#the promised consort with ruins everything on so mant levels and it pisses me off
miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Genuine question but why don’t you like Radahn?
Radahn was one of my least favorite Demigods to begin with, second only to Godrick, but I didn't hate him per se; I was just highly indifferent. I mean his lore is super cool and all, stopping the stars and being a horse guy is neat, but he was never a thought in my mind. My disinterest in him is also partially thanks to his fans, mainly the weird dudebros if you know what I mean, along with the weird community vitriol surrounding the Malenia vs. Radahn fight. And the fact that I love Miquella thusly made me a member of team Malenia by default lol
So yeah, I could have cared less about Radahn.
But now with his inclusion in the DLC my apathy towards him evolved into annoyance and anger. He has no place in Miquella's story. There was nothing about him and Miquella in the base game. I dedicated the last two years of my life cataloguing the locations of every single Lily and Butterfly, every single item description, trace or hint of Miquella in the base game to sleuth together his story and what he could have been trying to achieve going to the Realm of Shadow, and there was absolutely nothing indicating something as ridiculous as a "romantic connection🤮" to Radahn, whereas the obvious Base Game connection for Miquella sending Malenia to kill him was the fact that Radahn held the fate of the stars and needed to die to set them free.
Miquella's base game lore heavily indicated that he was trying to revive Godwyns soul with the eclipse and, naturally, the eclipse is tied to the moon. And since the "moon" is responsible for the death of Godwyn that immediately puts a connection between Miquella and Ranni. And the fact that Ranni was entrusted the spirit summoning bell by Torrents former master, ie Miquella, and that she blatantly states that she is pleased to see that Torrent is doing well, means that there was potentially no bad blood between Miquella and Ranni despite Godwyns murder.
With this knowledge and the fact that they are both Empyreans, Ranni and Miquella had a stronger claim to a relationship with each other than Radahn ever did with Miquella. Same thing regarding Miquella and Godwyns relationship thanks to Golden Epitaph, the Eclipse, and the statue of them embracing in the Haligtree.
Radahn was never even a thought because there was no relationship between him and Miquella.
So with this, logically, I and many many people theorized that Miquella was going to the Realm of Shadow to revive Godwyn and since the stars were finally freed with Radahns death, Miquella's eclipse could finally come to fruition.
But no.
The real reason behind Miquella's motives is because he wanted to marry his brother.
The stupid bottom line is, forcefully having your favorite character shoved into a "relationship" with your least favorite character at the price of their lore, story, and characterization is a sure fire way to piss anyone off.
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