#the overlord in the Castiel trench coat...
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magnificent-winged-beast · 8 months ago
hi I want to know this is bit older interview of misha but I found a gif of yours but I can't find the link to your post of the original gifs and neither the interview can you please help with this,
This is the interview perhaps
Oh yes, that's one of mine. The GIF, I mean, from the twitter link. I found my original posts, but sadly the link to the video, is dead.
I've been looking for the video because I'm sure I have to have it because I edited it. But I didn't have any luck. New PC. Must be on the cloud somewhere.
I just realized this was 7 years ago...
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Probably the 10th GIF I ever made of Misha. I don't like the colors. If I ever find the video, or videos because I think this was in parts, I will remake this and put a link to them.
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a-fandom-life-for-me · 7 years ago
Lazarus Rising 4x01
I want to beat the hiatus blues with some SPN throwback so let's  play an ask game (as tagged by @ain-t-bovvered ).
I will watch the first 2 suggested random SPN episodes that are left in my ask. I’ll answer to you with my commentary on it.
@castiel-saved-me-from-myself challenged me to watch 4x01 “Lazarus Rising” which is honestly THE episode where I crossed over from “this is a good show” to full on fandom obsessed. Coincidently this is also the episode I discovered I have a massive wing kink so thanks a lot Maria for exploiting that 😆
Ok here we go��
Oh right dean was in hell, that was a horrible deathscene.
How is dean so calm? Like, waking up buried alive islegit my biggest fear
Zombiieeeeeeeee lol jk
Thirsty dean!!!! Boy he just doesn’t know how thirsty yet;)
Holy perfect abs batman!
Of course he gotta grab that busty Asian beautiesmagazine….
But clearly Cas don’t approve… *high pitched ringingsound*
Dean trying to call bobby who gives zero fucks lol
Dean: “you’re the closest thing I have to a father” *more gross sobbing*
Surprise holy water to the face is never not funny
Bobby: “What do you remember?” Dean: "Not much…" *mr fizzles thinks you’re a liarrrrrr*
Hey there future Mrs. Padalecki!
Pizza men lol *whispers* foreshadowingggg
Sam. Is. Ripped….. holy shit I forgot how thick he was inthis season
“Hiya Sammy” awwww
Bro hug! no waIt, denial first… THEN bro hug, theWinchester way.
Awkward Gen lmao “are you two like… together?”
Sam: “Oh wait you probably want this back” IT’S THE SAMULET (where the heck is that thing now?) 
Dean calling his baby sweetheart and getting mad at Sam for putting in an iPod dock is the most Dean thing ever
Dean: “Where’s Ruby?” Sam, casually shrugs: "Dead or in hell.“ *Mr fizzles thinks you’re a liarrrrrrrrr*
Pamela!! ugh I loved her, that crazy bitch is my spiritanimal
The sexy banter is strong with this chick. Strong like that gun show she is sporting in that tank top. I am not a lesbian but hotdamn!
Handprint again!!!
And we finally get our overlord’s name: Castiel
Noooooooo there goes Pamela’s eyes.
Pamela is blind and the boys just go out for pie? Uh, ok Iguess.
Oh shit, Demon Diner
Demon: “What makes you so special?” Dean: “I like tothink its because of my perky nipples.” Finally something truthful. Yes Dean,you have some beautiful nipples. I’d like to see them more often. Just asuggestion…
Dean bitch slaps a demon and basically drops the mic “that’s what I thought, roll out Sammy, here’s some cash for the pie.” Never mind that’s the most Dean thing ever.
Dean” “We’re dealing with a bad mofo here.” lmao no honey you’re dealing with a softie lil angel
Where’s Sam sneaking off to?
Castiel tried to talk to dean again, only this time there’sa mirror above a bed?! *cough* foreshadowing* cough*
Bobby comes to the rescue but like, why isn’t he affected? Plot hole…
Sam: “I’m getting a burger.” Dean: “Bobby and I are getting beers.” But no one is doing what they say and it’s just Oprah screaming “you get a lie, you get a lie, EVERYONE GETS A LIE!”
Sam is back at demon diner where all the demons have had their eyes burnt out and waitress demon says “I could smell your soul half a mile away” and now I’m really super intrigued. What does a soul smell like???This is gonna keep me awake at night now.
Oh right demon blood addict Sammy with his demonbanishing powers. That was bad but it was also pretty damn BAMF.
Hello again Future Mrs. Padalecki! Or should is say RUBY*GASSSSP*
The barn all covered in symbols oh shit here we go!!!!!!
I am honestly shaking I’m so excited…..
Ugh random Sam and Ruby scene…
Ok back to the barn, HERE we go…
Rumbling… omg omg omg omg
Dean: “maybe it’s the wind.” No Dean ITS NOT THE WIND
“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you fromperdition.” FUCKING ICONIC
Dean gets all stabby but the “aww that’s cute” look onCastiel’s face when he pulls out that knife slays me.
The first time he says Dean’s name in that deep, celestialrumble of a voice… Dean didn’t stand a chance.
“I’m an angel of the lord.” He says completely casually like NBD.
I love how they cannot take their eyes off each other
“You have no faith.” Finally some truth… heartbreakingtruth.
YAS WINGSSSSSSSSSSSS *incoherent screeching*
Dean: “that was you talking? Next time, lower the volume buddy.” Poor Castiel he looks so sad, someone give him a hug.
WAIT it gets worse…
“Some people can perceive my true visage, I thought youwould be one of them.” You can see the moment his heart breaks a little. Ugh mine broke too. Again. Every time.
Holy tax accountant lol poor Jimmy. If that’s what Dean thinks a tax accountant looks like then where can I find one? That sex hair is just… uhhhhhhh
Awwwwwwww :3 we have our first confused puppy head tilt
But its to ask, “Don’t you think you deserved to besaved?” aaaaaand now my heart broke again.
We have work to do…. CUE SUSPENSFUL MUSIC oh boy get ready for it guys, you have quite an eventful 9 years ahead of you!!!
Thanks for that roller coaster trip down memory lane @castiel-saved-me-from-myself
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We’re not perfect, but we’re good chapter 9
A/N: AAH, it’s the second to last chapter!! I can’t believe how much love i’ve gotten for this, and I’ve really loved writing this story.  Feedback is golden, guys!
Summary: Sam, Dean and reader are on a hunt for a witch, who targets couples. Which means going undercover with you best friend, Dean, as a couple – which turns out to be a lot harder than you expected - especially when you have a crush.
Dean x reader
Warnings: smutty-town, language, slow sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it at home, guys!)
Missed something?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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You didn’t expect the conversation between Bobby and Dean to go over too well, but you hadn’t expected Dean to just take the verbal beating, or Sam snickering nonstop in the corner of the room, a huge hand slapped over his mouth to muffle the sounds. You had watched the one-sided conversation Dean and Bobby had had for a few minutes, before you impatiently had waved your hand, and Dean had passed to phone to you, relief flooding his features. “Bobby?” You asked, cutting Bobby’s on-going tirade off. “Y/N?” His voice hesitant. “Bobby, listen, I love you and I’m so glad you’re trying to protect me, but this…” You sighed, rubbing your forehead – a headache was sneaking slowly, but surely, up on you. “Whatever this is, between me and Dean… I chose this, Bobby. It wasn’t the spell, it was me. The spell just… Accelerated what was going to happen at some point.” You might as well lay it all out. Deans eyes were trained on your face, a sly smirk playing at his mouth. “Y/N, this is…” Bobby sighed. “I guess I knew it. I just didn’t want it to happen. Balls.” He said, worry coloring his words. You grinned. “Bobby, it’s really not that big of a deal.” He huffed. “Sure, it isn’t Y/N. If he hurts you, I’ll drag his ass to hell and torture him myself, got it? I’m half-tempted to come down to you guys and sort this friggin’ mess out myself.” “Got it. I’ll tell Dean. And Bobby? No need to come down here, we’ve got this.” “Yeah, yeah. Don’t get hit by another spell. The phone clicked as Bobby hung up. You tossed the phone back to Dean.
“What?” He said, catching it swiftly. “Nothing you didn’t already know.” You shrugged and turned to Sam, who was still laughing silently. “Shut up, you big buffoon.”  He cleared his throat and put on a mockingly serious face. “Call Cass down.” You grumbled at him and turned to Dean. “And you.” You narrowed your eyes at him and pointed a finger at him. “You give me a kiss, get dressed and meet me and Sam back here in ten.” You sauntered over to him, and he laughed. “Sure thing, princess.” He pulled his boxers up from the floor, and swiftly put them on before he stood up and placed a burning kiss on your lips, before leaving the room. You had your eyes closed, a small content smile on your lisp, but you could feel Sam’s eyes burning into you.
“Shut your pie-hole, Sam.” He chuckled. “Didn’t say anything, Y/N.” You opened your eyes and turned to him. “Okay, I’m going to get some pants on, and while I do that, you start praying for Cass to get his sorry ass down here.” “Yes, ma’am!” He saluted you with a grin. You grinned back, and swiped your skinny jeans off the floor, moving to the bathroom.
You stared into the mirror for a few minutes after getting dressed, trying to make yourself look somewhat respectable again; something had changed in you, and a smoldering fire laid behind your eyes – a small part of you wondered, if it would still be there when you got the spell lifted. You sighed and turned your head slightly to the right, spotting the mark Dean had left on you. It was already purpling in the center – a surge of arousal went through you as you spotted it – the thought of his lips on you turned you on, more than you could imagine. You groaned. Fucking witches and their stupid spells with their stupid side-effects. Your mind wandered as you pulled your pants on, finally resting on the most bizarre thought you ever had.
A mental image of you, swollen belly, Dean behind you with a big grin on his face. Family.
You shook your head, trying to erase the mental image as if your mind was an etch-a-sketch, and huffed. You stepped out of the bathroom, and overheard the weirdest words coming out of Sam’s mouth.
“Oh, Castiel, overlord of our life, light of the light, get your ass down to our humble motel-room or so help me, we’re coming up!” You laughed loudly, Sam’s eyes snapping back at you. “It’s been ten minutes. He’s not coming.” You jerked your head to the side. “The hell he isn’t.”
“CASTIEL, YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE, OR I WILL RIP YOUR MEAT-SUIT IN TWO!” A faint whooshing came from the room behind you and Deans voice, muffled through the wall, sounded. “What the hell, man?” “I apologize, I must have the wrong room.” A ruffling came from outside the door, before it creaked opened.
Cass stood in front of you. “Still haven’t learned how to tie the tie the right way yet, I see.” You smirked at him before leaping to him, embracing him. He awkwardly patted your back. A growl came from behind him, Dean in a fighting stance, his top lip twitching slightly. “Dean, relax. It’s just Cass.” He growled louder at your words, and you sighed. “Dean, it’s fine.” You let go of Cass, and stepped towards Dean, a hand calmly stretched out in front of you. You laid your hand on his chest, feeling his heart slow down. “Dean.” His eyes flickered to your face. “Fuck, sorry Y/N. Cass.” He nodded at the angel, you simply turned to Sam. “Soul-bonding?” HE asked. Sam nodded. “Don’t even ask.” He uttered silently. Cass turned to you and Dean. “What do you need?” He asked. Dean wrapped his arm around you and exhaled. “Iron-knife and holy fire. I’m guessing you can fix one of the two.” He grumbled. Cas cocked his head to the side - briefly reminding you of a puppy - and answered. “I can fix both.” He pulled a knife, rusty and covered in dirt, from his inner-pocket of his trench-coat. “What the hell, Cass, where’d you get that?” Dean rushed to get the knife from Cass’s outstretched hand. “I procured it.” That’s Cass for you – straight-forward.
“Okay, well, don’t let me hold you back from explaining, Cass.” Dean deadpanned. Cas looked at him, confusing written over his face. “I told you. I procured it.” Dean opened his mouth, but Sam cut of off. “Thanks, Cass. How do we do this?” He asked, looking at you and Dean. You shrugged. “We gank the bitches.” You asserted, hands shaking slightly with the impending hunt. Sam sighed. “Small issue, there’ Y/N.” You looked at him. “We only know where the one is, not both.” He reminded you. Fuck. You looked at Dean. His eyes were like molding lava and his scent washed over you – your legs trembled, and your breath hitched. He must have heard you, and his eyes caught yours, his goddamn tongue slipped out and licked his lower lip, making your pussy suddenly aching for him. He growled, a small, almost silent noise, and your stomach turned. He leaned in, biting your earlobe, and whispered. “I want to ruin you...” You moaned at the thought and squeezed your legs together.
“Dudes, not the time!!” Sam’s voice suddenly penetrated your bubble. “Jesus, guys, I know you’re under a spell, but keep it together.” What?” You whispered, not really listening to him, your eyes never leaving Deans. “We only know where one of the witches are, what do we do?”   “Then we get one of them, okay? Better that than none of them.” You answered, shrugging. Just as he was about to speak again, Sam’s phone rang, and he held a hand up in apology while he answered. “Yeah. Bobby… What? Again?” He closed his eyes in annoyance and hung up. “Well, we found the second witch. Another couple found dead. Apparently, they had decided to go to a strip-club together and got… Frisky. Too frisky.” Dean guffawed. “That witch got many occupations, huh.” Sam looked at you and Dean, his face screaming “I hate you both” as he spotted Deans hand sliding down to your ass and heard your moan. He continued, albeit in a slightly clipped voice. “I guess we have to go to the strip-club. No doubt she’s posing as a dancer, it’s the best shot at getting to all of her victims.” He quipped. Dean laughed in glee. “That’s going to be fun.” He looked at Sam and at Cass, who had been staring out the window for most of your conversation. “You go gank the waitress-witch, we get the stripper-witch.” Dean instructed. Sam nodded in agreement. “Alright, let’s go.” He stood up, motioning to Cass to come along. “Uh, no. You go. We… We need a few minutes here.” Dean hummed, winking at you. You grinned, arousal pooling between your legs again.
Sam rolled his eyes. Cass stood expectantly beside the bed. “I can wait.” He said and sat down – Dean grinned. “No, Cass. Alone time. Me and Y/N. Naked.” “Oh, coitus. I understand. We will leave you be for a few moments. Let’s go, Sam.” Cass stood and walked to the door, Sam in his heels. “Be careful, guys, don’t go overboard.” Sam mumbled before he closed the door behind him.
Dean spun around to face you.
“Strip.” He smirked, already palming himself through his jeans, his eyes glinting with lust.
You moaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at his words, and you quickly discarded your shirt. He devoured your body with his eyes, as you removed your jeans and panties, standing straight in front of him, your body trembling – it felt like a magnetic pull was tethering you to him, your body wasn’t your own, but you didn’t mind it – all you wanted right now, was him inside you. He threw his shirt somewhere to his left, and he moved his jeans down, flipping them off his feet as he sat down on the bed. He motioned for you with his eyes, a silent beckoning, and you ran the few shorts steps towards him, not stopping before your lips was on his, capturing him in your arms. You whimpered into the kiss – it felt like you drew breath for the first time in your life, your body relaxing and you felt as if his lips gave you life, burning hot with desire, and you realized that you were his; his life and yours had somehow morphed into one, and you would never wanted this to stop.
His hands roamed your body, exploring and memorizing every inch of you, as you grew wetter and wetter, his cock pushing your thigh, begging for you. Your lips never left his as you slowly sat on his lap, his length sliding tantalizing against your dripping folds. You hissed as you slowly sank down on him, letting his cock stretch you – filling you fully – and he groaned at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. His hands moved to your ass, keeping you in place. “Move, baby.” He begged. You started to slowly lift yourself up, down, feeling every part of him – your eyes locked with his. It overwhelmed you when you saw the abundance of love in his eyes. He grabbed a tighter hold of you and started moving you up and down his length – you rolled your hips, feeling your orgasm nearing, and you wrapped your hands in his hair. You were both moaning – the sound of him enjoying you filled your ears and your eyes fluttered shut, as you gripped him tighter, veering on the edge of your orgasm. “Come for me, Y/N.” You whimpered his name as your orgasm ingulfed you, making you see stars, and you rolled your hips erratically against him, sparks flying as you came undone around him.
He gasped, and started thrusting into you, your arousal pooling on his legs, and he grunted your name. “I’m gonna come, Y/N…” He whispered, and you felt another orgasm unexpectantly nearing you again – his words sending you into a complete state of bliss. “Please, Dean, come… I need to feel you come...” You moaned as you grazed your teeth on his earlobe. he growled and thrusted erratically, harder than before, chasing both his and your orgasm – you came undone again, a feeling of absolute belonging and joy overtaking your mind, your pussy clenching around him, as you rode out your orgasm - he pumped on last time, and you felt him release inside of you. Warmth spread out from your abdomen, filling your body and you screamed out.
You were both panting, coming down from your high, Dean trailing small, lingering kisses on you. You stood up - once again feeling completely empty without Dean in you – on shaky legs, and grabbed your discarded clothes, not bothering to clean yourself. You were going to get filthy again within the next few hours.
Dean dressed, slowly, occasionally glancing at you, and finally he stood straight. Your breath hitched as you watched him – he was beautiful, and you marveled at him; he was almost bathed in a glow, enhancing every freckle, every speck of gold in his eyes, and tears welled up in your eyes. He rushed to you as he saw a single tear dripping from your eyes and hugged you tightly. “What wrong, sweetheart?” You giggled wetly. “Nothing, Dean. I just love you.” You said, peering up at him. A dazzling smile graced his features. “As I love you, baby.” He kissed the top of your head, letting you go.
“Let’s go and gank some witches.” He declared excitingly.
 TAG LIST @xcaraphernericax, @jadepc, @deansgirl1985, @sweetgeekbear,
JENSEN/DEAN-TAG: @trustnobodyshootfirst, @hobby27
FOREVERLIST:  @supernaturalmagicfolk
(i love you all!)                  
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just-random-obsessions · 7 years ago
The Ten Misha Minion Commandments
Thou shalt pay all money in coins
Thou shalt hold tea party’s in the middle of thy highways
Thou shalt always cosplay as Castiel
Thou shalt always wear thy trench coat
Thou shalt always pray to thy Castiel every night before bed
Thou shalt always read thy books upon banks
Thou shalt spend nights in igloos
Thou shalt be devout minion to thy overlord
Thou shalt always be fucked up thy head
Thou shalt always worship thy Overlord
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