#the personal crisis I've mentioned in the last post was connected with living in a shitty stressful environment for the last three months
melien · 5 months
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and they were roommates...
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totallyboatless · 1 year
FINE i'll make a post about how many Jenny Owen Youngs songs fit the Six of Crows characters GOD
Born to Lose - Kaz. So very Kaz. Somewhere in night a man is standing by with a deal you won't be able to refuse. It's about deals with the devil (choose how you'd like to feel pain: is Pekka the devil or Kaz?), being slowly eaten inside by guilt over mistakes, fear of losing people you love. A line about having a bad leg. It's got it all! Last Person - God so very how Jesper and Wylan would flirt and pick each other up in a bar the first night they meet. Light, fun, full of energy, but with an air of "this could be so much deeper if we let ourselves feel it." About someone approaching another person who feels like they don't belong or connect with the people around them and is like "live fast die young let's go bang!." This line cinches it all together: So quit worrying where they'll fall if you should roll the dice, why don't come home with me tonight.
So Long - WHO'S👏🏻READY👏🏻TO👏🏻GET👏🏻SAD👏🏻. I go back and forth with this being better for Wylan, Kaz, or Inej, but tend to land on Wylan for one line in particular: No one can put you back how you were then / chemicals must react, it's a certain. A song about feeling lonely, trapped, and discarded.
Coyote - So very Nina and Matthias, and honestly a perfect song to go on any "enemies to lovers" playlist. A song about being like "I'm disgusted by you - wait no come back god I want to jump your bones - no wait I hate you - wait come back." There's no one I can think of that I can stand less than you / Don't you want to touch my hands before you go? I think I'm confused.
Your Apartment - Inej about Kaz. About wanting to love someone and be the person to help them grow, but that person being closed off. And how when that happens, you're like "I'm begging you to give me something, anything, and I'll stay." I want to be the girl that makes you try to do the thing you haven't done / oh why is it so hard to stay in love / I just want to be good enough for you. Lyrics are sad AF but it's a jam! Porchrail - Back to Jesper who keeps things a little more upbeat! Lot of mentions of fidgeting, having a short attention span, and feeling sick over Feelings. A "I'm having a crisis about Wylan" song. I've got a span of attention as long as my teeth / Every urge I let sway me turns tragically brief / There's nothing more attractive than that one thing you just can't have / I got every intention to loosen my tie / I got full motivation to make this one mine
What Beats Within - LET'S👏🏻KEEP👏🏻GETTING👏🏻SAD👏🏻. Back to Wylan - featuring flute and the fear that comes with letting yourself be chosen because you don't feel good enough. I like to think the first verse is referring to the night he and Jesper meet, and the second verse is the night when he officially becomes a Crow after Kaz uses his bombs to blow up the Crow Club. You come to find me a mess at your door / arms under elbows as I hit the floor / I meant to tell you just what I've done / How can you choose me when I've just begun? / Don't know what I'll be when morning comes. Also additional line because my god it has so many "my parent doesn't want me" angst: I'm not what you planted, I'm just what grew.
Already Gone - Kaz about Inej. Thinking about someone you adore and respect in a way that feels too big and bright, and so you do the whole "I don't know how to keep you, so it's okay if you need to leave" thing even if you know that will cause you immense pain. God there's just so much in this one: Did I overstay? You're tugging your sleeves / You said what they say: that I'm a disease. AND That girl is full of fever / I'll give you anything but go if you need to / how can I keep you / Now you're already gone. AND THE FUCKING BRIDGE It's now or it's never / You get left holding feathers LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME GOD Clean Break - a Matthias inner monologue about trying to cut Nina out of his heart, but it's like an amputation. Super angsty, it's got an edgy feel. Also has some double meaning lyrics like Don't bother with the table we can do it on the floor / God knows I am sure which refers to the amputation but my god that line has a hot undertone. Feature lyric: If I come to and still feel you creeping in my skin / It's back I lie under the knife and start over again / can't abide no phantom limbs
Fuck Was I - KEEP👏🏻FEASTING👏🏻ON👏🏻SADNESS👏🏻. Kaz and Inej about each other. If you don't think you've heard a Jenny Owen Youngs song, you've probably heard this one. All about letting yourself feel hope about someone and then getting hurt and being like "yep, well, I should have known that was going to happen. Skillet on the stove, it's such a temptation / Maybe I'll be the lucky one that doesn't get burnt / What the fuck was I thinking? O, God - MORE👏🏻WYLAYN👏🏻SAD👏🏻BOY👏🏻TIME👏🏻 I just adore him. His internal monologue when he leaves Jesper after their first night together. I can't stay I won't stay for things left unseen / I can stay I won't stay I know you're a dream / A sweet, sweet dream. Ugh god and also the line I've seen a hundred backs but never one return - it's what Wylan is used to, and you can't be left if you leave first.
Little Bird - Pick your favorite Crow to have Feelings about. Take those hollow bones / Use them well, use them right / Let them carry you / Through the darkness of the night
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ok im so sorry i messed up this ask, so here ya go @llch1 💚💚💚
Your Slasher Lover Finds Out About Your Secret Identity as a Slasher 🔪🔪🔪 (Michael, Bo, Vincent, and Lester.)
Warnings: Violence
Michael Myers
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Surprised, but kinda doesn't care.
Thinks back on past events, finally connects all the dots in his head.
How you manage to stay alert to always notice his stalking presence, why you never reacted to gore, why you never talked about any of your friends and family. You were a criminal too. A convicted murderer.
Low key mad that he didn't figure out sooner.
What is this blood trail.... ? You mean you kill bitches too? Cool.
Never gonna let you join him tho. The Shape works alone.
Also, Halloween is his thing. You can have Thanksgiving or some shit.
Don't give him that look, Y/N, he has a reputation to live up to.
Subtly tries to concince you to switch to a kitchen knife as your primary murder weapon, if it isn't already.
Bo Sinclair
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Scuse me what? Haha
Oh lol, that's funny darlin', he'd sure like to see you try.
Thinks you couldn't hurt a fly regardless of your appearance and personality.
When he actually sees you shank a bitch though, he'll be surprised, shocked that you were actually being serious.
Y/N.... His Y/N.... He never knew you could be capable of the terrible shit he does.
But certainly doesn't hold it against you, he may be an asshole, but he's less of a not a hypocrite.
Mr. Bo Simpclair has been activated.
Seeing you slash all those fuckers up with practiced ease turns him on to no end.
*cue shocked heart eyes as he watches blood splatter all over your clothes and face*
After, he tries to act like he totally hasn't been simping for the last ten minutes.
"Remember to wipe your drool, honey."
"! .... The fuck you talkin' bout."
*stubbornly walks away, subtly wiping his mouth with his sleeve when he thinks he's out of sight*
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Vincent Sinclair
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s h o o k e t h
Was he hallucinatig from sleep deprivation, or did his sweet Y/N really just fuck that girl up?
Shit ok
Call him a hypocrite, but honestly is kinda spooked by it at first.
Finding that out probably sends him down a spiral of existentialism, duration of stay ranging from six minutes to a week.
Don't worry though! Of course he still loves you to death, he just needs to deal with his current existential crisis.
Was that real? What you did? Or was his love actually a figure of his own imagination due to years of loneliness? No. No.
Although he is just the slightest bit sad that you didn't tell him, its totally reasonable, and sweet Vincent is physically unable to be mad at you.
You've always loved and accepted him for who he was, so of course he returns the gesture.
He's also very worried after, asking and talking to you about how you started and why you do it, if there is a reason, who and what hurt you, etc.
If you happen to have a particularly sad backstory, he'll 100% cry while apologizing for everything that has happened to you, as though he were the source of your pain.
When you assure him that nothing that occured in your life before was his fault, he'll just hold you close and tell you he loves you.
Lester Sinclair
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This smol bean probably takes it the hardest out of all the boys mentioned.
Of course he know what his brothers do, but it doesn't mean he particularly enjoys taking part in the actual killings.
He's never directly killed someone, and he doesn't ever want to, so the fact that you do is definitely going to baffle him.
He'll respond calmly and with understanding, but he'd feel a little sad.
No no he's not mad at you or disappointed in you, he could never be.
Its just that to him it seems that him and all the people around him has some kind of connection to death, and he honestly is too kind and empathetic for that life.
He wished he were more normal. Have a normal life in a real, populated small town, have you and his brothers at his side, working a decent but humble job. He dreams of interacting with co-workers, local shopkeeps, and neighbors, thinking that if he had those kinds of opportunities, maybe he would be less socially awkward.
Lester doesn't hide his feelings well, so you notice the absence of his jovial manner, and asks him about it respectfully.
He confesses his feelings while apologizing profusely.
The conversation probably ends with you both sobbing into each other's arms.
There @llch1 , sorry it took so long, i keep messing the posting up xD I post on my phone so its very easy for me to click on wrong things :(
I've been busy lately, hence my sloth-paced posting ; _ ; Sorry about that
If you've requested something, don't worry im working on them 💪 keep 'em coming, your requests are inspiring and motivating for me. 💓
Enjoy your weekend🥂
---Zali 🖤
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Merlin Astrology — Part 2: The Zodiac of the Celtic Druids
No one asked for it. You're getting it anyway.
So, in the other post, I've made up birthdays for both Merlin and Arthur in the other post, and gave them sun, moon, and rising signs according to how I viewed them and what fit that best. The zodiac I used there is (I think) western tropical astrology, the greek/roman based zodiac that most people are familiar with in the modern western world.
However, that wasn't the only type of astrology I looked at. And given that the calendar they were using in Merlin is heavily influenced by the celtic traditions, and druids are actually in the show, using the Druidic Zodiac seemed to make a lot of sense. I decided that Merlin's birthday would be December 23rd almost solely on the meaning that holds in this zodiac, and I used it a lot for Arthurs sun sign too.
If you know how the Druidic Zodiac works, or just really don't care at all, scroll down for a bit — until you see the bigger text and names — and I've written what I think their signs would be and the explanation. If not, I'll give some brief context and a little education first.
The main difference between the Celtic calender and the modern calendar is the number of months — and therefore the number of signs within the zodiac. In modern western astrology, there are 12 zodiacs, and the sun (main sign) lasts for a month in each one.
((Side note: sun signs aren't actually exactly decided by the placements of the actual constellations they're named after, it's generally more to do with the beginnings, middles, and ends, of the four seasons, but that's besides the point.))
Anyways, in the Druidic Zodiac, there are 13 months of 28 days, for the 13 moon cycles that happen in a year (plus one extra day — I'll come back to that). This means that while meanings overlap heavily between the Druidic Zodiac and the astrology we're most familiar with today, the signs do cross, and and the meanings are changed.
The Druidic Zodiac signs are named after trees, and have their own symbols (usually animals, but one of them is a chalice... so not always). The festivals near to a child's birth are also linked heavily to these signs, as the festivals would have spiritual significance.
It's also probably worth noting that the actual legends of King Arthur ARE mentioned within some of these traditions and the original characters of King Arthur and Merlin are supposedly linked to certain signs — but I've completely disregarded that here because these are characters in a show only based on those legends, and that's not at all the same thing.
Okay let's go
Arthur Pendragon
Birthday: July 28th
Druidic Zodiac: Holly
The eighth sign of this zodiac, the Holly Tree might seem an odd tree to represent some of the hottest months in the year, but this is because it falls just after the summer solstice. It is the first month of the waning year as summer comes towards its end. Within this month falls the first festival of harvest — Lughnasadh (or Lammas), where the fruits of the earth would begin to be collected, and feasts would be held.
Represented by the unicorn, the Holly zodiac is one of royalty and nobility, and their horn was likened to a spiralling spear of fire, a symbol of the sun's power in the days of summer. Those born under this sign will move through life in a confident and powerful manner, which can sometimes appear arrogant or snobbish if left unchecked. However, past that appearance, they are truly kind hearted and generous people, who act as both inspirations and leaders when they are called upon in times of crisis.
They are also often energetic and athletic, with great physical stamina and sporty capabilities. As well as this, they can be incredibly competitive and ambitious, though not to the ruthlessness that others may show. They likely won't take kindly to personal criticism or being told what to do, and can be impulsive and rash in defending themselves and their pride. However, their sincerity and loyalty is unparalleled in the zodiac, and their dedication to those they are about never goes underappreciated.
Holly also has an important meaning in the wheel of the year, which is the basis on which the celtic calendar was set as it went between seasons. In some pagan stories and traditions, an ongoing battle was always being fought between the Oak King and the Holly King. On the winter solstice (longest night of the year), the Oak King would win, and bring the earth away from winter and into summer. On the summer solstice, the Holly King would win again, and start to return the earth to winter. This is only my personal interpretation, but I would take that to mean that those born under the sign of the Holly are blessed with power and success. They are the new rulers, the strong, the winners, who in time will continue to grow and improve themselves. They are the true Kings and Queens of the zodiac, with the potential to do many great things.
Merlin (Emrys)
Birthday: December 23rd
Druidic Zodiac: Mistletoe
Yes, mistletoe isn't one of the 13 zodiacs, but hear me out it works I promise. December 23rd was the last day of the Celtic calendar, and as such has special significance — it doesn't exactly fall under the Elder Tree sign. A year of 365 days can divide 13 times into months of 28 days, but there will be one day left over — the Nameless Day. People born on this day don't quite fall within the zodiac, and as such are given the symbol of Mistletoe, represented by the spiralling tail of the dragon constellation Draco, that was never fully visible.
Mistletoe people share most of their characteristics and nature with that of Elder Tree people, but this day also represents great potential that continues to evolve. There is a sense of destiny or fate that surrounds them, and they may find themselves as outcasts in life, or with questions surrounding their ancestors and origins.
For the most part however, they are considered to be partially within the Elder Tree zodiac, and share those traits — so I'll talk about that too.
Elder Tree people are represented by the black colt, and greatly value their freedom to learn about and explore life. They are born at the end of the year, as darkness is spreading across the land and nights are at their shortest, and therefore come into the world with their eyes fixed on the faded light in the sky. They may spend their lives, metaphorically, constantly searching to find that light, and will often be seeking to make the world a brighter place. They know the darkness well, but remain optimistic in spite of it.
They are naturally intuitive and sharp, and likely to have a deep connection to the outdoors and natural world in some way. Though they have a kind and considerate heart, they may also be a little too quick-witted, and prone to upsetting or offending people with their strong views or blunt honesty — especially if the humour of their comments isn't picked up on.
As their symbol would suggest, they can be something of a "black horse", which can make them outsiders, and destined to seek out their own path as a conventional lifestyle may not suit them best. But despite the doubts of others, they will see many great personal victories. They have a keen sense of justice and morality, and will strive to do what is right, even if its unpopular.
There's not much more to say on these, at least that I know of, but I might do another post talking about other characters, if anyone has a character they'd like me to do.
Here are the dates for the zodiacs if anyone's interested:
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
I've been on Tumblr ten months now, and this blog has existed for nine of them. During that time I have noticed something.
The majority of the posts I've come across have been by and for the S&M scene, as is to be expected.
The second-most frequent are Indigo League, which I don't think is bad going considering it was broadcast before most Tumblerries were born.
Third-most popular I would say is Sinnoh, probably for being the introduction for many here.
After that I've seen bits on Johto, a smattering of Orange League (unsurprising given it's briefness) and maybe a single item on Hoenn.
No one likes that then? Is it Max? Go on, it is.
What I find odd is that, in all that period, I haven't seen anything on Unova or Kalos. No fan art, no screen shots, nothing.
I'm sure someone can point to a bounty of pieces I've overlooked, all done within the last year, but if so, they're well-hidden, as none of the people I follow have shown any interest in re-blogging them.
If you have done any, you must admit the amount has depleted considerably.
Why is this? Is it of no interest anymore?
This in itself validates my own opinion. Had I been here when Unova and Kalos were broadcast, I presume over half of the posts I'd see would've been devoted to them. If I then spoke harshly of either, that would not have been well-received.
However, if dropped, both by the audience and writers as soon as the latest generation arrives, wasn't I right to not be impressed?
If cast aside by those who claimed to worship them, were they really of any worth at all?
Well the same fate has now befallen Alola. I make no secret of how much I despise it, and can not grasp its appeal for anyone.
I don't know how Pokémon even has a fanbase anymore, given that it's ugly, boring and repetitive.
Prior to the arrival of the S.S., I suspected that Alola material would drop, vanishing altogether once a year's worth came to a close, and so it has proved to be.
It's gone from making up roughly 60% - 70% of dashboard posts to about 10% - 20%, in only a few months. Is it that bad then?
It can't be explained as excitement for the new, not with the amount of coverage Kanto gets, and even that isn't motivated by reminiscence, given the average age of the current viewer.
Why are you still posting about something that old? It reminds me of my wasted youth, but what's your excuse?
Why, when the writers want to wallow in nostalgia, do they hark back to Kanto, which no modern fan can remember?
Is no one looking with misty-eyed fondness at Iris and Cilan? Why not?
Or is that an admission that it was so appallingly bad even the writers recognised it, that's why it's been so hastily forgotten?
You could watch Pokémon from the beginning to the close Sinnoh, skip the next two eras, starting again with Alola, and you would never know there'd been a between.
Unova is described as a 'soft reset', with regards to its inverted nature. The arrogance of those writers is staggering:
• Trying to erase all that'd gone before, supplanted by their half-arsed efforts.
• Redesigning everyone with Fish Eye and flat profiles.
• Resetting Ash as not even knowing the basics.
• Warping Team Rocket's established personalities into disgusting, soulless lizard people robbed of all charm and charisma.
• Only new Pokémon existing.
• Catches kept with Juniper not Professor Oak etc.
The irony is that Unova Pokémon are copies of the first 151, so whilst deliberately ignoring the past, they can't resist imitating it, thanks to their own woeful inadequacy. I suppose they hoped if they didn't notice, we wouldn't either.
They then undermined their own decision by stuffing everything available into the third run, as a blatant effort to win back the crowd, including:
• Reverting to Team Rocket's actual motto, not that embarrassingly pretentious codswallop.
Too bloody lazy to make it rhyme now!
Notice they opted not for the Sinnoh one, although more recent. It was straight back to the beginning.
• Look at these hundreds of Pokémon we suddenly remembered!
Just before Giovanni's mid-life crisis, Ash spotted a Rattata, but it having been so isolated from the outside world, his brain fell to mush at the concept, and pronounced it 'retarda'.
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Idiots are so easy to please!
• Charizard! Genwunners love Charizard! Give 'em Charizard and they'll forget everything else we've done! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless retelling!
So, Charizard was there to bait the first wave, and yet we had the plot we know repeated to us anyway?
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Don't refer to the past and everyone will think it's brand-new!
It makes no sense. How could this be done with the hope of drawing in old fans, and yet filling up an episode with it as plotline isn't an issue, when the intended targets know it's been done before?
• Butterfree! Genwunners loved Butterfree leaving! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless rehash!
Why would they remain when finding the same thing again, absent of feeling and subtlety, not to mention upon discovering the damage done elsewhere?
Recent incomers, who might assume it's a fresh idea, have no emotional connection with Butterfree, so who is it meant to please?
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Why is Mewtwo a woman?
• Mewtwo! Genwunners love Mewtwo! Let's copy its background for Genesect rather than be creative! Look, it's Mewtwo! Watch it!!!
Erm... It's not the same Mewtwo...
It's not the same Mewtwo?
You believe the way to an original fan's heart is to lie to them, and in the process smash a fundamental principle of canon that there can only be one Mewtwo?
The writers get a deserved excoriation round these parts, because someone has to, as what part of that film suggested the current crop give the tiniest toss about what matters to you and me?
I'm glad Unova is labelled 'the Dork Age' as every series since its dawn has been atrocious.
Hoenn and Sinnoh held massive flaws, but they're masterpieces compared to what followed. At least they felt like Pokémon, albeit a watery interpretation.
Unova has to be truly lowly for the dunces responsible to recognise it, and neither Kalos or Alola have been as cut off from their predecessors.
I don't believe that's a sign of contrition, more a matter of necessity. Thanks to the same personal limitations there just weren't enough new Pokémon in either era to make such insularity possible. Even between the two it'd be a scrape.
Except whilst previously invented Pokémon designs may be involved, there's no sign of actual familiar characters.
Ash took his original team to Johto, and even in Hoenn and Sinnoh, where local catches took precedent, older Pokémon were still referenced and came back for the League, but that stopped with Unova.
It's evil influence strikes again!
Despite flimsy nods to the past, which can't be avoided, each generation is now a world unto itself, to the point that individual episodes live by their own canon, a feeble web of strands unrelated to anything else.
Why is it considered 'retro' enough to say, have Forms of Kanto Pokémon, for which we're expected to be so grateful, when there's no mention of Ash's earlier squad?
Remember Tauros? And Kingler? And Muk?
Remember Bayleef? And Noctowl? And Heracross?
Remember Corphish? And Torkoal? And Swellow?
Remember Buizel? And Gible? And Torterra?
They don't. As far as I can tell none of them exist anymore, and maybe aren't meant to ever have done.
Same as Gary, Cassidy and Butch, Jessibelle, Tracey, and so on. Until they do, and don't again. Whatever is convenient to today's storyline.
My typical attitude is that the first series is the best thing ever, and it's all been downhill from there, with Unova and all that came after reaching incredible depths of tedium. I don't suppose you like that, but the ephemeral tendencies displayed on Tumblr hardly help change my opinion.
At some low ebb I'll get round to watching Galar, which I'm confident I'll hate as much as the last few generations, based on what I've already seen and heard.
There's little point doing otherwise. Why bother getting involved with the 'plot' or characters if, when it's over, they'll never be spoken of again?
What incentive is there for me to even force myself to like Galar when, once the ninth generation (Pokémon Keenan and Kel) emerges on the distant horizon, those who've sung its praises for three or four years and scoffed at criticism, will drop it without a backwards glance?
Yet talk about the Indigo League is ever present, somewhat proving its superiority. Attachment to it is a subconscious acknowledgement of the dearth of quality in the modern mentality, but which no one can bring themselves to admit.
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Would it be okay if I vented for a second? I can't post this on my blog or anything bc my IRL friends follow me. I've had four best friends since middle school, and we're now all working or going to grad school. My friends are all engaged or about to get engaged, whereas I've been single since college - and dealing with some serious unrequited love that kept me from being able to date anyone else. I'm happy for my friends, I really am, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't lonely.
Oh Nonny. Goodness, I feel like this ask is from my past self.
While it’s bit different in my case (all my friends and my sister seem to be “moving forward” while I still remained work-focused and felt I haven’t really changed in the last 10 years), it’s still super-easy to feel like the world is passing you by while you remain stationary.
Here’s something I’ve had to come to terms with, and it’s made me happier once I did: YOU are not THEM. YOU move at YOUR OWN pace. You are not any less of a person just because you don’t have a family or a house or a job, etc. You are focused on your studies, and that’s commendable. Families aren’t for everyone; they require dedication, time and responsibility that not all of us can provide. Relationships require compatibility which you may not have found yet. Homes require jobs to maintain. Jobs require education and skills necessary for the field you are interested in. All of these are certainly goals to aspire for, so long as it’s what you want, and if you don’t, you’re not any less of a person (this point especially made me feel better once I came to terms with the fact that I don’t want kids and I was content being my own person). 
As I’ve mentioned before, you’re not SUPPOSED to have your life all sorted out. I get you; right this moment, as I write this, I am having a mini-crisis myself: “what’s the point?”. I have a good job, but I fear that my workaholic nature has caused me to now not have many friends or anything to look forward to. This got exacerbated one weekend when I went to a younger-cousin’s baby shower. It feels like some days, since I discovered who I am and what I want, loneliness and occasional S.A.D. become the demons I have to battle on an ongoing basis. But I carry on, for each new day I move closer to new goals I set for myself. Goals can be anything as large as saving for a trip to just surviving a day. 
As for the unrequited love, I feel you on that too, Lovely, I really do, but experience has taught me that if it’s unrequited, then it’s best to pick up and move on. It can be difficult, absolutely, and it can FUCKING HURT LIKE HELL but someone who can’t, doesn’t or won’t love you in return is NOT worth your love. You know who is worth it? Maybe the next person you meet, who you connect with better than the person you last had a crush on, or the person you meet 10 years down the road. 
I’m not trying to sound harsh, Lovely, but move on and focus on completing your education. The person you are pining after isn’t worth your affections. You can still be friends with them, but it will take time, and you’ll look back on it and laugh at yourself for ever pining after them (again, another personal experience: I pined HARD for I think at least 3 people but it never was returned ever; I look back and think “what the hell was I thinking??” and laugh at myself; now I am immensely happy that they have happy fulfilling lives, because children isn’t something I wouldn’t have ever been able to want to give to them). You may think RIGHT NOW you are regretful, but years down the road, you’ll be happy you changed your focus, I hope. Loneliness is inevitable, I’m afraid, but try joining groups at your school or in your community to meet new people, get to know classmates, join a team. A relationship isn’t the only way to curb loneliness; a circle of people you love and trust and genuinely enjoy spending time with can be just as fulfilling. And if you get along with your family, make time to see or Facetime them, catch up, or do things with them. I treasure any time I spend with my family, I really do, and it does help curb my own loneliness for awhile.
I hope for only the best for you, Lovely! *hugs*
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