#the pandemic has left me a cheerful sap in general which I suppose is not the worst character development!
activatingaggro · 1 year
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Hot damnnn.
I want to do a character update, so maybe this’ll be incentive! We’ll see. Cal has me tragically beat out on blog age, but I still feel very pleased, and very surprised over the age of this blog.
I used to roleplay and run games online for.. most of my childhood and highschool, and then got burnt out over the entire idea of dealing with internet communities or internet socialising period at 17 or so. I went to college, graduated from college, realised I had a lot of free time, and then decided to go ahead and try dipping my toe into roleplaying again. “Tumblr’s weird,” I figured, “but there’s literally no fucking way to get more low-stakes than this, so when I drop it in a month, there’s no real burden.”
I did not drop it in a month! I’ve kept this shit going for nine years straight, and have built up my particular little corner of the setting over time, and I’ll probably still be dabbling in this shit in another nine years. With one RP partner alone, I know we’ve hit over 2m words - if you count in all of the people I’ve written with, and the wordcounts from the games I’ve handled alone, I don’t even know how many words I’ve written.
So I did not expect to ever hit this point, but I’m very pleased. It’s very satisfying to have seen my growth over the years, in prose as well as art, and to watch others develop alongside me - as writers and artists, sure, but also just as ~*people*~. Fandom is not really something I have ever been interested in using as a tool of socialisation, but I’m very fond of the long-lasting friendships that have been borne from it. There’s some people I’ve known for eight years, now! There’s a lot of people whom are outside of the fandom entirely at this point, but whom I’ve gotten stuck to like an overaffectionate burr in their foot. If you had told me at 17 that I’d meet one of my favorite people through scruffing her like a feral cat, shoving her into a bag, and dragging her off to join my roleplay..
I’d probably believe it, but in a disapproving way, haha.
So here’s to another 9 years, probably! 💖
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