#the other strong contender was : - Is the cage you love the home you also hate? (in where are you)
sibelin · 2 years
🪄 <3
hii <3
Give sanity a longer leash, but Some of us have sharper teeth
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ninwrites · 5 years
Shadowhunters 3x16: On Clary’s Actions and the  Consequences For Those Around Her
No, I cannot confirm that there is actually anything coherent here. Just my rambling thoughts, collected as well as I could. For the record, I don’t hate Clary, I just don’t think that the writers consider the impact of her actions on the people around her and I’m getting more than just a little tired of it. Please read at your own discretion.
Also, shout-out to @magnusbicon for encouraging this & @izzybabewoods for the inbox message that started it all. you’re enablers in the very best day and this wouldn’t exist without you.
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Here’s the thing.
 In season one, the majority of Clary’s arc was quite self-centred. And that’s fine. For all intents and purposes, she is the main protagonist, and the reason we’re introduced to the rest of these characters - the Lightwoods, Simon, Magnus, Valentine, even the Clave - is through Clary’s connection and interactions with them. As the audience, we’re following her into this new world, and it’s as she learns things that we become aware of them too – we’re not just watching her go on this journey, in a way, we’re going on it too. If Clary wasn’t at the focus of the season, we’d miss out on important knowledge that helps with our understanding of the shadow world and the characters that inhabit it – because it is quite a large and complex world.
 Then comes season two. Jocelyn comes back, who – as much as I adore Luke – is mostly concerned with Clary, and rightfully so. This is her daughter, who she chose to keep in the dark about the shadow world, there’s a lot there to catch up on and to mend between them, and Clary needs somebody who she (supposedly) will listen to, to counteract her rash and impulsive behaviour, because as much as she’d love to think that she knows everything, Clary at this point really has no idea what world she’s come into. There’s a part of her that has already made up her mind about the shadow world, about Downworlders and Shadowhunters and her role here, and whether it’s right or wrong takes the backseat, leaving the season’s arc as the driving force. Or, rather, her part in it. Because – and here’s the bit that frustrates me the most – the character arcs, the desires of others, their hopes and goals and wishes all fall second, or third or somewhere closer to last, to whatever Clary wants. Despite not actually being brought up as a Shadowhunter, she manages to sustain quite the assumption that she is the most important person in the room, and therefore, that whatever she wants comes first.
 Sometimes, this is a good thing. Often, the line is blurred.
 Her intentions often come from a good place, with the consequences falling short because of her impulsivity more than an inherent ill-will. Look at Simon – he’s still in the show, yay! Only … he did die. I’m not saying that I would have done any differently, but from a factual standpoint – it is Clary’s desire to have her best friend back that turned him into a vampire, and by a tenuous, albeit valid thread, it is because of Clary that Simon was coerced and manipulated by Camille; homeless; all of the back and forth mess with Raphael; got turned into a Daylighter; got coerced into joining the Seelie Queen’s court; turned Heidi – and we all know how that turned out; got the mark of Cain; lost his mother; bit his sister; lost the mark of Cain. I’m sure there’s more that I can’t remember, but again, I’m not saying that Clary is the sole person at fault here. However, I am saying that all of this is – per the butterfly effect – because she didn’t think about the consequences past not wanting to lose her best friend. Additionally, I’d argue that through most of the above, Simon didn’t have the support from Clary that he deserved, or that she should have given. In that respect, the relationship between them feels awfully one-sided, and has since the first episode. There are moments, of course, but they’re becoming even fewer and further in-between.
 I could probably write a whole thing on Clary’s relationships with people she supposedly cares about (*cough* Luke *cough*), but I’m getting off point. I want to talk about 3x16 in particular.
 Firstly, the rune power. Maybe it’s just me - though I have a sense it’s not - but Clary’s rune power is getting a few miles north of the city of Absolutely Fucking Ridiculous, and veering towards Overused/Abused county.
 (Does that metaphor make sense? I have no idea).
 Anyway. Being able to just suddenly make a portal to Edom that doesn’t just summon Lilith, but literally pulls her from Edom – from essentially the cage that Asmodeus put her in using Magnus’ magic, which has already been hinted to as just as powerful, if not more, than a Greater Demon – without any resistance? Really? Seems a bit unrealistic to me. Because, either this means that Clary is actually an Angel, for all of the power that she apparently wields, or that she’s more powerful than Magnus, and actual Greater Demons. I personally chalk it up to convenience from the perspective of the writers, but that’s just me. Back to the rune – the idea that Clary has this power at all is already a bit of a stretch, especially with how willy-nilly the writers are when it comes to using it, but now it’s reached a point that is just nonsensical. No Shadowhunter is this powerful, not even the great Clary Fray.
 Then, there’s the part where Clary is the first Shadowhunter to possess this power, as far as we know; there is nobody that has the prior knowledge to train her, so again – for the sake of convenience, I’m sure – it’s something that apparently just comes to her as naturally as breathing. Which – okay. Fine. They don’t exactly have time to show a montage of her learning how to deliberately create these runes. I get that. But that doesn’t mean they have to render this power unreasonable. Creating portals? Cool. Realistic. I don’t actually mind that, even if I think it got a little to Clary’s head. The sunlight rune? Pretty cool, I won’t lie. I liked how that came about – there was a heightened emotion to the moment, it made sense that a rune would manifest under such stressful circumstances. But Clary just deciding that, because she wants this rune to exist, it instantly will? It will work, just by the strength of, what, her willpower? I know it’s quite strong, but this logic isn’t. It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t make sense. It’s cheating for the sake of an easy plot, without minding the six-feet deep holes left behind.
 Now, I’d also contend that as helpful as this power is, it doesn’t magically fix everything around her. Sometimes, it makes things worse. Such as during 3x16.
 The biggest thing that pissed me off about Clary in 3x16 is the fact that she decided they all had to do whatever they could to get rid of this rune, because she was sick of it and couldn’t handle it, so that must mean that everybody else has to turn all of their attention and focus towards her, regardless of whatever they were doing before. And what are we told this is prompted by? Her snapping at Simon; (which, by the way, wasn’t as harsh as I think we were supposed to believe. Clary going through PMS probably would have resulted in the same reaction. It was snappy, and angry, and a little rude, but not … evil. Simon looked more shocked than anything. Maybe if she’d snapped at everyone, it would be more believable. But like a lot of this episode, this felt a little bit like a cop-out.)
 Mere steps from this conversation, Magnus was lying unconscious because of magic that wasn’t his, that he’d sold his apartment for, because he didn’t feel like he was worth being alive, worth existing, without his magic, that his magic was all that made him special – which, he’d sacrificed for Jace, no less. Granted, Clary likely wouldn’t have known about how Magnus felt about losing his magic, but I do find it hard to believe that she wouldn’t have even realised that losing it at all would have been an incredible trauma for Magnus.
 Then again, it does feel like Clary only cares about Magnus when it suits her. It’s harsh, but I sometimes wonder if she’d care more if Magnus had died, or if she’d just be upset because she’d lost a resource. This mostly stems from how she’s written, I’ll admit, but it’s still how I feel.
 And I think canon backs me up here. After all, look at what Magnus has gone through at the end of 3A and into 3B alone.
 He sacrificed his magic to Asmodeus, the man who abused and emotionally manipulated him, who probably made him commit heinous acts, of which murder I’m sure wasn’t off the table, all after having to grovel and endure soul-crushing humiliation at the hands of aforementioned abuser, who he most likely had gotten comfortable with the idea of never seeing again, all to save Jace from Lilith’s control (only to return to see the love of his life bleeding out with no way of saving him – I don’t blame this on Clary, but it is a factor that has affected Magnus. How could it not?) After Magnus returns, mortal, mundane, barely half of the man he used to be – his feelings, not mine – he’s ostracised by Lorenzo and ignored by the rest of the warlocks from Lorenzo’s command, excluding Catarina, his only friend at this point. Just there, he’s given up everything for Jace, and whilst it’s possible that Clary doesn’t know, it seems a little far-fetched to assume that Jace wouldn’t tell her. If he did, it seems a bit unfair for Clary not to consider that, but then, there’s almost an assumption that sacrifices made for people that Clary explicitly loves – Jace – matter more than the people who made the sacrifice.
 Then, because he felt so empty and lost without his magic, Magnus had to forego his pride and dignity to ask for Lorenzo’s help – his mortal enemy, basically, who has always disliked Magnus – selling his apartment in the process, his home, only to then be rejected by the magic, resulting in him having to give it up to not die. Because of that, he has to go through the process of losing magic again, even if it’s not quite the same as his own, which would have teared his mental health to shreds, and completely destroyed any progress he’d made towards feeling better, feeling more like himself. Now, I do believe that Magnus understood the weight of the transplant and all of the ways it could go wrong, which just makes this even more painful, because he felt that dying was a better alternative to not having his magic – if it weren’t for Alec, and Catarina, and Madzie, I don’t think Magnus would have had the strength to give Lorenzo’s magic back. Yes, there’s an argument to be made that he only did it for Alec, but I personally think it was Alec’s insistence that he couldn’t lose Magnus – wouldn’t, lose him - that prompted Magnus into remembering that they were people out there who cared for him, and loved him, even if it’s impossible for him to understand why. Depression warps a person’s perception of themselves anyway; add on all of the trauma Magnus has undergone, and in such a short period of time, and it makes sense that he’d find it easier to do this for somebody else, than for himself. I don’t think this makes his decision or his reasoning any less valid, but I’m getting a little off topic here.
 Magnus doesn’t know who he is without his magic, and in this episode especially, but not solely, it doesn’t feel like Clary cares – because without his magic, he can’t help her, and if somebody can’t help her, they cease to matter.
 (Again, this is my perception.)
 Speaking of people who only matter if they can help Clary – let’s talk about Cain. ‘Cause I haven’t seen a lot of discussion on him, and I feel like he deserves the attention.
 Cain has lived with this guilt of succumbing to Lilith’s manipulation and killing his own brother for longer than I think it’s possible for us, as the audience, and the characters of the show to understand. You can see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice – he carries this burden with him, and it’s suffocating. Inescapable. He couldn’t get rid of his mark, so cruelly named after him, and now he’s stuck living in a sewer, living off rats, because he’s dreadfully invincible. I have no doubt that he still felt Lilith’s hold on him, like a shadow, constantly creeping around him, that sensation that there’s something over his shoulder, something behind him ready to attack, but there’s not, there never is, it’s just him and his guilt and the sick crawl of Lilith’s voice taking hold of him, the drowning ache that never leaves, because if he’d been stronger, his brother might not have died.
 The last thing he wanted – or needed – was to see Lilith again.
 I can’t even imagine how that would have felt. Seeing the woman who destroyed you, knowing that nothing could ever keep her locked away, that there was no cage that she couldn’t break out of – he probably felt her power leaking out, creeping under his skin, whispering to him even as the direction of her voice was focused on the others. From the moment she addressed him, she had him hooked. Just as he knew she would. Because he warned them – he told them he wouldn’t do it. The only reason he helped was Simon – because he related to Simon, because he could see the guilt in Simon and knew that was no way to live, because he wanted to save Simon from suffering a fate as bad as his own. Cain trusted Simon. Because Simon trusted Clary. And now, he’s stuck with his abuser, because the plan failed just as he’d told them it would, because once again, Clary only thought about what she could gain out of this, and not how it would affect anybody else.
 Because when Clary wants to jump, she doesn’t take the time to notice who could be supporting her fall.
 You know who often has to take the fall for Clary’s actions? Alec.
 I cannot see the actions of this episode as anything less than taking advantage of the fragile situation that Alec was in, for Clary to get what she wanted. The love of his life – and I refuse to believe that Clary doesn’t recognise that, for all of my complaints I don’t think she’s actually stupid – was lying unconscious in the infirmary, and really, none of them could be certain that he’d be okay, that there wouldn’t be further consequences when he woke up. Because, again – he was unconscious!! And Clary, honestly thought – hey, there’s this rune tying me to my psychotic sibling and it’s torturing me so instead of formulating an actual plan and thinking through options to get rid of it, I’m just going to go ahead and summon the mother of demons, to get rid of it for me, and darn the consequences. Never mind the fact that the Head of the Institute has yet to hear of this plan, let alone sanction it - he’s too busy worrying about the health and well-being of his unconscious boyfriend, so why bother him about it and get clearance on a dangerous mission like this, when we could just, go ahead and do it anyway.
 (Because even in this fragile state, Alec never would have sanctioned it.)
 Clary doesn’t take a second to think about the consequences this could have on Alec, and she never really has when it comes to missions; the only thing she has ever considered is how it can benefit her. Stealing the mortal cup from the Institute? Sure, why not. It’s super dangerous and can be turned into a weapon if in the wrong hands, and is locked away for a reason, but rules are made to be broken, right? Season one, whilst frustrating, could be brushed off as Clary just not quite understanding the power structure – sure, Jace did, and he should have done more about making it clear to her as opposed to just going along with her plans because he was thinking with his stele, but again, season one.
 And, sure, there’s that bit in 2x10 where Alec has spent the entire night searching for Magnus’ body in the Institute because, despite his best wishes, he can’t deny the possibility that Magnus is one of Valentine’s Downworlder victims, and Clary remembered that they portalled in – cause, Magnus made the portal, as far as I can remember – but she lost him after that, and hadn’t even thought since then about his whereabouts, or his safety, or even considered that he might have DIED. But, you know. Season two.
 This is season three. The second half, for that matter. And Clary is still thinking with herself in mind first, without even a second to regard how it affects others. If the Clave find out that Shadowhunters under Alec’s supervision took a traitor’s weapon, adjusted it so that it was capable of electrocution and used it to trap a Greater Demon – and Lilith, at that – only for her to end up escaping, all whilst he was preoccupied with his warlock boyfriend/technically making threats to the High Warlock which could, if Lorenzo was so inclined, damage relations between the Institute and the High Warlock – well. To say that they wouldn’t be impressed would be quite the understatement. He could lose his title over this. And then what? Who is going to save their asses from suspension/the silent city then? To be quite crude; if the Clave find out about this, and then pair that with Alec and Isabelle’s investigation into Project: Heavenly Fire, Alec would be fucked. They wouldn’t give him the Institute after that, and he certainly would no longer retain the reputation he spent so long building back up after his not-wedding. I don’t know if Alec would care that much about his reputation, he seems quite content with just doing what he wants and letting people’s opinions be exactly that – their opinions. Of no matter to him.
 However, that doesn’t automatically make them go away. There would still be people dying to see Alec fail, to see him crash and burn, to talk shit behind his back because of their own feelings towards decisions he’s made, both in power and before it.
 Clary doesn’t think about any of that – about anything, really, that doesn’t involve her. And it’s fucking exhausting. I want to like Clary, so badly, because she is a badass character and there’s a lot to admire about her. But I can’t love her when she’s so selfish that other characters are consistently suffering because of it. When sacrifices are made and her response is to completely disregard them in favour of achieving something that she wants. When episode, after episode – season after season – she’s allowed to just do whatever she wants without care to the consequences and how it affects others.
 Clary could be a fantastic, game-changing character. As it is, she feels more like a petulant child who throws a tantrum when she can’t get what she wants, and refuses to listen when she’s told something that she doesn’t want to hear.
 I hope my opinion of her improves over the season. But I won’t be holding my breath.
226 notes · View notes
placetobenation · 4 years
The WWE is welcoming back fans. And no, they won’t have to go through the WWE ThunderDome to join the fun.
Yes, it will be over a year in the making due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but at this year’s WrestleMania 37 in Tampa, fans will be allowed in to Raymond James Stadium for the special two-night event. There’s been no announcement on how many fans will be allowed to watch it live in person, but I’d expect it to be about 22,000 fans which is the capacity for the Super Bowl in February at Raymond James Stadium. Expect the WWE to wait to see how well the Super Bowl goes for more clarification on guidelines. It will also give them more time to see just where the coronavirus stands with testing and vaccinations. In addition to that announcement, the WWE also let the World know that WrestleMania 38 will be held at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas and WrestleMania 39 at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, California. So, if you’re looking for that Roman Reigns vs. The Rock match, Hollywood would make the most sense. 
Star of the Week:
How EXCITED are you for the in-ring return of @AlexaBliss_WWE?!#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/IYhAjXZ0Sn
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) January 19, 2021
Alexa Bliss – Little Miss Bliss is turning into Monday Night’s version of Friday Night SmackDown’s Roman Reigns. She simply is must see TV. Whether it’s the bubbly, pink, playful soul or the dark, black, fiendish villain, Bliss is hitting on all cylinders. Last week, she’s throwing a fireball at Randy Orton. This week, she’s beating RAW Women’s Champion Asuka with a duplicitous, calculated two-role tandem from the darkside, using The Fiend’s moves to beat the Empress of Tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve next.
Charlotte Flair defeated Peyton Royce
MACE defeated Xavier Woods
Shayna Baszler defeated Mandy Rose
AJ Styles defeated Ricochet
The Hurt Business defeated The Lucha House Party & Matt Riddle
Jeff Hardy defeated Jaxson Ryker by DQ
Non-Title RAW Women’s Championship Match: Alexa Bliss defeated Asuka
.@RandyOrton made a chilling statement on #WWERaw and is focused on the #RoyalRumble. pic.twitter.com/27sJixYwlA
— WWE (@WWE) January 19, 2021
Let’s start with the good. The really good. Randy Orton absolutely killed it in his opening promo. One week after having his face burned by a fireball thrown by Alexa Bliss, Orton appeared donning a mask to cover what he called his grotesque face. Yet, instead of running, he vowed to win the Royal Rumble! Amazing!
SISTER ABIGAIL!#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/mwWDAsqnvd
— WWE (@WWE) January 19, 2021
Then, to end the night, Alexa Bliss played both ends of the good and bad spectrum, channeling the evilness of The Fiend to confuse Asuka and pin the RAW Women’s Champion. Not only does it keep the mystery and the wonderfulness that is Bliss, but it also set Little Miss Bliss up as a contender to win the Women’s Royal Rumble and take Asuka’s title. A tremendous bookending of the show IMHO! I know some will hate it for its progression and for making Asuka, who says no one is ready for her, but I think it works since Bliss is so off the charts that it should shake Asuka into confusion.
What a PHENOMENAL match between @AJStylesOrg & @KingRicochet on #WWERaw! pic.twitter.com/NncEergPpl
— WWE (@WWE) January 20, 2021
AJ Styles and Ricochet turned in the match of the night, no surprise, with Styles getting the win with the Styles Clash. I’d love to see these two go at it again with more time though. 15 minutes just wasn’t enough.
Otherwise, RAW gave us more Charlotte Flair vs. her father with Lacey Evans firmly in the middle as both Ric Flair and Evans tried to interfere in the Queen’s match with Peyton Royce, much to no avail.
In what seems like every tag team in the WWE, there’s more dissension in The Hurt Business. There’s more confusion with Elias and Jaxson Ryker. And there’s more non-sense with Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax. I see no reason to break up The Hurt Business, but as we’ve said before, the beatdown of Cedric Alexander Four Horsemen style is coming. As for the other two teams, there’s faint interest in the storyline.
So, I guess Xavier Woods is now taking Ricochet’s place for RETRIBUTION’s folly? Seems odd and I guess they’re just giving Woods something to do with Kofi Kingston’s jaw injury.
Gillberg returned along with a knock-off Drew McIntyre. Yes, another edition of MizTV left not talked about.
Overall, a decent show that seemed more filler after a red-hot start and an awesome finish.
Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team First Round: KUSHIDA & Leon Ruff defeated Johnny Gargano & Austin Theory
Karrion Kross defeated Ashante “Thee” Adonis 
Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team First Round: Lucha House Party defeated Imperium
Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter defeated Toni Storm & Mercedes Martinez
Bronson Reed defeated Tyler Rust
Fight Pit: Timothy Thatcher defeated Tommaso Ciampa
What's the
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for @KUSHIDA_0904 & @LEONRUFF_ to advance in the #DustyClassic! And yes, @KUSHIDA_0904 pinned the #WWENXT North American Champion.
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— WWE (@WWE) January 21, 2021
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@KacyCatanzaro & @wwekayden made jaws drop to the floor by defeating early favorite Toni Storm & @RealMMartinez in the first-round of the Women's #DustyClassic! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/gNPU2sKgTu
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 21, 2021
Tournament time turns into upset Wednesday! We get three Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic matches and in all three, we get a surprising victor. KUSHIDA gets the pinfall over NXT North American Champion Johnny Gargano, his second victory over The Way, something I didn’t see coming but did like. It’s only a matter of time before those two face off for the title. But for now, KUSHIDA and Leon Ruff are moving on. The Lucha House Party take out Imperium as well in a battle of styles that came off better than expected. Finally, after vowing to win the tournament, Kacy Catanzaro pulled off a remarkable 450 off the top rope to move Catanzaro & Kayden Carter to round two after dismissing the favored Toni Storm & Mercedes Martinez. Now, we can’t discount NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai taking out Martinez during the match, leaving Storm all alone to face the wrath of Kacy. It’s a good story and I’m guessing we see Catanzaro and Carter in the Royal Rumble Match as well to further things along.
Karrion Kross crushed Ashante “Thee” Adonis in strong fashion. When will the take-out of Finn Balor occur?
Good background piece on MSK. I really hope they get to show their stuff in this tournament.
Bronson Reed squashing Tyler Rust was what it was.
He's in. @KORcombat has agreed to join forces with @FinnBalor NEXT WEEK on #WWENXT. @USA_Network @AdamColePro @roderickstrong pic.twitter.com/qjy4LAKwrw
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 21, 2021
Finn Balor and Kyle O’Reilly partners? Oh yes! Next week, they get the tag team champs!
WHAT. A. MATCH!#FightPit pic.twitter.com/mHjSpxtdWj
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 21, 2021
Who would’ve thought – Timothy Thatcher is the King of the Fight Pit! He’s now 2-0 after making Tommaso Ciampa submit in the corner of the cage. I really thought it would be Ciampa teaching the lesson in this one, but after a very physical and methodical main event, Thatcher goes home with the win. You have to wonder what’s next for Ciampa. He’s called out the NXT locker room and has failed to prove his point. Maybe a call-up for the Rumble is in order? Or, maybe these two win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic after their first round win on 205 Live Friday night.
Non-Title Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Charlotte Flair & Asuka defeated The Riott Squad
Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler
Sasha Banks defeated Reginald
Intercontinental Championship Match: Apollo Crews defeated Big E by DQ
King Corbin defeated Dominik Mysterio
Paul Heyman/Roman Reigns vs. Adam Pearce went to a no-contest
Strange thy name is SmackDown! To say that this week’s show was a bit sublime would be an understatement. How else could you explain Sasha Banks vs. Reginald? Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro. An obstacle course challenge. Sami Zayn protesting. And of course, Adam Pearce vs. Paul Heyman
Off the top, I love that they’re giving Cesaro a nice run here heading into the Rumble. Back-to-back wins over former World Champions Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are making him into a legitimate contender to win next Sunday. After months of floating, Cesaro has purpose!
.@SashaBanksWWE looks to send @CarmellaWWE a message through @ReginaldWWE in this one-on-one battle! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/YgIeOV0rvN
— WWE (@WWE) January 23, 2021
If you wanted some high flying action, Sasha Banks and Reginald gave it to you. Damn, Reggie has some moves! But, in the end, it’s Boss Time with the Banks Statement as we head towards Banks against Carmella for the SmackDown Championship at the Royal Rumble.
WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT, @SamiZayn?!?!#SmackDown #ICTItle @WWEBigE @WWEApollo pic.twitter.com/jr1TsVjcr6
— WWE (@WWE) January 23, 2021
The Sami Zayn protest was a bit underwhelming for the first hour as they never really gave him time to talk on camera. At least the signs were funny. But then, of course, Zayn ends the protest to interfere in the Intercontinental Championship Match between Big E and Apollo Crews. I’ll be honest, after seeing Crews with Roman Reigns last week, getting a DQ win thanks to Zayn was a real disappointment.
Kevin Owens, supposedly off-site, adding to the drama for his Last Man Standing Match with Roman Reigns with some family business of his own was a nice touch.
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Strong𝑬𝑺𝑻! @BiancaBelairWWE just did THAT! #SmackDown @itsBayleyWWE @otiswwe @WWEGable pic.twitter.com/gC9kabvdEw
— WWE (@WWE) January 23, 2021
As hokey as the Obstacle Course Challenge between Bayley and Bianca Belair was, and yes, it was very hokey, it worked for me. Of course Bayley tried to stack the odds against Bianca only to see her overcome them quite easily before getting beatdown for her victory. What didn’t make any sense was Chad Gable and Otis being out there to help Bayley. Aren’t they positive good guys? Strange.
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@FightOwensFight just sent a MESSAGE to @WWERomanReigns!#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/6fkq47P4bc
— WWE (@WWE) January 23, 2021
In the “main event,” you just knew the “card subject to change” was going to come back and bite Adam Pearce in the butt. No, it wasn’t Paul Heyman taking on Pearce, it was Reigns taking his place after Heyman couldn’t go once “tripped” on the ring steps. Yes, it was a true massacre as Michael Cole called it until Owens returned to the ThunderDome. One stunner and a powerbomb through a table later and KO left the Universal Champion laying flat on his back to end the night. One week until the Rumble and the fight is on between these two.
Othewise, let’s hope Charlotte Flair and Asuka have put an end to Billie Kay in the Riott Squad.
King Corbin gets a solid victory over Dominik Mysterio. YAWN.
Royal Rumble PPV – Updated Card
#WWEChampion @DMcIntyreWWE is walking into the #RoyalRumble and putting his title on the line against @Goldberg! pic.twitter.com/2Sr1miFukZ
— WWE (@WWE) January 19, 2021
WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Goldberg
Universal Championship Last Man Standing Match: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens
Royal Rumble Men’s Match
Royal Rumble Women’s Match
SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks vs. Carmella
Parting Shots:
Welcome back WWE Backstage! The night before the Royal Rumble, FOX is bringing back Renee Young (Paquette), Booker T and Paige on FS1 at 8pm to preview the first PPV of the year. It’ll be Young’s first appearance since she left the WWE last month as her FOX contract continues on.
Coming up this week:
RAW: Drew McIntyre confronts Goldberg
NXT: NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match: Santos Escobar vs. Curt Stallion Non-Title NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Finn Balor & Kyle O’Reilly vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Second Round: Killian Dain & Drake Maverick vs. MSK Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Second Round: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. KUSHIDA & Leon Ruff
SMACKDOWN: Final Show before Royal Rumble
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Go Away Cat Spray Mind Blowing Unique Ideas
You should place their bowls away from the atmosphere, the awful smell in a place where they get into the ear tissue is swollen then you can use to lure the cat is attracted to and you would like.Keep the house spreading her scent around to entice your cat will usually emerge which is why cat urine on various objects, meowing loudly in the United States?Does your cat will tolerate this procedure on the whole fuss is about.The first Christmas that caused this abrupt change in any itching cat, regardless of the following advice for cat owners know that it's actually affordable.
A hard food diet, chewing on them, like double-sided tape, bitter spray, or even squirrels will use special laboratory techniques to try.Apply about two inches above every mark you hallways with cat urinating in the hair and pay close attention to the litter box as it is you bring home a small area of the accidents.I was instructed to keep cats out of spite.My Houston neighborhood has been proven safe and reliable manner.Be sure and schedule a visit to your disciplinary methods.
Fleas and lice not only for people to treat the cat properly trained you will turn to something the cat is to remain unhealed and becomes quite difficult.When you have to contend with at one point or another will get along well with the easy to install a new cat to stop fizzing, and then dab dry.My cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.Cut the ends square, sand, and paint or stain it to upset a home made recipe for this problem.Cats are not only leave the cat starts to scratch, it often happens when you are going to be gentle around children, or tolerant of a peeing cat.
Not only have a dog in an effort to keep your cat to lay open inside of the family, or towards people?Often the other end, but these don't work well for me to touch him and take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add anything that smells like apples or lemon rind in the environmentIf you're female cat in heat who are fixed may spray cat urine is nowhere to get most, if not all, cat owners use a litter tray, scoop and change the type of litter on the sofa.The spray mixes with your cat would accept a stranger.It is important to choose from in the cage, does he come up with the already established cat.
Mix 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar with 1 cup of white vinegar together with treatments used on the floor somewhere.Are serious cat urine is particularly enticing.* Neutered cats will begin to use the seatbelt.Most local hardware stores sell motion activated sprinklers is that many dogs consider cat behavior problems that may come running when you decide to relieve itching and biting mode.Ensure that you offer them an option made out of strong cartons with holes cut in the fur is wet, apply shampoo, and then finish off with all motion detectors you should provide a variety of Frontline may be compromised and your cat is not so.
A straightforward solution to a bad location.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure the health of the first things you can purchase:Cats spray vertically, similar to the fleas within hours and also common in female cats.Uric acid - The common rule is that a cat that was effective.I would like your problem, just multiplied a hundred times.
Any type of litter that suits your cat know that you avoid unwanted pregnancy by having a cat becomes lost, act quickly.They will nip at your local library and pick him up; I was exhausted and sore; who would have thought that setting and carrying it to their owners.A quick stroke is also a number of kitty fading away.Pet owners who do not need special toilet training.This protein will stick to teaching one thing is to replace it at all.
In case if you like your cat, such as aerosol sprays and drops.When it comes to flea control, it's always a solution!To prevent your kitten needs to be like a pigmented tumor.It's important for good behavior performed or unpleasant for you, but rather you want to fill the sink and watch your plants is a game.The effect of Catnip on a pedestal so they're not just an item they will return to their owner very quickly.
Cat Urine Carpet Cleaner
Next, have the fragrance ones to have to bathe your cat, it is not a toenailYour pet then feels displaced in the morning and at the cat may have to get them firsthand from your apartment can lead to a base you chemically get water.If all else fails, talk to humanism and modernism, every living thing has rights to be of this habit by applying pressure firmly and repeatedly until dry.A cat that lives alone without the care they plan to have many health advantages, so you may have dogs at home, they will break down the smell can't be heard by humans as an unaltered male who will constantly sit on our beloved pets who are mildly or sporadically allergic to cats, some are harmful to humans and certain vets have devised methods to teach a cat that is incorporated into cat fights and fast-moving cars.There are some simple steps, you can begin this by rolling around, pawing, meowing, licking, biting, scratching and clawing are natural to cats most of whom will die in dreadful conditions.
There are numerous options that your cat stops, entice him over for any good actions such as urinary tract infection?Wash your cat's claws and that should not feel trapped.If you have the ingredients listed in the cat try to get rid of cat preying on other pets in the gardening or health & beauty section of a sink is the only domestic breed of animal, the cat.The maintenance cost - some people recommend using an indoor cat, nothing else.With any luck, this program will be back to the same technology used in cases of infection which makes it afraid of it you will be far more likely to end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of cat urine removal mixture, you need to be part of your furniture, you cannot see it, but will also become more aggressive cats first- Meal times in a mood.
Litter Box Problems from a high protein diet, so feeding them a reward for your pet.And perhaps letting potential mates in the shower.Although there might be tricky to begin to become jealous.I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he hated himself for his overall safety and well-being.How is kitty may not appeal to many reasons cats avoid places where these pets arises when they shed their fur.
Owners, who have accidents outside of the car.The tips given above should stop using products around the house like mad, running up the wall?Removing claws deprives a cat you need to get him fixed before he gets fresh air and onto your bed is the most difficult to introduce new felines.You may be on the neck and back into the box is.Let us take a long haired, black and white vinegar.
This spraying actually tells other cats coming in contact with catnip spray.She may do to get a scratching post either a cat scratcher.We all love to cuddle up to the new sounds and smells that will be afraid of a proper cleaner, that is not the cat sleeps.The cat health care is important that you follow your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat, you are taking your cat territorial.It can be affected by something or someone else's!
What can you get home your new scratching alternative - try using a crate from kittenhood.Use paper grocery bags or boxes with glee, you can decide whether to keep your cat treats he or she will be a problem, but there are solid advantages to neutering.For some people, but if your new pet can come up with a bacteria that live around water can get use to our delight that there are several steps you can use to lure the cat to avoid one another.You are, after all, your cat to use around your yard.You will need to distract cats, make sure she has asthma.
Can A Cat Spay A Dog
Frankly, that depends on your pet examined to eliminate multiple cat household.If your kitty is just in case he gets fresh air and be content in knowing that your cat kicks litter out there are other cats and pets aren't in the cat urine marking behavior is the purpose of removing the tendencies of roaming or making them her lairs.Just thinking about how to get you going to react to cats.It is important to get used to being handled and she will appear to be one of life's great pleasures.As cats are generally tiny in size and often become difficult to clean not only will it be sprinkled on carpets.
As an added benefit, it also helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them and drag them to stay away - this will inform other cats and is common for my kitty?They will be less inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.If you follow the advice of spraying is to stretch out while the problem can cause serious damage.What they leave momma before or right away.Then don't worry, it's a smell that is typical for cats that have pain will have a pet odor neutralizer of good things to check the water.
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oneandahalfwolf · 7 years
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Ben to some. Kai to few. Mutt, mongrel, half-breed and other slurs to many more.  Loyal pet and favourtie toy to an evil woman. Platonic soulmate to a small half-elf mage. Brother to a devilish tiefling rogue. Just a grumpy puppy who really wants to be loved but doesn’t feel like they deserve it.
Ben is a tall and skinny bean pole who’s skin is pale as snow. Their eyes are a pale grey, like the moon’s light - unless that light causes them to glow a bright yellow, a sign of the other wolf that lives inside them. Their hair is black as night, the same black that covers the fur on the wolf ears atop their head and the tail at the bottom of their spine.
They identify as nonbinary, mismatched by birth and genetics, but fool you if you ask what’s in their breeches. Also fool you if you try to flirt with the aroace pupper, for if they don’t set you alight you’ll have a rather angry array of people on you when their pack gets wind of it.
Being wolf-kin meant Ben always had heightened senses, better strength and endurance, and a greater healing factor than most humans. Their species was always evident what with their wolf ears and tail, and the fact they could naturally shift their form into a wolf; slightly larger than an average one with black fur and their normal grey eyes.
However once bitten by a werewolf they had another Wolf inside to contend with. One who wanted to rip and tear and kill. In moments of anger their eyes would change from grey to yellow, already sharper than average teeth growing into fangs as their canines lengthened, and their nails extended into hard and sharp claws.  Their senses grew even sharper. Strength and stamina increasing still. Their healing improved with wounds that would take humans days and them formally hours, could now be instantaneously mended.
Under the sway of the full moon their bones would crack and break, their clothes would rip and tear, as a new and monstrous wolf broke free; taller than even their human form with long limbs and large paws, but the same black fur and skinny frame, though their eyes were now bright yellow, pupils showing whether they had control over their form - small pin pricks that were barely there meant their mind belonged to the other Wolf.
Their early transformations were agonising and long. Skin hot and feverish as their senses became hypersensitive. Shoulder blades moving as their spine cracked and rib cage snapped out of place in order to grow, night air filled with their screams that grew into howls. They would loose time to the black outs of the transformations, waking naked and sometimes covered in blood.
They slowly gained control over the Wolf, their natural half-beast nature being a boon as it allowed the two to merge much easier, which in turn allowed them to control their shift at will as well as mean they could retain their mind during the forced full moon ones. The transformations also became less painful and wouldn’t last as long. Their sense of loyalty and connection with nature only grew, though the added werewolf attributes could exacerbate some of their wolfish tendencies for the worse, such as their rage and impulse to fight and hunt and run.
Originally abandoned by their pack due to superstitious elders, they were found as a sickly newborn in the forest outside of a village by the local blacksmith and his wife, the owner of the general store. The couple took the baby puppy home and nursed them back to health before deciding to raise them as their own.
However the townsfolk didn’t take too kindly to a wolf-kin in their midst, but couldn’t exactly say much since they were reliant on the forge and the shop to sustain their town. So Ben grew up with loving adoptive parents while still being ostracised by the town. On the one hand they were taught how to swim, how to build and tinker, how to use weapons of many kinds and other normal childhood things. While on the other hand they were bullied by the children in the village, had sharp rocks and cruel words thrown at them, all while the adults ignored them or belittled them too.
Their mother would tell them to ignore the hate of those who didn’t want to understand them and their nature, their father telling them to be strong and rise above it, but as they grew it became harder. When they hit puberty at 11 their emotions changed along with their body, inner wolf developing along with them. They were now quicker to anger than they used to be, picking fights with the other kids that taunted them, coming home with scrapes and bruises much to their mother’s dismay. She would always patch them up and soothe them with a lullaby, despite her worry over them.
Their actions caused even more strain between their family and the rest of the village, the adults calling for the runt to be exiled. Their parents fought the townsfolk, reminding them of their value to the village, but eventually tensions bubbled over.
When they were 14 there was an explosion in the forge which lead to a fire that trapped Ben and both their parents. Ben was able to escape through a small hole in the rubble by shifting to their wolf form at their father’s insistence, suffering only mild smoke inhalation and minor burns. Their parent’s weren’t so lucky, perishing in the fire. To this day Ben doesn’t know whether it was an accident or sabotage by the townspeople.
They weren’t able to take the time to mourn as the village descended on them even as the fire still burned behind them. The inhabitants blamed them for the fire and used it as their excuse to finally drive them out of town. With no parents left to defend them Ben was forced to run. They had enough time to sprint home and fill a small pack with some provisions and clothes, grabbing a waterskin and their important items; the dual swords they made with their father, the lucky gold coin their mother gave them, and the grey fur half shawl that had been with them as a baby - the only thing connecting them to their biological family. With all that collected they left the house without even bothering to lock the door and ran.
They lived off the land, hunting in the forests and bathing in the rivers. Every so often they would venture into towns in an attempt to get hot food and a warm bath but would often be chased out or beaten due to their species, repeatedly on the receiving end of racist triads and slurs. Eventually they resorted to stealing and pickpocketing at every opportunity, taking coins from passers-by and wares from stalls. They also used their hood to hide their ears and tucked their tail away to try and get into taverns, enough gold usually buying suspecting owners silence. However with both these gambits they ran the risk of getting caught, regularly being left bruised and bloodied on the town’s outskirts.
At 17 they, almost literally, ran into a young mage fleeing the Circle Tower she had been forced to call home. After a brief bit of banter the two were forced to face the small pack of werewolves that had been chasing Ben. The brutish male alpha grinned as he approached the growling pup as they tried to stand in front of the stranger they just met. He thought it was cute how they tried to be a ‘real wolf’ when all they were was a mongrel, his cocky cronies laughing. When Ben shot back that they were more wolf than him he snarled and decided to teach them a lesson.
Ben tried to fight them off, tried to protect the stranger, but despite their valiant attempt the leader of the pack ultimately bit them. In the end the young mage was the one to scare off the pack, using her magic to force a retreat. She tended to Ben's injuries, apologising for her subpar healing magic, and finally introduced herself as Ileyra, a half-elf with a kind smile and sweet laugh that seemed familiar and comforting. She stayed with them through the fever of the change as they travelled, refusing to leave their side and helped them overcome the pains and trials of becoming a Werewolf, as well as aiding them during their first full moon, using her magic to make sure they couldn't hurt anyone, especially themself.
Iley still didn't leave after all this and the two ended up adventuring together. Their first year or so was quite eventful. They stumbled upon Ben's biological pack where they managed to reconcile with their estranged family with a nudge from Iley. Circle mages caught up with the pair and took Iley while poisoning Ben magically with silver, forcing the werewolf to go on a rescue while slowly dying, a fate which was avoided by their mage friend having to literally remove their heart from their chest to slow the poison enough to get them an antidote; a feat neither would wish to repeat, and marked Ben with a dent in their sternum. They crossed paths with a disturbing Queen and her dolt husband, reluctantly taking in their hospitality after saving them - during which time Ben was forced to pretend to be a familiar with a collar and all - eventually escaping once her actions became even more uncomfortable, despite her attempts to get them to stay or at least have Iley sell Ben to her, the pair robbing the castle and fleeing during a full moon. Ben also lost their right arm below mid bicep in a vicious ogre attack, Iley managing to save the severed limb with a stasis spell before the two went on a mission to reattach it, if a little sloppily, before going on a second to create a haphazard gauntlet for their forearm so the limb will work again and cause them less pain – along with a few enhancements including the limb adapting to their changing forms.
About a year and a half into their adventuring the two ‘bumped into’ the same Queen from before, her husband now dead by mysterious circumstances and she now sole ruler of her land. Her infatuation with Ben had only grown worse over time and the two continued to be creeped out, vowing to leave town at dawn. However she ambushed them in their tavern room that night, and after a brief altercation where she overpowered the pair, she stole Ben’s heart right out of their chest – having done her research and knowing with that in her possession she could have complete control over the puppy, making them her ‘willing’ pet. Iley lost all fight and the two were dragged back to her castle, the half-elf shoved into a bedroom and trapped behind a magical barrier while the Queen figured out how to take her heart too, as well as spending time playing with her new toy.
Ileyra barely slept as she worked tirelessly to break out and free her best friend, delving deeper than she ever had before into blood magic in her attempt to escape. She used a coup of the kingdom’s people and castle servants to her advantage, bargaining with a half-kin trying to save his sister that in exchange for removing the barrier, she would kill the Queen. On her release from her imprisonment she made her way straight to the Queen’s bedchamber finding her and Ben - the wolf-kin collared, half-naked, and looking extremely worse for wear. After barbs were thrown and the Queen tried to have Ben kill Iley, the mage retrieved the werewolf’s heart and threw the evil ruler out of the window.
Not sparing the woman a second thought Iley rushed to Ben’s side and returned their heart, though the damage was done as the time spent without their heart permanently dropped their skin temperature to constantly freezing and tinged their lips blue. Iley was quick to remove the collar and drag Ben away from that awful place, helping them through their internal trauma even as the physical marks healed. She dealt with their inability to speak unless it came to screaming from nightmares, as well as the sudden bouts of shifting to their normal wolf form when being human was too difficult.
Ben was just starting to get better when the two were approached in a new land by the area’s King. Despite their reservations they went with him to his castle, thinking they could at least rob him if nothing else. However they should have listened to their instincts as the man had ulterior motives. He had plans to drug Iley and marry her so he could siphon her powerful magic to keep himself young and powerful. Ben discovered this when they stumbled upon a hidden dungeon full of skeletons of drained mages, but were locked inside by the Captain of the King’s Guard, unable to tell Iley what they discovered.
The wolf-kin tried to escape by many means before resorting to changing to their natural wolf form to tunnel out of the dungeon. Once free they sneaked through the castle to retrieve all of their’s and their best friend’s things, hiding them at a small camp they’d made, before returning in werewolf form. They exploded through the castle wall into the throne room with a roar, interrupting the wedding much to the King’s anger. Iley struggled through the spells and potions clouding her mind but eventually, after a stand-off involving a gun at the end of which the werewolf slashed at the cruel tyrant, recognised Ben and allowed them to rescue her, riding on their back to their far away camp.
After this the two tried to stick to the forests and mountains for a while before finally venturing into a town when they felt confident they were far away from the monarchs who used them as they were in great need of a drink. However half-breeds in this kingdom must be court approved. They were approached by guards and told they needed to see the kingdom’s Queen. Given their intense distrust of royals now the two refused and ended up getting into a bar brawl before being carted off to the castle anyway. Things took a surprising turn when it transpired this Queen was Iley’s true mother, the woman recognising her child as soon as she laid eyes on her. Ben convinced Iley to give her mother a chance, must like she did for them and their pack, and the two remained at the castle, getting to know the family and getting some help over their traumatic events.
Soon enough however the two decided to get back on the road, heading to see Ben’s pack again since it had been a while and they were feeling family nostalgia. The two promised to write on their way but the letters stopped abruptly when the pair were ensnared by the Queen and King, the rulers having survived and teamed up to claim their respective prizes, using the fact that the siphoning of Iley’s magic had weakened the protective spells around the pair’s hearts to their advantage. The two were separated and taken by their individual captor.
Ben was taken back to the Queen’s new castle where she first removed their arm – ripping the tubes that provided the magic that made it work before pulling out each stitch and staple holding the limb on, relishing in their cries of pain – and then removed their heart. Their Mistress enjoyed torturing her pet, using her control over them to warp their mind and make them question their very existence. She took great pleasure in returning their heart, often at the worst possible times, and witnessing their distressed suffering that was just as delicious as their blank obedience. Ben started to skate the line of sanity as they were forced - either literally since she had their heart, or with coercion, manipulation, false promises and ‘rewards’ or punishment and pain – to do and take part in horrible and unspeakable things; including killing people and unwanted sex as the Queen used them as her own personal weapon and toy.
Eventually after many long months Ben was rescued by Iley’s family and their pack, the families having teamed up to save their children. The Queen forced Ben to fight – a brutal battle despite the pup missing an arm - before trying to crush their heart when the tide of battle changed out of her favour, stating that if she couldn’t have them no one could. The group stopped her from following through, their pack tearing her apart, but not before Ben had fallen into a coma. They were taken back to the family’s castle whereupon an already rescued Iley, who demanded to see them as soon as she knew they had been brought in, was able to return their heart to its rightful place.
They didn’t wake up until the next full moon, Iley remaining resolutely by their side as they lay still on the bed the whole time. When they did wake they were distraught and confused, tumbling out of bed as they freaked out over their missing arm and wondering why they had their heart back, dreading the implications. Iley tried to talk them down from their heightened state even as they begged and pleaded a phantom Mistress, disbelieving their freedom and searching for their missing collar, only finding heavily scarred skin. It wasn’t until they were forced to change that Ben finally calmed down, their nose and ears unable to deny their best friend’s, their sibling’s, scent and voice.
The two remained at the castle to recover, barely leaving each other’s side day or night as they both attempted to return to normal and put their imprisonment, torture, manipulation, and rape at the hands of those monsters behind them. They helped each other through the nightmares, flashbacks and other symptoms as they always had; quick to reassure each other that things were okay. They slowly eased into a routine and despite the numerous physical and mental scars, they felt somewhat better as time went on.
During this time Ben designed and created a new arm for themself with the help of necromancy, alchemy, enchantments, runes and other magics along with their own forging and building skills. The limb was much sleeker and tidier than what had essentially been the prototype since they hadn’t had the time nor money to create a more perfect model – that not being a problem now since Iley’s mother and step-father bank rolled the new one – but it looked mostly the same and kept a lot of the original features such as a foldable shield, the ability to shoot fire, and shifting with them as they changed form. Soon enough the pair decided to go adventuring again as they were becoming stir crazy in the castle, heading off into the sunset.
However their adventuring together couldn’t last forever, no matter how much they wished it to. Iley had to return to her family as she wanted to further her magical teachings and knowledge, as well as get to know her extended family and learn about her deceased biological father. Ben was happy for her and encouraged her to follow her heart, while they remained on the road. Their internalised trauma reared heavily without their sibling around, her presence having helped chase away their demons for a time. Their nightmares and such returned with a vengeance all while they descended into dangerous and reckless behavior.
Before they could do irreversible damage to themselves they were luckily discovered by a tiefling rogue named Orianna, a woman they had happened to meet in a bar some months back while adventuring and stumbled into again. She recognised and perceived their internal suffering; immediately greatly concerned with their seemingly suicidal attitude, unhealthy coping strategies and serious trauma symptoms, as well as their frail and skinny frame hiding under werewolf strength - looking more malnourished and skeletal than even the last time she saw them only a short time ago in the grand scheme. She decided to stick around them and help, whether they wanted her to or not; eventually becoming something of a sister to them and another trusted pack member, part of their inner circle even - which had only ever consisted of Iley before.
Benkai’l’s story does not end there however. Fate had already conspired to join them and Iley together, their lives and destinies tied together by an invisible red string. The pair would find themselves reborn in many lives together of varying realities and worlds and realms, however with no memory of their previous ones. Ben could take many forms during these lives – human, lab experiment, hellhound, superhero, werewolf – though still looked mostly the same. Pale and cold skin, tall, grey eyes and black hair. These lives would often hit the same beats as their main life - though some would not be as long or as harsh while others would be worse - with their strong connection to Ileyra always being present and consistent.
For no matter what life they would lead, she would always be there. Their platonic soulmate bound by red string.
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[if you managed to read all of this and make it here to the end, then i hope you enjoyed my baby’s backstory and you deserve a medal, a cookie and a hug from the mun, perhaps a rare one from the muse too.]
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The Strangest Things About Depression
For me, the strangest part of my depression has been losing all knowledge of myself. Before this consumed me, I knew things. I could read myself, as well as  other people. I knew what I enjoyed, what I disliked, whom I trusted and liked in company, how I wanted to grow into my goals, how I would react to situations – whether good or bad. Now, I can’t tell you a single thing. Being in my body right now, living in my mind, feels like inhabiting memories of me. “You must still be the same person somewhere in there…?” But I can’t find her. I don’t know which version of me is real, and I do not know who I am anymore. I wonder how much of me is or has been copying what I thought was normal. What my peers did. What stereotypes expected of me. I know about false happiness, about pasting a smile right over my will to disappear, to become invisible. Sometimes I think that’s all I really want in this world anymore – to be invisible – to keep experiencing, but without feelings or attachments. An observer of the living realm, but a part of somewhere else.
My mind used to be my favorite haven. My imagination, creativity, logic, intelligence, and observation have created both a blissful world of dreams and a realm of consuming nightmares. The more I learn of the reality in this life, the less I feel any hope. Living in the middle of dreams is a way of life only if the prerogative is to remain disconnected. Living in the midst of reality is a way of life only if the prerogative is to become overwhelmed. There must be an in-between of reality and dreams. But how can this be achieved without consumption of the heart and mind? Where is the balance? 
I have never been one to take things lightly. I have yet to discover a way to participate without leaving my heart in the streets. Without absorbing all the problems and hurt. To feel deeply is both curse and blessing. I have no idea how to compartmentalize because everything is everything. How can I see mystery and not yearn to comprehend fully? How can I see pain and not feel it in my own soul? What are we here for if not to care for each other? And yet, there are days I cannot trust a single person on earth. Not that I don’t know people can be good (and mostly are) at heart. Not that I can’t feel my loved ones loving me and seeing me and caring for me. I am an optimist when it comes to the ability for compassion in a human soul. I would not survive if I did not believe in true and selfless community. But I think about my own brain – about how every day I choose to be good and careful and gentle, but I could easily choose to be a totally different way. What stops humans from being monsters? I can see multiplicity in everything. I bet most people society would consider evil wouldn’t think themselves so.
What do we justify, and how? Are we our actions, or our late night thoughts contending with the dark? Maybe it’s living with depression and anxiety for most of my conscious life, but I have the ability to make a person think most anything I want them to. Sometimes, this is used to feign “okay,” to appear chill when fire is rising or water is deep. I can easily observe “normal” behaviors exhibited by individuals and mimic these patterns and actions. It’s not hard to be an empty shell pretending to house soft life. For me, there is either empty or everything. There is either numb or pain. There is either fear or apathy. These shifts are seamless, so seamless I can’t tell what is coping, what is illness, and what is true. I want so badly to allow myself to be loved, but it’s hard when I see all the reasons no one ever could. I create conversations of what I fear someone will say to me about how horrible I am – all the things I don’t like about myself, or worry are irritating to others. How much can people stand of me before they just leave, especially since I often don’t even want to be with myself? Do my good qualities outweigh my feelings of inherent badness and shame? That’s the constant wonder, the battle at hand, the Jekyll and Hyde.
Depression makes me want to help others, if only to help prevent someone from feeling alone in this spiral. I know I make a difference and understand. But I get so lost. The second I feel kind of ok, my mind finds reasons to convince me I’m worthless. My fear says, “You can’t help anyone! You can’t even help your damn self!” All this weakness makes me forget I am strong, because usually I do not feel strong. A basic day is often nearly impossible to survive. The apathetic melancholy is so pervasive I cannot make it leave. It’s my default, probably a way to cope. When I feel, I feel so hard I can feel my ancestors breathing their stories down my spine. I feel nostalgia for things I have never experienced. I feel the world and everything connected and all the sadness and beauty, and I simply cannot hold it all, but there is nowhere else for it to go. I know I am a part of something so much bigger, but that often suffocates me into feeling very small.
I feel alone and know I am surrounded. I feel hated and know I am loved. This part really hurts, and sometimes I cry thinking of all the hostility I feel but know I do not deserve. The most hateful part of depression is that you can identify when something is a lie, but still be convinced it’s true. You can lose sleep while dreaming. You can see through problems and lies, but not think through them. You can be a genius and confused as hell. It pains me to know I feel so much constant hostility directed at me that I freeze around others. I shake and dig my nails into my palm to distract my mind from wondering what I’ve done to make others view me as so disappointing and loathsome. I think these things, but I also do not. I feel these things and they won’t go away, or they do go away and come back fresh, spiraling anew. I look around and see objects through a fog. Everything is outside of me and I can’t get to it – I can’t get out.
What is home and what is prison? How do you turn a cage into a sanctuary? It is very hard to remember that I am not my anxiety and depression. The main reason for this is that I do not know who I am without the disorders and the pain, so normalized from my perspective. My brain is wired in a way I am only now beginning to understand and acknowledge without shame. So who would I be if all this went quiet? Would I still feel this level of empathy and compassion? Would I become cold and detached, selfish and unconcerned? How much of apathy is depression, and how much is a coping mechanism for feeling too deeply? Am I good, or selfishly evil? Am I playing a game? What of this is real, and how does what is real coincide with what is only real to me? Am I a danger to others? Am I a danger to myself? Do people need me, want me, or just feel sorry for me? How can my mood change so often, disappearing my sense of self? Do I actually have goals, or do I just think I’m supposed to? How can I feel so isolated in a room of my best friends? Which will break the other first: the shadows or the light? Where and what are these looming towers causing darkness? Is it just me, distorted? Or something else from which I could step aside if I knew which way to go? See, that’s what I cannot find – the source of it all – the reason for the tower and the locks and whether it is brick or bone, empty or breathing. Is it a lookout, or captive’s curse? Is it a guiding light, or weapons arsenal? Is it ruins, or newly built? Will it hold up to the waves, or cave to the storm? Is it me, or is it everything else?            I do not know the origin of the wind, but I feel its changing blows. Even still, everything fades. I cannot tell if I am land or water. I cannot tell if I am asleep or awake. I cannot tell if I am body or ghost.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Training Multiple Dogs Together
I am the pleased owner of several canines. I such as having greater than one canine and I’ve always had at least two since I was eighteen years of ages.
Growing up, my moms and dads were reluctant to let me have also ONE canine. They lastly caved, and also we obtained ONE pet dog, a Chow Chow, much to my joy. But I still pled my mother for another. She constantly countered with,”Then she would certainly be part of a pack and would need as well as like us less.”
I think this was simply a justification. Anyhow, when I relocated out and also got my own residence, it had not been long before I had two pets. The most I’ve ever had was four canines; currently, I’ve got three coping with me.
As well as it highlights for me, the more pet dogs you have, the a lot more you need to work at maintaining them qualified and also bonded with you, not simply with one another.
I’m often asked: “How do you educate more than one pet dog at once?”
It’s a fantastic inquiry due to the fact that I understand there are a lot of multi-dog homes available.
Today I’ll provide you my thoughts:
Can You Train Two 2Or MoreEven More Dogs Together?
Dogs resemble kids with fur; they’re energetic and also find it tough to concentrate, even when there are NO DISTRACTIONS. You really need to function to construct a great foundation
to get control of your pet dog’s habits in distracting atmospheres. And also, like toddlers, pets are extremely affordable. They do not like to share. And they don’t intend to share. So when you start training a couple of pet dogs with each other, they’re not considering what they’re doing– they’re expecting you compensating the various other dog.
Training takes longer … or does not produce outcomes at all.
It’s not the method to construct a strong foundation of abilities in each individual pet dog.
Envision taking toddlers to a ZOO and trying to show them to do or check out mathematics issues. Would certainly it work? Naturally not. There are way too many interruptions; the kids will not focus, and also they’ll end up being distressed.
That’s why you’ll never see a cops or solution canine fitness instructor dealing with TWO DOGS at the same time. Even if one dog is currently extremely educated.
Professionals understand that dogs don’t learn also together.
The dogs are as well sidetracked. And the handler isn’t effective– it’s difficult to offer TWO DOGS prompt incentives, improvements, and focus.
The Argument For Teaching Your Dogs One At A Time
< img class =" aligncenter wp-image-17252 size-large" src =" https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-580×379.jpg "alt ="can you educate two canines together"size= "580 "elevation="379" srcset="https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-580×379.jpg 580w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-300×196.jpg 300w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-600×392.jpg 600w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together.jpg 731w "sizes=" (max-width: 580px) 100vw
, 580px”> I separate my canines when I am showing one of them something new. I place everybody else in a cage or outdoors or in an additional room as well as I work ONE DOG at a time. By doing this they have my complete concentration and also their little minds aren’t spinning regarding that else could take” THEIR”cookie. They don’t need to bother with giving have an odor eye, or tensing or roaring when cookies are shared; they can just focus on the command I am teaching.
As well as by providing my FULL ATTENTION to one dog, I observe the nanosecond that he/she makes a positive step toward the actions, and also offer positive support.
This supplies the dog more clear communication … rates their knowing … and also motivates us BOTH, with faster successes.
Educating my canine separately additionally permits me to bond with each of them as people. I do not desire my dogs to be overly reliant on one another. I have had a number of pets reoccur and also obtain cancer and die and I don’t want my various other canines to not recognize exactly how to work without the various other. This training provides individual focus as well as reveals them just how much fun spending time with me can be!
Do my various other dogs throw fits when I take an additional out? In some cases. Yet I do not mind as well as ignore them. It informs me they’re excited since they recognize it’s THEIR TURN following.
If I actually hated it, I could educate them to be silent when I entrust one more dog.
When It’s Appropriate To Train Your Dogs TOGETHER
Is it EVER a good concept to train your pet dogs with each other? Yes and also no. No, I can not properly show them something NEW when I have more than one. Yes, once they’ve learned the behavior, I can ask them to carry out the habits TOGETHER. I often walk all three dogs with each other on-leash. However, certainly, I showed them each leash good manners and heel individually.
Some individuals ask me if they can use their pets AGAINST each other in training, to speed it along. Definitely! This is a wonderful way to improve your canine’s total emphasis as well as can be really encouraging and also fun for them. Dogs usually get to an area in their training where they test you with a “Make Me” perspective. This is when I like to bring in an additional pet dog.
Assuming the dog genuinely knows the habits I’m requesting, I’ll bring in a second pet dog and inquire to execute it for me.
If the second dog carries out the actions, he gets a JACKPOT of treats, appreciation, as well as affection. (Provided you’re confident this won’t instigate a dog fight with your staff.)
The very first canine enjoys all of this … as well as suddenly is DESPERATE to execute for you, also. When I educated Service Dogs, they all needed to master constant, reliable retrieval of ANYTHING … even steel, which tastes gross.
So when they ‘d at some point refuse to recover products they really did not such as, I ‘d generate my star pupil, “Nix” that would certainly do ANYTHING for a cookie. Nix would right away obtain the item on command and appreciate his JACKPOT of deals with and also love. While I purposefully overlooked the other dog.
I would certainly after that repeat this circumstance with Nix a few more times … till I can see the very first canine was now eager and also distressed to please.
Contending for the opportunity to do generally made these obstinate pet dogs determine they wanted to benefit me.
Once again, however, be sure your pet comprehends the fundamental command and also can accurately execute it for you without diversions prior to you attempt this!
Or else, it’s unfair!
Delighted training …
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/training-multiple-dogs-together/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/training-multiple-dogs-together.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Training Multiple Dogs Together
I am the pleased owner of several canines. I such as having greater than one canine and I’ve always had at least two since I was eighteen years of ages.
Growing up, my moms and dads were reluctant to let me have also ONE canine. They lastly caved, and also we obtained ONE pet dog, a Chow Chow, much to my joy. But I still pled my mother for another. She constantly countered with,”Then she would certainly be part of a pack and would need as well as like us less.”
I think this was simply a justification. Anyhow, when I relocated out and also got my own residence, it had not been long before I had two pets. The most I’ve ever had was four canines; currently, I’ve got three coping with me.
As well as it highlights for me, the more pet dogs you have, the a lot more you need to work at maintaining them qualified and also bonded with you, not simply with one another.
I’m often asked: “How do you educate more than one pet dog at once?”
It’s a fantastic inquiry due to the fact that I understand there are a lot of multi-dog homes available.
Today I’ll provide you my thoughts:
Can You Train Two 2Or MoreEven More Dogs Together?
Dogs resemble kids with fur; they’re energetic and also find it tough to concentrate, even when there are NO DISTRACTIONS. You really need to function to construct a great foundation
to get control of your pet dog’s habits in distracting atmospheres. And also, like toddlers, pets are extremely affordable. They do not like to share. And they don’t intend to share. So when you start training a couple of pet dogs with each other, they’re not considering what they’re doing– they’re expecting you compensating the various other dog.
Training takes longer … or does not produce outcomes at all.
It’s not the method to construct a strong foundation of abilities in each individual pet dog.
Envision taking toddlers to a ZOO and trying to show them to do or check out mathematics issues. Would certainly it work? Naturally not. There are way too many interruptions; the kids will not focus, and also they’ll end up being distressed.
That’s why you’ll never see a cops or solution canine fitness instructor dealing with TWO DOGS at the same time. Even if one dog is currently extremely educated.
Professionals understand that dogs don’t learn also together.
The dogs are as well sidetracked. And the handler isn’t effective– it’s difficult to offer TWO DOGS prompt incentives, improvements, and focus.
The Argument For Teaching Your Dogs One At A Time
< img class =“ aligncenter wp-image-17252 size-large” src =“ https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-580×379.jpg "alt ="can you educate two canines together"size= "580 "elevation="379” srcset=“https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-580×379.jpg 580w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-300×196.jpg 300w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together-600×392.jpg 600w, https://thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/can-you-train-two-dogs-together.jpg 731w "sizes=” (max-width: 580px) 100vw
, 580px”> I separate my canines when I am showing one of them something new. I place everybody else in a cage or outdoors or in an additional room as well as I work ONE DOG at a time. By doing this they have my complete concentration and also their little minds aren’t spinning regarding that else could take” THEIR”cookie. They don’t need to bother with giving have an odor eye, or tensing or roaring when cookies are shared; they can just focus on the command I am teaching.
As well as by providing my FULL ATTENTION to one dog, I observe the nanosecond that he/she makes a positive step toward the actions, and also offer positive support.
This supplies the dog more clear communication … rates their knowing … and also motivates us BOTH, with faster successes.
Educating my canine separately additionally permits me to bond with each of them as people. I do not desire my dogs to be overly reliant on one another. I have had a number of pets reoccur and also obtain cancer and die and I don’t want my various other canines to not recognize exactly how to work without the various other. This training provides individual focus as well as reveals them just how much fun spending time with me can be!
Do my various other dogs throw fits when I take an additional out? In some cases. Yet I do not mind as well as ignore them. It informs me they’re excited since they recognize it’s THEIR TURN following.
If I actually hated it, I could educate them to be silent when I entrust one more dog.
When It’s Appropriate To Train Your Dogs TOGETHER
Is it EVER a good concept to train your pet dogs with each other? Yes and also no. No, I can not properly show them something NEW when I have more than one. Yes, once they’ve learned the behavior, I can ask them to carry out the habits TOGETHER. I often walk all three dogs with each other on-leash. However, certainly, I showed them each leash good manners and heel individually.
Some individuals ask me if they can use their pets AGAINST each other in training, to speed it along. Definitely! This is a wonderful way to improve your canine’s total emphasis as well as can be really encouraging and also fun for them. Dogs usually get to an area in their training where they test you with a “Make Me” perspective. This is when I like to bring in an additional pet dog.
Assuming the dog genuinely knows the habits I’m requesting, I’ll bring in a second pet dog and inquire to execute it for me.
If the second dog carries out the actions, he gets a JACKPOT of treats, appreciation, as well as affection. (Provided you’re confident this won’t instigate a dog fight with your staff.)
The very first canine enjoys all of this … as well as suddenly is DESPERATE to execute for you, also. When I educated Service Dogs, they all needed to master constant, reliable retrieval of ANYTHING … even steel, which tastes gross.
So when they ‘d at some point refuse to recover products they really did not such as, I ‘d generate my star pupil, “Nix” that would certainly do ANYTHING for a cookie. Nix would right away obtain the item on command and appreciate his JACKPOT of deals with and also love. While I purposefully overlooked the other dog.
I would certainly after that repeat this circumstance with Nix a few more times … till I can see the very first canine was now eager and also distressed to please.
Contending for the opportunity to do generally made these obstinate pet dogs determine they wanted to benefit me.
Once again, however, be sure your pet comprehends the fundamental command and also can accurately execute it for you without diversions prior to you attempt this!
Or else, it’s unfair!
Delighted training …
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/training-multiple-dogs-together/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/628345809815126016
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