#the plot was bogus like i was at another gig of his band and he broke up with his gf for me and he bought a small castle in romania šŸ’€
born-to-lose Ā· 25 days
Groupie dreams getting out of hand, maybe acting on them will fix me
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smartguyreviewed Ā· 4 years
1x5 - Donā€™t Do That Thing You Do
Original air date:Ā April 16, 1997
Alright, Disney. We need to have a little talk.
I take a lot of shit from you in the name of nostalgia. You repay me by selling all of your DCOMs on iTunes but since they are DRM protected, you then make me have to buy third party software to remove said DRM just so I can watch these movies for my own personal viewing. If youā€™re worried about me selling and distributing copies of your movies to people who also wanna relive them goodĀ ā€˜ole days, stop. People will find a way to pirate your shit regardless and actually have more than what you release. Really, just stop.
You then removed all of the Smart Guy episodes from YouTube so that the only dregs of the show left are sped up, slowed down, or only take up a third of the video player due to copyright shit. You gave me considerable hope when I saw youā€™d be putting all the original shows and movies (minus In a Heartbeat. Minus The Jersey. Minus The Famous Jett Jackson. Minus Model Behavior. Minus My Date With the Presidentā€™s Daughter.) on this shiny new channel of yours.
I know you have a problem with misordering episodes, making certain episodes season finales when they shouldnā€™t be and just not having any general sense of continuity. I am still baffled as to why this episode, episode number 5 is not included in the first season, which is already hella short at just 8 episodes. Disney, do you enjoy making me wonder why I even fuck with you? Once I get a .mp4 file of Johnny Tsunami and maaaaybe Can of Worms, Iā€™m through with you forever.
This one is gonna be long because TJ really pissed me off in this episode. But if you actually read the above, I love you because Iā€™m literally just whining.
In this episode, I will actually feel bad for Marcus. Yes, Marcus, teenage horndog, sexist Marcus will tug on my heartstrings and make me relate to him. I know I give him a lot of shit, but at the end of the day, heā€™s still a teenage boy. A dark-skinned teenage boy in a family full of gifted and/or capable light skinned people, at that. In this family, guess who is the odd one out, the black sheep? Marcus. Coincidence? I just couldnā€™t help but noticeĀ some things Yvette does (like pursue dance at one point) are encouraged while Marcusā€™s hobby (music, another art) is constantly shit on by Floyd who wants Marcus to be more book smart. Or how Yvette didnā€™t get into any trouble for not trying to stop TJā€™s party just because Marcus, who is younger than her, was in charge? Just two examples, but you get the point.Ā 
We begin the episode with TJ bothering the big kids while theyā€™re trying to rehearse for the upcoming Battle of the Bands gig. The gang needs cash to continue banding, especially since Moā€™s strings are caca. Marcus is certain they will win and as soon as he manifests positivity about his future, something bad happens. Their guitarist breaks his finger.Ā 
Marcus is whining to pops about this little roadbloack when we see Yvette has invited Gabrielle Union back to her place to study in the kitchen. None of that learning crap will be happening right now though, because Floyd has made Gabs wet. She tells Yvette who delivers the most visceral reaction. But Yvette...your dad is hot. And itā€™s perfectly normal for friends to have crushes on your parents. And you also date older men! Yvette has her moments where I hate her and this is one of them. Instead of just dropping it and continuing to study, she actually throws her friend out! You would have thought Yvette was Floydā€™s damn girlfriend, the way she was acting.Ā 
Because every show needs a montage here and there, we are now jettisoned to the garage, where Marcus is auditioning for a new piano player. Spoiler alert: they all reek, except for one guy who clearly must have been on some type of psychedelic drug to audition for a high school R&B band during a federal pursuit. The others were straight duds, including the most aggressive polka musician ever who thought his accordion counted as a keyboard.Ā 
Marcus is fucked. His goose is cooked. His dream is deferred. How the hell is he going to pull a new piano player out of his ass in time for BotB? He suddenly hears someone tickling the ivories and is beyond impressed...and then disappointed once he sees its TJ. Turns out the little guy knows all their songs and then proceeds to explain music in math terms and I pretty much feel the way Marcus does here.
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I mean, really, itā€™s annoying to know that your freakishly intelligent brother is pretty much good at everything, including the thing that you love more than anything. You share a room with this person, you see this person every day at school and you now have to let him in your band because of circumstances. Ā I do like that Marcus includes the rest of the group in his decision making, even though they really donā€™t seem to care about its direction as long as they can have sex with all the groupies.Ā 
So now its Mackadocious +TJ and Marcus is doling out theĀ ā€œkicksā€ to everyone except TJ. But TJ, homie, you just entered the band and your role is to just play the piano, since nobody else is around. This is not the time for you to be trying to get your Regina Spektor on. Play your part! TJ gets upset at this, but once Marcus threatens violence, he immediately goes back to his role.
B plot land is just Yvette pissed off that her friend finds her father attractive. They go to the BotB thing and she even cuts in front of them. Jeez Yvette, chill.
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When her bestie leaves a voicemail directed more towards Floyd, although flattered, he has to let her down gently. Yadda yadda, Floyd is about to have that uncomfortable conversation but itā€™s fine because Gabby met some dude in a black trench coat and needs Yvette to style her hair like Halle Berryā€™s in the last monthā€™s Essence. Yvette is happy that things are back to normal, at the expense of her lonely father who most likely reveled in that small amount of validation as quickly as it was snatched away from him. Poor Flody.Ā 
Anyways, back to the main arc of the episode. Itā€™s time for the BotB and TJ is still vying for that piano solo but Marcus isnā€™t budging. This will end well. Once they get far enough into the song, Marcus is about to do his solo. Heā€™s probably thinking that finally, the spotlight will be on him for a change and he can feel like heā€™s doing something worthy of praise. But this is TJ weā€™re talking about, and he is a petty little asshole, so he immediately hijacks the show and begins with his piano solo. Marcus looks straight dumb trying to hop back into his own set. So now instead of being a dick and doing the solo he wasnā€™t supposed to do, he has now embarassed Marcus. His feelings about the situation can best be summed up here.
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The next day at school, we see that TJ is still hogging all of the bandā€™s attention. Marcusā€™s insane level of togetherness right now is commendable, seeing as TJ clearly has no remorse for what heā€™s done and is now rubbing it in their faces. Just Marcus, though. TJ is a little babe magnet and is now basically getting girls for Mo and Goose to have sex with. Everyone is getting what they want right now. Except Marcus.Ā 
During a rehearsal, TJ moves on to insulting Marcusā€™s compositions and telling the band that they need somethingĀ ā€œelse.ā€ Marcus has had it and decides itā€™s time for TJ to go. TJ tries to save his ass by apologizing for something heā€™s clearly not sorry for after the fact, but the damage is done. Now we all know that TJ is totally one to accept defeat and move on so Iā€™m sure nothing else will come of a rather amicable split.
Later, Kid from Kid nā€™ Play shows up and offers Mackadocious some moolah if they play again, but with TJ, seeing as Mackadocious has been unwillingly changed to The Band With the Cute Little Kid. Marcus, putting his dream over his desire to teach his little narcissist brother a lesson (just kidding, he wants the money) asks TJ back, but heā€™s strangely okay with staying out of it. Marcus then grabs TJ and threatens him, calling him a little twerp. This is still funny to me.
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Floyd comes in and breaks up the fight and forces the siblings to hash out their differences in a healthy way. TJ says he wishes he could sing like Marcus. Marcus hates that TJ is good at everything. They both apologize to each other and Marcus even asks if TJ wants to rejoin the band and TJ is about to ruin this totally fine moment between them by revealing his evil plan.
After being kicked out of the band, TJ wanted to get even. Instead of just taking the L and moving on, he reached out to Kid and offered some tax code write offs in exchange for promising Mackadocious a lot of money to perform a bogus gig where nobody would show up. Yes, you read that right. TJ wanted to destroy Marcusā€™s life and possibly crush his spirit to the point where heā€™d never want to pursue music at all. All because he did something shitty and got punished accordingly. TJ is a petty little asshole. Floyd hears this and allows the beating to continue. Did I mention how much I love Floyd?
Stuff I noticed:
- TJā€™s shirt. Where can I find this shirt? Seriously, itā€™s amazing.
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- Oh hi, Christina Milian.
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- When TJ is mentioning the name of the bandā€™s fan site, he just says itā€™s ww.cutekid.com which makes no sense because thatā€™s too general to refer to a band and also sounds like pedo bait.Ā 
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