#the princess under the mountain | finduilas faelivrin
nyf-archive · 9 months
She had heard her father’s verdict; Banished. Just like her mother had been so many years ago. Though the circumstances were different, she could remember being that scared child, listening to the orders of a king as they stripped you of the one who held you close at night when fears of monsters kept you frightened.
She did not excuse Atarinkë or Tyelkormo for what they had tried to do and usurp the throne. Maybe if they had gathered their resources, their allies, and made a stronger stance, then they would still be here. They might even be the rulers of this land. But they had failed, and now it was back firing.
Finduilas ran to their quarters after watching the aftermath unfold. Tyelpë was still here. He was an innocent in this. She had stood in front of her father, in front of the crowd that had amassed at the banishing of Fëanorian blood, but the princes relented. Pleaded with her father that the young son of Curufin was innocent and did not deserve the punishment of his father. She knew that Tyelpë was not the small elfling like she had been all those years ago, but it was still the fear of the unknown…of what would come next.
“The sins of the father do not belong to the son!” Her argument had been. She raised the idea of Ereinion being punished for a crime that Orodreth might commit. Perish the thought, of course. But her father’s eyes stared an icy gaze at her, his jaw set and an unamused look upon his features at her outburst. But she would protect him. She would make sure he did not face the same punishment.
“Tyelpë! My lord!” The princess’ voice echoed in the chamber hall, her cheeks flush with frustration and exertion. Her shoes had long been abandoned and her once pristine gown held wrinkles at the hemline and each layer of the skirt was now bustled and bunched to allow for easier traversal of halls known like the back of her hand. As soon as she arrives within ear shot, she bows to him, swallowing hard as she catches her breath.
“You are still friend within these halls. I-I have petitioned for your safety, for your titles and rights to still incur favor within the Mountain. I know you may not wish to remain after your father and uncle have been banished…” she knew she wouldn’t, “but should you not wish to leave…you are still a guest…still allowed to remain in the guest wing, should you so desire…”
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nyf-archive · 9 months
Lucky had never been a term she would use to describe herself. Luck had always been just out of reach. But this time, it was there to stop a terrible fate. The platoon of guards who somehow managed to escape the battle just beyond the once hidden sanctum of her home arrived just in time. They slaughtered the army that pulled her and her people from her home and freed her from being impaled upon a tree as to show a message to that of Mormegil.
And among the survivors with said platoon? The little girl she had taken in so many years ago and taken into her care like the child she had always wanted and pined for. She hugged her tightly, cried in thanks that she was found safely and brought with them. Finduilas had told her to run, and she was glad that she found safety with these men.
She holds her daughter tightly to her chest, now, riding upon an ebony cart horse that had been freed from it's overturned buggy. With one arm around the young fey girl and the other holding the reins, Finduilas looks ahead and then behind, watching as the trail of her kin look to her and the guards.
Her people. Their people. No one would deny Sasha's existence now that she was their leader. That was until they found the next heir; Ereinion. The Gray Havens was a ways away, but they would make it soon enough. Looking down to her little one, now, Finduilas rubs her shoulder softly and leans down to kiss her head.
"You are so brave, Sasha...I am so very proud of you and all that you did." Her words are soft as she relaxes her hold on their steadfast mount and wraps her cloak tighter around the both of them as the chill begins to set in. "Do you need any healing? Anything to eat?"
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nyf-archive · 9 months
This was one of the only times she got to see the sun. Sitting atop her dappled gelding in her armored gown and laurel wreath of a tiara, the princess and her guard wait just nearby for the escort of Ñolyafinwë; they have seen some of the sons of Fëanor within her family's halls before; whether it was due to invitation for events that her great Uncle and father threw, or for restocking of supplies, she knew their faces well. There was a new face in this kingdom, and it was worth the elation she felt.
She could see the company coming over the hill and smiled giddily to herself as they closed the distance quickly. The young princess looked over to her knight captain and nodded to them before moving forward. "Good day, Ñolyafinwë! Welcome to the lands! I hope your journey has treated you well?" Finduilas smiles a bit brighter before she bows her head as he gets closer. "I am Fituilasse Faelivrin; daughter of Orodreth and Great Niece of Finrod. I've been sent to escort you into the mountain."
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nyf-archive · 8 months
@thegreatstrongbow asked | [ DELIVER ]: the sender, about to deliver some bad news to the receiver, gently places a hand on the receiver's shoulder to stop them from running away from the bad news
She had been chatting for some time now with a few of the ladies here in Doriath; it had been only a year she had been in her new home, and she was honestly thriving. Beleg had done exactly as he said and she was happy here. Well. That was until Mablung entered the room with a solemn look on his face. And that was never a good sign.
And as his hand found her shoulder as she turned to try and leave this situation, she lets her head fall forwards and she bites her tongue. "...please tell me he is just injured on the job again...I-I can heal him like I did last time...but if you're about to tell me something else, I beg of you...let me dismiss the ladies so I can at least have some privacy..."
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nyf-archive · 9 months
🕯️ to finduilas, from c+c if you don’t mind? <u<
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
'for fuck's sake. not these two again. they're terrible together. one on one, not so bad. shit. father's already bristling. don't do anything stupid to set them off like parrots. that's the last thing i need right now. but gods above do they know how to just piss him off in all the worst ways. don't look at me, don't look at me, d-! shit. smile, fin. wave at them just like that. not too eagerly. just curt. just enough to acknowledge their existence. yes, hi, hello. stay right where you are, please. just don't say anything. just listen like everyone else is. don't interject, don't make a comment just-! ...i'm going to fucking kill you, celegorm.'
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nyf-archive · 8 months
[ recline ] sender joins receiver on their chair and snuggles against them // for Finduilas
It had been a long couple of weeks for the survivors of Nargothrond. they had settled in the refugee that her brother had been able to give to them, and it had been a breath of fresh air. He had gotten so much older. No longer was he the little boy she had seen before he was sent away to Cirdan's custody, but a leader of their people. He was their true leader now. And as much as it saddened the former princess to no longer be to one to care for the people she had been taking care of for so long, it was a bit of a relief. It took much time away from her and her little one, and it was a bit saddening to her.
So, she was pleasantly surprised when she had settled down for the night and Sasha had nestled down within the crook of her arm. Finduilas smiled a little to herself and wrapped a blanket around the both of them, humming softly in content happiness as she held her daughter tight. "I'm so sorry I haven't been able to spend much time with you, little one...I hope your nanny has taken good care of you? She'll still be around, of course to help, but it'll just be me and you again for the majority...I promise..."
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@stardustwoven continued from x
"No...it is my fault." Her eyes turn to the stranger that had happened upon her. Long had she been traveling the lands of this new world. Her kin in Lorien had given her shelter, had healed her wounds, and offered her a place of respite, but it felt wrong to sit around like she used to. Her travels had brought her now to the Greenwood. She had been lost here for some time now.
"Maybe if I had been around, I could've helped in so many other ways. My brother might yet be alive. My people...but I let my guard down when I should've been suspicious and should have heeded the warnings..."
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nyf-archive · 11 months
@thegreatstrongbow x
Hearing his voice from the doorway, the princess turned and blinked a little bit in surprise. Truly, she hadn't thought he'd be back until later in the week. And that look of surprise turned into an all-so-sudden shyness as she looked down to herself.
"It's not that I am chilled, Beleg. Quite the opposite. None of my summer wardrobe has been returned from the abyss that is my father's closet." It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she was missing his presence. "The only questionable taste you have are those bright red boots. And even then, they're growing on me, I suppose." She teased him, fixing the collar of the shirt so it no longer hung off her shoulder.
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nyf-archive · 10 months
📜 tyelko or curvo with finduilas? :3
Finduilas: While I’m gone, Tyelko, you’re in charge. Tyelko: Yes!!! Finduilas, whispering: Curvo, you’re secretly in charge. Curvo: Obviously.
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Finduilas: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Tyelko: Killed without hesitation. Finduilas: No.
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Finduilas: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Curvo: Stop romanticizing the past.
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nyf-archive · 9 months
head canon for finduilas of nargothrond because i've been thinking about her while making her character on bg3:
living under a mountain for over three hundred years means that your girl has some pretty terrible vision. she wears spectacles, but when she gets to the surface after all this time, she practically is blind in the sun. not terribly blind, but there is an obvious difference in her eyes.
obviously this isn't a problem after she's reborn, but in the times where she escapes her untimely doom or while she's unawares of what's to come, i definitely think she's more nocturnal and struggles in the sunlight. so she's definitely not a hunter and can really only defend herself up close which is a pretty bad disadvantage now that i'm thinking about it. she would do terribly with a bow while outside.
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nyf-archive · 11 months
@unluckystars asked | [ hurt ] sender hurts receiver with words
Her lashes fluttered softly over her eyes as the words left his mouth. There is tension between them, silence spanning uncomfortably before her cerulean orbs flicker back to him, anger in those normally bright eyes. "...I see, then. Well..." Finduilas breaths a soft bit of laughter through her nose as she leans over and gathers her ledgers and other scrolls as she nods her head. And just like everyone under this mountain, he disregarded her knowledge, her wisdom, her experience. What did he know of this kingdom other than that he wanted it. The ache that filled her very being was almost overwhelming. Here, the young maiden thought someone would listen, someone who wouldn't just brush her off like that of old men long seated in court. But she was wrong.
"Well. It seems there is no difference between you and my father after all." Slotting her books back where they belong, the princess-to-be chuckled a little more under her breath as she placed her hands flat against her desk. "If you wish to insult my father, so be it. But don't you dare speak ill of me when I have done naught but insist on helping you or showing kindness to distant family. But you mock me, speak to me as everyone else in this damnable fortress has. Well, Curvo. If your crops do not grow and your wishes are not sated, it is because I salt your fields. Get out of my chambers."
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