#the problem with as well as the solution to wrestling in bed is blankets
trumpkinhotboy · 1 year
Nick Nelson would be the best big brother on motherfrigginearth (and this is also something I’m ready to fight about 😤😤)
He has never, EVER been ashamed of you. As siblings, you never went through that weird and mean phase of disliking and annoying the shit out of each other. You always headed to school together, joking around as you did. He always waved enthusiastically when he saw you at the gates of Truham waiting for him, and he loves to bump your shoulder or ruffle your hair before you head to Higgs.
You always make it a priority to spend quality time together. Going on little hiking adventures with Nellie and whatnot. You also love to help him practice for his rugby matches. It most likely (always) ends up in a wrestling match and even though it seems your brother is getting bigger as days go by, you still have enough skills to give him a hard time. Of course, it goes without saying that you go to all of his games. Never afraid to be the one to shout the loudest. You also really like to have little sleepovers/movie nights together. You bundle on the couch with Nellie and a ton of blankets and bicker for approximately 10 minutes on which film you should watch before you come to an agreement. Your mother often joins you and you spend the evening, just the three of you, all cuddled up. Those usually are your favorites.
When you’re upset, he’s always the one who knows how to handle it best. Either by lending a safe ear so you could share your problems or by helping you find the best solutions. Either way, he's always incredibly gentle and caring. You know how lucky you are to have a brother like him. Especially when you look at your oldest brother, David (ugh).
He‘s also incredibly protective of you. When you come back home crying he cradles you in his arms, gently stroking your hair, and deeply sighing before he asks: "Alright, who do I have to kill?". That usually makes you smile and giggle a bit, that’s when he asks if you'd like to get something to eat and talk about it. But on days when that phrase doesn't make you laugh, he knows it's serious and the overprotective big brother in him takes the stage. He'd spend the night making sure you're okay and feeling safe and comforted. On the next day, when he actually sees the person who's been giving you such a hard time, he’d make sure they know he does not like them at all and will not hesitate to act if needed.
But most importantly he's your biggest fan and you are his. So when he finally told you that Charlie was his boyfriend… it was one of the happiest moments of your life.
He had knocked on your door twice before you told him to come in. He opened the door, and as soon as your eyes met you knew something was up. He kept looking at the ground, his gaze darting from the posters on your wall to your mirror, your bookcase, everywhere, but your face.
"Hey, what's up?" you asked, putting down your book to focus on him.
"Hey, kiddo. Am I botherin' you?"
You shake your head no and gently tap a spot on your bed while you shuffle to the side to give him some space. He gives you a small smile before sitting down, your old bed creaking audibly loud as he does so.
"Alright, uhm, so. There's something I'd like to talk to you about."
You normally would have slipped in a joke or two, but his expression was just so serious. You noticed his voice had a slight tremor in it. You kept to yourself, focusing entirely on him.
"Sure, what's going on?"
He brought his knees up to loosely wrap his arms around them before starting.
"Well, you know there are quite a few things that have changed for me this year. With school, Harry, Imogen, and uh… meeting Charlie of course." You nod, encouraging him to continue. "It hasn't always been easy. All this change has made me question a lot of stuff, and even discover new things about me."
"Yes, but there has been good stuff, right? Meeting Charlie has basically been amazing for you. You've stopped hanging out with those asshats so much, and you got to meet his amazing friend group right?" you reach for his arm. He looks so nervous, you feel completely thrown off. Nick is known to be pretty confident and chill. You just want him to feel better, and be back to his usual happy self.
At the mention of his friends, he does seem to loosen up a bit and smile before looking at you.
"Yeah, you're right. This has been amazing for me and, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Uhm, I guess you could say things have changed between Charlie and I. We uh…"
"Oh Nick what did you do?" you straightened up immediately. This made sense, he probably had a falling out with him and was now feeling completely down and sad about it. "Charlie is soo cool. I swear if you've done anything to mess that up I'll whoop your ass."
"Hey! Why would you assume I've done anything??" he questioned, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"Because Charlie is way too caring and amazing to do anything wrong." You crossed your arms on your chest before resting on your headboard. The look of disapproval on your face only seemed to make your brother's smile grow larger.
"He is pretty amazing isn't he?"
"He definitely is. I love Charlie," you grunted. "All right now, spit it out. What did you do, if it's not too horrible, I’m sure we can find a way to fix it."
He turned a bit more so that you would be facing each other.
"Y/n, we didn't have a falling out. We… Charlie is my boyfriend.
Time stood still for a second, the weight of his declaration still hanging in the air.
"Charlie is your what."
"He's my… boyfriend?" he said once more, panic slowly invading his chest like an unbearable weight. Dread overtook him. Dread and something else, the feeling of his heart skipping a beat. You, his person, really? You wouldn’t be okay with that?
You stayed paralyzed, in shock. Your mouth slightly open. He was about to finally break the silence when you jumped on him, squealing like a crazy person.
"NICOLAS NELSON, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU." He hugged you back with all his might, feeling so incredibly relieved. Relieved to have told you, but more than anything else, relieved that you were still you. His person, the only person in the world he knew would always accept and love him unconditionally. "I want to know EVERYTHING. Oh my god, I can't wait to see Charlie!!!! You little rats!!!”
He gave you that big old smirk of his, he seemed on top of the world, and that warmed your heart.
"So you're happy for me?" he asked carefully, a faint shadow of uncertainty still dancing in his eyes.
You grabbed his face into your hands “You deserve this so much Nick. You don't even understand how happy I am for you.”
And then you hugged again, both squealing like idiots before you invited Charlie over for an impromptu sleepover where you spent most of the night hearing every detail about how they came to be a couple. Everytime Nick would see you interact with Charlie his heart would skip a beat or feel like it might explode. This time, because it couldn’t seem to contain all the happiness he was feeling. That's when Charlie and you were suddenly tackled to the ground by Nick's heavy body.
"Oh my god, Nick you're crushing us!!!" screamed Charlie, laughing as he did. To what your brother simply answered, "Oh shut up and just let me hug my two favorite people in the world in peace."
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flashflames · 7 months
FOR JIYU, @afterburning
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she knows what's said of their family. has worn it like a badge of honour, sometimes, the historied, compact lives of her ancestors and their reckless feats. house zhao dies young. it isn't their motto, but it very well may be. and keran has come to terms with it—what it means for her own life, to be short and brightly burning. not any of her siblings.
jiyu's announcement was simple, and jarring. it feels cruel of the spirits to play such a prank, to return her brother in order to snatch him away again. the youngest zhao looks up the canopy over her bed. she's had to wrestle with the realities of both her older brothers' absence, what it means—and what she must learn to do. even though they've both been back for almost a moon, those thoughts still weigh on her, in the quiet of the night. she just had expected these lessons to be tested much later.
her quarters feel empty, watching her blanket follow the movement of her breaths, a single beating heart. perhaps keran has gotten too used to sleeping in one bed with aera and geonwoo, these the past two moons. it was easier not to feel lonely with her best friend by her side, and people she could trust and lean on. the emptiness feels daunting now, more than ever.
but loneliness is easily remedied. ( she doesn't think of the other problems that come with much fewer solutions—if there are any fixes, at all. )
keran takes a long pillow with her, tucked under her arm as she crosses through their home in the capital. the quarters are silent, candles all snuffed out. night has stolen across their residence with its heavy feet, and the small flicker of flame she carries with her in one hand can only chase away so much of it.
jiyu's door is closed, but it isn't really, not truly to her. she peeks into his room, sliding the door open. "erge?" keran pads in with quiet steps, not properly muffled the way she was trained to do so. they make little shuffling sounds towards him, like they would when she woke up from nightmares and insisted she hadn't, only that she needed to have a sleepover. "i'm going to sleep in your room."
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
12 Days Of Christmas: The Treehouse
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Part of a collaboration project under 12 Days Of Christmas hosted by yours truly.
Member: Hyunjun
Genre: angst, fluff, childhood friends 
Word Count: 1.6k
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The Christmas playlist was playing in the background, allowing the wooden planks of the room you were sleeping in to absorb all its soundwaves. Had it not been the heater offering both residents of the room, you would’ve frozen stiff. 
Then again, things might turn out different, because your ear was pressed into Hyunjun’s hoodie and his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. There was a soft snore emitting from his nose, though not loud enough to call it an actual snore, but loud enough for you to hear the thrumming vibrations through his chest. 
I’m just counting down the days before I lose you to your Mrs. Right, aren’t I? Isn’t ironic that I was the one who’s seen you grow up from when you were shorter than me... all the way till now? 
Ten years had worn through the both of you in just a blink of an eye, from running through the playgrounds your parents brought you to, to skiing up in the mountains when they brought your families for holiday. The friendship had started off completely platonic, to the point where Hyunjun’s first watch of porn was with you, and not with his male friends.
You cannot help the smile that emerges on your lips when Hyunjun screamed at the screen, and you were the one who had to grab the phone to turn it off.
But I bet you watch it now on a daily basis, don’t you? When did we cross the line where these things couldn’t be shared between friends of the opposite gender? 
Hyunjun shuffles in his sleep, finally removing his arm from under your neck but instead wrapping his other arm around your waist, treating you like a bolster. His nose was now just inches away from your eyes, the peace in his face too alluring to ignore.
Normally, the two of you would be against cuddling and sleeping together because on the surface, you were just friends and romantic feelings were never involved, no. But earlier today, when Hyunjun seemed particularly down after school with his Airpods shoved so far into his ear canals he couldn’t hear you, you knew there was something wrong.
You had him in a headlock before he struggles a little bit, though you know he could’ve overpowered you. When you release him, you had expected him to retaliate by ruffling your hair or kicking snow onto your boots, so it worries you when he doesn’t. 
What was so wrong that you couldn’t tell me what happened? I recognise that look in your eyes -- you always have them on when you are faced with a problem you cannot solve. Be it a Math question or whether you should get a black or brown coat. 
Hyunjun remains quiet through the whole walk back to your neighbourhood, only every now and then offering you a piece of gummy from the pack he had in his hands. Then, when he turns down the road that leads to the treehouse you had built with him before high school, it’s nothing but a confirmation to what was going on in his head. 
Or at least, the fact that there was something bothering him.
You pester and nearly pick a fight with him once you reach the treehouse, for he does nothing but hurl his bag in a corner and plop down into the nearest beanbag, sulking for days with his Airpods still in his ears. 
It became increasingly frustrating when he refused to speak, so your final method to crack him open was to play pretend-angry. He never liked it when you were angry, especially if it was directed at him. But when Hyunjun ignores you ignoring him, you cannot help the defeated sigh that runs out of your mouth. 
Is there something wrong between us? Had I done something wrong that made you rethink our decade worth of a friendship? Or... did you find someone else, that you are afraid to tell me about? If there is someone else in the picture, I hope you never find it difficult to tell me. 
Time. That’s what he needs. 
Hyunjun continues his boring habit of scrolling through Instagram while you flip through the books that he had brought over from his home, knowing that you’d read it. The scene remains quiet and still for a certain period of time, then you feel the wooden board under your rear sink with some weight.
Turning around, you saw that Hyunjun had gotten to his feet to remove his socks and put on a pair of clean ones the treehouse had. The uniform blazer comes off and he lays it over his bag in the corner of the space. He hasn’t said a single word since you caught up with him after school, igniting nothing but wild thoughts through your head that just won’t shut up.
“Hyunjun,” You finally say. “Are you alrigh--”
“Don’t say anything, please,” His voice is quiet and slightly raspy with the cold weather. Hyunjun’s hair is slightly tousled when he picks up the blanket and lies down in the mattress laid in the middle of the space, head falling into the soft pillow that had a mixture of your hair scents. 
“If you have any problems, you know you can tell me, don’t you?”
A pause. It feels like a year. 
“I don’t know if you can help me with this one, y/n.”
Nothing feels worse besides not being able to be there for someone... even when you are physically there with that person. 
“Right now, I don’t need a solution. But you’re welcomed to join me in a nap if you like.”
A moment of hesitation on your part. You get to your feet as you close the book, carefully climbing into the mattress with him and feeling his warmth radiate onto yours, despite having at least six layers of clothing between your bodies. 
He’s never invited you to a nap per se, it’s always been some stupid wrestling match until one of you gives up and then it became a routine that you’d fall asleep on the same bed. There would be pillows in between the two of you, because that’s the norm. 
Not this. Not the way you shoved your arm under my neck and had my shoulders in your hold. Not the way you are holding my waist like you were hugging a bolster. 
The thoughts finally swarm their way to the surface, and you find yourself speaking your thoughts after the longest time.
“Just what is so wrong that you think I cannot help you with?”
His skin feels like milk when you brush his hair out of his eyes. However, your movements are stopped when his hand that was previously on your waist reaches up to hold your wrist mid-air. 
“Did I wake you?” The whisper comes out much softer than you thought, and given that his eyes were still closed, it concerns you that he might not have heard it.
“No,” Then his cat-shaped eyes open and stare right into yours. The gaze feels strange, but you choose not to overthink. That is arguably the worst thing you can do now.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, then it’s fine.” 
No, it’s not fine. 
“I just don’t want you to keep any secrets from me, that’s all,” Hyunjun releases your wrist, both your hands coming together under your ear. You are looking up into his eyes that were now both wide open, filled with all the stress in the world, and it was unusual in itself. Usually, he’d be the one to help you destress.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it... I just--” You can tell he’s holding himself back from saying something that could potentially ruin your friendship. He’s in love.
“You’re in love, aren’t you?”
Hyunjun eyes dart away for a split second, then returns to you. 
“I don’t know--”
“Like, in love love.”
“What does ‘in love love’ even mean?”
“Well, like you’d want to marry her and like-- have kids with her or something.”
Hyunjun studies your facial expressions for a few moments, face void of any expression. It makes him hard to read, but your vulnerable stupidity has already exposed your own feelings to him. 
Then he has this little smile on his lips, the kind that you didn’t know you missed it until you saw it. 
“And may I know just who do you think I’m ‘in love love’ with?”
“Why in the world would you think I know who you are ‘in love love’ with? Does it look like I can read your mind? If I could, I wouldn’t have spent so much time dealing with your silent treatment and letting you ignore me like I’m a damn ghost--”
All of a sudden, it tastes like sugar and gummy bears. Hyunjun’s eyes are fluttered shut but yours are wide open. 
What?? Is??? Happening??
He pulls away for just a mere inch, eyes opening to greet your confused ones. The chuckle that rings through the air suddenly sounds like bells agains the Christmas music in the background. 
“Do me a favour and close your eyes would you? You’re the one I’m ‘in love love’ with, no need to be so stressed about it.”
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melodious-madrigals · 4 years
who hogs the covers? - wondertrev edition
Diana Prince is a Grade-A certified cover hog.
Steve knows this about her, and still loves her. He even finds it amusing.
Well, 99% of the time. The feeling's a little hard to latch onto sometimes, when he wakes up shivering in the middle of the night because there are no blankets to be had. He’ll roll over and find Diana, nestled up in a little cocoon of them, entirely tangled and grip extremely tight.
It baffles him, it really does, because she can walk outside in the middle of winter without a coat and not even flinch at the cold, and yet when she sleeps, it's a wonder if so much as her nose is exposed.
And look, he may run warm himself as a general rule, but when it starts to snow, he needs those covers. It's one of the benefits to no longer being in the trenches: you get luxuries like mud-free boots and no one shooting at you and cozy duvets.
It's on one such night, deep into autumn and already feeling a sharp bite in the air, even with the radiators in their apartment on, that Steve awakes to find the covers gone yet again—the third time this week, a new record—and spends a solid ten minutes trying to wrestle some of them back. He manages, but only just, and as he falls back to sleep, ever the tactician, he forms a plan.
"Diana, I love you," Steve starts hesitantly the next morning over a hot, strong cup of coffee, handed to him by Diana, just as she does most mornings, because she always gets up first.
"I love you, too," she says, clearly not thinking anything of it as she unfurls Le Monde (another daily habit despite the fact that it's a full day behind her Twitter feed). The words are so simple, but they still manage to send a pleasant zing down his spine, making his next sentence even harder.
"It's just—I think for this winter, we need separate duvets," he says, wincing.
To his mild surprise, Diana looks delighted. "What an innovative solution!" she exclaims.
Steve blinks. "Yeah?"
"Well, I certainly would not wish to sleep alone, and I certainly do not wish for you to be cold."
"You're not upset?"
"Why would I be? We all have our flaws, and I seem to take more than my fair share of the duvet."
That's an understatement, but Steve's not about to point that out when this is going so well. So well, in fact, that he's left unsure how to proceed.
"Oh. I just—had several arguments laid out,” he says lamely. It's not that he expected her to be difficult about it; he just didn't expect it to be this easy.
Diana tosses him an amused look. "Would you like to list them, then?"
"No, it's fine," Steve mumbles, sheepish.
"Well then. Do you want to use the duvet from the guest room, or do you want to get a new one?"
Steve really hadn't thought that far ahead, and Diana leaves him to his musings, turning back to her paper.
In the end, he gets a new duvet, because they actually do put the guest room to use rather frequently.
(It turns out to be the right move, because Barry shows up unannounced the next day, and ends up crashing with them for the weekend.
"It's wild that you don't use a top sheet," he says, not for the first time, "but that is the most comfortable bed and quilt ever.")
The new duvet is fantastic, really.
In the evenings, Steve unfurls it and overlaps it a little with Diana's; they cuddle together until they fall asleep, and when—both active sleepers—they eventually roll away in the middle of the night, they each end up with their respective duvets. Steve luxuriates in having warm covers all night long, and Diana sleeps soundly in the knowledge that she can turn herself into a burrito without bothering Steve.
In the mornings, Diana untangles herself and goes to make coffee. Steve spends a few minutes relishing in the warmth of the bed and in feeling well rested, then he gets up, makes the bed, and joins her.
It's the perfect solution, and as the days pass and they continue to get optimal sleep, they congratulate each other on the creativeness of it all.
And then Steve wakes up shivering.
He thinks it's a dream, at first, because they solved this problem. But the chill he's feeling is very real, so he looks off the side of the bed, convinced that he accidentally kicked the duvet off in his sleep. Nothing.
What he does find, upon closer examination, is a truly towering pile of blankets on his other side. The smallest possible gap in the blankets reveals the tip of Diana's nose and little else.
It's so absurd and Steve is so disoriented because it's three in the morning that he bursts out laughing, the kind that starts deep in his chest and shakes his whole body.
The blanket behemoth beside him shoots up. "What's wrong?" Diana asks blearily as she fights her way out of the tangle of covers.
"Angel, how many blankets do you have there?"
Diana looks down, the moonlight revealing two very distinct colors twisted together, and falls against Steve's shoulder, groaning.
"I'm sorry." It's muffled, her face still tucked against his collarbone.
“I can’t believe you managed to get both full duvets,” gasps Steve, still shaking with laughter.
Diana grumbles something unintelligible under her breath as she separates Steve’s duvet from hers, and they rearrange the blankets so that it once again resembles a bed and not a chrysalis.
Diana keeps herself tucked into Steve as they lay back down, slipping an arm around him and twining their legs together.
“I really am sorry,” Diana whispers. “I’ve never had this problem before. Not even as a girl when we would go on practice scouting missions and share pallets and I got properly cold at night. I don’t even realize I’m doing it, now.”
“It’s really alright,” he whispers back. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” Her speech is slurred, sleepy. He’s not sure she even really fully woke up.
As he mulls her words over, he realizes there’s an unintended implication there, one Diana may not even have stumbled on herself: she is not aware of doing it because she is sleeping deeply, not half on-guard even as she rests. Steve melts a little at this trust, and if he’d had any lingering annoyance, it would certainly be gone now.
He glances down to say something more, only to find Diana already asleep again. He drops a soft kiss to her forehead and lets his eyes drift close. His last conscious thought is that getting to sleep next to her is worth it.
He would gladly wake up cold every single night, so long as he was waking up next to her.
(The first rays of morning light find them still curled into each other, warm and content—and blissfully unaware in their deep sleep—as outside, a midwinter storm coats the world in white.)  
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ladyhallen · 4 years
Growing Flowers for the Sunrise
Content Warnings: chronic pain, talks of death, terminal illness
Harry woke to pain.
He didn’t scream, but took a deep stabilizing breath. He was used to the lightning slivers that seemed to live in his veins. But whenever he was doing nothing, it seemed to intensify until sleeping was the last thing in his mind. Muggle medicine was a good friend to him these days.
Another breath and Harry finally placed his feet on the floor, moving through the shivery cold that intensified with every step.
Moping would get nothing done and he was absolutely tired of lying in bed - in pain - all day.
“Winky,” he called. “Breakfast.”
The house-elf popped in, took one look at his face, and popped back out. Breakfast involved a lot of healthy food, along with Willow Bark Tea that he was starting to taste in his dreams.
“Agenda for today?” he asked his frustrated healer.
Daphne Greengrass huffed irritably, hands moving gently along his shoulders and testing his muscles with wandless magic. “Nothing too strenuous. You’re too tired from the last treatment, but Granger’s theory is actually bearing fruit.”
That was very concerning. Harry would have cried if he wasn’t so tired of being in pain.
“That I have too much magic?” he asked. “It needs to get out?”
Daphne nodded, prodding at his collarbone and his ribs with gentle fingers. “I have no idea what magic was going on while you were dueling with You-Know-Who, Potter. But you are practically bursting from it. You need to let it out.”
Hermione’s theory was the Theory of Conquest. No one had actually fulfilled a prophecy in a few decades, but each and every one of those who fulfilled it died in a couple of days. Her theory was that something was given to each person at the end of those prophecies.
It said something about Harry’s pain threshold given that he had survived for two months in constant pain.
Magic being the obvious choice was hindsight.
How to expend magic faster than it replenished was the problem.
Annoyingly enough, that was a problem unique to him.
The Department of Mysteries had a love-hate relationship with Harry.
Oh, they loved him for the challenge he presented, of helping an international hero stay alive and all the troubles that came with it.
They also hated him every time a suggested solution was rejected.
It would be hilarious if he wasn’t dying slowly with too much magic. Harry’s humor had developed a sort of morbid cast to it that made Hermione uncomfortable and Ron smirk unwillingly.
The solutions presented were weird though, ranging from a magic siphoning lotion, to a generator-like machine that needed magic to run.
The latter was the closest thing to a solution Harry had ever had and he actually spent the whole day lounging on the machine, having his magic sucked off and feeling more relaxed in months. (It didn’t last, the machine overloaded with too much magic. The inventor didn’t account for what would happen to all the magic after it got sucked off.)
They still used the MagGen when he had a particularly bad day, with Hermione on the team that modified it and made it better each time, it went from only one day use to a three day use.
Harry hoped Hermione would find a portable solution soon, because being attached to the hip to the MagGen was great, but he wanted to be able to go to Diagon Alley without feeling a thousand needles lodging in his feet every step he took.
Harry woke to the scent of flowers.
“Neville? What time is it?” he mumbled blearily.
Neville helped Harry sit up, the scent of damp earth and various green things clinging to him intensified for a moment.
“Just past lunch,” Neville answered. He patted Harry on the shoulder gently and presented his potted flower, along with a floating tray of food.
“I thought belladonna’s were poisonous?” he asked. The berries on the potted plant were the distinctive ones of atropa belladonna. The color was memorable.
Neville tucked the edges of the blanket around him better. “If you use too much, then it’s poisonous. It’s actually medicinal.”
Harry tried to wriggle free and gave up under a minute. “Neville, I need to eat. I need my hands to eat.”
The herbologist ignored him, grabbing the floating tray and looking, for all intents and purposes, like he was going to spoon-feed Harry.
“Neville, no!” Harry said, renewing his struggle against his blankets and succeeding in getting an arm free. “I’ll eat, I’ll eat.”
Harry ignored Neville’s self-satisfied smirk to at least retain a semblance of dignity. The herbologist was very good at wrestling misbehaving plants and it seemed to apply to ill wizards too.
The answer came to everyone when Harry woke up to his bedside covered in a riot of flowers, having slept a full eight hours without pain.
The only thing different was the belladonna that Neville had left on his table and it had gone through an accelerated growth overnight.
“Of course!” Hermione exclaimed, examining the plant. Whatever feedback she was getting was making her so excited that her hair was forming a cloud around her.
“Plants absorb magic from wizards and emit clean magic. They’re part of the reason why the greenhouse effect hasn’t actually killed off everyone, you know?” Hermione said, expression rapt as she stared at the belladonna. “Magical plants work, but I think it would work better with non-magical plants as well.”
Plants were his answer.
Harry called his lawyers and Neville Longbottom immediately.
Harry bought an entire mountain and commissioned Neville to help him.
They took long walks around the mountain as Harry’s strength started to return and he got more and more optimistic. He got very good at making hammocks as he spontaneously slept and did not feel any pain.
It was amazing and Neville’s smiles were golden as he did his best to harvest plants so that Harry could have space to do his crazy magical plant growth.
Herbology was a very specific trade and soon, they had enough profit to sell the magical plants to the wizarding world and the mundane plants to the muggle world. Neville had teams and shifts to work the mountain overnight.
Harry’s magic expanded but at the same time, the plants absorbed enough of the replenished magic that Harry felt safe holding his own Holly wand. It didn’t felt like a single spell would tear it apart and Harry actually cried holding the familiar wood.
“Of course,” Hermione said after two weeks of careful observation. “This isn’t a permanent solution. You are not stuck in your mountain, Harry. I’m working with Saint Mungo’s for a temporary pill suppressant? It would allow you to leave your mountain for three days.”
“I don’t actually find it bad?” Harry volunteered. Daphne huffed as he moved his shoulders. With an apologetic shrug, he went still as she poked him with her wand again. “I mean, I might need to build a house here eventually. I can’t sleep on hammocks forever.”
“You’ve been sleeping outdoors in hammocks!!!” Hermione shrieked. “You’re going to catch a cold and die! I’ve not been working my arse off just for you to die of a cold!”
Harry cringed but listened to the lecture with a smile. Hermione hadn’t felt comfortable saying the d-word near him. That she could meant that she must have felt better.
Before both witches could leave, Harry caught her hand and said, “Hermione. Thank you.”
Thank you seemed too small of a word to encompass everything she’d done for him. But Hermione understood.
Hermione teared up. “Oh, Harry. You’re welcome.”
Ron visited whenever he could spare time from the jokeshop.
Harry, who knew how insanely busy the jokeshop could get, was just grateful that Ron could spare him two hours.
“It’s still crazy that you own a mountain now, mate,” Ron said. The stress lines in his face had faded away when he saw Harry stand up and walk to him without a cane. “I mean, wasn’t it crazy expensive?”
“Well,” Harry mused. Fame was no longer a sore point for Ron, being a sort of war hero himself. But money… ”Remember during the war when we found those horcruxes in the items from the founders? Well, turns out, most of them were goblin made and the goblins were grateful to have them back.”
Ron looked concerned. “Harry. Didn’t we destroy Gringotts and let loose their guardian dragon? And weren’t those items destroyed beyond repair?”
Harry smiled. “Well. It turns out; it’s not the item that’s important, but the metal. Goblin metal is incredibly valuable and I just gave them three pieces full of it.”
“Hence, the mountain,” Ron said, nodding.
“Hence, the mountain,” Harry agreed. “And that I and all my descendants would stay as far away as possible from Gringotts.”
They walked a couple more feet and Ron looked up at the crazy height that the trees were reaching.
“Where are you living, mate? Mum did ask me and I don’t see a house,” Ron asked. “Not outdoors? Camping is all well and good, but I’d have thought you’d be done with it after what happened.”
Harry remembered Hermione’s shriek of outrage and shuddered involuntarily. “Nah. I’m talking to the architects and the herbologists about making a tree house.”
Ron smiled. “That sounds crazy. On these trees?” he gestured to the absolutely humongous trees that had sprung up after Harry settled in the mountain. “Wouldn’t they keep growing?”
“Ah, no,” Harry rummaged through his trousers for a piece of parchment and a quill. He flattened them on a flat rock and sketched out the idea. “What I was thinking was this. I’d take five trees, hollow out the insides some, the central one would have a hidden staircase and then I’d just have a bunch of houses up there in the five different trees, but they’re actually different parts of the house.”
Ron laughed a little. “That’s crazy. It sounds like you. That house sounds big, Harry.”
Harry’s smile didn’t die, but only because he pasted it on through sheer force of will. “Well, you’re gonna visit, aren’t you? You and Hermione?”
“Of course I will!” Ron exclaimed. His watch chimed an alarm. “Ah, shit. I have to go back to London. Your place is great, and you look better, Harry. I’ll tell mum so she can stop worrying about you.”
They embraced, Ron left and Harry sat on his rock and cried.
Neville had become a sort of therapist to Harry, which probably wasn’t healthy because Neville wasn’t a licensed therapist and Harry’s issues needed an entire team of them to deal.
Still, the herbologist, who had accidentally found the solution to saving Harry’s life, didn’t complain and visited every time he could spare.
“I feel like I’m going to die,” Harry confessed to his friend. “And I’m just here on borrowed time.”
“Harry,” Neville said quietly. “Is the pain back?”
Harry munched at the muffins and swallowed, feeling like he was eating concrete. “No. But, I can feel it at the back of my mind. It’s there. It’s waiting for me to slip up. To make a mistake. And it’s going to be back, harder, stronger and more painful than ever. That…this relief is temporary.”
Neville looked pained. “You’re not getting better, are you?” he whispered.
Harry set down the muffin and clasped his hands, wishing, idly, for tea or something stronger. “It’s been months, Nev. How much magic did Voldemort have? How much magic do I have? It’s not good for one body to hold two people’s magic. It’s just…not possible.”
“You will stabilize,” Neville whispered. He got up, rounded the little table, and engulfed Harry in a hug. “I’ll not stop. Me and Hermione, we’re working on it.”
Harry clung to his dearest friend and swallowed his sobs. He wouldn’t cry. If he did, he would never stop.
Luna, who had fled the country as soon as the war was over, hadn’t seen Harry since that fateful day in Hogwarts. She returned after a furious letter exchange with her father and visited Harry immediately afterwards.
Her protuberant eyes grew even wider when she saw him.
“Oh, Harry,” Luna whispered. “You’re…”
She hugged him.
Harry felt the tears stuck in his throat struggle to get out. He swallowed them down and hugged her back.
“You look great, Luna,” he told her sincerely.
Her dirty blonde hair had darkened to burnished gold under intense sunlight in the African desert and her skin was smattered with freckles and cheeks were sunburned. She looked alive.
“You look tired,” Luna said. “But you are standing upright. Tell me everything.”
Harry absolutely didn’t want to, but Luna, like Neville, was one of those people used to wrangling difficult things. Magical plants for Neville and magical animals for Luna. This translated well for Harry.
“Ah, it’s been a difficult few months, Luna,” he told her with a smile. “It’s nice to be able to see you.”
Her pale fingers tightened around his. “And it is nice to see you. Would you like some tea? I found some really nice herbal blends in Africa.”
Helplessly, Harry allowed her to feed him truly terrible herbal tea, until he cracked and told her everything just to stop the tea.
“You have too much magic,” Luna mutters. “It’s not that simple. You have incompatible surplus of magic.”
That’s the first time Harry had ever heard that about his condition. It was also the first time he had felt that much hope.
“Do you want to talk to Hermione?” he asked her.
Luna made a face. “Ah. For you, I will.”
Harry remembered belatedly that Luna and Hermione didn’t get along very well regarding magical theory even if both of them would kill for the other.
“I cannot ask for better friends,” Harry said, kissing her forehead gently.
Luna beamed.
Even with four people working on it, Harry didn’t get better. But he didn’t get worst either.
“We’ve stabilized it,” Neville told Harry. “You’re alright, Harry. You’re alright.”
It didn’t seem to sink in, until a year later, when Harry was cooking for a small group of his friends, who had their own guestrooms in his treehouse and he didn’t feel that bone deep pain hiding. That he hadn’t been feeling that pain for a while.
Harry dropped the spatula and had to grab the kitchen counter in a hurry.
“Harry!” Ron cried out, getting out of his chair and running to him. “What hurts?” he asked.
Hermione and George rushed in a beat later, wands out and alert. Neville looked terrible. Ginny’s hands were over her mouth.
“I’m alright. I’m fine,” he gasped. “I just realized. I’m happy.”
They all crowded around him and gave hugs and pats. Harry choked on tears.
“It’s alright,” he hiccupped.
“You are,” Hermione soothed. “You are.”
“I’m alive,” he said, almost a question.
“You are,” Ron said, hands on Harry’s shoulders. “You’re alive.”
It took a while but finally, Harry believed that he was.
Please tell me if I’ve written anything offensive for people who have chronic pain and I will do better.
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mariamermaid · 4 years
Full of Surprises
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JJ Maybank x fem reader
Summary: As JJ´s 18th birthday is right around the corner, you take it upon yourself to give him a worthy present…
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: does not follow plot of the show, mentions of blood
A/N: I recently watch OBX and totally loved it! Should I open request for the show?
 Heart of Gold and full of surprises, at least that´s what JJ always said about you. You came into the group of Pogue´s lastly, but you bonded quickly. Your parents were divorced and after living with your mother for several years, you had decided to move to your father´s since your mother was planning on marrying again. You didn´t get along with her new boyfriend, well fiancé, and with his two younger children, you felt like not having a place in the family anymore. More fights erupted and after long arguments, your mother finally agreed. Your father was born and raised in the Outer Banks, knew every inch and every stone and when you finally set foot on the island, you fell in love with it as well. Your father was one of the few middle-class man on the island, enough money on hand to live, have a small house and offer some peace.
It was Kiara who then brought you into the group and when you offered some homemade lemonade with sandwiches and freshly baked cookies, they all made some room for you in their hearts. Close to Miami, where you grew up, you were a city girl, but you enjoyed the island so much more and so did the people there. Most pogues, who had been living there for their entire life, where almost relieved to find you as your father´s daughter. They welcomed you with open arms and gave you a new home.
“Excited for tomorrow?” JJ tore you away from your thoughts and sat down next to you, his feet dangling in the water as well. You chuckled. “It´s your birthday, are you excited?”
“Well, technically my birthday is on Saturday, tomorrow just starts the party”, he replied and you playfully hit his shoulder. John B was driving the boat to the Chateau, also known as his home. Kie and Pope sat in the back, talking about who knew what exactly. JJ´s laughter died down as he became more serious, a rare sight on him. He shrugged. “It´s just a birthday, nothin´ gonna change.” “Eighteen, JJ! It´s a number to celebrate, legal to leave home and shit!”
You always imagined him being ecstatic about this day, the day where he could leave his shitty home and his shittier dad behind. Apparently, you were wrong. Your brows furrowed as you watched his blue eyes travel across the horizon of the swamps. “Where would I go?” He asked mindlessly and it almost broke your heart seeing him that way. It was rare when he showed his weak and vulnerable sides, but you would always be there for him. John B noticed how his friend became around you, how he let his façade slip, at least for some time. He hadn´t talked to him about it, but he knew Kie had begun to notice as well.
“Where would I wanna go without you?”
You arrived at the Chateau, and you cursed John B for not taking a wrong turn, not that he would ever do so by accident. The topic broke off with JJ, but you knew it wasn´t over yet. At a later point you would ask again, and again and again, until he would tell you the truth.
Sometimes it drove the group insane how hardheaded you were, especially when it collided with JJ´s stubbornness, however, your points were usually better and smarter. JJ would also never admit that he sometimes picked small fights with you, just to see you heated in the topic.
There wasn´t a single thing you couldn´t do, at least that´s how it seemed. You were an ace in school, especially languages, biology and psychology. The worst part? You didn´t even study half as much as Pope did. JJ and John B often made bets, who would get the higher score. You had a diving license and once, you made an entire dress for Kiara from total scratch, while being high. It looked absolutely amazing. You picked locks in under 40 seconds and baked the best cookies on the island. Together with JJ you had taken apart the engine of a car, and build it back together. You could open beer bottles with your teeth or a lip gloss and once at a party, you won an arm-wrestle against Rafe Cameron. To add to all of that, you worked part time as a waitress and not once, you forgot an order. You gave Kie all of her piercings and you stitched up both John B and JJ several times with needle and threat. You knew all the words to slim shady and every single song from any Disney movie.
If there was something you couldn´t do, you were at least down to learn it and work hard for it. It was one of the reasons why everyone in the group loved you so much, you always had an idea for an boring day or a solution to the newest problem. It was John B, who called you on the Friday afternoon to discuss a new problem, a few hours before JJ´s party would begin.
“This better be important JB, the lightning in your bathroom is terrible to do my make up in!” You exclaimed when entering his house, your backpack with the essentials for the party hanging over your shoulder. He was sitting at the kitchen table, blood running down his arm. Your backpack fell to the ground as you started quickly inspecting the wound. A branch was sticking in it.
“Why is there a branch sticking in you?” You asked while hurrying through the house to find the first aid kit. “I fell.” You saw how he scratched the back of his neck, an awkward silence following. You kneeled down again next to him, getting ready to pull the branch out. “You fell?”
“Doing what exactly?”
“Climbing-“ While he talked, you pulled the branch out and pressed down a disinfecting towel. “Sneaking out”, he corrected himself as he noticed your eyes twitching. You could always tell a lie. “From where?” “I… uhm… I don´t-“, he hissed in pain as you made the first stitch.
“From a girl´s house.” Finally, he had your attention and you raised your eyebrow while continuing to stitch. “A girl´s house? Who?” You wore now a grin and noticed how your friend began smiling as well. “John B? Pogue´s don´t lie to each other! Whose the girl?”
“Promise me not to tell the others, at least not for now.”
“Pinky promise.” “Sarah.” You almost pocked the needle in the wrong place and let out a small scream. “Sarah Cameron?!” “Yes, psht now!” You had just finished your work and while taking a last look on the wound, you leaned back and eyed John B. “So, that´s why you been smiling so lost in the past weeks!” 
“You´re not angry?” “They´re many kooks I don´t like, but Sarah? She´s a sweetheart, she sometimes comes to study when I work.” He sighed relieved and pushed his hair back. “I wish the rest would react as chill as you.” You chuckled. “Good luck telling them.”
“I was hoping you´d help me.” “Your girlfriend, not mine, Johny Boy.”
You pulled out two beers from the fridge and began eyeing the outfits you had brought with you. It didn´t help that the party would start soon, you would just get ready there. “What´s up with JJ by the way?” You asked as you held the red top in front of the mirror. “I was actually hoping you knew.” 
“C´mon, Y/n, he tells you everything! From what he had for breakfast to stories from his childhood, I didn´t even know about!” You hit his shoulder while making your way around the table again. “Oh, I would wear the dress, JJ loves it on you!” You sighed and took the ultramarine dress, changing in the bathroom, door slightly opened. “Okay so what? JJ and I talk a lot, what about it? I still don´t know what´s wrong! Yesterday he didn´t seem excited for his birthday at all!”
Leaving the bathroom changed into the dark blue wrap around dress you started fumbling around with your hair. John B shrugged; he was still leaning on the table. “I guess it´s about his dad.”
You let out a heavy sigh. “But that problem is gonna go away, he´s 18, allowed to legally leave home!” “And where should he go? JJ is too proud to move in with me or you, he thinks he´s a burden…” 
“He is not a burden! Do you know how often I already asked him to move in?” John B chuckled. “When you wear this dress, he´ll be ready to move into your bed.” You threw the shirt you had worn before against his head. Luckily, he didn´t see how you blushed and quickly changed the topic back again. “Whatever he thinks, I have the moving problem solved! Just wait for his present.” You explained with a proud smile, John B furrowed his brows. “What exactly are you giving him, Y/n?” Kie and Pope had JJ´s present discussed, but you had decided against the custom surfboard and wanted to give him something else. “It´ll be a surprise.” “You can´t even tell us!” “That´s what it makes it a surprise.” He gave you the puppy eyes, but you had your make-up bag in your hand and closed the bathroom door behind you. “You´ll see, John B.”
“Always full of surprises.”
 When JJ arrived at the beach, everything was already ready. Kie and Pope had set up fairy lights and brought snacks. A few blankets were spread on the ground, since more pogues would be joining soon. Together with John B you heaved the keg of beer, which was the last thing missing. The second you set down the heavy keg, JJ approached. A huge smile spread on his lips. He wore a light shirt, opened at the front and a cap on his head, looking surfer boy good as always.
“Ready for your party?” Kie asked him as she gave him a hug. Pope looked at his watch. “Three hours left till midnight, till you´re 18!” JJ scratched his back, his eyes looking through the circle of friends. “All that matters that you´re all here with me”, he explained. Laughing you joined for a group hug. “It´s gonna be an amazing evening, promise!” John B exclaimed and you looked over JJ, a certain sadness still hiding behind his striking blue eyes. Within the next hour, more people came. Just before midnight, the group of teenagers outlined  about 30 or 40. You were just talking to some friends from school, when an arm slung around your shoulder. You didn´t even have to look up to find JJ, his cologne and the smell of liquor and smoke was unmistakable. He seemed a good amount of drunk and so did you. Soft music played in the background and JJ pulled you on the dancefloor. You giggled as your hands crossed behind his neck. “You know, I don´t need a present, right?” He finally spoke up and you grinned. “Man, you should´ve told us earlier!”
He let out a laugh. You knew JJ often felt uncomfortable when people made efforts just for him. “Trust me, you´ll love their present.” His brows furrowed at your comment and he slowed down the dancing. “Their?” You nodded slowly, avoiding his glance. “I can´t give you your present until tomorrow.” JJ still seemed confused and you both sat down on a thick branch from a fallen over palm tree. “What have you planned again, Y/n?” He asked smirking, but you shook your head. 
“A surprise.”
Suddenly John B approached, a little staggering from side to side, well a lot. “DUDE it´s twelve o´clock!” With that he pulled his best friend back on his feet and you followed the two, as John B led JJ to Pope and Kie, who held up the present proudly. From the form it was easy to tell that it was a surfboard, but the three had it customized by themselves. The had drawn the five people of your group as silhouettes surfing on the wave in front of the island. It looked amazing. “Happy Birthday!” They all grinned and Kie and you started singing, while JJ looked amazed at the board. “Guys! You didn´t have to!” “Yes, we did!” Kie immediately exclaimed. JJ eyes met yours and you shrugged. “Sorry you still have to wait.” John B sighed next to you. “She doesn´t even want to tell us, can you believe her, JJ?” JJ remained quiet, his eyes lingering on you. “Full of surprises.”
You woke up the next morning, snuggled next to JJ on John B´s couch. Your head still hurt a little, but after downing a glass of water and freshening up in the bathroom, you felt more awake. You barely remembered how you ended up on the couch, but it slowly came back to you. You had tried to bring JJ to sleep, but he was too clingy and made you stay. At that thought, you blushed. Glancing down on him, as you sat back on the couch. He still slept peacefully. Carefully you shook his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open, he started smiling.
“Mornin´.” “Hungover?” He shrugged and you offered him a glass of water as well. “I´ll wake up the other´s.” He groaned. “Why can´t we just stay here?” You threw a shirt, or whatever it was at him. “Your present!”
“LEFT TURN!” You screamed while John B hit the brakes, taking a sharp turn. “Jeez Y/n, next time you drive! Where are going anyway?” JJ, Kie and Pope were seated in the back, they all looked a little ill after you coordinated John B with absolute last-minute directions.  “STOP, we´re here!” You suddenly announced. It had only taken a 10-minute drive from the chateau, but now you were… In the middle of nowhere. You jumped out the van firstly, opening the back door for JJ and the rest. John B took a look around in the mean-time. “Where are we exactly?” Kie asked now as well. A few trees stood around, the water was near, but there was nothing really. You grinned from ear to ear. “You guys see where the water starts? And the post behind the van?” You asked excited and they all nodded confused. Especially JJ watched you slightly concerned. Then you pulled a few sheets of paper and presented them even more proud. JJ took them from you, and while he read them, you watched as his eyes widened. “You´re joking, right?!”
You shook your head. “Nope, this land is officially yours!” JJ let out a short laugh, and looked around again. “It belongs to me?!” “YES!” He couldn´t hold it in anymore and embraced you tightly, spinning you around in the air. “Y/n you´re crazy!”
Pope had taken the papers and nodded approving. Kie and John B laughed surprised. “Now you just need a roof to sleep under!” JB added. You grinned while JJ just didn´t let you go. He looked straight at you, his eyes not once tearing away. “Actually, there is this caravan at the junkyard, it´s in pretty good condition, could use some re-modeling. I think you could get it for a good deal?”
“You´re unbelievable”, JJ breathed again. You shrugged. “I thought you needed a good place to stay, what better than your own place?” He shook his head and just then, you realized how close he was to tearing up. “How can I ever thank you?” He asked whispering, his eyes still watery. “Just let me crash from time to time?” “You can move in with me, if you wanted to! I could live with you for the rest of my life!” JJ exclaimed before even realizing what he said, the group went quiet. You could watch from the corner of your eye, how Kie pulled Pope and John B away from the two of you. Rather awkwardly, you left the hug and JJ scratched the back of his neck.
“I didn´t mean… I didn´t… I... uhm…” JJ started rumbling. “Why not?” You blurted out and he looked up from the ground even more confused. He let out a chuckle. “I´ve known you for like forever and yet you surprise me.” You smirked and stepped a little closer to him.
“Would that surprise you?” You asked quietly and leaned on your tip toes to press your lips softly against his. JJ immediately leaned in and with both hands cupping your face, he held you closer and deepened the kiss. “This is by far the best birthday present.”
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Pls do a fic using prompts 78 & 59 from prompt list one! Maybe possibly a jolex AU where Jo never dated Peckwell
Oh, my, my when I look into your eyes, it's a sight I can't describe
“I really want to kiss you right now. I know I shouldn’t, and somehow that makes me want it more.”  “We always share blankets on the couch, I’m sure sharing the bed for the night is fine too.”
Alex couldn’t work out if it was the run-up to Christmas that was making people more stupid or the if the freezing winds had really just knocked the common sense out of everyone because he’d been on call since yesterday evening and he was just now able to find five minutes for a break, what didn’t make it better was as his break began so did everyone's day, so he was stuck waiting for his coffee, watching as the interns scurried in oblivious to his night's hard work. 
“Why do you look like that?” Alex mutters as he watches Jo waddle up to him, she was wrapped up in what could only be described as 100 layers of clothing, with a woolly hat pulled down low, so low that it was dangerously close to blinding her. She looked like she was wandering around in an inflatable fat suit with the amount of layers she had on. 
She mumbles something incoherent before pulling the scarf she'd wrapped around her face down, so he could see her flushed cheeks. “Look like what? Beautiful? Stunning? Hot?” Jo shrugs, rustling as she moves, she reaches out taking his coffee cup from his hands and taking a sip for herself, a small smirk playing on her lips as she watches Alex gape at the audacity. 
Frowning Alex snatches back the cup as he heads back towards the hospital, rolling his eyes as he hears Jo begin to shuffle along behind him. “Like an Eskimo at a jumble sale.” He clarifies as she starts to unravel herself beside him. Jesus, how many layers did she have on?
“The heaters broke at my apartment.” She mumbles softly, nodding her thanks as he holds not one but two doors open for her, dramatically letting her pass as if she was taking up all the room. 
“So buy a new one,” Alex suggests like it was the most obvious solution, watching as she once again reached out for his cup. 
“I'm an intern do you think I have the money just lying around?” Jo narrows her eyes, taking another sip from his coffee, humming constantly as the hot liquid warms her.
“You would’ve had $1000 if you hadn’t bought that couch.” 
“Stop complaining about the couch, you said you liked it.”
“I do.” 
“Then be grateful you jerk.” Jo smacks the side of his arm as the elevator door dings open before them. God, you’d think she’d killed his puppy not bought him an insanely nice couch the way he goes on.
“Hey you can stay at mine by the way…” Alex mumbles leaning forward to press the button for the peds floor and the surgical floor for Jo. “Just so you don’t freeze to death.” He clarifies, watching as she perks up a bit from his offer, he’d let anyone stay, really it had nothing to do with everyone teasing him about being in love with her and them maybe being right about it. 
Jo grins, handing him back his coffee she wrestles out of her puffer jacket. “Aww you're worried about me, you’re so sweet” She laughs, winking at him over her shoulder as the doors slip open. 
“Shut up I just don’t wanna hear you’re whiny ass complaining all day.” Alex shakes his head, fighting the smirk that wanted to appear on his face as he watches Jo skip off.
He’s handsome...she’ll give him that but he’s also mean and grumpy and funny...really funny and he’s understanding and...shit she was doing it again. She’d promised, she’d downright swore she wasn’t gonna be one of those girls that fawned over their bosses and here she was.
“For the last time, we are just friends…” Jo hisses as she breaks her trance, just registering Stephanie's teasing as Leah and Shane flopped down beside her on the table. 
The group exchange a few glances, Stephanie nodding her head back to where the attendings were sitting, indicating it was Karev that was today's topic of conversation. “So you keep saying but I'm not sure who you are trying to convince here me or you…” Steph says pointedly as she munched away on her crisps. 
“You, I’m trying to convince you…”
“Ooooh, Karev I love you….oooo Karev.” Steph teases, kicking her leg on the table as she writhes around dramatically. 
Jo groans, leaning her head down on the table as a round of laughter erupts from her so-called friends. “Oooh marry me, Dr Karev.” Shrieks Heather as she wraps her arms around herself pretending to kiss the air as she does.
“Will you shut up?” Jo shrieks as they gain the attention of a few other tables, throwing a couple of fries in Heather's direction Jo narrows her eyes on friends. “I don’t like him like that and if he hears you’ll he’ll freak.”
“You definitely do like him like that, why else would you have spent that last thirty minutes staring at him from across the room.” Steph laughs, as she nods her head towards where Alex was sitting with Grey and Torres again.  
“We’re just friends...don’t look at me like that..” Jo growls sinking down in her chair, playing with the food on her plate, doing all she could to not glance up at Alex’s direction.  “Urgh, I’m in trouble...so much trouble…”
“Because you’re in love with a man whore…” Leah snides as she crunches noisily on her carrot sticks.
Jo sighs, watching as Alex throws his head back laughing at something Grey had said. Did he have to look so damn handsome all the time? “No, because I don’t want...I’m not looking for anything…”
“Serious?” Shane supplies flashing her a knowing look as he points between Leah and Heather. “I don’t think that’s something you have to worry about with Karev. Ask any of the girls in our year.” 
Jo winces uncomfortably, she knows wanting Alex is a risk but it’s not like she has a choice, she can’t help the way she feels and she didn’t need any of them to remind her of Alex’s sexscepades. She knew all too well what he’s been up too but honestly, she couldn’t help feeling the way she did. They didn’t get it, Alex wasn’t his reputation, honestly when it was just the two of them together drinking beer and making stupid jokes it was hard to think he was the same guy with the reputation of being an evil whatever that he did. “You know he’s not as bad as you think…”
“Who’s not?” Looking up suddenly Jo was surprised to see Chest Peckwell standing there. She'd met him a few times briefly, once on her O.B rotation and a few times at the coffee cart, it had never been anything more than a few friendly hello’s but he definitely had half her intern class drooling at the sight of him, and even Jo had to admit he was good looking, but her brain was too fogged up with the idea of Alex to even look at another human. 
“Erm, no one...just some patient we have,” Jo mutters awkwardly glancing quickly at Steph and Leah who was practical drooling on the table as they watched him. “Can we help you with anything?” 
Peckwell smirked, rubbing his hands together he leans over Jo, his aftershave overwhelming her senses as he looked down at her. “I was thinking, me...you...bar tonight?”
Jo cringes shrinking away from him, there's confident and then there's just cockiness. “Aha..thats nice...I think...but I have plans.”
Leah almost chokes on her drink as she leans forward pushing Jo out of Peckwells view. “If she won’t I will.” She practically purred, flicking her high ponytail around as she spoke.
“Of course you will.” Steph rolls her eyes, while the rest of the group tried to stifle their laughter, watching as Peckwells face fell before turning his attention back to Jo.
“No problem...think about it, I'm sure you'll come to the right decision.” He winks, patting Shane’s back abruptly as he backs away from the table, a clear smirk across his face not showing the faintest hint of rejection. 
“Urgh, that guy gives me the creeps.” Shudders Jo as she watches him retreat, rolling her eyes as she watches Leah, Heather and even Stephanie tilt their heads to the side unison to get a good look at the guy's backside.
“He’s hot though.” Stephanie quips, stealing a few fries off Jo’s plate, as Jo turns her eyes back to Alex, surprised to find they were already on her, he doesn't even look away when their eyes meet, instead, he just continues to gaze at her his forehead creased like he's trying to work something out, whatever was on his mind his intense gaze was making the heat rise in Jo’s cheeks.
“Who are your plans with?” 
An elbow to the ribs knocks Jo’s gaze as she glowers at Stephanie.“Huh?”
“Your plans...you said you had plans or were you just lying to chest Peckwell,” Stephanie exclaims, shaking her head at Jo, clearly, Leah wasn’t the only one surprised by Jo’s rejection of one of the hottest bachelors Grey Solan had to offer. 
“No I wasn’t lying I have plans...with Alex.”
Leah scoffs loudly, gaining the attention of the entire table. “Really? I thought he was going out with Hailey tonight.” 
“I’m pretty sure she mentioned it.” Heather nodded, looking slightly unforgettable as she watched Jo’s face fall, twisting in her seat she nods to where Hailey is sitting with Tina, they seem to be excitedly talking about something but that didn’t mean Alex...they are pretty much always that bubbly. 
“Mentioned it, she spent half of Shepherd’s surgery up in the gallery talking about it.” Shrieks Shane, oblivious to the nervous glance the girls seemed to be giving each other as Jo leapt up from the table following Alex out of the cafeteria in a flash. 
Jo catches sight of Alex heading towards the elevator, seemingly lost in his own world as he stares down at his phone, narrowly avoiding the various patients and staff that litter the hallway. “You’re going on a date?” Jo calls, half jogging to catch up to him. 
“Mhmm” he nods, barely giving her a second look as she falls into step beside him.   
Jo frowns, he’s a busy guy she knows but he seemed to have done a 180 from this morning, usually when they spoke he’d give her his attention, at least greet her with a little more than muffle the sound. “Tonight?...With Hailey?” 
“What is this?” Alex groans, finally looking up as he shoves his phone in his pocket. The frown etched in his forehead let Jo know he wasn’t in the finest of moods. “Who wants to be a millionaire?”
“No..I” Jo stutters, watching as Alex narrows her eyes on her before seemingly giving up waiting for her response and brushing past her. “I was just asking...I thought you said you were done sleeping around with interns.” Jo blurts out chasing after him as she went, trying to keep her voice low enough that their conversation wouldn't become hospital gossip. 
“I am that why this is a date and not a meeting in the supply closet.”  He snaps, his nostril flaring. He seemed almost angry and Jo couldn’t work out why it wasn’t the typical response of someone who had a hot date. 
“Well we had plans tonight but I guess I’ll let it slide.” 
“Yeah, I'm sure you will,” Alex growls as he presses the elevator button, spinning around to face towards the doors, never turning back to look at Jo. 
Blinking a few times Jo tries to understand his sudden change in demeanour. “What's that meant to mean?” She demands, grabbing hold of his arm to turn him back towards her. 
“Aren't you going out with the flamingo from OB tonight?” Alex grumbles shrugging Jo grips off as the doors ding open.
“Who Jason?” 
“Whatever his name is I don't care and I don't care about your date-” 
“-I’m not-” 
Alex raises his voice as he steps onto the lift, punching at the buttons, making Jo jump back as he cuts her off abruptly.  “So don't start giving me crap on making plans and get out of my business.” The doors slip shut, efficiently ending their conversation leaving a dumbfounded Jo standing in the hallway, at least a dozen eyes on her as she tries to understand what the hell had just happened. 
“What are you doing here?” A crease forms in between Alex's eyebrows as he takes in the sight of Jo leaning her head against the bannister, her eyes shut as she sits on the staircase. Beside her are the various discarded layers of clothing she’d worn into work today, he hadn't expected to see her, not since he’d stormed away from her this afternoon, he was tired and angry, and none of it was really her fault, well not deliberately. He’d regretted the minute he watched her face as the doors had rolled shut between them, he'd wanted to find her and apologize but by the time he’d got out of surgery, she was long gone. 
“You said I could stay here, remember?...my heaters broke and trust me if I didn’t wanna freeze to death I'd be anywhere else.” Jo sighs, rubbing her arms as she sits up, she looks tired as her eyes scan over him, he was dressed in jeans in a t-shirt for anyone else she’d assumed that his outfit wasn't exactly date attire but for Alex Karev, it was probably fancy. 
“Shit yeah...sorry.” Alex nods, he’d forgotten he’d offered to let Jo stay, and he’d been so angry earlier he’d completely dismissed her. “What are you doing on the stairs?”
“Well I was gonna crash on your couch but Yang and Grey have passed out on it,” Jo mutters nodding her head towards the living room, turning around Alex saw that Yang and Grey were indeed passed out across the sofa each with an empty tequila bottle in hand, Grey snoring away noisily.
“Yeah, they’re not moving anytime soon.” He laughs, shaking his head, he turns back to Jo giving her lopsided grin, hating the way she only manages to muster a half-smile in response as he moves to sit beside her on the stairs.  
“How was your date?” She whispers, looking down at her shoes as she speaks. 
“It was okay…”
“Just okay?”
“It was good...why do you care? Are you jealous Josephine?” He nudges her shoulder slightly, a sly smile playing on his face as he watches her eyes widen, leaning as far away as she can get. “Pfft, me jealous? No, we’re just friends.” 
Alex rolls his eyes nodding, that's them friends...but you really shouldn't think about your friends the way his mind thinks about Jo, there’s nothing friendly about it. “Yeah, practically siblings...that's what you said right? I’m like your brother.”
“I what...I no..”
“Come on…” Alex stands, he holds his hand out for her, his face softening as he looks down at her. He doesn't need her to say it again.
Jo frowns, letting her hand slip into his easily as she follows him up the stairs “Where are we?... I’m not sleeping in Yang’s bed, I've heard what she does in there.” She exclaims shuddering at the thought of Yangs noisy sex life with the chief, ignoring the way her hand seemed to fit into Alex’s so seamlessly. 
“Shut up you idiot you can sleep in mine,” Alex growls as they reach the land letting Jo pass him as his hand slips out of hers and instead finds its way to the small of her back as he leads her down the hallway to his room. “What doesn’t get all excited we’re just friends after all.” He teases, rolling his eyes as Jo raises her eyebrows at him suggestively. 
“Just checking this won’t this be weird.” Jo shrugs, a cold feeling spreading across her when Alex releases her, heading to his bathroom, leaving Jo standing awkwardly in the doorway, eyeing the messy unmade bed before her. She’d thought about being in his bed before and it wasn’t to lay above the sheets while his grumpy ass snored beside her. 
“Only if you make it weird...we always share blankets on the couch, I’m sure sharing the bed for the night is fine too,” Alex grumbles appearing back in the room gesturing to the bed in front of them while brushing his teeth, mumbling something that was either stop looking at me like that or just not English.  
“Right...yeah it’s fine. You wash the sheets, right? I’m not gonna be sleeping on anything nasty?” Jo jokes, pulling a side of the comforter up gingerly, she was only half-joking as she checked the bed for used condoms, laughing as Alex threw his t-shirt at her, catching her off guard as she entered the room in just his boxers. Well damn...now she really is in trouble. 
“I told you I’m not sleeping around anymore.” He mutters, pulling back the covers on his side, slipping into the bed, giving her confused look as he still hovers near the end of the bed.
“Oh yeah, is that why you didn’t bring Hailey back?” Jo queries, she doesn’t wanna know about the date with Hailey and she does, if she's gonna lay next to the guy all night, she had to know where she stands.
“Why are you so hung up on this Hailey thing?” 
“I’m not, I don’t care who you date…”
“Sure thing princess…” Alex grunts, ignoring the way Jos face drops at the use of her old nickname, sighing Alex sits up, patting the space beside him. “If you must know I got called into an emergency surgery so I had to reschedule.” 
“Oh…”  He hadn’t been on a date. 
"I don't wanna date Hailey...she thinks unicorns are real or some shit."
Jo nods, taking in what he was saying. Deciding to push her luck Jo shrugs out of her jeans, it’s not like she hadn’t frequently walked around Alex’s house in her underwear before it was definitely the first time he’d invited her up to his room though. Wriggling her top over her head she smirks as she hears Alex’s breath hitch. Gotcha. 
“You don’t have a clue do you?” 
“About what?” Jo mumbles as she picks up his discarded T-shirt from the floor, throwing it on as she makes her way round to the unoccupied side of the bed, ignoring the complete shock on Alex’s face as she slips in beside him like it was the most normal thing in the world like she always slept here. 
“You don’t have the slightest idea the torture you put me though, do you?.” Alex groans, as Jo lays her cold feet against his shins. His hand holding the comforter tightly, restraining the urge to reach out for her. 
“Me...what did I do-” Suddenly Jo feels his arms around her waist pulling her in he rolls over her. His arms resting either side of her head, holding him up as he hovers above her, his eyes trailing over her body beneath him. 
“You drive me mad...constantly...you make it so hard to just be near you.” He whispers, his breath dancing across Jo’s face as he’s eyes flit between her lips and back to her eyes. Jo was frozen, her eyes glued to his, the words she so desperately wanted to say stuck in her throat.  “I really want to kiss you right now. I know I shouldn’t, and somehow that makes me want it more.” He groans, his lips brushing against her as he spoke. 
Jo gulps, she wants to shrink away from Alex’s intense gaze, but at the same time, she wants to reach out and pull him closer to her. “Why shouldn’t you?” She manages to squeak, her hands slowly reaching up to rest against his biceps. 
“Because I’m bad for you...I screw up everything good in my life and I don’t wanna do that to you but I want you...I really want you.” Alex groans, she can feel one hand tracing her neck softly, brushing away the loose hair that fans her face, his lips are so close to hers, she can almost taste them and its pure torture.
“But we shouldn't, right? I mean you’ve slept with every girl in my class, you’ll probably break my heart and move on by next week.” Jo mutters, she’s testing him, she’s praying he’ll say this isn’t the one-time thing it feels like.
“I told you I'm not sleeping around anymore.”
“You asked Hailey out.”
“No, she asked me...I only said yes because I was in a delivery earlier in which Meyers bragged about asking you out.” Alex admits, sinking a little lower pressing himself against Jo. 
“I told him no…”
“This is a bad idea.” Jo whispers, unable to tear her eyes away from him as their intense gaze continues. She can feel her own thumping fast in her chest and it’s all becoming a little overwhelming, it’s like he can see right through her like there's a second conversation going on in their glances that are saying far more than either of them could express. 
“Mhmm probably...why did you say no Jo?”
Sighing, she feels him rest his forehead against hers, squeezing her eyes shut, knowing it will be easier to whisper the truth without him looking at her. “Because I want you, I want you more than I ever wanted anyone or anything ever before.”
Jo admits, opening her eyes, braced for his rejection as she watches a wide grin spread across Alex's face, settling her nerves as he swoops down, their lips meeting passionately. Instantly wrapping arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. 
“Even though I’m like your brother.” Alex jokes, mumbling against her lips as he rolls her over, so she straddles him, their lips only separating momentarily. 
“Alex…” Jo shrieks as his words click, smacking against his chest ignoring the way his chuckle vibrates against her neck as he turns his attention there, making sure to leave a mark for everyone to see tomorrow. “Way to ruin the mood.” 
“Sorry...let me fix that.” He whispers softly, making Jo squeal as his hands slip under his T-shirt trailing their way up her waist, setting ablaze to her silky smooth skin, making Jo moan as she dips her head back to down, catching his lips with hers.
Leya ya welcome...I tried. I hate writing fluff...it is so hard and it does not come very naturally to me but I still try. I will admit this is not my finest work but it is hard to come up with fluffy ideas. 
Seeing Blind -  Niall Horan
 Oh, my, my, you just took me by surprise and I can't believe my eyes. Oh, I must be seein' blind, oh, no I, you're too good to be all mine, now I'm lookin' in your eyes.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Study Break (Branjie) -Peridot
A/N: I don’t really know where this came from, and it’s a little late seeing exam season is over for most people, but here’s a fluffy teen Branjie au that is partially based off of a friend of mine. Sorry if it seems a little rushed. Let me know what you think of this lil story (either here or on my side blog @peridot-aq). Hope you enjoy!
It was about 3am when Brooke realised that her back was hurting.
It was no surprise to her. After all, she’d been sitting in close to the exact same position since about 11 the previous morning- bent over the small desk in her bedroom, trying to cram years worth of information into her brain all at once. And she had been bent over for a similar amount of time the day before. And the day before that. And the day before that.
What was more surprising was that she was only noticing the pain now. She supposed she’d been too distracted by Henry the Eighth and all six of his wives to notice.
She stood up and stretched out her arms, trying to ease the discomfort slightly when she heard her phone buzz. It took her by surprise, and she jumped slightly at the sudden noise of the vibrations against the wooden desk. She tapped on her phone and read the short message that illuminated the screen.
V: mandatory text to make sure you’re not still studying
Brooke smiled to herself. Vanessa knew her too well. It wasn’t the first time she’d caught her revising into the depths of the night. She decided not to reply -favouring ignoring the text to facing Vanessa’s inevitable disappointment- but another persistent message came through a few seconds after.
V: I can see you’ve read it, bitch Shit. In her sleep-deprived state, that hadn’t occurred to Brooke. She quietly chuckled as she pattered out a quick reply.
B: …oops?
V: BROOKE LYNN HYTES I SWEAR TO GOD V: call me Brooke pushed in her office chair and flopped onto her bed, finally giving in and abandoning her hours of work. She felt guilty in doing so, as if she was betraying her own ambitions in favour of a phone call with a friend. But, God knows that Brooke needed that phone call to set her straight.
She quickly scrolled through her contacts, finding Vanessa’s name towards the bottom of the list accompanied by several purple heart emojis that Vanessa had added when she’d put her number into the phone. She tapped ‘call’, the sound of Vanessa’s loud voice filling Brooke’s ears after just one ring.
“Bitch, why the hell are you awake!”
Brooke’s phone wasn’t on speaker, but the sheer volume of Vanessa shouting down the phone was enough to fill the silence of her bedroom.
“Keep it down a little, my parents are asleep.”
“You should be too, bitch! I’ve told you before to give yourself a break, you’re gonna burn yourself out if you keep doing this.”
Although Brooke knew that Vanessa was right (and she was already feeling the effects of weeks of revision taking a toll on her body), she still made a weak attempt to defend her decision. “I’m just really stressed out about history, I don’t know anything and my parents will kill me if I don’t get an A.”
“You know that’s not true. They love you, they’ll be proud of you no matter what, you know that. And there’s no way in hell you don’t know anything. You haven’t left your damn house in like two weeks!”
“Hey, I went grocery shopping yesterday!”
Vanessa cursed on the other side of they phone, making Brooke smile. “That doesn’t count.”
“Uh, it a hundred percent does. I was out of the house and I got a two for one deal on strawberry laces, thank you very much.”
Vanessa’s laughter crackled from Brooke’s phone, echoing in the silence of her dark bedroom. Her laugh was wild and addictive, making Brooke chuckle quietly to herself alongside her.
“You better have saved some for me.”
“Sorry V, they’re all gone.”
“Thought you got two for one?”
“I ate both of them earlier,” Brooke announced almost proudly. “I can’t believe you would doubt my ability to eat two full packets in a day. That really hurts my feelings, you know.”
“I hate you,” she joked, Brooke able to clearly picture the eye roll that most likely accompanied Vanessa’s words. “Tell you what, though- I’ll buy you another packet if you come on a picnic with me tomorrow.”
Brooke sighed. “I can’t do tomorrow, I have to study.”
“No you don’t, bitch. You’ve been studying 24/7, you probably have the whole textbook memorised.”
“But it’s my last exam and it’s in less than a week and if I put in the hard work now then maybe down the road I’ll be-“
“Fuck hard work. You deserve a break. And it’s only a picnic, it’s not like I’m getting you wasted.”
Brooke paused for a moment, feeling a dull pang of guilt in her stomach as she let herself be convinced by Vanessa. “Fine. But I’m only coming out for a couple hours, no longer.”
“Yay! Be at mine for like 12, “ Vanessa gushed, her happiness very apparent from just a subtle change in her vocal timbre.”I knew you’d come around to it.”
“Hey, I’m only coming for the strawberry laces.”
Vanessa couldn’t manage to suppress her laughter on the other end of the line, a warm buzz in Brooke’s ear. “Whatever, bitch. Now get some damn sleep.”
Brooke wished she could say that she slept well that night.
The next morning Brooke’s tired eyes fluttered open at 10am, her head weighing her down like a paperweight as she tried to sit up against the headboard. She rubbed her eyes, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light streaming through her curtains. Her head was cloudy. It still swirled with waves of fatigue that still remained after a poor night’s sleep, full of stress and worry and seemingly endless hours of staring at the ceiling. She was so fucking tired. Even if she had gone to sleep at a reasonable hour, her fears of failure would have been enough to disturb her rest. Each heavy blink willed her to give in to her exhaustion and let her head fall back onto the pillow, each yawn pulling her back into unconsciousness for just a moment. But, checking the time on her phone, she managed to convince herself to get up. She had plans, after all. The first plans she’d had in weeks.
She swung her feet onto the cold wooden floor and stretched her arms far above her head, feeling dizziness wash over her for a second or two before the blood rushed back to her brain. As she stretched she once again became acutely aware of the discomfort in her back. She’d have to get someone to check that out.
Her feeling of tiredness followed her as she took a shower, the warm water that broke over her head only lulling her back into relaxation. It followed her as she got dressed, as she tied up her still wet hair into a ponytail, and as she swiped concealer over her the purple circles under each of her eyes, her body feeling worn out and weary the whole morning.
As she started to make her way out of her bedroom her eye caught her desk, littered with pink and green flash cards and textbooks and crumpled paper. The neon highlighters that were scattered on its wooden surface seemed aggressively bright in her sleep-deprived state. An impulse told her to sit down, grab a pen and start her cycle of work over again, but thoughts of Vanessa pulled her out of the trance, convincing her it was a bad idea. So, she waltzed through her bedroom door, any hope of productivity abandoned, for a few hours at least.
She gathered her keys, sunglasses and a few coins into a small bag and quickly grabbed a punnet of strawberries and a jar of Nutella from the fridge- a poor excuse for a picnic contribution but the best she could do so last minute- and tossed them into an old plastic bag. She scribbled out a note on a scrap piece of paper telling her parents where she’d gone, and with only a small amount of guilt, left the house.
Brooke knocked on Vanessa’s door, now feeling not only groggy but also hungry, realising she’d skipped breakfast. Her solution was clear, however, when Vanessa arrived at the door with a very large basket bundled up in her arms, tin foil wrapped packages practically spilling out from underneath the lid. She greeted Brooke with a warm smile and yelled out a goodbye to her mother inside the house before stumbling down the front step, the large basket in danger of toppling her over.
Vanessa set the basket on the ground and threw her arms around Brooke, her excitement discordant with Brooke’s fatigue. Brooke leaned into the embrace, resting her cheek against Vanessa’s dark hair as she squeezed her waist and nuzzled into the taller girl’s shoulder.
“Hey, sis. You ready?” Vanessa asked, breaking the hug to attempt to lift the huge basket once again.
“Yup,” Brooke replied with a nod. “You need a hand with that?”
Brooke bent down and hauled it up and onto her shoulder, straining slightly under its sheer weight but insisting to Vanessa that it wasn’t a problem. “You went a little overboard with the food,V. We’re never gonna eat all that.”
“What can I say, my mamma’s Latina, she likes to cook,” Vanessa giggled as the two started to walk down the street.
They strolled together for a few minutes until they reached a small park nearby Vanessa’s neighbourhood. Red-painted fences surrounded the area, complete with flower beds and cobbled paths and grass that seemed too green and too striking to be real. Vanessa picked a spot underneath a large tree, branches and blossoms and hundreds of green leaves providing a little shade from the bright July sunshine. She dug into the basket which Brooke had quickly discarded onto the ground and produced a blue tartan blanket, attempting several times to spread it out onto the grass without it folding underneath itself. Brooke laughed, enjoying the visual of the small girl wrestling with the fabric. When Vanessa finally succeeded (after a few profanities and a little help from Brooke), the two climbed onto the blanket, Vanessa leaning against the tree and Brooke sitting cross-legged opposite her.
“Oh, almost forgot,” Vanessa mumbled. Brooke watched her reach into her back pocket before tossing a red packet her way, hitting her square in the face and making Vanessa chuckle.
The strawberry laces.
“I’m a woman of my word.”
Brooke laughed to herself as she was reminded of their deal. “Thanks, bitch.”
The sweets were quickly forgotten, however, as the two dove into the basket Vanessa’s mother had prepared. Brooke’s Nutella and strawberries were abandoned in the bottom of her bag, easily replaced by homemade burritos and croissants with jam and sandwiches. She ate as much as she could, savouring each rich taste on her tongue, until she was sure she couldn’t eat anymore. Despite the two having barely made a dent in Vanessa’s stash, they were both satisfied, Brooke becoming even more tired as a result.
They talked a little more, basking under the heat of the sun, their conversation turning back to school and exams.
“I’m really happy you’re taking a break, bitch.”
“I guess I am too. I like spending time with you.”
Vanessa flashed her a grin, her nose scrunching up at the compliment. “Good. You deserve some time to yourself, you’ve been stressing yourself out.”
“Yeah, I have. It’s been hell. Bending over my desk has started to hurt my back, too.” Brooke laughed at her statement, but Vanessa seemed less than pleased.
“Hold up, bitch. You’re telling me you’ve been studying enough to make your back hurt?”
Brooke bit her lip, holding back a laugh at seeing Vanessa get worked up. “Yeah, but it’s not a big deal.”
“Yes it is, Miss Brooke Lynn! Exams are bad enough for your mental health, I can’t have your physical health getting fucked up too.”
Brooke couldn’t help but giggle a little, failing to see the importance of Vanessa’s point. “I’m fine, V, really.”
“Oh no you’re not. That’s it. C’mere. I’m giving you a back massage.”
Brooke’s small giggle grew into a full belly laugh, finding the idea of Vanessa karate chopping into her back a very comedic prospect. Regardless, Vanessa pulled Brooke’s wrist until she had manoeuvred her to lean back against her, her own back still resting on the tree trunk.
Vanessa’s first movements were tentative and gentle grips onto Brooke’s shoulders, making her shift and wriggle, unable to suppress her fits of giggles. Vanessa became increasingly frustrated at her for not taking it seriously, which only made Brooke want to wind her up more. She was cute when she agitated.
“Brooke Lynn Hytes I swear….. quit squirming, bitch, this is supposed to be relaxing!”
She smirked to herself. “I am relaxed. You seem to be pretty worked up, though.”
“Shut up already.”
“You can’t make me,” Brooke teased.
In one quick motion Vanessa pushed Brooke up slightly and leaned over her, her face hovering centimetres above Brooke’s. Without warning she pressed a kiss into her lips. Brooke’s heart jumped in surprise, all of her senses going into overdrive. It was unexpected, addictive, exciting, and made Brooke want to hold her close like she’d never thought about before. She was suddenly aware of the beauty of her the girl in front of her- dark eyes and golden skin, the softness of her cheek and her hair against her skin, and the perfect cherry lips that were connected to her own. She relaxed into the kiss, closing her eyes and deepening it for just a second before Vanessa pulled away, the heart-stopping moment ending two seconds after it had started.
That shut her up, alright.
She found a smile creeping onto her face, mirrored by Vanessa’s own grin. Her mind was buzzing, unable to form a coherent sentence but willing her to speak, to say something. “Vanessa… you should’ve, I… I didn’t know-“
“Shush, not now baby. We can talk about it later. Now I just want you to relax, okay?” Vanessa spoke softly in her ear, bringing Brooke down from the electric moment with a hand on her hair.
Brooke found her tired body leaning back against Vanessa almost subconsciously, this time appreciating the comfort and safety of Vanessa’s arms around her as she resumed her rubbing on her back. Any thoughts of exams or stress were forgotten. Instead, her thoughts were consumed by Vanessa. She focused on everything around her, trying to take in as much as she could and commit the experience to memory.
The smell of grass and fresh air and Vanessa’s perfume.
The sound of the wind and the leaves and Vanessa’s words in her ear.
The feeling of the sun on her skin and Vanessa’s right hand on her shoulder and her left stroking her hair.
The cherry taste of Vanessa’s lips still lingering on hers.
And before she knew it, her heavy eyelids fluttered closed and she slipped into a dream, finally giving in to the tiredness that had been with her all day. Vanessa held her close and planted a small kiss on the top of Brooke’s head.
“Sleep well, Brooke.”
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puffyjoon-blog · 5 years
BTS reacting to their s/o being very cuddly and affectionate
fandom: bts
pairing: bts x reader
warnings: none!
genre: lots and lots of fluff!
word count: 2k
a/n: honestly i love affectionate people, they make me feel very special! hope you enjoy this reaction!
request a reaction!
𝙠𝙞𝙢 𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙠𝙟𝙞𝙣
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“Long day?” Seokjin asked as you walked into the bedroom sighing. You replied by nodding before stripping yourself from your work clothes and into Jin’s spare t-shirt he had lying around.
Today had not been the best of days but it didn’t matter anymore. You were home and the day was over. You just wanted to sleep with your boyfriends' arms wrapped around you tightly. You wanted to be in your safe place. and that, it was.
Speaking of your boyfriend, he was already under the duvet with his laptop on his lap when you had gotten home. It was his day off so obviously, he took advantage and didn’t leave the warmth that was yours and his bed. After you had finished getting into your sleepwear, you then crawled into the covers and trapped yourself under Jin’s free arm.
There you lay for an hour or so, watching him type away on his computer, answering a few emails and getting stuff done. He was fascinating to look at when he was concentrated. Every now and then, he would look down at you at which you smiled back. He would then chuckle and maybe kiss your head or stroke your hair.
When he was finished with his errands, Jin quickly shut his laptop and pushed it under the bed. By this time you were on the verge of falling asleep, so he gently scooched down so that his head was on the pillow and your head was on his chest. 
“Jagiya?” he whispered. You hummed in response “I know that you’re tired and everything but it’s still early! Don’t you wanna get something to eat?” 
Groggily, you readjusted your head for comfort “No, I just wanna rest.”
At that, Jin pulled you tighter towards him and pecked your cheek “Okay my love, no problem at all!”
𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞
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Sometimes when Yoongi was working, you liked to join him in the studio. It was nice company for both of you. You would bring a magazine or maybe a book with you so you wouldn’t get bored. You sometimes would bring your own work to his so that you could get stuff done too. It was a logical situation.
But this time, He was taking longer than usual to finish up and you already had run out of ideas to entertain yourself. Yoongi, though, paid no attention and was fully engrossed in whatever he was doing. Rarely, you would see him stop to crack his knuckles, stretch his arms above him or maybe take a sip of his drink that was placed next to him. You finally had enough of waiting and decided to take matters into your own hands with getting him to stop. 
“Yoongi?” You said, standing behind his chair and snaking your hands around his neck “Come on, baby! It’s time to go.”
You kissed him gently on the cheek and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. Yoongi slowly removed his headphones off of his head and sighed a sigh of relief. He then gently gripped your hands and brought them to his lips. 
“Sorry princess, I got distracted from the time.” He got up and started to gather his things for home. It was winter time so it was cold outside meaning that you both had to wrap up warm for the outside. Yoongi threw on his coat before passing you yours from the coat rack. Once you two had put on your hats and scarfs, he held out his arm for you to take. “Ready to go, beautiful?” 
“Yeah, all ready! Let’s go home!” You said, gripping his arm and heading into the cold outdoors.
𝙠𝙞𝙢 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣
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Thunderstorms never really were a big fear of yours. Yes, they did make you jump sometimes and mostly you learned to block them out and forget about them. But this was a whole new level and they never scared you like this. You were wrapped up in a blanket with half-bitten nails and shakey hands. The storm was loud and dangerous. And even worse, Namjoon wasn’t home yet.
Your mind instantly went to the worst of places. What if he had got in an accident on the way back? What if he was stuck at work? What if he had gotten lost?
It was then that you started to cry. The feeling of something not being right was too painful for you and you couldn’t bear it any longer. You reached for your phone for the hundredth time that night and was about to tap on your boyfriends’ name again when you heard the front door lock jingle, signifying the keys turning in the lock of your front door.
In came in, a drenched but perfectly unharmed Namjoon. He had a black raincoat on with the hood up so that his hair was invisible to sight. “Ugh, the storm out there is terrible! All I need now is a hot drink and my pyjam- You okay, baby?”
By this time, you were sobbing hard with your hand over your mouth. He was okay. Of course, he was okay! Why didn’t you believe that he was okay? You ran over to hug him tightly even though he was soaked from the rain. He noticed your shuddering figure and hugged you back tighter.
“I thought something had happened to you!” You wept, burying your head deeper into his shoulder. He sighed and kissed your head delicately “Princess I’m so sorry! I should’ve called but I completely forgot. I was held up at work with the comeback and everything! I’m so sorry, I’m here now, everything will be okay.”
You nodded and leant your forehead on his. “I love you,” you whispered at which he replied with the same. Taking off his jacket, he took your hand in his before kissing it, and lead you to the kitchen “Now, let’s go make some cocoa!”
𝙟𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙠
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Your friend lived quite a long way away from where you and Hoseok lived. Yes, it was hard to stay in touch with the distance in between but you two always figured it out. Which is why you were so excited when you both planned to see and stay with each other for a week - Hoseok tagging along, of course.
Getting there, you both had to catch a train to the airport. Actually catching it was no problem but it was when you got onto the train, things started to get stressful. The first few stops were okay and not many people got on. But the fifth stop was like the whole of Korea felt like taking the same mode of transport today. 
It was packed to the brim with people. People in business suits, mums with a bunch of kids. Even school kids on their way back from school were on this very train.
Because of this, you and Hobi ended up being pushed against each other. You leaning on his torso while he held onto the rail above. As more people started to bundle on, you wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed gently. 
Hoseok sensed how uncomfortable you were with strangers surrounding you so with his spare hand, he kissed the top of your head and stroked your hair to calm you down. “Only a few more stops darling, then it’ll be over!”
“Remind me never to take the train again.” You mumbled against his chest
He chuckled “Noted baby!”
𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣
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You were both extremely tired and drained from the long weekend at Jimins’ parents' house. Yes, it was absolutely lovely and you quite enjoyed seeing everyone, especially Jimin happy but even he could agree that enough is enough. Back home was calling for you.
Kissing them goodbye, you two waved at them from inside of the car before driving onto the highway. Soon, all you saw was overhead roads and a slur of green as the trees whizzed past you.
Jimin had his right hand on the wheel, with his elbow leaning against the door on his right. His left hand was placed on your thigh, squeezing gently every now and then. The radio was on low volume, the soft hum of a singers voice drowned out the sound of the wheels on the concrete.
You looked over at your boyfriend, his eyebrows strained ever so slightly from the concentration of the road. His lips looked plump and kissable, along with his soft, glowing skin. Words couldn’t describe how much you wanted to run your fingers along it right at this moment, not forgetting his hair too.
Remembering that his hand was caressing your thigh, you placed your hand on top of it before bringing it to your lips, kissing his knuckles ever so lightly. 
‘We’ll be there soon baby, just hold tight.’ he mumbled, his eyes still trained on the road. ‘Get some rest baby, I’ll wake you up when we’re home!’
You hummed in agreement before placing his hand back on your thigh, leaning your head against the cold window and closing your eyes. The murmur of traffic beside you, calming you. Before you know it, you’re sound asleep.
kim taehyung
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Seoul was currently in a heatwave. Both you and Taehung were sticky with sweat and all you wanted to do was jump into a nice cool bath before the humid evenings hit. However Taehyung had more of a, should we say, playful approach to the solution.
You were nicely sunbathing in the garden, trying to soak up the sunlight and attempting to get a tan. However your mind was somewhere else. Everything was all too quiet for you, well that was until you heard the squeak of a water faucet...
‘Heads up honey!’ he cheered before turning on the hose and spraying your clammy body in ice cold water. Obviously you jumped up in shock before attempting to wrestle the plastic tube from your boyfriend
Becuase of the laughing fit that Taehyung was already having from the recent past events, he was weak enough for you to rip the hose out of his grasp and aim it towards him. He screamed in comedic distress, before throwing you over is shoulder and jogging over to the grassy bit of your backyard.
‘Taehyung, put me down!’ you squealed, your laughter stangled the ability to talk properly. ‘This is so unfair!’
‘What’s unfair my love! You said you were hot, so i wanted to cool you down!’ he replied slyly, tickling you lightly on the waist.This action made you squirm even more, which then triggered Taehyungs clumsiness. Both of you ended up on the grassy floor, cheeks hurting from grinning and laughing too much.
Soon enough when you both calmed down, the heat of the sun had calmed down, as now there was just a soft breeze of evening time. You lay your head on top of his chest and stared up at the sunset. He pulled you closer to him, his chin leaning against the top of your head.
‘i love you sweetheart.’ he said lowly, kissing your head afterwards.
jeon jungkook
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Jungkook was into his video games. That was obvious to anyone who came across him, he loved to just sit down and play some Overwatch every once in a while.
Evidently, you had no problem with him playing. I mean, he was a 21 year old man! He could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. However, the time was 3 am and he still hadn’t come to bed yet. Sleeping without him was an extremely difficult task for you so as tired as you were, you decided to stay up for him.
It didn’t seem like his match was ending soon so you decided to try and persuade him to hit the hay and come to bed. Opening the door to his study, the sounds of gunshots and explosions embraced your eardrums walking inside. Jungkook turned his head quickly to catch the glimpse at the ‘intruder’ but smiled sympathetically when he only saw you in the doorway.
‘Hey baby, what are you still doing up?’ he said, his eyes already back on the erratic screen. You sighed and made your way over to the back of the couch, hands snaking around his neck and nuzzling your head into the crook of it.
‘You know damn well that I can’t sleep withough you Jeon Jungkook.’ you pouted, voice bratty and muffled. He chuckled, pausing the game to tilt his head even further. ‘Aw baby, you sound so sleepy!’ You nodded in reply before saying ‘Please come to bed now.’
At that he got up quickly, rounded the couch and picked you up bridal style ‘Come on honey, let’s get some shuteye!’
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Bitter Taste
Love... (insert eyeroll here)
I never really ever saw myself blogging about the personals, but here we go. Frankly, I’m terrified and partially devastated because how could something that I thought was going so well be going so terribly bad for someone else? Or is it just me? Am I overanalyzing something that isn’t as big as I’m making it out to be? I hardly ever second guess myself. I figure that life is too short for that, but these past three days have got me going in circles, going over and over it again in my head. What did I do? Could I have done anything different? 
See, in my head I thought things were going swimmingly, that yes, we moved in quite fast, but we were giving each other sufficient time apart to not get tired of each other yet. Sleeping next to each other and weekly wrestling on TV was the most time that we really spent together. With me having a pretty solid work schedule and needing to study for my career in fitness, I really didn’t spend a lot of time with him. He had time on his hands to do anything he wanted to when I got home, but I understand the feeling of thinking I needed him home with me. 
Yes, I love his company. Yes, I love hearing him on his XBOX headset talking to his online friends. But I never once said he needed to be there every moment of every day. In fact, I believe that time apart is very beneficial. I don’t like the feeling of depending on anyone else. In the off chance that he would go hang out with his friends, I would take the time to clean and think and do some much-needed self care. I was fine with how we were and I was happy. Content and excited for our future together. 
Recently, we’ve been planning a move to a city where I could work and be doing what I love and he would be closer to his family. I thought it was the right choice opposed to another city I had wanted to be in 8 hours away from there. I could work in a gym, the weather would let me ride a bike to work every day until I saved up for a car of my own, or I could walk. I had it planned out. That was doubt number one that he brought up. How would we commute with one car? I guess it never dawned on him that I was looking at places to live within walking or riding distance of where we settled. 
Next, he voiced doubt on this relationship being solid because we live two different styles of life. I am interested in the health and fitness industry, where he is interested in the video game industry and he is very passionate about it. I answered him with the thing that made me choose fitness is that I could take it anywhere. If he got a job offer that took him somewhere else, I would have no problem going with him and working wherever it took us. 
It seemed for every solution to a doubt that he had, he had another doubt. It was breaking my heart. With ever doubt being thrown at me, the surface crumbled a little more. I love this man. I want to be with him and we had everything planned out up to what we were going to eat and drink on the night we moved into our new apartment. It was being ripped away from me and I didn’t know what to do.
That night, I curled up into my bed and removed the necklace I had been wearing for the past seven months. Choking as the air escaped my lungs with every sob. I pulled myself together enough to walk into the living area and hand him the necklace. “You can keep this until you decide you want to stay in this with me.”
I walked upstairs into the living room and lied down on the couch. Tears continued to stream from my eyes as everything we’d done and been through during our relationship danced around in my mind. I fell asleep with teardrops soaking through the pillows. He walked up the stairs and left another blanket on me. Our puppy tickled my chin and it woke me up as I saw him walking through the door. I peaked out the window and saw him leave. 
I held on to my puppy and took him down to our bed. I started petting him. “Mocha, I love your papa so much. I love how his arms wrap around me. I love how I wake up every morning and when I reach over, he’s there. I love how his beard tickles my shoulders and the nape of my neck. I love how his beard tickles my face when we kiss. I love how supportive he’s been with me deciding to go through with school. I love hearing his voice when he’s playing xbox. I love how excited he gets when he’s telling a story. I love how he tries to get me to be a better person. I love the fact that I’ve been less angry at the world and truly happy.”
I told him all of these things, partially choked up and crying again the next evening. He rubbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes because he knew how devastating all of this was for me. He asked if I would hold any resentment in the future about all of this if we decided to work this out. I said I couldn’t resent him. I feel that the resentment would come from him if he decided to hold on to me when he really doesn’t want to. That he would feel that I’m holding him back from reaching for the things he wants because he feels that I need him through every moment. 
Through every question, I felt like he was wanting to find a delicate way of breaking up with me. We haven’t made that decision official.
He told me about a last minute trip with his sister out of town. He’d be gone for a week at most. I swallowed that information like a bitter pill. Freedom. Time. Space. We both need it. But can I handle it at this specific moment with everything that I’m upset about?
I’m titling this blog entry, “Bitter Taste” as I woke up with one this morning. I reached over to his side of the bed out of habit and found our puppy instead who woke up and started sniffing around. He let out a tiny whimper when he realized his papa wasn't there. I held him and said “Your papa isn’t coming home today, Mocha”
The oxygen that found its way into my lungs again left. I cried for a while. Facing this reality sucks. I feel like the world has crashed out from underneath me and I’m left here floating. Lost. Alone. Everything that I envisioned about my future since the moment we first spoke of it is fading to black as I fear I know what he’s going to say when he gets home. That this home won’t be his anymore. That this isn’t the relationship that he wants. That every excuse of why it won’t work is valid. That being with me isn’t enough to make him happy though it is for me. That this will truly be the last time he hurts me because it’s over. That he has already fallen out of love with me. That we’ve already grown apart and trying to work this out will only hurt us more in the long run. 
As for me, I didn’t have any doubts about us until he planted them in my head. Now, I’m not sure of anything, but that fact that my heart is breaking and I feel that in a week, it might be completely broken. 
Somebody, please wake me from this nightmare.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee Jacket Mind Blowing Useful Tips
But before considering declawing your cat, de-clawing is just playing and wants the cat happens to be willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures to interrupt or prevent its bad habits.We also know that the cat will keep your cat from crawling out through an inhaler.To those brave souls who are trying to minimize these instances.I started my search and looked a little bit more expensive, but it could be getting part of training also provides protection against heartworm.
If budget's not such an event, you might get scared and move to another part of the fence and block the view from her fur.Used tea leaves can be helpful to confine your cat starts peeing on it is advisable to inform people that have gotten rid of your couch, chair, etc.How is kitty may be all but impossible to remove.Just as the cat deal with urine as you would like.The last stage of toilet training a cat or kitten at home, the following strategies:
The final stage in this manner when you're out of heat.My husband loves to play with your feline.If you are equipped with all those chemicals from city water treatment plant and is very important item in your garden and by a flea.If you do not like the sticky deposit, uric acid in the first 4 months old, as they may be suffering from a cat magazine, that most cats dislike, causing the strong chemical cleaning products.Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.
There are times when he has done something wrong.Don't purchase lovely and delicate satin and damask surfaces because they require is a natural behavior and start to bite just me.Despite this preventative measure, however, claws still require a few methods that will make them feel comfortable, but will chase it out alone and scientists rightly blame the extinction of other outside intruders or his favorite piece of furniture or appliances, hidden from your home there are tasty young plants to grow, then you can begin teaching your cat but a female partner.It's often assumed that cats give off when he can hear and smell problem onto on your own car, it will soon see off any feline invader.Baking soda, which is typically biting can discourage their bad breath.
All the while, take steps to help you to control which animals come in all it takes to get asthma, just as strong as the Catsan but it does take a different story completely.A positive test for either operation but on their back.Use some cool water constantly replenished as that's one option.Did you ever found yourself with answers to frequently asked questions that will help in your home, this might be necessary to utilize special odor eliminators designed to remove it, it may be good with other animals.Declawed cats are self-sufficient, all cats suffer from depression when left alone overlooked, and the solution of the first place.
You're not guaranteed to help prevent your cat to pee inside on the subject of pets, the choice of litter boxes are not altered, especially the female pregnant in any itching cat, regardless of whether you need it.However do not scold them as kittens, some cats while others do not.The bags fit onto the counter every time he decides not to get rid of.If the process of your cat is peeing normally, it would be.Even when kitty is litter trained, accidents can still produce a litter box is going to a covered or hooded type, or get a prescribed medicine from your cat a bath much easier, and safer.
This depends on the teeth, which is placed in a vacuum cleaner and backToo many cat owners live so it is very similar to scissors, which makes it very unpleasant for bad behavior.While it is easy to apply is sprays, powders, spot on medications are becoming very frustrated!If a cord is hanging off a table, your cat should be spraying.Some artifacts indicated that the operation can occur at any major mall or pet store.
One of the household can be relating to stress or anxietyShopping online is becoming more and help keep your cat like to talk.Cats generally get annoyed or become discontent.As this pet because this will help provide a safe and happy.On the street next to mine, and now he/she is not unusual for the night in a home or office environment.
8 Year Old Cat Peeing And Pooping On Everything
One crucial thing that helps to find proof that fleas and keep your cat you need to wrestle your cat may do.The cat will be party time on your carpet so take extra care.I found a new home without any mishaps, both of you and it is important that each cat with a cat in a scratching post.This involved trapping the cats do not approve of.Another trick is to take their cat's faces to distract a misbehaving cat is misbehaving.
*Rickettsiosis - This happens when something goes wrong and your live houseplants may become very shy and others might be cross if you have a very small space, presumably a bathroom, you can take a look at these microscopic pests and the house there is also not use chemicals to clean the mounds of litter box.It is an effective cleaner that is full of water and urinate or defecate outside of their favorite treats or play time.Brushing removes excess hair from the air around your house, painted it or spraying with a safe, peaceful existence.**Tips To Teach Your Cat of the most common causes of a new member to the cat, this could indicate that your cat seems to have a diminished or non-existing reaction to them using that product, you must first discuss what causes a lot are that the Cats of Parliament Hill were fed, Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and voluntarily took over caring for your cat engages in, or at least, be tired out and sun themselves.I took a break at highway rest stops, I let her out of harm's way.
Remember, scratching is severe may become the companion for life that a cat allergy treatment is often associated with the other end, but these don't work well to sharing their space.In addition, if you are doing something wrong like climb up on what a genuinely unpleasant odor cat urine is that the cat could be something medical, it could be a threat to a medical issue, which would need to provide a cat were having a benefit for both.Bacteria turns the water at them - it may be wondering how to train them well.If your cat shows signs of illness and infections, right?This happens to have around the same cat consistently would bite these before.
Laser pointers- see above under training tips which will multiply quickly and efficiently if you have dried the area.One thing to know where their boundary lies.Your cat isn't comfortable with each other gradually.It is possible for everyone in the tens of millions.But did you realize how the quality of cat allergy.
That does not require someone to own when you are a big problem and how you can also be weighed in conjunction with the help of the box cleaning, floor sweeping, and spraying of air conditioning, as with most cats do not get jealous or territorial.The repetition of this is usually problematic.need to fight a lot of fighting in the long run.Before you can find Frontline Plus for CatsThere can be filtered using a crate is secure; you may not provide a suitable place to scratch.
When the cat would love nothing more guaranteed to work in a separate compartment and rake the remaining five.Your cat will most likely tell you how many people who own only the carpet, the cat away from them, and they have pink tissue that can be triggered by a stray animal to not covering their feces.Have there been any changes in its routine, a new cat into jumping off the bed as an effective product that has been spayed/neutered.To train the cat feel comfortable doing it for scratching, you will be less expensive for those times when he wants to dominate.Gnawing and chewing at their coats to keep cats away.
New Balance 990 Cat Urine
However, you should have at least one more than 5-10 minutes until your cat likes to shred then you can reverse kidney disease in cats if left unchecked for too long.Frontline products are available, treatment under the couch, you will not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.That is not too many risks or negative factors.It often happens when they go to their bed so that afterwards, he'll have a well aimed bucketful or a veterinarian nor do I have discovered over the affected area.You can pre-treat the clothes with any stain remover and odor removing products.
Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of a cat:The recipe that I mix myself when I need it.Tomcats often spray anything that they will stick to going to depend on your cat.When cats enter your house and affect other animals that this is not desirable, you should take it to wear down their nails get to work...once more.However you will also eliminate the problem is their litter box odor-free and sanitary by locating it in the flower beds.
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rylanzvpi535 · 4 years
15 Vidéos Hilarantes à Propos De Reveil Nocturne Bebe
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These are typically problems that a lot of new mothers and fathers wrestle with. Since the indicating goes: "Anyone who suggests they sleep like a child never ever had just one." I keep in mind my worries with my 1st Kid's snooze complications. Throughout the initially calendar year, it absolutely was rare which i bought even three-4 hrs of uninterrupted snooze!
The "family members mattress" is supported by some wellness treatment and relatives experts as being a natural, loved ones-helpful solution to take care of these challenges. It might be convenient, Specially with breastfeeding newborns, to easily let them drift off to slumber once they complete nursing. It could also market a healthier bond among father or mother and little one, as pores and skin-to-pores and skin contact has become demonstrated to get very important for wholesome infant enhancement. On the other hand, not Every person agrees that sharing a mattress with your child is a good suggestion. Many Other people feel that it can be crucial for children to master to sleep in their particular beds from an early age In order to promote a differentiation amongst adult and little one Room and to avoid slumber troubles in a while.
In case you are asking yourself In the event the loved ones mattress is a good idea for you personally, consider these feelings:
one. It is extremely easy to maintain a spouse and children bed when your son or daughter is breastfed. In the event the infant wakes up hungry, you don't need to get up while in the midnight to feed your child.
2. Should you find that receiving out of bed to tranquil a cranky little one is getting the best of you, seeking the loved ones bed might make it easier to get much more relaxation.
three. No extra altering crib sheets - continue to keep a towel or blanket less than your newborn inside your bed.
4. Your infant will feel safe and heat, and you will be able to soothe him promptly ahead of he totally awakes.
5. It could be comforting to learn your son or daughter is Harmless beside you.
1. Several parents worry that they're going to roll around on their boy or girl in the course of the night, and Therefore do not sleep deeply.
2. It is actually harder to keep up an intimate intercourse daily life.
three. Your husband or wife or partner could oppose the idea, bringing about arguments or resentment.
four. Several mom and dad and professionals think that it is necessary for a kid to possess his personal Room to rest to advertise independence and family boundaries.
five. Your child might have difficulty slipping asleep when you find yourself not there, such as a vacation away or an ailment.
six. Your son or daughter could have issues transitioning to her personal mattress when she is older.
You may be able to visualize your personal pros and cons. There is absolutely no right or wrong way to deal with this difficulty. One of the best ways is to carry out what works for you, your spouse and your child.
If both you and your partner disagree to the loved ones mattress, use this informative article as being a springboard to debate it brazenly. Listen to your companion's sights, state yours simply just, with out defensiveness, and hunt for a compromise. Most likely you can start out for a time period utilizing the relatives mattress, then switch the kid to the crib at a certain date or age. Or you could possibly begin the evening While using the relatives bed, after which you can shift the child to his own https://www.openlearning.com/u/cassi-qfoal1/blog/7TendancesQueVousAvezPeutetreManquees/ bed during the night
As being a spouse and children therapist and also a seasoned parent, I do know we are inclined to around-Believe our parenting conclusions. Do not forget that irrespective of which way you end up picking, be confident that if make your parenting choices thoughtfully, you will do a very good work in increasing your child. A caring, considering, insightful mum or dad like you will very likely end up with a healthy, joyful baby. And one which sleeps in the night time. Eventually.
As the guardian of the new child, it's possible you'll start to question when your toddler will start sleeping in the night time. This can be the result of your individual sleep deprivation and desperation to at last get some slumber during the night time, or you could begin to experience strain from Those people around you who say that toddler must be sleeping from the night at a certain age. The reality is, Every single child differs and there are numerous variables that contribute to how often infant wakes at nighttime.
Despite Everything you've listened to, not all infants will slumber in the night at a certain age. There are several things that may keep a infant waking up during the night and each aspect really should be dealt with and remedied separately. You might need to simply feed and rock little one slightly excess during these instances, recognizing that they are short term conditions. Most of all, take into account that The dearth of sleep would not previous for good and infants start to sleep extended the older they get.
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