#the others i cannot and do not blame so heavily bc aro is literally using chelsea and corin during recruitments
felixschokehold · 2 years
Not me giving Felix an absolutely fucking tragic, heartbreaking backstory of being one of the most fierce and notorious fighters in his country’s history [I’m cheesy and thinking of making his origins in/near Sparta]. Aro, after hearing the tales of this great warrior, approaches him with the allure of power. After Felix rejects it, Aro orchestrates the massacre and absolute destruction of Felix’s people. Aro approaches Felix a second time and when he says no again, he bites Felix, knowing he’d run to the mountains nearby to not hurt his people, and while he was turning, Aro mounted a full scale attack so that Felix wouldn’t be able to save his people or his family. He would have nothing to come back to. And that was the true story of how Sparta’s reign ended.
So when Felix gets his thirst under control and he returns home, his entire village is burnt to the ground and the bodies of men, women, and children lay scattered and in pieces everywhere. Days later, Aro returns and acts shocked over the situation and then uses Chelsea’s power to bind Felix to him and uses Corin to force Felix to feel okay to be with the Volturi and to not have any suspicions. 
My OC Elise is going to have some gripes with all of the atrocities Aro has committed and I’m excited to see what I’ll have her power to develop to be in order to take Aro and Caius out of the equation. Aro is going to end up hating her because she’s bringing out Felix’s memories and emotions he nearly completely forgot centuries ago and it’s going to make him angry and it’ll be too late for Chelsea to sever any bonds because Elise and Felix will be too romantically bonded by then. 
Ah, the struggles of trying to figure out general history of a certain area to give an already existing character a history because the author couldn’t be fucked to give any god damn information about them lmfao thanks Smeyer
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