#the plots a little basic but I had some tohoughts about where it could go
perditus · 2 months
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Closed starter for @empyreanparadisaea || x
“ Meet back here when you’re done. Don’t worry about taking your time I’d rather you be thorough than miss something. If we need to spend a few days then so be it. ”
An affirmative, followed by all-too-familiar bickering, is the only response the Duke receives as the trio ventures off towards the Sumuru Akademiya. Jurieu and Lourvine are intelligent enough to make up for whatever consistent quarrel they had with each other thankfully. Otherwise, Wriothesley might not have endured it for as long as he had. 
Unfortunately the guard he sends with them doesn’t seem as resilient, but the Duke’s word is law. 
Once the trio has finally departed, Wriothesley sets his sights on the local market. Officially they were there to gather information for their current project, something Wriothesley had decided was too important to leave to normal guards. Clorinde had been paid a significant sum of mora to watch over the Fortress while he’s away while Sigwenne had simply volunteered to help as well. He had a sneaking suspicion they were a little too eager to agree just to get him out of the Fortress but he didn’t press.
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Admittedly he was just a little excited about browsing their tea selection as their brews had always been his favorite. That was how he ended up walking through the streets of Sumuru city, eyeing the different stalls and their wares. He stuck out like a sore thumb though, the darker shades of his outfit contrasting heavily with the brighter colors of Sumuru. 
The humidity was giving him cause to reevaluate his outfit decisions though.
After a few minutes of scoping out the area he doesn't seem to find the types of stalls he's after. Their wares are high quality but mostly fabrics and small nick knacks instead of the tea leaves and vegetables he was searching for. So, instead of wasting his time walking around everywhere his eyes lock on to the first resident he notices, clearing his throat slightly when he approaches them.
" Ah, sorry to buy ya but I don't seem to know this place as well as I thought. I'm lookin' for the stalls that sell more like food. Care to guide a stranger? I'll pay you for your troubles"
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