself and beg him to forgive you, you knew what was best for him. If you let him leave now, he wouldn’t have to bear the burden of your problems. He could be free to find something better. Someone better.
So, you went inside, tears falling down your face the entire way in.
Colson almost didn’t catch the glossy look in your eyes, or the red swelling around them. But he did, and it made him feel all sorts of weird inside.
Why did he have to get so mad?
It was just a stupid dinner.
He knew he was being too hard on you, but he was just trying to do something romantic.
Is that too much to ask for?
Apparently so.
But he shook off his thoughts, turning his car off and making his way to your now closed door. Even if he was upset, he needed to make sure you were alright.
When he walked in, the lights were all off, the house very dark and very quiet. You had only gone in a few moments before him, where were you?
His questions were answered by small gasps coming from your guest bathroom, mixed with sobs. He ran to where you were, throwing the door open and turning on the light.
He found you sitting over the toilet, your bile in the bowl. A look of worry immediately flooded his features, and he kneeled down beside you. He wrapped one of his arms around you loosely, his other rubbing your back. You leaned back into his chest, sobs shaking your entire body. “I’m- sorry.” Your words were very choppy, interrupted by your gasps for air.
“It’s okay, baby.” He sighed, resting his chin on the crown of your forehead.
You shook your head, determinately. “I tried,” a sniffle, “really hard.”
His arm on your back joined the one around your waist, rubbing circles into your stomach. You pulled away from the motion, but he kept you firmly in his grasp. “I couldn’t do it.”
Your whispers sounded so weak, so pathetic. Colson wracked his brain for an explanation. This had to be more than just the food not tasting good. Maybe you were sick?
“Shhh, baby. It’s okay. I’m not upset.” He whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your temple. You both sat like that for a while, your chest heaving and his soft words calming you down.
Eventually you were able to collect yourself enough to form coherent thoughts. “I’m sorry I ruined date night.” You mumbled, your hand moving to stop his from their movement.
“It’s okay, babe. You can’t control this shit.” He whispered.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this shit though!” You shouted as best as you could, your hoarse voice making it sound more like a whine. “If I weren’t so-“ You cut yourself off, wanting to save him the burden of knowledge. If you told him he would either feel disgusted with you and leave or feel sorry for you and stay. You didn’t know which one you were more scared of.
Colson brought his lips to your temple again, “Babe, it’s okay. You should’ve told me you were sick. We could’ve rescheduled.”
His words made you let out a dry laugh, “I’m sick alright.” You mumbled, tears rolling down your eyes again. “But not that kind of sick.” You whispered.
You looked back at your boyfriend, turning so that your entire body was facing him. You could see the confusion in his features. “I want to help you, but I have no idea what’s going on. I can’t read your mind, babe, you gotta tell me.”
You shook your head, looking to the floor. “Trust me, it’s better if you don’t know. You don’t want to know.”
He took your chin in his hand, guiding you up to look at him again, “I do wanna know, Y/N. I wanna help you.”
Your eyes looked everywhere but his, shutting momentarily as more tears fell. You took a deep breath in through your nose, trying to find where to start.
“I have an eating disorder.” You whispered, trying to get the words out as possible so you couldn’t take them back. Colson’s eyes went wide with realization, “I was diagnosed with a purge disorder when I was like, 16. I think it’s morphed into anorexia since then.” Your entire body was shaking with nerves.
He’s gonna hate you now.
You’re disgusting.
Colson grabbed your face with both hands, cradling it gently. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I never should’ve taken you-“
“You didn’t know.” You shut down his thoughts. He shouldn’t blame himself for your problems. “It’s not your fault. I thought I could just suck it up and get through it but, obviously I couldn’t.” You shrugged, letting out a frustrated sigh.
His hands fell from your face, grabbing your hips and lightly dragging you closer to him. He moved your legs to rest on his outstretched ones as he spoke, “I shouldn’t have gotten so mad about it, though. I was so frustrated because I thought you didn’t like it. I was embarrassed because I just wanted to impress you.”
You reached your arms up to wrap around his neck, holding yourself up. “I was very impressed, and it’s not that I didn’t like it. Food is just really hard for me. I’ve gotten so used to eating next to nothing. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to eat like a regular person.” He nodded, a frown on his face. “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“You don’t have to be sorry; you didn’t do anything wrong. This is just part of who you are.” He looked into your eyes, deeply.
You sighed, “I- I guess. But I didn’t want to have to burden you with all this shit. You shouldn’t have to put up with all this. You deserve better.”
He scrunched his face, “Woah woah woah. Y/N you are not a burden. I told you, this is just part of who you are, and I love who you are. I’m not putting up with anything, I’m accepting you for every part of who you are. I don’t want anyone else; I just need you.”
His words made your heart race. He sure knew how to string lines together. “You love me?” You asked, softly. He’d never said those words to you before. Sure, you had thought them, but you were scared he’d think it was too soon.
He smiled, leaning to kiss your forehead, “yes, you dummy.” He chuckled against your skin.
“I love you.” You whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that.” He mumbled and you sniffled.
Your first thought was to apologize, but you knew he’d stop you in your tracks. “I just don’t want you to feel sorry for me or think I’m weak. I’ve been dealing with this shit for years now.” You paused, a thought crossing your head. You whispered it to yourself before you even realized he would hear, “maybe I am weak.”
“Hey,” he kept your head in place when you started to drift towards the floor, “you are not weak. This just proves how strong you are. You’ve lived with this for how long now? And you’re still fighting. That’s not weakness, babe. That’s strength.”
“Sor-“ You cut yourself off, “If I was really strong, I’d be over this shit now.”
“It’s a disease, baby. It’s just like a broken bone. It’s not gonna get better unless you treat it. You’ve been trying to hide it for so long now, let me help. We can get you a nutritionist, and a therapist, and we’ll stock up on whatever food you can eat, and we’ll work on it together. Whatever you need.”
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of work, Cols. I’m not sure if I’m wor-“
He cut you off, blue eyes staring deep into your own. “You are worth all of this and more. Don’t think for a second that you’re not. You deserve to be happy and healthy and I am gonna be here to support you for as long as you want me here.”
You paused for a moment, taking in his words. “Thank you.” You whispered, “For tonight and for all this. Just, thank you. For everything.”
“I love you.” He pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly. “Thank you for telling me. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“I love you too, Colson.”
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sickybubbies · 3 years
A/n: Y'all I realised there's really not enough pregnant Jungkook on here with Jikook ofc I'm a sucker for them lately. Anyway, sorry for the crappy ending, enjoy!
TW: Emeto, Mpreg
"You alright babe?" Jimin rasps, leaning up so he was perching on his elbow as he squints his eyes where he could make out a faint figure of Jungkook half climbing; hauling himself onto the bed under the early greys of the morning. 
"Mhmm," Jungkook hums quietly for a response, grimacing at the acid like texture in his throat that he was left with after throwing up. It was raw and strained, and Jungkook didn't like it one bit. He huffs and slips a hand under his shirt to hold on to his pudgy stomach, for two reasons. It was pushing past the waistline of his sweats from how bloated he was, after expelling the contents of his stomach routinely which tires him out endlessly and he wants to rip his insides out. 
But Jungkook decides to be forgiving, because he's a few weeks into carrying the beautiful baby that he and Jimin had always dreamed about having. The pair had spent days and nights, with Jimin's head on Jungkook's torso as they both squabbled about how they'd raise their child way back in the boyfriend phase. (“One baby with your short genes, one with my tall genes and my good looks, how's that sound?" "Yah!") Jungkook reminds himself that it was all gonna be worth it in the end, it's always worth it. He imagines just how bright Jimin's eyes were to get once their baby was here, if it wasn't bright enough when Jungkook told him the news of his pregnancy; he fears he'd metaphorically go blind from his joy. 
"I've just been sick." He murmurs, leaning back onto the headboard. Jungkook slouches, the energy sucked out of his bones as he shuts his eyes to hopefully regroup himself.
Jimin hums in acknowledgement, more awake now that he was aware of his husband's strife and leans over to press a generous kiss to his forehead. He wasn't going to let the younger deal with it alone, though the ones he accidentally sleeps through he's always up and at his service when needed and to smother him in love for afterwards. 
"I thought you were gonna. I could hear your tummy all night going squelch squelch" He mumbles playfully, hoping it would lighten the dreadful atmosphere. Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's stomach and begins to rub circles into it, hoping it would ease him some.
 The latter's abs had begun to disappear and his stomach was slightly dome shaped from the swell he had, his skin was softer and squishier the closer he gets to the second trimester and Jimin couldn't keep his hands off of Jungkook. In his defense, his husband looked adorable pregnant, he adored the sight so much and loved the tiny being to bits already. 
"Shut up Chim, listening to you is making me wanna vomit again" Jungkook groans, shifting on the mattress so he could get comfortable and pressing a fist to his lips as he feels his stomach fizzle up and an airy burp escape from his lips. 
Jimin pouts, he begins carding through Jungkook's soft purple hair. "Still feel bad? Aren't you supposed to feel better after bringing everything up?" He questions, his heart clenching as he watches Jungkook's face begin to pale and paint a tinge of green. 
Jungkook shrugs. "Dunno about that hyung, I don't feel better at all. I feel queasy" He admits, he'd learnt to vocalize to the older about how he felt; if he doesn't it's gonna end up with another one of Jimin's shirts in the wash, trust he's been there and learnt his lesson. 
"My baby…" Jimin coos softly, propping up next to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He keeps his fingers in Jungkook's hair, looking down at him and kissing the crown of his head as he slowly scratches his scalp. He holds the younger tighter when he stiffens and moans, his brows furrowing from the pain and havoc the nausea was causing in Jungkook's stomach from how he nuzzles his nose into Jimin's chest. "It's one of those days huh? Crackers and water, maybe some ginger ale if we feel less stubborn. How long does lil' bean plan to keep you sick for anyways?" 
"That feels nice..." Jungkook mumbles out, relaxing a little. Jimin's soft yet aimless conversations helped keep him distracted, and so were his gentle touches they did a great job in lulling him to sleep. 
Speaking of which, Jungkook is just about to drift into dreamland in the comfort of Jimin's arms when his stomach churns again. He feels a splash of bitter bile in the back of his throat, almost like the residue of sick that was still sitting at his throat from earlier. He almost sits upright, clenching his throat and covering his mouth as he belches. It catches Jimin's attention. 
"Jungkookie, Jungkookie" Jimin says in a haste, cursing under his breath as he looks around for anything Jungkook to spew in without jostling his stomach too much. His eyes drawing back to the younger one in worry when he next hears a wet gag which meant he couldn't hold on any longer now that his hand was leaving his mouth. 
Jimin looks around and finds the glass bowl he had on his side table which Jungkook had brought him months back, he sighs in relief. It was stashed with a bunch of sweets and random bits that he's quickly dumping out. He snags it up and under Jungkook's chin, straightening up with him and clicking his tongue when Jungkook whines and protests. 
"It's okay, Jungkookie it's okay, do it here. In here babe, I'll clean it don't worry. It's just a bowl" He assures softly, lowering it slightly so it wasn't right in his face as he slowly massages the back of his neck. 
Jungkook whimpers, feeling his stomach slosh and his muscles tense as he wraps an arm around his middle. He barely registers Jimin turning the lamp on before he's disgorging a stream of vomit into the bowl. 
He pants and grunts, jolting with a hiccup. His breath gets caught in his throat and he gags, coughing and spluttering before more chunky liquid is brought up which splashes into the bowl. Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, just the fact that it looked so much like his dinner still sent his stomach into another wheel. 
"That's it, let it out Kookie, my sweet boy." Jimin hums, digging under the sick man's shirt and rubbing up and down his arched back. He grimaces when Jungkook retches again, throwing up even more which makes his heart ache.
"You're doing well bun, I'm so proud of you. Keep going until you feel like you've finished" He encourages, kissing his shoulder and pulling him closer before pausing when Jungkook sobs. 
"H-hyung…" Jungkook chokes out, hiccuping as fat tears roll down his rosy and embarrassed cheeks. Usually, he's never one to cry so easily but pregnancy hormones had him spiralling into a pouty and emotional wreckage in a flash. Something was gnawing at him. 
"Jungkookie" Jimin whispers so he didn't startle him, stroking his hair back as he listened. 
"W-why this bowl… I got you it f-for our anniversary!" Jungkook cries out making Jimin flinch, his mouth wide in realisation now that Jungkook's refusal to puke earlier was because he didn't want to do it in such a meaningful, meaningful bowl. He forgot Jungkook was so peculiar about the little things. 
"Y-you could've gotten-" Jungkook hiccups. "A-another bowl o-or the trashcan. I w-worked so hard to get you this. Do you know how much it cost me on our holiday? N-now I've been sick in it i-it's all ruined I fucking h-hate you" He rambles, in the spur of his overriding emotions he misses Jimin's amused expression.
"Cute" He murmurs under his breath with a quiet chuckle, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "I'm sorry. I'll clean it up, squeaky clean and good as new. You won't even remember that you've been sick in it. I'm serious!" Jimin's voice raises a pitch as Jungkook looks at him unconvinced, his doe eyes still holding tears.
"Gimmie a kiss" He giggles, crawling forward while moving the bowl away as Jungkook groans loudly and scrunches his nose and tilts his head back. "A-ah ew no I've literally- Jimin I just puke-" He stammers, pursing his lips as Jimin eventually steals a kiss from him.
His tears were dry now, the fit subsided and it was only laughter and giggles together even if Jungkook's morning was off to a rough start Jimin always made it better. 
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lostcoves · 3 years
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ft. tenya iida x fem!reader
genre: fluff
wc & warnings: 2k | mentions of wanting to v*mit
premise: thanks to your friend’s magnetizing quirk, you and your not so secret crush tenya iida are stuck together for the next six hours 
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tenya iida, oh how you were enamored with him. his leadership, his quirky nature, everything about him made you melt into a puddle. but you were merely another face, a general studies student with an average quirk. you felt like you could never amount to anything compared to the hero course students. yet, fate had other plans for you and him.
"(l/n)-san!" your classmate kirumi yamamoto yelled your name across the classroom one afternoon at the end of the school day. you approached her- although, confused- and asked her, "what is it, yamamoto-san?"
"i need some help with my quirk practice and was wondering if you could help me?" she twiddled her thumbs, smiling like a cheshire cat. you pressed your lips together hesitantly before sighing and answering to kirumi, "okay, i'll help you."
kirumi quickly embraced you and grinned, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
you would later come to regret this decision.
dressed in your gym uniform, you stood in an empty practice field and waited for kirumi to come out. she emerged from the school and waved at you, you greeted the wave and shouted to her, "whatcha need me to do to help you with your quirk?!"
"you're gonna be my target!" kirumi's quirk was magnets, she could make anything organic into a living magnet. your eyes widened at her response and opened your mouth in protest when she shot a beam at you. letting out a surprised scream, you stood frozen with kirumi's quirk pulsing around you. shit, you were a living magnet.
"now, who should i make into a magnet?" kirumi pondered on the thought until she noticed a group of people walking by near the field. kirumi smirked at the sight, tenya iida was in the group. she yelled to him, "hey iida-san, watch out!" before "accidentally" shooting her quirk's beam at iida. iida tried to duck but the beam was too fast, magnetizing poor iida in one blast. your eyes widened with realization and you let out a shout when iida came flying towards you. the two of you crashed into the ground, both disoriented and in pain.
"sorry!" kirumi laughed nervously.
"yamamoto-san!" iida exclaimed, "undo your quirk this instant!"
"yeah.. no can do!" she rubbed the nape of her neck sheepishly.
"w- wait do you mean?" you stammered, scared.
kirumi let out an anxious chuckle, "my quirk lasts for between thirty minutes to twenty four hours, depending on what i magnetize."
panic bubbled in your chest, you were gonna be stuck to iida for upwards to a day!?
"i'll say you guys are gonna be stuck together for maybe.. six hours?" kirumi hypothesized.
"six hours?!" iida was on the verge of passing out.
"sorry! i'll inform our teachers!" kirumi sprinted off, leaving you and iida to your own devices. queasiness enveloped your body, as you fought the urge to puke on your shoes. six hours, suck to your crush? this was a nightmare!
"before we do anything.. do you need the restroom?" iida questioned to you, his face blushing tomato red.
you shook your head, "thankfully, no. how about you?"
"same for me."
you two were in for an interesting six hours.
hour one - five hours remaining until quirk wears off
you and iida were in iida's bedroom. the teachers thought it would be more suited for you to be under the care of aizawa-sensei and the other pro-heroes specialized with this sorta situation. unable to go two meters without being sucked back to one another, you and iida made the executive decision to remain in his dorm room.
"so (l/n)-san.." iida cleared his throat and gave you an awkward smile, "what's general studies like?"
"like regular old high school," you mused, shifting a little to get more comfortable. iida felt himself getting pulled as a result, much to both of yours annoyance. kirumi's quirk was so frustrating! nothing compared to your simple quirk of water manipulation, a quirk that was a dime a dozen.
"what's it like being a hero course student?" now it was your turn to ask the questions.
"exhilarating," iida breathed out with a smile. he looked so beautiful when he smiled, you smiled in response. he then added to you, "we get in a lot of trouble with villains, though. something that i'm not happy about. they keep interrupting our studies and it's just.. annoying, to say the least."
"i bet," you hummed.
"so uh.. what else would you like to discuss? we got–" iida checked his watch, "–five hours and forty three minutes."
you huffed in exasperation, "good god, this is agonizing."
"hopefully, i'm not upsetting."
"no! you're not! it's just.. it's just.. i need my space," you confessed. iida nodded understandingly and replied, "i understand that. i'll do my best to ensure you're as comfortable as possible while we're stuck like this."
you gave iida's hand a squeeze, "thanks, iida-san."
he returned the hand squeeze with one of his own, his larger hand engulfing your smaller hand.
"of course, (l/n)-san."
hour three - two hours until quirk wears off
perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. you managed to learn a lot about iida while confined to his dorm room and under the magnetizing quirk. he pursued professional heroism as a result of being from a legacy of hero while you attended general studies to ensure a better future when you inherit your family's florist business. your quirk was good for subsidizing costs at the shop but you needed a better education in order to keep the family business afloat. general studies at ua offered a future for you.
"so iida-san," you plucked a grape off the platter of food iida's friend deku dropped off for the two of you, "if you could have any quirk in the world that's not your own, what would it be?"
"are we playing twenty questions?" iida tilted his head in bewilderment. you gave him a nod and he answered, "well, i have.. i'm a little jealous of my classmate todoroki-kun's dual ice and fire ability. i think it would be interesting to have a quirk like that."
"good answer," you plopped the grape in your mouth and gestured iida to ask you a question. he mulled over his question before proposing to you, "what's your ideal partner?"
you nearly choked on your grape but caught yourself before you could. why in the world would tenya iida ask you that kind of question?
"well.. i.. i, er–!" you adverted your gaze from your crush, "i like.. i like intelligent people who are good leaders and want the best for others."
"interesting, interesting.. what about appearance wise?"
you eyed iida warily, "i don't care too much about appearance but.. i like buff people and i think glasses are sexy."
iida made a mental note of your response, "i hope you find someone who matches your ideal lover one day, (l/n)-san!"
iida, you idiot! you thought to yourself, you match my ideal partner!
"so uh!" you cleared your throat, "next question.. what's your favorite food?"
this banter went back and forth for the next hour or so.
hour five - one hour until quirk wears off
you were getting exhausted and it was nearly nightfall at the dorms. your exhaustion was noted by iida, who offered you one of his blankets to sleep with. you grew flustered by the offer but nonetheless accepted it. so here you were, back to back with your crush and laying in his bed. was this a nightmare or a dream come true?
you couldn't sleep. i mean, obviously it was difficult to fall asleep in the presence of your crush. you tossed and turned a bit, the magnet pulse keeping you stuck to iida. the glass wearing boy sighed and turned himself around and whispered, "can't sleep?"
you gave him a nod and iida smiled, "what if i told you a story?"
"a story? what am i, a five year old?" you laughed awkwardly. iida frowned, disappointed. you didn't want to disappoint him so you cleared your throat and changed your answer, "you can tell me a story."
"good," iida wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, "my mother would tell me this story a lot when i was little. it starts with a knight and.."
iida went off to tell you the story of a knight cursed to be a beast until he could save a kingdom's princess. it was a story of heroism and sorrow, as the knight failed to save the princess. yet, the princess managed to save herself and in turn, broke the knight's curse with the power of self-forgiveness. you never heard such a tale before so it was definitely interesting to listen to.
"do you feel like you fail at self-forgiveness sometimes, iida-san?" you questioned to your crush, his arm still around your shoulders. god, it felt like the two of you were a couple. iida thought it over and responded, "sometimes. there are times where i feel like i can't forgive myself, such as not being able to avenge my brother for what the hero killer did to him."
you squeezed his arm sympathetically in response, "i'm sorry about it."
"it's.. well, it's not fine but thank you," he answered.
you fell silent, unsure of what to say. you sighed and turned to iida, "tenya iida, can i help you something?"
"sure, (l/n)-san."
"what would you do if someone told you that they liked you?"
"you mean as a friend or romantically?"
"romantically," your pulse quickened and your palms grew sweaty.
"it would depend on the person."
"iida-san.. i know someone who has a crush on you and they're scared to tell you," maybe you could avoid heartbreak if you go with the hypothetical situation.
iida furrowed his brow and removed his arm around you to hold his hands, "someone has a crush on me?"
"yes," a bead of sweat fell from your forehead, "they think you're heroic and sweet and amazing and a true leader. they're just scared to tell you because of the rejection."
"that's understandable," iida nodded. he unclasped his hands and looked back at you, "is that person the one telling me this?"
you gulped, "wh– what do you mean?"
"do you like me, (l/n)-san?"
you adverted your gaze.
"i do."
it felt as if a weight had been lifted from your chest at your confession. now, time for the rejection.
"i like you, too."
what? he liked you too?!
"wait, you do? but we barely know one another!" you protested, surprised at iida's reply. iida chuckled and elaborated to you, "it was the sports festivial, (l/n)-san.. or could i call you (y/n)-chan?"
"(y/n)-chan works," you answered.
"well, that was the first time i really saw anyone from general studies perform with their quirks but you.. i saw a hero in you. i remember seeing you aid another student who struggled to get through the race. you helped her all through the race, not caring about winning the race. that was heroic and the start of my infatuation with you," iida explained.
you remembered, a girl had gotten injured and you dragged her through the course. iida saw that?
"then i began seeing you around school and i wanted to talk to you but i never had the chance until now," iida finished with a nervous smile. you let out a soft huff, followed by a laugh. you couldn't believe it, iida shared similar feelings with you. this was a dream come true!
"can i kiss you?” you proposed to iida. he nodded, “you can.”
timidly, you leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss on iida’s lips. the kiss was tender and sweet, innocent and exploratory. 
“wow..” he whispered against your lips, “that was amazing.”
“you think so?” you murmured, your lips still stuck to his.
“i know so.”
“hey tenya– i can call you tenya, right?”
“of course.”
“good, but uh.. i can’t remove my lips.”
iida’s eyes widened and he pulled back, only for your lips to connect together once more. horrified, you realized that you two would be stuck like this for the next hour or so. damn kirumi and her quirk!
yet, this wasn’t a miserable outcome. at least, you and iida confessed to one another. that was more than enough for you.
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