#the pic of the rings was the ONLY poly wedding thing i could find that wasn't two women one man or all three ppl of the same sex
forest-hashira · 3 months
satosugu/fallon wedding moodboard
tagged by @fushigurro, this was a little stressful but mostly it was fun! & of course i couldn't leave my girl out of my special day teehee
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npt: @mitsuristoleme @teddybeartoji @whatthefucksatan & anyone else who wants to join! not sure who has or has not done this yet 💜
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
52 questions - The Devil and Us. AHAHAH. (or Ruud / Kiyoshi / Sakae, basically)
Big steps in the relationship !
0. But, how did they meet ? Kiyoshi met Sakae when she went into the first bar she found to drink a few litters of sake after an experiment turned very, very bad and almost burnt her laboratory to the ground. Sakae gently steered her away from the alcohol after the first hour, and listened to her rants. They quickly became friends, because you have to when you spend two hours crying on someone’s shoulder. Sakae started helping her by looking after Pavel when she was busy, and one thing led to another…They both met Ruud when Kiyoshi founded Konohana Laboratories and recruited him for the cafeteria. They had a good relationship from the start because Ruud is very easy-going and open. Sakae and him spent hours discussing their tastes in music, and Sakae’s feelings started to shift a bit. He felt guilty, and told Kiyoshi about it because you don’t hide that kind of things from your partner. Luckily, Kiyoshi found their cook very nice and lovable too, and the rest is history.
1. Who made the first move / who kissed who first ? Pavel did the first move when he started calling Sakae “daddy” (or “coffee daddy” when he wanted a reaction from him). Kiyoshi just took it in stride.Ruud made the first move when he kissed Sakae after a heated discussion about the use of saxophones in modern music. He blamed it on the alcohol he put in the sauce. Sakae was graceful enough not to point that there wasn’t any alcohol in the sauce.
2. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ? Kiyoshi doesn’t really have to tell Pavel, because he’s the one starting the whole thing (with the “calling him daddy” thing). When things become serious, she calls her mothers all excited and tells them ALL about that nice bartender she meets. Sakae takes a bit more time before announcing it, but Shizuka can’t really be fooled, and he already knows that his brother likes Kiyoshi.When they decide to add Ruud to their couple, they don’t talk right now about it. Because let’s be real, not many people are very enthusiastic when they hear about poly relationships. Shizuka is the only one who knows at first because he seems to know everything (or eavedrops a lot). It’s only after a while that they start talking about it, and even then, they only drop hints at first. It’s a good idea, but useless, because all the parents combined (which means LOTS of parents) are very happy to hear that their respective child found love. Even with crazy people.
3. What do their family/friends think of their relationship ? A new daddy, who’s fun and likes to listen to music and makes jokes ? It’s heaven for tiny Pavel ! And he immediatly takes a liking in the strange man who plays with him and keeps dinosaur toys under the bar. He’s older when Ruud joins the group, but he adopts him as easily. After all, he’s nice, he tells awesome stories, and he’s an awesome cook !Shizuka likes Kiyoshi and Ruud. They are nice, they aren’t complicated, and they take good care of his brother. What more could he ask for ?Same goes for their respective families. Kiyoshi’s mothers are very happy to see her with such nice gentlemen. And if she needs two of them, well, more power to her ! Ruud’s family is a bit more weirded out by the situation, because they certainly didn’t raise him like that. But then again, with his diploma and his gaudy santiags, Ruud is already the odd number, so they don’t really mind. As for Sakae’s parents, they don’t judge because they don’t really care. Sakae is happy, more than he was before, and even better : instant grandson !Scarlett doesn’t mind her boss having two boyfriends. In fact, she kinda ships them. Kiyoshi is not sure it’s a perfect situation, but eh. It’s cool.Calymène thinks that it’s super awesome. Not only are they, like, super cute and everything, but it shows that in their universe, living with two other people is accepted. Kiyoshi, Ruud and Sakae are his role model (same for the other two).And Ilya just doesn’t care.
4. Which couple/family are they closest to ? Almost everyone in Kiyoshi’s firm. But some of them aren’t family because Scarlett, and who’d want to marry Klaus Klaus, Camille and Apollinaire, who are a weird family in their own right. THen, there are Ilya, and Ludwig, and lots of other people. And Shizuka and his weird people that no one really know what their relationship is. And Calymène and his two weirdos. IT’s really hard to say.
5. When do they move together ? Where and how ? Kiyoshi and Sakae take some time before moving together. Kiyoshi is happy to be a free woman without any chains (her son doesn’t count as a chain), and Sakae has been a bit burned already, so he’s wary about moving too fast. So they take the time to know each other well enough before moving together. Finally, after severa months, Sakae moves all his belongings into Kiyoshi’s flat, which is bigger and nicer. It’s faster with Ruud. Sakae and Kiyoshi are more secure in their relationship, especially Sakae, and Ruud doesn’t seem to be the kind of man who worries too much. He just says that it’s okay, if it doesn’t work, he’ll move out and find something else. He moves in too, in a flat that’s now big enough for four persons, settles all his stuff, especially mountains of books that invade all free spaces and strange stuff like skulls and necklaces and papers. The flat seems a bit smaller now, but they make it work. And it’s perfect.
6. Who proposes and how ? Sadly, there’s no proposal or wedding. As advanced their society is, there’s still no legal recognition for a polyamorous relationship. So they are just content with wearing matching rings, and being atrociously cute (and embarrassing Pavel, of course).
7. Where do they go on their honeymoon ? Take a guess ! It's a flat country, there are lots of tulips, wooden shoes, and Van Gogh. And they bike everywhere. And they take pics with those wooden shoes, in the middle of a field of tulips, in front of a windmill. While wearing Van Gogh shirts. The quantity of Netherlands in the pic is over the moon. (They visit, of course, they meet Ruud's family and take lots of other pics. But they love cranking up the Netherland factor to weird out people.)
Let’s talk about sex~
8. Who has the biggest kink (and what is it) ? They don’t really have big kinks. Ruud loves when his partners wear his sweaters and nothing else. Sakae insists on some background music.. Kiyoshi doesn’t really have one.
9. Who initiates sex more often ? Honestly, they are very well-matched in that domaine. And sometimes can’t get their hands off each other. Which, of course, Pavel finds very embarrassing. They absolutly don’t care.
10. What kink/kinks turn(s) one (or both) of them off ? They are all quite open-minded about kinks, you have to when you work with Scarlett and parent Pavel. But no, while they tolerate it, everything furry is just met by a blank stare at best. And all of them are turned off by pain play.
11. What’s the craziest place they’d have sex ? Kiyoshi’s office. It’s not that they aren’t audacious, old, or stuffy, or anything. They *are* adventurous. But honestly, having sex with two other people is a bit complicated, and demands some space and logistic. So nothing worse than the office.
12. Who is more aggressive in bed ? Kiyoshi and Sakae are quite well-matched in agressivity levels. Ruud is way more laid back, and quite likes the attention~
13. How does the other person react when their partner wears something special (boots, lingerie, etc.) ? With grand enthousiasm all around ! Kiyoshi and Sakae’s favourite method is to pounce on the person. Ruud may be a bit more reserved, but he’s way more than happy to show his appreciation by his acts. 
14. Lights on or off ? Off since Kiyoshi insisted on replacing the lights in their quarters with colored lights. Which kind of give them a feel of having sex in a discotheque. But Kiyoshi likes the soft glow they give.
Quirks and habits
15. What are their quirks while sleeping ? They sleep in the configuration known as the multi-spoon. Ruud is the biggest spoon, and Kiyoshi the smallest one. That way, the cook can hold Sakae and Kiyoshi at the same time, and Kiyoshi is best placed to slip in and out of bed at odd times to work on something-or-other. Sakae quickly learnt that he may have the warmest place, but he absolutly can’t get up once they are in bed. They too have to remember to braid their hair before going to bed, or it’s going to feel like a fishing net in the morning.
16. Who is the morning person/night person ? Ruud is both. Legends say that he never sleeps and just dozes off for a minute or two while his full, five-courses meal is simmering on the stove. Okay, in fact, he does sleep, but only needs five hours of sleep at night. He often stays up late to watch TV or read, or write a paper or maybe save the world, and gets up early to make breakfast, read the paper and probably save the world again. Kiyoshi is a morning person. There’s so much to do, she cannot stay in bed when there’s Science to do ! She’s up at the crack of dawn, ready to tackle the day. But coffee only takes you so far, and at the end of the day, she crashes, and almost has to be carried to bed. As for Sakae… let’s just say he’s more than just a cat lover. More like a cat himself. He’s neither a morning person or a night one, and loves nothing more than staying in bed (except coffee, cats, and bothering Pavel and Ruud). He only gets up on mornings because Kiyoshi kicks him out of bed. And if there’s a lull in their activity during the day, well, it’s the perfect moment for a nap !
17. Who wakes the other one up with kisses ? DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT WAKE UP KIYOSHI, WITH OR WITHOUT KISSES !! This woman may look innocent enough, even in the middle of a transaction, but without her morning coffee, she's a murderous beast. Waking her up means that there's a 50-50 chance to be punched. As for Sakae... the risk is to be caught, grabbed, and dragged back to the bed by some kind of sleepy kraken. So no. No kisses for Ruud on mornings. 
18. Who is the romantic one (Valentine’s Day or other) ? It’s a draw. They all love to celebrate their love and make little surprises for each others : planning movie nights or evenings out, cooking or baking, or printing love messages on the wireless printer in Kiyoshi’s office. They love being romantic.
19. Who would lead in ballroom dancing ? They don’t. Ruud knows how to dance… well, the basics, but Kiyoshi isn’t interested at all, and she doesn’t care to learn it. And their conjointed opinion is that Sakae is an uncoordinate little thing on the dancefloor and should come with warning labels (Ruud tried to make him wear a “Human Disaster” button, but it didn’t end well because Sakae emitted the idea that maybe they could pin one on Ruud’s nose).
20. Who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch ? They play it at rock-paper-scissors. Unless one of them had a difficult day, or isn’t feeling so well. Then that person gets to choose the movie AND be in the middle while on the couch.
21. Who is the one who would pay for dates ? Since they all are breadwinners in the relationship, they take turns. But Kiyoshi insists that she’s given two turns for Sakae’ and Ruud’s ones, because she’s the boss and richer than them and you take that present and shut up.
22. Who takes over the beauty/style department ? No one because, let’s be honest. No one is THAT gifted in the style department. Between waistcoats and black-and-white shoes, pajamas and winged hats, and gaudy santiags and huge sweaters, it’s almost a contest, to see who can wear the weirdest outfits. It doesn’t stop them from trading, because Ruud’s gigantic sweaters are THE BEST (it’s a trade because he gets to wear Kiyoshi’s magic hat which grants super Mario KArt powers.)
23. What would they get each other for gifts ? Gifting Ruud is very easy : books. Lots and lots of books. Novels about fantastic creatures, studies, academic publications… If you can find him an old grimoire or leather-bound tome, he’ll be the happiest. But he loves everything that has to do with fantastic and fantasy, up to the Harry Potter wands he keeps in a display case. And Van Gogh things. All the Van Gogh things.Kiyoshi is quite easy to buy for too. What’s better for a nerdette, mother of nerds, that some nerd material ? But not any nerd material ! The Nerdette Lord will only accept the finest Star Trek DVD, some model ships, or that wonderful diorama of the original Star Gate. Nothing less ! And of course, all kinds of little trinkets because she loves trinkets !At first, Sakae is one of those persons they think will be hard to shop for, with his love of rare jazz records and eclectic tastes. Until they learn that anything cat-related makes him melt and squee. So of course, what could they do but buy ALL the cat figures, plushs, mugs, shirts and others they can find ? He has a whole line of manekineko on the kitchen windowsill, and he loves them to death.
24. Who cusses more ? They all cuss a lot, in japanese, english or dutch. It makes for interesting discussions, and certainly contributes to enlarge everyone’s vocabulary.
25. Who remembers things ? And who forgets the birthdays and anniversaries (and has to be forgiven) ? They are all more or less good at remembering. Sakae is the best, nothing can escape that man, really. He’ll remember the cat’s birthday, Ruud’s first book publication, the appointments with Scarlett to clean her computer…. everything and anything. Strangely, Ruud is the worst. He may know a lot about a ton of things and be an important professor, but he’s forgetful of everything about their everyday life. Except the grocery shopping list. He always remembers this.
26. Who is the bigger cuddler ? Sakae. That man is half-cat, at least. He loves draping himself on the other two. Or lay on their laps. Or cuddle. Or hug. This man is a cuddle fiend.
27. Nicknames for each other ? Sakae is "the cat". Three guesses why. There are a lot of jokes about "letting the cat out" and petting his hair. Kiyoshi is "nerd", with one or several words added before of after. "Queen of Nerd" or "Nerdette Boss" are the favourites. Due to his ability to stay awake for hours on end, Ruud gets different creatures of the night. They tried "vampire", but it tends to make him bite. So they settled on "boogeyman". And make endless jokes about him sleeping under the bed. 
28. Who decorates the apartment ? They share. Kiyoshi gets her office, where she can put all the Star Trek posters and drawings from Pavel she wants (even at 20, he still draws potato creatures that only bear a passing ressemblance with anything alive). Ruud gets his own office, where he puts all the strange objects he collects for his books : masks, necklaces, religious objects, and a target with a pic of Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing glued on it. And Sakae gets his own place in the living room, where his instruments and jazz posters go. The rest of the house is decorated with things they all like : diplomas, family photos and gaudy souvenirs from their countries of origin.
29. Who initiates duets ? More like “who doesn’t”. Sakae and Ruud are always happy to jump on the scene for a bit of karaoke. The struggle is to get the other to sing with them.It works better with non-jazz no-norwegian-metal songs. Kiyoshi always refuses, under the excuse that she can’t sing, but actually, she doesn’t want to miss the show, because Ruud and Sakae singing together is always hilarious.
30. What do they do to cheer each other up ? Sakae is a cuddler. There’s no bad mood that can’t be cured by a cup of your favourite hot beverage and a good, nice, octopussy-style cuddle. Kiyoshi is more of a talker. She won’t try to solve yhe problem if she can’t, because that’s not what is expected, but she’ll make them talk about it, and when they’re done, steer the conversation towards happiee subjects. And then, cuddles. Ruud’s method of course goes through the stomach. A nice dish won’t heal your mind, but it’ll help. And then, he has a second secret weapon : fairytales. He’ll take one of his nice books, sit down, and read them a story. It helps more than you would expect.
Daily life
31. Who is more tech-savvy ? Scarlet Pavel Kiyoshi, of course. When you’re the CEO of an important firm who owns several important pattents, you HAVE to be the most tech-savvy. Or else, the other scientists in the place will throw remotes and microwaves at you (yes. Microwaves. Beware.).
32. Who drinks all of the coffee ? Sakae, but it’s way easier when you’re the one making liters and liters of coffee each day. He allows himself one cup per batch of coffee. At the end of the day, he’s ready to crawl on the wall (not really, he’s mithridatized by now).
33. Who does what chores ? Before Ruud came around, Kiyoshi and Sakae tried their best to share the chores by doing half of them each. It… wasn’t the best. They aren’t slobs, no, but Kiyoshi is a very busy woman, and as much as he loves her, Sakae can’t deny his true nature, which is to look the other way when there are still dishes in the sink. He cooks, sometimes, and does the grocery shopping because he can buy all his favourite microwavable dishes. Kiyoshi tries to clean, but it takes too much time, so she just wipes a bit and vacuums sometimes.When Ruud comes along, he quickly realizes that it won’t do. Not by his standards, anyway. He takes over a lot of the chores, mainly cleaning and cooking. It’s a nice surprise for Kiyoshi and Sakae to get home-cooked meals now. At first, he cleans everything and does the shopping, so it’s done to his liking. But of course, it’s a lot. Cooking during work AND for his partners, plus the cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry… It’s a lot even for a fantastic person like him. So he rearranges the chores attribution for the best. He still cooks, because he loves it. Sakae cleans like no one else can (and often sings while doing it, so much that the others half-expect tiny birds, cats or deers to help him). Kiyoshi takes care of the budget and balances the books. And they all go grocery shopping together, where Kiyoshi finds the best deals, and Sakae begs to get tasty things.
34. Who kills the bugs ? Probably the animals, honestly. Dinosaurs love bugs.
35. Who makes the bed in the mornings ? The only one who could is Sakae because he’s the last one to get up. Except that he doesn’t care at all about the state of the bed. Especially if he uses the afternoon to catch a little nap and mess it more.
36. Who starts getting into holidays way before they should ? RUUD !! Because it means HOLIDAYS MEALS ! EGGNOG !! RABBIT STEW !! MOCHIS !! HAM !! TURKEY !! TEA !! SO MANY FOODS TO COOK !! It’s wonderful ! AND THEN YOU CAN DECORATE !! TURN YOUR HOUSE INTO HOLIDAYS WONDERLAND !! SO MUCH TO DO !
37. Who initiates the couple selfies ? More like :who doesn’t ?
38. Who always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping ? They are all guilty of it, with different junk food. After all, they all need something to snack on while they are working. Sakae loves everything seaweed-based. It’s sometimes hard to find in their shops, but he’s ready to make an extra effort to get some. Kiyoshi rather likes nuts, and always has a small box of them around. And Ruud would almost kill for crackers, especially if he has a nice cheese to go with them.
39. Who asks to keep the abandoned kitten/puppy they find in the rain ? You’d think it’s Sakae, because CATS !!, but it’s a draw with Pavel. Don’t underestimate a child’s interest for the poor little animals forgotten in the rain and looking at them with huge, teary eyes. But out of the three, Sakae is the most likely to keep all those adorable kittens. Because kittens. (Kittens can be used for any animals he wants to adopt, like puppies, ermines and dinosaurs.)
40. So how many pets, and who rememebers to feed them ? They each have their own personnal dinosaur or prehistoric animal. Ruud got an archaeopteryx that sits on his shoulder from time to time, and tries to steal the sugar cubes. Sakae tries to teach it to sing jazz standards. For now, not such luck. Sakae himself got a baby smilodon who loves to rub against his legs. Kiyoshi doesn’t need to own a dinosaur, since all dinosaurs are her by pr
41. Who gets babied when they’re sick ? Mostly Kiyoshi and Sakae. Ruud is the best at babying people, all medecine and chicken soup and extra pillows and stories and hands on foreheads. On the other hand, when he’s sick, Kiyoshi and Sakae do try, of course, they want to make him feel well soon, and not only because the house tends to turn into a nightmare. So they try to sooth him and feed him, but honestly, it gets way better when Pavel learns the precious recipe of the chicken soup.
42. Who brings breakfast to bed ? No one. First, because they all have to work very early in the morning. Second, because making breakfast for a hoard of hungry people is Ruud and Sakae’s job. Third, because Sakae’s infamous lack of coordination as soon as he hears the slightest note of jazz would compromize the integrity of their breakfast.
43. Who has sole posession of the T.V. remote ? It’s a long fight. Really long. Always get resolved by treachery and low blows (and tickles) (and kisses).
44. Who comes home drunk at 3am ? They probably all come home drunk at the same time, walking on each other feet and stumbling all the way until they fall in a weird pile on the bed.
45. What do they do when they’re away from each other ? Ruud and Sakae are away from Kiyoshi a good part of the day, so it’s not hard. But for the argument, let’s wonder what they do when each of them is on their own.When Ruud’s away, it means that either he’s doing an important presentation, signing his books, or doing research. Which means he’s Very Very busy. He takes time to call the other two, send them pics and texts, and he works. And works. And works. The others watch all the crappy vampire movies he hates and eat in bed. When Kiyoshi is away for something something science, she tries to communicate as much as she can, but often gets very distracted. Ruud and Sakae put their music very loud in every room and headbang on it. When Sakae is away, for a family reason or a concert, Kiyoshi and Ruud put on boring documentaries and invade every available space with their books and papers. And they work  very late in the night.
46. What are they afraid of ? Honestly, beside the usual fear of something happening to her loved ones, Kiyoshi doesn’t fear much anymore. While trying to break in the genetic enginery industry, she was always afraid of missing, of failing, and being forever branded as an idiot trying to play with the grown-ups. The smallest misstep would have been a disaster. Now that her reputation is assured and won’t be jeopardized by a fail, she feels way better.Sakae is always afraid that his partners will leave with someone more interesting than him. He’s not that educated, barely completed high school, and being the best at Trivial Pursuit doesn’t really compensate for the lack of a diploma. He tries to comfort himself by remembering that Kiyoshi and Ruud chose him while knowing his academics, and don’t mind in the slightest. But sometimes, it’s hard.Ruud doesn’t feel like he doesn’t have really valid reasons to fear or worry. But go and tell this to his brain. It doesn’t take much : something he got wrong in a paper, a dish he messed… It snowballs until he fells really bad, and he has to find ways to cheer himself up without the others noticing, because their problems are way bigger than his, and he doesn’t want to bother them.
47. How often do they fight ? There are several kinds of fight with them : - Good natured bickering about EVERYTHING : every five minutes, does not need to be resolved- Good natured bickering that became SERIOUS because it’s an IMPORTANT matter : once a day, resolved with a good pun or a hug- SERIOUS FIGHT ABOUT SERIOUS ISSUES WITH LOTS OF THINGS YELLED BACK AND FORTH : something like once a month. They do try to communicate calmly, but they are very passionnate people. Usually resolved by a good conversation once they have cooled off. You would think Ruud would be the calm middle man, but don’t be fooled by that nice behavior. Once riled up, he’s wild. So it can take some time before it gets back to normal.
48. What would they do if the other one was hurt ? Probably take care of the hurt person. They aren’t fighters or superheroes, just normal persons. So they’ll take extra-care of the hurt one, bringing them food and pillows and hugs and cats and everything.
And once they have kids…
49. How many kids ? Just one, and it’s actually Kiyoshi and Ilya’s son, after a one-night stand. Pavel is quite happy to be a single child, he has the entire attention of THREE parents ! When Kiyoshi met Sakae, he made friends with Pavel almost instantly, even keeping dinosaur toys behind the bar for him when Kiyoshi was busy and he had to pick him at school. When they met Ruud, it was even easier because Pavel was almost an adult, and it went very smoothly. They go along greatly, and Pavel sees Ruud and Sakae as his real family, not Ilya. The only disagreement between them comes from their music, because Ruud and Sakae
50. Who is the stricter parent ? Kiyoshi. Sakae doesn’t really want to be a strict presence in Pavel’s life, and she doesn’t want him to be either. Besides, Pavel listens to him as much as every other adult he knows, but not more. Mommy is the strictest, but Mommy’s word is law, because Mommy is a scientist and knows everything.Ruud doesn’t really enter the equation. Pavel was a teenager when Sakae and Kiyoshi met him, and he never played a role in his education. Children are too annoying, and he can’t cook them to make them shut up.
51. Who stays up late helping with homework ? Depends. Kiyoshi did her best while Pavel was young, but she was a very busy woman, and she couldn’t always help. When Sakae entered in her life, he took over… what he could, of course. Because he’s very cultivated, but some things sill escape him. So Shizuka steps up. With him, science and maths become ridiculously easy. Sakae could do without the fun experiments that wreck the kitchen, though.
52. Who likes to take the family out and for what ? EXHIBITIONS ! SCIENCE ! MUSEUMS ! CONCERTS ! CONVENTIONS ! RESTAURANTS !! SO MANY THINGS TO DO ! They’d need at least three or four lives to do everything they want. Almost every week-end, they go out with or without Pavel to do something fun.
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